designing tools useful for people with brain injury: the latest & greatest mckay moore sohlberg,...

Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

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Page 1: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury:

The Latest & Greatest

McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D.

University of Oregon

Page 2: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Sample Current Projects Involving the Development of Tools

Email tools– Simple email program– Help system

Navigation tools– A device to give directions– A reminder bag

Page 3: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon
Page 4: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon
Page 5: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon
Page 6: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon
Page 7: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon
Page 8: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Designing effective tools FOR people with cognitive impairments means…

You must design the tools in partnership WITH the individuals who will be using the tools

Page 9: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Participatory Action Research:The partnership research model

The people who stand to benefit should be involved at all stages of the research (defining the problem, the research methods, analysis etc.)

The research should have some direct & positive benefits to the people who are being studied

Knowledge is more socially usable when it is produced together

Page 10: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

The Research Process:Initial Steps

Human Subjects Protection– People must understand exactly what they

are agreeing to do– They must understand their participation is

voluntary– They must understand that they can

withdraw without penalty or feeling uncomfortable at anytime

Page 11: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

The Research & Development Process: Initial Steps

Focus Groups


Page 12: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Focus Group Example

Group # of Participants

Descriptions Location

#1 8 People living @ assisted


Big city

#2 10 Family, care


Rural town

#3 12 Bus drivers Mid sized town

Page 13: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Research & Development:The next steps

Prototype design

Initial pilot

Page 14: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Initial Pilot Studies

Development of

Sample tools


Testing out with real people in real environments

Page 15: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Longitudinal Trials

Evaluate the use of tool in real environments over a long period of time

Page 16: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Longitudinal data from a participant using our email tool

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Page 17: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

The GO Device:A Sample Research Project

Survey & Focus GroupPrototype DevelopmentPilot Testing

Page 18: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Go Device:Surveys & Focus Groups Helped

Identify barriers to navigating in the community when people have memory impairments

Identify possible solutionsSolicit feedback on potential device


Page 19: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Sample Results for Questions on Transportation Challenges

Fear of getting lostForgetting purpose of tripGetting lost in communityGetting lost in large buildings Expense of taxiHard to ask friends for rides

Page 20: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Initial research steps: Navigational profiles of real people in real environments

Errand 9

Visit Friend4

Church 5

Restaurant 2



Number and types of destinations traveled by one of the participants over a 4 month period

Page 21: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Developing Navigational“Wish Lists”

Participants Navigational Wishes

Participant A Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer, Go out more often with other people

Participant B Family’s house, A volunteer job, YMCA, Movie theater, Sightseeing, Festivals

Page 22: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Developed a Prototype Tool

Page 23: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Prototype Tool

Page 24: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Prototype Tool

Page 25: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon
Page 26: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

The Research Questions

Which mode of directions will result in the most efficient/accurate ability to navigate in the community?– Auditory (earpiece) directions– Point of view map showing each step– Text (written) step by step directions– Aerial map (from above) showing each


Page 27: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Preliminary Results

Auditory mode of giving directions seems to be the most helpful

Page 28: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Next steps…

Determine the best “wording” for directions to use in the auditory mode

Hypothesis: Use of Landmarks will be more helpful than non-landmark cues

Page 29: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Next steps…

Develop tools that can be used in combination with the GO Device to help people navigate

We learned that one of the main barriers was getting out the door…so we are working on “The Travel Bag”

Page 30: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

The Travel Bag

Page 31: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

The Travel Bag

Page 32: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Research Process for the Travel Bag

Survey/Focus Groups

Pilot Work

Prototype Development

More Pilot Testing

Page 33: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Plan for current pilot testing

Page 34: Designing Tools Useful for People with Brain Injury: The Latest & Greatest McKay Moore Sohlberg, Ph.D. University of Oregon

Your Turn!

We need more input from those who know the best

If you would like, find a buddy and complete the survey in your handout!