dictionar roman englez

7/21/2019 dictionar roman englez http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dictionar-roman-englez-56d9e3d1464c4 1/60 A a I. art. pos. fem. the. II. art. pos. of. II ~ lui Petru Peter’s; ~ lui his. III. v. aux. has. IV. prep. like; of. V. interj. a(h)! o(h)! VI. particulă infinitivală to. aajur sn. (lamp) shae. aanon sn. ". aanonment. #. (părăsire) esertion. aanona I. vt. ". to aanon. #.(a părăsi) to esert. $. %o renounce. II. vi. to aanon. aanonare sf. ". aanonment& relin'uishin. #. (părăsire) esertion. aataj sn. min. orkin& stope. aate I. sm. aot. II. vt. ". to ivert. #. fi. to turn (aa*). $.(a oor+) to fell. II a ~ e la rumul rept to lea astra*. III. vr. ". to serve. #. (a se +nepărta) to stra*. II a se ~ asupra to rush upon; a se ~ aate in rum o out of one,s a*; a i se ~ to have a min to. aatere sf. ". eviation. #. (isciplinară) misehaviour. $. (+ncălcare) infrinement. -. (e la reulă) exception. aator sn. slauhterhouse. aătut aj. oncast& epresse. aces sn. ascess. aica vi. to aicate (cu acu/.). II a ~ e la un rept to renounce a riht. aicare sf. aication. aomen sn. aomen. aecear sn. primer. aera0ie sf. ". aerattion. #.asurit*. aia av. ". harl*& scarcel*. #. (numai) just; onl*. ail aj. ". skilful; clever. #. (1iret) sl*. ailitate sf. ". skill; cleverness. #. tact(fulness). ais sn. a*ss. aitir av.2 mai ~ etter; stroner; harer. aject aj. ". aject. #. (servil) crinin. anea0ie sf. aneation; selfenial. aoli vt. to aolish. aona vr. to suscrie (to a nespaper& etc.). aonament sn. ". (la /iar etc.) suscription. #. (ilet) season ticket. aonat sm. suscrier. II ~ telefonic telephone user. aora vt. ". to approach (sm.).to tackle (a prolem& etc.). arevia vt. to areviate. aroa vt. to annul& to repeal. arupt aj. ". steep. #. fi. arupt. aruti/a vt. to rutif*. ascons aj. astruse. asent I. sm. asentee. II. aj. ". asent. #. (istrat) asentmine. asenteist sm. remittance man. asen0ă sf. ". asence. #. (neaten0ie) asence of min. asolut I. aj. asolute. II. av. ".asolutel*. #. completel*. asolutism sn. asolutism. asoluti/a vt. to enerali/e. asolvent sm. ". univ. rauate.1col. school leaver. asolvi vt. ". to rauate. #. fi. to asolve; to forive. asori vt. ". to asor. #. fi. to enross.

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A a I. art. pos. fem. the. II. art. pos. of. II ~ lui Petru Peter’s; ~ lui his. III. v. aux. has. IV. prep.

like; of. V. interj. a(h)! o(h)! VI. particulă infinitivală to.aajur sn. (lamp) shae.aanon sn. ". aanonment. #. (părăsire) esertion.

aanona I. vt. ". to aanon. #.(a părăsi) to esert. $. %o renounce. II. vi. to aanon.aanonare sf. ". aanonment& relin'uishin. #. (părăsire) esertion.aataj sn. min. orkin& stope.aate I. sm. aot. II. vt. ". to ivert. #. fi. to turn (aa*). $.(a oor+) to fell. II a ~ e la

rumul rept to lea astra*. III. vr. ". to serve. #. (a se +nepărta) to stra*. II a se ~asupra to rush upon; a se ~ aate in rum o out of one,s a*; a i se ~ to have a min to.

aatere sf. ". eviation. #. (isciplinară) misehaviour. $. (+ncălcare) infrinement. -. (e lareulă) exception.

aator sn. slauhterhouse.aătut aj. oncast& epresse.aces sn. ascess.

aica vi. to aicate (cu acu/.). II a ~ e la un rept to renounce a riht.aicare sf. aication.aomen sn. aomen.aecear sn. primer.aera0ie sf. ". aerattion. #.asurit*.aia av. ". harl*& scarcel*. #. (numai) just; onl*.ail aj. ". skilful; clever. #. (1iret) sl*.ailitate sf. ". skill; cleverness. #. tact(fulness).ais sn. a*ss.aitir av.2 mai ~ etter; stroner; harer.aject aj. ". aject. #. (servil) crinin.anea0ie sf. aneation; selfenial.aoli vt. to aolish.aona vr. to suscrie (to a nespaper& etc.).aonament sn. ". (la /iar etc.) suscription. #. (ilet) season ticket.aonat sm. suscrier. II ~ telefonic telephone user.aora vt. ". to approach (sm.).to tackle (a prolem& etc.).arevia vt. to areviate.aroa vt. to annul& to repeal.arupt aj. ". steep. #. fi. arupt.aruti/a vt. to rutif*.ascons aj. astruse.asent I. sm. asentee. II. aj. ". asent. #. (istrat) asentmine.asenteist sm. remittance man.asen0ă sf. ". asence. #. (neaten0ie) asence of min.asolut I. aj. asolute. II. av. ".asolutel*. #. completel*.asolutism sn. asolutism.asoluti/a vt. to enerali/e.asolvent sm. ". univ. rauate.1col. school leaver.asolvi vt. ". to rauate. #. fi. to asolve; to forive.asori vt. ". to asor. #. fi. to enross.

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astract I. aj. astract. II. av.astractl*.astrac0ie sf. astraction.asur I. sn. asurit*. II prin ~aainst all reason. II. aj. ".asur; unreasonale. #. (nefiresc) preposterous.

a0iil sn. ". transfer picture. #.pl. fi. trifles.a0ine vr. to astain; to refrain.a0inere sf. astention.aunent aj. aunant& plentiful.aunen0ă sf. plent*.aur sm. ". steam; vapour. #. (al c3mpiei) ha/e. $. fi. fume.auri vt.& vr. to steam.au/ sn. ". ause. #. excess. II ~e +ncreere reach of trust.au/a vi.2 a ~ e ". to ause; to misuse. #. (a +n1ela) to eceive.ac sn. ". neele. #. (cu ămălie&e păr& e cravată etc.) pin. $ .(e viespe etc.) stin. -. (0eapă 1i

fi.) prick. 4. c. f. pint. II ~ cu ămălie pin; ~ e patefon neele; ~ e păr hairpin; ~ e picup st*lus; ~ e siuran0ă safet* pin; ~ orar hour han.

acaea sf. lollipop& rock.acaemician sm. acaemician.acaemie sf. acaem*.acapara vt. ". to sei/e. #. %o monopoli/e. $. (a stoca) to stock(pile).acar sm. pointsman.acareturi sn. pl. ". outhouses; annexes. # . (lucruri) chattels. $ .(unelte) implements.acasă av. ". at home; in. #. (spre casă) home. II ca ~ at home; in a homel* a*.acatist sn. pra*er for the ea.acătării aj. ecent; reular.accelera I. vt. to spee (up). II. vi.auto. to step on the as.accelerare sf. ". speein (up). #.econ. speeup.accelerat I. sn. fast train. II. aj. ".accelerate. #. c. f. fast.accelerator sn. ". accelerator. #.auto. throttle.accent sn. ". stress. #. (mai ales străin etc.) accent. $. fi.emphasis.accentua I. vt. ". to stress. #. fi.to emphasi/e. II. vr. to increase.accepta vt. to aree to; to accept.acces sn. ". access. #. (e furie etc.) fit; atack. $ . (i/ucnire) outurst. II ~ul inter/is no entr*.accesiil aj. ". accessile. #. (.persoane) eas* of access.accesoriu sn.& aj. accessor*.accient sn. accient.accienta I. vt. to oun in anaccient. II. vr. to hurt onesel (in an accient).acea aj. that.aceasta I. aj. this. II. pron. %his (one).această aj. this.aceea I. aj. that. II. pron. that (one). II upă ~ then& afterars.aceea1i aj.& pron. the same.acei aj. those.aceia I. aj. those. II. pron. those (ones).aceia1i aj.& pron. the same.

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acel aj. that.acela I. aj. that. II. pron. that (one).acela1i aj.& pron. the same.acele aj. those.acelea I. aj. those. II. pron. those (ones).

acela1i aj.& pron. the same.acest aj. this.acesta I. aj. this. II. pron. this (one).aceste aj. these.acestea I. aj. these. II. pron. these ones. II cu toate ~ nevertheless& in spite of all this; toate ~ all

this.ace1ti aj. these.ace1tia I. aj. these. II. pron. these (ones).achita I. vt. ". to pa*(off). #. jur. %o ac'uit. $. fi. to o for. II. vr2. a se ~ e to ischare; to

ac'uit oneself of (a ut*& etc.).achi/i0ie sf. ac'uisition.aci sm.& aj. aci.aciua vr. ". to take shelter. #. (a se ascune) to hie.aclama vt.& vi. to cheer.aclama0ie sf. cheer& ovation.acolaă sf. ". race. #. ist. accolae.acolit sm. acol*te; accomplice.acolo av. there. II e ~ from that place; intr~ from there; +ntr~there; pe ~ thereaout(s).acomoa vr. to ajust sau accomoate oneself. II a se ~ cu to put up ith.acompania vt. to accompan*.acompaniament sn. accompaniment.acont sn. ". avance (mone*). #. (arvună) earnest (mone*). $. (la plata +n rate) on pa*ment.aconta vt. ". to pa* an instalment on. #. (a arvuni) to pa* earnest mone* for.acoperi I. vt. ". to cover. #. (a ascune) to hie. $. (a aăposti) to shelter. -. fi. to screen II. vr.

". to cover oneself. #. to e covere.acoperire sf. 1. covering. 2. fig. protection. 3. fin. security.acoperi1 sn. roof.acor sn. ". areement. #. fi. concor; harmon*. $. mu/. chor&accor. -. econ. pieceork.

II.e ~! all riht!; muncă +n ~pieceork.acora vt. ". to rant. #. (a armoni/a) to put in concor. $.(a potrivi) to fit. -. mu/.& raio to

tune.acoreon sn. accorion.acosta I. vt. to accost. II. vi. to lan; to moor.acreală sf. sourness.acreita vt. to accreit.acreitat aj. accreite.acri I. vt. to (make) sour. II. vr. to (turn) sour. II a i se ~ (e ceva) to e fe up (ith smth.).acroat sm. acroat.acroa0ie sf. acroatics.acru I. sm. acre (5&- ha). II. aj. ".sour. #. fi. peevish.act sn. ". (teatru) act. #. (ocument) ee; ocument& paper.(ac0iune) act(ion); ee. II ~e

acu/are ill of inictment; ~e ona0ie ee of ift.

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a3ncime sf. ". epth. #. (fun) ottom. $. (profun/ime) intensit*. -. (psiholoică) insiht.aecvat aj. suitale; ae'uate.aemeni vt. ". to allure. #. (a ispiti) to seuce; to tempt. II a ~ cu vore ulci to cajole.aept sm. avocate& champion.aera vt. to ahere. II a ~ la to join (a part*& etc.); to enorse (a polic*& etc.)

aesea& aeseori av. often& fre'uentl*.aevăr sn. ". truth. #. (realitate) realit*; facts. II ~ul aevărat ospel truth; +n(tr)~ inee.aevărat I. aj. ". true; real; actual. #. (veritail) enuine. $. (sincer) truthful. -. (cum se cuvine)

reular; proper. II cu ~ inee; nu e ~8 isn’t it so8; +n ~a sa lumină in one’s true colour. II.av. ". (sincer) trul*. #. (efectiv) reall*& actuall*.

aeveri I. vt. ". to certif*. #. (a confirma) to prove; to confirm. $. (a recunoa1te) to acknolee.II. vr. to come sau prove true.

aeverin0ă sf. ". certificate. #. (e primire) receipt.ae/iune sf. ahesion.aia vi. to ree/e; to lo entl*.aică av. ". that is; vi/. #. (1i anume) namel*. II la o ~ after all; at a pinch.aiere sf. reath of in.aineauri av. just no.aio interj. oo*e! fareell!ajectiv sn. ajective.ajunct sm.. aj. eput*; assistant.aministra vt. ". to manae; toaminister. #. (un meicament etc.) to ive.aministrativ aj. aministrative.aministrator sm. ". superintenent. #. (vechil) ailiff.aministra0ie sf. ". aministration. #. econ. manaement. $. mil. comissariat.amira vt. to amire.amirail I. aj. amirale; fine. II. av. amiral*. III. interj. onerful!amirativ I. aj. amirin. II. av. amirinl*.amirator sm. amirer& lover.amira0ie sf. amiration; veneration.amis aj. accepte& amitte.amite vt. " . to amit (of); to allo. #. (a primi) to receive. $. (a recunoa1te) to acknolee;

to on.amitere sf. ". amission. #. (la facultate) matriculation.amonesta vt. to repriman; to amonish.amonestare sf. repriman.anota vt. to annotate.aolescent sm.& aolescentă sf. teenaer.aolescen0ă sf. aolescence; teens.aopta vt. ". to aopt. #. (a1i +nsu1i) to emrace; to enorse.aoptare sf. " . aoption. #. (aproare) enorsement& aoptiv aj. ". aoptive. #. (. un copil

etc.) foster... II fiu etc. ~ foster son& etc.aop0ie sf. aoption.aora vt. to aore; to orship.aorail aj. aorale; lovel*.aorat sm.& aj. elove.

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aorator sm. ". rel. orshipper. #. (al unei femei) eau& suitor.aora0ie sf. orship& veneration; love.aormi I. vt. ". to put to sleep; to lull (to sleep). #. (a alina) to alla*. II. vi. to o to sleep; to

fall asleep.aormire sf. ". fallin asleep. #. rel. ormition. $. fi. lullin to sleep (of outs& etc.)

aormit I. sm. ". ullar. #. pl. the ea. II. aj. ". asleep; sleep*. #. (toropit) ros*. $. fi.ull; ea. II ~ u1tean fast asleep&aresa I. vt. to aress; to irect; to sen. II. vr.2 a se ~ la (cu at.) to aress; to appeal to.aresant sm. aressee.aresare sf. aress(in).aresă sf. ". aress. #. (omiciliu) resience. $. (ailitate) skill& skilfulness. II la aresa cuiva

fi. aainst sau aout sm.aucător I. sm. earer. II. aj. rinin.auce I. vt. ". to rin (in); to fetch. (a prouce) to *iel& to rin aout. $. (a uce) to take; to

carr*; to accompan*. II a(i) ~ aminte cuiva (e ceva) to remin sm. (of smth.); a1i ~ aminteto rememer; a ~ ceva la cuno1tin0a cuiva to let sm. kno aout smth.; to intimate smth.to sm.; a ~ la +neplinire to fulfil; a ~ mul0umiri to express thanks; a ~ vora espre to turnthe conversation upon; ce v3nt te ~ 8 hat in los *ou here8 II. vi.2 a ~ a sau cu to look like.

aucere sf. rinin; fetchin. II ~aminte recollection; ~ la +neplinire fulfilment.aula vt. ". to lioni/e; to orship. #. (a linu1i) to flatter.aulmeca vt. ". to sniff; to smell. fi. to sense; to suspect. ault sm.& aj. roup.aulter I. sn. aulter*. II. aj. unfaithful.aumri vt. fi. to cast aspersions on.auna I. vt. ". to a; to total. #. (a str3ne) to ather (in). $. (oameni) to rall*; to pick up. -.

mil. to assemle. 4. (a stoca) to (a)mass& to hoar (up). 6. fin. to raise; to lev*. II a1i ~min0ile sau 3nurile to collect oneself. II. vi. to a. III. vr. ". to assemle. #. 1i fi. torall*.

aunare sf. ". aition. #. pol. asseml*& rall*. $. (colectă) collection. -. mil. asseml*. II 9area7unare :a0ională the ran :ational 7sseml*.

aunător sm. atherer& collector.aunătură sf. ". atherin. #. (amestec) heap& mass; mixture. (loată) cro; mo.aus aj. ". rouht; fetche. #. (+ncovoiat) stoopin. II ~ e spate ent(acke); ~ in conei

ell put.aver sn. averavers aj. contrar*; averse.aversar sm. ". opponent; aversar*. #. (u1man) enem*.aversitate sf. ". aversit*. #. (nenorocire) misfortune. aer sn. ". air. # . (+nfă0i1are) aspect;

look(s). $. (manieră) manner. II ~ coni0ionat conitione air; air conitionin; ~ curat sau+nviorător fresh sau racin air; ~ +nchis stale air; ~ stricat foul air; +n ~ lier in the open(air).

aerian aj. ". air(*); aerial. #. (eteric) thin; ethereal.aerisi I. vt. to air; to aerate. li. vr. to take an airin; to take the air.aerisit aj. ". fresh. #. fi. open(mine).aeroinamic aj. aero*namic.aeroinamică sf. aero*namics.aerorom sn. airport.

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aeromoel sn. plane moel.aeronautică sf. aeronautics.aeronavă sf. airship.aeroplan sn. (air)plane.aeroport sn. airport.

aeropurtat aj. airorne. II trupe ~e paratroopers.aerosoli sm. pl. aerosols.afail I. aj. affale; courteous. II. av. affal*.afacere sf. ". affair; usiness. #. com. arain. $. fin. speculation. -. jur. affair& case. 4. (treaă)

 jo. 6. (chestiune) matter& issue. II afaceri externe forein affairs; afaceri interne home sauomestic affairs; o ~ rentailă a pa*in concern; a oo stroke of usiness; frumoasă ~! a prett* jo inee!; nu e nicio ~ it’s not much catch.

afacerist sm. ". usinessman. #. (speculant) racketeer.afară I. av. out(sie); out of oors; in the open (air). II ~ e except; esies; ~ e asta

moreover; in cale~ (e) extremel*; ie1i ~! et out (of here)! II. interj. out (ith him! etc.)af3na vt. to reak up.afect sn. ". feelin. #. emotion.afecta I. vt. ". to affect. #. (a privi) to concern. $. (a necăji) to afflict. -. to simulate. 4. (fonuri

etc.) to earmark. II. vi. to preten.afectare sf. ". affectation #. (e fonuri etc.) earmarkin. $. (simulare 1i) pretence.afectat I. aj. ". affecte. #. (preocupat) concerne. $. (căutat) recherche. II. av. affectel*afectiv aj. emotional.afectuos I. aj. affectionate. II. av. lovinl*.afec0iune sf. ". affection. #. me. isease.afemeiat I. sm. lecher& a* (ol) o. II. aj. lecherous.afera vr. to fuss& to stall.aferat aj. fuss*.afet sn. uncarriae.afilia vt.& vr. to affiliate.afiliere sf. affiliation.<fin sm. ot. ilerr* (ush).<fină sf. ilerr*.afinitate sf. " . affinit*; relationship. similitue.afirma I. vt. ". to assert; to affirm. (a sus0ine) to eclare. II. vr. to assert oneself. afirmativ I.

aj. affirmative. II. av. in the affirmative.afirma0ie sf. ". assertion; statement; affirmation. #. (nefonată) alleation.afi1 sn. ". poster; (pla*) ill. #. (reclamă) avertisement. II a fi cap e ~ to hea the ill.afi1a I. vt. ". to post. #. fi. to ispla*. vr. to make oneself conspicuous. II a se ~ cu to o out

ith.afi1ier sn. ill oar; notice oar.afla I. vt. ". to learn (of)& to hear. #.(a escoperi) to fin (out). $. (a a peste) to meet (ith). II a

nu1i ~ locul to e restless; am~to chiar e la el I have it from him; in c3te am ~t from hatthe* sa*. II. vi. to hear; to learn. II a ~ e(spre) ceva to learn aout smth. III. vr. ". to e(present). #. (a se ăsi) to e foun; to lie. $. (a se răsp3ni) to et aroa; to leak. II pemasă se află un măr there is an apple on the tale; se află ceva căr0i pe acolo8 are there an* ooks there8; nu sa ~t nimic nothin has oo/e out; a se ~ +n treaă to potter aout.

aflător aj. to e foun.

