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PS3.3 DICOM PS3.3 2017e - Information Object Definitions

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DICOM PS3.3 2017e - Information Object Definitions



DICOM PS3.3 2017e - Information Object Definitions

DICOM PS3.3 2017e - Information Object Definitions



DICOM PS3.3 2017e - Information Object Definitions

PS3.3: DICOM PS3.3 2017e - Information Object Definitions

Copyright 2017 NEMA



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Table of Contents

Notice and Disclaimer 0

Foreword 0

1. Scope and Field of Application 0

2. Normative References 0

3. Definitions 0

4. Symbols and Abbreviations 0

5. Conventions 0

5.1. Entity-Relationship Model 0

5.1.1. Entity 0

5.1.2. Relationship 0

5.2. Sequences 0

5.3. Triplet Encoding of Structured Data (Retired) 0

5.4. Attribute Macros 0

5.5. Types and Conditions in Normalized IODs 0

5.6. Invocation of Context Groups 0

6. DICOM Information Model 0

6.1. Information Object Definition 0

6.1.1. Composite IOD 0

6.1.2. Normalized IOD 0

6.2. Attributes 0

6.3. On-line Communication and Media Storage Services 0

6.3.1. DIMSE-C Services 0

6.3.2. DIMSE-N Services 0

6.4. DIMSE Service Group 0

6.5. Service-Object Pair (SOP) Class 0

6.5.1. Normalized and Composite SOP Classes 0

6.6. Association Negotiation 0

6.7. Service Class Specification 0

7. DICOM Model of the Real World 0

7.1. DICOM Information Model 0

7.2. Organization of Annexes A, B and C 0

7.3. Extension of the DICOM Model of the Real World 0

7.3.1. Definition of the Extensions of the DICOM Real World Model 0 Patient 0 Service Episode and Visit 0 Imaging Service Request 0 Procedure Type 0 Requested Procedure 0 Scheduled Procedure Step 0 Procedure Plan 0 Protocol 0 Defined Procedure Protocol 0 Performed Procedure Protocol 0 Modality Performed Procedure Step 0 General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step (Retired) 0 General Purpose Performed Procedure Step (Retired) 0 Workitem (Retired) 0 Clinical Document 0

7.4. Extension of the DICOM Model of the Real World for the General Purpose Worklist (Retired) 0

7.5. Organizing Large Sets of Information 0

7.5.1. Concatenation 0

7.5.2. Dimension Organization 0

7.6. Extension of the DICOM Model of the Real World for Clinical Trials and Research 0

7.6.1. Clinical Trial and Research Information Entities 0 Clinical Trial Sponsor 0 Clinical Trial Protocol 0 Clinical Trial Subject 0 Clinical Trial Site 0 Clinical Trial Time Point 0 Clinical Trial Coordinating Center 0

7.7. Extension of the DICOM Model of the Real World for Hanging Protocols 0

7.8. Extension of the DICOM Model of the Real World for Color Palettes 0

7.9. Extension of the DICOM Model of the Real World for Specimens 0

7.9.1. Specimen 0

7.9.2. Container 0

7.9.3. Container Component 0

7.9.4. Preparation Step 0

7.10. Extension of DICOM Model of the Real World for Implant Templates 0

7.11. Extension of the DICOM Model of the Real World for the Unified Procedure Step (UPS) 0

7.11.1. Unified Procedure Step 0

7.11.2. Worklist 0

7.12. Extension of The DICOM Model of The Real World For Display System 0

7.13. DICOM Model of the Real World for Non-Patient-Related Information 0

7.13.1. Hanging Protocol Information Entity 0

7.13.2. Color Palette Information Entity 0

7.13.3. Implant Related Information Entities 0 Implant Template Information Entity 0 Implant Assembly Template Information Entity 0 Implant Template Group Information Entity 0

7.13.4. Extension of The DICOM Model of The Real World For Protocol Storage 0

7.13.5. Approval Information Entity 0

8. Encoding of Coded Entry Data 0

8.1. Code Value 0

8.2. Coding Scheme Designator and Coding Scheme Version 0

8.3. Code Meaning 0

8.4. Mapping Resource 0

8.5. Context Group Version 0

8.6. Context Identifier and Context UID 0

8.7. Context Group Extensions 0

8.8. Standard Attribute Sets for Code Sequence Attributes 0

8.9. Equivalent Code Sequence 0

8.10. Coded Entry Data Examples 0

9. Template Identification Macro (Retired) 0

10. Miscellaneous Macros 0

10.1. Person Identification Macro 0

10.2. Content Item Macro 0

10.3. Image SOP Instance Reference Macro 0

10.4. Series and Instance Reference Macro 0

10.5. General Anatomy Macros 0

10.6. Request Attributes Macro 0

10.6.1. SOP Class UID in Referenced Study Sequence 0

10.7. Basic Pixel Spacing Calibration Macro 0

10.7.1. Basic Pixel Spacing Calibration Macro Attribute Descriptions 0 Pixel Spacing 0 Pixel Spacing Calibration Type 0 Pixel Spacing Value Order and Valid Values 0

10.8. SOP Instance Reference Macro 0

10.9. Content Identification Macro 0

10.10. General Contributing Sources Macro 0

10.11. Contributing Image Sources Macro 0

10.12. Patient Orientation Macro 0

10.12.1. Relation With Other Positioning Attributes 0

10.13. Performed Procedure Step Summary Macro 0

10.14. HL7v2 Hierarchic Designator Macro 0

10.15. Issuer of Patient ID Macro 0

10.16. Algorithm Identification Macro 0

10.17. Selector Attribute Macro 0

10.17.1. Selector Attribute Macro Attribute Descriptions 0 Referencing Nested Elements 0 Private Attribute References 0

10.18. Data Set Identification Macro 0

10.19. Exposure Index Macro 0

10.20. Mandatory View and Slice Progression Direction Macro 0

10.20.1. Mandatory View and Slice Progression Direction Macro Attributes 0 Slice Progression Direction 0

10.21. Optional View and Slice Progression Direction Macro 0

10.22. Numeric Value Macro 0

10.23. RT Equipment Correlation Macro 0

10.24. Device Motion Control Macro 0

10.24.1. Device Motion Control Macro Attributes 0 Device Motion Execution Mode 0 Device Motion Observation Mode 0

10.25. Attribute Value Constraint Macro 0

10.25.1. Constraint Type 0 Multi-valued Attribute Constraints 0

10.25.2. Constraint Violation Significance 0

10.26. Attribute Value Macro 0

10.27. Reference Location Macro 0

10.27.1. Offset Distance and Direction 0

10.28. Protocol Element Identification Macro 0

10.29. UDI Macro 0

10.29.1. Unique Device Identifier 0

10.30. Assertion Macro 0

A. Composite Information Object Definitions (Normative) 0

A.1. Elements of An Information Object Definition 0

A.1.1. IOD Description 0

A.1.2. IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.1.2.1. Patient IE 0

A.1.2.2. Study IE 0

A.1.2.3. Series IE 0

A.1.2.4. Equipment IE 0

A.1.2.5. Frame of Reference IE 0

A.1.2.6. Image IE 0

A. Overlay Data 0

A. Modality LUT Data 0

A. Value of Interest LUT Data 0

A. Real World Value Mapping Data 0

A.1.2.7. Overlay IE 0

A.1.2.8. Curve IE 0

A.1.2.9. Modality LUT IE 0

A.1.2.10. VOI LUT IE 0

A.1.2.11. Presentation State IE 0

A.1.2.12. Waveform IE 0

A.1.2.13. SR Document IE 0

A.1.2.14. Spectroscopy IE 0

A.1.2.15. Raw Data IE 0

A.1.2.16. Encapsulated Document IE 0

A.1.2.17. Real World Value Mapping IE 0

A.1.2.18. Surface IE 0

A.1.2.19. Measurements IE 0

A.1.2.20. Tractography Results IE 0

A.1.2.21. Plan IE 0

A.1.2.22. Content Assessment Result IE 0

A.1.2.23. Spatial Fiducials IE 0

A.1.2.24. Dose IE 0

A.1.2.25. Structure Set IE 0

A.1.2.26. Treatment Record IE 0

A.1.2.27. Stereometric Relationship IE 0

A.1.2.28. Procedure Protocol IE 0

A.1.3. IOD Module Table and Functional Group Macro Table 0

A.1.3.1. Mandatory Modules 0

A.1.3.2. Conditional Modules 0

A.1.3.3. User Option Modules 0

A.1.4. Overview of the Composite IOD Module Content 0

A.2. Computed Radiography Image IOD 0

A.2.1. CR Image IOD Description 0

A.2.2. CR Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.2.3. CR Image IOD Module Table 0

A.3. Computed Tomography Image IOD 0

A.3.1. CT Image IOD Description 0

A.3.2. CT Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.3.3. CT Image IOD Module Table 0

A.4. Magnetic Resonance Image IOD 0

A.4.1. MR Image IOD Description 0

A.4.2. MR Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.4.3. MR Image IOD Module Table 0

A.5. Nuclear Medicine Image IOD 0

A.5.1. NM Image IOD Description 0

A.5.2. NM Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.5.3. NM Image IOD Module Table (Retired) 0

A.5.4. NM Image IOD Module Table 0

A.5.4.1. Acquisition Context Module 0

A.6. Ultrasound Image IOD 0

A.6.1. US Image IOD Description 0

A.6.2. US Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.6.3. US Image IOD Module Table (Retired) 0

