debunking a climate sceptic by clive blanchard, b.e.(hons), m.i.e.aust, cpeng, nper, m.airah many...

Debunking a climate sceptic Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims. As an aid to promoting informed debate, I have analysed the claims in ‘Why an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is not necessaryby sceptic Leon Ashby. The majority of the claims are ridiculous, and even the two or three reasonable questions he raises are readily answerable.

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Page 1: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Debunking a climate scepticDebunking a climate sceptic

By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng,

NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims. As an aid to promoting informed debate, I have analysed the claims in ‘Why an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is not necessary’ by sceptic Leon Ashby. The majority of the claims are ridiculous, and even the two or three reasonable questions he raises are readily answerable.

Page 2: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

IntroductionIntroduction There are a number of documents circulating, claiming

there is no need to have an emissions trading scheme. One of these is ‘Why an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is not necessary’ by Leon Ashby President of “The Climate Sceptics”

My presentation shows a number of the tricks used by Leon and many other climate sceptics to distort the facts. By understanding the sceptics arguments, you can demonstrate to others that a trading scheme is required.

Page 3: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

About Clive Blanchard, the About Clive Blanchard, the authorauthor

Is a Registered Professional Engineer with a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering.

(University of Adelaide).

Established in 1997. It is Australia's premier independent website on energy saving in

the home.

Is on a Standards Australia sub-committee.

Wrote ‘House Taming: How to reduce greenhouse gases in Comfort’ a book on reducing energy use in the


Has spoken at industry conferences and seminars and has had a number of innovative papers published .

Has had a number of innovative energy saving ideas patented.

Has over 30 years experience in minimising energy use.

Page 4: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Outline of this Outline of this presentationpresentation1. Examples of tricks used by

climate sceptics2. Why we should have an

emissions trading scheme.3. What you can do about it

Page 5: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Examples of tricks often Examples of tricks often used by climate scepticsused by climate sceptics When arguing that the benefits of an emissions trading scheme are small they often use the lowest

estimates of the reduction in carbon emissions associated with the lowest carbon reduction targets, yet

when they argue about the cost of a trading scheme they use the highest estimates of likely carbon costs.

Comparing the costs of a high reduction target with the benefits of a low reduction target is completely


Implying that what occurs in a controlled experiment can be directly extrapolated to the earth as a whole.

Stating untruths (e.g. saying 3.4% of CO2 in the atmosphere is caused by humans when it is actually 28%)

Page 6: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

SuggestingSuggesting CO2 is not a CO2 is not a pollutantpollutantLeon argues that because CO2 is

needed for life it is not a pollutant.Anything in too great a concentration is a

pollutant. In this context, if the concentration is great enough to cause an unacceptable change in climate, then yes it is a pollutant.

Page 7: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Arguing that more CO2 is Arguing that more CO2 is goodgood

The fact that plants may grow faster in some circumstances in higher

concentrations of CO2 is irrelevant to the debate. This faster growth

only occurs where growth is not limited by sunlight, water or nutrients.

It is irrelevant because there would be few if any locations on earth

where the limiting factor on plant growth is atmospheric CO2

concentration the normal limits are:

insufficient water

Insufficient sunlight

Insufficient soil nutrients

Page 8: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Arguing that human caused Arguing that human caused greenhouse emissions are tiny.greenhouse emissions are tiny.

First of all he says human caused CO2 emissions are only 3.4% of total CO2 when it is actually 28%

He ranks greenhouse gases by volume when you should rank them by contribution to the greenhouse effect.

Concentration of CO2 showing the actual increase since 1750

Page 9: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Arguing that Australia’s ETS will Arguing that Australia’s ETS will have no effect on greenhouse have no effect on greenhouse gas emissionsgas emissionsHe does his analysis assuming Australia is the only country reducing greenhouse gases

◦ (actually real commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have been made by most

countries, and now cover over 85% of emissions)

◦ He uses the erroneous arithmetic detailed in the previous slide

◦ He uses the 5% commitment by 2020, which is not relevant as the long term expectation is

that all nations will reduce emissions to an equivalent of around 2.5 tonnes CO2 per capita.

