design and analysis of large transportable ......cryogenic engineering is concerned with low...

13 45 [email protected] International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 7, Issue 6, November–December 2016, pp.45–57, Article ID: IJMET_07_06_006 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2016): 9.2286 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE VACUUM INSULATED CRYOGENIC VESSEL Tejaswini N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen G Student, Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India ABSTRACT Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures. Due to the increasing use of cryogenic- fluids in industrial applications, the storage and transport of cryogenic fluids has become a necessity. Because of low temperatures, the storage of cryogenic fluids is difficult. Cryogenic fluids must be maintained at low temperatures and high pressures, otherwise the change of phase may occur, and storage of cryogenic fluids is possible with insulated chambers. Mainly, damage of inner vessel's surge plates and edges are happened due to uneven conditions of transportation leads in creating variable pressure impacts inside the walls and plates. This creates the deformation of tank's edges and surgical plates which are not repairable for that application. So, in order to overcome such issues, we changed the surgical plate design and material properties. Finally the modified design is tested in Ansys with new materials to analyse and aiming to reduce the stress locations and deformation. Key words: Cryogenic Vessel, Surge Plate designs, Deformation, Aluminium alloy, Safe Material, Stress Reduction. Cite this Article: Tejaswini N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen G, Design and Analysis of Large Transportable Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Vessel. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 7(6), 2016, pp. 45–57. 1. CRYOGENICS Cryogenics is the science that addresses the production and effects of very low temperatures. The word originates from the Greek words 'kryos' meaning "frost" and 'genic' meaning "to produce." Under such a definition it could be used to include all temperatures below the freezing point of water (0 C). However, Prof. Kamerlingh Onnes of the University of Leiden in the Netherlands first used the word in 1894 to describe the art and science of producing much lower temperatures. He used the word in reference to the liquefaction of permanent gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium. Oxygen had been liquefied at -183°C a few years earlier (in 1887), and a race was in progress to liquefy the remaining permanent gases at even lower temperatures. The techniques employed in producing such low temperatures were quite different from those used somewhat earlier in the production of artificial ice. In particular, efficient heat exchangers are required to reach very low temperatures. According to the laws of

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Page 1: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures 45 [email protected]

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 7, Issue 6, November–December 2016, pp.45–57, Article ID: IJMET_07_06_006

Available online at

Journal Impact Factor (2016): 9.2286 (Calculated by GISI)

ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359

© IAEME Publication




Tejaswini N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen G

Student, Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India


Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in

producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures. Due to the increasing use of cryogenic-

fluids in industrial applications, the storage and transport of cryogenic fluids has become a

necessity. Because of low temperatures, the storage of cryogenic fluids is difficult. Cryogenic fluids

must be maintained at low temperatures and high pressures, otherwise the change of phase may

occur, and storage of cryogenic fluids is possible with insulated chambers. Mainly, damage of

inner vessel's surge plates and edges are happened due to uneven conditions of transportation

leads in creating variable pressure impacts inside the walls and plates. This creates the

deformation of tank's edges and surgical plates which are not repairable for that application. So, in

order to overcome such issues, we changed the surgical plate design and material properties.

Finally the modified design is tested in Ansys with new materials to analyse and aiming to reduce

the stress locations and deformation.

Key words: Cryogenic Vessel, Surge Plate designs, Deformation, Aluminium alloy, Safe Material,

Stress Reduction.

Cite this Article: Tejaswini N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen G, Design and

Analysis of Large Transportable Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Vessel. International Journal of

Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 7(6), 2016, pp. 45–57.


Cryogenics is the science that addresses the production and effects of very low temperatures. The word

originates from the Greek words 'kryos' meaning "frost" and 'genic' meaning "to produce." Under such a

definition it could be used to include all temperatures below the freezing point of water (0 C). However,

Prof. Kamerlingh Onnes of the University of Leiden in the Netherlands first used the word in 1894 to

describe the art and science of producing much lower temperatures. He used the word in reference to the

liquefaction of permanent gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium. Oxygen had been

liquefied at -183°C a few years earlier (in 1887), and a race was in progress to liquefy the remaining

permanent gases at even lower temperatures. The techniques employed in producing such low

temperatures were quite different from those used somewhat earlier in the production of artificial ice. In

particular, efficient heat exchangers are required to reach very low temperatures. According to the laws of

Page 2: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Tejaswini N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen G 46 [email protected]

thermodynamics, there exists a limit to the lowest temperature that can be achieved, which is known as

absolute zero.