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afluent sm. triutar*.afluen0ă sf. ". (alomera0ie) thron. #. (el1u) affluence.aflux sn. rushafon aj. havin no ear for music.aforism sn. aphorism.

african sm.& aj.& africană sf.& aj. 7frican.afront sn. outrae& insult.aftă sf. ". ulcer in the mouth. #. pl. thrush.afuma I. vt. ". to smoke. #. (a conserva) to smoke(r*); (pe1tele) to cure. $. (m3ncarea) to urn.

(03n0arii etc.) to fumiate; to sulphur. II. vi. to smoke.afumat aj. ". smoke; urnt. #. (eat) lit up& tips*.afumătură sf. ". smokin. #. smoke meat.afun I. aj. eep; lo. II. av. eep(l*); loafuna I. vt. to ip; to plune; to sink. II. vr. ". to plune. #. (a se scufuna) to sink.afurisit I. sm. mischiefmaker. II. aj. ". accurse. #. (po/na1) mischievous.aale av. leisurel*; il*.aapă sf. (love) feast.aasa vt. to anno*.aasant aj. provokin.aat sn.& aată sf. aate.aă0a I. vt. ". to han (up). #. (pe cineva) to accoat. $. (a prine) to catch. II. vr.2 a se ~ e to

catch at; fi. to cavil at.aă0ătoare sf. ". (la haină) haner& ta. #. ot. climer& creeper.aeamiu sm. reenhorn& colt.aenă sf. ". aena. # . (e u/unar) pocket ook.aent sm. ". aent. # . fi. aenc*; factor. $. com. mileman. -. fin. roker. 4. (e poli0ie)

 policeman& plain clothes man. II ~ plătit sau provocator stooe& aent provocateur.aer aj. ". 'uick& keen. #. (sprinten)aile. II ~ la minte 'uickmine; (pătrun/ător) clearsihte.aerime sf. ". keenness. #. (mintală) shreness.aheasmă sf. hol* ater.ahiotant sm. aie (e camp).7hiu0ă sm. the ickens& the evil.ail aj. nimle& 'uick.ailitate sf. ailit*.aita I. vt. ". to stir. #. fi. toaitate. II. vr. to fret.aitat aj. excite; restless.aitator sm. aitator.aita0ie sf. ". aitation. #. fi. excitement& flutter.alomera vt.& vr. to alomerate; to cro.alomera0ie sf. ". thron. #. tehn.alomeration.aonie sf. aon*.aoniseală sf. ". savins. #. (c31ti) ain& profit. $. (prin muncă) earnins. -. (avere) ealth.aonisi vt. ". to earn. #. (a c31tia) to ac'uire. $. (a auna) to ather; to save.aonisită sf. ". earnins. #. (avere) riches.

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arafă sf. ". clip; clasp. #. (e păr) hair pin.aramat sm.& aj. illiterate.arar aj. aricultural; ararian.arava vt.& vr. to orsen& to aravate.aravant aj. aravatin.

aravare sf. orsenin.area vt. ". to like. #. (a aproa) to approve (of).areail aj. ". areeale. #. (+nc3ntător) elihtful.areat sn. ". unit. #. electr. (eneratin) set.arement sn. ". pleasure. #. (+ncuviin0are) consent.arementa vt. ". to season. #. to rener areeale.aresiune sf. aression.aresiv aj. ". aressive. #. (ătăios) truculent.aresor sm. aressor.aricol aj. aricultural.aricultor sm. farmer.aricultură sf. ariculture; farmin.ari1 sm.& ari1ă sf. ooseerr*.aronom sm. aronomist.aronomie aj. aronomic(al).aronomie sf. aronom*.arotehnică sf. arotechnics.au sm. mulerr* tree.auă sf. mulerr*.auriă sf. unripe rapes saufruit.ah I. sn. sih. II. interj. ah (me)! oo(ness) racious!aha interj. oh (I see)!ahtia vr. (upă) to e nuts sau keen (on).ahtiat aj. keen; cra/*. II a fi ~ upă to e ea set on.ai I. art. pos. of. II ~ mei m* folk(s). interj. ell! eh!aia I. art. dem. II. adj. that. III. pron. that (one).

aialaltă I. aj. the other. II. pron. the other (one).aici aj. here. II pe ~ this a*; (in +mprejurimi) here(aouts); p3nă ~ so far; (estul) enouh; e ~

hence; e ~ +nainte from no on.aioma aj. ('uite) alike.aievea I. aj. ". real. #. virtual. II. av. ". actuall*. #.virtuall*.ailaltă I. aj. the other. II. pron. the other (one)aiser sn. iceer.aiura vi. ". to rave; to rant. #. (a ivaa) to ramle.aiurea I. aj. cra/*; foolish. II. av. foolishl*. #. (+n altă parte) elsehere. III. interj. not in the

least; (prostii!) nonsense!aiureală sf. ". elirium; ravin. #. (prostii) nonsense; tomfooler*. (/ăpăceală) confusion.aiurit I. sm. fool; /an*. II. aj. moon*.ajun sn. eve. II ~ul 7nului nou :e =ear,s >ve; ~ul ?oote/ei telfth niht; +n ~ul acelei /ile on

the eve of that a*; the a* efore.ajune I. vt. to catch up ith; to overtake #. (a apuca) to touch& to sei/e. $. (a atine) to reach&

to attain. II ma ajuns ooseala etc. I am overcome * fatiue& etc. II. vi. ". to arrive. #. (a

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eveni) to (e)come; to et. $. (a fi suficient) to e enouh. II ~!that ill o! enouh! a ~ ine sau eparte to et on (in the orl); a ~ e atjocură to ecome a lauhinstock; a ~ +nura oamenilor to ecome the talk of the ton; a ~ la to arrive at; to reach; to touch; (acăpăta) to ain; a ~ rău to o on (in the orl); a ~ să to e sufficient to; ~ să pomenime suffice it to mention; a nu ~ to fall short. III. vr. ". to e enouh; to o. #. (a parveni) to

et on (in the orl). II a se ~ la to come to.ajuns I. sn.2 e ~ sufficient; (+n) e ~ e un etc. oo etc.& enouh. II. aj. ". overcome. #.successful. II e un om ~ he’s someo* no.

ajur sn. open ork.ajusta vt.& vr. to fit; to ajust.ajustor sm. fitter.ajuta I. vt. ". to help. #. (a sprijini) to ack (up)& to support. $. (materialice1te) to ai; to relieve.

-. (a sluji) to serve. II nul ajută capul he’s eakmine; nu mă ajută puterile m* strenthfails me. II. vi. to help; to contriute. II nu ajută it oesn’t help. III. vr. to help sau

support each other. II a se ~ cu to make use of.ajutător aj. ". helpin. #. ram. auxiliar*.ajutor I. sm. assistant& help(er). II. sn. ". help; assistance. #. contriution; ai. $. (caritail)

relief. (sprijin) support. 4. (e oală etc.) enefit; ai. II ~ reciproc mutual ai sau assistance;e ~ helpful& helpin; fără ~ helpless; cu ~ul unui lucru * means of smth.; cu ~ul cuiva ithsm.’s help; thanks to sm.

ajutorare sf. help(in); assistance.ai art. pos. of. II ~ mamei mother’s; ~ meu mine.alai sn. ". procession; train. #. (pompă) pomp.alaltăieri av. the a* efore *estera*.aialtăseară av. the ni'ht efore last.alamă sf. (1i pl.) rass.alamic sn. still.alamicare sf. (over)elaorateness; sophistication.alamicat aj. sophisticate; (over)elaorate.alanala av. ". pellmell. #. (pe os) upsie on; tops*turv*.alarma I. vt. ". to alarm. #. (a tulura) to istur. II. vr. to e alarme.alarmant aj. ". alarmin. #. (amenin0ător) ominous.alarmat aj. isma*e& uneas*.alarmă sf. alarm& panic.alarmism sn. scaremonerin.alaun sm. alum.alăpta vt. to suckle& to nurse.alăptare sf.& alăptat sn. sucklin; nursin.alătura I. vt. ". to juxtapose. #. (a ata1a) to enclose. $. to compare. II. vr. to come near. II a se ~

la to join.alăturare sf. ". juxtaposition. #. comparison.alăturat I. aj. ". ajoinin. #. (ata1at) enclose. II. av. (here) enclose.alături I. av. ". (close) *& esie. (umăr la umăr) sie * sie. (incolo) next oor. II ~ cu

rumul out of the a*; fi. ie of the mark; ~ e esie; (+mpreună cu) ith& alonsie(of); e ~ next oor.

al I. sm. hite (man). II. sn. hite. II +n ~ lank. III. aj. ". hite. #. (curat) clean. $. (ot) lank. -. (. ten) fair. II ~ ca varul eahite.

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alane/ sm.& aj.& alane/ă sf.& aj. 7lanian.alastru I. sn. lue (sk*). II. aj. ". lue. #. fi. sl. haralatros sm. alatross.ală sf. hite oman. II 7lă ca @ăpaa AnoBhite.alăstrea sf. cornfloer.

alăstreală sf. luishness& lue (sk*).alăstri I. vt. to lue. II. vr. to turn lue.alăstriu& alăstrui aj. luish.alea0ă sf. ". hite (spot). #. (la ochi) cataract.ali I. vt. ". to hiten; to leach. #. (a vărui) to hiteash. $. (a +ncărun0i) to turn (sm.’s hair)

re*. II. vi.& vr. to turn hite sau re*.alicios aj. hitish.alie sf. ". rivere. #. (copaie) (ash) tu& trouh.alină sf. ee.alitură sf. ". (leume) parsle* an parsnip. #. pl. (rufe) linen. polir. spaces.alum sn. alum.alumină sf. alumin(e).alu1 sn. hite (of e).alcalin aj. alkaline.alcaloi sm.& aj. alkaloi.alcătui I. vt. to make (up)& to form. (a făuri) to create. $. (a elaora) to ra up. II. vr2. a se ~ in

to consist of; to e mae up of.alcătuire sf. ". structure& composition; makeup. #. orani/ation. elaoration.alcătuitor aj. constitutive; composin.alchimie sf. alchem*.alchimist sm. alchemist.alcool sn. alcohol; spirit(s). II ~ metilic meth*l(ate) spirits.alcoolic I. sm. alcohol aict. II. aj. alcoholic.alcooli/a I. vt. to alcoholi/e. II. vr. to ecome aicte to alcohol.alcov sn. alcove.alăma1 sn2 a ea ~ul to et the arain.ale I. art. the. II. prep. like& such as. II e~ astea such thins.ale art. pos. of. II ~ mele mine; ~ lui heorhe eore,s.alea I. art. pos. the. II. aj. those. pron. those (ones).alee sf. ". alle*. #. (pt. trăsuri etc.) rive. $. (pt. pietoni) alk. -. (pt. cicli1ti) c*clea*.aleător sm. ". pol. elector; voter. #. selector.alee I. vt. ". to choose& to select. #. pol. to elect. $. (a selecta) to pick out. -. (a se hotăr+

 pentru) to ecie (upon). 4. (a separa) to sift. II. vi. ". to choose. #. to make a sau one’schoice. II a nu avea e ales to have no choice. III. vr. ". to e chosen sau electe. #. toseparate. II a se ~ cu to et; to e left ith; sa ales praf 1i pulere in asta nothin cameout of it.

aleere sf. ". choice; selection. #. pol. (1i pl.) election. $. ecision. separation. II la ~ at ill.aleorie I. aj. alleoric(al). II. av. alleoricall*.aleorie sf. alleor*.aleru aj. cheerful; livel*.alelalte I. aj. the other. II. pron. the others& the other ones.aleluia interj. ". (h)alleluiah! #. lum. oo*e Cohn!

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alene av. il*.alera I. vt. ". to run& to race. #. (a m3na) to rive. II. vi. ". to run& to race. #. (a se răi) to

make haste; to rush. II a ~ upă to run after sau for; to hunt for; a ~ la to resort sau appl*to; a ~ +ntrun suflet sau c3t te 0in picioarele to run as fast as *our les ill carr* *ou.

alerare sf. ". race. #. (onire) chase.

alerător I. sm. runner. II. aj. runnin.alerătură sf. ". runnin (to an fro). #. (osteneală) pains; troule.aleric aj. me. allerical.alerie sf. me. aller* (to).alertă sf. alarm.ales I. sm. person of one’s choice. sn. choice. II pe ~e at choice. aj. ". select(e); choice. #.

remarkale& istinuishe. $. (. m3ncăruri 1i fi.) aint*.alexanrin sm.& aj. 7lexanrine.alfa I. sm. alpha. II. sf. ot. alfa (rass).alfaet sn. alphaet.alfaetic I. aj. alphaetic. II. av. alphaeticall*.alfaeti/a vt. to teach (sm.) the three r’s.ală sf. ala.aleră sf. alera.aleric aj. aleraic(al).alia I. vt. ". to all*. #. tehn. to allo*. II. vr. to form an alliance.aliaj sn. allo*.alian0ă sf. ". alliance. #. marriae; match. II ruă prin ~ inla.aliat I. sm. all*. II. aj. allie.alii sn. alii.alice sf. pl. small shot.alienat I. sm. maman. II. aj. alienate.aliena0ie sf. lunac*.alifie sf. ointment& salve.aliator sm. alliator.aliment sn. (1i pl.) foo.alimenta I. vt. ". to fee. #. (a aprovi/iona) to suppl*. II. vr. to fee.alimentar aj. foo...alimentară sf. foo shop.alimentare sf. ". feein. #. (m3ncare) foo. $. (furni/are) suppl*.alimenta0ie sf. nourishment.alina vt. ". to soothe; to alla*. #. (a lini1ti) to appease.alinare sf. comfort& relief. II fără ~ unrelieve.alineat sn. pararaph.alinia I. vt.& vi. ". to line (up). #. (a aranja) to rane. II. vr. ". to line up #. mil. to fall into line.aliniere sf. mil. alinment.alinta I. vt. ". to spoil; to pamper. #. (a m3n3ia) to pet& to cocker. II. vr. ". to pla* the spoilt

chil. #. fi. to simper.alintare sf. ". caress(in)& enearment. #. (răsfă0) simperin; pla*in the spoilt chil.alintat aj. spoilt; pampere.alipi I. vt. to join; to annex. II. vr2 a se ~ la to join.ali/ee sn. pl. trae ins.

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almanah sn. almanac(k).alo interj. hullo!aloca vt. to allot& to earmark.aloca0ie sf. allocation.alocuri av2 pe ~ here an there.

alocu0iune sf. aress.aloe sf. aloe.alpaca sf. ". /ool. alpaca. #. (aliaj) arentan.alpin aj. 7lpine.alpinism sn. mountaineerin.alpinist sm. mountaineer.alt aj. (an)other; further.alta pron. another (one). II ~ nimic nothin else.altar sn. ". altar& shrine. #. arhit. chancel; sanctuar*&altă aj. another.altăată av. ". another time; some (other) a*. #. (e mult) formerl*; once. II e ~ ol&

former.altceva pron. ". somethin else sau ifferent. #. +n prop. intero. sau ne. an*thin else.altcineva pron. ". another; someo* else. #. +n prop. intero. sau ne. an*o* else.altcum av. otherise& or (else)alte aj. other. II ~ alea fallin sickness; fits.altele pron. others. II +ntre ~ amon other thins.alteori av. (at) other times.altera I. vt. ". (a strica) to aulterate; to spoil. #. (a enatura) to istort. II. vr. to o a& to e

tainte.alterail aj. liale to eterioration.alterare sf. aulteration& eterioration. #. (stricare) taintin& pollution.alterat aj. aulterate.alterna vt.& vi. to alternate.alternan0ă& alternare sf. alternation.alternativ adj. 1. alternative. 2. el. alternating.alternativă sf. alternative.alte0ă sf. hihness.altfel av. ". otherise; or (else) #. (iferit) ifferentl*. II ~ e other; ~ nici nu se poate it is a

matter of course.altist sm.& altistă sf. alto.altituine sf. heiht.altminteri av. otherise; or else.alto sm. alto.altDi" sn. ". raft(in). #. (1i port~) stock.altoi# vt. ". to (en)raft. #. fi. to eat.altoire sf. raftin.altruism sn. selflessness.altruist I. sm. altruist. II. aj. selfless& unselfish.altul pron. another (one).altuneva av. elsehere.al0i aj. otfier.

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al0ii pron. others; other ones.aluat sn. ouh. II in acela1i ~ of a kin.aluminiu sn. aluminium.alun sm. (ha/el)nut tree& filert.alună sf. (ha/el)nut. II arahiă sau ~ americană roun nut& peanut.

aluneca vi. ". to slie. #. (a căea) to slip& to fall. II i0i alunecă printre eete it is as slipper* asan eel.alunecare sf. ". slie& liin. #. (căere) slip& fall.alunecos aj. slipper*.alunecu1 sn. ". slipperiness. #. (polei) (la/e) ice.aluna vt. ". to rive (aa*). #. (a surhiuni) to anish.aluni1 sn. ha/el oo.aluni0ă sf. ". eaut* spot. #. (ne) mole.alură sf. ". carriae. #. (aer) air; looks. $. tehn. spee.aluviuni sf. pl. alluvia.alu/ie sf. allusion& hint; (răutăcioasă) innueno. II o ~ transparentă a roa hint.alu/iv aj. alusive.alveolă sf. cell. #. anat. alveolus.alvi0ă sf. nouat.amail I. aj. ". kin(l*); oonature. #. (plăcut) pleasin. II. av. kinl*.amailitate sf. kin(li)ness.amalam sn. ". amalam. #. (amestec) mixture.amalama vt.& vr. to amalamate& to len.aman sn.2 la ~ at a pinch.amanet sn. pan& plee. II a lăsa ~ to pan& to plee.amaneta vt. to pan.amanetat aj. pane& up the pout.amant sn. lover.amantă sf. mistress.amar I. sn. itterness; all. II e at3ta ~ e vreme for such a lon time. II. aj. itter& rievous.

III. av. itterl*.amarnic I. aj. itter; har. II. av. har; itterl*.amator I. sm. ". lover; fan. #. (iletant) amateur& la*man. II ~ e teatru theatreoer. II. aj.

amateur& la*. II a fi foarte ~ e sport to e a (reat) sports fan.amatorism sn. ilettantism; amateurism.ama/oană sf. 7ma/on. #. fi. horseoman.amăeală sf. elusion& m*stification.amăi I. vt. ". to elue& to m*stif*. #. (a momi) to lure. II. vr. to inule in illusions.amăire sf. eception& elusion.amăitor aj. specious.amănunt sn. etail. II cu ~ul (*) etail.amănun0i vt. to (relate in) etail.amănun0it I. aj. etaile; minute. II. av. in (reat) etail. amărăciune sf. ". itterness. #.

(supărare) rief.amăr3t I. sm. retch& poor evil. II. aj. emittere.amăr+ I. vt. ". to emitter. #. (a supăra) to (a)rieve. II. vr. to ecome itter sau emittere.amărui aj. itterish.

