destination uk nov/dec

Issue 49 November/December 2012 £2.75 Fall blamed on Olympics and weather By Christina Eccles VISITORS to some of Britain’s biggest attractions fell by up to 21.3 per cent this summer, figures have revealed, with experts blaming fac- tors such as bad weather and the London Olympics. London based members of The Association of Leading Visitor Attractions saw an average loss in visitors of 15 per cent during May to August 2012, compared to the same months in 2011, with gardens and leisure the worst hit sector, los- ing 21.3 per cent. Among the heritage and cathedrals sector, visitor numbers decreased by 20.3 per cent to attractions such as the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey. Museums and galleries saw the smallest decline of 13.1 per cent. Chief executive of ALVA Bernard Donoghue said: “In the first couple of weeks of the Olympics, some of the key central London attractions experienced a huge fall of up to 61 per cent in visitor numbers com- pared to the same weeks last year. Overseas visitors who stayed away from London during the Olympic period and Londoners who avoided the city led to media headlines of London being described as a ghost town.” According to the research, other parts of the UK were also hit. ALVA members in the rest of England saw an average decline of 4.7 per cent and in Scotland gardens and attrac- tions in rural locations suffered – but museums and galleries in Edinburgh and Glasgow performed well. Bernard added: “These figures from our 43 members, who manage some nearly 2,000 tourist sites and welcome over 100m domestic and overseas visitors each year are defi- nitely sobering reading and show that the summer of 2012 has been a difficult time financially for our most popular and best-loved visitor attractions. “It is our belief that for gardens and outdoor attractions across the UK, the appalling weather during much of the year has led to one of the worst trading periods since 2001 and Foot and Mouth. “For London attractions the Olympic period was one of their worst trading periods in living mem- ory and for visitor attractions the summer is their equivalent of retail- ers’ Christmas, once lost the busi- ness can’t be won back.” BUDGET hotel chain Travelodge has revealed the most peculiar questions its guests have asked over the last 12 months – including “Can my seven penguins stay?” and “Does the water come from the tap?” Annually the group receives more than 200,000 bizarre requests across its 523 hotels, with the list also highlighting a trend for guests wanting to travel with their pets – no matter how unusual the animal is. Stories include: The hotel manager at Travelodge’s Manchester Ancoats hotel being asked for an outside power supply unit to accommodate his refriger- ation van, which housed seven penguins, while their owner stayed in the hotel. A guest at Ayr Travelodge asked the hotel team if her beloved Shetland Pony could stay in the room with her. A guest staying in Cardiff Atlantic Wharf asked if it would be ok to have a Boa Constrictor snake in the room – without its tank. In Inverness, a traveller asked staff when the Loch Ness Monster came out so they didn’t miss it. The popularity of the James Bond films has inspired VisitBritain to launch its biggest ever film tourism campaign. To capitalise on the global fascination with the iconic character – and the release of new Bond movie Skyfall starring Daniel Craig (pictured) – the national tourism agency is undertaking an extensive campaign in over 20 countries to encourage 007 fans to head to Britain on their next holiday. The campaign will include a string of cinema, press and outdoor advertising developed around the slogan “Bond is GREAT Britain”. Full story, Page 3. Travelodge reveals its guests’ strangest questions

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Page 1: Destination UK Nov/Dec

Issue 49 November/December 2012 £2.75

Fall blamedon Olympicsand weatherBy Christina Eccles

VISITORS to some of Britain’s biggestattractions fell by up to 21.3 percent this summer, figures haverevealed, with experts blaming fac-tors such as bad weather and theLondon Olympics.

London based members of TheAssociation of Leading VisitorAttractions saw an average loss invisitors of 15 per cent during May toAugust 2012, compared to thesame months in 2011, with gardensand leisure the worst hit sector, los-ing 21.3 per cent.

Among the heritage and cathedralssector, visitor numbers decreased by20.3 per cent to attractions such asthe Tower of London andWestminster Abbey. Museums andgalleries saw the smallest decline of13.1 per cent.

Chief executive of ALVA BernardDonoghue said: “In the first coupleof weeks of the Olympics, some ofthe key central London attractionsexperienced a huge fall of up to 61per cent in visitor numbers com-pared to the same weeks last year.Overseas visitors who stayed awayfrom London during the Olympicperiod and Londoners who avoidedthe city led to media headlines of

London being described as a ghosttown.”

According to the research, otherparts of the UK were also hit. ALVAmembers in the rest of England sawan average decline of 4.7 per centand in Scotland gardens and attrac-tions in rural locations suffered –but museums and galleries inEdinburgh and Glasgow performedwell.

Bernard added: “These figuresfrom our 43 members, who managesome nearly 2,000 tourist sites andwelcome over 100m domestic andoverseas visitors each year are defi-nitely sobering reading and showthat the summer of 2012 has beena difficult time financially for ourmost popular and best-loved visitorattractions.

“It is our belief that for gardensand outdoor attractions across theUK, the appalling weather duringmuch of the year has led to one ofthe worst trading periods since2001 and Foot and Mouth.

“For London attractions theOlympic period was one of theirworst trading periods in living mem-ory and for visitor attractions thesummer is their equivalent of retail-ers’ Christmas, once lost the busi-ness can’t be won back.”

BUDGET hotel chainTravelodge has revealed themost peculiar questions itsguests have asked over thelast 12 months – including“Can my seven penguinsstay?” and “Does the watercome from the tap?”

Annually the group receivesmore than 200,000 bizarrerequests across its 523hotels, with the list alsohighlighting a trend forguests wanting to travel withtheir pets – no matter howunusual the animal is.

Stories include:� The hotel manager atTravelodge’s ManchesterAncoats hotel being asked foran outside power supply unitto accommodate his refriger-ation van, which housedseven penguins, while theirowner stayed in the hotel. � A guest at Ayr Travelodgeasked the hotel team if herbeloved Shetland Pony couldstay in the room with her.� A guest staying in CardiffAtlantic Wharf asked if itwould be ok to have a BoaConstrictor snake in the room– without its tank.� In Inverness, a travellerasked staff when the LochNess Monster came out sothey didn’t miss it.

The popularity of the James Bond filmshas inspired VisitBritain to launch itsbiggest ever film tourism campaign.To capitalise on the global fascinationwith the iconic character – and therelease of new Bond movie Skyfallstarring Daniel Craig (pictured) – thenational tourism agency is undertakingan extensive campaign in over 20countries to encourage 007 fans tohead to Britain on their next holiday.The campaign will include a string ofcinema, press and outdoor advertisingdeveloped around the slogan “Bond isGREAT Britain”.� Full story, Page 3.

Travelodgereveals itsguests’strangestquestions

01 2/11/12 11:46 Page 1

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02 31/10/12 11:15 Page 1

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EDITORIALJudith Halkerston group editor 01226 734639 [email protected] Eccles reporter 01226 [email protected] Musgrave reporter 01226 [email protected] Williams reporter 01226734694 [email protected]

PRODUCTIONStewart Holt – studio manager –[email protected] Blackburn – graphic [email protected]

ADVERTISINGAndrew Loadesproduct manager01226 734482Tony Barrysales and marketing director01226 734605

CIRCULATIONKelly Tarff01226 734695 [email protected]:



Entertainment news inCentrestage starting onPage 13


If you have news for uscontact us on 01226 734463 oremail [email protected]

VISITBRITAIN has launched itsbiggest ever film tourism campaigncentred around the release of thenew James Bond film, Skyfall.

