dependent clause comma practice 9 17 1

Dependent Clause Comma • Always put a comma AFTER a dependent clause. • Example: Although there was not a cloud in the sky, it started to rain. • You will always have a dependent clause if your sentence starts with a transition or a preposition. These are called introductory elements. • Check the part right after your comma to make sure it is an independent clause.

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Page 1: Dependent clause comma practice 9 17 1

Dependent Clause Comma• Always put a comma AFTER a dependent

clause.• Example: Although there was not a cloud in the

sky, it started to rain.• You will always have a dependent clause if your

sentence starts with a transition or a preposition. These are called introductory elements.

• Check the part right after your comma to make sure it is an independent clause.

Page 2: Dependent clause comma practice 9 17 1

• Do not use a comma BEFORE a dependent clause.

• Example: We had to get up at four in the morning because Tim wanted to go fishing.

• Example: I’m going to buckle down at work when we get home from vacation.

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• You may only use a comma BEFORE a dependent clause if the second part of the sentence directly contrasts the first part.

• Example: Jake was wide awake, despite getting up at four in the morning.

• “Wide awake” and “getting up at four in the morning” directly contrast each other.

Page 4: Dependent clause comma practice 9 17 1

Grammar Practice 9-17 #1

• During my tenth grade year I struggled in Spanish.

• My dog jumped the fence while I was gone.

• Despite Jem’s tough exterior he revealed he was a scared little boy.

• Jake appeared brave although his knees were shaking.

Page 5: Dependent clause comma practice 9 17 1

• Since we have now painted the kitchen we may as well paint the living room.

• Whenever you do a job like painting you always have to open windows for ventilation.

• Though I hate this kind of work I know it needs to be done.

• While we’re at it we should probably replace the cupboards, too.