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  • 7/31/2019 Deploying Linux Systems With Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Redp4323



    Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. /redbooks 1

    Deploying Linux Systems with TivoliProvisioning Manager for OSDeployment

    In this document we describe how to get a bare metal machine work with a Linuxoperating system using one of the main features of Tivoli Provisioning Managerfor OS Deployment: the deployment of a profile. We also create softwarepackages that are automatically installed on the target computer after thedeployment process. We assume that you have a working Tivoli ProvisioningManager for OS Deployment environment. For information about how to install

    Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment, you can refer to Deployment Guide Series: Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment V5.1 , SG24-7397.

    This document has the following sections:

    Introduction and general requirements on page 2

    Creating an unattended setup profile on page 3

    Creating software packages on page 12

    The deployment process on page 23

    Cloning a machine on page 30

    Deploying the cloned profile on page 37

    Vasfi GucerFrancesco Latino
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    2 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Introduction and general requirements

    The first step is to choose what to deploy. With Tivoli Provisioning Manager forOS Deployment, you can either clone a machine or you can create anunattended setup profile. The former option copies the operating system togetherwith the installed software from a source machine to a destination machine. Thelatter performs an automatic installation of an operating system as though youare at the machine with the installation CDs.

    We start this chapter with the steps to perform an unattended installation of aLinux profile with some software packages that will be deployed on a bare metalmachine. Next, we describe the cloning process of a Linux machine and thecustomizing of the captured image.

    According to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Operating System Deployment Guide (Fix Pack 1), SC32-2582, the UNIX/Linux supported operating systemsfor deployments are as follows:

    Linux Fedora Core: Fedora3, Fedora4 (cloning + setup)

    RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL): versions 3, 4 (cloning + setup)

    SuSE Linux Professional: versions 8, 9 (cloning + setup)

    SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES): version 9 (cloning + setup)Debian GNU-Linux 3.1 (Sarge) (cloning ONLY)

    Sun Solaris (Sparc): versions 8, 9, 10 (cloning + setup)

    For both the unattended set up and the cloning deployments, we use Red HatEnterprise Linux 4, AS Update 3. In terms of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OSDeployment, we will do the following:

    Create an unattended Linux installation profile using RHEL 4 installation CDs.

    Clone a machine having the RHEL 4 operating system.

    For a target machine, the official requirements are as follows:

    PXE-compliant bootrom, either version 2.00 and above

    Minimal CPU: PentiumR type level

    Minimal RAM memory: 128 MB

    Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) release 2.0 or later,

    compliant Video BIOS to get high resolution (VGA fallback is always possiblein case of incompatibility). However, Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OSDeployment can also work on headless machines.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 3

    Either a traditional Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) drive with UltraDirect Memory Access (DMA) support if speed is required or aBIOS-supported hard drive.

    Desktop Management Interface (DMI) support for collecting hardware

    information, such as model and serial number.

    To meet these requirements, we use machines equipped with at least 8 GB ofdisk space since the Linux installation and the hidden partition used by TivoliProvisioning Manager for OS Deployment during the deploy may have problemswith hard disk of lower capacity.

    Creating an unattended setup profile

    In order to create a new unattended profile, perform the following steps:

    1. Select OS Deployment Profiles , and then choose the New Profile item.The Web Interface Extension component is needed for this procedure. If youhave not installed this in your system you will get the message shown inFigure 1 .

    Figure 1 The Web interface extension is needed when creating new profiles

    2. If the Web interface extension is running on your machine, you can proceedto creating a new profile. Configure the profile to do the following:

    Be a Linux unattended setup profile

    Set correctly the partitions in order to have the following:

    A swap partition of 1GB

    A boot partition of 256 MB A root partition on the remaining disk space

    Set KDE as the desktop environment

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    4 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Install some basic software (RPMs provided in the installation CDs)

    Set correctly the language and regional settings

    3. The first window of the wizard asks you the operating system that will becontained in the profile. Select the Linux system profile option as shown inFigure 2 .