A.6.4. US Image IOD Module Table 0

A.6.4.1. Mutually Exclusive IEs 0

A.7. Ultrasound Multi-frame Image IOD 0

A.7.1. US Image IOD Description 0

A.7.2. US Multi-frame Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.7.3. US Image IOD Module Table (Retired) 0

A.7.4. US Multi-frame Image IOD Module Table 0

A.7.4.1. Mutually Exclusive IEs 0

A.8. Secondary Capture Image IOD 0

A.8.1. SC Image Information Objection Definition 0

A.8.1.1. SC Image IOD Description 0

A.8.1.2. SC Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.8.1.3. SC Image IOD Module Table 0

A.8.2. Multi-frame Single Bit Secondary Capture Image IOD 0

A.8.2.1. Multi-frame Single Bit SC Image IOD Description 0

A.8.2.2. Multi-frame Single Bit SC Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.8.2.3. Multi-frame Single Bit SC Image IOD Module Table 0

A.8.2.4. Multi-frame Single Bit SC Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.8.3. Multi-frame Grayscale Byte Secondary Capture Image IOD 0

A.8.3.1. Multi-frame Grayscale Byte Image IOD Description 0

A.8.3.2. Multi-frame Grayscale Byte SC Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.8.3.3. Multi-frame Grayscale Byte SC Image IOD Module Table 0

A.8.3.4. Multi-frame Grayscale Byte SC Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.8.3.5. Multi-frame Grayscale Byte SC Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.8.4. Multi-frame Grayscale Word Secondary Capture Image IOD 0

A.8.4.1. Multi-frame Grayscale Word SC Image IOD Description 0

A.8.4.2. Multi-frame Grayscale Word SC Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.8.4.3. Multi-frame Grayscale Word SC Image IOD Module Table 0

A.8.4.4. Multi-frame Grayscale Word SC Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.8.4.5. Multi-frame Grayscale Word SC Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.8.5. Multi-frame True Color Secondary Capture Image IOD 0

A.8.5.1. Multi-frame True Color Image IOD Description 0

A.8.5.2. Multi-frame True Color SC Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.8.5.3. Multi-frame True Color SC Image IOD Module Table 0

A.8.5.4. Multi-frame True Color SC Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.8.5.5. Multi-frame True Color SC Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.9. Standalone Overlay IOD 0

A.10. Standalone Curve IOD 0

A.11. Basic Study Descriptor IOD 0

A.12. Standalone Modality LUT IOD 0

A.13. Standalone VOI LUT IOD 0

A.14. X-Ray Angiographic Image IOD 0

A.14.1. XA Image IOD Description 0

A.14.2. XA Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.14.3. XA Image IOD Module Table 0

A.15. X-Ray Angiographic Bi-plane Image Information Object Definition (Retired) 0

A.16. X-Ray RF Image IOD 0

A.16.1. XRF Image IOD Description 0

A.16.2. XRF Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.16.3. XRF Image IOD Module Table 0

A.17. RT Image IOD 0

A.17.1. RT Image IOD Description 0

A.17.2. RT Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.17.3. RT Image IOD Module Table 0

A.18. RT Dose IOD 0

A.18.1. RT Dose IOD Description 0

A.18.2. RT Dose IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.18.3. RT Dose IOD Module Table 0

A.19. RT Structure Set IOD 0

A.19.1. RT Structure Set IOD Description 0

A.19.2. RT Structure Set IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.19.3. RT Structure Set IOD Module Table 0

A.19.4. RT Structure Set IOD Content Constraints 0

A.20. RT Plan IOD 0

A.20.1. RT Plan IOD Description 0

A.20.2. RT Plan IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.20.3. RT Plan IOD Module Table 0

A.20.3.1. RT Fraction Scheme Module 0

A.20.3.2. RT Prescription Module 0

A.20.3.3. RT Tolerance Tables Module 0

A.20.3.4. RT Patient Setup Module 0

A.21. Positron Emission Tomography Image IOD 0

A.21.1. PET Image IOD Description 0

A.21.2. PET Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.21.3. PET Image IOD Module Table 0

A.21.3.1. Acquisition Context Module 0

A.22. Standalone PET Curve IOD 0

A.23. Stored Print IOD 0

A.24. Hardcopy Grayscale Image IOD 0

A.25. Hardcopy Color Image IOD 0

A.26. Digital X-Ray Image IOD 0

A.26.1. DX Image IOD Description 0

A.26.2. DX Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.26.3. DX Image IOD Module Table 0

A.26.4. Overlay Plane Module 0

A.26.5. Acquisition Context Module 0

A.27. Digital Mammography X-Ray Image IOD 0

A.27.1. Digital Mammography X-Ray Image IOD Description 0

A.27.2. Digital Mammography X-Ray Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.27.3. Digital Mammography X-Ray Image IOD Module Table 0

A.27.4. Overlay Plane Module 0

A.28. Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray Image IOD 0

A.28.1. Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray Image IOD Description 0

A.28.2. Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.28.3. Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray Image IOD Module Table 0

A.28.4. Overlay Plane Module 0

A.29. RT Beams Treatment Record IOD 0

A.29.1. RT Beams Treatment Record IOD Description 0

A.29.2. RT Beams Treatment Record IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.29.3. RT Beams Treatment Record IOD Module Table 0

A.30. RT Brachy Treatment Record IOD 0

A.30.1. RT Brachy Treatment Record IOD Description 0

A.30.2. RT Brachy Treatment Record IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.30.3. RT Brachy Treatment Record IOD Module Table 0

A.31. RT Treatment Summary Record IOD 0

A.31.1. RT Treatment Summary Record IOD Description 0

A.31.2. RT Treatment Summary Record IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.31.3. RT Treatment Summary Record IOD Module Table 0

A.32. Visible Light Image Information Object Definitions 0

A.32.1. VL Endoscopic Image IOD 0

A.32.1.1. VL Endoscopic Image IOD Description 0

A.32.1.2. VL Endoscopic Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.32.1.3. VL Endoscopic Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A.32.2. VL Microscopic Image IOD 0

A.32.2.1. VL Microscopic Image IOD Description 0

A.32.2.2. VL Microscopic Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.32.2.3. VL Microscopic Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A.32.3. VL Slide-Coordinates Microscopic Image IOD 0

A.32.3.1. VL Slide-Coordinates Microscopic Image IOD Description 0

A.32.3.2. VL Slide-Coordinates Microscopic Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.32.3.3. VL Slide-coordinates Microscopic Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A.32.4. VL Photographic Image IOD 0

A.32.4.1. VL Photographic Image IOD Description 0

A.32.4.2. VL Photographic Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.32.4.3. VL Photographic Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A.32.5. Video Endoscopic Image IOD 0

A.32.5.1. Video Endoscopic Image IOD Description 0

A.32.5.2. Video Endoscopic Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.32.5.3. Video Endoscopic Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Image Related Data Encoding 0

A. Anatomic Region Sequence 0

A.32.6. Video Microscopic Image IOD 0

A.32.6.1. Video Microscopic Image IOD Description 0

A.32.6.2. Video Microscopic Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.32.6.3. Video Microscopic Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Image Related Data Encoding 0

A.32.7. Video Photographic Image IOD 0

A.32.7.1. Video Photographic Image IOD Description 0

A.32.7.2. Video Photographic Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.32.7.3. Video Photographic Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Image Related Data Encoding 0

A.32.8. VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image IOD 0

A.32.8.1. VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image IOD Description 0

A.32.8.2. VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.32.8.3. VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image IOD Module Table 0

A. VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Optical Path Module 0

A.32.8.4. VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image Functional Group Macros 0

A. VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image Functional Group Macros Content Constraints 0

A. Referenced Image 0

A. Plane Position (Slide) 0

A.33. Softcopy Presentation State Information Object Definitions 0

A.33.1. Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State IOD 0

A.33.1.1. Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State IOD Description 0

A.33.1.2. Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.33.1.3. Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State IOD Module Table 0

A.33.2. Color Softcopy Presentation State IOD 0

A.33.2.1. Color Softcopy Presentation State IOD Description 0

A.33.2.2. Color Softcopy Presentation State IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.33.2.3. Color Softcopy Presentation State IOD Module Table 0

A.33.3. Pseudo-color Softcopy Presentation State IOD 0

A.33.3.1. Pseudo-color Softcopy Presentation State IOD Description 0

A.33.3.2. Pseudo-color Softcopy Presentation State IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.33.3.3. Pseudo-color Softcopy Presentation State IOD Module Table 0

A.33.4. Blending Softcopy Presentation State IOD 0

A.33.4.1. Blending Softcopy Presentation State IOD Description 0

A.33.4.2. Blending Softcopy Presentation State IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.33.4.3. Blending Softcopy Presentation State IOD Module Table 0

A.33.5. Basic Structured Display IOD 0

A.33.5.1. Basic Structured Display IOD Description 0

A.33.5.2. Basic Structured Display IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.33.5.3. Basic Structured Display IOD Module Table 0

A.33.6. XA/XRF Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State IOD 0

A.33.6.1. XA/XRF Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State IOD Description 0

A.33.6.2. XA/XRF Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.33.6.3. XA/XRF Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State IOD Module Table 0

A.33.7. Advanced Blending Presentation State IOD 0

A.33.7.1. Advanced Blending Presentation State IOD Description 0

A.33.7.2. Advanced Blending Presentation State IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.33.7.3. Advanced Blending Presentation State IOD Module Table 0

A.34. Waveform Information Object Definitions 0

A.34.1. Waveform IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.34.2. Basic Voice Audio IOD 0

A.34.2.1. Basic Voice Audio IOD Description 0

A.34.2.2. Basic Voice Audio IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.34.2.3. Basic Voice Audio IOD Module Table 0

A.34.2.4. Basic Voice Audio IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Waveform Sequence 0

