denetit catholic church repair fund under auspices of knights of … · 2017. 12. 13. · pa rent1...

COMMUNITY TH ARE DONALDSONVILLE, LA. ,SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 lhene.m t rfnatkae!ti picture on r'tcord. telling its strongly dramatic 5to4y. whbout a subtitle, without loss of action or incident, is "THE'IOURNEY'S END" lA 'pte irtrn ttfa magazine ,tory, 3 Ave Maria," Hugo Ballin, di- .ha. ought forth this masterpiece and accomplished the ap- pa rent1 I y"t.n ill that of eliminating titles and explanations, and naiitnr p' vw etc in the histry of picture production. Miss Mabel allitd , v er known as "The P auty, is the appe: 'n star, and min.,i ratt s that she iS an acteC-s of rar "ability. She is ably sup- p.t'A be it eon 13ero ft and WVyndham Standing. 1'eviewers and tritit :J'tl i tithi p:-tui nt a- a masterpiece, beautifully acted and A Good Laughable Comedy Will Also Be Shown. Denetit Catholic Church Repair Fund Under Auspices of Knights of Columbus A SPECIAL TREAT-DON'T MISS IT! You'll be hlpitng it Worthy catie ani at the same time treating your- solf (o a pleasant diversion ADMISSION, 10 AND 20 CENTS. SHOW STARTS AT 3 O'CLOCK With each ticket we will give you a number good on the $5 gold piece to be awarded next Tuesday Oiirnalbuianille (Elret Einter.rd in th e potfice at 1aldon eiIIe, La., k, sec.nid-,lass mail mnattvr OiFFlIAL JOURNAL. OF TIIE POLICE JURY, tilIOOL I:OARD AND CITY OF DONALDSONVILLE SATURDAY, SEPT. 17, 1921. SOUTH LOlISIANA FAIR. More int ist than ever is being taken in the South Louisiana Fair which will be held in this city from October 2 t( 9 inclusive. Indications are that the fair will be larger and better then ever before. The ex- hibits and amusements will be larger and of a greater variety. The big- gest attendance in the history of the fair is anticipated. There is one thing lacking, however, which would have a tendency to swell the attend- ance to more people than is expect- ed, and that is if the Texas and Pa- cific railroad would run one or more excursion trains say from New Or- _ leans or some other point. It would even help is the road would reduce its rates. But so far as we know such things are not contemplated. If excursion trains or reduced rates were put into effect during the fair we are of the opinion that the crowds would he greater. Visitors from the different parishes which are either on the main or branch lines of the road could get to the fair in the morning and return home the same day. Out of twelve parishes affiliated with the fair all are on the mnain line, with the exceptions of Terrebonne and East Baton Rouge. The fair is not run as a monev- anaking proposition. It is conducted primarily to exhibit the agricultural products and other things of the twelve parishes with which it is af- ilated. With competition we are of the opinion that the Texas and Pa- cific would run excursion trains, or at least reduce rates. It is possible that such a train or trains would not make a large amount of money, but the road would have a chance of showing its gratitude for the busi- mess it gets from the twelve parishes With which it connects. Watermelon Treat From Mayor. The girls employed in the Donald- sonville cigar factory were given a royal treat last Saturday when Mayor Joseph Gisclard treated them to all the watermelons they could eat. We qaote from a letter sent to the ogice of The Chief from one of the girls who acted as correspondent: ' We the girls of the cigar factory, of Donaldsonville, wish to express our thanks to the mayor of our town for the nice treat of watermelons he gave us Saturday. They were in- deed delicious and were appreciated by one and all. Our manages Mr. Kern, is also grateful to the mayor. It pleases him to see that he is inter- ested in working girls. Many, many thanks to our mayor." Sidney Mollere, formerly a resi- dent of Donaldsonville, but for the past five years located on the island of Haiti, where he served in a cleri- cal capaeity for a large sugar com- pany. was in the city the early part of the week visiting friends. He left Wednesday morning to visit friends and relatives in New Orleans. Mr. Molhere was looking fine and all his friends were glad to see him. He is thb son of the late Heno Mollere, who w:is engaged in the building of flat oats up to the time of his death a few years ago. -*harles Ohlmeyer, son of D). Ohl-' meyer of this city, arrived here Tuesday and probably will spend the winter with his relatives. Mr. Ohl- meyer is a vaudeville actor work- ing on big circuits. He is looking as handsome as ever and enjoying good health. It is a source of real pleasure to his old-t ime friends and acquaintances to have him in their midst. Mfr. Ohlmeyer has been in vaudeville for the past %een years and this is ons.ti isit to his home town in five yeanr. Auto Parade For Fair. Saturday, Octobee 8. w!' he Ln- dies Day at the South Io w;r Fair. One of the features oen ion? will be an automobile parade t ith- out decorations which will take nace at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The car making the best showing will be awarded a prize. All persons having tiutomobiles are