· web viewfurther stormy weather is forecast for the coming week. this...

Derry & Raphoe MU News September 2020 Note from Diocesan President Welcome back! I hope you have enjoyed the freedom we had during summer months to reconnect in person with friends and family. Hope in all weathers is the theme of our September Midday Prayers. Particularly apt as Storm Ellen has wreaked havoc in our garden with our pride and joy of recent weeks, the sweet pea, batted to the ground. Further stormy weather is forecast for the coming week. This time round forewarned is forearmed, and plants will be securely tied in, and pots appropriately placed in sheltered places. In these uncertain times Hope in all weathers is a comforting thought. Lockdown in the Spring brought with it lots of sunshine and lengthening hours of daylight. This time round we may or may not have an official lockdown, but we will be aiming to keep ourselves and our families and communities safe and healthy. Days will be shortening and who knows what is in store. Whatever it is and wherever it is God assures us he will be in the midst of it looking out for us. As in the garden, forewarned is forearmed, and we would do well to make some plans to mindfully occupy us in body, mind and soul in coming months. Here are some suggestions: 1. Connect with God through daily prayer and reading 2. Connect with friends through written word, telephone, Skype etc. 3. Eat well to stay well 4. Keep active – factor in a daily walk and a good night’s sleep 5. Be creative – see our Diocesan Projects – patterns on line soon 6. Look outwardly – is there a community need? Food bank? Gradually collect items for Emergency toilet packs and women’s refuge 7. Keep up to date with Covid advice 8. Take care of your mental health 1

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Derry & Raphoe MU News

September 2020

Note from Diocesan President

Welcome back! I hope you have enjoyed the freedom we had during summer months to reconnect in person with friends and family.

Hope in all weathers is the theme of our September Midday Prayers. Particularly apt as Storm Ellen has wreaked havoc in our garden with our pride and joy of recent weeks, the sweet pea, batted to the ground. Further stormy weather is forecast for the coming week. This time round forewarned is forearmed, and plants will be securely tied in, and pots appropriately placed in sheltered places.

In these uncertain times Hope in all weathers is a comforting thought. Lockdown in the Spring brought with it lots of sunshine and lengthening hours of daylight. This time round we may or may not have an official lockdown, but we will be aiming to keep ourselves and our families and communities safe and healthy. Days will be shortening and who knows what is in store. Whatever it is and wherever it is God assures us he will be in the midst of it looking out for us.

As in the garden, forewarned is forearmed, and we would do well to make some plans to mindfully occupy us in body, mind and soul in coming months.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Connect with God through daily prayer and reading

2. Connect with friends through written word, telephone, Skype etc.

3. Eat well to stay well

4. Keep active – factor in a daily walk and a good night’s sleep

5. Be creative – see our Diocesan Projects – patterns on line soon

6. Look outwardly – is there a community need? Food bank? Gradually collect items for Emergency toilet packs and women’s refuge

7. Keep up to date with Covid advice

8. Take care of your mental health

9. Challenge yourself - Learn something new

Circumstances dictate, that we cannot return to our normal meeting format for the time being. Based on the Branch survey that took place in May we have put suggestions together that we hope branches will find encouraging and enabling. These will be forwarded separately to Branch Officers.

Please do not feel you are ever alone, we are in this together and God will place a spring in our step and show us the part we can play in sprinkling hope and confidence as we journey onwards.

In the midst of the storm you give us your peace.

In the warmth of the sun you give us your joy.

In the sight of the rainbow you give us your hope.

We praise you, our faithful God. Amen

September Midday Prayers

This month’s Building Hope and Confidence Midday Prayers theme is “Hope in all weathers”. The daily themes include: Hope in all weathers, Hope in the storm, Hope in the sunshine, hope in the cloud, Hope in the drought, Hope in the rainbow.

