delivered by the residents’ association solar parks proposal€¦ · plumbing servicing radiators...

MARCH 2017 Delivered by the Residents’ Association THE BULLETIN The Voice of the Community Harold Wood, Hill, Park Residents’ Association Solar Parks Proposal At the Council meeting in January, your local Residents' Association Councillors were delighted to hear that the proposal to put a solar farm on Dagnam Park has been reconsidered and will not go ahead in its present form. Having visited the site with the Friends of Dagnam Park, we were the first and only group of Councillors in the Administration to publicly raise concerns and objections to this in October. McDonald’s Sponsor Local Football Team Harold Wood Cougars U13 Football team said a big thank you to the local Romford McDonalds for sponsoring their football team this season. They had struggled to find a new sponsor for a couple of years and all kit was getting a bit old, that was until the owner of Romford McDonalds Gerry Byrne found out and kindly decided to help out. Scott Eagling said the boys were over the moon with the new tracksuits from McDonalds, they look great and what a sponsor to have. I can’t thank Gerry enough. Gerry said “I am glad to be able to give something back to the local community and in particular grass roots football.” Harold Wood Cougars U13s (School year 8) who play in the Chelmsford league are having a good season and are looking for a good standard of players to strengthen their squad for next season. They train on Wednesday, Saturday and play Sunday. If you are interested, then please contact Scott Eagling on 07775934600 or Debz Dowling on 07940571180. Keeping up-to-date If you are on the internet, please do visit our website at or join our Facebook page (Harold Wood Hill Park Residents Association) where we try to keep residents up to date on other news that is happening in your area. Lorry Satnav Update Last year we raised the issue of satnavs causing lorry drivers to turn into Court Avenue, David Drive and Geoffrey Avenue despite clear weight restriction signs. After extensive lobbying, we are very pleased the Local Government Authority (LGA) has taken up the cause. The LGA is calling on HGV drivers to be compelled to use commercial satnav models instead of cheaper versions intended for cars. It is also calling on the government to enable councils, like Havering, to take enforcement action where necessary. We are following developments closely and will continue to represent local residents on a problem affecting roads up and down the country. Cllr ALEX DONALD Gooshays Drive As part of its accident reduction programme funding via TFL, the council is looking to replace the existing traffic island crossing point in Gooshays Drive close to the Petersfield junction with a humped zebra crossing due to there being a number of accidents/incidents in that particular area. A formal consultation on this will be issued by the council in due course. Cllr DARREN WISE email: [email protected] Cllr ALEX DONALD Cllr DARREN WISE Cllr BRIAN EAGLING

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Page 1: Delivered by the Residents’ Association Solar Parks Proposal€¦ · PLUMBING SERVICING RADIATORS GAS SAFE Reg No. 47924 / 576292 14 Birch Crescent, Ardleigh Green, Hornchurch 01708

MARCH 2017

Delivered by the Residents’ Association

THE BULLETINThe Voice of the Community

Harold Wood, Hill, ParkResidents’ Association

Solar Parks ProposalAt the Council meeting in January, your local Residents' Association Councillorswere delighted to hear that the proposal to put a solar farm on Dagnam Parkhas been reconsidered and will not go ahead in its present form. Having visitedthe site with the Friends of Dagnam Park, we were the first and only group ofCouncillors in the Administration to publicly raise concerns and objections tothis in October.

McDonald’s Sponsor Local Football TeamHarold Wood Cougars U13 Football team said a big thankyou to the local Romford McDonalds for sponsoring theirfootball team this season.They had struggled to find a new sponsor for a couple ofyears and all kit was getting a bit old, that was until theowner of Romford McDonalds Gerry Byrne found out andkindly decided to help out.Scott Eagling said the boys were over the moon with thenew tracksuits from McDonalds, they look great and whata sponsor to have. I can’t thank Gerry enough.Gerry said “I am glad to be able to give something back tothe local community and in particular grass roots

football.” Harold Wood Cougars U13s (School year 8) who play in the Chelmsford league arehaving a good season and are looking for a good standard of players to strengthen their squadfor next season. They train on Wednesday, Saturday and play Sunday. If you are interested,then please contact Scott Eagling on 07775934600 or Debz Dowling on 07940571180.

Keeping up-to-dateIf you are on the internet, please do visit ourwebsite at or join ourFacebook page (Harold Wood Hill ParkResidents Association) where we try to keepresidents up to date on other news that ishappening in your area.