invited by the ladies committee of the fair to participate in the parade. Those wishing to take part are requested to apply for their number at the office of the South Louisiana Fair Association in Rail- road avenue. - Burnside Notes. M1i Brand is visiting friends :n Ila quemiine, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tircuit. Mrs. T. J.Hoff has reurned from a stay of a few days in New Orleans, Prof. Broussard made a business visit to Burnside school last Wednes- liay Less than one hundred bales of cotton will be raised in Ascension parish this year. The bool weevil like the Russians, will suffer the pangs of hunger. We have had the Imperial Poten- tate of the Shriners, the Imperial Wiz- ard of the Ku Klux Klan. and now comes Cartoonist Trist of the Item with the S. S. of the S. S.-"Sin- gular Society of Shimmy Shams" The cartoonist will have at the head of his organization an individual to be called "The Most Illustrious, Thrice August and Right Reverend Grand Imperial Potentate." Can you leat it? The last work of the Constitutional Convention that sat for 110 days this year, was the adoption of Article 25, which was a mistake. It should read: "The Legislature of the State of Louisiana is herby directed to con- vene in extraordinary session at the seat of government on the first Tues- day in the month of September, 1921 and continue in session until the third Monday in the month of December, 1921, or for a period not exceeding 100 days." This would allow every member to return home in time to spend Christmas, after having (drawn" $1000 for per. diem, plus mileage. I will now proceed to show that our law-makers are entitled to more than seventy-five days to put on the statute book to be written this year, the passage of laws to muzzle "Rent hogs," run down bootleggers and moonshiners, drive out of the state, the Ku Klux Klan, suppress the giving of tips at hotels, probe tele- phone rates, adopt a humane law to electrocute criminals, if the more hu- mane bill to abolish capital punish- ment fails to pass. There will be hundreds of more fool laws intro- duced of course, if the solons can find time to do so. They may, after pass- ing "Act No. 1, Making an appropria- tion to defray the expenses of the legislature of Louisiana," to pay mile- age and per diem of the members, and all of the important bills outlined above have been disposed of, find time to tackle such minor bills as assessments, charitable institutions, confederate veterans, highways, guar- antee of bank deposits, juvenile courts, monopolies taxation, etc. During the sitting of the legislature, which will be full seventy-five days, I will be able to discuss further the immense amount of hard work and careful attention given to the in- terest of the style by the legislators. Coal of a superior grade, product of West Kentucky mines, at right prices, delivered to any part of town. Consumers' Coal Yard, Phone 41, or call at J. R. Duke's Midway grocery store. Subscribe to the Chief. HERCULES Tire Patch AMERICA'S BEST It Will Not Leak, For Heat Will Make It Stick WILL ALSO MEND Hot Water Bags, Gum Shoes, Rub- ber Boots, Rubber Coats and Hose FOR SALE BY D. OHLMEYER Donaldsonville E. A. LANDRY Darrow PAUL NIZZO Donaldsonville ASCENSION AUTO CO. Donaldsonville MANUFACTURED BY THE RILEY RUBBER CO. New Orleans, La. 7Je Pow n usic relea d at last Mr. Edison's t ambition has been to see every home m se of the power of music. j This demanded, t, a phonograph of com- plete realism, no-le S. At a cost of three mil- lion dollars, he put is new invention to the famous compariso test, which no mere talk- 1 ing machine has e r sustained. This draw- ing (from a photograph) shows one of these tests. The singer is Muzio, prima donna so- prano of the Metropolitan Opera Company. The listener is Bamboschek, principal con- ductor at the Metropolitan. Bamboschek said, "The quality of Miss Muzio's voice and ;:j the quality of its RE-CREATION by the New .-{ Edison are identical." This marvelous invention has, at last, re- leased the power in music. now comes - MOOD MUSJC. "Mood Music" is a 32 page book,--the newest and great- est step forward in Mr. Edison's plan for music in the home. "Mood Music" shows what music will do for you,-now that the phonograph of complete realism is a fact. It tells which selections will refresh you when you're tired, which will cheer you when you're depressed, which will calm you when you're nervous. Bring or send the coupon-and get your copy of "Mood a 4 Music". It's free. This wonderful development in music has grown out of a two years research into the effects of music. This re- search was under the direction of Dr. Wr. V. Bingham,_______ Director of the Department of Applied Psychology, Carnegie Institut'e of Technology. Dr. Bingham was assisted by other rioted psychologists, and thousands of music lovers who filled out Mood Change Charts. TOb Youeaoe These psychologists found that certain Edison RE-GRE- n ATIONS had remarkable power to banish fatigue, nervous- ness and the blues. They arranged these selections under the headings such as "To Make You Joyous", "To Bring You Peace of Mind", etc.,-and called this kind of