To capitalise on the globalfascination with James Bond, thenational tourism agency isundertaking an extensivemarketing campaign in 21countries to encourage 007 fansto head to Britain – the home ofBond – for their next holiday.

This will see the organisation rollout a string of cinema, press andoutdoor advertising developedaround the slogan “Bond isGREAT Britain”.

The extensive internationalproduction of Skyfall was filmed iniconic London locations, includingthe National Gallery, Whitehalland Greenwich, as well asGlencoe and Glen Etive in theScottish Highlands.

Capturing the adventure andexcitement of 007, VisitBritain’s

image campaign includes its firstever film tourism ad, which will beshown in cinemas in key inboundmarkets like Australia, Brazil,Germany and the US.

To coincide with celebrations forthe 50th anniversary of 007,VisitBritain will also launch anonline experience called ‘AgentUK’, designed to engage with thelarge digital and social mediafollowing that the national tourismagency already enjoys.

Those taking part will undertakefive online missions across theUK, which will lead them toidentify the hidden location of arogue agent. One lucky globalwinner will be flown to the UKcourtesy of British Airways andtreated to a luxury experience.

Around the release of the film, asweepstakes competition in eachof the 21 markets in whichVisitBritain operates will also getunderway.

Winners will visit the UK wherethey will get the chance to livelike Bond – including a privatebehind-the-scenes tour of theAston Martin headquarters and amaster class to learn how tomake the perfect martini. Guestswill enjoy a three-night stay at theRadisson Blu Edwardian Hotel inLondon.

Chief executive of VisitBritainSandie Dawe said: “007 hasorchestrated many criticalmissions for Queen and country –including escorting Her Majesty tothe fantastic Opening Ceremonyof the London 2012 Games – soit is only right that we call uponhis services now to encouragemore people to holiday in Britain.That is a worthy challenge andone that we feel is well on trackfollowing an outstanding 2012that has thrust Britain into thelimelight like never before.”

Bond heads up filmtourism campaign

By Christina Eccles

EDINBURGH Zoo’s pandas have beenawarded an honorary Scottish Thistle Award for services to Scotland’s tourismindustry.

The trophy, which was crafted fromBamboo and local Burr Elm by Dollarbased craftsmen Philip Coles was gifted to celebrate the achievementsof the pandas whose residence at the zoo has seen more than 500,000 visitors pass through their home sinceDecember.

VisitScotland chairman Mike Cantlaysaid: “Since Tian Tian and Yang Guang’sarrival last year, they have put one ofScotland’s best-known visitor attractionson the world map and shown excellence intourism, which is what the Scottish ThistleAwards are all about – so it’s only rightthat we came here to honour theirachievements.”

The honour was given as part of aspecial night of celebration for all thefinalists of the Scottish Thistle Awards ahead of the National Finals at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum.

Edinburgh Zoo pandasare rewarded for servicesto Scottish tourism industry

03 2/11/12 12:17 Page 1

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Greeters celebrate Games’ successMORE than 90 of the 130 volunteerGames Time Kent Greeters – whopersonally welcomed at least 37,200visitors at key county transport hubsduring the Olympic and ParalympicGames – have been celebrating theirsuccess.

The volunteers from across thecounty joined representatives of VisitKent, Kent County Council and

Voluntary Action Maidstone for aspecial event at the ShepherdNeame Visitor Centre, in Faversham.

During the Games, greeterswelcomed visitors aboard P&Oferries as well as at key Kentdestinations including Ebbsfleet andAshford International, Canterbury,Sevenoaks, Dover and Tonbridgestations, Gravesham campsite,

University of Kent at Canterbury,Canterbury city centre and WrothamPark and Ride.

All Kent Games Time Greeters areto receive a souvenir Games batonto mark their work as well as a2012 DVD capturing theatmosphere and the success of theGames.

The volunteers celebrate at a special event in Faversham.

By Christina Eccles

ISLAND communities in Scotland’sOuter Hebrides are set for a tourismboost following the launch of a newbrand which encourages visitors tocome and ‘experience life on theedge.’

It is hoped the Outer Hebrides’brand will position theinterconnected island chain as a topglobal destination option, whichoffers exciting opportunities forisland hopping holidays, highlightingthe unique and diverse appeal of theislands’ culture, heritage, wildlifeand way of life, appealing to bothtraditional and emerging touristmarkets.

The brand launch is part of a£150,000 tourism initiativespearheaded by The Outer HebridesTourism Industry Association withsupport from LEADER, Comhairlenan Eilean Siar, Highlands and

Islands Enterprise and ScottishNatural Heritage.

Together with the launch of adedicated destination website, theinitiative aims to increase visitornumbers to the Outer Hebrides,boost the islands’ economy andbring benefits to the widercommunity.

Chair of OHTIA Ian Fordham said:“The Outer Hebrides offer visitors aunique and enriching experience andwe felt it was important that thiswas represented with a strong,vibrant and recognisable brand thatencompassed all the individualislands.

“The brand builds on the growingdesire for industry lead action andacts as a catalyst for the creation ofa unified approach to destinationmarketing, with the aim ofincreasing visitor numbers andboosting the local economy.

“The new brand will not only bring

together those working within thetourism industry throughout theislands, but it will also help positionthe islands’ unique identity in theminds of current and potentialvisitors. We hope that when theyvisit they will be encouraged to staylonger, spend more and make manyreturn visits to the islands.”

Mairi Buchanan of Highlands andIsland Enterprise added: “Tourismplays a significant role in attractingthousands of visitors to the OuterHebrides every year.

“The Outer Hebrides are a diversechain of islands with their ownGaelic way of life, vibrant activity,food and drink, music, art andcrafts.

“The tourism sector is vital to themost fragile areas and this brandinitiative aims to grow and achievethe aspirations of the industry inorder to increase visitor numbers toboost the local economy.”

‘Life on the edge’ brandto boost island tourism

Theme park to open portable hotelTHORPE Park is set to open TheCrash Pad next March – theworld’s first fully servicedportable hotel to operate at amajor leisure attraction.

The portable hotel, created bySnoozebox, can be loaded,stacked and transported withease in order to be fullyoperational and ready towelcome guests within 48 hours

of arriving at a site.With 58 climate controlled

rooms sleeping up to fourguests in one double bed andtwo bunks, facilities include anen-suite shower room and toilet,flat screen TV, safe, and adedicated reception and on-sitehousekeeping team.

Divisional director Mike Vallissaid: “Thorpe Park is constantly

evolving and pushing theboundaries with the addition ofnew rides but we are nowexcited at the next stage of thepark’s development – ourtransformation into a shortbreak tourist destination.

“We look forward to welcomingour first overnight guests whenwe open The Crash Pad in Marchnext year.”

Michelin chefopens newrestaurantMICHELIN starred chef JeremyWares has opened a newrestaurant at the MacdonaldHoustoun House Hotel nearEdinburgh.

Visitors to the restaurant willbe able to enjoy delights suchas freshly caught scallops inred wine risotto, with tomatopesto, roast haunch of venisonand stalker pie with sticky redcabbage and his special takeon the traditional Scottishdessert cranachan.

Jeremy said: “I can’t put inthe 16-hour days required torun a top restaurant any more,but that doesn’t mean I have tohang up my chef’s hat.