Lorry Satnav UpdateLast year we raised the issue of satnavscausing lorry drivers to turn into CourtAvenue, David Drive and Geoffrey Avenuedespite clear weight restriction signs. Afterextensive lobbying, we are very pleased theLocal Government Authority (LGA) hastaken up the cause. The LGA is calling onHGV drivers to be compelled to usecommercial satnav models instead ofcheaper versions intended for cars. It is alsocalling on the government to enablecouncils, like Havering, to take enforcementaction where necessary. We are followingdevelopments closely and will continue torepresent local residents on a problemaffecting roads up and down the country.


Gooshays DriveAs part of its accident reduction programmefunding via TFL, the council is looking toreplace the existing traffic island crossingpoint in Gooshays Drive close to thePetersfield junction with a humped zebracrossing due to there being a number ofaccidents/incidents in that particular area. Aformal consultation on this will be issued bythe council in due course.


email: [email protected]


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Long HousePlantsLong House Plants has beenproducing home grown plants formore than 10 years - here is achance to see where it all begins!A nursery stock plant area can bejust blocks of plants to propagatefrom, but here it has beenthoughtfully designed so that thecollections of plants look goodtogether, showing the differencesbetween varieties, linking shapes,textures and colours across theplanting schemes with plenty ofseats, carefully placed to enjoythe plants.Long House Plants is opening thenursery garden for the NationalGarden Scheme between 11.00amand 4.00pm on Wednesdays 14thJune, 12th July, 16th August and13th September. Also onSaturdays 24th June, 22nd July,26th August and 23rd September.Tea and cake will be available.Long House Plants, Church Road(opp church), Noak Hill, RomfordRM4 1LD. 01708

Council TaxIncreaseAs council budgets continue todecline we need to make surethat the money we do spend isdone so wisely and in line withthe priorities of the community.We have worked very hard toproduce a balanced budget fornext year that provides a decentand affordable service to ourresidents whilst ensuring ourmore vulnerable people get thecare they deserve.With central government grantreducing from £21m this year to£1.4m by 2019/20, coupled withgreatly increased costs associatedwith Adult Social Care,Children’s Services and Housing,the 2017/18 budget will need toinclude an additional £5m tosupport these specific services.Also, a further £1.3m will need tobe found to pay for our wastedisposal.Although £11m of savings havebeen found for next year, itincludes some difficult choices.For example, to maintain the 30-minute free parking period,

longer stay charges will need toincrease.However, maintaininginvestment in our roads, schoolsand heritage are all incrediblyimportant, for example we willsee the Tithe Barn Roof repaired,improvements to libraries andallotments along with £2m setaside for Highway repairs andStreet Lighting.Against this background theCouncil Tax increase from Aprilis set to be 3.5%. However, it isnotable that some councils areproposing council tax increasesof up to 15%.


Polyclinic BusWouldn’t it be great if there was abus that dropped you off directlyoutside the Kings Park Polyclinic?Transport for London (TfL) aredrafting plans for a new 497 busroute between Harold Woodstation and the Hilldene shops.The current proposals only havethe bus stop NEAR the Polyclinicon St Clements Avenue. Insteadyour three Residents’ AssociationCouncillors propose the 497

should stop directly OUTSIDE thePolyclinic saving elderly andvulnerable residents from havingto walk down the steep hill. Thiswould cut down on traffic, reducethe already full car park, and mostimportantly enable residentsacross Harold Wood to access avital health service safely andconveniently by public transport.I would love to hear your views onthis.


ParkingSchemesAt the Highways Committee inFebruary, feedback from the initialconsultation to introduce aresidents parking permit schemein Camborne/Melksham andWednesbury areas were presented.There was overall a positiveresponse to introduce some formof parking restrictions to help deterand prevent commuter parking. Itwas proposed that a permitscheme from Monday to Friday10.30 to 11.30am should beformally consulted upon as per

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Tel: 01708 229857 Mobile: 07415 096551 / 07860 801377

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statutory requirements. Once theresults of this are received then itwill be brought back to Committeefor final review to either adopt orreject. Please ensure that yourespond to the formal consultationso that your views can be heard.Once the above scheme is dealtwith we shall be raising again withthe Highways Department issuesaround parking in HalesworthRoad and Close and AmershamClose. Previously we were told thatuntil these schemes are dealt withand the impact of any parkingdisplacement considered they willnot move forward.


Kings ParkMeadow PlantingWe have received furthercomplaints by residents about theamount of rubbish been throwninto the meadow plantingadjacent to the entrance to theKings Park estate from The Drive.We had raised this previously withCountryside and have now raisedthis again to see if this can be cut

back and laid with lawn.Unfortunately, it is all too easy forpassers-by to throw rubbish in thisarea which is unacceptable. Weare waiting the outcome ofCountryside’s response.