A. Number of Waveform Channels 0

A. Sampling Frequency 0

A. Waveform Sample Interpretation 0

A.34.3. 12-Lead Electrocardiogram IOD 0

A.34.3.1. 12-Lead ECG IOD Description 0

A.34.3.2. 12-Lead ECG IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.34.3.3. 12-Lead ECG IOD Module Table 0

A.34.3.4. 12-Lead ECG IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Acquisition Context Module 0

A. Waveform Sequence 0

A. Number of Waveform Channels 0

A. Number of Waveform Samples 0

A. Sampling Frequency 0

A. Channel Source 0

A. Waveform Sample Interpretation 0

A. Waveform Annotation Module 0

A.34.4. General Electrocardiogram IOD 0

A.34.4.1. General ECG IOD Description 0

A.34.4.2. General ECG IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.34.4.3. General ECG IOD Module Table 0

A.34.4.4. General ECG IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Waveform Sequence 0

A. Number of Waveform Channels 0

A. Sampling Frequency 0

A. Channel Source 0

A. Waveform Sample Interpretation 0

A. Waveform Annotation Module 0

A.34.5. Ambulatory Electrocardiogram IOD 0

A.34.5.1. Ambulatory ECG IOD Description 0

A.34.5.2. Ambulatory ECG IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.34.5.3. Ambulatory ECG IOD Module Table 0

A.34.5.4. Ambulatory ECG IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Waveform Sequence 0

A. Number of Waveform Channels 0

A. Sampling Frequency 0

A. Channel Source 0

A. Waveform Sample Interpretation 0

A.34.6. Hemodynamic IOD 0

A.34.6.1. Hemodynamic IOD Description 0

A.34.6.2. Hemodynamic IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.34.6.3. Hemodynamic IOD Module Table 0

A.34.6.4. Hemodynamic IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Acquisition Context Module 0

A. Waveform Sequence 0

A. Number of Waveform Channels 0

A. Sampling Frequency 0

A. Channel Source 0

A. Waveform Sample Interpretation 0

A. Waveform Annotation Module 0

A.34.7. Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology IOD 0

A.34.7.1. Basic Cardiac EP IOD Description 0

A.34.7.2. Basic Cardiac EP IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.34.7.3. Basic Cardiac EP IOD Module Table 0

A.34.7.4. Basic Cardiac EP IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Acquisition Context Module 0

A. Waveform Sequence 0

A. Sampling Frequency 0

A. Channel Source 0

A. Waveform Sample Interpretation 0

A. Waveform Annotation Module 0

A.34.8. Arterial Pulse Waveform IOD 0

A.34.8.1. Arterial Pulse Waveform IOD Description 0

A.34.8.2. Arterial Pulse Waveform IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.34.8.3. Arterial Pulse Waveform IOD Module Table 0

A.34.8.4. Arterial Pulse Waveform IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Waveform Sequence 0

A. Number of Waveform Channels 0

A. Sampling Frequency 0

A. Channel Source 0

A. Waveform Sample Interpretation 0

A.34.9. Respiratory Waveform IOD 0

A.34.9.1. Respiratory Waveform IOD Description 0

A.34.9.2. Respiratory Waveform IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.34.9.3. Respiratory Waveform IOD Module Table 0

A.34.9.4. Respiratory Waveform IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Waveform Sequence 0

A. Number of Waveform Channels 0

A. Sampling Frequency 0

A. Channel Source 0

A. Waveform Sample Interpretation 0

A.34.10. General Audio Waveform IOD 0

A.34.10.1. General Audio Waveform IOD Description 0

A.34.10.2. General Audio Waveform IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.34.10.3. General Audio Waveform IOD Module Table 0

A.34.10.4. General Audio Waveform IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality 0

A. Waveform Sequence 0

A. Number of Waveform Channels 0

A. Sampling Frequency 0

A. Channel Source 0

A. Waveform Sample Interpretation 0

A.35. Structured Report Document Information Object Definitions 0

A.35.1. Basic Text SR IOD 0

A.35.1.1. Basic Text SR IOD Description 0

A.35.1.2. Basic Text SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.1.3. Basic Text SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Basic Text SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.2. Enhanced SR IOD 0

A.35.2.1. Enhanced SR IOD Description 0

A.35.2.2. Enhanced SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.2.3. Enhanced SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Enhanced SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.3. Comprehensive SR IOD 0

A.35.3.1. Comprehensive SR IOD Description 0

A.35.3.2. Comprehensive SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.3.3. Comprehensive SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Comprehensive SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.4. Key Object Selection Document IOD 0

A.35.4.1. Key Object Selection Document IOD Description 0

A.35.4.2. Key Object Selection Document IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.4.3. Key Object Selection Document IOD Module Table 0

A. Key Object Selection Document IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A. Template Constraints 0

A.35.5. Mammography CAD SR IOD 0

A.35.5.1. Mammography CAD SR IOD Description 0

A.35.5.2. Mammography CAD SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.5.3. Mammography CAD SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Mammography CAD SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Template Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.6. Chest CAD SR IOD 0

A.35.6.1. Chest CAD SR IOD Description 0

A.35.6.2. Chest CAD SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.6.3. Chest CAD SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Chest CAD SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Template Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.7. Procedure Log IOD 0

A.35.7.1. Procedure Log IOD Description 0

A.35.7.2. Procedure Log IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.7.3. Procedure Log IOD Module Table 0

A. Procedure Log IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Template 0

A. Observation DateTime 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.8. X-Ray Radiation Dose SR IOD 0

A.35.8.1. X-Ray Radiation Dose SR IOD Description 0

A.35.8.2. X-Ray Radiation Dose SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.8.3. X-Ray Radiation Dose SR IOD Module Table 0

A. X-Ray Radiation Dose SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Template 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A. Completion Flag 0

A.35.9. Spectacle Prescription Report IOD 0

A.35.9.1. Spectacle Prescription Report IOD Description 0

A.35.9.2. Spectacle Prescription Report IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.9.3. Spectacle Prescription Report IOD Module Table 0

A. Spectacle Prescription Report IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A. Template Constraints 0

A.35.10. Colon CAD SR IOD 0

A.35.10.1. Colon CAD SR IOD Description 0

A.35.10.2. Colon CAD SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.10.3. Colon CAD SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Colon CAD SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Template Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.11. Macular Grid Thickness and Volume Report IOD 0

A.35.11.1. Macular Grid Thickness and Volume Report IOD Description 0

A.35.11.2. Macular Grid Thickness and Volume Report IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.11.3. Macular Grid Thickness and Volume Report IOD Module Table 0

A. Macular Grid Thickness and Volume Report IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A. Template Constraints 0

A.35.12. Implantation Plan SR Document IOD 0

A.35.12.1. Implantation Plan SR Document IOD Description 0

A.35.12.2. Implantation Plan SR Document IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.12.3. Implantation Plan SR Document IOD Module Table 0

A. Implantation Plan SR Document IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Template Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.13. Comprehensive 3D SR IOD 0

A.35.13.1. Comprehensive 3D SR IOD Description 0

A.35.13.2. Comprehensive 3D SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.13.3. Comprehensive 3D SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Comprehensive 3D SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.14. Radiopharmaceutical Radiation Dose SR IOD 0

A.35.14.1. Radiopharmaceutical Radiation Dose SR IOD Description 0

A.35.14.2. Radiopharmaceutical Radiation Dose SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.14.3. Radiopharmaceutical Radiation Dose SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Radiopharmaceutical Radiation Dose SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Template 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.15. Extensible SR IOD 0

A.35.15.1. Extensible SR IOD Description 0

A.35.15.2. Extensible SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.15.3. Extensible SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Extensible SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.16. Acquisition Context SR IOD 0

A.35.16.1. Acquisition Context SR IOD Description 0

A.35.16.2. Acquisition Context SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.16.3. Acquisition Context SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Acquisition Context SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A. Template Constraints 0

A.35.17. Simplified Adult Echo SR IOD 0

A.35.17.1. Simplified Adult Echo SR IOD Description 0

A.35.17.2. Simplified Adult Echo SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.17.3. Simplified Adult Echo SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Simplified Adult Echo SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Template 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.35.18. Patient Radiation Dose SR IOD 0

A.35.18.1. Patient Radiation Dose SR IOD Description 0

A.35.18.2. Patient Radiation Dose SR IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.35.18.3. Patient Radiation Dose SR IOD Module Table 0

A. Patient Radiation Dose SR IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Template 0

A. Value Type 0

A. Relationship Constraints 0

A.36. Enhanced MR Information Object Definitions 0

A.36.1. Relationship Between Enhanced MR IODs 0

A.36.2. Enhanced MR Image IOD 0

A.36.2.1. Enhanced MR Image IOD Description 0

A.36.2.2. Enhanced MR Image Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.36.2.3. Enhanced MR Image IOD Module Table 0

A. Enhanced MR Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.36.2.4. Enhanced MR Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.36.3. MR Spectroscopy IOD 0

A.36.3.1. MR Spectroscopy IOD Description 0

A.36.3.2. MR Spectroscopy Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.36.3.3. MR Spectroscopy IOD Module Table 0

A.36.3.4. MR Spectroscopy Functional Group Macros 0

A.36.4. Enhanced MR Color Image IOD 0

A.36.4.1. Enhanced MR Color Image IOD Description 0

A.36.4.2. Enhanced MR Color Image Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.36.4.3. Enhanced MR Color Image IOD Module Table 0

A. Enhanced MR Color Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.36.4.4. Enhanced MR Color Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.37. Raw Data IOD 0

