dead space 2 walkthrough

Dead Space 2 complete hardcore walk through Contents: 1. General Strategies and prerequisites 2. Enemies 3. Prologue – Where am I? 4. Chapter 1 – I know, I've had a lot of practice. 5. Chapter 2 – Public transport won't be the death of me. 6. Chapter 3 – Who cut one? 7. Chapter 4 – The separation of Church and State. 8. Chapter 5 – The double cross 9. Chapter 6 – The last person who said that tried to kill me. 10. Chapter 7 – Destroying the AI 11.Chapter 8 – Not meant for human traffic 12.Chapter 9 – A tram ride with Isaac Clarke is never simple 13.Chapter 10 – Last time I was here things didn't go so well 14. Chapter 11 – Why did you do it Stross!? 15.Chapter 12 – You know I'm riding on top of this thing right!? 16.Chapter 13 – Drop your tool and put your hands in the air 17. Chapter 14 – Stick a needle in your eye 18. Chapter 15 – Make us whole.

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Walkthrough the game of dead space 2


Page 1: Dead Space 2 Walkthrough

Dead Space 2 complete hardcore walk through


1. General Strategies and prerequisites

2. Enemies

3. Prologue – Where am I?

4. Chapter 1 – I know, I've had a lot of practice.

5. Chapter 2 – Public transport won't be the death of me.

6. Chapter 3 – Who cut one?

7. Chapter 4 – The separation of Church and State.

8. Chapter 5 – The double cross

9. Chapter 6 – The last person who said that tried to kill me.

10. Chapter 7 – Destroying the AI

11. Chapter 8 – Not meant for human traffic

12. Chapter 9 – A tram ride with Isaac Clarke is never simple

13. Chapter 10 – Last time I was here things didn't go so well

14. Chapter 11 – Why did you do it Stross!?

15. Chapter 12 – You know I'm riding on top of this thing right!?

16. Chapter 13 – Drop your tool and put your hands in the air

17. Chapter 14 – Stick a needle in your eye

18. Chapter 15 – Make us whole.

Page 2: Dead Space 2 Walkthrough

1. General Strategies and prerequisites

• Hardcore mode appears to be almost impossible but is manageable provided you practice

and learn where the Necromorphs jump out. You don't need the DLC armour, flash

weapons or cheats just plenty of time and patience.

• On your first play through I recommend playing on Survivalist as it will give you a feel of

how strong the enemies are. Make a save at the beginning of each chapter on your first run

so you can drill a troublesome section if you find you stumble at the same point when

attempting hardcore.

• Following on from that idea, it will give you piece of mind if you run each individual chapter

with this guide two to three times with this guide. It will make your hardcore run more

efficient and hopefully avoid you pausing the game every few minutes to check the guide.

• In the controls menu I recommend setting the sensitivity to 3 or 4. The default 2 is way too

slow if you get hit from behind. Change aiming in the settings > controls menu to classic,

this changes the sight from the weapon to a solid beam. Turn off vibration, this adds to the

tension and will induce panic and stress. Practise quick aiming.

• I recommend taking a break after each save for at least an hour to let yourself simmer

down and refocus. You may think it ruins your momentum but trust me when you get tired

you will make silly mistakes and get frustrated.

• There are mixed opinions about which weapons you should choose. I personally don't like

the new additions at the moment and like my preferred setup from the previous game

which was a plasma cutter, line gun and the trusty contact beam. The force gun also seems

to be a favourite among others but aside from keeping charging Necromorphs at bay I find

it underpowered.

• Spend/save your money for ammo, health and suits. There are plenty of power nodes

throughout the game for upgrading without buying them. Don't buy unnecessary quantities

of anything, if it doesn't fit in your inventory don't buy it.

• Save at least four lots of Contact Beam ammo in storage, one/two lots in inventory and sell

any surplus for great profit.

• Conserve ammo wherever possible but don't go out of your way to use projectiles as this

can get you into a lot of trouble quickly. Don't forget to smash the Necromorph corpses for

ammo, credits and health. I will point out schematic locations, power nodes and power

node locked doors.

• Heal as soon as you get hit. Don't forget to drop your sights and press the quick heal button

when in a jam as picking up a pointless object will likely cause you to get hit again.