Mad March AtSt. Peter’sThe local parish church ofHarold WoodCountdown to EasterBegins Ash Wednesday, March1st as the season of Lent invitesus to a spiritual spring clean andspring forward. Try the weeklyHoly Communion onWednesdays at 9.45amChristianity ExploredIs a popular 7-week course, nowavailable as the new LifeExplored course – interested?Ring Rob via 01708 342080Consistent Bible TeachingSunday to Sunday and week byweek lies at the heart of Christianlife and faith and ministry in

today’s world. Sundays at 9.15 &11.00am and 6.30pmwww.stpetersharoldwood.orgDavid Banting (Vicar). 01708376400

Men’s LunchTUESDAY, 14th MARCH,from 11.30am in St. Peter’sChurch Centre, Harold Wood.We are thrilled to welcome thismonth, Bishop Rod Thomas, theBishop of Maidstone as our guest‘after lunch’ speaker. Rod is agood friend of St. Peter’s but thisis the first time he has spoken atMen’s Lunch.Rob became the Bishop ofMaidstone in September 2015.His special role is to faithfullypreach and minister the Word ofGod throughout the wholeChurch of England – north, south,east and west – that’s a very wideremit! You could say he’s a type of‘super flying Bishop!’ Rod is alsoan Assistant Bishop in currently11 Dioceses (areas) includingChelmsford which St. Peter’sbelongs to.We are tremendously grateful toRod for sparing us his time in his

very busy schedule.Members ‘old and new’ would bemost welcome so we hope youcan join us. Please reserve yourlunch place by telephoning St.Peter’s Welcome Desk on 01708342080, or email:[email protected] Knowles, Julian Harris andthe Men’s Lunch Team.

CemeteryWe are disappointed that theGovernment has ruled in favour ofa cemetery on Maylands Fields.Your local Residents’ AssociationCouncillors have campaigned andsucceeded twice at the Council’sPlanning Committee to refusepermission. The developers thenlaunched a legal appeal to thePlanning Inspectorate to overturnthe Council’s ruling. We will beworking with the developer andlocal residents to ensure publicaccess is retained through the siteso residents can continue to enjoyour area’s green space.

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Olympic LevyCan we have our £750,000 Back?Residents may recall theimposition of an annual £20 levyon all Council Tax Payers acrossthe Capital to contribute £625mtowards the total cost of the 2012Olympic Games. The firstpayment was made in 2006/07and the final balancing paymentof £8 was made in 2016/17, withthe other £12 was returned to us.As the full £625m had now beenpaid off, the expectation was thatthe remaining £8 would also bereturned to us in 2017/18, thiswould be worth £750,000 per yearto Havering. However, the draft2017/18 budget from the Mayor ofLondon does not propose toreturn this sum, instead tosubsume it into his generalbudget. We face significantfinancial pressures, such as SocialCare, demographic growth andHousing as well as substantialreductions in local governmentfunding. While the Games were agreat success and enjoyed bymany, the levy meant thatHavering Council Tax payerscontributed some £16m towardsthe Games with little quantifiablebenefit to residents. As such, it isentirely reasonable that the£750,000 should be returned to

Havering in 2017/18 to help fundcouncil services to our residents.We have challenged the Mayor ofLondon on this and secured crossparty support through a Councilmotion in January. We shall keepyou updated.


Local Elections2018

At the last local elections in May2014, Upminster and CranhamWards again returned sixResidents' Councillors who werejoined by three Residents'

Councillors for Harold WoodWard: Alex Donald, BrianEagling and Darren Wise.Sadly, we missed out havingthree Residents' Councillorselected for Emerson Park Wardby less than 100 votes. I amdelighted to inform you that ourResidents' team there:Laurance Garrard, DavidGodwin and John Stone, who alllive in the ward, are working hardon a number of local issues andthat we will be contestingEmerson Park Ward in next year'slocal elections. Without anydoubt, residents who haveResidents' Councillors whoactually live in the area theyrepresent know the localproblems and are working all yearround, not just at election times.Laurance, David and John will beholding a meeting on Wednesday29th March at 8pm at NelmesURC Church, Nelmes Road,RM11 3JA.They are looking forward tohearing your views on localissues. Local police will also be inattendance.