    Figure 2 Choosing the OS on the Profile Wizard

    4. In the next Profile Wizard window, choose the Unattended setup , as shownin Figure 3 on page 5 . This is because we want to install a new operating

    system using the installation CDs. Since one of the main purposes of TivoliProvisioning Manager for OS Deployment is to make the installation processsimpler and faster, the profile wizard will continue prompting the installationparameters in order to avoid the manual intervention on the client machineafter the deploy now command is submitted. All these parameters that areneeded to install an operating system on a bare metal machine areautomatically provided to the process without any user intervention at a latertime. Moreover, Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment allows usersto modify these configuration parameters after the completion of the wizard.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 5

    Figure 3 Choosing the Unattended setup option in the Profile Wizard

    5. As we are installing the system on a bare metal machine, we need to

    configure the partition layout. We will accept the default configuration, whichis created in the following order:

    A SWAP partition of 1024 MB.

    A separate partition where the /boot filesystem is mounted of 256 MB.

    A partition (formatted as ext3) on the remaining disk size where the rootfile system is mounted.

    We suggest allocating 100% of the remaining disk size to the root file systemas shown in Figure 4 on page 6 and setting it in the last position of the disk inorder to avoid insufficient space problems. This failure may arise both by theLinux unattended installation or by the deployment process. We experiencedit when setting the root partition to a fixed 4 GB size. Allocating all the diskspace for the last root partition should prevent both the problems since thefollowing applies:

    The Linux installation has all the available disk blocks for copying binaries(8GB in our case).

    The deployment process has all the available disk blocks for temporarystorage (since it uses the free space remaining in the last partition).

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    6 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 4 Setting the partition layout in the Profile Wizard

    6. The partition layout can be subsequently modified by accessing the

    properties of the specific configuration. Figure 5 shows how the editor of thepartition layout appears from the Web console.

    Figure 5 Partition layout editor for the configuration created

    7. The next steps (see Figure 6 on page 7 ) ask you to select the path where theinstallation CDs/DVDs can be accessed. Since all the deployment steps do

    not require you to manually insert the needed media on the target machine,all the data is required to be loaded on the server at this step.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 7

    Figure 6 Select source media in the Profile Wizard

    8. Figure 7 shows that the operating system we provided in the installation CDs

    was recognized and we are prompted for the base configuration to use. Here,we choose the KDE option.

    Figure 7 Choosing the base configuration in the Profile Wizard

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    8 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    9. In the last two steps of the profile wizard, we can do the following:

    Select which of the software provided with the installation CDs is added tothe machine.

    Set the language and regional settings.

    Figure 8 and Figure 9 on page 9 shows our settings.

    Figure 8 Additional software installation in the Profile Wizard

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 9

    Figure 9 Language and regional settings in the Profile Wizard

    10.Since we are not using advanced settings, we will leave the File field emptyas shown in Figure 10 .

    Figure 10 Advanced configuration in the Profile Wizard

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    10 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    11.Finally, insert the name of the profile with a descriptive comment. Take careto describe the complete name of the operating system we used, Red HatEnterprise Linux 4 AS, Update 3 as shown in Figure 11 .

    Figure 11 Inserting name and description of the profile in the Profile Wizard

    12.After completing all the configuration steps, the server will load all the dataand creates the profile in its database. Figure 12 on page 11 shows that youmay be prompted to insert different installation CDs.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 11

    Figure 12 Required installation media in the Profile Wizard

    13.If all the steps are performed correctly, you will receive a message stating that

    the profile was successfully created as shown in Figure 13 .

    Figure 13 Outcome message in the Profile Wizard

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    12 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    14.After completing the Profile Wizard, you can also use the Web console tomodify the recently specified settings. To perform this operation, navigatethrough your profiles list ( OS Deployment Profiles ), and edit the specificbinded configuration.