“Jeremy Wares at HoustounHouse is a tremendousopportunity to further indulgemy passion for cookingdelicious dishes in a bustlingrestaurant environment. We arenow working hard to makeJeremy Wares at HoustounHouse a truly leading culinarydestination in Scotland.”

Museum andpier makeshortlistTHE Roald Dahl Museum andStory Centre and Clevedon Pierare among six attractionsshortlisted in the retail, leisureand tourism category of thesecond St John Ambulance FirstAid Awards.

The awards were launchedlast year to celebrateindividuals, businesses andcommunities that are leadingthe way in first aid.

Trophies go to organisationswho have exemplary first aidstandards and heroes who havebeen the difference between alife lost and a life saved.

Chair of judges Richard Evenssaid: “It is fantastic to see thatso many companies in theretail, leisure and tourismsectors are taking first aidseriously and protecting visitorsand customers as well as staff.

“So many of theseorganisations have put plans inplace which have saved lives.I’m pleased that our awardscelebrate their achievements.”

Trophies will be handed out ata dinner on November 19.

BRITISH residents took 5.7mdomestic day trips to Olympicsporting events during July andAugust, spending £764m.

Figures from VisitEnglandshow the average spend pertrip was £134, with visits notonly to the Olympic Park butalso to events held outsideLondon, taken into account.

Olympic spend

04 2/11/12 11:49 Page 1

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Tickets have gone on sale for festive attraction LaplandUK, whichwill return to Bewl Water in Kent for a sixth year. Visitors to theattraction travel along the elves’ magical forest pathways to arrivein the snowy wonderland, where they visit the toy factory beforemoving on to Mother Christmas’ kitchen to decorate gingerbreadand gather for storytelling. It's then skates on for LaplandUK's icerink located in the Elf Village before meeting the resident huskiesand reindeer. A very special personalised meeting with FatherChristmas in his snowy woodland home, where he will give eachchild this year's newly designed collectable soft toy husky dog, topsoff the day.

By Christina Eccles

VISITORS to historic TolquhonCastle in Aberdeenshire had to doa treble take when three-year-oldtriplets Jack, Cameron and LiamNoble dropped in for a Brave-themed photoshoot to promoteVisitScotland’s new movie map.

Just like Hamish, Harris andHubert in the Disney Pixar movie,the real-life brothers, fromFraserburgh, are full of fun andmischief.

The castle, owned by HistoricScotland, is one of hundreds oflocations all over Scotland tofeature in VisitScotland’s Bravemovie map, which highlights someof the castles, myths andlandscapes that inspired DisneyPixar during the making of theiranimated blockbuster.

The map, which is now availablefree of charge in VisitScotlandinformation centres throughoutthe country, is divided intoregions, allowing visitors to followin similar footsteps to Merida –

the flame-haired heroine voicedby Scottish actress KellyMacdonald – and her tripletbrothers.

It is hoped that VisitScotland’scampaign with Disney, which aimsto convert cinemagoers intovisitors to Scotland, will generate£140m for the Scottish economy.

VisitScotland chairman MikeCantlay said: “Millions of peopleall over the world have alreadybeen captivated by Brave on thesilver screen and now they canexperience the real thing. Thisfantastic Brave Movie Map allowsvisitors to explore the castles,culture and myths of Scotland –where legends come to life.

“This is the Year of the CreativeScotland and initiatives such asthis are all geared at boosting thecountry’s visitor economy. Tourismis about more than visitornumbers, accommodation andattractions – it has a huge rippleeffect with the potential toinfluence and enrich every area ofScottish life and the economy.”

Three-year-old triplets Jack, Cameron and Liam Noble get in onthe Brave act with kilts and toy swords at Tolquhon Castle,Aberdeenshire.

Castle visitors doa treble take forBrave photoshoot

Hotel trials new technologyA LAKE District hotel has becomeone of the first in the country tointroduce new pay as you gotechnology, allowing visitors topurchase small items with minimumfuss.

The innovation means guests canpay for items at any of the LangdaleHotel and Spa’s bars, restaurants,spa or shop by simply holding theirdebit or credit card against a readerfor a couple of seconds. It hasestimated the contactless paymentis almost twice as fast as aconventional cash, credit, or debitcard purchase. Anyone using thefacilities can use their Barclaycard

for transactions of up to £20. Themoney will then be automaticallydeducted from their bank account oradded to their credit card bill.

Director Dan Visser said: “This isall about making life as easy aspossible for our guests. The lastthing anyone wants on holiday is tobe worrying whether they have theright change or being stood at thefront of a queue while everyonewaits for them to enter their PIN.Instead, this is a fast, convenientway of buying a drink or snack,grabbing a newspaper or evengetting a relaxing treatment in ourluxury spa.”

05 2/11/12 11:47 Page 1

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SOME of Cornwall’s most iconiclocations will provide the backdropfor a range of events taking place in the county throughout2013.

Music festivals in harbour sidelocations, cultural celebrations inancient towns, sporting events and the very best of Cornish food and drink will all be high-lighted in a packed events programme.

Head of VisitCornwall at CornwallDevelopment Company Malcolm Bell

said: “At a recent National TourismConference attended by Visit Britainand Visit England delegates,Cornwall was acknowledged asbeing top in visitor satisfaction,leading the way in innovative digital marketing and consistentlyscoring higher than other regions, firmly placing us winner in the Premier League ofdestinations.

“Quality events play an importantrole in enhancing the visitorexperience and showcase whatCornwall does best.”

Stunning backdrops for 2013

The Boardmasters Festival which takes place in Newquay.

A GROUP of journalists hasvisited Argyll and the Isles tosample some of the very best theregion has to offer.

Writers from well-known titlessuch as Woman’s Weekly andthe People’s Friend joined traveljournalists from some ofEngland’s biggest regionalnewspapers – The LiverpoolEcho, the Birmingham Mail,Express and Star(Wolverhampton) and theSheffield Star – on a press trip.

Organised by the CoachTourism Council and assisted byVisitScotland and CaledonianMacBrayne Ferries, the trip was

designed to highlight the regionas a top destination for coachparties.

VisitScotland regional directorDavid Adams McGilp said: “Argylland the Isles has undoubtedpotential and is well-placed toexploit a market that we see asa growth sector.

“The journalists and tradeofficials met with local tourismrepresentatives and saw thearea at its absolute best overthe weekend. I’m sure they willreturn home with an armful offantastic stories ready to help ussell the region to potentialvisitors across the country.”

Journalists sample the best of Argyll and the Isles

The Box Tree Restaurant in Ilkley has been awarded a MichelinStar for the ninth year. The award makes the venue, owned byhusband and wife team Simon and Rena Gueller, one of themost consistent holders of Michelin Star status in Yorkshire.Simon said: “We are thrilled to be awarded a Michelin Staragain this year. It’s been a great year for the restaurant and forour fantastic team, headed up by general manager AndrewPratt and chef Dan Birk, who have worked hard to maintain ourhigh standards of food and service.”

Rufus hopingto lead visitorsto the capitalBy Christina Eccles

TOURISM chiefs in the capital areaiming to convert last summer’s TVviewers into visitors with the launchof a new marketing campaign –London, Now See It for Yourself.

The face of the campaign, Rufusthe Corgi, will help visitors toexplore a digital map and micrositeon the new and site.

The map shows key attractionsacross London and gives a guide towhat's new for 2013, as well ashighlighting some of the city'shidden gems.

