digital champion media kit fall 2014

1971 University Boulevard • Lynchburg, Virginia 24502 Advertising Director • 434-582-2128 • [email protected] Fall 2014 Policies, Rates and Schedule LIBERTY CHAMPION

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1 9 7 1 U n i v e r s i t y B o u l e v a r d • L y n c h b u r g , V i r g i n i a 2 4 5 0 2Advertising Director • 434-582-2128 • [email protected] Fall 2014Policies, Rates and Schedule


Page 2: Digital Champion media kit fall 2014

With repetition being the key to memory, exposing an advertisement to a consumer at least three times has proven to cause a lasting effect on the human brain.

why advertise?

Think outside these boxes...

- Full Color Ad- Weekly Specials and Discounts- Coupons and Inserts- Custom Designed Ads

Let us help make your admemorable and bring new and friendly faces to your business. We can design yourad for you at no additional charge!

Full Page6 col. (9.75in) x


Showcase your advertisement in our special issues!

Half Page6 col. (9.75in) x


Quarter Page3 col. (4.819in) x


Figuring the Price: # of columns x # of inches x Rate = Total Price

Welcome BackWelcome the student body back to town and introduce yourself to new students arriving for the Fall semester. Inform them on the best that Lynchburg has to offer.

Deadline: Aug. 20 Publishes: Aug. 26

College for a Weekend (Sept. 18 - 20 & Nov. 6 - 8)High school students and their parents will visit Lynchburg in hopes of finding the college and city perfect for their lives. How will they know where to go in the area to eat, shop or relax? These dates correspond with the two C.F.A.W. issues.

Deadline: Sept. 3 Publishes: Sept. 9Deadline: Oct. 29 Publishes: Nov. 4

For more information on College For A Weekend, visit:

Homecoming Edition (Oct. 3-4)Advertise this year in our special homecoming edition. Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your adver-tisement in this special issue that will be read by thousands of alumni and visitors.

Deadline: Sept. 24 Publishes: Sept. 30

Christmas EditionAs students prepare for the Christmas holiday, many of them will do their shopping here in Lynchburg. Do you have any special deals or products you would like to feature? Remember, this is your last chance to reach our students before Christmas Break.

Deadline: Nov. 12 Publishes: Dec. 2

Page 3: Digital Champion media kit fall 2014

Other Rates National Ratespolitical open rate national display

national display — recurring


color rates

Column inches Cost per inchOpen rate $6.85This includes all non-campus (local, county, state and national) ads placed by candidates and/or supporters. Ads must state the name of the purchaser.

pre-printed insertsRate: $500 4 or more per semester: $475(Inserts available for on-campus publications only )

Column issues Cost per inch

Open rate $9.08

Column issues Cost per inch Savings

300” sem/ or 600”/year $8.06 20%

Rates are based on total advertising inches for the academic semester. To earn volume discount, account must have a valid, signed contract on file in the Champion advertising office for each semester or academic year. Account will be billed difference between the rate billed and the rate earned on unfulfilled contracts. All contractual agreements are between the Champion and the National Sales Agent.

Local Retail Ratesopen rate

local display

Column inches Cost per inchOpen rate $6.85

This is not a commissionable rate. For an account to earn a local rate, its advertising must contain an address or contact in Lynchburg or surrounding area.

Column inches Cost per inch Savings60” - 119” $6.55 4%120” - 179” $6.46 8%180” - 239” $6.27 12%240” - 299” $6.07 16%300” or more $5.88 20%

Column inches Cost per inchOpen rate $4.43

Rate includes all campus and non-campus organizations offering services not-for-profit.

About the Champion...Total Circulation: 15,500 •5,000 on campus •10,500 homes in the Lynchburg Area

Printing: •Each page is printed in full color •We use the latest Adobe design programs available. •Newspapers are published 11 times per semester (once per week). •The page count of the Champion may range from 12 to up to 24 pages.

Distribution: •Our newspapers are distributed at over 60 locations on and off campus which are convenient for students and guests visiting the university. •Each week, 10,500 newspapers are mailed to the Lynchburg community.

What’s New: Don’t forget to ask about Advantage Labels advertising, front page banners and web advertising! Check out our website at:


Open rate Free

Publication Schedule

Contact advertising director Omar Adams at 434-582-2128 or email [email protected]

Page 4: Digital Champion media kit fall 2014

Greg Leasure [email protected]

Liberty University of-ficials announced today that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal will speak at the school’s 41st Com-mencement Saturday, May 10, and author Eric Metaxas will speak at the Baccalaureate service Friday, May 9. Now in his second term as governor, Jindal has worked since his 2008 inauguration to im-prove his state’s economy, health care and employ-ment record, among oth-er things.

“Governor Bobby

Jindal has lived the American dream, rising from humble beginnings to become one of the ris-ing stars on the national political scene — and his rise has not yet waned,” Liberty President Jerry Falwell said. “Many be-lieve he could hold the highest office in the land someday. I believe he will be an inspiration to our graduates, not only be-cause of his life’s story, but because he shares many of the conservative and Christian values that Liberty University grad-uates hold dear.”Metaxas, author of New York Times bestsell-

er, “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy,” has previously spoken at Liberty Convocation. “Liberty University is proud to welcome Eric Metaxas to address our 2014 graduating class,” Falwell said. “He will continue the long tra-dition of distinguished evangelical leaders who have participated in Lib-

erty’s graduation cer-emonies.”Commencement will take place in Williams Stadium at 10 a.m. Sat-urday, May 10, and the Baccalaureate service will be held in the Vines Center at 6 p.m. Friday, May 9.

