de&s organisation chart...vice admiral chris gardner chris bushell air marshal sir julian young...

Helicopters 2: Richard Melia Mil Tel: TBA, Tel: TBA Email: [email protected] Helicopters 3: Air Cdre Owen Barnes Mil Tel: 9352 32370, Tel: 0117 91 32370 Email: [email protected] de & s Chief Executive Officer DE&S Organisation Chart Sir Simon Bollom EA: DESCEO-EA COS: Richard Ireland (Interim) 1st Dec Mil Tel: 9352 30004, Tel: 0117 91 30004 Mil Tel: 9621 86900, Tel: 020 721 86900 2020 Defence Equipment & Support Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Domains Deputy CEO Chief of Materiel Chief of Materiel Chief of Materiel Chief of Materiel Director General Director General Director Director (Ships) (Land) (Air) (Joint Enablers) Commercial Resources Human Resources Strategy & Change Vice Admiral Chris Gardner Chris Bushell Air Marshal Sir Julian Young Adrian Baguley Nick Elliott David Johnson Daniel Griffiths Barry Burton MA1: DES CofM Ships-MA1 MA1: DES CofM Land-MA1 COS: DES Air-CoS Hd MA: DES CofM JE-MA COS: DES Comrcl-DG COS PS: DES Resources-DG-PS COS: DES HR-CoS PS: DES CEO-Strategy-Change-PS-Dir Mil Tel: 9679 30027, Tel: 030 679 30027 Mil Tel: 9352 33017, Tel: 0117 91 33017 Mil Tel: 9352 30290, Tel: 0117 91 30290 Mil Tel: 9352 30013, Tel: 0117 91 30013 Mil Tel: 9679 89373, Tel: 030 679 89373 Mil Tel: 9352 32601, Tel: 0117 91 32601 Mil Tel: 9679 85308, Tel: 030 679 85308 Mil Tel: 9352 30241, Tel: 0117 91 30241 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] EA: DES CofM Ships-EA MA2: DES CofM Land-MA2 MA: DES CofM Air-MA1 EA: DES CofM JE-EA EA: DES Comrcl-DG EA EA: DES HR-Dir-EA Mil Tel: 9679 32631, Tel: 030 679 32631 Mil Tel: 9352 30008, Tel: 0117 91 30008 Mil Tel: 9352 30101, Tel: 0117 91 30101 Mil Tel: 9352 30011, Tel: 0117 91 30011 Mil Tel: 9679 87420, Tel: 030 679 87420 Mil Tel: 9679 81051, Tel: 030 679 81051 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Chief Operating Officer: Chris Marshall Chief Operating Officer: Mark Bunyan Chief Operating Officer: Ian Craddock Chief Operating Officer: Ian Smith Financial Accounting: Dale Coxon Head of HR Operations: Scott Murray International Relations Group: Mil Tel: 9352 35549, Tel: 0117 91 35549 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 67581, Tel: 0117 91 67581 Mil Tel: 9352 37623, Tel: 0117 91 37623 P-8 Poseidon Email: [email protected] Director Commercial Mil Tel: 9679 82292, Tel: 030 679 82292 Email: [email protected] Valerie Evans Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Land HQ COS: Director Logistics Improvement: Director Support: Mil Tel: 9352 30260, Tel: 0117 91 30260 Head of Learning & Talent: Katie Sloggett Infrastructure: Sally Wilkins Email: [email protected] Chief Financial Officer: Paul Dunster Brig Jonathan Bartholomew Delivery: Roger West Chief Finance Officer: Grace Horton Business Management: John Taylor Graham Hyndman Steve Glass Mil Tel: 9679 83042, Tel: 030 679 83042 Mil Tel: 9679 85652, Tel: 030 679 85652 Mil Tel: 9679 88960, Tel: 030 679 88960 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 32898, Tel: 030 679 32898 Mil Tel: 9352 30856, Tel: 0117 91 30856 MA: DES LD-MA EA: DES Comrcl-Improvement-Dir-PS-BM COS: DES SEOC SCC-PfO-DepHd Email: [email protected] Corporate Operations Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 84147, Tel: 030 679 84147 Mil Tel: 9679 30877, Tel: 030 679 30877 Governance & Strategy: Mil Tel: 9679 86399, Tel: 030 679 86399 DE&S Airworthiness Team: Head of Performance & Reward: Email: [email protected] E-mail: DESSEOCSCC-PfO-DepHd@mod. DES CEO-CorpOps-GovStrat-Hd Chief Financial Officer: Mike Turner Email: Cdre Ed Tritschler iLog Shared Services: Mark Pannett Jessica Macskimming Mil Tel: 9679 85643, Tel: 030 679 85643 Mil Tel: 9679 31553, Tel: 030 679 31553 Mil Tel: 9679 82288, Tel: 030 679 82288 Mil Tel: 9679 30125, Tel: 030 679 30125 Operating Centre Headquarters (OCHQ): Commercial Business Improvement, Email: [email protected] Director Ships Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: DESCEO-CorpOps-GovStrat-Hd@mod. CP&F & MI: Graham Hyndman Support Chain Governance (SCG): Director Financial