Olympic-themed landmarks suchas Horse Guards Parade whichhosted the beach volleyball and

Hyde Park, which formed part of thetriathlon route, are showcased onthe map, which encourages touriststo visit the places they watched onTV during the Games.

CEO of London and PartnersGordon Innes said: “We hope to seevisitors enticed to the capital toenjoy some of the new attractionssuch as the Emirates Airline and Upat The O2, the new hotels such asCafé Royal and Sol Melia’s ME andsee for themselves some of theiconic locations they saw over thissummer during the Games andDiamond Jubilee. We have enjoyedworking with a new character for thecapital – Rufus the Corgi letspotential visitors see London from acompletely new angle.”

New campaign looking tofind Devon’s best cream tea THE hunt is on to find Devon’s best cream tea as part of a new campaign launched by the Heart of Devon TourismPartnership.

The competition is split into threedifferent categories – best citycream tea, best countryside cream

tea and best coast cream tea.The winners from each category

will then be judged to find theoverall cream tea champion, withtourism providers also beingencouraged to sign up to a creamtea trail which visitors to the regioncan follow.

06 31/10/12 16:48 Page 1

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From 27 March a new temporary exhibitionopens in the Baroque state apartments, thestory of the State Beds gives an insight intothe fascinating world of the 17th and 18thCentury Court; how it influenced and inturn was influenced by wider political,religious and social changes.

The rituals of the bedchamber, frommorning levée to evening couchée wereperformed in and around these magnificentbeds. Courtiers embarked on a socialclimbing venture to get as close to thebedchamber as possible where, if they weredeemed worthy, their Monarch wouldreceive them. Secrets of the RoyalBedchamber will reveal not only theextraordinary bizarre rituals of the Stuartand Hanoverian court but will also featureseven of our most rare and magnificent

State Beds. The exhibition will featurestunning portraiture and bedchamberfurnishings of the time, as well as unusualbedroom artifacts, such as Charles II bedrail,a rare remnant of the bedchamber at the long-lost palace of Whitehall.

In addition, exclusive for groups, guided toursof Secrets of the Royal Bedchamber will beavailable for advanced bookings at £100 pergroup plus VAT for one and half hour tour(additional to admission). Maximum groupsize 25.

For help and advice in organising group visitsto any of the historic royal palaces, contactthe groups and travel trade team on +44 (0) 203166 6311 or [email protected]. Pleasequote ‘Destination UK November’ whencontacting us.

07 31/10/12 11:17 Page 1

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THE winners of the LancashireTourism Awards have beenannounced at the Guild Hall inPreston.

Organised by MarketingLancashire, the evening was hostedby fashion designer WayneHemingway and saw 16 trophieshanded out to a range ofbusinesses across the county,including the new category oftourism pub of the year. Nine of thefinalists also received highlycommended recognition.The winners were: Bed and Breakfast/GuestAccommodation of the YearNumber One St Luke’s, BlackpoolSmall Hotel of the YearNorthcote, Langho Large Hotel of the Year

Dalmeny Hotel, St Annes on Sea Caravan Holiday Park/HolidayVillage AwardCarr Royd Parks/Sunset Park,Hambleton Self Catering AwardCross Farm Holiday Cottages,Downholland Small Visitor Attraction of theYearMuseum of Lancashire, Preston Large Visitor Attraction of theYearSandcastle Waterpark, Blackpool Best Visitor Experience of theYear Farmaggedon, Ormskirk Business Tourism Award University of Central Lancashire,Preston

Tourism Pub of the Year The Millstone at Mellor

Sustainable Tourism Award WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre,Burscough

Access for All Tourism AwardSandcastle Waterpark, Blackpool

Visitor Information ProviderAward Visit Garstang Centre

Taste Lancashire AwardRedwell Country Inn and Restaurant,Arkholme

Marketing Campaign of the Year Madame Tussauds, Blackpool,launch campaign

Special Recognition AwardSimon Entwistle, Tour Guide, Top HatTours

Tourismwinnerssalutedat awardceremony

Blues incity centreticket moveEVERTON Football Club hasjoined forces withTicketQuarter to sell ticketsfrom Liverpool city centre forthe first time.

Evertonians will be able tobuy match tickets for everyone of the Blues’ homegames during the 2012/13season from the QueenSquare box office.

Supporters can now visit theTicketQuarter outlet locatedwithin the Merseytravel TravelCentre as well as continuingto buy their tickets online, ontheir mobile, over the phoneor in person at Goodison ParkBox Office.

Echo Arena Liverpoollaunched TicketQuarter inApril to provide an enhancedservice for customerspurchasing tickets for sport, music, comedy, theatreand arts, familyentertainment and exhibitionsfor a variety of regionalvenues, together with tickets for Echo ArenaLiverpool events.

08 31/10/12 16:49 Page 1

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Most overseasfootball fans optfor North WestBy Christina Eccles

NEARLY 1m overseas fans watched agame of football here last year, withNorth West landmarks Old Traffordand Anfield proving to be the mostpopular grounds, figures fromVisitBritain have revealed.

The national tourism agency joinedforces with the English PremierLeague back in 2008 to helppromote the home of football in keyoverseas tourism markets usinglinks to and testimonials fromPremier League players and clubs.

And this partnership seems to bepaying off, with 900,000 foreignfootball tourists spending asubstantial £706m in 2011 – theequivalent of £785 per fan and£200 more than the average visitor(£583).

Chief executive Sandie Dawe said:“The Premier League is known asthe most international and excitingleague in the world, supported byfans across the globe who want tofind out more about their favouriteplayers, come and see them play

and explore their local areas.”According to the figures, about 40

per cent of foreign fans going to afootball match said that watchingsport was the main reason forvisiting the UK.

The research also suggests thatfootball works as an effective tool inenticing visitors to Britain at someof the quieter times of the year, withthe greatest proportion of inboundvisitors going to a football matchbetween January and March.

Football also encourages visitors toexplore beyond London. The PremierLeague grounds attracting thelargest number of overseas fans arein the North West. Nearly 20 percent of visitors who came here tosee a game went to Old Trafford,followed closely by Anfield.

Sandie added: “Our partnershipwith the Premier League not onlyhighlights the value of sportstourism to the UK economy, but italso helps drive inbound visits byinspiring travel to the UK attraditionally quieter times of theyear.”

OVER 40,000 people saw Team GB’sOlympic heroes flick the switch forthe 2012 Blackpool Illuminations.

Gymnasts Beth Tweddle and MaxWhitlock, rower Sophie Hosking,boxer Luke Campbell, cyclist StevenBurke and judo player Karina Bryantcame on stage to officially launchthe 100th illuminations.

Spectators also enjoyed a pre

switch on party from acts includingX-Factor winning girl band Little Mix, Lemar, Amy MacDonald,Lawson, Paloma Faith and ScoutingFor Girls.

20,000 people watched theconcert from within the arena onthe Tower Festival Headland with atleast another 20,000 out on thePromenade.

X Factor winners Little Mix were among the performers atBlackpool’s Illuminations’ switch on. Picture: Steve Vas/Featureflash

Olympic theme forillumination switch-on

Alyona the Amur tiger hasarrived at Blackpool Zoo fromher birthplace in theNetherlands. Alyona, who is fouryears old, is currently settlinginto the big cat house andgetting to know her mateZambar who came to Blackpoolin 2010 from Marwell Widlife.Marketing and PR coordinatorJude Rothwell said: “We aredelighted to be welcomingAlyona to the zoo and she hasbeen an instant hit withkeepers. Thousands of ourvisitors have taken Zambar totheir hearts and I know thatthey have been looking forwardto meeting his new mate.”

