designing yourself intro course part

You can have the look & the life you’ve always wanted with… A revolutionary approach that is really about YOU! by Rebel Holiday

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Post on 19-Nov-2014




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Ever wanted to take control of how you look and feel? Now you can...learn how here.


  • 1. You can have the look & the life youve always wanted withA revolutionary approach that is really about YOU!by Rebel Holiday

2. Ever Feel Like You Have Nothing to Wear?! Clothes dont seem to go with anything? Maybe their the wrong colors or styles? Or you just dont like them anymore? If you dont feel good wearing them 3. Ever Look in the Mirror & Think This doesnt look right on me Somethings wrong here This doesnt do a thing for my body! This really isnt my look. I wish I had never bought this! 4. Did You Ever Go Shopping & SayIll spend my hard-earned money and waste time looking for clothes that I wont really like in a few months. 5. Too Much GuessingWe try to evaluate looks & styles, struggle with our decisions, and often buy things we later regret. 6. Then We Wind Up With A LOT of money in clothes we dont like or dont want to wearWeve tried reading magazine articles, watching tv makeover shows, & listening to other peopleAll this still hasnt solved the problems. 7. It Looked Okay, but After We Get It HomeWhat was I thinking?! 8. So, What Can You Do?!Take the bag off your head, quit feeling bad about it and learn how it really works! 9. Want to know the Real Reasons for Your Fashion Problems?P.S. Its Not Your Fault 10. How Can You Know Without Training?! To be good at nearly any skill takes education and training! Plus1. 2. 3. 4.Accurate information Personalized to YOU Education, tools & techniques Practice, feedback & support How can we make satisfying decisions? (not get frustrated wasting our time & money.) 11. The Fashion Industry: Not Your Friend Fashion says clothes are more important than the women wearing them!Many garments are Design Disasters because they would not look good on anyone! Most of the time Fashion is NOT trying to help us look good. Theyre trying to sell us the latest thing. 12. What Is A Problem? Something you cant stop thinking aboutWhen youre not happy with your look. Yet, most of us care all our lives. Why do we care so much? 13. We Care Because Even as young girls, we know that how we look affects us. Our looks affect our lives in many ways: 1. How we feel about ourselves. 2. Who will be our friend. 3. What well try & how likely well succeed. 4. Even who will date us and marry us. 5. The jobs we can get and how much money well earn 6. Even how well we will live. 14. So We Keep TryingWhen will we give up trying to look like models & celebrities who dont look like that anyway? Comparing ourselves to others and trying to be perfect are ways to feel bad and suffer. 15. On Top of All That Then they tell us to build up our self-esteem.But, how are we supposed to do that?! 16. Ready for a Better Way? Psychologists say one interesting difference between a mouse and a human being is that After a while, the mouse stops running around the maze, when it doesnt find cheese!Isnt it time for a new approach? 17. Finally, A System That Works! I had these same problems until we developed this system. After years helping clients as a fashion designer & stylist -- we now can share this powerful solution! It has worked for thousands and it can help YOU.It is a logical, understandable, easy-to-apply method for exactly what looks good on any individual. It is about YOU finding your Harmonies. 18. How Does This Apply to My Look? With every choice in clothing & accessories, you are asking questions & making many decisionsWhats the message? Is the style right for me? Do I look good in this color? Are the shapes right for me? What about lines, scale, textures? Is it good on my body? Where can I wear it? What does it go with? What else do I need if I buy it? Does it express the real me? Do I feel great wearing it? 19. Its About YOU Now you can find out and know whats best for you in designs, colors, & styles. No more wondering Learn to create a wardrobe you love.Find out how it all applies to YOU ! 20. You Can Get All the Puzzle PiecesThis is a Personal Fashion System that works for YOU because its based on YOU.