A.37.1. Raw Data IOD Description 0

A.37.2. Raw Data Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.37.3. Raw Data IOD Module Table 0

A.38. Enhanced Computed Tomography Image IOD 0

A.38.1. Enhanced CT Image IOD 0

A.38.1.1. Enhanced CT Image IOD Description 0

A.38.1.2. Enhanced CT Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.38.1.3. Enhanced CT Image IOD Module Table 0

A. Enhanced CT Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.38.1.4. Enhanced CT Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.39. Spatial Registration Information Object Definitions 0

A.39.1. Spatial Registration IOD 0

A.39.1.1. Spatial Registration IOD Description 0

A.39.1.2. Spatial Registration IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.39.1.3. Spatial Registration IOD Module Table 0

A.39.2. Deformable Spatial Registration IOD 0

A.39.2.1. Deformable Spatial Registration IOD Description 0

A.39.2.2. Deformable Spatial Registration IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.39.2.3. Deformable Spatial Registration IOD Module Table 0

A.40. Spatial Fiducials IOD 0

A.40.1. Spatial Fiducials IOD Description 0

A.40.2. Spatial Fiducials IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.40.3. Spatial Fiducials IOD Module Table 0

A.41. Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image IOD 0

A.41.1. Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image IOD Description 0

A.41.2. Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.41.3. Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image IOD Modules 0

A.41.4. Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.41.4.1. Bits Allocated, Bits Stored, and High Bit 0

A.41.4.2. Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence 0

A.42. Ophthalmic Photography 16 Bit Image IOD 0

A.42.1. Ophthalmic Photography 16 Bit Image IOD Description 0

A.42.2. Ophthalmic Photography 16 Bit Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.42.3. Ophthalmic Photography 16 Bit Image IOD Modules 0

A.42.4. Ophthalmic Photography 16 Bit Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.42.4.1. Bits Allocated, Bits Stored, and High Bit 0

A.42.4.2. Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence 0

A.43. Stereometric Relationship IOD 0

A.43.1. Stereometric Relationship IOD Description 0

A.43.2. Stereometric Relationship IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.43.3. Stereometric Relationship IOD Modules 0

A.44. Hanging Protocol IOD 0

A.44.1. Hanging Protocol IOD Description 0

A.44.2. Hanging Protocol IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.44.3. Hanging Protocol IOD Module Table 0

A.45. Encapsulated Document IOD 0

A.45.1. Encapsulated PDF IOD 0

A.45.1.1. Encapsulated PDF IOD Description 0

A.45.1.2. Encapsulated PDF Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.45.1.3. Encapsulated PDF IOD Module Table 0

A.45.1.4. Encapsulated PDF IOD Content Constraints 0

A. MIME Type of Encapsulated Document 0

A.45.2. Encapsulated CDA IOD 0

A.45.2.1. Encapsulated CDA IOD Description 0

A.45.2.2. Encapsulated CDA Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.45.2.3. Encapsulated CDA IOD Module Table 0

A.45.2.4. Encapsulated CDA IOD Content Constraints 0

A.46. Real World Value Mapping IOD 0

A.46.1. Real World Value Mapping IOD Description 0

A.46.2. Real World Value Mapping IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.46.3. Real World Value Mapping IOD Modules 0

A.47. Enhanced X-Ray Angiographic Image IOD 0

A.47.1. Enhanced XA Image IOD Description 0

A.47.2. Enhanced XA Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.47.3. Enhanced XA Image IOD Module Table 0

A.47.3.1. Enhanced XA Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality Attribute 0

A. Overlay Plane, Curve, VOI LUT and Specimen Identification Modules 0

A. Positioner Type 0

A.47.4. Enhanced XA Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.47.4.1. Enhanced XA Image Functional Group Macros Content Constraints 0

A. Frame Anatomy Functional Group Macro 0

A.48. Enhanced X-Ray RF Image IOD 0

A.48.1. Enhanced XRF Image IOD Description 0

A.48.2. Enhanced XRF Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.48.3. Enhanced XRF Image IOD Module Table 0

A.48.3.1. Enhanced XRF Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality Attribute 0

A. Overlay Plane, Curve, VOI LUT and Specimen Identification Modules 0

A. Positioner Type 0

A.48.4. Enhanced XRF Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.48.4.1. Enhanced XRF Image Functional Group Macros Content Constraints 0

A. Frame Anatomy Functional Group Macro 0

A.49. RT Ion Plan IOD 0

A.49.1. RT Ion Plan IOD Description 0

A.49.2. RT Ion Plan IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.49.3. RT Ion Plan IOD Modules 0

A.50. RT Ion Beams Treatment Record IOD 0

A.50.1. RT Ion Beams Treatment Record IOD Description 0

A.50.2. RT Ion Beams Treatment Record IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.50.3. RT Ion Beams Treatment Record IOD Modules 0

A.51. Segmentation IOD 0

A.51.1. Segmentation IOD Description 0

A.51.2. Segmentation IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.51.3. Segmentation IOD Module Table 0

A.51.4. Segmentation IOD Content Constraints 0

A.51.5. Segmentation Functional Groups 0

A.51.5.1. Segmentation Functional Groups Description 0

A.52. Ophthalmic Tomography Image IOD 0

A.52.1. Ophthalmic Tomography Image IOD Description 0

A.52.2. Ophthalmic Tomography Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.52.3. Ophthalmic Tomography Image IOD Modules 0

A.52.4. Ophthalmic Tomography Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.52.4.1. Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence 0

A.52.4.2. Overlay Plane Module and VOI LUT Module 0

A.52.4.3. Ophthalmic Tomography Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.53. X-Ray 3D Angiographic Image IOD 0

A.53.1. X-Ray 3D Angiographic Image IOD Description 0

A.53.2. X-Ray 3D Angiographic Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.53.3. X-Ray 3D Angiographic Image IOD Image Module Table 0

A.53.3.1. X-Ray 3D Angiographic Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality Attribute 0

A. Restrictions for Standard Extended SOP Classes 0

A. Image - Equipment Coordinate Relationship Module 0

A.53.4. X-Ray 3D Angiographic Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.53.4.1. X-Ray 3D Angiographic Image Functional Group Macros Content Constraints 0

A. Frame Anatomy Functional Group Macro 0

A.54. X-Ray 3D Craniofacial Image IOD 0

A.54.1. X-Ray 3D Craniofacial Image IOD Description 0

A.54.2. X-Ray 3D Craniofacial Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.54.3. X-Ray 3D Craniofacial Image IOD Module Table 0

A.54.3.1. X-Ray 3D Craniofacial Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality Attribute 0

A. Restrictions for Standard Extended SOP Classes 0

A.54.4. X-Ray 3D Craniofacial Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.54.4.1. X-Ray 3D Craniofacial Image Functional Group Macros Content Constraints 0

A. Frame Anatomy Functional Group Macro 0

A.55. Breast Tomosynthesis Image IOD 0

A.55.1. Breast Tomosynthesis Image IOD Description 0

A.55.2. Breast Tomosynthesis Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.55.3. Breast Tomosynthesis Image IOD Module Table 0

A.55.3.1. Breast Tomosynthesis Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Restrictions for Standard Extended SOP Classes 0

A. Image - Equipment Coordinate Relationship Module 0

A.55.4. Breast Tomosynthesis Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.55.4.1. Breast Tomosynthesis Image Functional Group Macros Content Constraints 0

A. Frame Anatomy Functional Group Macro 0

A.56. Enhanced PET Image IOD 0

A.56.1. Enhanced PET Image IOD Description 0

A.56.2. Enhanced PET Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.56.3. Enhanced PET Image IOD Module Table 0

A.56.3.1. Enhanced PET Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.56.4. Enhanced PET Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.56.5. Acquisition Context Module 0

A.57. Surface Segmentation IOD 0

A.57.1. Surface Segmentation IOD Description 0

A.57.2. Surface Segmentation IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.57.3. Surface Segmentation IOD Module Table 0

A.57.4. Surface Segmentation IOD Content Constraints 0

A.58. Color Palette IOD 0

A.58.1. Color Palette IOD Description 0

A.58.2. Color Palette IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.58.3. Color Palette IOD Module Table 0

A.59. Enhanced US Volume IOD 0

A.59.1. Enhanced US Volume IOD Description 0

A.59.2. Enhanced US Volume IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.59.3. Enhanced US Volume IOD Module Table 0

A.59.3.1. Enhanced US Volume IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Associated Physiological Waveforms 0

A. Contrast 0

A.59.4. Enhanced US Volume Functional Group Macros 0

A.59.4.1. Enhanced US Volume Functional Group Macros Content Constraints 0

A. US Image Description Macro 0

A. Plane Position (Volume) and Plane Orientation (Volume) Macros 0

A.60. Ophthalmic Refractive Measurements Information Object Definitions 0

A.60.1. Lensometry Measurements IOD 0

A.60.1.1. Lensometry Measurements IOD Description 0

A.60.1.2. Lensometry Measurements IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.60.1.3. Lensometry Measurements IOD Module Table 0

A.60.2. Autorefraction Measurements IOD 0

A.60.2.1. Autorefraction Measurements IOD Description 0

A.60.2.2. Autorefraction Measurements IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.60.2.3. Autorefraction Measurements IOD Module Table 0

A.60.3. Keratometry Measurements IOD 0

A.60.3.1. Keratometry Measurements IOD Description 0

A.60.3.2. Keratometry Measurements IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.60.3.3. Keratometry Measurements IOD Module Table 0

A.60.4. Subjective Refraction Measurements IOD 0

A.60.4.1. Subjective Refraction Measurements IOD Description 0

A.60.4.2. Subjective Refraction Measurements IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.60.4.3. Subjective Refraction Measurements IOD Module Table 0