THE historic Tatton Park estate inCheshire hosts a ‘magical’ BeatrixPotter event from Easter to August in2013 – featuring an exhibition ofrare watercolours alongside trailsfeaturing characters from theauthor’s books.

The event is just one of over 100staged on the 1,000-acre deer parkestate each year, including the RHSFlower Show and Christmas events.Tatton Park is also home to theNeo-Classical Mansion, Tudor OldHall, 50 acres of award-winninggardens and a working 1930s’ farm.Unusual gifts are on offer at the

estate’s speciality shops while therestaurant uses Tatton and localproduce.

Deer park estate stagesover 100 events

09 2/11/12 12:08 Page 1

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New Hall Hotel and Spa.

HAND Picked Hotels won theprestigious AA Large Hotel Group ofthe Year 2012-2013 at a glitteringawards ceremony in London.

Chairman and chief executive JuliaHands was presented with the awardat the dinner in recognition of thestandards of the group’s 17 hotels.

She said: “This award is awonderful accolade following our10th anniversary celebrations last

year. Our general managers andstaff who work in the hotels and ourhead office team have beeninstrumental in winning this awardfor the second time.

“We like to think of our teams asHand Picked people. They are partof the Hand Picked family who arededicated to giving our guests thevery best experience and creating atruly memorable stay.”

Top award for Hand Picked

A multi-million pound investment has been unveiled by tourismbosses.

New transportlinks to benefitScilly visitorsBy Christina Eccles

VISITORS to the Isles of Scilly willsoon be able to enjoy significantlyimproved transport links afterdetails of a multi-million poundinvestment were announced bytourism bosses.

Improvements will take placeahead of the start of the 2013season and will include increasingboth scheduled flights and thenumber of planes operating onroutes to the Islands in line withmajor improvement programmestaking place at Lands End Airportand a major refurbishmentprogramme about to start on theScillonian III foot passenger ferry.

A brand new, purpose builtterminal building including a newpassenger terminal and cafe, abrand new baggage handlingfacility, a dedicated arrivals area,a new air traffic control andupgraded car parks are beingcreated at Lands End airport,which has just celebrated 75years of air travel to the Islands.

On the Islands, a £4.5mimprovement plan for St Mary’sAirport is being progressed andthe Government has given thegreen light for a formal bid of£8m of Government and

European funding for thedevelopment of the Quay on StMary’s.

Chairman of the Island TourismBusiness Partnership ChrisGregory said: “There has been alot said and written about thedemise of British InternationalHelicopters and their service tothe Islands, but the reality is thatthere are millions of pounds worthof significant investments beingmade in the Islands’ travelinfrastructure – both in readinessfor the start of the 2013 seasonand also across the medium andlong term.

“Getting to the Islands is such afundamental part of the visitorexperience and people love thefact that there are no long checkin lines, massive baggage halls, orlong travel to times and that thereis a seamless and quick transitiononce they have arrived on theIslands. It is part of the uniqueScilly experience.

“The fact we can improve thelevel of travel service significantlyin the coming months and years isa reflection of just how importantvisitors to the Islands are and weneed to ensure that the serviceoffered is in line with today’sexpectations.”

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ROCHDALE Town Hall is aiming toattract more visitors after launchingan online virtual tour of theattraction.

Via Google Maps or the council’swebsite, potential visitors can nowtake a walk around the hall fromthe comfort of their computer, withspecial cameras used to allowinternet users to simulate walkingaround the building.

Town hall manager DorothyJohnstone said: “Lots of people areinterested in coming to see thetown hall and this gives them agreat preview. Hopefully more willtake the tour online and then beinspired to call in and see us whenthey are in the area. The building isa real gem. People are alwaysamazed by its splendour, andfascinated by its history and itslinks to the wool and cottonindustry.”

Town Hall bidding to attractmore visitors with virtual tour

A LEADING North East hotel hasbeen recognised as one of thebest in the UK after achieving aprestigious national award for thefourth year running.

The Best Western Roker Hotelat Roker Terrace, Sunderland,has just been granted its fourthconsecutive International QualityAward after passing a rigorousinspection by Best Western,which now sees it ranked amongthe group’s top 10 venuesnationwide.

The inspection looks at variouscriteria including the hotel’sguest sleeping experience, thequality of its bedrooms,restaurants, food, customerservice and brand awarenessand is carried out annually at allof Best Western’s partner hotels.In order to receive an IQA, thevenue must achieve a minimumof 975 out of 1000 points acrosseach section.

Roker roars tofourth award

London cabs ranked top in the worldLONDON taxis have been voted thebest in the world for a fifth year in arow, according to an annual globalsurvey from

London claimed 11 per cent ofthe votes, followed by New Yorkwith 6.4 per cent and Tokyo with5.6 per cent.

Travellers voted in sevencategories, of which London’sblack cabs headed up five. These

included friendliness, knowledge ofthe area, cleanliness, safety andquality of driving. However, theclassic black taxis were also votedworst for value. New York pippedLondon to the post as the best cityfor availability with their famousyellow cabs, whilst Bangkok toppedthe list for best value.

Senior director ofcommunications at

Alison Couper said: “It is greatnews for London to be the home ofthe best taxis for the fifth yearrunning. London’s iconic blackcabs are recognised around theworld as being the highest qualityand it’s due to the impressiveexpertise of London taxi driversthat they’re seen to have the bestlocal knowledge compared to anyother city in the world.”

A major new exhibition hasopened at the V&A whichgathers together over 130 ofthe most iconic costumesdesigned for the big screen.Hollywood Costume explores thecentral role of costume designas an essential tool of cinemastorytelling, examining thecostume designer’s creativeprocess from script to screen.Classic costumes on displayinclude Dorothy’s blue and whitegingham pinafore dress fromThe Wizard of Oz, the little blackdress designed by Hubert DeGivenchy for Holly Golightly inBreakfast at Tiffany’s and Consolata Boyle’s costumes forMeryl Streep in The Iron Lady.Hollywood Costume, sponsoredby Harry Winston, runs untilJanuary 27 2013.

Iconic costumes revealed

2013 brochure launchedHOLIDAYMAKERS across SouthLakeland Parks’ six properties havebeen given the chance to win a shortbreak plus spending money as thecompany launches its 2013 holidaybrochure.

The new brochure continues itspopular theme of ‘perfect momentsmake perfect holidays’ whereholidaymakers are encouraged totheir stories, photographs and

videos about what makes theirholiday extra special.

To be in with a chance of winning,visitors need to add their ownperfect holiday moments to thewebsite the July 30 2013.

Entries will be shortlisted on theparks’ Facebook page in August withthe public given the opportunity tovote for their overall winner.

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THE incredible Wicked has beencasting its spell over audiencesacross the world for nearly a decadeand continues to be a “West Endsensation” (Daily Mail) at the ApolloVictoria Theatre, where it is alreadythe 16th longest-running musical inLondon theatre history with ticketsnow on sale until 2 November 2013.

Brilliantly re-imagining the storiesand characters created by L. FrankBaum in The Wonderful Wizard ofOz, Wicked tells the remarkableuntold story of an unlikely butprofound friendship between twogirls who first meet as sorcerystudents. Their extraordinary

adventures in Oz will ultimately seethem fulfil their destinies as GlindaThe Good and the Wicked Witch ofthe West.