Thames ChaseGet active and enjoy thecountryside

Thames Chase Community Forestannual 10k and family fun run –Sunday 11th June 10am.This annual event is a multi-lapand very gently undulating 10kroute through picturesque parkand woodland. Off road andcompletely traffic free on networkof flat surfaced paths, with a smallsection of grass/meadow.Bookings can be made via thewebsite and all profits will onceagain directly go towards thework of the Thames Chase Trustand ongoing regeneration of theThames Chase CommunityForest. Information about theevent, please visit at Thames ChaseMusical cream tea – Friday17thMarch 2.30-4.30pm. Treatyourself or a friend to a deliciouscream tea whilst listening to livemusic.Sunday market – Sunday 19thMarch 10am-3pm. Wide selectionof craft and produce stalls.Guided walk to Warley Place –from 10am. Enjoy the amazingdisplay of spring flowers at thisEssex Wildlife managed site and


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Laurance Garrard:Top Left

John Stone: Left

David Godwin: Above

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learn about the 19c plantswoman, Ellen Willmott, and hergarden. Meet in the EWT car parkat 10am.Singing workshop – Sunday 26thMarch 11am – 3 pm. A greatopportunity to record your ownvoice. Come and sing a songfrom the Great American songbook made famous by FrankSinatra and Peggy Lee. Ourmusicians and technician will beavailable to help in this specialworkshop. Guaranteed fun.Places are limited so book early toavoid disappointment. Costincluding recording and CD £18.For more information visit thewebsite

AssociationCoach OutingsListed below are the proposedcoach outings for the 2017 season.20th May St. Albans17th Jun Henley-on-Thames15th Jul Eastbourne19th Aug Clacton-on-Sea16th Sep Southwold14th Oct Windsor(Venues and dates may be

subject to change)Kindly note trips cannot bebooked until booking details havebeen published.After much discussion and 4 yearsof maintaining an unchangedticket price, it is necessary for usto increase our prices to £15.00per person. This is due to anincrease in the cost of our coachhire.

Wingletye LaneRailway BridgeThank you for the numeroussuggestions and comments, wehave forwarded a report to theCouncil and hope this might pavethe way for a solution.Some suggestions called for trafficlight control allowing one way at atime, road humps to slow thetraffic and even the provision of acrossing at each side with thenarrow rather unsafe pavementbeing closed.Naturally there were argumentseither way and whilst we do notwish to add to local congestion weare concerned for the safety oflocal residents at this dangerouspart of the road.Once again we have asked the

Council to repair the damage tothe road surface, something thatseems to come back every yearleaving a patch-work of tarmacrather than the proper resurfacingthat we have been asking for.The message that most peoplewere giving was for the motoriststo just slow down and bear inmind the safety of other roadusers and pedestrians alike.

John Stone

Maylands Way/A12 JunctionFollowing various requests, wehave fought to get the Council toinstall double yellow lines at thejunction of the A12/Maylands Waywhich will improve sight lines forvehicles leaving and exiting thisjunction.


'A' BoardControlsIntroducedOver the years we have receivedmany complaints aboutadvertising boards outside

shops/cafes which restrict thepavement and are obstacles forwheelchairs/walkers/buggies andanyone with a visual impairmentand in addition make our streetsuntidy. I am pleased to say thatthe Council has at last agreed tointroduce a Code of Practicewhich is aimed at enablingbusinesses to advertise in acontrolled way, whilst adhering toa set of conditions. The Councilwill be informing all premises ofthis with full details of the size,position of the boards and issuessuch as liability insurance. Visitsto premises will be taking placeover the next few weeks and fullexplanations given. Once this isin operation, businesses who failto comply with the Code ofPractice, after reminders, may beliable for enforcement costs of£200. This action is not intendedto prevent businesses fromadvertising responsibly buthopefully will make ourpavements less cluttered andsafer for all.




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PhotographExhibitionUpminster Camera Club areexhibiting their photographs at theHavering Museum until the 25thMarch 2017. The Deputy Mayor ofHavering, Councillor Linda Vanden Hende opened the exhibition.There are 40 prints from the threeability levels of the club and acontinuous projection of severalhundred digital images on a largescreen. The exhibition showcasesthe work of the Club and aims toraise awareness of the club andencourage new members.Tel: 01708 766571 Wednesday - Saturday 11am- 5pm. Usual Admission PricesApply. Last Admission to Galleriesat 4pm, and Shop at 4.30pm.

Queen’s TheatreLaugh-out-loud at the raucouscomedy drama Worst WeddingEver (15 Mar – 1 Apr) and feelinspired after watching WillyRussell’s timeless classicEducating Rita (22 Apr – 13 May).For more information about thespring season at the Queen’sTheatre Hornchurch, call the Box

Office on 01708 443333 or

RomfordMarketIt is with sadness that I have toreport that the application for thenew building in the middle ofRomford Market has been passed.The market, over 750 years old, isdying and urgent positive action isneeded to keep it alive - sadly theonly idea to date is a large building,called a market house, which is tobe placed right in front of thechurch house, built 15th centuryand the grade two listed church, StEdwards - their views destroyedforever. The building is for an upperclass restaurant, most of whosetrade will be evening, when themarket is not there - over 900 peopleobjected, on grounds of heritage,conservation area, and lack of need- put anywhere else, the buildingwould not have looked soobstructive, Despite all of this, onlymyself, my Harold Wood colleagueAlex Donald, and a UKIP Councillorlistened to the residents, used ourcommon sense and rejected theapplication.