A.60.5. Visual Acuity Measurements IOD 0

A.60.5.1. Visual Acuity Measurements IOD Description 0

A.60.5.2. Visual Acuity Measurements IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.60.5.3. Visual Acuity Measurements IOD Module Table 0

A.60.6. Ophthalmic Axial Measurements IOD 0

A.60.6.1. Ophthalmic Axial Measurements IOD Description 0

A.60.6.2. Ophthalmic Axial Measurements IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.60.6.3. Ophthalmic Axial Measurements IOD Module Table 0

A.60.7. Intraocular Lens Calculations IOD 0

A.60.7.1. Intraocular Lens Calculations IOD Description 0

A.60.7.2. Intraocular Lens Calculations IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.60.7.3. Intraocular Lens Calculations IOD Module Table 0

A.61. Generic Implant Template IOD 0

A.61.1. Generic Implant Template IOD Description 0

A.61.2. Generic Implant Template IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.61.3. Generic Implant Module IOD Module Table 0

A.62. Implant Assembly Template IOD 0

A.62.1. Implant Assembly Template IOD Description 0

A.62.2. Implant Assembly Template IOD Entity Relationship Model 0

A.62.3. Implant Assembly Template IOD Module Table 0

A.63. Implant Template Group IOD 0

A.63.1. Implant Template Group IOD Description 0

A.63.2. Implant Template Group IOD Entity Relationship Model 0

A.63.3. Implant Template Group IOD Module Table 0

A.64. RT Beams Delivery Instruction IOD 0

A.64.1. RT Beams Delivery Instruction IOD Description 0

A.64.2. RT Beams Delivery Instruction IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.64.3. RT Beams Delivery Instruction IOD Module Table 0

A.64.4. RT Beams Delivery Instruction IOD Content Constraints 0

A.64.4.1. Modality 0

A.65. Ophthalmic Visual Field Static Perimetry Measurements IOD 0

A.65.1. Ophthalmic Visual Field Static Perimetry Measurements IOD Description 0

A.65.2. Ophthalmic Visual Field Static Perimetry Measurements IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.65.3. Ophthalmic Visual Field Static Perimetry Measurements IOD Modules 0

A.66. Intravascular OCT IOD 0

A.66.1. Intravascular OCT Image IOD Description 0

A.66.2. Intravascular OCT Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.66.3. Intravascular OCT Image IOD Modules 0

A.66.3.1. Intravascular OCT Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence 0

A. Prohibited Modules 0

A.66.4. Intravascular OCT Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.66.4.1. Intravascular OCT Image Functional Group Macros Content Constraints 0

A. Frame Anatomy Functional Group Macro 0

A.67. Ophthalmic Thickness Map IOD 0

A.67.1. Ophthalmic Thickness Map IOD Description 0

A.67.2. Ophthalmic Thickness Map IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.67.3. Ophthalmic Thickness Map IOD Modules 0

A.67.4. Ophthalmic Thickness Map IOD Content Constraints 0

A.67.4.1. Prohibited Modules 0

A.68. Surface Scan Mesh IOD 0

A.68.1. Surface Scan Mesh IOD Description 0

A.68.2. Surface Scan Mesh IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.68.3. Surface Scan Mesh IOD Module Table 0

A.69. Surface Scan Point Cloud IOD 0

A.69.1. Surface Scan Point Cloud IOD Description 0

A.69.2. Surface Scan Point Cloud IOD Entity Relationship Model 0

A.69.3. Surface Scan Point Cloud IOD Module Table 0

A.70. Legacy Converted Enhanced CT Image IOD 0

A.70.1. Legacy Converted Enhanced CT Image IOD Description 0

A.70.2. Legacy Converted Enhanced CT Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.70.3. Legacy Converted Enhanced CT Image IOD Module Table 0

A.70.3.1. Legacy Converted Enhanced CT Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.70.4. Legacy Converted Enhanced CT Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.71. Legacy Converted Enhanced MR Image IOD 0

A.71.1. Legacy Converted Enhanced MR Image IOD Description 0

A.71.2. Legacy Converted Enhanced MR Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.71.3. Legacy Converted Enhanced MR Image IOD Module Table 0

A.71.3.1. Legacy Converted Enhanced MR Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.71.4. Legacy Converted Enhanced MR Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.72. Legacy Converted Enhanced PET Image IOD 0

A.72.1. Legacy Converted Enhanced PET Image IOD Description 0

A.72.2. Legacy Converted Enhanced PET Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.72.3. Legacy Converted Enhanced PET Image IOD Module Table 0

A.72.3.1. Legacy Converted Enhanced PET Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.72.4. Legacy Converted Enhanced PET Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.73. Corneal Topography Map IOD 0

A.73.1. Corneal Topography Map IOD Description 0

A.73.2. Corneal Topography Map IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.73.3. Corneal Topography Map IOD Modules 0

A.73.4. Corneal Topography Map IOD Content Constraints 0

A.73.4.1. Prohibited Modules 0

A.74. Breast Projection X-Ray Image IOD 0

A.74.1. Breast Projection X-Ray Image IOD Description 0

A.74.2. Breast Projection X-Ray Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.74.3. Breast Projection X-Ray Image IOD Module Table 0

A.74.3.1. Breast Projection X-Ray Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Modality Attribute 0

A. Overlay Plane Module, Curve Module and VOI LUT Module 0

A.74.4. Breast Projection X-Ray Image Functional Group Macros 0

A.74.4.1. Breast Projection X-Ray Image Functional Group Macros Content Constraints 0

A. Frame Anatomy Functional Group Macro 0

A.75. Parametric Map IOD 0

A.75.1. Parametric Map IOD Description 0

A.75.2. Parametric Map IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.75.3. Parametric Map IOD Module Table 0

A.75.4. Parametric Map IOD Content Constraints 0

A.75.5. Parametric Map Functional Groups 0

A.75.5.1. Parametric Map Functional Groups Description 0

A.76. Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection Image IOD 0

A.76.1. Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection Image IOD Description 0

A.76.2. Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.76.3. Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection Image IOD Modules 0

A.76.4. Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.76.4.1. Bits Allocated, Bits Stored, and High Bit 0

A.76.4.2. Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence 0

A.76.4.3. ICC Profile Module 0

A.77. Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography 3D Coordinates Image IOD 0

A.77.1. Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography 3D Coordinates Image IOD Description 0

A.77.2. Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography 3D Coordinates Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.77.3. Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography 3D Coordinates Image IOD Modules 0

A.77.4. Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography 3D Coordinates Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.77.4.1. Bits Allocated, Bits Stored, and High Bit 0

A.77.4.2. Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence 0

A.77.4.3. ICC Profile Module 0

A.78. Tractography Results IOD 0

A.78.1. Tractography Results IOD Description 0

A.78.2. Tractography Results IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.78.3. Tractography Results IOD Module Table 0

A.79. RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery Instruction IOD 0

A.79.1. RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery Instruction IOD Description 0

A.79.2. RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery Instruction IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.79.3. RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery Instruction IOD Module Table 0

A.79.4. RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery Instruction IOD Content Constraints 0

A.79.4.1. Modality 0

A.80. Volumetric Presentation State Information Object Definitions 0

A.80.1. Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State IOD 0

A.80.1.1. Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State IOD Description 0

A.80.1.2. Volumetric Presentation State IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.80.1.3. Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State IOD Module Table 0

A.80.1.4. Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Presentation Input Restrictions 0

A. Multi-Planar Reconstruction Style 0

A. Graphic Annotation Module 0

A. Volume Cropping Module 0

A. Volumetric Presentation State Reference Coordinate System 0

A.80.2. Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State IOD 0

A.80.2.1. Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State IOD Description 0

A.80.2.2. Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.80.2.3. Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State IOD Module Table 0

A.80.2.4. Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Presentation Input Restrictions 0

A. Graphic Annotation Module 0

A. Render Shading Module 0

A. Volumetric Presentation State Reference Coordinate System 0

A.81. Content Assessment Results IOD 0

A.81.1. Content Assessment Results IOD Description 0

A.81.2. Content Assessment Results IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.81.3. Content Assessment Results IOD Module Table 0

A.81.4. Content Assessment Results IOD Content Constraints 0

A.81.4.1. Modality 0

A.82. Procedure Protocol Information Object Definitions 0

A.82.1. CT Performed Procedure Protocol IOD 0

A.82.1.1. CT Performed Procedure Protocol IOD Description 0

A.82.1.2. CT Performed Procedure Protocol IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.82.1.3. CT Performed Procedure Protocol IOD Module Table 0

A.82.2. CT Defined Procedure Protocol IOD 0

A.82.2.1. CT Defined Procedure Protocol IOD Description 0

A.82.2.2. CT Defined Procedure Protocol IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.82.2.3. CT Defined Procedure Protocol IOD Module Table 0

A. CT Defined Procedure Protocol IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Equipment Modality Attribute 0

A.82.3. Protocol Approval Information Object Definitions 0

A.82.3.1. Protocol Approval IOD 0

A. Protocol Approval IOD Description 0

A. Protocol Approval IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A. Protocol Approval IOD Module Table 0

A.83. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face Image Information Object Definition 0

A.83.1. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face Image IOD Description 0

A.83.2. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face Image IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.83.3. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face Image IOD Modules 0

A.83.4. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face Image Image IOD Content Constraints 0

A.83.4.1. Frame of Reference UID 0

A.84. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis Information Object Definition 0

A.84.1. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis IOD Description 0

A.84.2. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis IOD Entity-Relationship Model 0