Molecules are in their lowest, but finite, energy state at absolute zero. Such a temperature is impossible

to reach because the input power required approaches infinity. However, temperatures within a few

billionths of a degree above absolute zero have been achieved. Absolute zero is the zero of the absolute or

thermodynamic temperature scale. It is equal to -273.15°C or -459.67 °F. The metric or SI (International

System) absolute scale is known as the Kelvin scale whose unit is the kelvin (not Kelvin) which has the

same magnitude as the degree Celsius. The symbol for the Kelvin scale is K, as adopted by the 13th

General Council on Weights and Measures (CGPM) in 1968, and not K. Thus, 0 C equals 273.15 K.

The production of cryogenic temperatures almost always utilizes the compression and expansion of

gases. In typical air liquefaction process the air is compressed, causing it to heat, and allowed to cool back

to room temperature while still pressurized. The compressed air is further cooled in a heat exchanger

before it is allowed to expand back to atmospheric pressure. The expansion causes the air to cool and a

portion of it to liquefy. The remaining cooled gaseous portion is returned through the other side of the heat

exchanger where it pre cools the incoming high-pressure air before returning to the compressor. The liquid

portion is usually distilled to produce liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, and liquid argon. other gases, such as

helium, are used in a similar process to produce even lower temperatures, but several stages of expansion

are necessary.

This project is aimed at the design and analysis of a transportable cryogenic vessel composed of several

parts. Methane is kept in an inner vessel covered by an outer jacket of the same shape. Between both

vessels, a vacuum insulation system is located. There are also beams which are used as connections

between the inner vessel and the outer jacket and these are designed, analyzed and optimized in order to

obtain stress values within margins. Apart from this, the project also addresses the frame to which vessels

are attached, as well as its supports, which are the connections between the vessels and the frame. Finally,

pipes and valves are taken into consideration in order to complete the design of the cryogenic vessel.

This project is structured around two parts. The first part contains a background on methane, the truck

with the hook-lift mechanism and the insulation system. The second part focuses on the design and finite

element analysis of the cryogenic vessel assembly.

1.1. Flow Chart

Figure 1.3 Project Work Flow Diagram

Page 3: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Design and Analysis of Large Transportable Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Vessel 47 [email protected]


• Shafique M.A. Khan presents analysis results of stress distributions in a horizontal pressure vessel and

the saddle supports. The results are obtained from a 3D finite element analysis. He showed the stress

distribution in the pressure vessel, the results provide details of stress distribution in different parts of

the saddle separately, i.e. wear, web, flange and base plates. A value of 0.25 for the ratio A/L is favored

for minimum stresses in the pressure vessel and the saddle. The slenderness ratio (L/R) of less than 16 is

found to generate minimum stresses in the pressure vessel and the saddle. The highly stressed area,

beside the pressure vessel at the saddle horn, is the flange plate of the saddle.

• Aceves S.M. et al shows an evaluation of the applicability of the insulated pressure vessels for light

duty vehicles. The paper shows an evaluation of evaporative losses and insulation requirements and a

description of the current analysis and experimental plans for testing insulated pressure vessels. The

most important results can be summarized that . Insulated pressure vessels do not lose any hydrogen for

daily driving distances of more than 10 km/day for a 17 km/l energy equivalent fuel economy. Since

almost all cars are driven for longer distances, most cars would never lose any hydrogen. Losses during

long periods of parking are small. Due to their high pressure capacity, these vessels retain about a third

of its full charge even after a very long period of inactivity, so that the owner would not risk running out

of fuel. Also previous testing has determined the potential of low-temperature operation of commercially

available aluminium -lined wrapped vessels for a limited number of cycles. Further testing will extend

the number of cycles to the values required for a light-duty vehicle. Additional analysis and testing will

help in determining the safety and applicability of insulated pressure vessels for hydrogen storage in

light-duty vehicle.