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am3na I. vt. ". to postpone& to put off. #. (a păsui) to reprieve. $. jur.& pol. to ajourn. II. vi. to put off& to ajourn.

am3nare sf. ". postponement. #. jur.& pol. ajournment.am3noi pron.& av. oth.amala I. vt. ". to pack& to rap (up). #. (motorul) to race. II. vr. to arm up.

amalaj sn. packin& rap.amalare sf. ". packin& rappin (up). #. auto. racin (the enine).amarca0i(un)e sf. craft& oat.amasaă sf. emass*.amasaor sm. ". amassaor. #. fi. messener.amele I. aj. oth. II. pron. oth (of them).amiant aj. amient.amian0ă sf. environment& milieu.amien aj. epicene.amiuitate sf. amiuit*.amiuu aj. ". amiuous& e'uivocal. #. toee.amii I. aj. oth. II. pron. oth (of them).ami0ie sf. amition.ami0iona I. vt. to arouse the amition of. II. vr. (să) to set one,s amition (on smth.).ami0ios aj. ". amitious. #. (perseverent) tenacious.amreiaj sn. clutch peal.amulant aj. strollin& itinerant.amulan0ă sf. amulance.ameliora vt.& vr. to improve.ameliorare sf. improvement.amenaja vt. ". to arrane. #. (a utila) to e'uip& to fit (out).amenajare sf. ". arranement. #. fittin out.amena vt. ". (pe cineva) to fine. (o lee etc.) to amen.amenament sn. amenment.amenă sf. fine. II ~ onorailă pulic apolo*.amenin0a vt.& vi. to threaten& to menace.amenin0are sf. threat(enin).amenin0ător I. aj. threatenin; ominous. II. av. menacinl*.american sm., adj. American; Yankee.americă sf. coarse(st) calico.americăne1te av. (in the) 7merican fashion.amestec sn. ". mixture. #. (hiveci) fumle& mess. $. (interven0ie) interference. -. participation.amesteca I. vt. ". to mix (up)& to len& to comine. # . (a +ncurca) to entanle& to confuse. (a

implica) to involve. -. (căr0ile) to shuffle. II. vr. ". to mix; to minle. #. (a interveni) tointerfere& to mele. II (e) ce te amesteci8 h* o *ou mele8 min *our on usiness!

amestecare sf. mixin.amestecat aj. ". mixe (up); comine. #. (variat) sunr*.amestecătură sf. mele*& hash.ametist sn. ameth*st.ame0eală sf. ". i//iness& iiness. #. me. vertio.ame0i I. vt. ". to make i//* sau i*; to make (sm.’s) hea turn. #. (a uiui) to ama/e. $. (a

+măta) to intoxicate. II. vi. to e(come) i//*. to feel one,s hea turn. III. vr. (cu alcool) to

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et tips*.ame0it aj. ". i//*; i*. #. (/ăpăcit) confuse. $. (e ăutură) fule.ameţitor adj. 1. dizzy, giddy. 2. uluitor! astounding.amfiteatru sn. ". amphitheatre. #. univ. lecture room.amia/ă& amia/i sf. noon& mia*. II upă~ (in the) afternoon; +nainte e ~ efore noon& in the

mornin; la ~ at noon. amic sm. frien.amical I. aj. frienl*. II. av. in a frienl* a* sau tone.amion sn. starch.amială sf. tonsil.amialită sf. tonsilitis.amin interj ". rel. amen! #. (lum.) napoo!aminti I. vt. to mention& to recall. II a1i ~ to rememer; a ~ cuiva ceva to remin sm. of

smth.; upă c3te +mi amintesc as far as I can rememer. II. vi.2 a1i ~ e to rememer; torecall; a ~ cuiva e ceva to remin sm. of smth.

amintire sf. ". memor*; rememrance& recollection. #. (suvenir) keepsake. II +n ~a... inmemor* of...

amiral sm amiral.amiralitate sf. amiralt*.amnar sn. flint steel.amnistia vt. to amnest*.amnistie sf. amnest*.amoniac sn. ammonia.amor sn. ". love #. (leătură) love affair. $. (persoană) seetheart. (/eu) Eupi. II ~ propriu self

love. vanit*.amoral aj. unprincipleamore/ sm. eau& lover.amore/a vr.2 a se ~ e to fall in love ith.amore/at aj. (e) infatuate (ith). II ~ lulea nuts (on sm.).amoros aj. love...& amator*.amortisment sn. pa*ment.amorti/a I. vt. ". to (re)pa*. #. (o atorie) to li'uiate. $. tehn. to eaen& to amp. II. vr. to e

(re)pai& to e li'uiate.amorti/are sf. ". li'uiation; (re)pa*ment. #. tehn. ampin.amorti/or sn. amper.amor0eală sf. ". numness. #. fi. torpor.amor0i I. vt. to (e)num. II. vi. ". to e(come) enume sau stiff. #. to e torpi.amor0ire sf. ". (e)numin& numness. #. fi. torpor.amor0it aj. ". (e)nume; ull. #. fi. torpi.ampenaj sn. empennae.amplasa vt. to place.amplifica vt. to amplif*.amploare sf. scope& proportion. II e (mare) ~ vast in scope& ample.amplu aj. ". ample. #. copious; aunant.amprentă sf. stamp. II ~ iitală finerprint.amputa vt. to amputate.amuletă sf. amulet.amur sn. ". usk& tiliht. #. fi. ol ae.

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amu0i I. vt. to silence; to um (foun). II. vi. to e(come) silent sau um.amu0it aj. tonuetie.amu/a I. vt. to amuse& to entertain. II. vr. to have a oo time& to enjo* oneself.amu/ament sn. amusement& entertainment.amu/ant aj. amusin& nice.

amvon sn. pulpit.an sm. *ear. II ~ isect leap *ear; ~ calenaristic calenar *ear; ~ e ~& +n fiecare ~ ever* *ear; ~1colar school*ear; ~ul curent this *ear& inst.; 7nul nou the :e =ear& :e =ear,s Fa*; ~ultrecut last *ear; ~ universitar acaemic *ear; c30i ~i ai8 ho ol are *ou8; (e) ~i e /ile forman* *ears; in ~ +n Pa1te once in a lue moon; la ~ul next *ear; Ga mul0i ani! Happ* irtha*!& 9an* happ* returns of the a*!& (la 7nul nou) 7 Happ* :e =ear!; tot ~ulthrouhout the *ear.

anacronic aj. outate& superanuate.anacronism sn. anachronism.anafură sf. >ucharist rea.anale sf. pl. annals.analfaet sm.& aj. illiterate.analfaetism sn. illiterac*.anale/ic sn. me. painkiller.analitic aj. anal*tic.anali/a vt. ". to anal*se. #. ram. 1i to parse.anali/ă sf. ". anal*sis. #. me. test. $. fi. revie& surve*. -. ram& parsin. II anali/a s3nelui

 loo test; la o ~ atentă upon close examination.analo aj. analoous.analoic sf. analo*.ananas sm. pineapple.ananhie sf. preicament; ifficult*. II la ~ up a tree.anapoa aj.& av. tops*turv*.anarhic I. aj. anarchical. II. av. anarchicall*.anarhie sf. anarch*.anarhist sm. anarchist.anas3na sf.2 cu ~ forcil*& aritraril*.anason sm. anise. II săm3n0ă e ~ anisee.anatomie aj. anatomical.anatomie sf. anatom*.ancheta vt.& vi. to investiate.anchetator sm. investiator.anchetă sf. in'uir*; in'uest.anchilo/a I. vt. to anch*lose. II. vr. to ecome stiff sau anch*lose. #. fi. to ecome a stick

inthemu.anchilo/at aj. ". anch*lose& stiff. #. fi. retroressive.ancora vi.& vr. to (cast) anchor.ancorare sf. anchorae.ancoră sf. anchor.anivă sf. enive.anrea sf. (knittin) neele.anecotă sf. funn* stor*& anecote.

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anecotic aj. anecotical.anemia I. vt. to eaken. II. vr. to pine.anemiat aj. anaemic; etiolate.anemic I. aj. ". feele. #. me. anaemic. II. av. lanuil*.anemic sf. anaemia& feeleness.

anemonă sf. anemone.anevoie av. ". painstakinl*. #. (aia) scarcel*.anevoios aj. har& ifficult.anexa vt. ". to annex. #. (a alătura) to enclose.anexare sf. ". annexation. #. (alăturare) enclosin.anexă sf. annex(e)& appenae.anaja I. vt. ". to enae; to hire& to emplo*. #. (o luptă etc.) to ein. II. vr. ". to plee

(oneself); to commit oneself. #. (+n slujă) to take a jo. $. mil. to enlist.anajament sn. plee& commitment.anajare sf. ". hirin; enaement. #. (a luptei) einnin.anajat I. sm. emplo*ee; hirelin. II. aj. ". plee& enae. #. (+n serviciu) hire; emplo*e.

$. pol. committe& aline.anarale sf. pi ". troules. #. expenses.anhinare sf. artichoke.anină sf. anina& 'uins*. II ~ ifterică iphtheritis; ~ pectorală anina pectoris.anlican sm.& aj. anlican.anlofil sm. anlophile.anoasă sf. anxiet*& anst.anrena I. vt. ". to (thro into) ear. #. fi. to rall*& to ra. II. vr. to (et into) ear. II a se ~ +n

fi. to join& to e ran into.anrenaj sn. ". earin. #. fi. heels.anro aj. holesale.anrosist sm. holesale ealer.anihila vt. to annihilate.anihilare sf. annihilation.anima I. vt. to animate. II. vr. to e enlivene; to pick up life.animal I. sn. ". animal; east. #. fi. rute. II ~ e povară east of uren; ~ e praă preator;

~e e reprouc0ie peiree stock; ~ e trac0iune east of rauht; ~ sălatic il east. II.aj. animai.

animalic aj. ". animal. #. sensual& carnal. $. rutal.animat aj. ". animate. #. (vioi) alive& livel*. II ~ e inspire *.animatoare sf. entertainer& clipirl.animator sm. animator.anima0ie sf. (throin) life& liveliness.animo/itate sf. enmit*& hatre.anin sm. aler(tree).anina I. vt. ". to han (up)& to hook. #. (a rupe) to catch. II. vr. to e hun. II a se ~ e to catch

sau to et cauht in (a nail& etc.).anison sm. anise.aniversa vt. to celerate.aniversare sf. ". anniversar*. #. irtha*.anoin aj. ". harmless. #. (neinteresant) ull.

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anomalie sf. anomal*& anormalit*.anonim I. sm. anon*mous person. II. aj. anon*mous& nameless.anonimat sn. anon*mit*. II a ie1i in ~ to emere from oscurit*.anonimă sf. unsine sau anon*mous letter.anoranic aj. inoranic.

anormal I. aj. anormal& anomalous. II. av. anormall*.anost aj. vapi& ull.anotimp sn. season.ansamlu sn. ". ensemle. #. arhit. pile. II e ~ eneral; +n ~ enerall* (speakin)& on the

hole.antaonism sn. antaonism.antarctic aj. antarctic.anteelic aj. prear.antera0 sn. forearm.anteceente sn. pl. recor& anteceents.anteata vt. anteate.anteiluvian aj. anteiluvian.antenă sf. ". antenna. #. (e raio 1i) aerial.anterior I. aj. ". previous; prior. #. (mai vechi) former& earlier. $. anat. fore... II. av.

 previousl*& formerl*.anteriu sn. surplice.antet sn. heain.antevoritor sm. previous speaker.antiaerian aj. antiaircraft.antialcoolic I. sm. teetotaller. II. aj. antialcoholic.antiiotic sn.& aj. antiiotic.antic aj. ancient& anti'ue.anticameră sf. aitin room.anticar I. sm. ". seconhan ookseller. #. (1i pt. oiecte) anti'uar*. II. aj. mil. antitank.anticariat sn.& anticărie sf. seconhan ookshop.antichitate sf. anti'uit*.anticipa I. vi2& a ~ asupra to anticipate. II. vt. to anticipate.anticipare sf. anticipation.anticipat I. aj. anticipate. II. av. in avance.anticipativ aj. anticipator*.anticipa0ie sf. anticipation.anticolonialist aj. anticolonial(ist).antiemocratic aj. antiemocratic.antiinastic aj. antimonarchic.antiot sn. antiote.antifascist sm.& aj. antifascist.antiimperialist aj. antiimperialist.antilop" sf. 1. antelope. 2. pieie! s#ammy.antimonar#ic adj. antimonarc#ic.antimuncitoresc adj. anti$la%our.antinaţional adj. antinational.antinevralgic &. sn. #ead pill. &&. adj. antineuralgic.

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antipartinic aj. antiPart*.antipatic aj. ". unprepossessin& repunant. #. (ursu/) illnature. II a0i fi ~ cineva to islike

sm.antipatie sf. islike; aversion.antipati/at aj. unpopular.

antipo sm. antipoe.antiră/oinic aj. antiar.antisclavaist aj. antislaver*.antisemit I. sm. Ceaiter. II. aj. antiAemitic.antisemitism sn. antiAemitism.antiseptic sn.& aj. antiseptic.antistatal aj. antiAtate.antitanc aj. antitank.antite/ă sf. antithesis.antoloic aj. orth* of an antholo*.antoloie sf. antholo*.antonim sn. anton*m.antracit sn. anthracite.antract sn. interval.antren sn. pep& o& liveliness.antrena I. vt. ". to rall*. #. to stimulate. $. sport to coach. -. tehn. to rive. II. vr. ". to arm

(oneself) up (to the jo). #. sport to train.antrenament sn. trainin& practice.antrenant aj. entertainin.antrenor sm. trainer& coach.antrepo/it sn. arehouse.antreprenor sm. (uiler an) contractor. II ~ e pompe funere unertaker.antrepri/ă sf. enterprise.antreu sn. (entrance) hall& vestiule.antricot sn. ri roast.antropofa sm. maneater.antropoloic sf. anthropolo*.antropomorf aj. anthropomorphic.anturaj sn. compan*.anual adj., adv. yearly. anuar sn. *ear ook.anula vt. ". to cancel; to revoke. #. jur. to repeal& to overrule.anulare sf. cancellation.anume I. aj. ". special. #. certain. II. av. elieratel*; speciall*. II 1i ~ that is; namel*.anumit aj certain.anun0 sn. ". announcement& notice. #. (reclamă) avertisement.anun0a I. vt. ". to announce; to notif*. #. (a prevesti) to forecast. II a ~ pe cineva că to inform

sm. of (smth.). II. vr. to announce oneself; to promise.anus sn. anus.anvelopă sf. auto. t*re.anverură sf. ". av. span. #. fi. proportions& scope. II e mare ~ fullsi/e; farreachin.anxietate sf. anxiet*.

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anxios aj. anuishe.aoleu interj. ah! & oh (m*)!& ooness (racious)!aortă sf. aorta.apanaj sn. privilee.aparat sn. ". apparatus& machine. #. (ispo/itiv) evice. $. pol. machine(r*). -. (avion)

(air)plane. II ~ e filmat cinecamera; ~ e fotorafiat camera; ~ e raio raio(set); ~ e rassafet* ra/or; la ~ e eore this is eore speakin; ~ e u/ casnic laoursavin evice.aparataj sn.& aparatură sf. apparatus.aparent I. aj. ". apparent; manifest. #. (ireal) seemin. II. av. apparentl*& seeminl*.aparen0ă sf. appearance. II upă toate aparen0ele as it seems& in all likelihoo; +n ~ apparentl*&

seeminl*.apari0ie sf. ". appearance& pulication. #. (fantomă) apparition.apartament sn. flat.aparte I. aj. particular; uni'ue. II ceva ~ a case apart. II. av. ". apart. #. teatru asie.apartenen0ă sf. ". affiliation; alleiance. #. memership. $. (proprietate) onership.aparteu sn. asie.aparthei sn. aparthei; colour ar.apar0ine vi.2 a ~ (cu at.) to elon to.apa1 sm. ruffian.apatic I. aj. apathetic; inifferent& listless. II. av. passivel*.apatie sf. apath*& listlessness.apatri sm. stateless sau homeless person.apă sf. ". ater. #. (la pietrele pre0ioase) lustre. $. (curs e ~) atercourse. II ~ ulce sau e ăut

fresh sau rinkin ater; ~ e colonie (eaue) Eolone; ~ e ură mouthash; ~ a/oasăsoa ater; ~ minerală tale aters; ~ oxienată peroxie; ~ tare a'ua fortis; ca apa& ca pe ~lil*; fluentl*; pe ~ * ater& * sea; tot o ~ all in a seat; (la fel) much of a muchness.

apăra I. vt. ". to efen. #. (a ocroti) to protect. $. (a sus0ine) to maintain& to champion. II. vr. toefen oneself.

apărare sf. ". efence. #. (ocrotire) protection. II fără ~ efenceless; +n sau pentru ~a (păcii etc.) inefence of (peace& etc.); leitimă ~ (leitimate) self efence.

apărătoare sf. (mu)uar.apărător sm. ". efener. #. jur. counsel (for the efence).apărea vi. ". to appear; to come out. #. (a se ivi) to arise& to have in siht. $. (a veni) to turn sau

sho up. -. (a părea) to seem&apărie sf. pule; floo.apăsa I. vt. ". to press; to push. #. (reu) to eih on. $. (a stoarce) to s'uee/e. -. (a accentua) to

la* stress on. 4. fi. to opress. II. vi. to eih; to lie heav*. II a ~ pe to press; fi. to stress.apăsare sf. ". pressin& eiht. #. fi. pressure. $. (+mpilare& chin) oppression.apăsat I. aj. ". (com)presse. #. fi. forceful& emphatic. II. av. ". thickl*. #. fi. emphaticall*.apăsător aj. ". oppressive& heav*. #. (cople1itor) overhelmin. $. (chinuitor) tormentin.apeuct sn. a'ueuct.apel sn. ". appeal. #. mil.& 1col. roll call. $. tel. call. II fără rept e ~ irrevocale; a face ~ul to

call the roll.apela vi.2 a ~ la to appeal to; to call on& to resort to.apenice sn. ". appenix. #. fi. ta& ta.apenicită sf. appenicitis.aperitiv sn. appeti/er.

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apetisant aj. appeti/in.apicol aj. ee(keepin).apicultor sm. eekeeper& apiarist.apicultură sf. eekeepin.aplana I. vt. to appease. II a ~ un conflict to clarif* a ispute. II. vr. to 'uiet.

aplanare sf. settlin.aplati/a vt. ". to flatten. #. fi. 1i to lunt& to rener ull.aplaua vt.& vi. to applau& to cheer.aplau/e sf. pl. applause& cheers.apleca I. vt. ". to en; to tilt. #. (a pleca) to loer. II a ~ alan0a to tip the scales. II. vr. to

 en; to lean& to stoop; (ca salut) to o. II a i se ~ to feel sick.aplecare sf. ". enin& lean(in). #. 1i fi. inclination.aplica I. vt. ". to appl*; to use. #. jur. to enforce. $. (a executa) to carr* out. II. vr. ". to e

applie. (cuiva) to appl* sau refer to sm.aplicail aj. applicale& feasile.aplicare sf. application.aplicat aj. ". applie. #. text. appli'ue.aplicativ aj. applie& applicative.aplica0ie sf. ". application& use. #. (+nclina0ie) propensit*; ent.aplică sf. racket.aplom sn. selfassurance.apocalips sn. apocal*pse.apocaliptic aj. apocal*ptical.apocrif aj. apocr*phal.apoeu sn. ". apoee. #. fi. acme.apoi av. ". then& afterars. #. (+n plus) moreover& esies. II ~ e! *ou see8!apolitic I. sm. nonpolitician. II. aj. apolitical.apolitism sn. inifferentism.apoloet sm. extoller& iolater.apoloetic aj. euloistic.apoloie sf. eulo*& extollin.apoplexie sf. (fit of) apoplex*& stroke.aport sn. contriution& share.apos aj. ater*.apostat sm. reneae.apostilă sf. ". sinature. #. recommenation.apostol sm. ". apostle. #. 1i pl. 7cts (of the 7postles).apostolat sn. missionarism.apostrof sn. apostrophe.apostrofa vt. to apostrophi/e.apostrofă sf. apostrophe.apoteo/ă sf. apotheosis& coronation.aprecia vt. ". to estimate& to consier; to jue. #. (favorail) to appreciate& to value. $. (a

măsura) to measure& to assess.apreciail I. aj. consierale. II. av. palpal*& visil*.apreciat aj. ". praise. #. successful.apreciativ aj. favourale.