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Coopers’ SaleThe next Indoor Table Top Salesat the Coopers' Company &Coborn School, St Mary’s Lane,Upminster, RM14 3HS will beheld on Sunday 12th March &Sunday 23rd April.School supplied tables are £12.Seller supplied tables, no biggerthan a 6ft paste table, are £8.Sellers from 7am and must bookand pay in advance. Call07508135449.Buyers doors open at 9am.Entrance fee is 50p for adults,children are free. Entrance freeafter 11am. Disabled access.Toilets & refreshments areavailable.

Stubbers SmashCampsFIGHT the kids’ school holidayboredom this April with the helpof Stubbers Adventure centre,Upminster with a range of fun-filled activities planned betweenMonday 3rd April and Friday 14thApril. Children in school yearstwo to 11 are sure to loveStubbers’ action-packed activitydays with 4x4 driving, climbing,tunnelling, rifle shooting andmuch more. Week programmes

are also available and a NewCommando week with survivalskills, laser tag ambushtechniques, overnight camp andspecial forces training.Places are limited, so book nowby calling 01708 224753 or checkthe

Local FloodingReaders may remember thedreadful wet weather we had inJune last year, this led toflooding in several parts of theborough including a home inHacton Lane where the RiverIngrebourne burst its banks.North of this beside the WindmillPub in St Mary’s Lane we havereported and have had clearedthe build-up of broken treebranches etc.The Government’s EnvironmentAgency has published a report onthe incident giving full details ofthe flooding and how residentswere assisted.I did not see much on theprevention of how to stop thishappening again.Personally, I feel there are twomain options to stop this in thefuture one is to build up thebanks the other is to dredge them

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Upminster Osteopath & Sports Injury Clinic



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thus making them deeper anexpensive exercise but I feelshould happen.I am in contact with theEnvironment Agency on this.


UpminsterFloral ArtWednesday 15th MarchUpminster Floral Art Society haveShirley Perkins with herdemonstration called "Nice to SeeYou". Doors open at 7pm for a7.45 start. Bric a Brac stalltogether with Refreshments at theNew Windmill Hall, Upminster.For more information pleasecontact Chairman MargaretReynolds on 01708 471977.

Please Clean UpWe have received the followingappeal from an Emerson ParkResident it could havecome from anywhere in our areaas the problem sadly occurs allover Havering."I am appalled at the behaviour ofsome dog owners. I have seenpoo bags in the gutter at thebottom of trees, behind greentelephone cable boxes and in

people’s front garden. Every timeI see a dog walker I wonder is ityou that throws your dog messaway rather than take it home anddispose of it. Nobody wants oneof those red dog boxes inresidential roads. So please have alittle respect for the place you livein and your neighbours too."

CommunityLibraryCould you spare to hours a weekworking in our CommunityLibrary at Cranham CommunityCentre, Marlborough Gardens,Cranham. The hours are Monday1-30 to 3-30 and Tuesday toSaturday 10-12. Full traininggiven. For more information callJanet on 222665 or Margaret on443250.

Ardleigh HouseThursday 6 April - “The QuirkyCorners in The Garden ofEngland”With a Blue Badge guide we willexplore the various quirky parts ofKent known as “The Garden ofEngland” included is a picniclunch accompanied only bynumerous ducks and we willprovide a large bag of duck food

to feed them.The afternoon continues or questto find quirky places beforefinishing at Rochester Cathedralwith some free time before wehead back home.Price includes morning tea/coffeeand the picnic lunch for bothguests and ducks!!!Price £40.00……Members £37.50The price is for coach only Price£18.50……Members £16.00. (Full

details are on the Ardleigh Housewebsite

Ping PongDid you used to play ping pong?well why not start again. Comeand join our very friendly club.We play on Wed 3-15 to 5-15 andFri 7-30 to 9-30. Every other Wed

continued on page 15

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cards 7-30to 9-30 at CranhamCommunity Centre, MarlboroughGardens, Cranham.For more information phone Kenon 443250 for table tennis. forcards phone George on 609283.