• With only three possible saves you need to be able to complete the first half of the game

pretty much unscathed. This isn't too difficult provided again you stay alert and know

where the trouble is coming from. The general advice is to save at chapter 7/8, 10/11 and


• Take a break after each save for at least an hour. Play multiplayer, new game+ or something

else entirely.

• These are my personal notes and strategies. You may find something else works for you a

little better, if so go for it. The advanced warning of where enemies come from will still help

you out. I've tried to keep the guide spoiler free just in case you intend to use this as a

guide to your first play through but I beg you don't use it if so! Enjoy Dead Space 2 as it was

supposed to be first then worry about hardcore.

• If you struggled with a casual/normal play through I would not recommend attempting

hardcore at all on your second play through. Attempt a new game (not +!) on survivalist.

This guide is still useful to you if you want to use it but of course you can save more often.

Page 3: Dead Space 2 Walkthrough

2. Enemies

In the main the majority of the enemies are the same as the first game with a few additions. The

Leapers in particular have been given a bit more speed and can be a little troublesome if you aren't

quick and accurate with stasis and plasma cutter/line gun.

• Slasher – The first enemies you meet in the game, they are human form with blades for

arms. Removing both arms will kill them however I recommend shooting them twice in the

leg and once in one of their arms. This gives you more time and space however does spend

more ammo. The arms for dead slasher are particularly good projectile weapons with

kinesis. A Slasher at full health will take two projectiles to kill. Later in the game you meet

advanced Slashers who have dark flesh and more health. The strategy is much the same.

• Spitter – A Slasher with claws and spit. Their spit damages you and more hazardously limits

your mobility. Where possible shoot these from cover. Again dismembering the legs then

the arms is advisable. These have an enhanced form with bigger health and rapid fire spit.

• Puker – Usually travel around with Slashers/Spitters, they spray streams of acid at you. As

with Spitters try to shoot them from cover and dismember their limbs to kill them.

• Tripod – First met as a boss in chapter 1. It's vulnerable in the yellow spots on it's elbows.

They will claw at you when close and stick their tongue out to impale you. At a distance

they will leap at you causing a shock wave resulting in massive damage.

• Leaper – These are the dog like things from the first game. The have two arms and a spiked

tails. They are extremely fast and seem to jump a lot further than the first game. Use stasis

and remove their arms before they get too close. Just for kicks these also have an enhanced

version, the are completely black, are stronger and harder to kill.

• Infectors – Small winged creatures that turn intact corpses into slashers etc. Dismember

any corpses lying around and kill them quickly to avoid being overwhelmed.

• Exploder – Human form Necromorphs with a large explosive pustule on their left arm.

Shoot the pustule at a distance, shoot the pustule off and use it to kill other necromorphs

or stasis them and run past. Above all make sure you know where they are coming from

and keep your distance.

• Lurker – Small creature with retractable tentacles that fire projectiles at you. If you get too

close they will also grab you and deal significant damage. Dismember the tentacles with

either a plasma cutter or line gun or you can single shot kill them with a contact beam


• Pack – Little kid type things with claws for hands. They will grab you if too close. They are

simple to kill (one shot from a plasma cutter anywhere usually does the trick) however the

sheer volume of them when you do come across them can make for a challenging section.

• Crawler – Little babies with explosive pustules on their backs. Like the pack these are easily

dispatched with a single shot from the plasma cutter. Don't let them get too close.

• Stalker – Kind of look like velociraptors but with longer claws. They are incredibly agile.

When about to pounce they will usually stick their head out from behind cover and after a

second or two charge while emitting a loud screeching noise. Do not run around after these

guys. When you trigger them to come out retreat to an area with limited access, preferably

a long corridor and wait for them to pounce. Stasis and dismember their legs and arms,

often a single line gun shot to the legs will kill them. These also have enhanced forms again

with stronger health and attack.

• Brute – The first time you meet one of these is at the end of chapter 2 at the end of the

train sequence. They have tough armour and will charge you if it has both arms intact. Aim

for the yellow spots on it's shoulders. When you remove one arm it will begin to shoot

explosive projectiles at you. You can either stasis them, grab the explosive and chuck it at

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the yellow spot or avoid the projectiles entirely and continue to shoot the other arm off.