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apreciere sf. ". estimate& assessment. #. remark& opinion. $. (favorailă) appreciation.aprehensiune sf. apprehension.apret sn. ressin.apreta vt. to starch.apretare sf. ressin.

apri I. aj. ". arent& fier*. #. (+n3rjit) itter& rim. $. (aspru) harsh& har(hearte). II. av. ". passionatel*. #. (cu +n3rjire) itterl*& riml*. $. (aspru) harshl*; har.april(ie) sn. 7pril.aprine I. vt. ". to liht& to kinle. (lampa etc.) to put on; to sitch on. $. (un chirit) to strike. -.

fi. to arouse. II. vr. to catch fire. II a se ~ la fa0ă to reen& to lush.aprinere sf. ". kinlin; firin. #. fi. passion& excitement. II ~ e plăm3ni pneumonia; cu ~

 passionatel*.aprins I. aj. ". aliht; urnin. #. (strălucitor) fier*& riht. $. fi. passionate& hot; violent;

vehement. II ~ la fa0ă re in the face. av. heatel*& passionatel*.  proape I. sm. neihour. II. av. ". near& near*& close *. #. (cur3n) shortl*. $. (circa) nearl*&

almost. II ~ e near (to)& close on; ~ să... aout to... (cu inf.)& almost (cu in) (+n)e~closel*; pe ~ close *& hereaouts; ~ acela1i lucru practicall* sau much the same thin.

aproa I. vt. ". to approve (of)& to sanction. #. (cu entu/iasm) to elcome. II. vi. ". to approve&to consent. #. (in cap) to no (assent). III. vr. to e carrie.

aproare sf. approval& approation.apro%ativ, apro%ator &. adj. approving. &&. adv. approvingly.apro sm. ". usher. #. jur. ailiff.aprofuna vt. to stu* sau consier thorouhl*.aprofunare sf. profoun sau thorouhoin stu*.aprofunat I. aj. thorouh(oin). av. thorouhl*.apropia I. vt. ". to rin sau ra near(er). #. fi. to rin toether. II a1i ~ pe cineva to ainsm’s affection. II. vr. to approach; to come sau ra near(er). II a se ~ e fi. to make friensith; a se ~ e sf3r1it to ra to a close.apropiat aj. ". near& close. #. fi. intimate. $. (viitor) forthcomin.apropiere sf. ". (vecinătate) vicinit*& proximit*. #. (venire) approach(in). $. fi. rapprochement.

-. (intimate) intimac*. II +n sau prin ~ close *; (pe aici) hereaouts.apropo I. sn. hint& innueno. II. av. * the a*. II ~ e... in connection ith... III. interj.

inciental*& * the a*.apropria vt.2 a1i ~ to appropriate.aprovi/iona I. vt. to suppl* (to). II a ~ cu to provie ith. II. vr. to make sau u* one’s stock.aprovi/ionare sf. provisionin& supplies. II ~ cu apă ater suppl*.aproxima vt. to approximate.aproximativ I. aj. approximate& rouh. II. av. approximatel*& rouhl* (speakin).aproxima0ie sf. approximation. II cu ~ approximatel*.apt aj. ". ale& capale. #. mil. aleoie&aptituine sf. ailit*; ent.apuca I. vt. ". to catch& to rip. #. (a lua) to sei/e; to et& to take (hol of); to secure. $. (a

surprine) to overtake; to fall upon. -. (a ăsi) to fin. 4. (+n timp) to have knon& to live tosee. I I a ~ (pe cineva) e to sei/e (sm.) *; a ~ să to ein to; to (arel*) manae to; a nu ~să not to have the time to; a ~ timpurile c3n to have seen the a* sau times hen; nam ~tfilmele mute silent films ere (much sau ell) efore m* time; a fi ~t e to e sei/e ithsau *; ce te apucă8; ce tea ~t8 hat,s come over *ou8 hat (evil) possesses *ou8 al ~

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ame0eala to feel i*. II. vi. to start; to o. II a ~ spre to make for. III. vr.2 a se ~ e to setaout.

apucat I. sm. (mono)maniac. II ca un ~ like one possesse. II. sn. snatch(in). II pe ~e atranom& * fits an starts. III. aj. ". sei/e. #. (neun) ma& possesse.

apucătură sf. ". rasp. #. (oicei) hait; pl. manners.

apune vi. ". to set. #. fi. to ecline.apus I. sn. ". est. #. (asfin0it) sunset. $. fi. eath. -. (ecăere) ecline. II. aj. ea; fae.apusean &. sm. 'esterner!. &&. adj. 'estern!.ar sm. are.ara vt.& vi. to plouh.ara I. sm. 7ra(ian). II. aj. ". 7ra(ian). #. linv. 7raic.araă sf. ". 7ra(ian oman). #. (lima) 7raic.araesc sn. araes'ue.arail aj. arale.arac sm. vine prop.araa/ sn. ". lauas. #. (plită) as stove& cooker.araonit sn. araonite.arahiă sf. roun nut.aramă sf. copper& rass.aranja I. vt. ". to (ar)rane. #. (a orona) to ti* (up). $. (a ăti) to trim (up). -. (a staili) to

orani/e& to plan. 4. (a re/olva) to settle. II a ~ pe cineva fi. to cook sm.,s oose. II. vt. ".to e arrane. #. (a se re/olva) to e set to rihts. $. (a se staili)to settle (on). -. (a seăti) to et up& to ress up.

aranjament sn. ". arranement. #. (orine 1i) orer. $. (+n0eleere) settlement. -. mu/. 1iorchestration.

aranjare sf. 1. arrangement. 2. tidying up!.arar(eori) av. selom.arat sn. plouhin.arăesc aj. 7raian.arămar sm. coppersmith.arămi vt. to copper.arămiu aj. copper(coloure).arăta I. vt. ". to sho& to inicate. (a ovei) to prove& to evince& to manifest. $. (a etala) to

ispla*& to exhiit. -. (a marca) to mark& to rea. 4. (a e/vălui) to reveal& to etra*. 6. (aselecta) to point out& to point to. II a1i ~ col0ii to snarl. II. vi. ". to point. #. (a părea) tolook& to seem. II a~ prost to look see*. vr. ". to appear; to put in an appearance. #. (a seivi) to come in siht. $. (a se ovei) to prove.

arătare sf. ". shoin. #. (nălucă) apparition.arătător sn. forefiner.arătos aj. oolookin.arătură sf. ". plouhin. #. (oor) plouhlan.araletă sf. crosso.aritra vt.& vi. ". to aritrate. #. sport to umpire& to referee.aritraj sn. aritration.aritrar I. aj. aritrar*. II. av. aritraril*.aritru sm. ". aritrator. #. sport umpire; (e tu1ă) linesman; (la ox) ref(eree). II ~ul elean0ei

ariter eleantiae; lier ~ free ill.

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arora vt. ". to hoist. #. fi. to put on.arore sm. ". tree. #. tehn. shaft.arust sm. ush& shru.arc sn. ". o. #. (oltă) arch& vault. $. (resort) sprin. -. el.& eom. arc. II ~ e triumf triumphal


arcaă sf. ". archa*. #. anat. arch.arcan sn. lasso.arca1 sm. archer.arcă sf. ark.arctic aj. arctic.arcui vt. to en; to arch.arcuire sf. archin.arcu1 sn. o; filestick.are I. vt. ". to urn; to (set on) fire. (a istrue) to urn (on). (a frie) to scorch& to scal.

fi. (a roae) to na at& to consume. 4. (a +moli) to fire& to ure. 6. tehn. to comust. J.fam. (a face) to make& to set. K. (a peepsi) to punish. L. (a păcăli) to cheat& to ile. II ai ~cuiva o pereche e palme to ox sm.’s ears. II. vi. ". to urn; (mocnit) to smouler. #. (.casă 1i fi.) to e on fire. $. (a lumina) to liht. -. (a frie) to scorch; to e hot. 4. (a aveatemperatură) to e feverish. II a ~ e (nerăare etc.) to ie sau urn ith (esire& etc.); numi~ e lumă I’m in no moo for jokes; +0i ~ e fleacuri *our min is set on trifles. III. vr. ".to e sau et urnt. #. to e sunurnt. fi. to e a loser. II mam ars +nro/itor I as al*elue; să nu te ar/i! fi. min *ou are not out of pocket!

arei sm. ". (mil) pepper. #. (iute) hot pepper& chilli.areia vt. to (season ith) pepper.areiat aj. hihl* seasone& pepper*.arelean sm.& aj.& areleancă sf.arelenesc aj. %rans*lvanian.arere sf. ". urnin. #. tehn. comustion.are/ie sf. slate.aroare sf. arour; armth. II cu ~ /ealousl*& passionatel*.arenă sf. arena& fiel. II pe ~ in the arena.arena vt. to lease.arenare sf. lease.arena1 sm. ". lan aent. #. (ijma1) tenant.arenă sf. ". rent. #. jur. lease (hol).arest sn. ". (eten0ie) custo*. #. (+nchisoare) prison. II +n (stare e) ~ uner arrest.aresta vt. to arrest.arestare sf. arrest; capture.arestat sm. prisoner.arat sm. ". (farm) han. #. (sluă) servant.arăsi vt. to tan.arilă sf. cla*.arilos aj. cla*e*.arint I. sm. ". (silver) coin& piece of silver. #. fi. lucre. II. sn. silver. II ~ viu 'uick silver.arinta vt. to silver.arintar sm. silversmith.arintărie sf. ". silver are. #. (tac3muri) silver plate.

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arintiu aj. silver(*).arou sn. ". slan. #. (interlop) cant.arument sn. reason& arument.arumenta vt. to motivate.arumentare sf. reasonin.

arhaic aj. ". archaic. # (emoat) osolete.arhaism sn. archaism.arhanhel sm. archanel.arheolo sm. archaeoloist.arheoloic aj. archaeoloical.arheoloie sf. archaeolo*.arhicunoscut aj. famous.arhiuce sm. archuke.arhiucesă sf. archuchess.arhiepiscop sm. archishop.arhiereu sm. ishop.arhipela sn. archipelao.arhiplin aj. ". full (to capacit*). #. (alomerat) chockfull.ar#itect sm. arc#itect.ar#itectonic, ar#itectural adj. arc#itectural.arhitectură sf. architecture.arhivar sm. tonclerk& archivist.arhivă sf. archive(s).arhivistic aj. archive...arian sm.& aj. entile.arici sm. heeho.ari aj. ". ari. #. unprouctive.ariitate sf. r*ness.arie sf. ". area& extent. #. (e treierat) threshin floor. $. mu/. aria.arierat &. sm. moron. &&. adj. %ack'ard.arierară sf. rearuar.arin sm. aler(tree).aripă sf. ". in. #. iht. fin. $. (e icicletă) splashoar. -. auto. muuar.aripioară sf. ". little in. #. iht. fin.aristocrat sm. aristocrat.aristocratic aj. aristocratic.aristocra0ie sf. ". aristocrac*. #. (oliarhie) the upper ten (thousan).aritmetic aj. arithmetical.aritmetică sf. arithmetic.arivism sn. selfseekin.arivist sm. pusher& careerist.arlechin sm. harle'uin.arma vt. ". mil. to cock. #. min. to prime. $. constr. to reinforce. -. mar. to fit out.armament sn. armament.armat adj. 1. armed. 2. mil. cocked. 3. constr. reinforced.armată sf. ". arm*& forces. #. fi. leion& host. II ~ reulată stanin arm*.armator sm. shiponer.

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armă sf. ". eapon (1i fi.); pl. 1i arms. #. (pu1că) rifle& un. $. (specialitate militară) ranch. IIarme e exterminare +n masă mass estruction eapons; arme e foc fire arms; arme rachetărocketr*.

armăsar sm. ". stallion. #. (pt. paraă) stee.armean sm., adj., armean" sf., adj., armeanc" sf., armenesc adj. Armenian.

armistiţiu sn. 1. armistice. 2. (i fig.! truce.armonic adj. 1. #armonious. 2. muz. #armonic.armonică sf. ". accorion& concertina. #. (mu/icu0ă) mouth oran.armonie sf. harmon*& concor.armonios I. aj. harmonious. II. av. harmoniousl*.armoni/a vt.& vr. to harmoni/e.armură sf. armour.armurier sm. armourer.arnăut sm. ". 7lanian. #. ist. mercenar*.aroa vt.2 a1i ~ to assume (aritraril*).aroant aj. ". arroant& omineerin. #. (ispre0uitor) supercilious& overearin.aroan0ă sf. arroance& hauhtiness.aromat aj. flavoure.aromatic aj. aromatic.aromă sf. aroma& flavour.arom3n sm.& aj. 9aceoMomanian.arpaca1 sn. pearl arle*.arpaic sn. chive.arpeiu sn. arpeio.ars aj. ". urnt. #. (ofilit) ithere. (păcălit) cheate. II ~ e soare sunurnt.arsenal sn. arsenal.arsenic sn. arsenic.arsură sf. ". um. #. (la stomac) hearturn.ar1ic sn. knuckleone.ar1i0ă sf. ". scorchin heat; oa*s. #. (feră) fever.artă sf. ". art. #. (măiestrie) skill& craft(smanship)& masterliness. II ~ pentru ~ art for art’s sake;

~ scenică stae craft; arte frumoase fine arts.arteră sf. ". arter*. #. (rum) thorouhfare.arte/ian aj. artesian.articol sn. ". article. #. (element) item. $. pl. com. oos. II ~ e fon leain article& leaer; ~e

e lar consum consumer sau staple oos.articula I. vt. ". to articulate. #. ram. to use ith the article. II. vr. ram. to take the article.articulat aj. ". articulate. #. ram. use ith the article.articula0ie sf. joint.artificial I. aj. ". artificial. #. tehn. manmae. $. fi. recherche& sophisticate. -. (pretins)

sham. av. artificiall*.artificialitate sf. artificialit*.artificiu sn. ". artifice; makeshift. pl. fire orks.artilerie sf. artiller*.artilerist sm. unner.artist sm. ". artist. #. (interpret) artiste& performer. $. (ramatic) actor.artistic I. aj. art(istic). II. av. artisticall*.

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arti/anat sn. craftsmanship& hanicraft.ar0a sn. cantankerousness& petulance.ar0ar sm. maple (tree).ar0ăos aj. illtempere& petulant.arunca I. vt. ". to thro& to cast. #. (un proiec0ii etc.) to hurl& to flin. (jos) to rop. II a ~ ancora

to cast anchor; a ~ in aer to lo up; a ~ o privire to lance. II. vi.2 a ~ cu ceva +n cineva tothro smth. at sm. III. vr. to thro oneself; (+n apă 1i fi.) to plune.aruncare sf. thro(in). II ~a iscului iscus throin; ~a reută0ii puttin the shot.aruncător sm.& sn. throer. II ~ e flăcări flame throer.aruncătură sf. thro. II intro ~ (e ochi) at a lance.arvună sf. earnest (mone*).arvuni vt. to pa* an instalment on.ar/ător I. sn. urner. II. aj. ". urnin. #. fi. 1i topical& urent. av. arentl*& intensel*.as sm. ace.asalt sn. ". attack. #. (la scrimă) out. II cu ~ * storm; e ~ storm(in); +n ~(uri) * fits an

starts.asalta vt. ". to storm. #. fi. to assail.asaltat aj. fi. eset.asana vt. ". to reclaim. #. fi. to improve& to eif*.asanare sf. ". reclamation. #. fi. eification.asasin sm. murerer& assassin.asasina vt. ". to murer. #. fi. to anno*& to other.asasinare sf.& asasinat sn. assassination.ascenent I. sm. ancestor. II. sn. influence (over sm.)& hol& pull. III. aj. upar.ascenen0ă sf. parentae& extraction.ascensiune sf. im(in); ascent. II +n ~ risin& promisin.ascensor sn. lift& elevator.ascet sm. austere person.ascetic aj. ascetic.ascetism sn. asceticism.asculta I. vt. ". to listen to; to hear. #. (a se supune) to oe*. $. (o ruăminte) to len an ear to. -.

1col. to examine. II al ~ lec0iile pe un copil to hear a chil his lessons. II. vi. to listen. II a ~e to oe*& to hee.

ascultare sf. ". listenin& hearin. #. (supunere) sumission.ascultător I. sm. listener. II. aj. sumissive.ascune I. vt. to hie& to conceal. II. vr. ". to hie (oneself). #. fi. to lie (ehin smth.).ascuns aj. ". secret& hien. #. (secretos) secretive. $. (nemărturisit) unspoken.ascun/ătoare sf. hiin place& cache.ascun/i1 sn. ". cache. #. fi. secret.ascu0i I. vt. ". to sharpen. #. (pe piatră) to het& to rin. $. (pe o pieie) to strop. -. fi. to

enhance; to intensif*. II. vr. ". to sharpen& to e sharpene. #. fi. to e enhance& tointensif*.

ascu0ime sf. sharpeness& keenness.ascu0ire sf. ". sharpenin& hettin. #. fi. 1i intensification.ascu0i1 sn. ee; point.ascu0it aj. ". sharp(ene). #. (conic) pointe& taperin. $. fi. keen& cute.ascu0itoare sf. (pencil) sharpener.

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aseară av. last niht& *estera* evenin.aseia vt. to esiee.aseiator I. sm. esieer. II. aj. esiein.aseiu sn. siee.asemăna I. vt. to compare& to liken. II. vr. to e alike. II a se ~ cu to resemle& to e sau to look

like.asemănare sf. ". resemlance& similitue. #. (asemuire) comparison. II fără ~ peerless.asemănător I. aj. alike& similar. II. av. likeise.asemenea& asemeni I. aj. ". such. (asemănător) alike. $. eom. conruent. II. av2. e ~ also&

too.asemui vt. v. asemăna I.asemuire sf. likenin.asentiment sn. assent& approval.aservi vt. to enthral& to suue.aservire sf. ". enslavement. #. (ac0iunea) sujuation.aservit aj. suservient& menial.asesor sm. assessor.asfalt sn. asphalt.asfaltat aj. asphalt(e).asfin0i vi. to set& to o on.asfin0it sn. ". sunset; amer. sunon. #. (crepuscul) tiliht.asfixia I. vt. to asph*xiate. II. vr. to choke.asfixiant aj. suffocatin.asiatic sm.& aj. 7sian& 7siatic.asiuitate sf. assiuousness.asiuu I. aj. assiuous. II. av. assiuousl*.asiura I. vt. ". to ensure; to provie (for). #. (prin vore) to assure. $. (pe via0ă etc.) to insure. -.

(a procura) to secure. II. vr. ". to ascertain& to make sure. #. (contra inceniului etc.) to openan insurance.

asiurare sf. ". ensurance. #. (arantare) safeuar& uarantee. $. (+n vore) assurance. -. (poli0ă)insurance.

asimetric aj. lopsie.asimetrie sf. as*mmetr*&asimila I. vt.& vi. to assimilate. II. vr. to e assimilate.asimilare& asimila0ie sf. ".assimilation. #. fi. uptake.asin sm. asine.asirian sm.& aj. 7ss*rian.asista I. vt. to help& to assist. II. vi2 a ~ la to atten& to e present at; to atch.asistent sm.& aj. assistant.asisten0ă sf. ". (ajutor) assistance. (spectatori) auience& spectators; the people present.asmu0i vt2 a ~ +mpotriva to ure sau set on (sm.).asmu0ire sf. settin& incitation.asocia I. vt. to associate. II. vr. ". to associate& to unite. #. com. to enter into partnership. II a se

~ la to join (in).asocial aj. antisocial& asocial.asociat sm. associate& partner.

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asocia0ie sf. ". association; societ*. #. com. partnership.asociere sf. association& joinin. asolament sn. crop rotation.asorta I. vt. to assort& to match. II. vr. to match& to fit toether.asortat aj. ". ine ~ ellmatche; com. ell provie sau stocke.asortiment sn. assortment& variet*.

aspect sn. ". appearance. #. (1i privin0ă) aspect. II su toate ~ele in all respects.aspectuos aj. enain& prepossessin.asperitate sf. rouhness.aspic sn. aspic.aspira I. vt. ". to aspirate. #. (. oameni) to inhale; to reathe (in). II. vi2 a ~ la to aspire after sau

to.aspirant sm. mar. mishipman.aspirare sf. inhalation; inspiration.aspirator sn. vacuum cleaner.aspira0ie sf. ". aspiration. #. (nă/uin0ă 1i) eneavour.aspirină sf. aspirin.aspri vt.& vr. ". to haren. #. fi. to orsen& to aravate.asprime sf. harshness& rouhness.aspru I. aj. ". rouh. #. fi. harsh. (tare) har. -. (col0uros) rue. 4. fi. 1i stern& rii& severe.