music Mood Music. Use Coupon and Get Your Copy If you own a New Edison, get a copy of this free booklet at once. Begin to use - Bi Or Ma music in this new and practical way. If you do not own a New Edison, find out Ti * what this wonderful instrument and Mood Music can be made to do for you. rO" We'll give you three days of Mood Music at your home. No charge or obligation. Merely bring or mail the coupon. Do it today. Kamm WRIGHT FURNITURE COMPANY A DEALERS Gran Thatr Buidin DOALDSNVILELA.Thi. coupon entitles you to free copy Gran Thetre uildng DNALDONVILE, Aof "M*ood Music." If you wish three days of Mood Music free, check here BASEBALL HERE TOMORROW. Houma Cubs Will Lock Horns With Locals at Fair Grounds. What promises to be one of the t liveliest baseball games of the sea- t son is staged to take place at the fair f grounds tomorrow, when the classy Houma Cubs cross bats with the fast s Donahlbnville aggregation. The Cubs are excellent players. In an exciting game about six weeks ago they were defeated by the local lads by a score of 6 to 2. They are coming here to- morrow with high hopes of retrieving their defeat and are going to strive hard to do so; but Manager Acosta of the home nine declares that his men are in excellent trim, and that there is no chance of their being wor- sted in tomorrow's fray. He looks for his nine to wallop the visitors with ease. The game will be a fast and exciting one and will no doubt be witnessed by a large crowd of fans. Invitation to the Public. I wish to invite the public in gen- eral, and the ladies in particular, to visit my store at corner Railroad ave- nue and Claiborne street, where II .have installed new show windows and many new fixtures, and look over my stock of dry goods, prints, matting, hosiery, laces, embroderies, hats, tin, glass and hardware, household fur- nishings, stationery and novelties. I do not ask you to buy. Drop in and look over my stock. I can save you money on your purchases. HABIB SHAHEEN. The Methodist Church. At the 19thodist church tomorrow forenoon there will be Sunday school at 10 o'cloci and preaching at 11. Rev. Mr. Evans has resumed the night services on the second and fourth Sundays so that he preaches here each Sunday. On the first and third at 1 f, m., and on the second and fourth at 7:30 p. m. A large number of people attended the ser- vices last Sunday night, some coming from Vacherie and Plattenville. Solomon Farrnbacher accompanied by his sisters, Mrs. Chas. Kabin and Misses Caroline and Pauline Farrn- bacher, motored from Baton Rouge to Donaldsonville last Sunday and while here were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex BloomenstieL Steamer Capitol Coming. Stopping here only one night, Fri-; day, September 23, the Steamer Cap- itol of. the Streckfus fleet, largest sternwheel excursion steamer on in- land waters, will have a moonlight dancing excursion. The big excursion palace is now on its way to New Orleans for the win- ter months after having spent a record-breaking five-months in the northern Mississippi river district.I Aside from being the largest steam- er of its kind, the Capitol is also the most beautiful. Fashioned after the colossal Capitol theatre of New York, the steamer gives a striking appeard ante of one of the most wonderful sights on the river. Covered with electric lights, the six-deck ship i7 most beautiful in the evening. Aboard the steamer will be found a huge ballroom, oriental in design. lighted by an interchangeable color system, well ventilated and presided. over by the dance champions of the entire middle-west, the Burk-Leins ten famous toddle kings, who were chose from a field of a score of or- chestras to play on the huge steamer. In addition to the ballroom will be found ample space on the broad decks for a promenade, hundreds of lounging chairs in ideal spots for tete-a-tetes or a rest on the smooth cool bosom of the river. Two large } cafes in which an excellent cuisine can be obtained at a moderate price are also a part of the ship's equip- ment. Not only is the Capitol an amusement project but it is the eighth wonder of the world and all who can should visit the steamer when it ar- rives in the city. Carpenter and Plumbing Work. When you are. in need of carpen- ter or plumbing work give me a' trial. My prices are reasonable and all work is executed in a neat and workmanship manner. If you con- template having any work done just tell me to call and I will be glad to discuss the matter with you. No job too large, none too small. CAMILLE ESNEAULT, Carpeniter and plum- ber, Dopaldsonwille, La. It is _ . o one will have th einario of I Fatty m o d e. Most e clean- led befa Fine Products of Sanitary Plant. There is nothing quite as refresh- ing and exhilarating these hot days as a bottle of the sparkling, beverages manufactured by the big electrically operated bottling ilant of Montero & Brande. These include coco-cola and all the popular flavors. There is satisfaction in every drop. A force of competent men are employed to put up the beverages, and eveixhing abhout the plant is as clean anal sani- tary as it is possible to make them, thus insuring absolute purity