A.84.3. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis IOD Modules 0

A.84.3.1. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis Constraints 0

A.84.3.2. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis Functional Group Macros 0

A. Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis IOD Content Constraints 0

A. Derivation Image Functional Group 0

B. Normalized Information Object Definitions (Normative) 0

B.1. Patient Information Object Definition 0

B.2. Visit Information Object Definition 0

B.3. Study Information Object Definition 0

B.4. Study Component Information Object Definition 0

B.5. Results Information Object Definition 0

B.6. Interpretation Information Object Definition 0

B.7. Basic Film Session Information Object Definition 0

B.7.1. IOD Description 0

B.7.2. IOD Modules 0

B.8. Basic Film Box Information Object Definition 0

B.8.1. IOD Description 0

B.8.2. IOD Modules 0

B.9. Basic Image Box Information Object Definition 0

B.9.1. IOD Description 0

B.9.2. IOD Modules 0

B.10. Basic Annotation Box Information Object Definition 0

B.10.1. IOD Description 0

B.10.2. IOD Modules 0

B.11. Print Job Information Object Definition 0

B.11.1. IOD Description 0

B.11.2. IOD Modules 0

B.12. Printer Information Object Definition 0

B.12.1. IOD Description 0

B.12.2. IOD Modules 0

B.13. VOI LUT Box Information Object Definition (Retired) 0

B.14. Image Overlay Box Information Object Definition (Retired) 0

B.15. Storage Commitment Information Object Definition 0

B.15.1. Storage Commitment IOD Description 0

B.15.2. Storage Commitment IOD Modules 0

B.16. Print Queue Information Object Definition 0

B.17. Modality Performed Procedure Step Information Object Definition 0

B.17.1. IOD Description 0

B.17.2. IOD Modules 0

B.18. Presentation LUT Information Object Definition 0

B.18.1. IOD Description 0

B.18.2. IOD Modules 0

B.19. Pull Print Request Information Object Definition 0

B.20. Printer Configuration Information Object Definition 0

B.20.1. IOD Description 0

B.20.2. IOD Modules 0

B.21. Basic Print Image Overlay Box Information Object Definition 0

B.22. General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Information Object Definition (Retired) 0

B.23. General Purpose Performed Procedure Step Information Object Definition (Retired) 0

B.24. Instance Availability Notification Information Object Definition 0

B.24.1. IOD Description 0

B.24.2. IOD Modules 0

B.25. Media Creation Management Information Object Definition 0

B.25.1. IOD Description 0

B.25.2. IOD Modules 0

B.26. Unified Procedure Step Information Object Definition 0

B.26.1. IOD Description 0

B.26.2. IOD Modules 0

B.27. RT Conventional Machine Verification Information Object Definition 0

B.27.1. IOD Description 0

B.27.2. IOD Modules 0

B.28. RT Ion Machine Verification Information Object Definition 0

B.28.1. IOD Description 0

B.28.2. IOD Modules 0

B.29. Display System Information Object Definition 0

B.29.1. IOD Description 0

C. Information Module Definitions (Normative) 0

C.1. Elements of a Module Definition 0

C.1.1. Module Description 0

C.1.2. Module Definition 0

C.1.2.1. Attribute Name 0

C.1.2.2. Attribute Tag 0

C.1.2.3. Type Designation 0

C.1.2.4. Attribute Definition 0

C.1.3. Attribute Descriptions 0

C.2. Patient Modules 0

C.2.1. Patient Relationship Module 0

C.2.2. Patient Identification Module 0

C.2.2.1. Patient Identification Module Attributes 0

C. Referenced Patient Photo Sequence 0

C.2.3. Patient Demographic Module 0

C.2.4. Patient Medical Module 0

C.3. Visit Modules 0

C.3.1. Visit Relationship Module 0

C.3.2. Visit Identification Module 0

C.3.3. Visit Status Module 0

C.3.4. Visit Admission Module 0

C.3.5. Visit Discharge Module 0

C.3.6. Visit Scheduling Module 0

C.4. Study Modules 0

C.4.1. Study Relationship Module 0

C.4.2. Study Identification Module 0

C.4.3. Study Classification Module 0

C.4.4. Study Scheduling Module 0

C.4.5. Study Acquisition Module 0

C.4.6. Study Read Module 0

C.4.7. Study Component Module 0

C.4.8. Study Component Relationship Module 0

C.4.9. Study Component Acquisition Module 0

C.4.10. Scheduled Procedure Step Module 0

C.4.10.1. Protocol Context Sequence 0

C.4.11. Requested Procedure Module 0

C.4.12. Imaging Service Request Module 0

C.4.13. Performed Procedure Step Relationship 0

C.4.14. Performed Procedure Step Information 0

C.4.15. Image Acquisition Results Module 0

C.4.16. Radiation Dose Module 0

C.4.17. Billing and Material Management Code Module 0

C.4.18. General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Relationship Module (Retired) 0

C.4.19. General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Information Module (Retired) 0

C.4.20. General Purpose Performed Procedure Step Relationship Module (Retired) 0

C.4.21. General Purpose Performed Procedure Step Information Module (Retired) 0

C.4.22. General Purpose Results (Retired) 0

C.4.23. Instance Availability Notification Module 0

C.4.23.1. Instance Availability Notification Module Attribute Definitions 0

C. Instance Availability 0

C.5. Results Modules 0

C.6. Interpretation Modules 0

C.7. Common Composite Image IOD Modules 0

C.7.1. Common Patient IE Modules 0

C.7.1.1. Patient Module 0

C. Patient Module Attributes 0

C. Patient Breed Description and Code Sequence 0

C. Responsible Person Role 0

C. Patient Species (Taxonomic Rank Value) 0

C. Patient Strain and Genetic Modifications 0

C.7.1.2. Specimen Identification Module 0

C.7.1.3. Clinical Trial Subject Module 0

C. Clinical Trial Subject Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Clinical Trial Sponsor Name 0

C. Clinical Trial Protocol ID 0

C. Clinical Trial Protocol Name 0

C. Clinical Trial Site ID 0

C. Clinical Trial Site Name 0

C. Clinical Trial Subject ID 0

C. Clinical Trial Subject Reading ID 0

C.7.1.4. Patient Group Macro 0

C. Patient Group Macro Attributes 0

C. Groups of Subjects 0

C. Subject Relative Position in Image and Patient Position 0

C.7.1.5. Patient's Alternative Calendar 0

C.7.2. Common Study IE Modules 0

C.7.2.1. General Study Module 0

C. General Study Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Referring Physician, Physician of Record, Physician Reading Study, Consulting Physician 0

C.7.2.2. Patient Study Module 0

C.7.2.3. Clinical Trial Study Module 0

C. Clinical Trial Study Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Clinical Trial Time Point 0

C. Consent For Clinical Trial Use Sequence 0

C.7.3. Common Series IE Modules 0

C.7.3.1. General Series Module 0

C. General Series Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Modality 0

C. Patient Position 0

C.7.3.2. Clinical Trial Series Module 0

C. Clinical Trial Series Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Clinical Trial Coordinating Center Name 0

C. Clinical Trial Series Identifier and Description 0

C.7.3.3. Enhanced Series Module 0

C.7.4. Common Frame of Reference Information Entity Modules 0

C.7.4.1. Frame of Reference Module 0

C. Frame of Reference Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Frame of Reference UID 0

C. Position Reference Indicator 0

C.7.4.2. Synchronization Module 0

C. Synchronization Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Synchronization Frame of Reference UID 0

C. Time Source and Time Distribution Protocol 0

C. Synchronization Channel 0

C. Acquisition Time Synchronized 0

C.7.5. Common Equipment IE Modules 0

C.7.5.1. General Equipment Module 0

C. General Equipment Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Date of Last Calibration, Time of Last Calibration 0

C. Pixel Padding Value and Pixel Padding Range Limit 0

C. Software Versions 0

C.7.5.2. Enhanced General Equipment Module 0

C.7.6. Common Image IE Modules 0

C.7.6.1. General Image Module 0

C. General Image Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Patient Orientation 0

C. Image Type 0

C. Derivation Description 0

C. Source Image Sequence 0

C. Lossy Image Compression 0

C. Lossy Image Compression Method 0

C. Lossy Image Compression Ratio 0

C. Icon Image Sequence 0

C. Irradiation Event UID 0

C.7.6.2. Image Plane Module 0

C. Image Plane Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Image Position and Image Orientation 0

C. Slice Location 0

C.7.6.3. Image Pixel Module 0

C. Image Pixel Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Samples Per Pixel 0

C. Photometric Interpretation 0

C. Planar Configuration 0

C. Pixel Data 0

C. Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor 0

C. Palette Color Lookup Table Data 0

C. Pixel Aspect Ratio 0

C.7.6.4. Contrast/Bolus Module 0

C.7.6.4b. Enhanced Contrast/Bolus Module 0

C.7.6.4b.1. Enhanced Contrast/Bolus Module Attributes 0

C.7.6.4b.1.1. Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Opaque for X-Ray Equipment 0