II. av. ". harshl*& rouhl*. #. fi. 1i sternl*& harshl*.asta I. aj. this; that. II. pron. this (one); that (one). II ~ eNthat’s it!; ~ ne mai lipsea! hoit*toit*!astălaltă I. aj. the other& the latter. II. pron. the other (one); the latter.astă/i av. ". toa*. #. (acum) no(aa*s)& at present.ast3mpăr sn. 'uiet(ness). II fără ~ restless(l*)& tirelessl*.ast3mpăra I. vt. ". to 'uiet. #. (setea) to 'uench. $. (foamea) to sta*. II. vr. to (ecome) 'uiet& to

calm on.astea I. aj. these. II. pron. ". these. #. such thins. II toate ~ all this; cu toate ~ nevertheless.astelalte I. aj. the other; the latter. II. pron. the other (ones); the latter (ones).astenia sf. asthenia.asterisc sn. asterisk.astfel av. thus. II ~ e such.astmă sf. asthma.astrolo sm. stara/er.astroloie sf. astrolo*.astronaut sm. spaceman& astronaut.astronom sm. astronomer.astronomic aj. astronomical.astronomie sf. astronom*.astru sm. star& planet.astupa I. vt. ". to stop (up)& to close (up). #. (cu un op) to plu& to cork (up). $. (a umple) to fill

(up). II. vr. ". to e stoppe (up). #. (cu m3l) to silt.astupare sf. stoppin (up); fillin (up).asua vi. ". to seat. #. fi. 1i to slave& to rue. $. (a se auri) to steam.asuat aj. all in a seat& hot.asuma vt. to assume; to shouler.asupra prep. aout& of& concernin& on. II ~ sa ith sau aout oneself.asupri vt. ". to oppress; to rin on. #. to t*ranni/e. $. to exploit.

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asuprire sf. ". oppression. #. exploitation.asupritor I. sm. ". oppressor& t*rant. #. exploiter. II. aj. oppressive& oppressin.asur/i I. vt. to eafen. II. vi. to ro eaf.asur/itor aj. eafenin.a1 I. v. aux. shoul; oul. II. interj. h*& no! not at all!

a1a I. aj. such. II ~ 1i ~ milin; ~ ceva somethin like that& such a thin; +n ~ fel +nc3t să soas to. II. av. so& thus& (just) like this. II ~ 8 reall*8; ~ e8 isn,t it8; ~ 1i ~ soso; not tooell; ~ că so that; so kin (as to); ~ st3n lucrurile uner the circumstances; ~/is socalle;oule; c3n ~& c3n ~ no one a*& no another; cum ~ ho so8 III. interj. there!;O!; that’s the ticket!

a1aar av. therefore& thus& so.a1chie sf. splinter& chip.a1e/a I. vt. ". to la*; to put& to set. (a aranja) to (ar)rane& to orer& to ti* (up). $. (a epo/ita) to

 pile& to stock. -. (pe cineva) to seat& to sit on. 4. fi. to settle. II. vr. ". to sit on& totake a seat. #. fi. to set in. $. fi. (. oameni) to settle (on). II a1a/ăte! please e seate!;sa ~t pe m3ncare 1i ăutură he fell to eatin an rinkin.

a1e/are sf. ". la*in& puttin& settin. #. (aranjare) arranement. $. (po/i0ie) situation& lie (ofaffairs). -. (omenească) settlement.

a1e/at I. aj. ". seate& sittin. #. fi. settle. $. (serios 1i) earnest& 'uiet. -. (aflător) situate&l*in. II. av. sensil*& 'uietl*.

a1e/ăm3nt sn. estalishment.a1ijerea av. likeise& ell.a1tepta I. vt. ". to ait for. #. (a se a1tepta la) to expect. $. (a păsui) to ive time to. II a1tept (cu

nerăare)& aia a1tept I am lookin forar to; era e ~t it as to e expecte. II. vi. toait& to e aitin. III. vr.2 a se ~ la to expect.

a1teptare sf. ". aitin& expectation. #. pl. prospects& hopes& II +n ~a cuiva aitin for.a1terne I. vt. to sprea& to la*. II a ~ (pe h3rtie) to rite. II. vr. ". to sprea. #. (. /ăpaă) to fall.

II a se ~ pe m3ncare etc. to set aout eatin& etc.a1ternut sn. clothes;atac sn. ". attack& onslauht. #. me. fit& stroke. II ~ anitesc holup.ataca I. vt. ". to attack; to assail. #. (a +ncepe) to ein& to tackle. II. vi. to (start an) attack.atare aj. such. II ca ~ (a1a cum e) as such; in so man* ors; (eci) therefore.ata1 sn. sie car.ata1a I. vt. to attach& to join. II. vr.2 a se ~ e to e(come) attache on& to ro fon of.ata1ament sn. attachment& fonness.ata1at sm. attache.atavic aj. atavistic.at3rna I. vt. to han (up). II. vi. ". to han (on). #. (a c3ntări) to eih. $. fi. to e orth. -.

(a epine) to epen (on).at3t I. aj. ". so much. #. (. timp) so lon. II. av. ". so much. #. (ca timp) so lon. II ~ că onl*

(that)...; ~ el c3t 1i Ion oth he an Cohn; ~ e ra so ear; ~ 0ia fost! here *ou o! cu ~ maimult (cu c3t) all the more so (as); cu ~ mai ine etc. (cu c3t) so much the etter& etc. (as);+ncă o ată pe ~ tice as much.

at3ta I. aj. ". so much. #. (ca timp) so lon. II ~ pauă oo riance (to a a arain); ~vreme c3t... so lon as...; pentru ~ lucru for such a trifle. II. pron. so much. II numai~ justthis& onl* that; ~ tot (1i laan po) that’s (aout) all. III. av. so much; (ca timp) so lon. II~ mai lipsea! inee!& hoit*toit*!

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at3tea I. aj. so man*. II. pron. so man* thins sau omen.at3tica I. aj. a it. II. av.2 o feti0ă oar ~ a chit of a irl.at30ia I. aj. so man*. II. pron. so man* (men sau people).ateism sn. atheism.atele sf. pl. splints.

atelier sn. ". (ork)shop. #. artă stuio.atemporal aj. timeless.atenanse sf. pl. outhouses.ateneu sn. athenaeum.atenian sm.& aj. 7thenian.atent I. aj. ". attentive& consierate& careful. #. (politicos) polite& courteous. II. av. attentivel*&

carefull*.atenta vi.2 a ~ la to violate; a ~ la via0a cuiva to make an attempt on sm.’s life.atentat sn. ". attempt (on sm.’s life). #. fi. violation& infrinement.atentator sm. (oule) assassin&aten0ie I. sf. ". attention& hee. #. (oserva0ie) not(ic)e. $. (rijă) care(fulness). -. (fa0ă e cineva)

kinness& respect. 4. (caou) present. 6. (la semafor) caution. II cu ~ carefull*; +n aten0ia (cuen.) avertisement to; plin e ~ kin; consierate. II. interj. min!; careful! ~ la tren! atchthe train!

atenua vt. ". to attenuate. #. (a mic1ora) to mitiate& to lessen. (a u1ura) to alleviate. atenuantaj.2 circumstan0e ~e extenuatin sau palliatin circumstances.

atenuare sf. ". attenuation& mitiation. #. (u1urare) alleviation.ateri/a vi. to lan.ateri/are sf. lanin. II ~ for0ată crash lanin.atesta vt. to certif*.ateu sm. atheist.atine I. vt. ". to touch (upon). #. (a ciocni) to knock (aainst). $. (a lovi) to strike. -. (a ajune

la) to reach. 4. (a afecta) to affect& to istur. 6 . (un 0el) to achieve; to attain. J. (a jini) tohurt& to oun. K. (a interesa) to concern. II. vr. to e in touch sau contact. II a se ~ e totouch; fi. to attack.

atinere sf. " . touch(in)& contact. (reali/are) attainment. $. (jinire) hurt& sliht. -. (+ncălcare)encroachment.

atins aj. ". touche. #. fi. oune& hurt. $. (reali/at) attaine& reache. II ~ la plăm3niconsumptive.

atituine sf. ". attitue. #. fi. 1i stan.atlas sn. atlas.atla/ sn. satin.atlet sm.& atletă sf. athlete.atletic aj. athletic.atletică sf. athletics. II ~ u1oară track an fiel athletics sau events.atletism sn. athletics.atmosferă sf. atmosphere& air.atol sn. atoll.atom sm. atom. II ~ marcat laelle atom.atomic aj. atomic& atom...atomist I. sm. ". nuclear& expert. filo/. atomist. II. aj. atomist.atonal aj. atonal.

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atonalist sm.& aj. atonalist.atotcuprin/ător aj. allemracin.atotputernic aj. almiht*& allpoerful.atotputernicie sf. almihtiness& omnipotence.7totputernicul sm. the 7lmiht*.

atot1tiin0ă sf. omniscience.atot1tiutor aj. omniscient.atractiv aj. ". attractive. # . allurin.atractivitate sf. attractiveness& appeal.atrac0ie sf. ". attraction. #. fi. 1i appeal. $. pl. amusements. II ~ universală ravitation; for0ă e

~ appeal& attractiveness; lipsit e ~ unprepossessin.atrac0ios aj. au*& specious.atrae vt. ". to attract& to ra. #. (a ispiti) to (al)lure; to seuce. (upă sine) to rin aout& to

involve. -. (a c31tia) to in& to earn. II a ~ aten0ia cuiva (asupra unui lucru) to call sm.’sattention (to smth.); a1i ~ ura etc. cuiva to arouse sm.’s hatre& etc. (for oneself)& to incurthe hatre& etc. of sm.

atraere sf. ". rain& attraction. (ispitire) lurin& temptation.atrăător I. aj. attractive. #. (frumos) insome; nice& prett*. (ispititor) allurin. II. av.

attractivel*& invitinl*.atriui I. vt. to attriute& to ascrie. #. (a reparti/a) to istriute& to assin. $. (a aloca) to allot.

-. (un premiu) to esto (on sm.) a ~ cuiva meritele pentru ceva to creit sm. ith smth.; a~ cuiva o vină to pin the uilt on sm. II. vr. to e istriute sau attriute sau asine.

atriuire sf. assinment.atriut sn. ". attriute. #. pl. (+nsemne) insinia.atriu0ie sf. ". ut*& task& function. #. (putere) preroative& competence.atroce aj. atrocious& savae.atrocitate sf. atrocit*.atu sn. trump (car).atunci av. then. II ~ c3n hen(ever); chiar ~ just then; e ~ since (then); pe ~ at the time;

 p3nă ~ till then; tot ~ concomitantl*.a0ă sf. threa.a030a vt. ". to fan& to stir; to kinle. #. fi. 1i to rouse& to set.a030are sf. ". stirrin. #. fi. 1i incitement.a030ător I. sm. instiator. II ~ la ră/oi armoner. II. aj. ". rousin. #. instiator*.a0ine I. vt.2 a ~ calea cuiva to a*la* sm. II. vr. to lie in ait.a0inti vt. ". (ochii) to fix& to rivet. #. (a concentra) to focus. $. (a ochi) to aim (a un& etc.). II a1i

~ privirile asupra cuiva to stare (fixel*) at sm.a0intit aj. ". fixe& focusse. #. (concentrat) intent.a0ipi vt. to slumer sau o/e off; to et a nap.au interj. ouch! ah!auia vt. ". to hear& to ive a hearin to. #. (cursuri etc.) to atten. $. jur. to examine.auien0ă sf. auience.auiere sf. ". hearin. #. jur. 1i examination.auiovi/ual aj. auiovisual.auitor sm. listener.auitoriu sn. ". auience& pulic. #. (sală) auitorium.aui0ie sf. hearin& auition.

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auur sn. auur*. II e un ~ favourale& auspicious; e rău ~ portentous& ominous.<uust" sm. 7uust.auQst# aj. auust& statel*.aulă sf. lecture room sau hall.aur sn. ". ol. #. (ani) mone*. $. fi. 9ammon. II e ~ ol(en).

aureociclin" sf., aureomicin" sf. aureomycin.aureolă sf. halo.auri vt. to il.aurire sf. ilin.aurit aj. ilt& ile.auriu aj. olen.auroră sf. an; a*reak. II 7urora oreală the northern lihts.auspicii sn. pl. auspices.auster aj. ". austere& temperate. #. (sever) severe& stern.austeritate sf. austerity.austral adj. sout#ern.

australian sm., adj. australian" sf., adj. Australian.austriac sm., adj. austriac" sf. adj. Austrian.austru sn. r* south in&aut sn.& av. out.autarhie sf. autarch*.autentic aj. enuine& authentic.autenticitate sf. authenticit*& truthfulness.autentifica vt. to authenticate& to certif*.auto aj. ". motor... #. self...autoamira0ie sf. selfamiration.autoamăi vt. to elue oneself.autoanali/ă sf. selfexamination.autoapărare sf. selfefence.autoioraficaj. autoioraphical.autoiorafie sf. autoioraph*.autou/ sn. (motor)us.autocamion sn. (motor)lorr*.autocamionetă sf. pickup (truck).autocar sn. (motor) coach& tourin sau sihtseein car.autocisternă sf. tank aon.autoclavă sf. sterili/er.autoconservare sf. selfpreservation& selfmaintenance.autocrat sm. t*rant& autocrat.autocratic aj. autocratic.autocra0ie sf. t*rann*& autocrac*.autocritic I. aj. selfcritical. II. av. selfcriticall*.autocritică sf. selfcriticism. II a1i face autocritica to pass criticism upon oneself.autoefinire sf. selfefinin.autoemasca vr. to cast off one,s mask.autoemascare sf. selfexposure.autoeservire sf. v. autoservire.

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autoeterminare sf. selfetermination& selfovernment.autoe/vălui vt. to reveal oneself.autoiact sm. selfeucate man.autoistruere sf. selfestruction.autouă sf. commercial van.

autoflaelare sf. selfchastisin; selfriicule.autofuronetă sf. pick up truck& liht(motor) van.autoara sf. motor coach station.autoir sn. auto*ro.autoraf sn.& aj. autoraph.autouvernare sf. selfaministration& selfovernment.autointitula vr. to call sau st*le oneself.autolini(tire sf. complacency; indulgence in illusions.automat I. sn. ". automaton& machine. #. (pt. ulciuri etc.) slot machine. $. mil. %omm* un&

automatic. II. aj. automatic.automatism sn. automatism.automati/a vt.& vr. autom(at)i/e.automăturătoare sf. scavenin machine.automoil I. sn. (motor) car. II. aj. selfpropelle.automoilism sn. motorin.automoilist sm. motorist.automoilist ic aj. motor.automotor sn. motorailer.automul0umire sf. selfcomplacenc*.automutilat aj. selfmaime.autonom aj. autonomous& inepenent.autonomie sf. autonom*& inepenence.autopersiflare sf. selfriicule.autoportret sn. portrait of the artist& selfportrait.autopsie sf. postmortem (examination).autor sm. ". author. #. (scriitor 1i) riter. $. (al unei crime) perpetrator.autorapi sn. iesel train.autoreali/are sf. selfachievement.autoritar aj authoritative.autoritate sf. ". authorit*. #. pl. 1i the la.autori/a vt. to authori/e& to permit; to licence.autori/a0ie sf. permit& licence.autoservire sf. selfservice. II cu ~ selfservice...autostraă sf. auto roa.autostropitoare sf. motor flusher.autosuestie sf. selfsuestion.autoturism sn. (motor) car.autovehicul sn. motor vehicle&auxiliar sn.& aj. auxiliar*.au/ sn. hearin. II la ~ul acestei ve1ti (on) hearin the nes.au/i I. vt. ". to hear. #. (a afla 1i) to learn& to have. II am ~t că a plecat I hear sau ather that he is

not in ton; a ~t vestea chiar e la el she ha it from his on mouth; au/i voră! reall*!;

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aviatic aj. air(craft)...aviator sm. pilot& airman.avia0ie sf. aviation& aircraft. II ~ civilă air lines; ~ militară air force; ~ sanitară amulance

aircraft.avicultură sf. poultr* reein.

avi I. aj. ". ree*& raspin. #. (curios) eaer. II. av. reeil*& eaerl*.aviitate sf. ". aviit*. #. (curio /itate) eaerness.avion sn. (air)plane& aircraft. II ~ cu reac0ie jet plane; ~ e omarament omer; ~ e pasaeri

 passener plane& liner; ~ e recunoa1tere reconnaissance plane; ~ e v3nătoare fihter(plane).

avionetă sf. liht aircraft. II ~ sanitară amulance plane.avi/ sn. ". notice& notification. #. (părere) avice& approval; (tehnic etc.) recommenation.avi/a I. vt. ". to inform; to let kno. #. (a averti/a) to arn; to ive notice to. $. (a referi asupra)

to enorse& to approve. II. vi. to avise& to ecie.avi/are sf. ". notice. #. (referat) enorsement& sanction.avi/ier sn. notice sau clip oar.avocat sm. ". (pleant) arrister. #.(jurisconsult).solicitor& la*er. $. (al statului) attorne*. fi.

champion& efener. II ~ul apărării counsel for the efence.avocatură sf. the ar.avocă0esc aj. arrister’s& la*er’s.avort sn. ". (spontan) miscarriae. #. (chirurical) aortion.avorton sm. aortion& moron.avut I. sn. ealth& riches; propert*. II. aj. ealth*& elloff.avu0ie sf. riches.ax sn. axle.axa vt.& vr. to centre.axă sf. ". axis. #. tehn. axle.axiomă sf. axiom.a/est sn. asestos.a/i sn.& av. toa*. II ~ m3ine one of these a*s; e ~ +nainte in the future& from no on; e ~

+ntro lună toa* month; e ~ pe m3ine from han to mouth.a/il sn. as*lum& home. II ~ e noapte oss house.a/imă sf. unleavene rea.a/ot sn. nitroen.a/otic aj. nitric.a/ur sn. a/ure.a/uriu aj. a/ure (lue).a/v3rli I. vt. to flin& to thro. II. vi.2 a ~ cu ceva +n cineva to thro smth. at sm.a/v3rlitură sf. thro. II la o ~ e ă0 at a stone’s thro.

) ăi I. art. the. II. pron. those (ones).ăia I. aj. those. II. pron. those (ones).ăilal0i I. aj. the other. II. pron. the others& the other ones.ăl I. art. the. II. aj. that. III. pron. that (one).ăla I. aj. that. II. pron. that (one).ălălalt I. aj. the other. II. pron. the other (one).

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ăsta I. aj. this. II. this (one).ăstălalt I. aj. the other; the latter. II. pron. the other (one); the latter (one).ă1tia I. aj. these. II. pron. these (ones).ă1tilal0i I. aj. the other; the latter. II. pron. the others& the other ones; the latter (ones).

*  a av. (oh) no. II ~ aici& ~ acolo no here& no there; ~ a1a& ~ a1a no this a*& no that; ~ ine că nu! oh *es& to e sure!; oh *es& ith a veneance!; ~ chiar even& moreover; ~ a! oh*es! h* *es! ~ nu! oh no!; not at all!; ~ (cu) una& ~ (cu) alta hat ith one thin ananother.

 aal3c sm. ol fo(e)*& affer. aă sf. ". ol oman& ha. # . (rea) harrian& crone. $. (so0ie) missus& ol la*. II ?aa Fochia

9other Eare* (pluckin her eese); ea aa oara linman’s uff. ailonie sf. ?ael& hullaaloo. ai0ă sf. pelican. aor sn. laroar& port. ac sn. ferr*. acalaureat I. sm. school rauate. II. sn. schoolleavin examination. acantă sf. acchante. achelită sf. akelite. aci sm. (hea) shepher. acil sm. acillus. aclava sf. nut an s*rup pastr*. ac1i1 sn. tip. acterici I. sn. actericie. II. aj. actericial. acterie sf. acterium. acterioloic aj. acterioloical& erm. acterioloie sf. acteriolo*. aa sf. tortoise shell. aaj sn. luae. aatelă sf. ". trifle. #. mu/. aatelle. aateli/a vt. to minimi/e. ahetă sf. ". an& ro. #. mu/. aton. I! ~ maică maic an. aiaeră sf. a*aere. aie sf. ". ath. # . (cameră) athroom. $. (caă) (ath) tu. -. (scălat) ip& sim. 4. pl. spa&

aterin place. 6. fi. holia*s. II ~ e auri steam ath; ~ e 1e/ut hip ath; ~ e soare sun ath; ~ turcească %urkish ath.

 aieră sf. strin& strap. II ăierile punii purse strins; in (toate) ăierile inimii from one’s heartstrins; at the top of one,s voice. aionetă sf. a*onet. airam sn. ". feast& an'uet. #. rel. ?airam. ai0 sn. caustic& stain. al sn. all& part*. II ~ costumat fanc*ress all; ~ mascat maske all; e ~ all...; reina ~ului

the reine of the all; acăi ~& ~ să fie let’s o the hole ho. alaă sf. alla.