• Mr. Abdul Sayeed et al worked on solid structural analysis of vacuum chamber. The analysis is done

for electron microscopy applications, for scanning electron microscope it require vacuum atmosphere

for viewing of the specimen. The specimen is to be viewed in vacuum. The vacuum level required for

that is in the range of 700 torr, which is less than atmospheric pressure lead to compressive forces on the

chamber They made vacuum chamber model in Catia and Simulation is done in Ansys. The Vacuum

chamber is safe from buckling failure as applied p is very small in comparison to max theoretical

buckling pressure. Compressive yield strength of structural steel is greater than Von Mises stress is

calculated by solid structural analysis so it is safe from this criterion.

• Aceves al. worked on high pressure and evalution of insulated pressure vessel for cryogenic

hydrogen storage. The work described in this paper directed at verifying that commercially available

pressure vessels can be safely used to store liquid hydrogen. This paper describes a series of tests which

are shown below, that have been done with aluminium lined, fiber-wrapped vessels to evaluate the

damage caused by low temperature operation. In FEM testing Cyclic, ultrasound and burst testing of the

pressure vessels is being complemented with a finite element analysis, which will help to determine the

causes of any potential damage to the vessel during low temperature operation.

• N.Vukojeviæ et al presented Vertical pressure vessels according EN 13445 are supported on four

different kind of supports. In paper is presented stress-strain analysis of pressure vessel supported by

brackets. Problems with supports are specially marked by great pressure vessels and without correctly

choosing, supports type can become potentially weak point in construction. The Results based on

presented analysis shown that great pressure vessel supported on bracket supports demonstrate poor

solution in relation to continual cofigutared supports (scirt supports). Bracket type of supports is

unfavorable in case of initial crack failures with growth tendention. Results deviaton between numerical

experimental analysis are implication of different wall thickness of pressure vessel made by forging.

• A.Th. Diamantoudis et al. tried comparative study for design by analysis and design by formula of a

cylinder to nozzle intersection has been made using different finite element techniques. The cylinder to

nozzle intersection investigated is part of a typical vertical pressure vessel with a skirt support. For the

study the commonly used ductile P355 steel alloy and the high strength steel alloy P500 QT were

considered. The application of Design by Analysis (DBA) leads to much less conservative design

parameters. The high strength steel P500 is severely punished when Design by Formula (DBF) rules are

applied, instead of DBA methodology.

Page 4: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Tejaswini N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen G 48 [email protected]


3.1. Dimensions of Cryogenic Vessel

Table 3 Dimensions of vessel


Distance between inner and outer vessel 150mm

Inner vessel length 3320mm

Inner vessel ellipse major radius 1900mm

Inner vessel ellipse minor radius 1100mm

Inner vessel thickness 18mm

Surge plate thickness 4mm

Distance between surge plates 550mm

Figure 3.1 Dimensions of Cryogenic Vessel


In computer-aided design, geometric modelling is concerned with the computer compatible mathematical

description of the geometry of an object. The mathematical description allows the model of the object to be

displayed and manipulated on a graphics terminal through signals from the CPU of the CAD system. The

software that provides geometric modelling capabilities must be designed for efficient use both by the

computer and the human designer.

To use geometric modelling, the designer constructs the graphical model of the object on the CRT

screen of the ICG system by inputting three types of commands to the computer. The first type of

command generates basic geometric elements such as points, lines, and circles. The second type command

Page 5: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Design and Analysis of Large Transportable Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Vessel 49 [email protected]

is used to accomplish scaling, rotation, or other transformations of these elements. The third type of

command causes the various elements to be joined into the desired shape of the object being created on the

ICG system. During this geometric process, the computer converts the commands into a mathematical

model, stores it in the computer data files, and displays it as an image on the CRT screen. The model can

subsequently be called from the data files for review, analysis, or alteration. The most advanced method of

geometric modelling is solid modelling in three dimensions.