Capt Richard Whalley RN Head of HR (Air)/Commercial & Mil Tel: 9676 84147, Tel: 030 679 84147 Steven Lammiman Henry Parker Mil Tel: 9679 837509, Tel: 030 679 37509 Email: [email protected] Andrew Morgan Acquisition: Domain Commercial Officer: Paul Bell Mil Tel: Tel: 9679 85470, Tel: 030 679 85470 Project Controls Shared Services: Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 81643, Tel: 030 679 81643 Planning & Analysis: Engineering Functions: DE&S Policy Secretariat: DES SEC-Hd Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 82341, Tel: 030 679 82341 Email: [email protected] Ann Underwood Amanda Lammonby Mil Tel: 9352 34835, Tel: 0117 91 34835 MA: DES Ships Acq-Dir-MA Commissioning & Managing Organisation Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] EA: DES Resources-Dir Fin Plning-EA Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 35010, Tel: 030 679 35010 Director Combat Air: Support Chain Improvement (SCI): (CMO): Brig Simon Hutchings Mil Tel: 9352 30201, Tel: 0117 91 30201 Head of HR (JE)/Finance & Accounting, Email: [email protected] Tel: 01264 886602 AVM Keith Bethell Customer Interface & Portfolio Office: Paul Russell (Interim) Principal Security Advisor: Email: DESResources-Dir FinPlning-EA@mod. Mil Tel: 9679 32266, Tel: 030 679 32266 Corporate Services Group & IMIT Type 26 & Offshore Patrol Vessel: Email: [email protected] MA: DES CA-Dir MA Alastair Goodson Director Commercial DES PSyA-Personal Mil Tel: 9679 85228, Tel: 030 679 85228 Email: [email protected] Functions: Ruth Moesby Mil Tel: 9352 30330, Tel: 0117 91 30330 Mike Holstead Director Weapons: Change Management: Chris Hammick Mil Tel: 9352 39675, Tel: 0117 91 39675 Operations: Phil Tozer Equipment Plan Finance: Nick Daniels Email: [email protected] Email: DES [email protected] Email: [email protected] iLog Corporate Function Manager: Mil Tel: 9352 33195, Tel: 0117 91 33195 Ed Cutts Mil Tel: 9679 86890, Tel: 030 679 86890 Email: [email protected] COS: DES Comrcl-Ops-DirCOS Mil Tel: 9679 81602, Tel: 030 679 81602 Email: DESShipsAcq-QEChd-T26-OPVhd-EA@ Email: [email protected] Function Management: Graham Hunter Neville Parton Head of HR (Land)/iLog Function: Head Continuous Improvement Team: MA: DES Wpns-MA Typhoon: Air Cdre Paul Lloyd Mil Tel: 9679 89673, Tel: 030 679 89673 Email: [email protected] Tel: 01935 703998 Mil Tel: 9352 37865, Tel: 0117 91 37865 Maureen Doherty Liz Nash Mil Tel: 9352 37496, Tel: 0117 91 37496 Defence Equipment Sales Authority Mil Tel: 9679 31040, Tel: 030 679 31040 Email: [email protected] Corporate Chief Financial Officer: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 66078, Tel: 0117 91 66078 Helicopters Commercial: David Forsdike Nigel Beckett Email: [email protected] Type 31 & Innovation & Future Capability: Email: [email protected] (DESA): Clive Walker Email: [email protected] Head of HR (Ships)/Project Controls & Cdre Paul Carroll Weapons COS: Debbie Hather Mil Tel: 9679 86299, Tel: 030 679 86299 Lightning II: Air Cdre Phil Brooker Chief Financial Officer: Emma Bolton Mil Tel: 9352 30535, Tel: 0117 91 30535 Mil Tel: 9679 86445, Tel: 030 679 86445 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 33236, Tel: 030 679 33236 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Project Management Functions: Strategic Resourcing: Fiona Johnson Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 37900, Tel: 0117 91 37900 Mil Tel: 9352 34140, Tel: 0117 91 34140 Rachel Tothill Mil Tel: 9679 86887, Tel: 030 679 86887 Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier: Email: [email protected] Defence Supply Chain Operations & Email: [email protected] ISTAR Commercial: Andrew Fox Director Programmes: Finance & Accounting Corporate Mil Tel: 9679 84137, Tel: 030 679 84137 Email: [email protected] Capt Ian Groom Deputy Director: Cdre Phil Game Movements (DSCOM): Brig Nigel Allison UK Military Flying Training Systems: Mil Tel: 9676 36045, Tel: 030 679 36045 Function Manager: Rob Young Email: [email protected] Director Intelligence, Email: [email protected] Simon Hughes Corporate Communications & Change: Tel: 01383 423570 Mil Tel: 9679 39001, Tel: 