    Figure 14 Profile details

    15.You cannot manually bind the configuration created with this profile to aspecific host since it is automatically performed after the first deploy. If youwant to bind manually, do the following:

    a. Go to the Hosts list.b. Double-click the specific host.

    c. Manually bind the configuration from the Binding panel.

    Creating software packages

    You may find it useful to add some specific software installations at the end ofthe deployment process. Software packages can let you upgrade your barebones system installation to a bare metal machine building process that leads toa working computer equipped with the needed applications.

    If the required software is provided with the installation CDs, you can use theprevious wizard steps (as described in Creating an unattended setup profile onpage 3 ), and select those needed programs from the Additional software list (see Figure 8 on page 8 ). Otherwise you can use the Software packages

    feature of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment to install someprograms or to perform other configuration operations on the target machine. Inthe following paragraphs, we describe how to create and configure softwarepackages and how to bind them to target machines.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 13

    Our software packages perform the following operations:

    Install an RPM containing the DHCP server.

    Copy and unpack the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deploymentinstaller provided in a tar.gz format.

    Copy a system file containing release information.

    RPM software packages

    Perform the following steps to create the software package that installs theDHCP server from an RPM:

    1. Choose the New Software item from OS Deployment SoftwarePackages . In the first window of the Software Wizard, select RPM as the typeof package:

    Figure 15 Choosing the type of software package in the Software Wizard

    2. Provide the full path of the RPM package that will be loaded into the TivoliProvisioning Manager for OS Deployment server. The package that is used isa RPM binary containing the DHCP server.

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    14 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 16 Inserting the full path to the package in the Software Wizard

    If the RPM is correctly loaded by the wizard, some general information willappear as shown in Figure 17 .

    Figure 17 General package information in the Software Wizard

    3. Next, we are prompted to insert a name and a description that will help toidentify this software package through the list. We recommend that you inserta descriptive value. See Figure 18 on page 15 .

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 15

    Figure 18 Name and description for the package in the Software Wizard

    4. Next the most important window of the wizard is shown asking us to definethe following:

    When to apply the software package. Where to copy the RPM package. Which command to use to install the RPM.

    Figure 19 shows the selected values.

    Figure 19 Software package parameters in the Software Wizard

    5. If all the wizard steps are performed correctly, you will get a message statingthat Your software package was successfully created as shown in Figure 19 .

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    16 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 20 Outcome message in the Software Wizard

    In the list of the software packages, it will appear as shown in Figure 21 .

    Figure 21 List of the software packages

    6. If you right-click each software package and select Reorder softwarepackage , you can see all the existing software packages grouped by the stepof the deployment process, which is when they will be added to the targetsystem. It is very important to choose the right order for each package in thelist. We choose to add the software packages after one additional reboot ofthe system.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 17

    Figure 22 Software package order in the deployment process

    Copying and unpacking software packagesPerform the following steps to copy and unpack the software packages:

    1. For the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment installer (we chose tocopy and unpack it on the target machine) which is provided in a tar.gzformat, we need to create another software package with the Custom actionoption (see Figure 23 on page 18 ):

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    18 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 23 Software package type in the Software Wizard

    2. Choose to copy a file on the target system, since we have to put the installeron the machine where it will be installed.

    Figure 24 Type of operation in the Software Wizard

    3. Be careful when you are prompted to insert the source folder. Here, you willhave to insert the path of the folder containing the installer that will be copiedon to the target machine (see Figure 25 on page 19 ).

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 19

    Figure 25 Source path of the file in the Software Wizard

    4. As previously described, we need to insert a name to identify this profile in thedatabase as shown in Figure 26 .

    Figure 26 Name and description for the package in the Software Wizard

    5. The last panel of the wizard requires you to insert the following parameters:

    Destination path


    Command line

    cd /usr/local ; gunzip -c/usr/local/TPMfOSd- | tar -xvf -

    Installation stage

    After one additional reboot.