Hailed as “the biggest thing inmusicals since The Phantom ofthe Opera opened” (The Times)and “one of the biggest hits of ourage” (The Observer), Wickedcontinues to be the top choice ofWest End theatregoers having beenvoted Best Night Out (EveningStandard Theatre Awards 2011),Most Popular Show (Olivier Awards2010) and Best West End Show( Awards in both2011 and 2010).

Around the world Wicked has

been seen by over 35 millionpeople and has seven productionsplaying concurrently: the originalNew York production, which entersits 10th year at the GershwinTheatre after being recognised as“Broadway’s biggest blockbuster”(The New York Times), on two North American tours, in Japan,Holland, on tour inSouth East Asiaand at London’s Apollo VictoriaTheatre.

Book now prepare to bespellbound by the captivating story,spectacular costumes, thrillingtechnical wizardry, and phenomenalscore featuring the show-stopping‘Defying Gravity’.

AS Christmas and New Year approaches,there are a host of short break opportunitiesin London for agents to promote. Superbreakhas an extensive range of packages availablethat allow customers to combine a stay inLondon with some of the best shopping andshows in the world.

Graham Balmforth, national sales managerat Superbreak comments: “Whatever type ofcustomer, London’s West End has a show tosuit everyone.

“This Christmas there are a host of newshows available that we expect to be a realdraw and can help agents drive bookings ifthey promote them.

“And let’s not forget, there are so manyshopping options for some last minuteChristmas gift buying or just simply perusingthe designer streets hoping that Santa isextra generous this year!”

In December, VIVA FOREVER! the brandnew musical featuring the music of theSpice Girls hits the Piccadilly Theatre inLondon’s West End.

Inspired by the songs of the Spice Girls,this original story follows four girls trying outfor a TV talent show. Packages start from£119 per person including one night at thethree star Imperial Hotel and a ticket to theshow.

In November, the Adelphi Theatrewelcomes the eagerly-awaited

THE BODYGUARD MUSICAL. Based on the smash-hit Hollywood

blockbuster starring Kevin Costner and thelate Whitney Houston, The BodyguardMusical will thrill audiences with the sameiconic songs and whirlwind love story fromfilm of the same name. Prices start from£85 for a ticket to The Bodyguard Musicaland the three-star President Hotel

For sheer entertainment this FestiveSeason, join Stephen Fry and Mark Rylance(Olivier and Tony Award-winning star ofJerusalem) for TWELFTH NIGHT – justopened at the Apollo Theatre on ShaftesburyAvenue.

Filled with a cast of unforgettablecharacters, Shakespeare’s bittersweetmasterpiece combines cruelty with highcomedy and the pangs of unrequited lovewith some of the subtlest poetry and mostexquisite songs Shakespeare ever wrote.

Prices start from £101 for a ticket toTwelfth Night and the 3* Imperial Hotel.

And of course, all the popular favouritescontinue to draw in audiences night afternight including Les Miserables, ThePhantom of the Opera, The Lion King,Billy Elliot, Jersey Boys, Shrek TheMusical, Wicked, War Horse and MatildaThe 0871 2214444

Superbreak promoting festiveshopping and showbreaks in London

Graham Balmforth, Superbreak national salesmanager

Wicked continues to weaveits spell on audiences ...

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Cole Porter’s multi award-winning musicalKiss Me, Kate will open at The Old Vic onNovember 27. A co-production withChichester Festival Theatre, Kiss Me Kate isdirected by Trevor Nunn, with choreographyby Stephen Mear and a cast including AlexBourne, David Burt, Adam Garcia, Clive Roweand Hannah Waddingham.

POPULAR musical The Rocky Horror Show isembarking on a year-long national tour,starting at Brighton’s Theatre Royal onDecember 20.

The show tells the story of Brad and hisfiancée Janet, two squeaky clean collegekids who meet Dr Frank’n’Furter by chance when their car breaks downoutside his house whilst on their way to visit their former college professor.

It is an adventure they’ll never forget,with fun, frolics, frocks, and frivolity,

bursting with timeless songs andoutrageous outfits.

The cast includes West End star OliverThornton as Frank ‘n’ Furter, former XFactor star Rhydian as Rocky, formerEmmerdale and Waterloo Road actressRoxanne Pallett as Janet and Ben Forster,who won the ITV1 series Superstar asBrad.

The production will call at venues acrossthe UK including Torquay’s PrincessTheatre, Bristol Hippodrome andBirmingham’s New Alexandra Theatre.

Actress Roxanne Pallett Former X Factor star Rhydian

Rocky Horror Show hits the road

Downton Abbey actress Laura Carmichael, above right, Ken Stott,Anna Friel, above left, and Samuel West are among the cast of anew production which has recently opened in the West End.Anton Chekhov’s masterpiece, Uncle Vanya has been adapted byChristopher Hampton and opened at the Vaudeville Theatre onNovember 2.

West End Kids’ Weekproves a record-breakerKIDS Week in the West Endenjoyed record-breaking ticketsales this summer, figures haverevealed.

The Kids Week ‘kids go free toLondon theatre’ deal sold129,160 tickets for performancesspanning the whole of August.

This figure represents a 76 percent year-on-year increasecompared to Kids Week’s three-week run in 2011 when 73,426tickets were sold.

Society of London Theatrepresident Mark Rubinstein said:

“It is fantastic to see Kids Weekgrow so substantially every year,the annual initiative is a verypopular part of the theatricalcalendar both for audiences andtheatre producers.

“For many of us it was anexperience of the West End as achild which sparked our love oftheatre, and we celebrate Kids Week as a fun and rewarding way to engage anddevelop our audiences – andindeed practitioners – of thefuture.”

Encore Tickets has revealed special group rates for some of thebest seasonal shows and attractions on the market.The company is offering packages for shows including Scrooge TheMusical, Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty at Sadler’s Wells andChristmas favourite The Snowman at The Peacock Theatre, with theoption to add on dinner and tickets to attractions such asKensington Palace and St Paul’s Cathedral.

EASTENDERS star Lucy Benjamin willjoin leading man Mark Benton on the forthcoming UK tour of Hairspray, which comes toAberdeen’s His Majesty’s Theatre next year.

She will play the role of Velma Von

Tussle and is joined by previouslyannounced stage and screen starMark as Edna and Freya Sutton asbig-hearted, big-haired teen heroineTracy Turnblad.

The show will be at His Majesty’sTheatre from September 16 to 21.

Hairspray heads for Aberdeen

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NORWICH has much to celebrate in 2013 –with Norwich Fashion Week and the centenaryof British composer Benjamin Britten amonghighlights.

Fashion Week is from March 7 to 14 andcentres around a launch catwalk show, avintage show and a ‘Norwich Lanes FashionNight Out.’ Those who simply want to shoptill they drop can visit the city’s top fiveplaces to buy such as The Royal Arcade,Castle Mall and Jarrolds Department Store.

Norwich has good reason to bring out itsbest bib and tucker, as it is the first city inEngland to gain UNESCO City of LiteratureStatus. Backed by writers Ian McEwan andStephen Fry, the award means Norwich willnow have an International Centre of Writing,sited in what is now Gladstone House in StGiles' Street, an 18th-century Grade IIGeorgian house.

