development of fc

Development of my front cover Maryam Munir

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Development of FC

Development of my front cover

Maryam Munir

Page 2: Development of FC

The original layout for my front cover is shown on the left. I had planned to put the plugs on the right-hand side and central image near the left-hand side, however, I had to change this due to the central image I chose to put on the front cover. The central image took up the whole front cover, and the plugs looked better on the left-hand side as it was easier to see what they said. However, I still kept the pull quote and the buzzwords in the same place as I had planned. A pop magazine is usually filled with lots of plugs in order to look more creative and fun, and by changing the layout, I have made sure that my front cover is fun and young as well.

Page 3: Development of FC

This shows the process I went through when placing the photo on my front cover. The first photo is the original photo, the second printscreen shows when I was photo shopping the image and the third printscreen shows the image placed on the front cover after being edited. I have edited it to make it look more professional and bright as it has to be the first thing to catch the readers eye and the bright pink colour makes sure that my young audience of girls will be attracted to this pop music magazine as it suits their style.

Page 4: Development of FC

My initial choice was to go with the first masthead, however, the colour was an issue as it was hard to spot was the masthead said, so I changed it and went up with my third masthead choice. This masthead is suitable for my magazine as it is bright and eye-catching.

This plug stands out from the other plugs on the FC as the positioning is different, therefore readers will be attracted to it. OMG! links to my young audience as the words used are associated with young girls. The colour of the plug also helps maintain the girly cover and makes sure that readers understand the magazine is a pop one. The three plugs on the side make sure that my readers are persuaded to buy the magazine. The cover lines grab their attention and by talking about Harry Styles (example), I am making sure that I refer back to my young audience and the genre of this magazine.

The pull quote tells readers that the person on the cover is famous, which engages their attention. The pink colour helps readers establish who the target audience for the magazine are.

Page 5: Development of FC

This is my final front cover for my pop music magazine. I have made sure that bright colours are included and the text on the front cover links to the audience and the genre of this magazine.