    Note that in the command line section, we insert commands that unpack theTivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment installer as shown inFigure 27 on page 20 .

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    20 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 27 Script details in the Software Wizard

    After the wizard steps are completed, the creation of the software packagestarts.

    Executing a command

    In this last package, we want to copy in the root directory of the target machine, afile (/proc/version) containing some useful release information.

    1. To achieve this, we create a new software package called rhel release thatexecutes a single command in order to copy the specific file on the requireddestination. After choosing the A custom action on the target computer option, select the Execute a single command option as shown in Figure 28 .

    Figure 28 Type of software package in the Software Wizard

    The syntax of the command that will perform the copy is as follows:

    cp /proc/version /rhel_releaseWhen the software package is deployed, we will have this new file in the root

    folder of the target machine as shown in Figure 29 on page 21 .

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 21

    Figure 29 Command details in the Software Wizard

    Software packages binding

    As for configurations, you can bind software packages to hosts in order to createa permanent relationship and automatically install them during each deploymentperformed. This operation can be performed in the following two ways:

    Manually, for each host-software packageAutomatically with binding rules

    Manually binding software packages to a hostTo perform manual binding

    1. Select the host to which you want to associate a software binding from theHosts list.

    2. Double-click the host name to accessing to the Binding panel.

    3. Add the specific software package or configuration. We manually bind to thetarget host two of the three packages created:

    DHCP server RPM Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment installer

    Figure 30 on page 22 shows what we did.

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    22 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 30 Our bindings for the target computer

    Automatically binding software packages to a host

    You can also create software packages that can be automatically binded to ahost using matching criteria. Using this process you avoid adding each softwarepackage to each host manually.

    We can copy the file containing the release information, the rhel release softwarepackage, for only one particular Linux distribution. This can be done withoutmanually binding the software package for each of the several hosts where thedistribution will be deployed. We can also add a binding rule to the softwarepackage in order to bind it automatically to the hosts where that specific Linux

    release will be deployed.To achieve this, perform the following steps:

    1. Add a new binding rule for the rhel release package.

    2. Select, as matching criteria, that the deployed profile is the specific RHEL 4unattended setup profile.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 23

    Figure 31 Binding rule for the rhel release software package

    As you can see in the binding panel of the specific host, the rhel release softwarepackage was automatically binded since the RHEL 4 Linux unattended profile(the matching criteria) was already bound. During deployment, this softwarepackage is added to the system as the previous two (DHCP server RPM andTivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment installer).

    Figure 32 Software package binding for the target computer

    The deployment process

    After creating the profile and the software packages, choose the relatedbindings. We can start the deploy on the specific host.

    In the Deploy now window, choose the following:

    The deployment scheme to useThe profile to deploy

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    24 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    The software packages to add

    If you manually bound for the specific host the previously created configurationand software packages in the previous step, they are checked in the related lists,namely Edit manual configuration bindings and Edit software configuration

    bindings . Since these lists only show the manual link to profiles and packages,the binding entailed by the automatic rules are not checked even if they will bedeployed.

    Figure 33 and Figure 34 on page 25 show that we want to deploy the LinuxRHEL 4 profile with the DHCP and Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OSDeployment software packages manually added. Even if the rhel release software package is not checked in the list (since we did not add it manually) itwill be deployed because it matches its binding rule.

    Figure 33 Deploy now options

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 25

    Figure 34 Manual software bindings

    After starting the deployment from the Web console, the client machine performsa network boot in order to load the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OSDeployment mini operating system. This is a simple operating system thatcontacts the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment server and runs thedeploy on the target machine.

    Following is the sequence of the steps performed on the client machine duringthe deploy of our profile with the binded software packages.

    1. The client machine boots from the network and loads the Tivoli ProvisioningManager for OS Deployment mini operating system.