030 679 39001 Mil Tel: 9679 81089, Tel: 030 679 81089 Cdre Tom Manson Mil Tel: 9679 89404, Tel: 030 679 89404 Email: DESShipsAcq-QEChd-T26-OPVhd-EA@ Joint Services Support Team: Lisa Thorne Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 80002, Tel: 030 679 80002 Surveillance, Target PS: DESCEO-Progs-DirPS Email: [email protected] Land Equipment Commercial: Capt Nicholas Dodd RN Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Acquisition & Mil Tel: 9679 82443, Tel: 030 679 82443, Weapons Support: Neil Rixon Supply Chain Transformation Expansion Steve Power Mil Tel: 9679 83886, Tel: 030 679 83886 EA: DES CEO-Comms-Hd-EA Fleet Solid Support: Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 85225, Tel: 0117 91 85225 (SCTX): Brig Lee Daley Unmanned Air Systems: Reconnaissance: Mil Tel: 9676 36494, Tel: 030 9676 36494 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 87153, Tel: 030 679 87153 Reporting directly to Henry Parker Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 81258, Tel: 030 679 81258 Charlotte Hazeldean Dr Simon Dakin Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Project Management HR Corporate Function Manager: Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 88269, Tel: 030 679 88269 Complex Weapons Delivery: MA: DES ISTAR-DIR-MA Ships Commercial: Leigh Hammond Corporate Function Manager: Graham Addley Corporate Operations Project Head: Email: [email protected] Mark Dannatt British Forces Post Office (BFPO): Mil Tel: 9679 36018, Tel: 0117 91 36018 Mil Tel: 9676 30327, Tel: 030 9676 30327 Charles Casson Vacant Mil Tel: 9679 85308, Tel: 030 679 85308 Mil Tel: 9679 38372, Tel: 030 679 38372 Col Andrew Moffat DE&S Combat Air Strategy Team: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: TBA, Tel: TBA Director Ships Support: Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9467 93301, Tel: 020 858 93301 Christopher White-Horne Electronic Warfare & Chemical, Air Support Commercial: Barry Thorington Project Controls Email: TBA Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 83180, Tel: 030 679 83180 Mil Tel: 9676 83876, Tel: 030 9676 83876 Russell Brown Complex Weapons Future: Jon Geddes Biological, Radiological & Nuclear: Corporate Function Manager: Corporate Services Group Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] MA: DES Ships Spt-Dir MA Mil Tel: 9679 32185, Tel: 030 679 32185 Richard Bloomfield Jo Ellman-Brown Corporate Function Manager: Mil Tel: 9352 37502, Tel: 0117 91 37502 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 34301, Tel: 030 679 34301 Combat Air Commercial: Email: [email protected] Elizabeth Wombwell Email: Ships-Spt-DirOffi[email protected] Email: Richard.Bloomfi[email protected] Richard Marwood (3 Feb) Mil Tel: 030 679 88799, Tel: 9679 88799 Weapons Engineering: Hugh Bellars Director Land Equipment: Mil Tel: 9679 34073, Tel: 030 679 34073 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Maj Gen Darren Crook Director Air Support: & Defence: Christopher Carpenter Naval Ships Support : Mil Tel: 9352 35500, Tel: 0117 91 35500 Air, Space, Command, Control Email: [email protected] Cdre Martyn Williams Mil Tel: 9352 37470, Tel: 0117 91 37470 Weapons Finance: Laura Mannion MA: DES LE-Dir-MA Richard Murray Mil Tel: 9679 71066, Tel: 030 679 71066 Weapons Commercial: Doug Price Director Engineering & Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 30815, Tel: 030 679 30815 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 85955, Tel: 030 679 85955 MA: DES AS-Dir MA Mil Tel: 9676 82734, Tel: 030 9676 82734 Safety: Tim Rowntree Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] EA: DES TECH-Dir EA Maritime Combat Systems: Jo Osburn Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 34515, Tel: 0117 91 34515 Special Projects: Vikash Patel Mil Tel: 9352 36370, Tel: 0117 91 36370 COS: DES LE-HQ-COS Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 37670, Tel: 030 679 37670 LDOC Commercial: Cath Gregory (3 Feb) Mil Tel: 9352 32616, Tel: 0117 91 32616 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 32226, Tel: 030 679 32226 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9676 