declaration of independence

Declaration of Independence Jefferson said it was a blast against “chains” of “monkish ignorance and superstition” in which men had willingly bound themselves

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Page 1: Declaration of independence

Declaration of Independence

Jefferson said it was a blast against “chains” of “monkish ignorance and superstition” in which men had willingly bound themselves

Page 2: Declaration of independence

American Rebellion

“The spirit of the European Enlightenment informed the American Declaration of Independence.”

– Reject monarchy/dynastic legitmacy – Began as tax revolt/fiscal crisis– Endorse Equality (white males)– Based on consent of governed– Inalienable Natural Rights– Including Right of Rebellion when rights

violated– Written constitution to limit govt power

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John Locke 1632-1794

Key inspiration for Decl of Independence Physician “Two Treatises on Government” (1690)

argues consent of people basis of political legitimacy

Social contract theoryLimited government Natural rightsSeparation of Religion and Govt

faith private matter

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Locke’s Letter on Toleration (1689) “chief identifying mark of the true Church”

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Locke’s Letter on Toleration (1689)

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French Revolution

• Murder king!

• Began as severe tax revolt/fiscal crisis, caused by French support of Americans!

• Declarations of Rights of Man and Citizen

.5 % Clergy & 1.5% Nobles, 1st and 2nd Estates , all wealth no taxes

86% of peasants, 3rd Estate, no wealth all taxes

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Compare American Rebellion/French Revolution

Originated as tax revolts

British caused by fighting French

French caused by aiding Americans @ Brits!

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Some Differences between the Rebellion and the Revolution?

• 1. Americans did not kill the king!

– Terror, determined fight by aristocrats all over Europe

• 2. Three thousands miles of ocean

• 3. George Washington! (He was not Bonaparte!)