The award means Norwich joins an elitegroup of six cities whose literary heritage andcommitment is recognised as world-leading.The University of East Anglia’s Spring LiteraryFestival from the end of January to May2013 is testament to that, with theuniversity also celebrating its 50thanniversary.

It hosts special events through the yearwith a dramatisation of Benjamin Britten’sThe Sword in the Stone among them.Performed by the Chamber Orchestra EastAnglia and the university, the event is part ofthe Anniversary of Benjamin Britten Festival.

Britten was the most celebrated Britishcomposer of the 20th century. His musicwas inspired by East Anglia’s landscapes andsea – many of his first works were performedin Norwich. Musical organisations across

Norfolk and Suffolk have joined under theFamiliar Fields banner to promote eventsduring the 12 months leading up to thecentenary in November 2013.

Citysightseeing Norwich is celebrating itsown anniversary – ten years of takingtourists around the medieval city. FromMarch to November, the open top bus visitsthe main attractions of Norwich includingNorman Cathedral and the Castle Museum &Art Gallery.

The Royal Arcade Picture: VisitNorwich

Norwich Cathedral Picture: VisitNorwich

A city with plenty to celebrateIn partnership with

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THE Bridewell Museum’s doors have opened again to the public after £1.5 million was spentoverhauling the building and thedisplays.

An airy new entrance, restoredcourtyard and redisplayed galleriesdo justice to the collections andstories in the Bridewell, includingover 5,000 objects and a display of hats and capes by internationallyrenowned hat-maker, Rumsey Wells.

Meanwhile, sculpture is on displayat The Sainsbury Centre for VisualArts from January 26 to April 14,where an exhibition showcases thework of British-born artist ThomasHouseago.

‘Where the Wild Things Are’ showsthe work of one of the mostsignificant sculptors working today,known for his often monumentalworks inspired by pop culture andfilm.

Film and fantasy also form part ofan exhibition at Norwich CastleMuseum and Art Gallery fromJanuary 27 to April 14. ‘MagicWorld’ explores how magic has been

embraced for hundreds of years andhas three sections – Illusion,Fantasy and Enchantment.

The exhibition will feature morethan 100 objects from all over theworld including costumes, tricks andillusions, film props andmerchandise, and other worldly

dolls and puppets.

Puppets come to the fore at theManipulate Festival at NorwichPuppet Theatre from February 4-10.

The 2nd Norwich Manipulatefestival of adult visual theatre, inassociation with Puppet Animation

Scotland and the Traverse Theatre,Edinburgh, brings theatrecompanies from around the world,including Belgium, Spain and theCzech Republic. And if all this is toomuch, float down for a quiet punton the River Wensum. Guided toursare an hour and take in Pulls Ferry,St James Mill, and Cow Tower.

New attractions: magic,museums and puppets


In partnership with

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VISITORS to World TravelMarket will be able tosee the famous RyderCup trophy, which will beon display at theScotland section of theUKinbound stand.

The trophy will bethere on November 5from 10am to 3pm tocelebrate Team Europe’svictory in the event andthe fact it will be held inGleneagles in 2014.

Visitors to the standwill be able to havetheir photo taken withthe trophy and thosewho share it on Twitterwith the hashtag#rydercupwtm, will bein with a chance ofpicking up a golf goodiebag.

Chairman ofVisitScotland MikeCantlay said: “Scotlandis preparing to welcomethe world in 2014,when we host thesecond year ofHomecoming, theCommonwealth Gamesin Glasgow and, ofcourse, the Ryder Cupat Gleneagles.

“Scotland is theundisputed Home ofGolf and I wouldencourage our friends atWorld Travel Market tocome to Scotland’ssection of theUKinbound stand for aunique opportunity tohave their photographtaken with this iconictrophy.”

BRITAIN’S Heritage Cities willalso be exhibiting at the show,keen to reach out to anoverseas visitor marketfollowing the success ofevents such as the RoyalWedding and DiamondJubilee.

The consortium representsthe cities of Bath, Carlisle,Chester, Durham, Lincoln,Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avonand York, with the citiesaiming to work closelytogether to share theirmarketing expertise andentice history lovers toBritain.

Chair Gerald Tattum said:“This is the first time we haveexhibited as a group at anymajor UK event.

“We’ve never had anopportunity like this before,and linking up withUKInbound at WTM gives usthe ideal opportunity tohighlight, as a group of cities,what we have to offer fromworld class theatres,restaurants, and hotels, tospas, festivals andattractions.”

Consortiumkeen to hitoverseasmarket

THE industry is gearing up for thenext big event in its calendar –World Travel Market.

The 2012 show takes place fromNovember 5 to 8 at Excel,London, bringing togetherdestinations and attractions fromall over the world to showcasetheir offerings to visitors.

WTM 2012 will also mark the21st anniversary of WTM Meridian

Club, the club for the world’sleading buyers, with a party takingplace on the evening of November7 to celebrate the milestone. Theshow will also include a fullevents programme, with highlightsincluding the popular WorldResponsible Tourism Day, socialtravel market, technology andaviation progammes.

Reed Travel Exhibitions directorWorld Travel Market Simon Press

said: “World Travel Marketcontinues to improve every year.2011 saw a record number ofvisitors, delegates attend theevents programme and theamount of business conductedbecause of WTM. WTM 2012 has alot to live up to, but I amconfident it will surpass all ourexpectations and offer anotherhighly successful event for its5,000 exhibitors.”

Bringing together destinations and attractions

Ryder Cup Trophy goes on display ...

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The red carpet is rolled out for the nextinstallment following the £12m re-presentation project at Kensington Palace,the twentieth century royals.

The new exhibition will open on 22 June 2013and is set within the newly opened PiggottGalleries. The story of the young royals whostarted their married lives in the variousapartments at Kensington Palace will be toldthrough photographs, film footage andcostumes from the Royal Ceremonial DressCollection.

The main characters will be PrincessElizabeth and Prince Philip of Greece,Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong-Jones and Lady Diana Spencer and PrinceCharles, the Prince of Wales. Each couple, in

their own day, brought glamour and style tothe old and venerable palace, just as thelatest generation is doing today.

Adding value to the already acclaimedVictoria Revealed exhibition and thestunning King’s and Queen’s StateApartments, Modern Royals ensures the full300 years of royal history is boughtspectacularly to life in this popularattraction.

For more information on events andexhibitions for 2013 at Kensington Palace,please contact the Groups & Travel TradeDepartment on 0203 166 6311 [email protected] quote ‘Destination UK November’when contacting us.

New! Modern Royals at Kensington Palace

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EXCURSIONS 2013 takes place at Alexandra Palace, North London on Saturday January 262013. For more information or to pre-register for entry, visit

Specialoffer forExcursionsvisitors VISITORS travelling toExcursions are being invitedto book a special weekendtheatre break withSuperbreak and spend theweekend in London.

The package deal, whichis available for bookinguntil November 12,includes one night’saccommodation with fullEnglish breakfast on Friday January 25 at theRadisson Blu EdwardianGrafton Hotel, plus the best available seats ateither Billy Elliot theMusical or Jersey Boys,including a pre-show drink at the theatre, for£95 per person based ontwo sharing a twin/doubleroom.

On the Saturday, they will be able to visit Excursions before travelling home, orbook a second night’s stayin London.

TWELVE additional pick-up locationshave been added to the programmeof free coach transfer services forvisitors travelling to Excursions 2013.

This increases the number ofcoaches from eight to 10, stoppingat a total of 39 major towns enroute to Alexandra Palace.