    2. The deployment starts on the client machine.

    3. After the Starting system installation step, the Linux installer, calledAnaconda, is started on the client machine.

    4. Anaconda performs the unattended system installation on the client machine.

    5. The client machine reboots from the hard disk, and the early installed Linux isloaded to install the software packages binded to the host.

    6. The client machine reboots, forcing the loading of Tivoli Provisioning Managerfor OS Deployment mini operating system for the last deployment steps.

    7. The client machine informs customer that the deploy ended correctly.

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    26 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 35 shows the sequence of operations performed on the client machineafter booting from the network. You can see the Tivoli Provisioning Manager forOS Deployment window on the client that displays the action that is currentlybeing performed.

    Figure 35 Copy operating system files step on the target machine

    Figure 36 on page 27 shows the last step performed on the target computerbefore the Linux installer is loaded. There is a Tivoli button in this window thathelps you during troubleshooting operations.

    Note: The second reboot after OS installation and before software installation(step 5) is optional, but is recommended to minimize the risk of a file systemcorruption.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 27

    Figure 36 Starting system installation on the target machine

    After the Linux installation is configured by the deployment process, the installer(called Anaconda) is launched to perform the unattended installation. All theparameters provided in this step can be modified through editing the profile andthe binded configuration from the Web console.

    Figure 37 The Linux installer started on the target client

    After Anaconda completes its tasks, the system reboots from hard disk and the

    Linux operating system installed earlier is loaded. During this step, the softwarepackages are also installed.

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    28 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 38 Linux is loaded on the target computer

    Figure 39 Window before the last reboot

    Finally the target machine forces another reboot from Tivoli ProvisioningManager for OS Deployment mini operating system in order to complete theremaining operations and to inform the user of the status. If the installation of theoperating system encountered some problems, some errors may appear on theclient during this last step. As mentioned earlier, you may find the Tivoli buttonvery useful to show errors or to upload logs.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 29

    Figure 40 Last installation step on the target computer

    Figure 41 displays the message showing the successful completion of thedeployment operation.

    Figure 41 Outcome message on the target machine

    After completion, we are prompted to shutdown or reboot the freshly installedsystem. In order to check whether the bare metal machine is working asrequired, we run the client machine and log into the system.

    The DHCP server package was correctly installed since the rpm qa commandshows it.

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    30 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 42 Checking DHCP server RPM installation

    Also the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment installer was correctlycopied and unpacked as shown in Figure 43 .

    Figure 43 Checking the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment installer

    Finally the rhel release package was added to the deploy since we found thecopied file in the root directory, as shown in Figure 44 . Even if this softwarepackage was not manually added to the binding list, it matched the binding rulethat we created and was added to the deploy.

    Figure 44 Checking the rhel release package

    Cloning a machine

    Another important feature of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment isthe cloning of machines with the Windows or Linux operating system running.Creating a clone of a machine means building an image of the content its diskscontain:

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 31

    The operating systemThe operating system settings and driversThe software and the data

    During the cloning operations, all the content of the disks of a source machine

    are imported as an image on the server to deploy it at a later time. This meansthat you can clone a machine used as a prototype and deploy its image onseveral machines that appear as the original one. Obviously, the cloningoperation implies the customizing of some basic settings on each targetmachine.

    We show how to capture the image of a source machine running a Linuxoperating system and how to deploy it taking care of some useful advice.

    In the following sections we used the Linux RHEL 4 computer, which wascreated earlier, as a source machine. We deploy its cloned profile on a machineof the same model but with a hard disk of different capacity. Although a widerange of modifications are possible on each captured profile, the cloningprocedure should be performed between machines of similar models in order toavoid incompatibility problems. We explain how to customize a cloned imagemodifying the partition scheme to use all of the disk size of the target machine.

    The cloning steps may be summarized into the following:

    Run a make a new image task from the source client to capture its image.Modify the captured profile on the server to fit the destination machinecharacteristics (we will change only the partition scheme).