4.1. Modelling of Cryogenic Vessel

Cryogenic vessel deign is a key point and no errors must be done. Hence, it is done with knowing all the

considerations. This is first designed in CATIA V5R20, then analysed for static load conditions in ANSYS


4.2. Tools Used for Designing

4.2.1. Reference Elements

To create a new plane, choose the Plane button from the Reference Elements (Expanded) toolbar. The

Plane Definition dialog box is displayed, as shown in the figure.

4.2.2. Pads Tool

Used to add material for the element designed. PADS toolbar is present in sketch features of CATIA.

4.2.3. Fillet Tool

Fillet tool used for filling sharp edges to curved edges and also for filling materials. This tool is present in

dress up features.

4.3. Steps Invoved in Modelling

• Choose part deign in mechanical design present in tool bar.

• Then select the plane in which model is to be present.

• Using sketching tools draw an ellipse of major radius 1900mm and minor radius 1100mm and using pad

tool give thickness of 18mm to the ellipse.

• Later create datum planes by using reference element tool each at a distance 550mm from each other.

Create Datumn planes with plane offset distances of 553.33mmDesign of Surge plates with Thickness 4mm

Page 6: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Tejaswini N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen

Closing the Edges with Plates and filleting the edges with diameter 50mm

4.4. Comparision of Old and New Model of Cryogenic Vessel



5.1. Static Analysis

A static analysis calculates the effects of steady loading conditions on a structure, while ignoring inertia

and damping effects, such as those caused by time

inertia loads (such as gravity and rotational velocity), and time

static equivalent loads (such as the sta

building codes). If the stress values obtained in the analysis crosses the allowable values it result in the failure of

the structure in the static condition itself. To avoid such a failure, th

Static analysis determines the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in structures or components

caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. Steady loading and response

conditions are assumed; that is, the loads and the structure's response are assumed to vary slowly with respect to


i N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen

IJMET/index.asp 50

Closing the Edges with Plates and filleting the edges with diameter 50mm

New Model of Cryogenic Vessel

Figure 4.4 Old and New Surge Plate Designs

A static analysis calculates the effects of steady loading conditions on a structure, while ignoring inertia

damping effects, such as those caused by time-varying loads. A static analysis can, however, include steady

inertia loads (such as gravity and rotational velocity), and time-varying loads that can be approximated as

static equivalent loads (such as the static equivalent wind and seismic loads commonly defined in many

building codes). If the stress values obtained in the analysis crosses the allowable values it result in the failure of

the structure in the static condition itself. To avoid such a failure, this analysis is necessary.

Static analysis determines the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in structures or components

by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. Steady loading and response

d; that is, the loads and the structure's response are assumed to vary slowly with respect to

i N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen G

[email protected]

Closing the Edges with Plates and filleting the edges with diameter 50mm

A static analysis calculates the effects of steady loading conditions on a structure, while ignoring inertia

varying loads. A static analysis can, however, include steady

varying loads that can be approximated as

tic equivalent wind and seismic loads commonly defined in many

building codes). If the stress values obtained in the analysis crosses the allowable values it result in the failure of

is analysis is necessary.

Static analysis determines the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in structures or components

by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. Steady loading and response

d; that is, the loads and the structure's response are assumed to vary slowly with respect to

Page 7: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Design and Analysis of Large Transportable Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Vessel 51 [email protected]

5.2. Analysis Methodology

• Finite element model is prepared in CAD geometry.

• Ansys software used to create mesh.

• Then project is prepared in Project Window

• Ansys preparation steps –

• Apply material properties

• Apply boundary conditions.

• Apply load.