The first new route starts inPortsmouth stopping at Chichester,Godalming and Guildford, while thesecond takes in the larger towns ofNorthampton, Milton Keynes, Lutonand St Albans.

Other new collection points includeOrpington, Rochester, Bexhill,Winchester, Farnborough, Watford,St Albans, Bury St Edmunds andBishops Stortford. One of the

services will also call at six centralLondon main line railway stations.

Joint organiser Elaine Pearce,travel trade manager from TourismSouth East said: “We regularly re-assess the regions covered by ourfree coach service and becameaware of a gap in our schedules.These new routes and pick-uppoints are being introduced to meetan existing demand by visitors toExcursions and are therefore sure tobe well supported.”

The coaches are provided bymembers of the Confederation ofPassenger Transport UK’s CoachMarque quality scheme and abooking form can be found on theExcursions website.

Extra pick-up locationsadded to coach services

OVER 250 exhibitors are expected to take astand at Excursions 2013, a dedicated one-day group travel show taking place atAlexandra Palace in London on January 26.

The free entry show is organised byTourism South East and Group TravelOrganiser magazine and supported byLondon and Partners, with exhibitorsincluding attractions, destinations,accommodation providers and touroperators.

Free coach travel with pick ups fromnearly 40 towns and selected Londonmainline stations is available for grouptravel organisers travelling from outside thecapital.

Everyone who pre-registers and comesalong on the day will also be entered intoa free prize draw to win one of many prizesoffered by exhibitors.

Over 250 exhibitors expected at show

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By Ken Robinson CBE FTSChair, Tourism SocietyThink Tank

THEY are used to celebrating inBrazil, Rio knows how to party.London is more staid, but after thetriumph of staging “the best Olympic Games ever”, what hasLondon to tell Rio about Tourism and the Olympic Games, as we hand them the baton – and they run enthusiastically towards2016?

We gained greatly in nationalpride, and recognition around theworld, from our successfulpreparations and hosting of theGames.

While still bathing in the mellowafterglow of the seemingly endlessparty, it is not fashionable to beanalytically honest. In tourism termshowever, 2012 has not been thegreat success that was widely predicted by hyped up“insiders”.

Despite accurate specialistanalysis and predictions of the

tourism impacts of the Games, theirfindings were not heeded, or were,but too little, too late.

So, Brazil, take the baton and take heed, there is one tourismmessage for each of the fiveOlympic rings.

Number one: The IOC are toughtask masters and impose unrealistic

and harmful branding-relatedconstraints that will limit the tourismbenefit you can derive from theGames. This is a key issue, and onethat we are trying to tackle now tohelp not only Rio but all future hostsof major global events.

The IOC demands that Hostnations pass laws limiting the use ofwords, including “Olympic”,“Games”, the year of the event e.g.“2012”, the host city name e.g.“London” or “Rio”, “Summer”, etc.In practise this means that the Hostcity cannot even describe itself as“Host City” in any tourism-relatedmarketing or information materials.Rio tourism businesses will not beable to invite tourists to visit for the“Games” in “2016”, as that phrasecontains two banned words.

The need to protect the “Marks”and maximise Sponsor income isobvious, the over-strict applicationof these rules is appallinglyrestrictive, and frustrating forbusinesses needing to communicatenormally with potential visitors.

It is also ridiculous that rights areassigned to one Hotel company,thereby prohibiting all others fromcommunicating properly, when everycompany’s bedspaces are neededfor the event.

Number two: Olympic tourists arenot additional, they are “instead of”normal leisure and business visits.Governments having to justify themassive investment required for theGames, usually exaggerate thepotential benefits, and talk looselyof the “extra visitors the Games willbring”.

In Britain Government Ministersconfidently predicted “1 millionextra visitors will come for theGames”, no doubt justifying the cutsthey made to the tourist board’sfunding. But Olympic visitors are insubstitution for regular tourismvisits. At Games time most othertourists stay away. The Games alsocause disruption to established tourgroup business.

Number three: Olympic touristsbehave differently. Olympic officials,competitors, sponsors, media andspectators are wrapped up in theevents, many of which go on lateinto the evenings. There is no timefor shopping, or visiting attractions.Also normal commercial life in theHost City will be severely affected.In London the hyped fear oftransport overload prompted official messages to residents tostay away.

Number four: By using theimminent Olympic Games as aninvestment lever, the tourism sectorcan really gain. Host governmentswant to ensure an exemplarywelcome for Games-time visitors,and that all services and facilitiesare “world class”. In the run up tothe Games, improvement schemesare fast-tracked, training can getextra funding, cultural features can attract investment (but beware the illusory benefits of aCultural Olympiad). The Gamesencourage participation andvolunteering; the Gamesmakerswere a universally praised successin London.

Number five: Gaining the muchvaunted “tourism legacy” requiresadditional investment after theGames, when the global spotlightmoves on. A short lived tourismboost is intrinsic, but every marketerknows new investment is required toturn increased awareness into visits. The British Governmentbelatedly implemented the “Great”campaign in some capital citiesprior to the Games, but it has not yet recognised the need fortourism-specific promotion toleverage the potential. Hosting theGames is unbelievably expensive,funding subsequent tourismmarketing is very cheap bycomparison. Without it the OlympicTourism legacy will never berealised.

Have fun Rio!

London to Rio – theOlympics baton passes

Ken Robinson

‘Olympic tourists behave differently. Olympicofficials, competitors, sponsors, media andspectators are wrapped up in the events,many of which go on late into the evenings.There is no time for shopping, or visitingattractions. Also normal commercial life in theHost City will be severely affected. In Londonthe hyped fear of transport overload promptedofficial messages to residents to stay away.’

What will Tourism do to realise itspotential as a global economic stimulator?Wednesday November 7th, 3.30 - 4.30pm, South Gallery Room 19

An interesting debate looking at what it is that the international tourismindustry can do to really act on the fact that it represents 5% of the globaleconomy. Impressive figures such as these are often quoted but where is thecollective will to back them up and show that tourism really can make anactive difference in terms of job creation and helping to improve theeconomic situation around the world? What does the industry need to do,and how can it do it? Our panel of speakers will give their opinions, not alwaysagreeing and hopefully providing thoughtful and thought-provoking comments.

Chairman: Kurt Janson MTS, Policy Director,Tourism AllianceOn the panel: Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, United Nations World TourismOrganisationRichard Prosser, Chairman, CarTrawler and Audley TravelUfi Ibrahim, FTS, Chief Executive, British Hospitality AssociationDavid Scowsill, President and CEO,World Travel and Tourism Council

The Future for Tourism Consultancy - improving effectiveness andthe Consultant - Client relationshipThursday November 8th, 11am - 12.00, South Gallery Rooms 21 & 22

This session for Consultants and Clients is arranged by The TourismConsultants Network. It will include suggested guidelines for commissioning aConsultant that have been prepared to help clients, and a statement of BestPractice for Consultants.

Chairman: Chris Evans FTS,The Tourism Company, representing TheTourism Society's Tourism Consultants NetworkSpeakers: Frederic Pierret, Executive Director for Programme andCoordination, UN World Tourism OrganisationRoger Carter FTS, Principal,Team TourismShaun Mann, Senior Investment Policy Officer,Tourism,, IFC/World BankBoth these events are FREE to attend.

Tourism Society at World Travel Market 2012ExCel Centre, London

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