    Deploy the profile on the destination machine.

    Capturing the image

    Before creating an image of a source machine, you need to perform somecleaning steps that will remove unwanted files:

    Empty the trashDelete temporary directories and filesDisconnect network drives and remote printers

    Note that the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment supports bothGRUB and LILO bootloaders, but we strongly suggest using the former insteadof the latter. If you do not plan to use the Redeployment feature, it can beinstalled on the MBR or on the boot sector of the Linux boot partition.

    The cloning operation on the Linux machine does not require that you install andrun a specific software, such as Sysprep for Windows systems, before starting

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    32 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    the capture. For Linux cloned profiles, Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OSDeployment automatically copies and uses its own tool called Linprep thatconfigures the destination machine after the deployment with the neededcustomization.

    Linprep is used only for cloning profiles and it is copied during deployment on thetarget machine. It is run at the first boot of the target machine just after thedeploy. When the Star ting system installation step of the deployment processcompletes and the machine boots the earlier installed system (the profile justcopied on the target machine), installation is launched by a script in /etc/init.d atrunlevel 1. The customizations performed are as follows:

    Reconfigure the network settings, the primary network interface (DHCP orstatic ip address), and the gateway and similar tasks.

    Reinstall the bootloader (GRUB or LILO). The bootloader is software thatstores the physical address of the kernel to load. Since this address changesat each new deployment, the bootloader cannot be installed by TivoliProvisioning Manager for OS Deployment during the deployment operations;therefore, Linprep runs LILO or GRUB installers at the first boot of the systemwhen this address is known and will not change.

    After executing Linprep, the Linux system is rebooted (other runlevel 1 scriptsare not executed) and the deployment completes.

    1. The first step to start the capture is to access the source machine and boot itfrom the network in order to start the Admin Toolkit interface on the client. Infuture releases, it will be possible to capture the image of a machine from theWeb console, while in the current release you have to physically access thesource client. You may need to manually bind the Admin Toolkit interface onthe specific machine; otherwise, no operations will be allowed on it. Figure 45on page 33 shows the main menu of the Admin Toolkit interface.

    Note: In future releases, it is expected that Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OSDeployment will use the Web interface extension interface instead of Linprep.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 33

    Figure 45 Main menu of the Admin Toolkit interface

    2. Since we need to capture an image of this machine, choose the make a newimage option.

    Figure 46 Make a new image task on the Admin Toolkit interface

    3. Insert the name of the profile that will contain this image ( cloneRHEL4 ), andaccept to create a default configuration (automatically bound) for it.

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    34 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 47 Inserting the profile name in the Admin Toolkit interface

    Figure 48 Default configuration in the Admin Toolkit interface

    4. At the end of the operations, if the captured image is correctly stored in aprofile, you will see the message Operation Completed as shown inFigure 49 .

    Figure 49 Outcome message in the Admin Toolkit interface

    5 You can browse the Web console to find the captured profile in the list as

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 35

    5. You can browse the Web console to find the captured profile in the list asshown in Figure 50 .

    Figure 50 List of profiles in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment server

    Customizing the captured profile

    During the deployment of the captured image, we advise you to ensure that TivoliProvisioning Manager for OS Deployment gets enough disk space for thedeployment operations. On the target machine, the process uses both theunpartitioned space at the end of the hard disk and the free space at the end of

    the last partition. The sum of these areas must be large enough for storing allpartition images that are deployed at the same time on the client computeritshould typically be half of the size of the data on the hard diskthe availablespace should be 1 GB if your OS partition contains about 2 GB of data.

    We suggest that you ensure that the swap partition of the image is not at the endof the disk when deploying a Linux system profile, since this partition is usuallysmall and if there is no unpartitioned space (as in our case where we will par titionall the available disk space), the deployment of the cloned profile will fail becauseof insufficient free disk space.