WednesdayMusic EveningsWednesday 15th March - JazzMusicians I Have MetWednesday 29th March - TheBest of BritishAll Music Evenings are held in themain meeting room 1st floor ofHornchurch Library andcommence at 7.30pm ending by9.30pm. Admission is free but asmall donation is requested forinterval refreshments. All arewelcome. Buses 165, 256 and 370stop near the library building inNorth Street. For more info callStephen Raindle 01708 470670 oremail [email protected]

Ray CoomerRaymond Coomer was a mangreatly invested in thecommunity. He was heavilyinvolved in the local residentsassociations, even running forlocal council on 2 occasions. Hewas also involved with the safer

neighbourhood team and waschairman for the IAG(independent advisory group).Ray was a great believer inhelping to make the local area abetter place to live in, particularlyin Ardleigh Green, where he livedwith his wife and son for manyyears. Ray would help support AllSaints Church on Ardleigh Greenroad where possible and becauseof his great love of flowers woulddonate to their annual flower day,and because of this his wife Jackiedonated the flowers from Ray’sfuneral to them so the parishcould enjoy the beauty that Rayhimself would have appreciatedso much.He was a great heating engineerand helped many residents withboiler problems over the 30 yearsthat he was gas safe registered.Sadly on the 14th of January atthe age of 59 Ray lost his nearly 3year battle with bowel cancer. Heremained strong and positive tillthe end, which was very much hisway.Ray is a great loss to thecommunity and his family andfriends. He will always beremembered and his memory willlive on in many ways for years tocome. A great friend, neighbourand true gentleman, you will be

continued on page 17

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forever missed and always in ourhearts.

Sarah Cordell

UpminsterParking UpdateConsultation on further parkingrestrictions in Upminster Wardhave been extensive, with severalresidents meetings with councilofficers and meetings betweencouncillors and officers over manymonths. Residents haveresponded to the consultationletters in large numbers andsubmitted petitions. In respect ofthe proposal for residents parkingpermits in roads north of St. Mary'sLane, where residents hadexpressed concern aboutcommuter parking, we have,following reviewing the figuresfrom the consultation, concludedthat a clear majority of residents donot want permits. We have alwayssaid we would abide by themajority view, therefore permits inthis area will not go ahead. Interms of the consultation resultsfor the Tree roads and South ViewDrive, where there are currently noparking restrictions, again a mixedresponse from residents. The

proposal was to restrict parkingbetween 8am and 9.30am Mondayto Friday. We are still in discussionwith officers on this beforedeciding whether to put a report tothe Highways Advisory Committeein March. We will keep youupdated on this.

Saturday TalksThe History of Tea. The speakeris John Neal on Saturday March11th at 2.15pm. (Doors open1.45pm) Venue Roope Hall,United Reform Church, StationRoad, Upminster. Cost £4.00including tea and biscuits.Contact Mrs Blake 01708 227512or Mrs Bland 01689 858701 forfurther information.

HornchurchFootball ClubKindly note the following Homefixtures at the Bridge Stadium,Bridge Avenue.Saturday 18th Wroxham, 25thNorwich United and on Saturdaythe 15th April Phoenix Sports.Kick Off at 3 p.m. come along andsupport the Urchins.

LOCAL FUTURE EVENTSMARCH7 Tuesday - Oglethorpe Women’s

Institute have a return visit by SharonGould who will talk about “Who is H”.Our meetings are held at Cranham SocialHall, 103 Front Lane, RM14 1XL at 7.45pm. Visitors welcome.

8 Wednesday - Nelmes Women’s Institutemeet on the 2nd Wednesday of everymonth and welcome new members of allages. Meetings are held at NelmesUnited Reformed Church Hall (corner ofNelmes Road and Burntwood Avenue,Hornchurch, RM11 3JA). Meetings startat 2 pm promptly. After conducting ourbusiness and a cup of tea, our speaker isNorman McDonald and his talk isentitled “The Honey Bee”. Please contactRuth McDougall on 01708 448431 [email protected] for furtherdetails.

9 Thursday – Upminster and CranhamW.I. are looking for new members. Wemeet in the St. Laurence Hall (next to theLibrary) in Upminster on the secondThursday in the month. Doors open at1.30 pm for a 2 pm start till 4 pm. Wehave talks on a wide range of subjects.We have lunches, afternoon teas, Outingsand more. Why not come along and giveus a try and meet new friends. For moreinformation please contact PresidentMargaret Reynolds on 01708 471977.

10 Friday - Live music with the Old StreetRockers in the Golden Crane, AvonRoad, Cranham. Free admission.Fundraising for the Brain Tumour Charity.