for the drinks. Prompt and efficient deliv- ery service to all part of the city and surrounding country is provided by four big auto trucks which are kept constantly in commisglion. Messrs. Montero & Brande are also local distributors for Jax, the famous lager, manufactured by the Jackson Elwing Company of New Orleans. Joseph Mistretta, of the-inrm of Mis- tretta & Sotile, candy manufacturers of this city, expects soon to embark in another lE siness. He states that an October i he will open a first- class s ,ft d( ink arid lunch stani in the building which he recently ac- quired from Jos. Compagno, situated in Railroad avenue, and formerly known as the "First and Last Chance Saloon." An up-to-date pool room will be operated in connection with rihe business. C. C. Wheeler, the successful and courteous coffee dealer of this city, has reason to be proud of the coffee he parches and grinds t his store. He recently received a erous or- der for his coffee from onteagle, 'T^'n.. which goes to show that good Jhings are bound to travel and will eventually become known: The Chief hopes he will receive many more or- ders from different ' ts of the country. t th Miss Rosalie Allen arrived here recently to spend a month's vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Allen. Miss Allen, who is cne of the city's brightest and most highly esteemed young ladies, is employed in a clerical capacity in one of the government's offices in Washington, D. C. Her many friends here welcome her home. Coal of An Execeptioal Quality. Liberty coal is an exceptionally good grade of coal for either steam or domestic purposes. The seam where this coal is mined, is unusually free from impurites. The coal will not clinker and repated tests by a large manufacturing plant in this city, show that liberty coal runs much higher in heat units than the aver- age coal from the same fields. The Liberty mines are equipped with the very latest modern mining machi- nery. The coal is cut by electric cutting machines, which operation produces the minimum amount of stack and brings the coal out in large, blocky lumps. The coal then passes over vibrating perforated screens, which tokes out all the slack; and separates the coal into the different sizes; nut, egg, No. 1 lump and 6- inch fancy block. The coal then passes over a picking table where foreign matter such as rock, slate, etc., is picked out by hand. We are very proud of liberty c~oal and the many letters we get comlimenting us on its good qualities, prove that it has a very enviable reputption. Elray Kocke, dealer, Donaldsonville, La. St. James Editor Dies. Mrs. F. B. Dicharry (nee Estelle Jordan), editor Of the St. James In- terim, and said to be the oldest week- ly newspaper editor in point of ser- vice in the state, died at her home at Convent Thursday, aged 69 years. She was a native and lifelong resi- dent of St. Jaips, and had owned and edited the Interim for the past twen- ty-five years. She was well known throughout the state. Attention, Ex-Service Men The Bureau of War Risk Insur- ance clean-up squad is coming to Donaldsonville to help all ex-service Mnen file their claims for compensa- tion, vocational training, hospital treatment, etc. Those who are in need of help will please notify As- cension Chapter, American Red Cross, Donaldsonville, La. Winter will, soon be here. Get your supply of coal no*. Rard lump West Kentucky Coal for sale at the Consumers' Coal Yard, J. R. Duke, manager. Phone 41, or call at the Midway grocery Mtore. NOTICE. BILLS for light and water service become due on the 15th of each month. Cut tomers can pay the meter reader at time of reading the meter, or at the office on or before the 15th. I am ordered and directed by the Light- and Water Commission to discontinue the service of all customers whose bills. ari urpaid after this date and with') it c.ePp- Please pay your bills promptly. L. A. TUCKER, Superintendent. Catarrh Catarrh is a local disease greatly ih enced by constitutional condlttent I AlAWS CATARRH MEDICINE i4 ft Tonic and Blood Purifier. By cleanlalg the blood and building up the System. HALL'S CATARRItII MEDICINE restolee normal conditions and allows Nature 0 do Its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. H. SCHAFF & SON DONALDSONVILLE, LA. COPPER, TIN AND SHEET- IRON..WORKERS Rooting, Guttering, Stovepiping and Repairing PlUlMiiIN(; WOPK A SPECIALTY P'hone I t7--1 ECZEA Money hack without question if HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt'sSalve and Soap),fail in the treatment ofItch, Eczema, RingwormTetterorotheritch- Ing akin diseases. Try thin treatment at our rick. For Sale at Palace D)rug Store. - Y MN AND. All citizens of Donahleb.n ille who wish to rent rooms to \ i itors duriaf the fair are htereby requvlsted to . send their names tnd sIt -'t address to R. S. ickers, secrar i-manager of the So Louisiana i togethf er with }rice. FOR SALE. BABY GRAND CHIEVROLI. C TOUR 1W CAR, in - excellent runnins o oer and fully equippeis: tire., goed nwI offered for rall at a barin. r pai' lars, call at THE CHTEF PI- :, " Superior quality West Rent coal on Sale at the Consumnrs Yard, J.R.Duke, manager. Phoa