    Since our destination machine has a hard disk with higher disk size (10GB), wemodify the captured profile to use the 100% of the disk space for the last rootpartition. We also check that the last par tition (since we will not leave anyunpartitioned space) will be enough for the deployment process.

    Figure 51 on page 36 shows our profile after the capturing.

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    36 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Figure 51 The partition layout of the captured image

    Next, set the third partition, where the root file system will be mounted, to use allthe available disk space as shown in Figure 52 .

    Figure 52 Using all the available disk space

    After the changes, the partition scheme will use all the available disk space of thetarget machine (10GB) instead of the fixed size of the source machine (8GB), asshown in Figure 53 .

    Figure 53 The partition layout after the changes

    Deploying the cloned profile

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 37

    Deploying the cloned profile

    After the customization steps, we can distribute the cloned profile to the targetmachine. We select the destination client from the hosts list and deploy thecloneRHEL4 profile.

    Figure 54 Deploying the cloned profile cloneRHEL4

    Figure 55 No manual bindings for software packages

    During the deploying operations, the target machine performs the followingsteps:

    Note: In the manual bindings of the software packages, there is no softwareselected since we are deploying a cloned profile and we will get all theinstalled software from the source machine.

    Boot from the network to connect to Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS

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    38 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    g gDeployment server.

    Start the deployment.

    After the Starting system installation step, run the earlier installed system.

    Run Linprep, then reboot.Boot from the network (forced by the deployment process) to terminate theinstallation.

    Figure 56 shows that the deployment process is started on the client.

    Figure 56 Deployment step on the client

    After the Starting system installation step, the system runs the earlier copiedLinux image. Then Linprep is launched to perform the needed customization.After the configuration ends, a reboot from the Tivoli Provisioning Manager forOS Deployment mini-operating system is forced, and the final deployment stepsare performed.

    Figure 57 on page 39 shows one of the operations performed after therebootresizing the last partition used as temporary storage.

    Note: Note that Linprep is not customizable. You can only customize theprofile you have to deploy.

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    Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment 39

    Figure 57 Last deployment steps

    At the end of the process, we receive a message as shown in Figure 58 .

    Figure 58 Outcome message at the end of the cloning process

    If we run Linux, we can check the following:

    All the software of the source machine that was installed on the destination.For example, the DHCP RPM was installed even if not binded.

    Whether the disk partitioning is correctly set. The root partition uses all theavailable space.

    Linprep log that shows the Linprep operations.

    Figure 59 shows the disk size to 9 GB of the last root partition and the DHCPserver installed as it was on the source machine.

    Figure 59 DHCP server installed

    For an example of Linprep.log, see Example 1 on page 40 .

    Example 1 Linprep.log

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    40 Deploying Linux Systems with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment

    Distribution : unknown RedHatParsing /etc/linprep.inf.....Time Zone = 110Boot loader = grubRoot partition = disk://0:3Boot partition = disk://0:2BootLoaderLocation = disk://0:0MacAddress = *Language -> Keyboard = 0409Host Name = pc-000C2955E702Found GRUB bootloaderChanging administrator passwordChange root password: executing: echo root:XXXX | /usr/sbin/chpasswdChanging DNS settingsGenerate new /etc/resolv.conf (DNS)Changing network configurationModifying /etc/sysconfig/networkOKModifing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

    DHCP activedOKChanging hostnameModifying /etc/hosts

    Adding pc-000C2955E702OKChanging timezoneModifing file /etc/sysconfig/clock

    new Timezone : Etc/GMT+1OKChanging keyboard mappingAdjusting keyboard locale

    console keytable : us

    ERROR with file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 : No such file or directoryUnable to open device /dev/sdaFound a valid RAD protected MBR on /dev/hdaUsing /dev/hda as root deviceInstalling GRUB on MBRExecuting grub-install --recheck '(hd0)'Saving MBRLinprep finished.


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