13 Monday –Havering Branch EssexWildlife Trust have an illustrated talk byMary Smith on Orchids of Britain andEurope. Meetings are held in the 1st floormeeting room in Hornchurch Libraryfrom 8.00 pm to 9.45 pm. Donation of£2.50 to help cover hall hire, this includestea, coffee and biscuits. For more infor-mation contact the Secretary Joy Emerson

on 01708 440297.14 Tuesday - NADFAS (Havering) Annual

General Meeting followed by Mr JulianHalsby with a talk on ‘The ExtraordinaryLife of Misa Sert – Queen of Paris 1872-1950’. Coffee from 10 am, Lecture at10.45 am. Visitors welcome at £8.Meetings held at The New Windmill Hall,St Mary’s Lane, Upminster, RM14 2QH.Further details of forthcoming lectures,speakers and visits can be found

14 Tuesday – Upminster HorticulturalSociety have Guest Speaker KenCrowther on Control of Pets andDiseases with and without Chemicals.The talk will take place in the NewWindmill Hall, St Mary’s Lane, Upminsterfrom 7.45 pm to 9.45 pm, doors open at7.15 pm. Entrance is free to members,non- members very welcome for a fee of£2.00. For further information onUpminster Horticultural Society see [email protected]

16 Thursday - Upminster Wine and SocialClubmeet on the third Thursday of themonth at 8 pm in the Cranham SocialHall, Front Lane, Cranham. We holdmeetings every month with a variety ofspeakers and wine tasting. For moreinformation contact Maureen Jasper on01708 223956, or simply come along onthe night. You will be most welcome.

17 Friday -Havering Antique andCollectors Clubmeet at theNeighbourhood Centre, Gubbins Lane,Harold Wood. Guest Speaker MarkLewis on ‘Hester Bateman andWomenSilversmiths of the 18th Century’.7.30 pm for 8 pm start. Guests £4.For further details please call ourChairman Mrs Chris Lovett 07947 367258.

18 Saturday – Pussycat Lodge Trust Quiz atNorth St Hall, Hornchurch, RM11 1QX.7pm for 7:30 start, price £6, tables 8-10.Bring your own drinks & nibbles. Raffle,

continued on page 19

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prizes and new goods. All enquiresJacqui: [email protected]

21 Tuesday - Cranham Engayne W.I.welcomes new members and visitors.Meetings held on the 3rd Tuesday of eachmonth at 2 pm to 4 pm at the CranhamCommunity Centre, MarlboroughGardens.

22 Wednesday - Upminster Park TownsWomens Guildmeet on the fourthWednesday of every month at 2 pm to 4pm in Derham Hall (behind UpminsterLibrary), Upminster. Afternoon tea, talksand outings amongst a friendly group ofladies, all most welcome. For moreinformation contact Deborah Pryor on01708 226127 or Ann Monk on 01708226305 or simply come along.

25 Saturday- Trinity Church Quiz, StationRoad, in the Commemoration Hall. 7 for7.30. Tickets £5 each. Bring your ownfood, drinks and glasses. All proceeds toGreat Ormond Street Hospital. To book,phone 01708 222189.

25 Saturday- Easter Fayre. In aid ofRomford retired greyhounds. StLaurence’s Church Hall, Corbets TeyRoad, Upminster, RM14 2BB. 10am- 2pm.Other charities will be attending. Specialguest appearance by the Easter Bunny.Refreshments available- come and tryour lovely home- made cakes. Freeadmission.

26 Sunday- Upminster Methodist Churchhosting Privilegium, a Norwegian YouthGospel Choir and Band from aMethodist church in Norway. They willbe performing a Concert at UpminsterMethodist church. 7pm. Tickets £10adults, £5 children. Contact CarolineKinder on 07941 431091.

27 Monday - Breathe Easy - Haveringmeetat St Andrews Church, Hornchurch, inaid of the British Lung Foundation on thelast Monday of the month. We are asupport group for people with COPD,Asthma of other Breathing Difficulties.For details please ring Joyce on 01708226696 or Elaine on 01708 509127.

27 Monday – Romford and Historical Societyhave Guest Speaker Peter Caton with atalk on THE Essex Walk, meetings are

held at myplace, 343 Dagnam Park Drive,Harold Hill, Romford, RM3 9EN. Accessis from 7.30 pm and the meetingcommences at 8 pm. Admission is free tomembers and £2.50 to for visitors.

29 Wednesday -Upminster and DistrictProbus Clubmeet at The Cranleigh, 84Station Road, Hornchurch, RM12 6LX,generally on the last Wednesday of eachmonth. We also have outings, which arerun jointly with Deyncourt (Upminster)Ladies’ Probus. If you think you wouldbe interested in joining our club pleasecontact our Secretary, Barry on 01708703783 and leave a message or send anemail to:[email protected].

31 Friday- Cappella Singers of UpminsterSpring Concert. 8pm at The Old Chapel,St Mary’s Lane, Upminster. Tickets £10includes light refreshments available ondoor or in advance from Ian Pirie 01708641718.

APRIL1 Saturday -Havering Branch of the East

of London Family History Society holdmeetings on the first Saturday of everymonth at Trinity Church, Station Road,Upminster, RM14 2SJ, doors open at 1pm meeting starts at 2 pm. The Internet& Technology Group meet at the samevenue 11 am - 1 pm. Teas and coffeescan be purchased. Members and visitorswelcome to either or both.