• Solving

Figure 5.1 Ansys Work Bench

Figure 5.2 Imported Geometry Sectional View

Page 8: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Tejaswini N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen G 52 [email protected]

Figure 5.3 Meshed Model

5.3. Analytical Calculations

Applied Conditions:

Pressure = 0.4 Mpa (Inside the vessel)

Temperature =-170 degree


To enhance the properties of the presently following design and materials of cryogenic vessel a new design

is modelled and some new materials are used to observe the difference compared to old one. Three

materials are compared including the presently using stainless steel, aluminium grade, and austenitic steel











Stainless steel 0.22467 0.12432 0 176.73


stainless steel

grade 310s

0.2246 0.0011705 0 7.3492


grade 5083

0.22468 0.000003326 0 0.99566

Page 9: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Design and Analysis of Large Transportable Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Vessel 53 [email protected]

6.1. Stainless Steel

Figure 5.4 Equivalent Stress On Stainless Steel Vessel

Figure 5.5 Thermal Stain on Stainless Steel Vessel

Figure 5.6 Total Eqivalent Strain on Stainless Steel Vessel

Page 10: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Tejaswini N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen G 54 [email protected]

Figure 5.7 Total Deformation of Stainless Steel Vessel

6.2. Austenitic Stainless Steel of Grade 310S

Figure 5.8 Equivalent Stress on Austenitic 310s Grade Stainless Steel Vessel

Figure 5.9 Therml Strain on Austenitic 310s Grade Stainless Steel Vessel

Page 11: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Design and Analysis of Large Transportable Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Vessel 55 [email protected]

Figure 5.11 Total Equivalent Strain on Ausenitic Grade 310sstainless Steel Vessel

Figure 5.12 Total Deformation of Austenitic Grade 310s Grade Stainless Steel Vessel

6.3. Aluminium Grade 5083-O

Figure 5.13 Equivalent Stress on Aluminium 5083-O

Page 12: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Tejaswini N, Poorna Sai R, Reddy Babu Naik B and Naveen G 56 [email protected]

Figure 5.14 Thermal Strain on Aluminium 5083-O

Figure5.15 Total Equivalent Strain Onaluminium 5083-O Vessel

Figure 5.16 Total Deformation of Aluminium 5083-O Vessel


By comparing stress locations in both the designs, our new surge plate design have less stresses than the

old one. So the new model is preferable then old model. On comparison of total equivalent strain and total

Page 13: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF LARGE TRANSPORTABLE ......Cryogenic engineering is concerned with low temperatures and the equipment used in producing, storing and using of fluids at low temperatures

Design and Analysis of Large Transportable Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Vessel 57 [email protected]

deformation for the materials like stainless steel, austenitic 310s, aluminium 5083-o on new surge plate

design both the properties are low for aluminium 5083-O.

We can observe that, based on the designs that we used, mostly stainless steel for new surge plate is not

suitable but aluminium alloys holds better than it. Taking strain, deformation and other mechanical

properties of the vessel for different materials into consideration on new surge plate design aluminium

5083-o is the perfect material.

Aluminiumis huge in quantity that available in nature. It is lower in cost when compared to stainless

steel and austenitic stainless steel. Among cost analysis it is clear that aluminium 5083-O is of low cost.

Aluminium 5083-O alloyis light weight compared to other materials. Hence, total weight of vessel is

reduced which is an advantage for transporting vessel from one place to other. So, to be clear, Aluminium

5083-O is best suitable material for cryogenic tank vessel.

Eventually in analysis process we can conclude that the hybrid CAE software package ANSYS V15

has helped in our project resulting in enhanced outcomes with less total deformation, less total equivalent

strain and less stress locations. So, in this project we came across a better output with design and analysis

of large transportable vacuum insulated cryogenic vessel.


[1] Swedish standards, SS-EN 13530-1: Cryogenic vessels - Large transportable vacuum insulated vessel;

Part 1: Fundamental requirements. Swedish Standard Institute, 2003.

[2] Swedish standards, SS-EN 13530-2: Cryogenic vessels - Large transportable vacuum insulated vessel;

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[3] Gases background, [accessed 2010-03]

[4] Truck specifications, [accessed 2010-03]

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[9] Material specifications, [accessed 2010-04] Carbon steel AISI 1040,


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Cryogenic Machining of Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V). International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

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