(Australia currently emits about 26 tonnes, requiring a long term per capita reduction of about


Page 10: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Claiming it will cost $4,550 Claiming it will cost $4,550 per taxpayerper taxpayer Leon claims it will cost $50 Billion per year for 40 years or

$4,550 per taxpayer per year based on a report from Frontier


Check the original report: it gives $121 billion over 20 years or approx $6

billion per year i.e. 1/8 the value claimed here!

When you do the numbers, the Frontier Modelling report suggests it will

cost $283 per person per year or less than a dollar a day per person.

This cost is affordable.

Page 11: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Blaming Spain’s Blaming Spain’s unemployment on their unemployment on their renewable energy policies.renewable energy policies.Most commentators link Spanish unemployment

to labour market and other economic policies. The one technical paper that claims a link to the

green policies, claims 110,000 jobs were lost due to moving to green power, but even if this is true (most commentators argue it increased employment) this is only a fraction of Spain’s 4.1million unemployed.

Page 12: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Claiming that ‘just 5 independent Claiming that ‘just 5 independent scientists’ from the IPCC supported scientists’ from the IPCC supported the claim that CO2 causes climate the claim that CO2 causes climate changechange This is a ridiculous statement.

The vast majority of those on the IPCC believe that

human greenhouse gas emissions probably cause

climate change.

If he wants to make this statement then his own

analysis says that only two independent scientists from

the IPCC believe that there is less than a 90% chance

that climate change is caused by mankind.

Page 13: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Implying that just because it has been Implying that just because it has been warmer previously, we shouldn’t worry warmer previously, we shouldn’t worry about climate change.about climate change. Our current society didn’t exist in previous warm periods.

Our society is set up for the current temperatures.

We could change the climate our society is set up for, but do we

want to pay the cost?

The rate of change of temperatures is far higher than previous


It is less risky to slow human caused climate change, than to

deal with the consequences.

Page 14: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Using short time scales to Using short time scales to reach erroneous conclusionsreach erroneous conclusions

There are many factors which influence temperatures. Including

many that cause short term fluctuations. Even if there is an

overall rising trend, you will get some short periods where the

trend is flat or even down.

To get a meaningful understanding, you need to look at periods

of 50 or a100 years.

Leon claims that the trend in the last decade was flat, however it

has just been shown that it was the hottest decade since records

have been kept.

Page 15: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Claiming ice core data Claiming ice core data doesn’t support global doesn’t support global warmingwarmingThe Vostok ice core data

shows there is a link between C02 and temperature.

Because of the feedback loops, rising temperature can increase CO2, or rising CO2 can increase temperature.

Page 16: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Claiming Miskolczi’s paper Claiming Miskolczi’s paper ‘Greenhouse effect in semi-transparent ‘Greenhouse effect in semi-transparent planetary atmospheres’ means CO2 planetary atmospheres’ means CO2 will not affect temperaturewill not affect temperature Past climate changes caused by natural events have triggered

greenhouse gas releases which have increased both CO2 and water

vapour, while he argues that as CO2 increases water vapour reduces.

Even if we accept his work he still concedes temperatures can

increase 3 degrees due to CO2 increases, which is greater than the

commonly accepted figure of 2 degrees being the maximum tolerable

temperature increase.

Page 17: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Overestimating the cost of Overestimating the cost of cutting greenhouse cutting greenhouse emissionsemissions

Leon quotes a report prepared for the Business Council of Australia which he uses to give the

impression that four out of every 14 businesses will close, but:

The chart he uses is for $40 per ton, without compensation.

Compensation was always going to be included.

He failed to mention these case studies were all Energy Intensive Trade Exposed businesses (EITE


◦ Other businesses will only be significantly affected if they fail to make adjustments early enough

◦ Even with these EITE businesses the business council was arguing for a change in the scheme, not

abolishing it.

◦ Substantial changes were made to the scheme so the conclusions do not apply to the current proposal

Page 18: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Claiming misleading Claiming misleading costscostsLeon makes a number of misleading claims about costs, such as that

power will rise (in price) 100%.

◦ the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has forecast the wholesale price

of electricity may double, However what you pay (the retail price) increase

due to the proposed emissions trading scheme is likely to be around 3 cents.