88810, Tel: 030 9676 88810 Air ISTAR: Air Cdre Mark Hunt OBE Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Marine Systems Support :Howard Startin Email: [email protected] Support Chain Information Services Future Capability Group: Graham Finch Mil Tel: 9352 36800, Tel: 0117 91 36800 Deputy Director: Mark Philpotts (SCIS): David Penlington T31e Commercial: Dan Bishop Air Transport: James Evans Mil Tel: 9679 37589, Tel: 030 679 37589 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 31030, Tel: 0117 91 31030 Mil Tel: 9352 34747, Tel: 0117 91 34747 Mil Tel: 9679 34553, Tel: 030 679 34553 Email: [email protected] Useful Numbers: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Marine Systems Support :Nick Rickard Land Concept & Assessment (LCA): Email: [email protected] Engineering Group (including DSTAN): General Security Advice Mil Tel: 9352 36800, Tel: 0117 91 36800 Roddy Malone Support Chain Controls (SCC): Indirect Cost Pricing: Bruce Marshall Air Systems Equipment & Training: Email: Paul Belcher Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 31030, Tel: 0117 91 31030 Steve Hyde Mil Tel: 9676 86911, Tel: 030 9676 86911 Jon Haiselden Mil Tel: 9679 33257, Tel: 030 679 33257 [email protected] Email: Roddy [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 36371, Tel: 0117 91 36371 Email: [email protected] Future Maritime Support Programme: Mil Tel: 9679 80492, Tel: 030 679 80492 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0117 91 34378 Email: [email protected] John Farrow Vehicle Demonstration & Manufacture Email: [email protected] Quality, Safety & Environmental Out of Hours Duty Security Officer Email: [email protected] (VDM): Huw Cable A400M & Voyager: Email: DESPSyA-Duty-Offi[email protected] Protection: John Allan Mil Tel: 9679 88397, Tel: 030 679 88397 Tel: 07881 255237 Boats: Alistair Hughes Air Cdre Stephen Wilcock Director Commercial Mil Tel: 9679 34860, Tel: 030 679 34860 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9769 33728, Tel: 030 679 33728 Mil Tel: 9679 39678, Tel: 030 679 39678 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Vehicle Support (VS): Email: [email protected] Director Helicopters: Capability: Media Team Email: HQ: David Stephens Brig Anna-Lee Reilly AVM Graham Russell Mike Greatwich [email protected] Multi Mission Aircraft: Stephen Horrocks Mil Tel: 9352 36855, Tel: 0117 91 36855 Mil Tel: 9679 30066, Tel: 030 679 30066 COS: DES Comrcl-Capability D-SO Tel: 07919 302169 Mil Tel: 9679 34533, Tel: 030 679 34533 MA: DES Hels-Dir-MA Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 81449, Tel: 030 679 81449 Email: [email protected] Engineering Corporate Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 34506, Tel: 0117 91 34506 Soldier Training & Special Projects Email: [email protected] Air Support - E-7: Christopher Dell Function Manager: Jonathan Cook (STSP): Nick Taylor Commercial Corporate Mil Tel: 9352 35666, Tel: 0117 91 35666 Helicopters 1: Cdre Ivan Finn Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 88909, Tel: 030 679 88909 Email: [email protected] Tel: 01935 703549 Function Manager: Stephen Palmer Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Chief Environment and Safety Officer: Email: [email protected] Queen Elizabeth Class Carrier Andy Bostock Operational Infrastructure (OI): MIL Tel: 9679 82515, Tel: 030 679 82515 Sam Rawle Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 31292, Tel: 030 679 31292 Email: [email protected] Artillery Systems (Arty Sys): Colonel Jeremy Sharpe Mil Tel: 9679 80229, Tel: 030 679 80229 F-35 Chief Information Officer: Email: [email protected] Nigel Shaw EA: DES Resources-Dir CIO-EA Mil Tel: 9677 34277, Tel: 030 679 34277 Email: [email protected] Service & Supplier Management: Richard Evans Mil Tel: 9679 85191, Tel: 030 679 85191 Email: [email protected] Chief Tech Officer: David Redshaw Mil Tel: 9679 87796, Tel: 030 679 87796 Email: [email protected] IM&IT Corporate Function Manager: Alan Wightman Mil Tell: 9679 30340, Tel: 030 679 30340 BFPO Defence Munitions Gosport Ajax Apache West Moors ABW-18-059 Last updated: 13/02/2020