C.7.6.5. Cine Module 0

C. Cine Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Frame Time 0

C. Frame Time Vector 0

C. Multiplexed Audio 0

C.7.6.6. Multi-frame Module 0

C. Multi-frame Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Number of Frames and Frame Increment Pointer 0

C. Frame Increment Pointer 0

C. Stereoscopic Pairs Present 0

C.7.6.7. Bi-plane Sequence Module (Retired) 0

C.7.6.8. Bi-plane Image Module (Retired) 0

C.7.6.9. Frame Pointers Module 0

C.7.6.10. Mask Module 0

C. Mask Subtraction Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Mask Operation 0

C. Mask Sub-pixel Shift 0

C.7.6.11. Display Shutter Module 0

C.7.6.12. Device Module 0

C. Device Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Device Type and Size 0

C.7.6.13. Intervention Module 0

C.7.6.14. Acquisition Context Module 0

C.7.6.15. Bitmap Display Shutter Module 0

C.7.6.16. Multi-frame Functional Groups Module 0

C. Multi-frame Functional Groups Module Attribute Description 0

C. Functional Group 0

C. Per-frame Functional Groups Sequence 0

C. SOP Instance UID of Concatenation Source 0

C. Common Functional Group Macros 0

C. Pixel Measures Macro 0

C. Frame Content Macro 0

C. Timing Parameter Relationships 0

C. Frame Reference DateTime 0

C. Frame Acquisition Duration 0

C. Concatenations and Stacks 0

C. Frame Label 0

C. Temporal Position Index and Stack ID in PET images 0

C. Stack ID usage in PET static, whole body and gated images 0

C. Usage of Temporal Position Index, Stack ID and In-Stack Position Number in fMRI Volumes 0

C. Plane Position (Patient) Macro 0

C. Position and Orientation for SAMPLED Frames 0

C. Plane Orientation (Patient) Macro 0

C. Referenced Image Macro 0

C. Use of Referenced Image Macro 0

C. Derivation Image Macro 0

C. Cardiac Synchronization Macro 0

C. Relationship of Cardiac Timing Attributes 0

C. Frame Anatomy Macro 0

C. Pixel Value Transformation Macro 0

C. Identity Pixel Value Transformation Macro 0

C. Frame VOI LUT Macro 0

C. Frame VOI LUT With LUT Macro 0

C. Real World Value Mapping Macro 0

C. Real World Value Representation 0

C. Real World Value Mapping Sequence 0

C. Real World Values Mapping Sequence Attributes 0

C. Contrast/Bolus Usage Macro 0

C. Pixel Intensity Relationship LUT Macro 0

C. Pixel Intensity Relationship LUT 0

C. Pixel Intensity Relationship LUT Data Attribute 0

C. Frame Pixel Shift Macro 0

C. Subtraction Item ID Description 0

C. Patient Orientation in Frame Macro 0

C. Frame Display Shutter 0

C. Respiratory Synchronization Macro 0

C. Relationship of Respiratory Timing Attributes 0

C. Irradiation Event Identification Macro 0

C. Radiopharmaceutical Usage Macro 0

C. Patient Physiological State Macro 0

C. Plane Position (Volume) Macro 0

C. Plane Orientation (Volume) Macro 0

C. Temporal Position Macro 0

C. Image Data Type Macro 0

C. Data Type 0

C. Aliased Data Type 0

C. Zero Velocity Pixel Value 0

C. Unassigned Shared and Per-frame Converted Attributes Macros 0

C. Unassigned Shared Converted Attributes Macro 0

C. Unassigned Per-Frame Converted Attributes Macro 0

C. Image Frame Conversion Source Macro 0

C. Stored Value Color Range Macro 0

C. Stored Value Color Range Macro Attributes Description 0

C.7.6.17. Multi-frame Dimension Module 0

C. Dimension Indices 0

C. Dimension Organization UID 0

C.7.6.18. Physiological Synchronization 0

C. Cardiac Synchronization Module 0

C. Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Cardiac Framing Type 0

C. Respiratory Synchronization Module 0

C. Bulk Motion Synchronization Module 0

C.7.6.19. Supplemental Palette Color Lookup Table Module 0

C.7.6.20. Patient Orientation Module 0

C.7.6.21. Image - Equipment Coordinate Relationship Module 0

C. Image to Equipment Mapping Matrix 0

C. Equipment Coordinate System Identification 0

C.7.6.22. Specimen Module 0

C. Specimen Module Attributes 0

C. Container Identifier and Specimen Identifier 0

C. Specimen Identifier and Specimen UID 0

C. Specimen Preparation Sequence and Specimen Preparation Step Content Item Sequence 0

C. Specimen Localization Content Item Sequence 0

C.7.6.23. Enhanced Palette Color Lookup Table Module 0

C. Description of the Enhanced Blending and Display Pipeline 0

C. Data Path Assignment 0

C. Bits Mapped to Color Lookup Table 0

C. Blending LUT Transfer Function 0

C. Blending LUT Descriptor 0

C. Lossy Compression and Palette Color Lookup Tables (Informative) 0

C.7.6.24. Floating Point Image Pixel Module 0

C.7.6.25. Double Floating Point Image Pixel Module 0

C.7.7. Patient Summary Module 0

C.7.8. Study Content Module 0

C.7.9. Palette Color Lookup Table Module 0

C.7.9.1. Palette Color Lookup Table UID 0

C.7.9.2. Segmented Palette Color Lookup Table Data 0

C. Discrete Segment Type 0

C. Linear Segment Type 0

C. Indirect Segment Type 0

C.8. Modality Specific Modules 0

C.8.1. Computed Radiography Modules 0

C.8.1.1. CR Series Module 0

C.8.1.2. CR Image Module 0

C.8.2. CT Modules 0

C.8.2.1. CT Image Module 0

C. CT Image Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Image Type 0

C. Samples Per Pixel 0

C. Photometric Interpretation 0

C. Bits Allocated 0

C. Bits Stored 0

C. High Bit 0

C. Calcium Scoring Mass Factor Patient and Device 0

C.8.3. MR Modules 0

C.8.3.1. MR Image Module 0

C. MR Image Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Image Type 0

C. Samples Per Pixel 0

C. Photometric Interpretation 0

C. Bits Allocated 0

C.8.4. Nuclear Medicine Modules 0

C.8.4.1. NM Series Module (Retired) 0

C.8.4.2. NM Equipment Module (Retired) 0

C.8.4.3. NM Image Module (Retired) 0

C.8.4.4. NM Spect Acquisition Image Module (Retired) 0

C.8.4.5. NM Multi-gated Acquisition Image Module (Retired) 0

C.8.4.6. NM/PET Patient Orientation Module 0

C. NM/PET Patient Orientation Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Patient Orientation Code Sequence 0

C. Patient Orientation Modifier Code Sequence 0

C. Patient Gantry Relationship Code Sequence 0

C.8.4.7. NM Image Pixel Module 0

C. NM Image Pixel Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Photometric Interpretation 0

C.8.4.8. NM Multi-frame Module 0

C. NM Multi-frame Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Frame Increment Pointer 0

C. Number of Energy Windows and Energy Window Vector 0

C. Number of Detectors and Detector Vector 0

C. Number of Phases and Phase Vector 0

C. Number of Rotations and Rotation Vector 0

C. Number of R-R Intervals and R-R Interval Vector 0

C. Number of Time Slots and Time Slot Vector 0

C. Number of Slices and Slice Vector 0

C. Angular View Vector 0

C. Time Slice Vector 0

C.8.4.9. NM Image Module 0

C. NM Image Module Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Image Type 0

C. Counts Accumulated 0

C. Acquisition Termination Condition 0

C. Actual Frame Duration 0

C.8.4.10. NM Isotope Module 0

C. NM Isotope Module Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Energy Window Lower Limit 0

C. Energy Window Upper Limit 0

C. (Retired) 0

C. (Retired) 0

C. Radiopharmaceutical Start Time 0

C. Radiopharmaceutical Stop Time 0

C. Radionuclide Total Dose 0

C. Syringe Counts 0

C. Residual Syringe Counts 0

C. (Retired) 0

C. (Retired) 0

C.8.4.11. NM Detector Module 0

C. NM Detector Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Focal Distance 0

C. Focus Center 0

C. Zoom Center 0

C. Zoom Factor 0

C. Center of Rotation Offset 0

C. Gantry/Detector Tilt 0

C.8.4.12. NM Tomo Acquisition Module 0

C. NM Tomo Acquisition Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Angular Step 0

C.8.4.13. NM Multi-gated Acquisition Module 0

C. NM Multi-gated Acquisition Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Data Information Sequence 0

C. Time Slot Time 0

C.8.4.14. NM Phase Module 0

C. NM Phase Module Attributes Description 0

C. Trigger Vector 0

C.8.4.15. NM Reconstruction Module 0

C.8.5. Ultrasound Modules 0

C.8.5.1. US Frame of Reference Module (Retired) 0

C.8.5.2. US Region Calibration (Retired) 0

C.8.5.3. US Image Module (Retired) 0

C.8.5.4. US Frame of Reference Module 0

C.8.5.5. US Region Calibration Module 0

C. US Region Calibration Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Region Spatial Format 0

C. Region Data Type 0

C. Region Flags 0

C. Pixel Component Organization 0

C. Pixel Component Mask 0

C. Pixel Component Physical Units 0

C. Pixel Component Data Type 0

C. Number of Table Break Points 0

C. Table of X Break Points and Table of Y Break Points 0