1 Saturday – British Sugar Craft have ademonstration on “Gift Box Cake” bySadia Iqubal; at 1.30 pm –3.30 pm atFairkytes Art Centre, Billet Lane,Hornchurch, Entry Price is £6 includesTea and Cake.

3 Monday - Pussycat Lodge Trust areholding their Pub Quiz Night at theCrumpled Horn Pub, 33-37 Corbets TeyRoad, Upminster, Cost £6, you can haveas many on a table as you like. Includedin your entry fee is sausages (veggie onrequest) chips, bread & butter. Over 18’sonly. To book a place contact Jacqui on:[email protected] or ring07751 199 037. Start Time 7 pm.

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Mafia GangsterTo Man Of GodCome and hear the story ofMichael Franzese (the son of thenotorious Underboss of NewYork’s violent and fearedColombo crime family).This is an amazing testimony ofdiscovering new life in Jesus, theMessiah crucified, a Mafia manconverted, and there are twoopportunities to hear him towhich you are warmly invited.MEN’S BREAKFAST, 8.00-

10.00am, Saturday March 25th atSt. Peter’s Church, Harold Wood.Tickets are £5.00 and include afull English breakfast. Bookingsvia St. Peter’s Welcome Desk,01708 342080.Michael Franzese will also beappearing at the Frances BardsleyAcademy, Brentwood Road,Romford on 25th March at 7.30pm.

Badminton ClubNelmes Badminton Club arelooking for intermediate players

to join their friendly club whichplays from 8pm to around 10-10.30.Theyhavebeenrunning formanyyears, originally based in NelmesSchool where some of theirchildren (now grown up withtheir own families) went toschool.They now meet on a Tuesdayevening in the main Hall at St.Michaels Church, Main Road,Gidea Park, where they have twocourts. Car parking is availableand there is usually a short breakfor tea and coffee.Anyone interested please contactbob at [email protected].

Festive TeaJust to know that our festivecream tea in aid of St FrancisHospice, that was publicised inthe November Bulletin, raised£852. This was a fantasticresponse by our customers andthe local community.

Caroline, Haircraft, 7 Oak Road

Little FingersBakingLittle fingers baking ages 2-5years a mixture of healthysavoury foods as well as sweettreats. Every Tuesday 9.30-10.30.£5 per session or £24 for 6 weeks.Call 07941416585/[email protected] Hil.

Shepherds HillFollowing on from the recentpetition for more crossings inShepherds Hill, this has nowbeen considered by the HighwaysCommittee and will berecommended to the CabinetMember that this is consideredfor the future TFL funding of thisinitiative.


Pinney TalfourdFree WillsSeminarOver half of the population in theUK do not have a Will and thisunfortunately can lead todifficulties upon death. Yourassets may not pass to whom youwant to inherit, leaving yourloved ones in financialdifficulties. It also can be timeconsuming and expensive toresolve.According to research over850,000 people in the UK haveDementia with this figureestimated to rise to 1 million in2025. Dementia can lead to yourloved one being unable to maketheir own decisions regardingtheir financial affairs. By settingup a Lasting Power of Attorneynow you are able to nominate aperson (your Attorney) to makedecisions on your behalf in the

continued on page 22

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future if you become unable to.Ensure that your affairs are inorder to minimise stress for yourfamily before and after yourdeath. Join one of our free eventsto hear a short presentationabout the different types of Willand LPA, and get some freetailored advice from one of oursolicitors over a coffeeafterwards.Friday 7th April or Saturday 8thApril, 11am – 12.30pm atPinney Talfourd LLP Solicitors,54 Station Road, Upminster,RM14 2TUContact Kayleigh O’Donnell tobook your free place:Call: 01708 229444Email:[email protected]

BrentwoodSchool Big Band7.30pm, Saturday March 18th atSt. Peter’s Church, Harold Wood.The Big Band is extraordinary forits youthful skills andeffervescent energy and comesback to St. Peter’s – by acclaim areturn visit. Enjoy anotherevening of musical joie de vivreand pizzazz! Ticket prices andinformation [email protected]

22Havering Edition

Harold Wood,Hill, ParkResidents

CouncillorsAlex Donald 01708 341106Brian Eagling 01708 373027Darren Wise 01708 [email protected]


Editor:Bruce Nicholls 07505 [email protected]

Commercial AdvertisingRon Ower 07721 [email protected]

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MMOOBBIILLEE:: 0077778888 772255885533




Printed by FT Print, Centrus Business Park, Mead Lane, Hertford, SG13 7GXPublished by Upminster & Cranham Residents’ Association. Bruce Nicholls, 38 Derham Gardens, Upminster, Essex, RM14 3HA