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Page 1: DE&S Organisation Chart...Vice Admiral Chris Gardner Chris Bushell Air Marshal Sir Julian Young Adrian Baguley Nick Elliott David Johnson Daniel Griffiths Barry Burton MA1: MA1: COS:

Helicopters 2: Richard Melia Mil Tel: TBA, Tel: TBA Email: [email protected]

Helicopters 3: Air Cdre Owen Barnes Mil Tel: 9352 32370, Tel: 0117 91 32370 Email: [email protected]

de &s

Chief Executive Officer DE&S Organisation Chart Sir Simon Bollom

EA: DESCEO-EA COS: Richard Ireland (Interim) 1st Dec Mil Tel: 9352 30004, Tel: 0117 91 30004 Mil Tel: 9621 86900, Tel: 020 721 86900 2020

Defence Equipment & Support Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Domains Deputy CEO

Chief of Materiel Chief of Materiel Chief of Materiel Chief of Materiel Director General Director General Director Director (Ships) (Land) (Air) (Joint Enablers) Commercial Resources Human Resources Strategy & Change

Vice Admiral Chris Gardner Chris Bushell Air Marshal Sir Julian Young Adrian Baguley Nick Elliott David Johnson Daniel Griffiths Barry Burton MA1: DES CofM Ships-MA1 MA1: DES CofM Land-MA1 COS: DES Air-CoS Hd MA: DES CofM JE-MA COS: DES Comrcl-DG COS PS: DES Resources-DG-PS COS: DES HR-CoS PS: DES CEO-Strategy-Change-PS-Dir

Mil Tel: 9679 30027, Tel: 030 679 30027 Mil Tel: 9352 33017, Tel: 0117 91 33017 Mil Tel: 9352 30290, Tel: 0117 91 30290 Mil Tel: 9352 30013, Tel: 0117 91 30013 Mil Tel: 9679 89373, Tel: 030 679 89373 Mil Tel: 9352 32601, Tel: 0117 91 32601 Mil Tel: 9679 85308, Tel: 030 679 85308 Mil Tel: 9352 30241, Tel: 0117 91 30241 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email:

[email protected] EA: DES CofM Ships-EA MA2: DES CofM Land-MA2 MA: DES CofM Air-MA1 EA: DES CofM JE-EA EA: DES Comrcl-DG EA EA: DES HR-Dir-EA Mil Tel: 9679 32631, Tel: 030 679 32631 Mil Tel: 9352 30008, Tel: 0117 91 30008 Mil Tel: 9352 30101, Tel: 0117 91 30101 Mil Tel: 9352 30011, Tel: 0117 91 30011 Mil Tel: 9679 87420, Tel: 030 679 87420 Mil Tel: 9679 81051, Tel: 030 679 81051 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Chief Operating Officer: Chris Marshall Chief Operating Officer: Mark Bunyan Chief Operating Officer: Ian Craddock Chief Operating Officer: Ian Smith Financial Accounting: Dale Coxon Head of HR Operations: Scott Murray International Relations Group: Mil Tel: 9352 35549, Tel: 0117 91 35549 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 67581, Tel: 0117 91 67581 Mil Tel: 9352 37623, Tel: 0117 91 37623




Email: [email protected]

Director Commercial Mil Tel: 9679 82292, Tel: 030 679 82292 Email: [email protected] Valerie Evans Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Land HQ COS: Director Logistics Improvement: Director Support: Mil Tel: 9352 30260, Tel: 0117 91 30260 Head of Learning & Talent: Katie Sloggett Infrastructure: Sally Wilkins Email: [email protected] Chief Financial Officer: Paul Dunster Brig Jonathan Bartholomew Delivery: Roger West Chief Finance Officer: Grace Horton Business Management: John Taylor Graham Hyndman Steve Glass Mil Tel: 9679 83042, Tel: 030 679 83042 Mil Tel: 9679 85652, Tel: 030 679 85652 Mil Tel: 9679 88960, Tel: 030 679 88960 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 32898, Tel: 030 679 32898 Mil Tel: 9352 30856, Tel: 0117 91 30856 MA: DES LD-MA EA: DES Comrcl-Improvement-Dir-PS-BM COS: DES SEOC SCC-PfO-DepHd Email: [email protected] Corporate Operations Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 84147, Tel: 030 679 84147 Mil Tel: 9679 30877, Tel: 030 679 30877 Governance & Strategy: Mil Tel: 9679 86399, Tel: 030 679 86399 DE&S Airworthiness Team: Head of Performance & Reward: Email: [email protected] E-mail: DESSEOCSCC-PfO-DepHd@mod. DES CEO-CorpOps-GovStrat-Hd Chief Financial Officer: Mike Turner Email: [email protected] Cdre Ed Tritschler iLog Shared Services: Mark Pannett Jessica Macskimming Mil Tel: 9679 85643, Tel: 030 679 85643 Mil Tel: 9679 31553, Tel: 030 679 31553 Mil Tel: 9679 82288, Tel: 030 679 82288 Mil Tel: 9679 30125, Tel: 030 679 30125 Operating Centre Headquarters (OCHQ): Commercial Business Improvement, Email: [email protected] Director Ships Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: DESCEO-CorpOps-GovStrat-Hd@mod. CP&F & MI: Graham Hyndman Support Chain Governance (SCG): Director Financial Capt Richard Whalley RN Head of HR (Air)/Commercial & Mil Tel: 9676 84147, Tel: 030 679 84147 Steven Lammiman Henry Parker Mil Tel: 9679 837509, Tel: 030 679 37509 Email: [email protected] Andrew Morgan Acquisition: Domain Commercial Officer: Paul Bell Mil Tel: Tel: 9679 85470, Tel: 030 679 85470 Project Controls Shared Services:

Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 81643, Tel: 030 679 81643 Planning & Analysis: Engineering Functions: DE&S Policy Secretariat: DES SEC-Hd Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 82341, Tel: 030 679 82341 Email: [email protected] Ann Underwood Amanda Lammonby Mil Tel: 9352 34835, Tel: 0117 91 34835 MA: DES Ships Acq-Dir-MA Commissioning & Managing Organisation Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] EA: DES Resources-Dir Fin Plning-EA Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 35010, Tel: 030 679 35010 Director Combat Air: Support Chain Improvement (SCI): (CMO): Brig Simon Hutchings Mil Tel: 9352 30201, Tel: 0117 91 30201 Head of HR (JE)/Finance & Accounting, Email: [email protected] Tel: 01264 886602 AVM Keith Bethell Customer Interface & Portfolio Office: Paul Russell (Interim) Principal Security Advisor: Email: DESResources-Dir FinPlning-EA@mod. Mil Tel: 9679 32266, Tel: 030 679 32266 Corporate Services Group & IMIT Type 26 & Offshore Patrol Vessel: Email: [email protected] MA: DES CA-Dir MA Alastair Goodson Director Commercial DES PSyA-Personal

Mil Tel: 9679 85228, Tel: 030 679 85228 Email: [email protected] Functions: Ruth Moesby Mil Tel: 9352 30330, Tel: 0117 91 30330 Mike Holstead Director Weapons: Change Management: Chris Hammick Mil Tel: 9352 39675, Tel: 0117 91 39675 Operations: Phil Tozer Equipment Plan Finance: Nick Daniels Email: [email protected] Email: DES [email protected] Email: [email protected] iLog Corporate Function Manager: Mil Tel: 9352 33195, Tel: 0117 91 33195 Ed Cutts Mil Tel: 9679 86890, Tel: 030 679 86890 Email: [email protected] COS: DES Comrcl-Ops-DirCOS Mil Tel: 9679 81602, Tel: 030 679 81602 Email: DESShipsAcq-QEChd-T26-OPVhd-EA@ Email: [email protected] Function Management: Graham Hunter Neville Parton Head of HR (Land)/iLog Function: Head Continuous Improvement Team: MA: DES Wpns-MA Typhoon: Air Cdre Paul Lloyd Mil Tel: 9679 89673, Tel: 030 679 89673 Email: [email protected] Tel: 01935 703998 Mil Tel: 9352 37865, Tel: 0117 91 37865 Maureen Doherty Liz Nash Mil Tel: 9352 37496, Tel: 0117 91 37496 Defence Equipment Sales Authority Mil Tel: 9679 31040, Tel: 030 679 31040 Email: [email protected] Corporate Chief Financial Officer: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 66078, Tel: 0117 91 66078 Helicopters Commercial: David Forsdike Nigel Beckett Email: [email protected]

Type 31 & Innovation & Future Capability: Email: [email protected] (DESA): Clive Walker Email: [email protected] Head of HR (Ships)/Project Controls & Cdre Paul Carroll Weapons COS: Debbie Hather Mil Tel: 9679 86299, Tel: 030 679 86299 Lightning II: Air Cdre Phil Brooker Chief Financial Officer: Emma Bolton Mil Tel: 9352 30535, Tel: 0117 91 30535 Mil Tel: 9679 86445, Tel: 030 679 86445 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 33236, Tel: 030 679 33236 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Project Management Functions: Strategic Resourcing: Fiona Johnson

Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 37900, Tel: 0117 91 37900 Mil Tel: 9352 34140, Tel: 0117 91 34140 Rachel Tothill Mil Tel: 9679 86887, Tel: 030 679 86887 Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier: Email: [email protected] Defence Supply Chain Operations & Email: [email protected] ISTAR Commercial: Andrew Fox Director Programmes: Finance & Accounting Corporate Mil Tel: 9679 84137, Tel: 030 679 84137 Email: [email protected] Capt Ian Groom Deputy Director: Cdre Phil Game Movements (DSCOM): Brig Nigel Allison UK Military Flying Training Systems: Mil Tel: 9676 36045, Tel: 030 679 36045 Function Manager: Rob Young Email: [email protected] Director Intelligence,

Email: [email protected] Simon Hughes Corporate Communications & Change: Tel: 01383 423570 Mil Tel: 9679 39001, Tel: 030 679 39001 Mil Tel: 9679 81089, Tel: 030 679 81089 Cdre Tom Manson Mil Tel: 9679 89404, Tel: 030 679 89404 Email: DESShipsAcq-QEChd-T26-OPVhd-EA@ Joint Services Support Team: Lisa Thorne Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 80002, Tel: 030 679 80002 Surveillance, Target PS: DESCEO-Progs-DirPS Email: [email protected] Land Equipment Commercial: Capt Nicholas Dodd RN Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Acquisition & Mil Tel: 9679 82443, Tel: 030 679 82443, Weapons Support: Neil Rixon Supply Chain Transformation Expansion Steve Power Mil Tel: 9679 83886, Tel: 030 679 83886 EA: DES CEO-Comms-Hd-EA Fleet Solid Support: Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 85225, Tel: 0117 91 85225 (SCTX): Brig Lee Daley Unmanned Air Systems: Reconnaissance: Mil Tel: 9676 36494, Tel: 030 9676 36494 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 87153, Tel: 030 679 87153 Reporting directly to Henry Parker Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 81258, Tel: 030 679 81258 Charlotte Hazeldean Dr Simon Dakin Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Project Management HR Corporate Function Manager: Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 88269, Tel: 030 679 88269 Complex Weapons Delivery: MA: DES ISTAR-DIR-MA Ships Commercial: Leigh Hammond Corporate Function Manager: Graham Addley Corporate Operations Project Head: Email: [email protected] Mark Dannatt British Forces Post Office (BFPO): Mil Tel: 9679 36018, Tel: 0117 91 36018 Mil Tel: 9676 30327, Tel: 030 9676 30327 Charles Casson Vacant Mil Tel: 9679 85308, Tel: 030 679 85308 Mil Tel: 9679 38372, Tel: 030 679 38372 Col Andrew Moffat DE&S Combat Air Strategy Team: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: TBA, Tel: TBA

Director Ships Support: Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9467 93301, Tel: 020 858 93301 Christopher White-Horne Electronic Warfare & Chemical, Air Support Commercial: Barry Thorington Project Controls Email: TBA Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 83180, Tel: 030 679 83180 Mil Tel: 9676 83876, Tel: 030 9676 83876 Russell Brown Complex Weapons Future: Jon Geddes Biological, Radiological & Nuclear: Corporate Function Manager: Corporate Services Group Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] MA: DES Ships Spt-Dir MA Mil Tel: 9679 32185, Tel: 030 679 32185 Richard Bloomfield Jo Ellman-Brown Corporate Function Manager:

Mil Tel: 9352 37502, Tel: 0117 91 37502 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 34301, Tel: 030 679 34301 Combat Air Commercial: Email: [email protected] Elizabeth Wombwell Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Richard Marwood (3 Feb) Mil Tel: 030 679 88799, Tel: 9679 88799 Weapons Engineering: Hugh Bellars Director Land Equipment: Mil Tel: 9679 34073, Tel: 030 679 34073 Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected] Maj Gen Darren Crook Director Air Support: & Defence: Christopher Carpenter Naval Ships Support : Mil Tel: 9352 35500, Tel: 0117 91 35500 Air, Space, Command, Control

Email: [email protected] Cdre Martyn Williams Mil Tel: 9352 37470, Tel: 0117 91 37470 Weapons Finance: Laura Mannion MA: DES LE-Dir-MA Richard Murray Mil Tel: 9679 71066, Tel: 030 679 71066 Weapons Commercial: Doug Price Director Engineering & Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 30815, Tel: 030 679 30815 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 85955, Tel: 030 679 85955 MA: DES AS-Dir MA Mil Tel: 9676 82734, Tel: 030 9676 82734 Safety: Tim Rowntree Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