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 alalaică sf. alalaika. alama sf. ". hine& hasp. # . (+minare) joint. alamuc sn. ". mahouse& oo* hatch. # . fi. confusion& jumel. alans sn. ". alancin& rockin. #. (echiliru) poise. alansa I. vt. ". to rock& to sin. #. (a 0ine +n echiliru) to poise& to

 alance. II. vr. to rock& to sin. alansare sf. ". rockin& sinin. #. (0inere +n echiliru) poisin. alansoar sn. rockin chair. alan0ă sf. ". alance. # . (c3ntar 1i) scales. II ~ romană steel *ar; a apleca sau +nclina alan0a to

tip the scales. alast sn. ". allast. #. fi. lumer. alaur sm. raon. alcanic aj. ?alkan. alcon sn. alcon*. II ~ul +nt3i the ress circle; ~ul oi the upper circle. ale sf. pl. sloer. aleă sf. v. aliă. alenă sf. ". hale. #. (e uler etc.) haleone. alercă sf. ke. alerin sm.& alerină sf. (allet) ancer. alet sn. allet. aletist sm.& aletistă sf. allet ancer. aliă sf. ". co un sau flop. #. (ăliar) manure. alistică sf. allistics. aliverne sf. pl. tall tale(s)& humu. ali/ă sf. ". uo*. #. (luminoasă) eacon. alnear aj. aterin& athin. alneoclimateric aj. aterin an climatic. alon sn. ". alloon. #. (mine) all. II ~ captiv kite alloon; ~ e săpun soap ule. alona vt.& vr. to isten. alonat aj. sollen. alot sn. ale& pack. alotaj sn. allotae. alsam sn. ". alsam. #. (mai ales fi.) alm. alta sn. hatchet. altă I. sf. ". samp& pool. #. (ăltoacă) pule& plash. $. (lac) lake& pon. -. (mla1tină) marsh&

 o. II. av. unfinishe; at that. II a lăsa ~ to rop; to leave (sm.) in the lurch; to leave it atthat.

 alustraă sf. ". railin; parapet. (la scară) anister. amă sf. okra (po). amus sm. amoo. an sm. ". ist. an. #. (moneă) an& coin ("N"55 of a leu). $. currenc*. -. pl. mone*. 4. pl. (mită)

 rie& soap. II ~i e u/unar pocket mone*; ~i e h3rtie paper mone*; ~i fal1i counterfeitmone*; hea0ă har cash; ~i mărun0i (small) chane; ~i pe1in rea* mone*; cu ~i elltoo;for cash; cu ~i hea0ă cash on; a a cu ~ul to spin a coin; fără ~i short of mone*; (ratuit)free(l*)& free of chare.

 anal aj. commonplace& trite. analitate sf. ". cliche& truism. #. fi. trivialit*& analit*. $. pl. trivial thins.

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 anali/a I. vt. to hackne*. II. vr. to ecome commonplace. anali/are sf. triviali/ation. anan sm. anana tree. anană sf. I. ot. anana. II. el. anana plu sau jack. ananier sm. anana tree.

 anc sn. ". san ar. #. (lumă) joke& anecote. $. tehn. e. II un ~ un a siesplitter; ~ e proă test stan; ~ prost flat joke; ~ vechi stale joke& chestnut; e ~ for the fun of it& for fun. ancar aj. ank(in). ancă sf. ". (+n parc etc.) ench. (e 1coală) form; (pupitru) esk. $. com. ank. ancher sm. anker. anchet sn. an'uet. anchetă sf. ench& settee. anchi/ă sf. ice pack. ancnotă sf. (ank)note. ancrută sf. ankruptc*. anaj sn. anae. anaja vt. to ress (a oun)& to anae. anajat aj. anae. ană sf. ". (ceată) an& an. # . fi. cli'ue& set. $. (f31ie) an& strip. -. tehn. elt; strap. 4. (e

manetofon) (recorin) tape. II ~ e circula0ie traffic lane; ~ rulantă runnin elt; ~transportoare conve*or elt.

 anerolă sf. anerole. anit sm. ". anit& anster. #. fi. villain& rian. anitesc aj. criminal. anitism sn. ruffianism. anulieră sf. slin& shouler strap. an interj. slap!; clash! ani0ă sf. (half) ushel. aoa sm. aoa. aptist sm.& aj. ?aptist. ar sn. ". ar. #. (localul) niht clu. ara vt. ". to ar; to lock. #. fi. to cur. $. (a 1tere) to elete. aracament sn. compoun(s). aracă sf. ". hut(ment). #. (uheană) ooth. araj sn. ". am. # . mil.& fi. arrae. ară sf. ". ar. #. (ru) croar. (tijă) ro. -. (p3rhie) lever. II ~ e irec0ie steerin ro; ~

transversală cross ar. arar I. sm. ararian. II. aj. ". ararian. #. (sălatic) savae& ararous. III. av. cruell*& ararousl*. ararie sf. ". ararousness; ilness. #. (sălăticie) savaer*& cruelt*. ară sf. ". ear. #. (ărie) chin. (minciună) lie& tall tale. II ~ alastră lue ear. ari1on sn. oatee. arote/ă sf. romper. arut sn. ice& craps. II a juca ~ to shoot craps& to pla* ice. arcaiu sm. oatman.

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 arcarolă sf. arcarole. arca/ sn. surf oat. arcă sf. ". oat; (lată) punt. #. pl. (la 3lci) sinoats. II ~ cu motor motor oat; ~ cu p3n/e

sailin oat; ~ e salvare life oat. ar sm. ar.

 ară sf. axe& hatchet. arRm" sn. stanar& 'uota. <rem# av. at least. aretă sf. ". strap. #. (la cască etc.) chin strap. aricaa I. vt. to arricae. II. vr. to lock oneself in. aricaă sf. arricae. arieră sf. ". arrier. #. fi. ostacle& hinrance. $. (a ora1ului) turnpike. II ~ e culoare colour

 ar. aril sn. arrel. ariton sm. ar*tone. ariu sn. arium. aroc sn.& aj. aro'ue. arometru sn. arometer. aron sm. aron. aroneasă sf. aroness. aronet sm. aronet. aros sn. slee(hammer)& maul. arosan aj. i& si/ale& hackin. arou sn. ar (association). ar/ă sf. stork. as sm. ". ass (siner). #. ass soun sau voice. asaraean sm.& aj.& asaraeancă sf. ?essaraian. asc I. sm.& aj. ?as'ue. II. sn. eret. aschet sn. ". asketall. #. pl. umpers. asketalist sm. asketaller& caer. asculant aj. tipup. asculă sf. eihin machine. aset sm. aer o. asm sn. ". (fair*) tale& stor*. #. fi. *arn. $. pl. (minciuni) concoctions& farications. II ~ul cu

coco1ul ro1u a cockanull stor*. asma sf. ". (hea)kerchief. #. (atistă) hankerchief. asorelief sf. asrelief. asta av. no more& enouh. II 1i cu asta ~ an that is that. astar sm.& aj. astar. astiment sn. (ar) ship. astion sn. ulark. aston sn. (alkin)stick. a1ca I. av. esies& into the arain. II una vorim 1i ~ ne +n0eleem e talk at cross purposes.

II. prep. esies& apart from. a1tină sf.2 e ~ aoriinal& native. atal sm. ". /ool. ether. #. tehn. catch pit. atalion sn. attalion&

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 ate I. vt. ". to eat. #. (rău) to thrash. $. (a +nvine 1i) to efeat& to overcome. -. (a peepsi 1i) to punish& to chastise. 4. (cu ă0ul 1i) to cane& to thack. 6 . (cu iciul) to hip& to lash. J. (cum3na) to cuff& to uffet. K. (a pălmui) to ox& to slap. L. (pe umăr) to clap (on the shouler)."5. (u1or) to pat. "". (a lovi) to strike& to hit. "#. (ouăle) to hisk. "$. (un recor) to reak. IIa ~ apan piuă to eat the air; to sa oo; a ~ minea to pla* (ith the) all; a 1i ~ joc e

to mock& to flout; a ~ laptele sau untul to churn the milk; a ~ măr to poun (to a jell*); a ~moneă to coin mone*; fi. to raise a ust; a ~ orele to strike the hours; a ~ palma to shakehans (over a arain); a ~ toa to eat the rum; to rum one’s finers; fi. to make areat fuss& to oast; (ei) atăte (Fumne/eu) să te ată! (o) less *ou! ooness racious!;mă ~ 3nul să mă uc I have half a min to o; mă ~ soarele +n cap I feel the sun too much.II. vi. ". to knock. #. (ritmic) to eat& to thro& to pulsate. $. (u1or) to rap. -. (. ceas) tostrike (the hours etc.). 4. (. clopot) to rin& to toll. 6. (. ploaie& rinină) to patter. J. (asufla) to lo. K. (a lătra) to ark. L. (a +nclina) to incline. II a ~ cu pumnul +n masă to pounthe tale; a ~ in palme to applau& to clap (one’s) hans; a ~ +n cineva to mock sm.& to aim(a art) at sm.; a ~ +n (altă culoare) to have a shae of (another colour); a ~ +n lemn to touchoo; a ~ +n retraere to eat a retreat; a ~ la cap to pester; a ~ la ochi to strike the e*e; a ~ lau1ă to knock at the oor; fi. 1i to e fothcomin; +ncotro a0i8 hat o *ou mean8 hat are*ou hintin sau rivin at8; a ătut piatra it haile. III. vr. ". to fiht. #. fi. 1i to conten. $.(+n uel) to (fiht a) uel. II a se ~ cap +n cap to collie; to clash; a se ~ cu pumnii +n piept to eat one’s reast.

 atere sf. eatin; knockin; thrashin& etc. aterie sf. ". atter*. #. (frapieră) cooler. $. (e vin) a ine ottle an a siphon. atic sn. (hea)kerchief. atistă sf. hankerchief. atjocori vt. ". to mock (at). #. (a riiculi/a 1i) to poke fun at& to riicule. $. fi. to violate& to

insult. -. (a călca +n picioare) to flout& to trample (unerfoot). atjocorire sf. ". floutin. mocker*. #. (paroie) travest*. atjocoritor I. aj. erisive. floutin. II. av. erisivel*. atjocură sf. ". riicule. #. (farsă) travest*. $. (rasoleala) unlin. II +n ~ mockinl*;

nelientl*. ato sn. haock. aton sn. stock& ar. ato/ă sf. ". threashin machine. # . fi. stout oman. au interj. o! auxită sf. auxite. avetă& ave0ică sf. i& feeer. a/a I. vt. to ase& to roun. II. vr.2 a se ~ pe to rel* on; (pe o iee etc.) to procee from (an

iea& etc.) a/aconie sf. ". fanc*; maot. #. pl. (stuff an) nonsense. a/alt sn. asalt. a/ar sn. a/aar. a/ă sf. ". ase& roun(ork). #. fi. asis. $. pl. funamentals. II ~ aeriană air ase; ~ sportivă

sports rouns; a/a craniană sau craniului cranial ase; e ~ funamental& essential; +n sau pe a/a... uner...& on the asis of...

 a/in sn. ". piscine& (simmin) pool. #. eor.& eoi. asin& area. $. anat. pelvis. II ~ caronifercoal fiel.

 a/oane sn. pl.& a/on sn. oule seat.

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 ă interj& (he*) *ou!; ol man! ăesc aj. ol oman,s. ăe1te av. empiricall*& practicall*. ăcan sm. rocer. ăcănie sf. ". rocer’s (shop). #. rocer* (trae).

 ăăran sm. churl& oor. ăărănie sf. oorishness& rueness. ăa I. vt. ". to thrust& to shove& to stick (in). #. (a ate) to strike& to rive. $. 1i fi. to introuce;

to et. -. (+n serviciu) to have (sm.) appointe. II a ~ a0a +n ac to threa a neele; a ~ eseamă to notice; a ~ +n u/unar to pocket; a1i ~ anii +n fin. to invest in; a ~ o iee +n capulcuiva to et an iea into sm.’s hea; a ~ +n morm3nt sau păm3nt fi. to e the eath of; a ~ pe cineva +n toate oalele to frihten sm. to eath; a ~ (pe cineva) la apă to et (sm.) intotroule; a1i ~ nasul (une nui fiere oala) to poke sau stick one’s nose (here it’s notante); a ~ pile to intriue. II. vr. ". to come sau pop in& to enter. #. (nepoftit) to intrue. $.( a se amesteca) to mele& to interfere. -. (+n voră) to chime in. 4. (pe nesim0ite) to slink in;to insinuate oneself. II a se ~ +n sufletul cuiva to intrue upon sm.’s privac*; a se ~ pe su pielea cuiva to inratiate oneself ith sm.; a nu se ~ to stan aloof& to keep off; nu te ~!min *our on affairs!; a se ~ sinur +n ura lupului to put a halter roun one’s neck.

 ăare sf. shovin; thrustin. II ~ e seamă carefulness; cu ~ e seamă carefull*& attentivel*. ăăre0 I. sm. interloper& us*o*. II. aj. ". pushin; intruin. #. (curios) in'uisitive. ăia1 sm. ". athhouse attenant. #. (aurar) ol asher. ăiat sm. ". o*. #. (fiu) son. $. (flăcău) *outh& la. -. (om) chap& fello. II ~ un ecent chap;

~ e ispravă reliale sau resourceful fello; ~ e prăvălie shop~ o*; ~ e serviciu office o*; ~ e via0ă oo sport; joll* joker; ~ e /ahăr rick& sport.

 ăie0anru sm. *ounster& striplin. ăie0a1 sm.& ăie0el sm. urchin& a slip of a o*. ăie0esc aj. o*ish. ăie0a1 av. like a o*. ăie0os sm. ". holeeho*. #. (fată ăie0oasă) romp& tomo*. ălai aj. v. ălan ". ălan aj. ". fair& liht(complexione). #. (. oi etc.) hite. ălăăni I. vt. to anle& to sin. II. vr. ". to sin& to anle. #. (a se +mpletici) to totter. ălăci vr. ". to allo (1i fi.). #. (a stropi) to splash. $. fi. 1i to roll. ălănăni I. vi. to rin& to toll. II. vr. to anle. ălării sf. pl. ". ees. #. (ciulini) thistles. $. (teren) moor& heath. ălear& ăliar sn. ". manure& un. #. (fermentat) compost. ălmăjeală sf. jumle& mule. ălmăjit aj. confuse(). ; ălos aj. slaverin. ăltăre0 I. sn. arm (marsh) in. II. aj. marsh(*). ăltoacă sf. ". pule. #. (mare) plash& muhole. ăl0a vt. to varieate. ăl0at aj. ". motle*& particoloure. #. (+n uni) stripe. $. (pătat) spotte. -. (amestecat) mixe&

miscellaneous. ănă0ean I. sm. inhaitant of the ?anat. II. aj. from sau of the ?anat. ănesc aj. currenc*& in cash. ăne1te av. in point of mone*& in cash.

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 ănet sn. oof. ănos aj. lucrative. ănui vt. ". to suppose; to presume. # . (a spera) to hope& to think. $. (a1i +nchipui) to fanc*& to

uess. -. (a suspecta) to suspect& to out. II nu ănuia nimic he as unsuspicious. ănuială sf. ". (presupunere) supposition. #. (+nchipuire) fanc*& notion. $. (3n) hunch& inklin.

(suspiciune) out& suspicion. ănuit sm.2 a a e ~ to arouse suspicion. ănuitor aj. suspicious. ănu0 sm. ". small coin. #. (al oului) cock’s treale. ărăan sn. ". moor(lan)& heath. #. (c3mpie) plain. ărat I. sm. ". man; (mascul) male. #. (so0) husan. II. aj. manl*& rave. ărătesc aj. manl*& man’s; masculine. ărăte1te av. like a man& in a manl* a*. ără0ie sf. ". manliness& manhoo. (ravură) raver*& allantr*. ărie sf. chin. ărier sm. ". arer. #. fi. liar; fier. ărieri I. vt. to shave. II. vr. ". to shave. #. (la ăriei) to et a shave. $. fi. to fi; (a se lăua)

to ra& to ra the lon o. ărierit I . sn. shave& shavin. II. aj. shave. II proaspăt ~ close shaven. ăros aj. ". eare. #. (neras) unshaven. ăracă sf. mu& ju. ăr/ăun(e) sm. umle ee. ăsmălu0ă sf. (hea)kerchief& sash. ă1călie sf. mocker*& erision. ă1ica vt. to lister. ă1icat aj. listere. ă1ică sf. ". anat.& /ool. laer. (rană) lister. $. (e săpun etc.) ule. -. auto. vial&

 reathali/er. II ~ +notătoare iht. airlaer; ă1ica fierii all leer; ă1ica uului laer; ploaie cu ă1ici onpour.

 ă1tina1 I. sm. aoriinal. II. aj. native. ătaie sf. ". eatin& thrashin; (ciomăeală) cuellin; (iciuire) hippin. #. (ciocănitură)

knock; (u1oară) tap(pin)& rap(pin). $. (pe umăr) pat(tin). (in picior) stampin. 4. (ticăit)tick(in). 6. (puls) thro(in). J. (a ploii etc.) patterin. K. (luptă) fiht& ral. L. mu/. eat&time. (a pu1tii etc.) rane& shot. I I ~ e cap (care an) troule; ~ e joc mocker*& riicule;(paroie) travest*; (lucrare proastă) otcher*; ătaia pu1tii rifle rane; +n ătaia pu1tii ithin(un) shot; +n ătaia soarelui in the (heat of the) sun; +n ătaia v3ntului at the merc* of thein; fi. shelter less.

 ătăios aj. ". punacious& ame& ellicose. #. (aresiv) truculent. (certăre0) 'uarellsome&contentious.

 ătălie sf. attle; fiht. ătător I. sn. (e covoare) carpet eater. II. aj.2 ~ la ochi larin; (i/itor) strikin; ovious;

(suspect) outful. ătători I. vt. to trea; to atter. II. vr. ". to e troen sau eaten. #. (. m3ini) to et callous. ătătorit aj. ". eaten; troen. (. m3ini) callous. ătătură sf. ". (la picior) corn. #. (la m3nă) horn* skin. $. (curte) troen patch& forecourt. ătău1 I. sm. ro*& raler. II. aj. contentious& punacious. ătr3n I. sm. ol man; peior. affer; pl. ol folk. II in ~i of *ore; (averial) traitionall*. II.

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aj. ol(ae)& avance in *ears. ătr3nă sf. ol oman. ătr3nel sm. nice ol man. ătr3nesc aj. ". ol& aein. #. (emoat) ol(fashione). $. (. atină) traitional& popular. ătr3ne1te av. ". in the ol (people,s) a*. #. (+n0elept) seatel*.

 ătr3ne0e sf. ol ae. II a3nci ătr3ne0i hoar* ol ae. ătucit aj. ". attere& eaten. #. (. m3ini) harene. ătut aj. ". eaten& thrashe. #. (+nvins 1i) efeate& overcome. (/roit) attere; poune (to

a mumm*). II ~ e rumă frostitten; ~ e 3nuri careorn& thouhtrien; ~ e soare sunscorche; ~ e v3nturi insept& expose; (. fa0ă etc.) eathereaten; ~ +n cap ense&narromine; ~ +n pietre scumpe set in jeels; a se a ~ to holler sau hollo uncle; fi. toive in.

 ă0 sn. ". stick& ro. #. (aston) (alkin) stick& cane. $. (pt. arătat pe hartă etc.) pointer. II ~ echirit match.

 ă0os I. aj. ". rii; stiff. #. (ceremonios) formal& affecte. $. (+n0epat) touch*& test*. II. av. ".stiffl*. #. formall*. $. (+n0epat) testil*.