LEASURE is a news reporter.

30thTuesday, April 29, 2014

Volume 31 • Issue 22

Liberty University

Lynchburg, Va.

Today: Rain/Thunder 67/31 Tomorrow: Sunny 56/33

‘83 ‘13

Become an Aircraft Mechanic with Liberty University100% Job Placement12 Month ProgramFAA Airframe & Powerplant RatingsCall 434-582-2183

Become an Aircraft Mechanic with Liberty University100% Job Placement12 Month ProgramFAA Airframe &Powerplant Ratings

Call 434-582-2183

Become an Aircraft Mechanic with Liberty University100% Job Placement12 Month ProgramFAA Airframe & Powerplant RatingsCall 434-582-2183

Courtney russo | Liberty Champion

GRADUATION — With commencement only days away, students celebrate the end of their college days.

t h e f i n a l s t r e t c h

Film students see successCinematic Arts graduates first class

Josh [email protected]

A landmark in Liberty University’s history will be made this May as 32 stu-dents will graduate as the first class of the Cinematic Arts department.The program has come a long way since it launched in the fall of 2012. Accord-ing to Stephen Schultze, executive director for the Cinematic Arts Zaki Gor-don Center, the program was initially intended to be a one-year program applied at a community-college lev-el. It is now being applied as a bachelor’s program.“What has evolved is an awareness of the film pro-gram and the integration of the program into the film industry,” Schultze said. “Many of our students are getting placed in jobs when they graduate.”According to Schultze,

the Cinematic Arts program has a “learn by doing” phi-losophy. During the first semester of their senior year, students must write and direct their own short film. Other as-signments included in the program are writing a full-length screenplay and work-ing on one of the school’s feature films.

One of the aspects the students had to learn was how to adapt to difficult cir-cumstances that would alter the film schedule.“Sometimes on the day of a film shoot you will not have a location. You will not have an actor. You will not have food and stuff for the crew,” senior Sharon Chimere-Dan said. “So you just have to quickly make due with something else and solve that problem some-how.”


Jindal to speak to graduatesLouisiana Governor chosen as 41st Commencement speaker

GooGLe imaGesKEYNOTE — Gov. Bobby Jindal was selected to address graduates.

Candidates field questions for elections on May 6See A6-A8

Baseball earns sixth-straight sweep B1

Advertising deadlines are set one week prior to publishing. For sales, the advertising contracts need to be submitted at that time to secure a position in the next edition. Ads purchased after deadline will only be placed if space is available. This deadline gives us time to make minor changes to existing ads or to place ads that you have created. However, for ads that need to be created and designed, more time will be needed. If this is your first advertisement, you will need to allow extra time for development.

A proof may be requested for ads designed by our staff. Proofs will be sent no later than Thursday before the publication date and will be the final proof unless otherwise notified. All changes to be made must be submitted by 3 p.m. Friday before publishing. A second proof will be sent only if deemed necessary by our staff. Late changes to design will only be accepted if they greatly affect the content of the ad.

All artwork must be submitted in one of the following electronic formats: PSD, JPEG, INDD or PDF. A fax is acceptable to submit text for ads being designed by our staff; however, text will be retyped for final art. Ads created in Publisher must be saved or exported into a PDF Document. Please note that we can not make changes to these files.

All property rights including any copyright interest to any advertisement produced using artwork, creative ability and/or typography furnished or arranged by the Liberty Champion will be property of the Liberty Champion. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced in other publications without prior written consent of the Liberty Champion.

The Champion reserves the right to edit, modify, classify, reject or cancel any advertising deemed objectionable, whether in subject matter, illustration or content at any time. This includes the right to re-border or reduce advertisements in order to accommodate page column widths or to insert the words “Paid Advertisement” at the top or bottom of any advertisement simulating news material.

Ads must in no way represent products, activities or morality that are in opposition to the Liberty Way (student conduct policy handbook) or openly against the doctrines held by Liberty University. This may include but is not limited to alcohol use, tobacco or drug use, sexuality (including immodesty) or opposing religions and ideas. Ads that contradict university policy will be altered or rejected depending on content.

The Liberty Champion does not guarantee ad position. Ads will be placed in accordance to the design and layout of the issue. Ads may be placed by request in a specific location only if the layout and design are compatible. Failure to meet position requests will not constitute cause for adjustment, refund or rerun.

It is the responsibility of the advertiser to notify The Liberty Champion if an error has occurred in an ad within one week after publication. Error notification later than one week will receive no attention. Make-good and credit adjustment disputes will be considered on an individual basis. Adjustments will be made only for the portion of the ad in error and only for the first insertion of the ad. No allowance will be made for errors that do not materially affect the value of the advertisement as determined by The Liberty Champion.

Credit will be established on a per client basis. Payment is expected within 30 days of publication date. Accounts with a balance of more than 30 days past due may be subject to a 1.5% service fee of the total unpaid account balance. Other penalties may include but are not be limited to refusal of advertising or require non-refundable payment in advance until credit is re-established.

Failure to receive invoice or proof is not recognized as a valid reason to withhold payment. Verbal agreements, promises or waivers of any nature not contained in this rate card shall not be binding.

For questions regarding advertising guidelines, please contact advertising director Omar Adams at [email protected] or call 434-582-2128.

Advertising Policies and Guidelines