Midday Prayers are live at 12pm on the Mothers Union Facebook page Monday to Saturday - and also on the DAILY HOPE Call Line 0800 804 8044

“I will be your God through all your lifetime, yes, even when your hair is white with age. I made you and I will care for you. I will carry you along and be your Saviour.” Isaiah 46:4

As Covid- 19 continues we welcome prayer and active support for our continuing Diocesan Projects:

Derry & Raphoe MU Diocesan Outreach :

· Derry & Raphoe Prayer Circle – request to Gladys [email protected]

· DRY—Derry Raphoe Youth and its diocesan team

· Children’s Ministry and Children’s Ministry Officer, Kirsty McCartney

· AFIA - Away From It All Breaks

· Magilligan Prison / Foyle Child Contact Centre

Hospital Projects:

· Comfort Teddies

· Neo natal knits – bootees, jacket, angel gown, blankets

· Bonding Squares / hearts for Dads

· Knitted Cots for 12-26 week old babies

· Fiddle Blankets/ Muffs / Freddie Bags

· Covid Crafts – Hearts, Scrubs Bear, Doctor, Nurse

· Emergency Toiletries for Hospitals

Domestic Abuse Initiatives:

· Women’s Refuge Requisites

· FWA - Foyle Women’s Aid

· DWDVS - Donegal Women’s Domestic Violence Service

· Highlighting Domestic Abuse and Gender Based Violence

· 16 Days of Activism Activities – 25th November – 10th December

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

Mother Teresa


· Supporting MU Worldwide – please continue to forward Branch donations to our Worldwide Contact; Eva Wright, 43 Mallory Park, Eglinton, Londonderry BT47 [email protected] to be made payable to Derry & Raphoe Mothers’ Union.

Whilst there has been some curtailment of MU worldwide activities, many projects are continuing throughout Covid. It is encouraging to hear that a new project Ireland is part funding in Ethiopia, with assisted funding through Bishops’ Appeal, is to start sooner than expected.

Recipe for Sweet Feel Good Jam


1 empty jam pot

Selection of sterling / euro - 10, 20, 50 & £/€1 coins

Fruits of the Spirit….patience, love, empathy, kindness, family, friends etc


· Thoroughly wash the jam pot and leave to dry.

· As the day progresses and you become conscious of one of the fruits of the Spirit add one of your coins to the pot.

· Continue until the jar is full and pass on the contents to support the work of Mothers Union projects worldwide.


A big smile acknowledging the many blessings God provides for us each day.


The success of our projects reflects our enthusiasm and dedication. If you require patterns or would like further information on any of our outreach activities, please contact Kathleen, our Diocesan Secretary, at [email protected]

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” John 15:16


The Derry & Raphoe “THANK YOU” Project

The Thank You Project continues in September, showing appreciation to essential frontline workers in our own communities

Our care workers, Health Centre Staff, Nursing Home staff, local shops, post men/women, and bin collectors etc. continue to give great service and we pray for their safety, health and wellbeing in coming months.

For further bookmarks or gift bags, contact Doreen at [email protected]


Seniorline is a confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers, that is open 365 days a year, from 10am to 10pm.

As well as responding to individual callers, Seniorline advocates for older people in Ireland, representing their needs, concerns and wishes to media, the general public, politicians and key stakeholders.

Freephone 1800 80 45 91 (from the Republic of Ireland)

Mary Sumner Day Reflections

Many thanks to Canon Katie who put together a beautiful set of prayerful garden reflections for Mary Sumner Day.

Many members tuned into the two worship sessions on the Mothers’ Union Facebook Live and Cashel, Ferns, and Ossory hosted a service which has been shared on our Facebook page.

Attachments accompanying this Newsletter

Derry & Raphoe MU News – September 2020 Midday Prayers for September 2020

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

his mercies never come to an end;they are new every morning;

 great is your faithfulness.‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul,

‘therefore I will hope in him.’

Lamentations 3:22-24

Thank you for your continued support for Mothers’ Union. Further details of Mothers Union activities can be found at; or at

Derry and Raphoe Mothers’ Union ‘Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100834’ (Derry & Raphoe - XR 76024 & CHY 5161)

Mothers’ Union in Ireland is recognised as a Charity by the Revenue Commissioners, 5161

Registered Charity Number –20007331 (Charity Regulatory Authority)