%"ut &. sn. drinking. &&. adj. drunken!. ăutor sm. ". (heav*) rinker. #. (e0iv) runkar.

 ăutură sf. ". rink. #. (fermentată) everae. $. (alcoolică) li'uor. -. (e0ie) rinkin. I I ăuturispirtoase spirits& li'uor; la ~ in one’s cups.

 3iui I. vt. to stammer; to mumle. II. vi. ". to mumle (one’s ors). #. (a aiura) to rave. 3iuială sf. mumlin& jaerin. 3iui aj. mumle. 3j3i vi. to rope (aout). 3j3ială sf.& 3j3it sn. ropin. II pe 3j3ite ropin. 3l3i vt.& vr. to stutter& to stammer. 3l3ială sf. stutter(in); hitch in one’s speech. 3l3it I. sm. stammerin person. II. sn. stutter. III. aj. stutterin. 3lci sn. ". fair. #. fi. jumle& huu. II e ~ lo (on)& shameful. 3ntui I. vt. ". to haunt. #. (a pustii) to la* aste. II. vi. to rae& to e rife. 3ntuit aj. ". overrun& infeste. #. (e stafii) haunte. 3rfă sf. ". ossip& small talk. #. (3rfitor) scanalmoner& ossip. 3rfeală sf. ". ossip& talk (of the ton). #. (calomnie) slaner& scanal. 3rfi I. vt. ". to ossip aout. #. (calomnios) to slaner& to revile. II. vi. ". to ossip& to chat. #.

(mali0ios) to talk scanal. 3rfitor I. sm. ". ossip& scanalmoner. #. (calomniator) slanerer. II. aj. slanerous. 3rlo sn. ". en& lair. #. (casă) home. $. (cotlon) corner& nook. 3rnă sf. eam. 3tă sf. clu. 3tlan sm. heron. 303i vi.& vr. ". to jitter. #. (e fri) to shiver. $. (a se aita) to fiet. 303ială af. ". jitters. #. (aita0ie) fiet(in). $. (tremur) shiver. 3/ă sf. hot cockles. 3/3i vi. ". to u//& to hum. #. (a se miorlăi) to himper& to cr*. ea I. vt. ". to rink. #. (a consuma) to take. $. (p3nă la fun) to rink up. -. (a sori) to sip. 4.

(mult) to sill. 6 . (intro u1că) to rink on& to rink at a rauht. J. (a fuma) to smoke.II a1i ~ min0ile to rink oneself unconscious. II. vi.. ". to rink. #. (mult) to rink har sau

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heavil*& to oo/e. II a ~ +n sănătatea cuiva to rink sm.’s health; a ~ la otul calului to rinka stirrup cup; ai place să ~ to take to rinkin& to e fon of one’s lass.

 eat aj. runk; intoxicate. II ~ mort sau ca un porc as runk as a lor& fule. eatituine sf. eatitue& liss. eatnic sm. eatnik. II enera0ia ~ilor the eat eneration.

 eelu1 sm. a*& chickai*. ee sn. ". (electric) ul. #. (e a/) as urner. ecar sm. natural. eca0ă sf. snipe.beci sn. 1. cellar. 2. (închisoare) quod. %ecisnic &. sm. 'eakling. &&. adj. 1. impotent. 2. sickly. ehăi vi. to aa& to leat. ehăit sn. leatin. ej sn.& aj. eie. ejenie sf. trek; exous. elciu sn. hook. elea sf. ". nuisance& troule. #. (ucluc) mess& scrape. $. (nenorocire) misfortune& mishap. -.

(povară) uren& encumrance. elearte sf. pl. fine arts. eletristic aj. fiction...& literar*. eletristică sf. fiction; elleslettres. elian sm.& aj.& eliană sf.& aj. ?elian. eli vt. to skin& to fla*. elicos aj. arlike. elierant sm.& aj. ellierent. elierantă sf. arfare. el1u sn. ". plent*& copiousness. #. (surplus) reunance. II in ~ copiousl*& aunantl*. emol sm.& aj. flat. enă sf. in& ucket. enchetui vi. to an'uet. eneficia vi2. a ~ e to profit sau enefit *& to enjo*. eneficiar sm. eneficiar*. eneficiu sn. ". enefit& avantae. #. (c31ti) ain& profit. II +n ~l cuiva for sm.’s enefit& to

sm.’s avantae. enevol I. aj. voluntar*. II. av. at ill. enhi sn. (eaut*) spot. enin aj. enin. en/ină sf. ". auto. petrol; amer. as(oline). # . (neofalină) en/ine. erar sm. reer. erărie sf. eer sau ale house. erec sm. ". ram. #. (atal) ether. $. ist.& mil. atterin ram. ereleacul sn2 ea ~ hea over heels. ere sf. eer; (lonă 1i) ale. II ~ e la utoi rauht eer; ~ neară ron eer. erechet aj.& av. plentifull*& alore. ereată sf. inpipe; throat. eretă sf. eret& cap. erline/ I. sm. ?erliner. II. aj. ?erlin.

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 ernă sf.2 +n ~ (at) halfmast. eschie sf. tohanle sa. estial I. aj. savae. II. av. estiall*. estialitate sf. rutishness. estie sf. rute& east.

 etatron sn. etatron. etea aj. ". sickl*. #. (invali) cripple. eteală sf. tinsel. etei I. vt. to cripple& to maim. II. vr. ". to e cripple. #. (a se +molnăvi) to e taken ill. ete1u sn. infirmit*. eton sn. concrete. II ~ armat ferroconcrete. etona vt. to reinforce ith concrete. etonieră sf. concrete mixer. e0ie sf. ". (ame0eală) intoxication. #. fi. 1i ineration. $. (chef) rinkin out. -. (oicei)

rink(in)& oo/in. II ~ e cuvinte verosit*. e0iv I. sm. runkar& toper. II. aj. fon of the ottle. e0ivan sm. tippler& ier. e/ea sf. ". (prăjitură) merinue. #. pl. fi. kisses. II a face e/ele cuiva to lo sm. a kiss sau

kisses. e/metic I. sm. macap. II. aj. cra/*. e/nă sf. (pitch) ark& oscurit*. ian sm. perch. ielou sn. ielot& curio. ier sm. eaver. ieron sn. (feein) ottle& i. II a hrăni cu ~ul to fee at the ottle. iilică sf. uinea hen. ilic aj. ilical. ilie sf. ?ile& the ?ook. iliofil sm. iliophile. iliorafie aj. ilioraphical. iliorafie sf. ilioraph*. ilioraft sn. rinook. iliotecar sm. lirarian. iliotecă sf. ". lirar*; #. (ca moilă) ookshelves; ookcase. II ~ e +mprumut lenin lirar*;

~ volantă ookmoile. icaronat sn. icaronate; (e soiu 1i) akin soa. iceps sm. iceps. ici sn. ". (horse) hip. #. fi. scoure. icicletă sf. ic*cle& fam. ike. II ~ cu motor mope. iciclist sm. (i)c*clist& ic*cler. icisnic sm. aj. v. ecisnic. iciui vt. ". to flo& to hip. #. 1i fi. to lash. $. (a peepsi) to castiate. iciuire sf. lashin& floin. iciuitor aj lashin& stinin. iciu1ca sf. riin hip. ieu sn. iet. iinea sf. hiteashin rush.

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 iiviu sm. racer& stee. ion sn. can(teen). ielă sf. piston ro. ielorus sm.& aj. ?*elorussian. ienală sf. iennal exhiition.

 iet aj. ". poor& miserale. #. (sărac) nee*. II ~ul e mine! poor me!; ~ul om poor evil. ifa vt. to check. iftec sn. (eef)steak. ifurca vr. to fork. ifurcare sf. crossroa. iam I. sm. iamist. II. aj. iamous. iamie sf. iam*. iot I. sm. iot. II. aj. reliiose. iotism sn. iotr*. iuiu sn. (hair) curler. ijuterie sf. ". jeel. #. pl. jeel(le)r*. $. fi. em. -. fi. (om) a (perfect) scream. ijutier sm. jeeller. ikini sn. ikini. ilan0 sn. ". com. alance sheet. #. fi. surve*. $. (re/ultat) sum total. II a face ~ul to ra the

 alancesheet; fi. to make a surve*. ilateral aj. ilateral. ilă sf. ". all. #. pl. (pietricele) marles. $. me. ile& all. ilet sn. ". ticket. #. (scrisoare) note. II ~ cu pre0 reus cheap ticket; c. f. half fare; ~ e ancă

treasur* note& anknote; ~ e favoare uest ticket; ~ e peron platform ticket; ~ us 1i +ntorsreturn ticket; ~ +n circuit roun trip ticket.

 ile0el sn. ". note. #. (e amor) illet oux. $. (pt. traere la sor0i) cut. iliar sn. illiars. ilinv aj. ilinual. ilion sn. illion& amer. trillion. ilunar aj. imonthl*. imotor I. sn. imotor aircraft. II. aj. tinenine. ina sf. scaffolin. ine I. sn. ". oo. #. (avantaj) avantae& enefit. $. (profit) ain& profit. -. (noroc) fortune&

 lessin. II cu ~ safel*; all riht; (cu succes) successfull*; (ca interjec0ie) oo*e!; so lon!;e ~ e rău after all& in a a*; spre ~le cuiva to sm.’s avantae; 1i la ~ (1i) la rău for etter&for orse. II. aj. ". oolookin; nice. #. respectale. III. av. ". ell& (all) riht; O.. #.correctl*& properl*. II ~ că ... it’s a oo thin that ...; ~ clăit sau făcut cleanuilt saulime; ~ ispus cheerful; ~ inten0ionat ellmeanin; ~ leat elluilt& clean mae; ~mersi 'uite fine; ce ~! ho nice! ho fine!; cel mai ~ est; ei ~(8) ell(8); mai ~ etter;rather; mai ~ e upars of& over; ~ ia făcut! serve him riht! IV. interj. oo! all riht!fine! O..!

 inecrescut aj. ellre. inecuv3nta vt. to less. inecuv3ntare sf. ". lessin. #. fi. 1i oon. inecuv3ntat aj. lesse. inefacere sf. ". avantae. # . (fericire) oon& lessin. $. (filantropic) charit*. inefăcătoare sf. enefactress.

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 inefăcător I. sm. enefactor. II. aj. eneficial. ine+n0eles av. (as a matter) of course& naturall*. ine0e sf. pl. reetins. inevenit aj. ". elcome. #. (util) useful. inevoi vi. to conescen& to e illin. II acă ~0i if *ou are kin enouh.

%inevoitor &. sm. 'ell$'is#er. &&. adj. %enevolent, kind, agreea%le. ini1or I. sn2. cu ~uNinerl*& entl*; slol*. II. av. ". prett* ell& passal*. #. (u1urel)inerl*. III. interj. not so fast!; take it eas*!

 inoclu sn. ". inoculars. #. (e teatru) opera lasses. inom sn. inomial. ioiliorafie aj. ioilioraphical. iochimie sf. iochemistr*. ioraf sm. iorapher. iorafic aj. ioraphical. iorafie sf. ioraph*. iolo sm. ioloist. ioloic aj. ioloical. ioloie sf. iolo*. ioxi sm. ioxie. II ~ e caron caron ioxie. ipartit aj. ipartite& ipartisan. ipe I. sm. ipe. II. aj. tofoote. iplan I. sn. iplane. II. aj. toplane. ir sn. tax& triute. irjar sm. caman& ca river. irjă sf. (hansom) ca& hackne* coach. irjăre1te av. fi. coarsel*& like a trooper. irocrat sm. retapist. irocra0ie sf. retape& ureaucrac*. irou sn. ". (consiliu) ureau. #. (camera) stu*. $. (pulic) office. -. (moilă) esk& rittin

tale. irt sn. eatin house. irta1 sm. pulican. irui I. vt. ". to con'uer& to efeat. fi. 1i to overcome. II. vi. to triumph. iruin0ă sf. victor*. iruitor I. sm. victor& con'ueror. II. aj. victorious. III. av. triumphantl*. is I. sn. encore. II. aj. (. numerele e la casă) an a half. II numărul "" ~ "" an a half& "" 7.

III. av. encore. IV. interj. encore! isa vt.& vi. to encore. iscuit sm. iscuit. isect aj.2 an ~ leap *ear. iserică sf. church. isericesc aj. church; clerical. isericos aj. churchoin& ofearin.%isericuţ" sf. 1. c#apel. 2. fig. coterie, cli+ue. isextil aj. v. isect. ismut sn. ismut. isturiu sn. lancet.

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 itum sn. itumen. ivalent aj. ivalent. ivol sm. uffalo. ivoli0ă sf. uffalo (co). ivuac sn. ivouac& camp.

 i/antin sm.& aj. ?*/antine. i/ar aj. 'uaint& i/arre. i/on sm. ison. i/ui vr2 a se ~ pe to tel* sau epen on. lacheu sn. steel tip. laoslovi vt. ". to less. #. fi. (a aproa) to sanction. II a ~ cu ... lum. to ive. laoslovenie sf. ". lessin. #. (aproare) approval. lajin I. aj. kin& mil. # (la voră) softtonue& softmouthe. II. av. kinl*& mill*. lam sn. lame. II ~ pulic pulic censure. lama vt. to reprove; to critici/e. lamail aj. lameorth*. lană sf. ". fur; skin. #. (haină) fur (coat). lanchetă sf. form& lank. la/a vr. ". to e(come) lase. #. (a fi sătul) to e clo*e. la/are sf. surfeit; inifference. la/at aj. lase& ear* of life; surfeite. la/on sn. coat of arms& escutcheon. lănar sm. furrier. lănărie sf. furrier’s shop sau trae. l3n I. aj. ". mil. #. (un) kin& softhearte. $. (omesticit) tame& harmless. $. (supus) meek.

-. (ulce) seet; entle. (lini1tit) 'uiet& peaceale. II. av. ". mill*. #. (cu elicate0e)inerl*& entl*.

 l3ne0e sf. ". milness& seetness. #. (unătate) kin(li)ness. II cu ~ inerl*& entl*. le I. sm. ". milkshop. #. (prost) olt. II. aj. ". softmine. #. (prost) ull. $. (pasiv)

sluish. -. (care at3rnă) roopin& fla*. lei vr. ". to roop. #. fi. to ro soft sau eakmine. lenoraie sf. onorrhoea. leojit aj. starin& apin. lestem sn. ". curse. #. fi. 1i scoure. lestema vt.& vi& to curse. lestemat aj. amne& (ac)curse. lestemă0ie sf. ". villain*. #. (trăsnaie) foul trick. leu sn.& aj. (liht) lue. leumarin sn.& aj. nav* lue. li sn. ". ish& plate. #. pl. ishes. II ~ e linte mess of pottae. II pentru un ~ e linte for a

mere trifle sau son. lina vt. to armour(plate). linaj sn. armour. li0 sn. flash un. loc sn. ". lock. # . (clăire) lock of flats& apartment house. $. pol. loc& roup. II ~ e esen

rain talet(s); ~ notes jotter; +n ~ holesale& in the lump. loca I. vt. ". to lock. #. (a ara) to ar& ostruct. II. vr. to stop& to e locke.

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 locaă sf. lockae. lon I. sm. fairhaire man. II. aj. lon(e)& fair(haire). lonă sf. lone. II ~ oxienată peroxie lone. luf sn. luff. lu/ă sf. louse.

 oa sm. oa. oaă I. sf. ". err*. #. (o) rain& see. $. (e struure) rape; (e suoare etc.) ea. -. fi.hit& it. II. av. (not) at all& not a or.

 oacănă I. sf. luner& holer. II. aj. holin. II a făcut una ~ he put his foot in it. oală sf. ". sickness. #. (rea) illness. $. (mai ales infec0ioasă) isease. -. (oranică) complaint. 4.

(tulurare) isorer& troule. II ~ iplomatică iplomatic col; ~ infec0ioasă sau molipsitoareinfectious sau catchin isease.

 oare sf. reath& ree/e. oarfă sf. ". ol coat& ra. #. pl. ol clothes. $. sl. slut. o I. sm. ". ean. #. (plantă) horse ean. II. sn. ". rain& see. #. (e struure) rape. $. sport

 osleih. o3rnac sn. fillip. oină sf. ". reel& spool. #. el. coil. oi0ă sf. ". err*. #. (e struure) rape. ooc sm. ". ot. u. #. (e ra0ă) ucklim. $. (e 3scă) oslin. (stuent) fresher& colt. II un ~

e fată a peach of a irl.?ootea/ă sf. >piphan*. oc interj. knock! ocanc sm. (honaile) oot. II ~i cu 0inte spike oots. ocăni vi. ". to knock& to hammer. (+n mers) to clamp. occea sf. unle. ocet sn. ". lament. #. (pl3nset) moanin& ailin. oci I. vt. to keen for. II. vi.& vr. to ail. ocitoare sf. (hire) mourner. ocnă av. fro/en (stiff). oeă sf. pu& tavern. ooăni vi. to rumle& to mutter. oem sm.& aj. ?ohemian. oat I. sm. ". rich sau ealth* man. #. pl. the rich. II. aj. ". rich& ealth*. #. (aunent)

aunant& ample. $. (scump) spleni. -. (. masă) sumptuous. 4. (. veeta0ie) luxurious. II~ +n semnifica0ii meaninful. III. av. richl*& ampl*. # . enerousl*.

 oăta1 sm. mone* a; fam. oof ir. oă0ie sf. ". ealth. #. (aunen0ă) aunance& profusion. (splenoare) splenour& oS I. vt. ". to *e. #. (cu pensula& ruj etc.) to paint. $. (a vărui) to hiteash. -. (a +n1ela) to

cheat. II. vr. to paint one,s face. oia sf. ". *e. #. (e arei) paprika. oianerie sf. *ehouse. oianiu sm. *er. oicot sn. o*cott. oicota vt. to o*cott. oier sm. ". ist. o*ar; noleman. (reător) court official. $. (mo1ier) lanoner. -. fi. lor&


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%oieresc &. sn. ist. corvee. &&. adj. %oyars...; aristocratic. oiere1te av. leisurel*& ranl*. oieri I. vt. to ennole. II. vr. to o the ran. oierime sf. (lane) entr*& s'uirearch*. oierna1 sm. countr* s'uire.

 oieroaică sf. ". a o*ar’s ife. #. entleoman. oiler sn. oiler. ojeucă sf. hovel. ojoci sm. pl. ". lihts. #. (la om) luns. oloroseală sf. mumlin& alin. olorosi I. vt. to mumle. II. vi. ". to ale. #. (. apă) to ule. (. curcan) to ole. ol sn. pin. olero sn. olero. olfă sf. en& sellin. oli vi. to e ill sau ailin. oli sm. meteor. olnav I. sm. ". invali; sick man. me. patient. II a face pe ~ul to maliner& to fein illness. II.

aj. ill& unell. II ~ e... sufferin from sau ith... olnăvicios I. sm. valetuinarian. aj. ". sickl*& ee*. #. (plăp3n) elicate& see*. olovan sm. ouler& heav* stone. olovănos aj. ston*& rue. ol1evic sm.& aj. ?olshevik. oltă sf. ". vault; arch(a*). #. (e verea0ă) oer& arour. $. (e pomi) colonnae. -. (a

cerului) the canop* of heaven. olti vt.& vr. to arch. oltit aj. ". vaulte& arche. #. (. fructe) ome. oma I. vt. to rener convex. II. vr. to ule& to sell out. omara vt. ". (in avion) to om. #. (cu artileria) to shell& to strafe. $. fi. to pester& to other. omarament sn. ". (e avia0ie) air rai. #. (e artilerie) shellin& strafe. omarare sf. ". omin. #. (cu artileria) shellin. omarier sn. omer. omastic I. aj. hihflon. fustian. II. av. omasticall*. omat aj. ulin. omă I. sf. ". om. #. (ou/) shell. $. fi. 1i olt (out of the lue). -. sport smash. II ~ aromică

atom om& 7om; ~ cu hiroen h*roen sau fusion om& Hom; ~ cu +nt3r/iere time om; ca o ~ explosivel*& suenl*.

 omăneală sf. rumlin. omăni I. vt. to na. II. vi. to rumle& to sulk. omeu sn. toe cap. omoană sf. ". seetmeat& onon. #. amer. can*; (e ciocolată) chocolate. II o ~ e fată a

seet irl; ~ e tuse couh rop. omonerie sf. seet sau can* shop. on sn. " ticket. #. com. ill& note. (pentru prearea unui oiect) claim check. II ~ e casă sales

slip. onă sf. overness. onar sm. umle ee. onoc I. sm. stump* man. II. aj. thickset& stump*.