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Page 1: Denetit Catholic Church Repair Fund Under Auspices of Knights of … · 2017. 12. 13. · pa rent1 I y"t.n ill that of eliminating titles and explanations, and naiitnr p' vw etc in



lhene.m t rfnatkae!ti picture on r'tcord. telling its strongly dramatic

5to4y. whbout a subtitle, without loss of action or incident, is

"THE'IOURNEY'S END"lA 'pte irtrn ttfa magazine ,tory, 3 Ave Maria," Hugo Ballin, di-

.ha. ought forth this masterpiece and accomplished the ap-

pa rent1 I y"t.n ill that of eliminating titles and explanations, andnaiitnr p' vw etc in the histry of picture production. Miss Mabel

allitd , v er known as "The P auty, is the appe: 'n star, andmin.,i ratt s that she iS an acteC-s of rar "ability. She is ably sup-

p.t'A be it eon 13ero ft and WVyndham Standing. 1'eviewers and

tritit :J'tl i tithi p:-tui nt a- a masterpiece, beautifully acted and

A Good Laughable Comedy Will Also Be Shown.

Denetit Catholic Church Repair Fund UnderAuspices of Knights of Columbus


You'll be hlpitng it Worthy catie ani at the same time treating your-solf (o a pleasant diversion


With each ticket we will give you a number good on the $5 gold

piece to be awarded next Tuesday

Oiirnalbuianille (ElretEinter.rd in th e potfice at 1aldon

eiIIe, La., k, sec.nid-,lass mail mnattvr



SATURDAY, SEPT. 17, 1921.

SOUTH LOlISIANA FAIR.More int ist than ever is being

taken in the South Louisiana Fairwhich will be held in this city fromOctober 2 t( 9 inclusive. Indicationsare that the fair will be larger andbetter then ever before. The ex-hibits and amusements will be largerand of a greater variety. The big-gest attendance in the history of thefair is anticipated. There is onething lacking, however, which wouldhave a tendency to swell the attend-ance to more people than is expect-ed, and that is if the Texas and Pa-cific railroad would run one or moreexcursion trains say from New Or-

_ leans or some other point. It wouldeven help is the road would reduceits rates. But so far as we knowsuch things are not contemplated.

If excursion trains or reducedrates were put into effect during thefair we are of the opinion that thecrowds would he greater. Visitorsfrom the different parishes which areeither on the main or branch linesof the road could get to the fair inthe morning and return home thesame day. Out of twelve parishesaffiliated with the fair all are on themnain line, with the exceptions ofTerrebonne and East Baton Rouge.

The fair is not run as a monev-anaking proposition. It is conductedprimarily to exhibit the agriculturalproducts and other things of thetwelve parishes with which it is af-ilated. With competition we are of

the opinion that the Texas and Pa-cific would run excursion trains, orat least reduce rates. It is possiblethat such a train or trains would notmake a large amount of money, butthe road would have a chance ofshowing its gratitude for the busi-mess it gets from the twelve parishesWith which it connects.

Watermelon Treat From Mayor.The girls employed in the Donald-

sonville cigar factory were given aroyal treat last Saturday when MayorJoseph Gisclard treated them to allthe watermelons they could eat. Weqaote from a letter sent to the ogiceof The Chief from one of thegirls who acted as correspondent:

' We the girls of the cigar factory,of Donaldsonville, wish to express ourthanks to the mayor of our townfor the nice treat of watermelonshe gave us Saturday. They were in-deed delicious and were appreciatedby one and all. Our manages Mr.Kern, is also grateful to the mayor.It pleases him to see that he is inter-ested in working girls. Many, manythanks to our mayor."

Sidney Mollere, formerly a resi-dent of Donaldsonville, but for thepast five years located on the islandof Haiti, where he served in a cleri-cal capaeity for a large sugar com-pany. was in the city the early partof the week visiting friends. He leftWednesday morning to visit friendsand relatives in New Orleans. Mr.Molhere was looking fine and all hisfriends were glad to see him. Heis thb son of the late Heno Mollere,who w:is engaged in the building offlat oats up to the time of his deatha few years ago.

-*harles Ohlmeyer, son of D). Ohl-'meyer of this city, arrived hereTuesday and probably will spend thewinter with his relatives. Mr. Ohl-meyer is a vaudeville actor work-ing on big circuits. He is lookingas handsome as ever and enjoyinggood health. It is a source of realpleasure to his old-t ime friends andacquaintances to have him in theirmidst. Mfr. Ohlmeyer has been invaudeville for the past %een yearsand this is ons.ti isit to his hometown in five yeanr.

Auto Parade For Fair.Saturday, Octobee 8. w!' he Ln-

dies Day at the South Io w;r Fair.One of the features oen ion?will be an automobile parade t ith-out decorations which will take naceat 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Thecar making the best showing will beawarded a prize. All persons havingtiutomobiles are invited by the ladiescommittee of the fair to participatein the parade. Those wishing to takepart are requested to apply for theirnumber at the office of the SouthLouisiana Fair Association in Rail-road avenue. -

Burnside Notes.M1i Brand is visiting friends

:n Ila quemiine, the guest of Mr. andMrs. Tom Tircuit.

