dharati skills of leadership

SKILLS/QUALITIES OF LEADERSHIP A leader should have some leadership qualities for becoming effective leader. According to Henry Fayol, a leader should have following qualities: Physical appearance and strength The leader has to put in hard work physically. He should have capacit to work for long hours than others. It proves the diligence of the leader i to his followers easily. Mental ability The leader must mentally able to take decision and solve the problem immediately. It means that the leader is expected to withstand strain in finishing the work properly. Emotional stability The leader should not be moved by emotion of sentiments. He should analyze the problem rationally and take decision without bias. The leader should not have short temper. He should show fairness in his decision and not show despair or indecision on his face. Sense of judgment A leader should know the human psychology. He should understand the behavior, needs, thoughts, motives etc. of followers. This will help him to take strategic decision and get it recognized by his followers. He can set right his actions. Motivation A leader should know the motivations techniques and how to use them. If a person is forced to do his job under the threat of getting punishment, he will not perform his work properly. At the same time, if the same person is motivated, he will perform his job more than the expectation of his leader. Communication skill Whatever the information needs to worker, it should be passed through the leader. So, the leader should communicate the

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Page 1: Dharati skills of leadership


A leader should have some leadership qualities for becoming effective leader. According to Henry Fayol, a leader should have following qualities:

Physical appearance and strengthThe leader has to put in hard work physically. He should have capacity to work for long hours than others.

It proves the diligence of the leader is to his followers easily.

Mental abilityThe leader must mentally able to take decision and solve the problem immediately. It

means that the leader is expected to withstand strain in finishing the work properly.

Emotional stabilityThe leader should not be moved by emotion of sentiments. He should analyze the

problem rationally and take decision without bias. The leader should not have short temper. He should show fairness in his decision and not show despair or indecision on his face.

Sense of judgmentA leader should know the human psychology. He should understand the behavior, needs,

thoughts, motives etc. of followers. This will help him to take strategic decision and get it recognized by his followers. He can set right his actions.

MotivationA leader should know the motivations techniques and how to use them. If a person is

forced to do his job under the threat of getting punishment, he will not perform his work properly. At the same time, if the same person is motivated, he will perform his job more than the expectation of his leader.

Communication skillWhatever the information needs to worker, it should be passed through the leader. So, the

leader should communicate the information to the workers. Now, the leader is acting as an effective speaker and writer. If the leader has communication skills he will direct his followers effectively.

Guiding abilityThe leader must have guiding to all his followers when ever followers are in need. So, the

leader should act as teacher to new workers. And guide the old worker when ever in need. So, in short the leader helps his followers to learn their work. He should train the workers by work and deed to complete the job effectively.


Page 2: Dharati skills of leadership

This is suggesting that the leader should always helpful in nature. The workers should be encouraged to discuss their problems and difficulties with their boss. The leader should also meet the workers frequently. The leader should show his keen interest of develop the ability of workers.

Technical knowledgeA leader should possess a through knowledge of the theory and practice of his job. He

should know the current developments in his job along with technical knowledge. For example, a computer department manager should know all the latest development in computers.

GoodwillA leader should be able to understand the feeling of others. He takes decision on the basis

of expectations of his followers. If he does not do so, he will not win the goodwill of his followers.

Besides, all the above skills he must be honest, sincere and fir. If the leader has all the skills then all followers accept him as leader.