• Guardian – Wall mounted sentry with many tentacles, shoots tiny bulbs out that in turn

have a tentacle that shoots at you. If you get too close it will insta-kill you with a sharp

tentacle and the bulbs will explode for massive damage if you get too close. Use a line gun

mine or explosive to quickly dispatch these guys. Use the plasma cutter on the bulbs'

tentacles to kill them.

• Divider – Tall, lanky and surprisingly strong these guys will try to slash you and grab you.

When you do kill it it will break up into several other smaller creatures that will leap at you

and grab on. Kill it quickly (if necessary) with a high damage weapon and finish off the

smaller creatures with your plasma cutter.

• Cyst – pulsating bulbs that shoot explosives when you enter their proximity. When on the

ground lob anything at them from a distance and they will blow themselves up. Stasis any

on the walls, make them shoot a mine, grab it with kinesis and launch it back at them to

conserve ammo.

• Pregnant – Large stalker like creatures that will burst and release the swarm if you shoot

them in the belly. Take out their legs and arms to avoid the swarm.

• The Swarm – Tiny little creatures that will leap at you and will leach your health off you.

Shoot them quickly and if they grab you repeatedly tap the button prompt to get them of

your back!

• Ubermorph – You meet this guy in chapter 14. Much like the hunter from the first game

this guy regenerates and has infinite health so is impossible to kill. Line gun mine/contact

beam shot and then stasis the torso for around ten seconds of respite from his charge.

So onto the guide...

3. Prologue – Where am I?

After the open cut scene you will find yourself being shouted at to run! So do just that, run to the

left of the pillar in front of you, run to the end and turn left as soon as possible, follow the corridor

right and right again, run through the door and you'll be grabbed by a slasher. Repeated tap the

button prompted to escape it's grasp. You'll see a save point ahead – DO NOT SAVE!

Follow the path around and you'll soon be grabbed by the bloke you saw in the opening credits.

Watch the scene, follow the button prompts, exit through the door to your left and ride the

elevator down.

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4. Chapter 1 – deja vu?

Follow the path, enter the vent and open the panel to get kinesis. Smash one of the windows with

a prong and dispatch the two slashers with the prongs lying underneath the formerly floating man.

Run out of the smashed window and run down the middle path to the elevator.

Once out of the elevator turn right immediately, grab a prong and kill the 3 slashers in here with

the prongs/slasher arms. Smash the corpses for ammo and health and follow the path around to

the next room. Scout the side rooms for ammo/health/credits and enter the centre room to grab

the plasma cutter. Kill the first Slasher with the Plasma Cutter and the next with the former

Slashers claws, exit the room, kill the flailing slasher strapped to the bed with the Plasma Cutter

and move on to the next room.

Through the door, turn right, left and hug the wall on the left ending up next to the locked door. 3

slashers will jump out at you. One will come from the vent in front and above you, one from where

you just came and one from the area ahead. Take them out, scout the area for pick ups and go

through the door you hid next to.

Check the next two rooms for goodies. In the next area head right to find a medkit and ammo.

Follow the orderly to the shutter and stay here to take out the 5 slashers that attack. Grab the

small medkit to the right in the broken vending machine go through the doors ahead and grab the

Power Node from the receptionist bay. Go through the large door, follow the route around until

you reach a room where you acquire stasis. Hack the panel, stasis the slasher and kill him – if you

miss with stasis he will instantly kill you and is impervious to Plasma Cutter rounds until in Stasis,

aim for where he pounces to increase you chances of hitting him. Open the security door with the

blue panel, stasis it, recharge it at the station and quickly run through the door.

The next area contains two pukers, take them out quickly and grab the Power Node on the bench.

Continue into the elevator for another cut sequence. The elevator opens to a nurses station. Grab

the Power Node from the bay to the right of the balloons and continue on the path. The window

will blow out in the next room, shoot the red switch to shut it.

Move on to the next room but hang back in the doorway. Throw something at the slasher lying on

the ground to make him jump up and take him out. Grab the Power Node off the wall, enter the

store to buy the first suit and exit via the adjacent door into a vacuum area. Kinesis the Power

Node ahead and follow the route around to the first 'boss' type creature.