Mrs. T. J.Hoff has reurned froma stay of a few days in New Orleans,

Prof. Broussard made a businessvisit to Burnside school last Wednes-liay

Less than one hundred bales ofcotton will be raised in Ascensionparish this year. The bool weevillike the Russians, will suffer thepangs of hunger.

We have had the Imperial Poten-tate of the Shriners, the Imperial Wiz-ard of the Ku Klux Klan. and nowcomes Cartoonist Trist of the Itemwith the S. S. of the S. S.-"Sin-gular Society of Shimmy Shams"The cartoonist will have at the headof his organization an individual tobe called "The Most Illustrious,Thrice August and Right ReverendGrand Imperial Potentate." Can youleat it?

The last work of the ConstitutionalConvention that sat for 110 days thisyear, was the adoption of Article 25,which was a mistake. It should read:"The Legislature of the State ofLouisiana is herby directed to con-vene in extraordinary session at theseat of government on the first Tues-day in the month of September, 1921and continue in session until the thirdMonday in the month of December,1921, or for a period not exceeding100 days." This would allow everymember to return home in time tospend Christmas, after having

(drawn" $1000 for per. diem, plusmileage. I will now proceed to showthat our law-makers are entitled tomore than seventy-five days to put onthe statute book to be written thisyear, the passage of laws to muzzle"Rent hogs," run down bootleggersand moonshiners, drive out of thestate, the Ku Klux Klan, suppress thegiving of tips at hotels, probe tele-phone rates, adopt a humane law toelectrocute criminals, if the more hu-mane bill to abolish capital punish-ment fails to pass. There will behundreds of more fool laws intro-duced of course, if the solons can findtime to do so. They may, after pass-ing "Act No. 1, Making an appropria-tion to defray the expenses of thelegislature of Louisiana," to pay mile-age and per diem of the members,and all of the important bills outlinedabove have been disposed of, findtime to tackle such minor bills asassessments, charitable institutions,confederate veterans, highways, guar-antee of bank deposits, juvenilecourts, monopolies taxation, etc.During the sitting of the legislature,which will be full seventy-five days,I will be able to discuss further theimmense amount of hard work andcareful attention given to the in-terest of the style by the legislators.

Coal of a superior grade, productof West Kentucky mines, at rightprices, delivered to any part oftown. Consumers' Coal Yard,Phone 41, or call at J. R. Duke'sMidway grocery store.

Subscribe to the Chief.


It Will Not Leak, For HeatWill Make It Stick


Hot Water Bags, Gum Shoes, Rub-ber Boots, Rubber Coats

and Hose


D. OHLMEYERDonaldsonville

E. A. LANDRYDarrow

PAUL NIZZODonaldsonville

ASCENSION AUTO CO.Donaldsonville


New Orleans, La.

7Je Pow n usicrelea d at lastMr. Edison's t ambition has been to seeevery home m se of the power of music. j

This demanded, t, a phonograph of com-plete realism, no-le S. At a cost of three mil-lion dollars, he put is new invention to thefamous compariso test, which no mere talk- 1ing machine has e r sustained. This draw-ing (from a photograph) shows one of thesetests. The singer is Muzio, prima donna so-prano of the Metropolitan Opera Company.The listener is Bamboschek, principal con-ductor at the Metropolitan. Bamboscheksaid, "The quality of Miss Muzio's voice and ;:jthe quality of its RE-CREATION by the New .-{Edison are identical."

This marvelous invention has, at last, re-leased the power in music.

now comes -

MOOD MUSJC."Mood Music" is a 32 page book,--the newest and great-est step forward in Mr. Edison's plan for music in the home."Mood Music" shows what music will do for you,-nowthat the phonograph of complete realism is a fact. It tellswhich selections will refresh you when you're tired, whichwill cheer you when you're depressed, which will calmyou when you're nervous.

Bring or send the coupon-and get your copy of "Mood a 4Music". It's free.

This wonderful development in music has grown out ofa two years research into the effects of music. This re-search was under the direction of Dr. Wr. V. Bingham,_______Director of the Department of Applied Psychology,

Carnegie Institut'e of Technology. Dr. Bingham was

assisted by other rioted psychologists, and thousands ofmusic lovers who filled out Mood Change Charts. TOb Youeaoe

These psychologists found that certain Edison RE-GRE- nATIONS had remarkable power to banish fatigue, nervous-ness and the blues. They arranged these selections underthe headings such as "To Make You Joyous", "To BringYou Peace of Mind", etc.,-and called this kind of musicMood Music.

