development of tutorial platform for arabic language lifelong learning using whatsapp mobile...

Development of Arabic Language Lifelong Learning Tutorial Platform Using WhatsApp Mobile Application NURKHAMIMI ZAINUDDIN FAKULTI PENGAJIAN BAHASA UTAMA

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Development of Tutorial Platform for Arabic Language Lifelong Learning Using WhatsApp Mobile Application

Development of Arabic Language

Lifelong Learning Tutorial

Platform Using WhatsApp Mobile




Page 2: Development of Tutorial Platform for Arabic Language Lifelong Learning Using WhatsApp Mobile Application

Page 3: Development of Tutorial Platform for Arabic Language Lifelong Learning Using WhatsApp Mobile Application

A3L students

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Page 5: Development of Tutorial Platform for Arabic Language Lifelong Learning Using WhatsApp Mobile Application


Page 6: Development of Tutorial Platform for Arabic Language Lifelong Learning Using WhatsApp Mobile Application

i.explore the steps and procedures in developing

tutorial platform for Arabic language lifelong

learning (A3L) using WhatsApp.

ii. study how A3L students view the use of

WhatsApp to stimulate interaction with the

instructor, peers and instructional content.

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360 degree shift…in A3L

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A3L Learning Materials

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1. Planning

A3L course team outline structure,

instructions, preparing topics, activities

and assessment

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2. Storyboarding

Week Topic Week Topic

1 Ta’aruf–التعارف 7 My ibadah–عبادتي

2 My family–أسرتي 8 At the mall–في املركز التجاري

3ر الساعات، األيام والشهو

–Time, days and months

9 Holiday–يوم العطلة

4 My–مهنتي


Festivals in–األعياد في اإلسالم Islam

5 My hobby–هوايتي 11 Umrah and Hajj–العمرة والحج

6–الطعام والشراب

Food and beverages12

I love Arabic–أحب اللغة العربية language

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3. Production

All notes from each topic were converted into

JPEG format outputs and tested on various

PCs, IOS and Android gadgets.

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4. Implementation

-A3L course team will post the notes in the

A3L WhatsApp group.

-A3L students to connect with others and

through posting meaningful content related to

Arabic language

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- supporting their posts with resources (videos,

audios, pictures, websites links etc

- discussing course content, asking questions,

responding to questions, and commenting on

daily lectures

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5. Review

Gathering on-going feedback from A3L

students and course instructors

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Thank you