digital mkting basic

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  • 7/26/2019 Digital Mkting Basic


    DIGITAL MARKETING BASICS========================organic search result(free) and paid search resultSearch engine working pattern- User> Key word (query)> Crowler> Indexer> Searchinterface

    1. or use " site: " before anysite url in google search you will see total no of pages in a particular site.

    2. or use " cache: " before anysite url in googlr searchyou will see last time search engine crawler has collected data from websites.

    3. Use for global search engine instead of regional search engine it will not redirect to after using /ncr (No Country Redirect (NCR))

    Type of google search result (Listing) = SERP (search engine result page )======================================Web result-Paid resultNews resultLocal resultVideo result

    Image result

    What ever is best information for user google will show to user.

    * Search result changes based on location, user, user query and user status (logged in or not)

    # Google panda algoritham update (filter) - for duplicate content, thin content,content quality issue.# Google penguine algoritham update (filter)- tagetes sites with spammy links.# Hummingbird algoritham udate- provides 1 box answers (1+1=? temprature convertion, curency conversuion etc)

    # Pigeon update - it manupulates local results consideres distance and locationparameter and filters the spam

    TYPES OF KEYWORDS=================When we say keywords it is refered to websites,when we say query it i refered to search engine1.Key word type - Informational > Navigational > Transactional >Conversion/lead

    a. Informational key words- query that covers broad topic, it is of 2 type- generic & Specific Generic- we can not predict the exact purpose Specific- We can predict exact purpose

    Example- Apple (generic) SEO (Specific)b. Navigational- Queries that seeks iformation on any brand, websites or specific page of a websites. example- facebook login, Flipcart return policy, flipkart mobile app etc.c. Transactional queries- Queries that explains the purspose of the user in a precise way and has some transactional value. example- buy mobile online, learn digital marketing, hotels in mumbai etc.

    Key words based pn length- Short tail - 1 or 2 word -exp- digital marketing Medium tail- 3 to 5 word - exp - digital marketing tr

  • 7/26/2019 Digital Mkting Basic


    aining Long tail- exp- digital marketing training marketingsyllabus pdf