Use Coupon and Get Your CopyIf you own a New Edison, get a copy of this free booklet at once. Begin to use - Bi Or Mamusic in this new and practical way. If you do not own a New Edison, find out Ti *what this wonderful instrument and Mood Music can be made to do for you. rO"

We'll give you three days of Mood Music at your home. No charge or obligation.Merely bring or mail the coupon. Do it today. Kamm


DEALERSGran Thatr Buidin DOALDSNVILELA.Thi. coupon entitles you to free copyGran Thetre uildng DNALDONVILE, Aof "M*ood Music." If you wish three

days of Mood Music free, check here


Houma Cubs Will Lock Horns WithLocals at Fair Grounds.

What promises to be one of thet liveliest baseball games of the sea-t son is staged to take place at the fairf grounds tomorrow, when the classy

Houma Cubs cross bats with the fasts Donahlbnville aggregation. The Cubsare excellent players. In an excitinggame about six weeks ago they weredefeated by the local lads by a scoreof 6 to 2. They are coming here to-morrow with high hopes of retrievingtheir defeat and are going to strivehard to do so; but Manager Acostaof the home nine declares that hismen are in excellent trim, and thatthere is no chance of their being wor-sted in tomorrow's fray. He looksfor his nine to wallop the visitorswith ease. The game will be a fastand exciting one and will no doubt bewitnessed by a large crowd of fans.

Invitation to the Public.I wish to invite the public in gen-

eral, and the ladies in particular, tovisit my store at corner Railroad ave-nue and Claiborne street, where II

.have installed new show windows andmany new fixtures, and look over mystock of dry goods, prints, matting,hosiery, laces, embroderies, hats, tin,glass and hardware, household fur-nishings, stationery and novelties. Ido not ask you to buy. Drop in andlook over my stock. I can save youmoney on your purchases.


The Methodist Church.At the 19thodist church tomorrow

forenoon there will be Sundayschool at 10 o'cloci and preaching at11. Rev. Mr. Evans has resumed thenight services on the second andfourth Sundays so that he preacheshere each Sunday. On the first andthird at 1 f, m., and on the secondand fourth at 7:30 p. m. A largenumber of people attended the ser-vices last Sunday night, some comingfrom Vacherie and Plattenville.

Solomon Farrnbacher accompaniedby his sisters, Mrs. Chas. Kabin andMisses Caroline and Pauline Farrn-bacher, motored from Baton Rougeto Donaldsonville last Sunday andwhile here were the guests of Mr.and Mrs. Alex BloomenstieL

Steamer Capitol Coming.Stopping here only one night, Fri-;

day, September 23, the Steamer Cap-itol of. the Streckfus fleet, largeststernwheel excursion steamer on in-land waters, will have a moonlightdancing excursion.

The big excursion palace is now onits way to New Orleans for the win-ter months after having spenta record-breaking five-months in thenorthern Mississippi river district.IAside from being the largest steam-er of its kind, the Capitol is also themost beautiful. Fashioned after thecolossal Capitol theatre of New York,the steamer gives a striking appeardante of one of the most wonderfulsights on the river. Covered withelectric lights, the six-deck ship i7most beautiful in the evening.

Aboard the steamer will be founda huge ballroom, oriental in design.lighted by an interchangeable colorsystem, well ventilated and presided.over by the dance champions of theentire middle-west, the Burk-Leinsten famous toddle kings, who werechose from a field of a score of or-chestras to play on the huge steamer.

In addition to the ballroom willbe found ample space on the broaddecks for a promenade, hundreds oflounging chairs in ideal spots fortete-a-tetes or a rest on the smoothcool bosom of the river. Two large }cafes in which an excellent cuisinecan be obtained at a moderate priceare also a part of the ship's equip-ment. Not only is the Capitol anamusement project but it is the eighthwonder of the world and all who canshould visit the steamer when it ar-rives in the city.

Carpenter and Plumbing Work.When you are. in need of carpen-

ter or plumbing work give me a'trial. My prices are reasonable andall work is executed in a neat andworkmanship manner. If you con-template having any work done justtell me to call and I will be glad todiscuss the matter with you. No jobtoo large, none too small. CAMILLEESNEAULT, Carpeniter and plum-ber, Dopaldsonwille, La.

It is _ . o one willhave th einario of IFatty m o d e.

Most e clean-led befa

Fine Products of Sanitary Plant.There is nothing quite as refresh-

ing and exhilarating these hot daysas a bottle of the sparkling, beveragesmanufactured by the big electricallyoperated bottling ilant of Montero& Brande. These include coco-colaand all the popular flavors. There issatisfaction in every drop. A forceof competent men are employed toput up the beverages, and eveixhingabhout the plant is as clean anal sani-tary as it is possible to make them,thus insuring absolute purity for thedrinks. Prompt and efficient deliv-ery service to all part of the cityand surrounding country is providedby four big auto trucks which arekept constantly in commisglion.Messrs. Montero & Brande are also

local distributors for Jax, the famouslager, manufactured by the JacksonElwing Company of New Orleans.