Other factors mean predicted retail prices will rise more than that, but current

proposals won’t lead to an untenable result.

◦ Even if the cost per kW rose by 100%, this doesn’t mean we would spend twice

as much on power, as at that price a large number of energy saving initiatives

will be highly cost effective.

Page 19: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Claiming that Australia’s Claiming that Australia’s economy will be like economy will be like Cambodia’sCambodia’sThis is another completely

unsubstantiated claim, that Leon provides no evidence for.

Lets keep the debate meaningful and ignore ridiculous claims like this.

Page 20: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Tricks often used by climate Tricks often used by climate scepticssceptics : Wrap-up : Wrap-up Claims denying that man is causing climate change are either:

◦ Valid questions over-emphasised

◦ Meaningless

Claims about the costs of an emission trading scheme typically use the

highest estimates of carbon cost giving an artificially high cost.

Claims about ineffectiveness of action typically:

◦ Using the lowest estimate of carbon costs and reduction target and

hence showing a small benefit.

◦ Often assume only Australia takes action when countries producing

over 85% of emissions have committed to reductions.

Page 21: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Why we should take Why we should take actionactionThe cost of not taking action is

likely to be far higher than the cost of taking action.

Most proposed actions have other benefits as well.

An emissions trading scheme is insurance for our planet.

Page 22: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

The cost of not taking action is The cost of not taking action is likely to be far likely to be far higherhigher than the cost than the cost of taking actionof taking action The report ‘Australia to 2050: Future Challenges’

estimates an 8% reduction in Australia’s GDP by

2100 if no action is taken.

Coastal flooding as sea levels rise.

◦ As significant numbers of Australians live very close to the

sea, this will have a major impact

Increased droughts in much of Australia particularly

in the South West and South East.

More Bushfires.

Page 23: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

The cost of not taking action is The cost of not taking action is likely to be far higher than the cost likely to be far higher than the cost of taking action -continuedof taking action -continuedMore frequent flooding due to extreme

rainfall events, particularly in the North West of Australia.

More storm damage.Southerly spread of tropical diseases

and pests.6% decrease in Australian net primary


Page 24: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Most proposed actions have Most proposed actions have other benefits as wellother benefits as wellIncreased energy efficiency and

increased use of alternative fuels will reduce conventional pollution (particulates, NOx, etc )

Reafforestation will reduce soil erosion, increase birdlife and other native species.

Page 25: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

An emissions trading An emissions trading scheme reduces riskscheme reduces riskWe all live our lives exposed to risk, we

might have a car accident, so we insure our car.

An emissions trading scheme is insurance for our planet. The difference is that in this case if we don’t take out the insurance (i.e. reduce greenhouse gas emissions) the negative consequences are highly likely to occur.

Page 26: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Why we should have an Why we should have an emissions trading scheme: emissions trading scheme: Wrap-upWrap-upThe consequences of not having a

scheme are probably unacceptable.The costs of a scheme are much

less than the likely costs of not having a scheme.◦We can minimise the impact of climate

change and still have economic growth

Page 27: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

SummarySummaryClimate skeptics are erroneously claiming that

scientific evidence is being ignored◦ When in fact they are distorting that evidence.

They claim logical arguments are being ignored◦ When in fact they are ignoring logic and facts

They claim that international bodies will dictate to us how our lives will be run◦ This is another completely unsubstantiated claim

that Leon provides no evidence or arguments for.

Page 28: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Summary - continuedSummary - continuedIn fact: Climate change probably is man made The costs to minimise it are affordable An emission trading scheme uses market forces to

minimise the cost Previous experience with the introduction of

legislation impacting businesses is that businesses typically grossly overestimate the costs of the legislation

Page 29: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

What to do nextWhat to do nextDistribute this to those who will be

interested.Take action to reduce your own

greenhouse gas emissions. For a simple and quick analysis to

give five cost effective actions to reduce your energy use in the home visit

Page 30: Debunking a climate sceptic By Clive Blanchard, B.E.(Hons), M.I.E.Aust, CPEng, NPER, M.AIRAH Many climate sceptics have been making ridiculous claims

Further Further informationinformationTo start with try the government

site try which lists a range of sites debunking myths

For energy saving ideas try my site,

Also try