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 onetă sf. onnet; cap. onier sn. ill ook. onifica0ie sf. alloance& onus. onjur interj. hello! onom I. sm. a. II. aj. lan. av. eniall*.

 onomie sf. enialit*& lanness. ont aj. lunt& stump*. onton sn. refinement; fashion. II e ~ in oo taste; fashionale or sn. ". chim. oron. #. rim (of the hat). oranic sn. floss silk. orcan sn. ". (lass) jar& ottle. #. (vas) pot& vessel. or sn. ". oar #. (marine) ee& orer. II la sau pe ~ul vasului on oar the ship; peste ~

overoar. orei sn. (mu)hut& hovel. orel sn. rothel& a* house. orerou sn. ". orereau& list. #. (e plată) ocket. orură sf. ker(stone)& street cur. oreal aj. northern. orfa1 sm. thief& pickpocket. orhot sn. marc& husks. oric aj. oric. oricat aj. oracic. or+ vt. to elch out& to heave.%orma(in" sf. drill. %orn" sf. 1. landmark. 2. el. terminal, jack. orooa0ă sf. ". luner& foolish trick. #. (po/nă) prank. or1 sn. ortsch; sour soup. or0oasă aj. far one ith chil. or0os aj. potellie. orvi/ sn. mineral ater& tale aters. osă sf. ". ump. #. fi. oss. oschet sn. ". oer& arour. #. (tufi1) ush. oscoroi vt.& vi.& v. omăni. ostan sm. ". pumpkin. #. (cap) pate& nut. ostănărie sf. pumpkin fiel. osumfla vr. to e in the sulks& to pout. osumflat aj. poutin& sulk*. o1oro I. sm. ". rupture ol man. #. fi. ol foe*. II. aj. rupture. o1oroi vr. to e rupture. ot sn. ". mu//le. #. (r3t) snout. $. fam. (ură) mouth. -. (str3mătură) pout. 4. (e coraie)

 o(s). II ~ e eal ro (of a hill); ~ +n ~ cheek * jol. otanic aj. otanic(al). otanică sf. otan*. otanist sm. otanist. ote/ sn. christenin ote/a I. vt. ". ret. to christen& to apti/e. # . (a nă1i) to act as ofather sau omother to. $. (a

numi) to name& to call. -. (a porecli) to nickname. 4. (a ua) to souse. 6. fi. (ăuturile) to

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ilute. II. vr. to e apti/e. otros sm. roseak. otni0ă sf. mu//le. otos aj. poutin. oto1ei sm. pl. ootees.

 o0 sn. all; (mic) pellet. o0i vt.& vr. to crumple. ou sm. ". ox. #. fi. olt& iiot. our sm. aurochs. ovin aj. ox; ovine. ovine sf. pl. horne cattle& ox sn. ". oxin. #. (antrenament) sparrin. $. (pieie) ox calf. -. (pumnar) knuckleuster. oxa vt.& vi.& vr. ". to ox. #. (la antrenament) to spar. oxă sf. ock. II oxa martorilor itness ox. oxer sm. oxer& pri/e fihter. o/ sm. ot. arf eler. raconaj sn. poachin. II a face ~ to poach. raconier sm. poacher. ra sm. fir (tree); pine (tree). raaiu sm. millet eer venor. raă sf. millet eer. rahman sm. ?rahmin. ramura av. at ranom& aimlessl*. rancară af. stretcher. rancarier sm. stretcher earer. ranenur sn. rai. ranhii sf. pl. ills. ran1ament sn. ranchin& connection. ran1ă sf. ". ranch& line. #. (omeniu) fiel& omain. ras sn. reast stroke. rasară sf. armlet. raserie sf. eer saloon& rasserie. ra1oavă sf. thumpin lie& crammer; pl. 1i hot air. ra0 sn. ". arm. #. (e r3u 1i) ranch. $. (e lemne etc.) armful. II ~e e muncă laour& manpoer&

hans; ~ele ~ e muncă laour exchane; ~ e picup tone arm; (~) la ~ arm in arm; cu ~ele * hans; cu ~ele +ncruci1ate ith fole arms&

 rav I. sm. hero& rave man. II. aj. rave& valiant. rava vt. to ef*& to face. ravaă sf. sashucklin. ravo sn.& interj. ravo!& hear! hear!& ell one! ravură sf. raver*& heroism. ra/ă sf. ". (1an0) furro. #. (e iară) ino& sath. $. (e păm3nt) clo. -. (urmă) trace;

trail. -. (strat) e. II a se a pe ~ to turn stea*; (a se oi1nui) to et the han of thins. ra/ilian sm.& aj.& ra/iliană sf.& aj. ?ra/ilian. răet sn.& răi1 sn. ". fir oo. #. (uruieni) ater milfoil. ră0ară sf. racelet. ră/a vt. ". to furro. #. (a traversa) to cross.

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 ră/at aj. ". furroe. #. (. fa0ă 1i) rinkle. r3ncă sf.2 pe r3nci on all fours; fi. hammer an tons. r3nu1ă sf. crocus& saffron. r3n/ar sm. cheese maker sau venor. r3n/ă sf. cheese. II ~ ală cottae cheese; ~ ună +n uruf e c3ine a rouh iamon; ~ e oi

ee’s cheese; ~ e Olana Futch cheese; ~ e vaci cream cheese; ~ telemea (spice) cottaecheese; mare ~; nici o ~ nothin to rite home aout; na făcut nici o ~ it cuts no ice. r3n/eturi sf. pl. (various kins of) cheese. r3n/i vr. to curle. r3n/os aj. cheeselike. r3u sn. ". elt& irle. #. (talie) aist. re interj. ". (he*) *ou!& I sa*! #. (vai) man (alive)! reaslă sf. uil& trae. rea/ aj. pieal. II mai ~ (an*) etter. reloc sn. trinket. re1ă sf. reach& ap. retan sf. ". (shouler) strap. #. pl. races& suspeners. reton I. sm. ?reton. II. sn. an& frine (of hair). III. aj. ?reton. revet sn. licence; patent. II ~ e inven0ie (letters) patent; ~ e mealie citation for a meal& reveta vt. to patent. reviar sm. ". vae mecum. #. rel. reviar*. riantină sf. rillantine. rie sn. ri. ricea sn. (pen)knife. richetă sf. ". (ciarette) lihter. #. (e căruni) ri'uette. rici sn. ra/or. riă sf. (shouler) strap. rie sn. rie. riaă sf. ". riae. #. (e lucru 1i) cre& roup. riaier sm. ". riae memer. (1ef) team leaer. $. (silvic) forest keeper. riliant sn. rilliant. rio1ă sf. rioche. ri1că sf. i. ritanic I. sm. >nlishman& ?riton. II. aj. ?ritish. ri/ă sf. ree/e. roască sf. ". /ool. fro. #. (r3ioasă) toa. $. (e u1ă) lock. -. (joc) leap fro. II ~ iale safet*

lock; ~ 0estoasă turtle& tortoise. rooaă sf. heakerchief. rooană sf. ea. rooni vr. to perspire profusel*. roonit aj. seat*. rocart sn. rocae. roa I. vt. ". to emroier. #. fi. to invent. II. vi. to emroier. roerie sf. emroier*. roi I. vt. ". to hit (riht). #. (a hici) to uess. II. vr. to chance. rom sn. romine. romură sf. romie.

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 ronhii sf. pl. ronchi. ron1ită sf. ronchitis. II ~ taaică smoker’s couh. ron/ sn. ron/e. ron/a I. vt. to tan. II. vr. to et a (sun)tan. ron/at aj. suntanne& sunurnt.

 roscoi sm. ". i fro. #. fi. urchin. ro1a vt. to stitch. ro1at I. sn. stitchin. II. aj. paper(covere). ro1ură sf. pamphlet& ooklet. rotac& rotăcel sm. reen fro. ruftui vt. to treat harshl*. ruftuială sf. harsh treatment. ruia vt. to jam. ruiaj sn. jammin. ruion sn. rouh cop*. ruma vt. to rime. rumat aj. froste. rumă sf. ". hoarfrost& rime. #. fi. (spoială) smatterin. II ruma lui e avere the little he ha. rumăriu aj. re*. run aj. ". ron. #. (. oameni) ark(haire). runet I. sm. arkhaure sau sarth* man. II. aj. ark(haire). runetă sf. runette& ark(haire) irl sau oman. rusc I. aj. arupt. II. av. suenl*& unexpectel*. rusca vt. ". (pe cineva) to speak harshl* to. #. (lucrurile) to press. rusche0e sf. ". aruptness; harshness. # . (sinceritate) luffness. (pripă) haste. rusture sm. ur. rut aj. ". ra& rouh. #. com. ross. $. chim.& eol. crue. rutal I.

aj. rue. II. av. rutall*. rutalitate sf. rutalit*. rutali/a vt. to hanle rouhl*. rutar sm. aker. rută sf. east& rute. rutărie sf. aker*& aker’s. ruto av. in the ross. uă sf. ". oil. #. (umflătură) sellin. $. fi. troule& sore spot. II ue ulci scal

hea. uoi sn. ulcer& furuncle. uos aj. sca*. uui vi. ". to thuner. #. (. tun 1i) to roar. uuit sn.& uuitură sf. ". thunerclap& peal (of thuner). #. toar (of cannon). uuru/ă sf. la* ir. ucal aj. oral. ucată sf. ". piece; it. #. (frament) portion& frament. $. (+mucătură) morsel. -. (felie) slice. 4.

(e /ahăr etc.) lump. (e rum) istance. II ~ aleasă (e m3ncare) tiit; (literatură) choice passae; ~ cu ~ it * it; o ~ e săpun a cake of soap; o (ună) ~ e vreme for a (lon) time;cu ucata (*) retail; intro ~ straihtforar; (incoruptiil) incorruptile.

 ucate sf. pl. ". foo& fare. #. (merine) victuals. ucă sf. ". uttock. # (a ora/ului) (chu*) cheek. ucălat aj. chu*. ucătar sm. chef& (male) cook. ucătăreasă sf. cook.

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 ucătărie sf. ". kitchen. #. fi. (artă culinară) cuisine& cooker*. ucă0ică sf. ". it. # . (e m3ncare 1i) morsel. $. (capăt) en. II e ~ ună fi. she is a fine it of

fluff; ~ ruptă in the ver* spit of. uche sf. ". letter. #. pl. alphaet& 7?E. ucher sm. ". sot. # . pol. omatist. uchet sn. ou'uet.

 uchiseală sf. " sottin. #. (ătaie) ruin. uchisi vt. ". to sot. #. (a ate) to ru. ucium sn. alphorn. uclat aj. curl*. uclă sf. ". curl& lock. #. fi. loop. ucluc sn. ". (neca/) other& pest. #. (situa0ie rea) troule& tiht spot. $. (nenorocire) aversit*. ucluca1 aj. ". troulesome. #. (certăre0) cavillous& captious. ucovinean I. sm. inhaitant of the ?ucovina. II. aj. from sau of the ?ucovina. uc1ă sf. el. jack. ucura I. vt. to fill ith jo*& to laen. II. vr. ". to rejoice. #. (e repturi etc.) to enjo*& to

 possess. II a se ~ la to covet meanl*.

%ucure(tean &. sm. *uc#arester. adj. *uc#arest... ucurie sf. ". jo*; (mare) raptures; transport. #. (veselie) mirth. $. (plăcere) pleasure. II ~ neună

il jo*; ucuriile vie0ii life’s pleasures; cu (multă) ~ lal*. ucuros I. aj. la& happ*. #. (vesel) merr*. $. (mul0umit) thankful& content. II. av. lal*;

illinl*. uincă sf. puin. uism sn. ?uism. uist sm.& aj. ?uhist. uoar sn. la*,s closet. uf I. aj. slapstick& farcical. II. interj. an! ufant aj. a*. ufet sn. ". uffet. #. (moilă 1i) sieoar. $. (la teatru etc. 1i) refreshment room; (+n 1coală)

tuckshop; (+n farică) tomm* shop. II ~ expres snack ar& amer. cafeteria& rustore. ufni I. vt. to an. II al ~ r3sul to reak into lauhter. II. vi. to sulk& to pout. ufnitură sf. an& thu. ufni0ă sf. ol. ufon sm. ". fool. #. ist. 1i jester& uffoon. ufonerie sf. uffooner*. uftea sm. fatt*& pue. uet sn. uet. uetar aj. uetar*. uhai I. sm. ull II ~ e altă (pasăre) ittern; (roască) toa. II. sn. rum cause to oom *

 pullin tuft of hair attache on it. uhă sf. ol. uiestru sm. amle. uimac aj. ". heav* ith sleep. #. (/ăpăcit) flummoxe. uimăceală sf. ". i//iness. # (uluială) eilerment. uimăci I. vt. ". to stupef*. #. (a ului) to flaerast. II. vr. to e eilere. ujie sf. spark(in) plu. ujor sm. peon*. II un ~ e fată a floer of a irl. ul sm. ul.

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 uloană sf. hirlpool. uluca I. vt2. a ~ ochii to stare iee*e. II. vi. to ule. III. vr. to ule. #. (. ochi) to start

(from their sockets). ulucat aj. ". ulin& sollen. (. ochi) startin (from their sockets)& ulin. ulo sm. ullo.

 ulo/er sn. ullo/er. uleanră sf. ". ra. #. pl. 1i ol tos. uletin sn. ulletin. II ~ e anali/ă report; ~ e ientitate sau popula0ie ientit* car sau paper; ~

e 1tiri nes (ulletin); ~ e vot allot; ~ meteoroloic eather forecast; ~ oficial officiala/ette.

 ulevar sn. avenue& oulevar. ulevarier aj. frivolous& trivial. ular sm.& aj. ?ularian. ulară sf.& aj. ?ularian. ulăre sm. ". all. #. (e păm3nt) clo. II ~ e /ăpaă snoall. ulăresc aj. ?ularian. ulăroaică sf. ?ularian (oman). ulia1ă sm. ips* aron. ulin sn. ". pill& taloi. #. pl. (pică0ele) (polka) ots. ulion sn. ". tomato sauce. #. (supă) roth& stock. $. (+n acterioloie) colon*. uluc I. sn. ". thron. #. (morman) heap. II. av. ". pellmell. #. (. oameni) in a jumle. um interj. an. um sm. utton. umac sm. ". ot. cotton (plant). text. cotton. II e ~ cotton. umeran sn. oomeran. un I. sm. ranfather; ran parent. II. sn. ". propert*. #. 1i fi. asset. $. pl. oos&

 elonins. ~ e cules rea* for composition; ~ e tipar imprimatur; II ~uri e lar consumstaple sau consumer oos; ~uri funciare lane propert*; ~uri imoiliare real estate; ~urimoile personal estate& chattels; ~uri o1te1ti pulic assets. III. aj. ". oo. #. (e treaă 1i)kin(l*). (capail 1i) efficient. -. (potrivit 1i) fine; suitale& fit. 4. (sănătos) soun& reasonale.6. (veritail) enuine. J. (nestricat) in oo repair. K. (norocos) luck*& auspicious. II ~ă /iua!hello!; (vă salut) ho o *ou o!; ~ ăiat a fine chap inee; e ură li; ith a slicktonue; ~ e plată; honest; rea* ith the mone*; ~ sim0 common sense; la ce ~8 just h*8;mai ~ etter& finer& etc.; toate ~e all riht.

*unavestire sf. Annunciation.%un"$credinţ" sf. good fait#.%un"$cuviinţ" sf. 1. decorum. 2. politeţe! politeness. unăoară av. for example sau instance. unăseamă sf.2 e ~ natutall*& (as a matter) of course. unăstare sf. elfare& ellein. unătate sf. ". ooness. #. (suflet un) kin(li)ness. $. pl. (e m3ncare) ainties& elicatessen. II

o ~! a oner!; ~ e... such a fine... unăvoie sf.2 e ~ of one, on accor& voluntaril*. unăvoin0ă sf. ooill. uncăr sn. ". mil. lockhouse. #. tehn. unker. unust sn. fine taste; refinement. II e ~ in oo taste& smart. unic sm. ranfather& fam. ranpa.

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 unică sf. ranmother& fam. ranma. unicel aj. passale. unicu0ă sf. ". rannie. #. kin ol oman. uni1or aj. acceptale& prett* oo. ura vi. to ri//le.

 uratic sm. tree fro. ură sf. ri//le. uruf I. sn. ". (ă1ică) laer. #. (sac) skin. $. (foale) ellos. II. av. fast& han an foot. uruhan sn. paunch. uruh(ăn)os aj. potellie. uru1i vt. ". (a umple) to cram. #. (a ate) to sana. uret sn. ourette. urete sm. ". spone. #. (ciupercă) mushroom. urhe/ sm.& aj. oureois. II mic ~ pett* oureois. urhe/ie sf. the mile classes& the oureoisie. II marea ~ the upper oureoisie; mica ~ the

 pett* oureoisie. urhe/omo1ieresc aj. oureoislanlor... urhe/omo1ierime sf. the oureois(ie) an lanoners. urhiu sn. auer. uric sn. ". navel. #. (al eetului) tip. II ~ul păm3ntului the hu of the universe. urlac sm. achelor. urlan sn. ". (rain)pipe. #. (co1) flue& stove pipe. urlăcie sf. achelor life. urlesc sn.& aj. urles'ue. urni0a vi. to ri//le. urni0ă sf. ri//le. umu/ sn. urnous; (al 1i) caaan. ursă sf. ". scholarship; (ajutor) stipen& rant. #. fin. (stock) exchane. II ~ neară lack

market. ursier sm. stipene stuent sau pupil. ursuc sm. aer. urtă sf. ". ell*& stomach; (mare) paunch. # . (ca m3ncare) tripe. II cu ~ fat; fi. enth*& ran

out; cu urta mare sau la ură far one ith chil; in ~ fi. off han& invente. urtăvere sm. Philistine. urtos aj. ielie. uruiană sf. ". ee. #. (e leac) simple. uruienos aj. ee*. ur/ului vr. ". to ristle up. #. (. vreme) to reak. usolă sf. ". compass. #. fi. uie. ust sn. ust. usuioc sn. seet asil. u1eu sn. patt*. u1on sn. stopper. u1tean I. sm. ". lo. #. (ciot) (tree)stump. II. av2. a ormi ~ to sleep like a top; a se lămuri ~ to

 e (still) in the ark. ut sn. ". (e vacă etc.) le. #. sport oal area. utaă sf. 'uip.

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 utaforie sf. (papierm3chT) set pieces. uta1 sm. cuttin& slip. ute sf. hoshea& arrel. utelcă sf. ottle. utelie sf. ottle. II ~ e araa/ as c*liner; ~ e Ge*a Ge*en jar.

 utoi sn. cask; (mic) ke. utoia1 sn. ". small arrel& ke. #. (e revolver) c*liner. uton I. sm. ". cuff link. #. (e uler) collar stu. II. sn. ". push (utton). #. (la raio etc.) kno.

(1altăr) sitch. utonieră sf. uttonhole. utuc I. sm. ". lo. #. (ciot) (tree) stump. $. (e vi0ă) vine. -. (e roată) hu. 4. (pt. tăiat)

(choppin) lock. 6. pl. (oe/i) stocks. II pe ~i uner repair. II. av2 a ormi ~ to sleep like alo.

 utucănos aj. thick& stump*. uturuă sf. treestump& chump. u/at aj. thicklippe. u/ă sf. lip.%uzdugan sn. mace.  u/na av. ". aruptl*& unaares. (irect) plum& pop. u/unar sn. ". pocket. #. /ool. pouch. II e ~ pocket... u/unăra1 sn. chane pocket& u/unări vt2 a ~ pe cineva to pick sm.’s pockets; to search sm.