Joseph Mistretta, of the-inrm of Mis-tretta & Sotile, candy manufacturersof this city, expects soon to embarkin another lE siness. He states that

an October i he will open a first-class s ,ft d( ink arid lunch stani inthe building which he recently ac-quired from Jos. Compagno, situatedin Railroad avenue, and formerlyknown as the "First and Last ChanceSaloon." An up-to-date pool roomwill be operated in connection withrihe business.

C. C. Wheeler, the successful andcourteous coffee dealer of this city,has reason to be proud of the coffeehe parches and grinds t his store.He recently received a erous or-der for his coffee from onteagle,'T^'n.. which goes to show that goodJhings are bound to travel and willeventually become known: The Chiefhopes he will receive many more or-ders from different ' ts of thecountry. t th

Miss Rosalie Allen arrived hererecently to spend a month's vaca-tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Duncan Allen. Miss Allen, who iscne of the city's brightest and mosthighly esteemed young ladies, isemployed in a clerical capacity inone of the government's offices inWashington, D. C. Her manyfriends here welcome her home.

Coal of An Execeptioal Quality.Liberty coal is an exceptionally

good grade of coal for either steamor domestic purposes. The seamwhere this coal is mined, is unusuallyfree from impurites. The coal willnot clinker and repated tests by alarge manufacturing plant in thiscity, show that liberty coal runs muchhigher in heat units than the aver-age coal from the same fields. TheLiberty mines are equipped with thevery latest modern mining machi-nery. The coal is cut by electriccutting machines, which operationproduces the minimum amount ofstack and brings the coal out in large,blocky lumps. The coal then passesover vibrating perforated screens,which tokes out all the slack; andseparates the coal into the differentsizes; nut, egg, No. 1 lump and 6-inch fancy block. The coal thenpasses over a picking table whereforeign matter such as rock, slate,etc., is picked out by hand. We arevery proud of liberty c~oal and themany letters we get comlimenting uson its good qualities, prove that ithas a very enviable reputption.Elray Kocke, dealer, Donaldsonville,La.

St. James Editor Dies.Mrs. F. B. Dicharry (nee Estelle

Jordan), editor Of the St. James In-terim, and said to be the oldest week-ly newspaper editor in point of ser-vice in the state, died at her home atConvent Thursday, aged 69 years.She was a native and lifelong resi-dent of St. Jaips, and had owned andedited the Interim for the past twen-ty-five years. She was well knownthroughout the state.

Attention, Ex-Service MenThe Bureau of War Risk Insur-

ance clean-up squad is coming toDonaldsonville to help all ex-serviceMnen file their claims for compensa-tion, vocational training, hospitaltreatment, etc. Those who are inneed of help will please notify As-cension Chapter, American RedCross, Donaldsonville, La.

Winter will, soon be here. Getyour supply of coal no*. Rard lumpWest Kentucky Coal for sale at theConsumers' Coal Yard, J. R. Duke,manager. Phone 41, or call at theMidway grocery Mtore.

NOTICE.BILLS for light and water service becomedue on the 15th of each month. Cuttomers can pay the meter reader at

time of reading the meter, or at the officeon or before the 15th.

I am ordered and directed by the Light-and Water Commission to discontinue theservice of all customers whose bills. ariurpaid after this date and with') it c.ePp-

Please pay your bills promptly.L. A. TUCKER, Superintendent.

CatarrhCatarrh is a local disease greatly ihenced by constitutional condlttent

I AlAWS CATARRH MEDICINE i4 ftTonic and Blood Purifier. By cleanlalgthe blood and building up the System.HALL'S CATARRItII MEDICINE restoleenormal conditions and allows Nature 0do Its work.

All Druggists. Circulars free.F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.



Rooting, Guttering, Stovepipingand Repairing

PlUlMiiIN(; WOPK A SPECIALTYP'hone I t7--1

ECZEAMoney hack without questionif HUNT'S GUARANTEEDSKIN DISEASE REMEDIES(Hunt'sSalve and Soap),fail inthe treatment ofItch, Eczema,RingwormTetterorotheritch-Ing akin diseases. Try thintreatment at our rick.

For Sale at Palace D)rug Store. -

Y MN AND.All citizens of Donahleb.n ille who

wish to rent rooms to \ i itors duriafthe fair are htereby requvlsted to .send their names tnd sIt -'t addressto R. S. ickers, secrar i-managerof the So Louisiana i togethfer with }rice.


BABY GRAND CHIEVROLI. C TOUR 1WCAR, in - excellent runnins o oer and

fully equippeis: tire., goed nwI

offered for rall at a barin. r pai'

lars, call at THE CHTEF PI- :, "

Superior quality West Rentcoal on Sale at the ConsumnrsYard, J.R.Duke, manager. Phoa