C. TM-line Position X0, Y0, X1 and Y1 0

C. Number of Table Entries 0

C. Table of Pixel Values 0

C. Table of Parameter Values 0

C. Region Location Min X0, Min Y0, Max X1 and Max Y1 0

C. Physical Units X Direction and Physical Units Y Direction 0

C. Reference Pixel X0 and Reference Pixel Y0 0

C. 2D - Tissue or Color Flow 0

C. Spectral - CW or PW Doppler or Doppler Trace 0

C. M-Mode - Tissue or Color Flow 0

C. Waveform - ECG, Phonocardiogram and Pulse Traces 0

C. Waveform - Doppler Mode, Mean and Max Trace 0

C. Graphics Spatial Formats 0

C. Treatment of Sweeping Regions 0

C. Physical Delta X and Physical Delta Y 0

C. Pixel Value Mapping Code Sequence 0

C.8.5.6. US Image Module 0

C. US Image Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Image Type 0

C. Photometric Interpretation 0

C. Pixel Representation 0

C. Frame Increment Pointer 0

C. (Retired) 0

C. (Retired) 0

C. (Retired) 0

C. Mechanical Index, Bone Thermal Index, Cranial Thermal Index, Soft Tissue Thermal Index 0

C. Image Transformation Matrix and Image Translation Vector 0

C. Ultrasound Color Data Present 0

C. Overlay Subtype 0

C. Samples Per Pixel 0

C. Bits Allocated 0

C. Bits Stored 0

C. High Bit 0

C. Planar Configuration 0

C. View Code Sequence 0

C. (Retired) 0

C. IVUS Acquisition 0

C. IVUS Pullback Rate 0

C. IVUS Gated Rate 0

C. IVUS Pullback Start Frame Number 0

C. IVUS Pullback Stop Frame Number 0

C. Lesion Number 0

C.8.6. Secondary Capture Modules 0

C.8.6.1. SC Equipment Module 0

C.8.6.2. SC Image Module 0

C.8.6.3. SC Multi-frame Image Module 0

C. Scanned Film, Optical Density and P-Values 0

C.8.6.4. SC Multi-frame Vector Module 0

C.8.7. X-Ray Modules 0

C.8.7.1. X-Ray Image Module 0

C. X-Ray Image Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Image Type 0

C. Pixel Intensity Relationship 0

C. Acquisition Device Processing Description 0

C. Scan Options 0

C. Derivation Description 0

C. Bits Allocated 0

C. Bits Stored 0

C. High Bit 0

C. Synchronization of Frame and Waveform Times 0

C. Frame Dimension Pointer 0

C. Referenced Image Sequence 0

C.8.7.2. X-Ray Acquisition Module 0

C. X-Ray Acquisition Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Exposure Time 0

C. Field of View 0

C.8.7.3. X-Ray Collimator Module 0

C. X-Ray Collimator Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Collimator Vertical and Horizontal Edges 0

C.8.7.4. X-Ray Table Module 0

C. X-Ray Table Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Table Motion Increments 0

C. Table Longitudinal Increment 0

C. Table Lateral Increment 0

C. Table Motion With Patient in Relation to Imaging Chain 0

C.8.7.5. XA Positioner Module 0

C. XA Positioner Attribute Descriptions 0

C. Positioner Motion 0

C. Positioner Primary and Secondary Angles 0

C. Positioner Angle Increments 0

C. Detector Primary and Secondary Angles 0

C.8.7.6. XRF Positioner Module 0

C.8.7.7. X-Ray Tomography Acquisition Module 0

C.8.7.8. X-Ray Acquisition Dose Module 0

C.8.7.9. X-Ray Generation Module 0

C.8.7.10. X-Ray Filtration Module 0

C.8.7.11. X-Ray Grid Module 0

C.8.8. Radiotherapy Modules 0

C.8.8.1. RT Series Module 0

C. Modality 0

C.8.8.2. RT Image Module 0

C. Multi-frame Image Data 0

C. X-Ray Image Receptor Angle 0

C. Image Plane Pixel Spacing and RT Image SID 0

C. Exposure Sequence 0

C. Single-Frame and Multi-frame Images 0

C. Image Pixel Module Attributes 0

C. Samples Per Pixel 0

C. Photometric Interpretation 0

C. Bits Allocated 0

C. Bits Stored 0

C. High Bit 0

C. Pixel Representation 0

C. RT Image Plane, Position and Orientation 0

C. Exposure Time and Meterset Exposure 0

C.8.8.3. RT Dose Module 0

C. Normalization Point 0

C. Grid Frame Offset Vector 0

C. Dose Units 0

C. Image Pixel Module Attributes 0

C. Samples Per Pixel 0

C. Photometric Interpretation 0

C. Bits Allocated 0

C. Bits Stored 0

C. High Bit 0

C. Pixel Representation 0

C. Referenced Spatial Registration Sequence 0

C.8.8.4. RT DVH Module 0

C. Referenced Structure Set Sequence 0

C. DVH ROI Contribution Type 0

C. DVH Volume Units 0

C.8.8.5. Structure Set Module 0

C. Frames of Reference 0

C. Frame of Reference Relationship Sequence and Transformation Matrix 0

C. ROI Derivation Sequence 0

C. SOP Class UID in RT Referenced Study Sequence 0

C.8.8.6. ROI Contour Module 0

C. Contour Geometric Type 0

C. Contour Slab Thickness 0

C. Representing Inner and Outer Contours on an Image 0

C.8.8.7. RT Dose ROI Module 0

C. Contour Geometric Type of Referenced ROI 0

C. Referenced ROI Number 0

C. Dose Value 0

C.8.8.8. RT ROI Observations Module 0

C. RT ROI Interpreted Type 0

C. Additional RT ROI Identification Code Sequence 0

C.8.8.9. RT General Plan Module 0

C. Referenced Structure Set Sequence 0

C.8.8.10. RT Prescription Module 0

C. Target Underdose Volume Fraction 0

C.8.8.11. RT Tolerance Tables Module 0

C.8.8.12. RT Patient Setup Module 0

C. RT Patient Setup Module Attributes 0

C. Referenced Setup Image Sequence 0

C. Patient Position 0

C.8.8.13. RT Fraction Scheme Module 0

C. Beam Dose Verification Parameters 0

C.8.8.14. RT Beams Module 0

C. Meterset Calculations 0

C. Planned Verification Image Sequence 0

C. X-Ray Image Receptor Angle 0

C. Multiple Aperture Blocks 0

C. Control Point Sequence 0

C. Absolute and Relative Machine Coordinates 0

C. Cumulative Dose Reference Coefficient 0

C. Machine Rotations 0

C. Compensator Thickness Data and Source to Compensator Distance 0

C. Compensator Transmission and Thickness Data Direction 0

C. Block and Compensator Precedence for Dosimetric Calculations 0

C. Table Top Pitch and Table Top Roll 0

C. Angular Values in RT Beams Module 0

C. Effective Wedge Angle 0

C. Source to External Contour Distance and External Contour Entry Point 0

C. Referenced Control Point 0

C.8.8.15. RT Brachy Application Setups Module 0

C. Permanent Implants 0

C. Referenced ROI Number 0

C. Channel Length 0

C. Oscillating Source Movement 0

C. Channel Shields 0

C. Time Calculations 0

C. Brachy Control Point Sequence 0

C. Source Transit Time 0

C. Control Point Relative Position 0

C. Control Point 3D Position 0

C. Cumulative Dose Reference Coefficient 0

C. Nominal Thickness and Nominal Transmission 0

C. Reference Point for Calibration of Beta Emitting Isotopes 0

C. Orientation of Brachy Sources 0

C. Source Model ID 0

C. Geometric Parameters 0

C. Channel Inner Length 0

C. Afterloader Channel ID 0

C.8.8.16. Approval Module 0

C.8.8.17. RT General Treatment Record Module 0

C.8.8.18. RT Treatment Machine Record Module 0

C.8.8.19. Measured Dose Reference Record Module 0

C.8.8.20. Calculated Dose Reference Record Module 0

C.8.8.21. RT Beams Session Record Module 0

C. Control Point Machine Delivery Parameters 0

C. Specified and Delivered Meterset Values 0

C. Beam Level 0

C. Control Point Level 0

C.8.8.22. RT Brachy Session Record Module 0

C. PDR (Pulsed Dose Rate) Treatment 0

C. Specified Channel Total Time 0

C.8.8.23. RT Treatment Summary Record Module 0

C. Current Treatment Status 0

C.8.8.24. RT Ion Tolerance Tables Module 0

C.8.8.25. RT Ion Beams Module 0

C. Beam Identifying Information 0

C. Treatment Machine Name 0

C. Leaf Position Boundaries 0

C. Virtual Source-Axis Distances and the Use of Trays in Ion Therapy 0

C. Range Shifter and Lateral Spreading Device Settings 0

C. Coordinate Systems 0

C. Fixed Beam Line 0

C. Table Top Pitch and Table Top Roll 0

C. Seated Treatments 0

C. Ocular Treatments 0

C. Gantry Beam Line 0

C. Fixed Beam Line 0

C. Gantry Pitch Angle 0

C. Ion Control Point Sequence 0

C. Scan Spot Maps 0

C. Depth Dose Parameters Sequence Attributes 0

C.8.8.26. RT Ion Beams Session Record Module 0

C. Specified and Delivered Meterset Values 0

C. Scan Spot Prescribed Indices 0

C. Content of RT Ion Plan for following Use Cases 0

C. Treatment Recording Use Cases 0

C. Use Case 1: No pause, no spot reordering, no spot splitting, no repainting 0

C. Use Case 2: Pause 0

C. Use Case 3: Tuning Spot 0

C. Use Case 4: Repainting 0

C. Use Case 5: Spot Reordering 0

C. Use Case 6: Combination 0

C.8.8.27. Beam Limiting Device Position Macro 0

C.8.8.28. Patient Support Identification Macro 0

C.8.8.29. RT Beams Delivery Instruction Module 0

C. Current Fraction Number 0

C. Adjusted Table Positions and Angles 0

C. Meterset Exposure 0

C. Double Exposure Field Delta 0

C. Beam Order Index 0

C. Autosequence Flag 0

C.8.8.30. RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery Instruction Module 0

C. Brachy Task Sequen