EA: DES TECH-Dir EA Maritime Combat Systems: Jo Osburn Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 34515, Tel: 0117 91 34515 Special Projects: Vikash Patel Mil Tel: 9352 36370, Tel: 0117 91 36370 COS: DES LE-HQ-COS Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 37670, Tel: 030 679 37670 LDOC Commercial: Cath Gregory (3 Feb) Mil Tel: 9352 32616, Tel: 0117 91 32616 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 32226, Tel: 030 679 32226 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9676 88810, Tel: 030 9676 88810 Air ISTAR: Air Cdre Mark Hunt OBE Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Marine Systems Support :Howard Startin Email: [email protected] Support Chain Information Services

Future Capability Group: Graham Finch Mil Tel: 9352 36800, Tel: 0117 91 36800 Deputy Director: Mark Philpotts (SCIS): David Penlington T31e Commercial: Dan Bishop Air Transport: James Evans Mil Tel: 9679 37589, Tel: 030 679 37589 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 31030, Tel: 0117 91 31030 Mil Tel: 9352 34747, Tel: 0117 91 34747 Mil Tel: 9679 34553, Tel: 030 679 34553 Email: [email protected] Useful Numbers: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Marine Systems Support :Nick Rickard Land Concept & Assessment (LCA): Email: [email protected] Engineering Group (including DSTAN): General Security Advice Mil Tel: 9352 36800, Tel: 0117 91 36800 Roddy Malone Support Chain Controls (SCC): Indirect Cost Pricing: Bruce Marshall Air Systems Equipment & Training: Email: Paul Belcher Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 31030, Tel: 0117 91 31030 Steve Hyde Mil Tel: 9676 86911, Tel: 030 9676 86911 Jon Haiselden Mil Tel: 9679 33257, Tel: 030 679 33257 [email protected] Email: Roddy [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 36371, Tel: 0117 91 36371 Email: [email protected] Future Maritime Support Programme: Mil Tel: 9679 80492, Tel: 030 679 80492 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0117 91 34378 Email: [email protected] John Farrow Vehicle Demonstration & Manufacture Email: [email protected] Quality, Safety & Environmental Out of Hours Duty Security Officer Email: [email protected] (VDM): Huw Cable A400M & Voyager: Email: [email protected] Protection: John Allan Mil Tel: 9679 88397, Tel: 030 679 88397 Tel: 07881 255237 Boats: Alistair Hughes Air Cdre Stephen Wilcock Director Commercial Mil Tel: 9679 34860, Tel: 030 679 34860 Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9769 33728, Tel: 030 679 33728 Mil Tel: 9679 39678, Tel: 030 679 39678 Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected] Vehicle Support (VS): Email: [email protected] Director Helicopters: Capability: Media Team Email: HQ: David Stephens Brig Anna-Lee Reilly AVM Graham Russell Mike Greatwich [email protected] Multi Mission Aircraft: Stephen Horrocks Mil Tel: 9352 36855, Tel: 0117 91 36855 Mil Tel: 9679 30066, Tel: 030 679 30066 COS: DES Comrcl-Capability D-SO Tel: 07919 302169 Mil Tel: 9679 34533, Tel: 030 679 34533 MA: DES Hels-Dir-MA Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 81449, Tel: 030 679 81449

Email: [email protected] Engineering Corporate Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9352 34506, Tel: 0117 91 34506

Soldier Training & Special Projects Email: [email protected] Air Support - E-7: Christopher Dell Function Manager: Jonathan Cook(STSP): Nick Taylor Commercial Corporate Mil Tel: 9352 35666, Tel: 0117 91 35666 Helicopters 1: Cdre Ivan Finn Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 88909, Tel: 030 679 88909 Email: [email protected] Tel: 01935 703549 Function Manager: Stephen Palmer Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Chief Environment and Safety Officer: Email: [email protected]


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Andy Bostock Operational Infrastructure (OI): MIL Tel: 9679 82515, Tel: 030 679 82515 Sam Rawle Email: [email protected] Mil Tel: 9679 31292, Tel: 030 679 31292

Email: [email protected]

Artillery Systems (Arty Sys): Colonel Jeremy Sharpe Mil Tel: 9679 80229, Tel: 030 679 80229


Chief Information Officer: Email: [email protected] Nigel Shaw

EA: DES Resources-Dir CIO-EA Mil Tel: 9677 34277, Tel: 030 679 34277 Email: [email protected]

Service & Supplier Management: Richard Evans Mil Tel: 9679 85191, Tel: 030 679 85191 Email: [email protected]

Chief Tech Officer: David Redshaw Mil Tel: 9679 87796, Tel: 030 679 87796 Email: [email protected]

IM&IT Corporate Function Manager: Alan Wightman Mil Tell: 9679 30340, Tel: 030 679 30340












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ABW-18-059 Last updated: 13/02/2020