You will now be entering a tram station. Kinesis the boxes around the room to grab some extra

ammo and health and head towards the broken tram. A short cut sequence will introduce the

tripod. The best strategy is to keep circling the central pillar with the tripod chasing you, stasis and

shoot the yellow parts on his elbows. When you run out of stasis make sure the tripod is on the

opposite side of the pillar to the recharge station and run straight for it. Don't hang around too

long and run near the left or right wall to make a bigger loop back to the central pillar. Rinse and

repeat. I recommend practising this battle if you can't kill the tripod without taking damage as you

should really be able to with this strategy.

Once it's down do not approach him, instead kinesis the gold semi conductor away from it to make

it wriggle around again. It should now be safe to approach. Recharge your stasis at the wall, exit

through the door to the right of this station and on into the vent to chapter 2.

Not so bad eh?

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5. Chapter 2 - Public transport won't be the death of me.

You will exit the vent into a room with a store and a bench inside. Sell the gold semi conductor and

buy the line gun and some plasma cutter ammo if you need it. At the bench upgrade one slot of rig

HP, Stasis duration, Plasma Cutter damage and Line Gun damage. You should have one node left

over for the door up ahead.

Go through the door and move towards the conveyor walkway. A slasher will come hurtling

towards you so be ready to take him out. Smash up the nearby boxes for ammo and head towards

the node locked door at the end to grab the power node schematic, 1 small med kit, 3 plasma

cutter ammo and a ruby semiconductor. Return to the store and sell off the semiconductor.

Through the door to the left of the node locked door and you will see a woman mutilated by a

slasher, take it out quickly and enter the elevator. When the elevator opens and stross introduces

himself stand a little back from the railing and wait for the Leaper to climb up. Stasis and kill him.

Follow the waypoint to the next room and just inside a slasher will jump out, take him out quickly.

Enter the room to the left and kill the crawling Puker. Turn around to kill the slasher heading

towards you and kinesis one of his arms for the next section.

The next area is a T-Junction with a laundry section on the left. Move around to the right and hug

the door at the end. A Slasher, a Puker, a Leaper and then two Slashers will appear in this area at

either the laundry room end or in front of you. Unfortunately this does seem to be random. Be

sure to dispatch them quickly as they can overwhelm you in such a confined space. Use kinesis

wherever possible and stasis the Leaper to take out it's arms quickly.

Go through the door, grab any ammo etc and enter the elevator. At the top grab the green box at

the end and a slasher will jump out to the left/right. Fire the box at him to knock him over and take

him out. In the next area you will see a slasher lying on the ground. Fire an item at him, take him

out quickly and the leaper that follows (don't forget stasis). Run to the end of the conveyor and

take out the four exploders that appear.

Go through the unlocked door and into the station, a train will rush by. Stick to this section and

dismember all the dead bodies. Pick up the Stasis Pack schematic on the tracks. Move up to the

stationary train door and an Infector and Slasher will eventually come out of the train, use a line

gun mine and stasis them there.

Move on into the train, hack the panel and turn around to face some more Necromorphs. A

Slasher, then a Puker will enter along with another Slasher. A Puker is waiting for you in the next

carriage. Out of the back of this carriage you have to fly between them, fly right then left to avoid

the doors. Once inside the carriage an Exploder will appear through the right window and a

Slasher through the left. If you're quick you can detonate the Exploder taking the slasher with it.

Into the next carriage the train will derail and send you flying down it. Don't worry about shooting

the slashers as you fly down the train.

You'll now end up dangling upside down from the back end of the train. Great. You can still use

quick heal, Kinesis and stasis in addition to firing. Grab a spike from the floor and take out the

crawling slasher as he comes towards you. Take out the exploder in the distance then the 5

slashers and the second exploder. Aim for the legs as they can't hit you when crawling. Turn

around to face the Brute, shoot one of his arms off and watch the cut sequence. Keep in mind that

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sometimes there will be a slasher that is missed by both you and the train because he tucked

himself away.

On to chapter 3...

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6. Chapter 3 – Who cut one?

Look around for ammo in the aftermath of the train crash. Up to the right of the train behind a

large crate is a Power Node. To the left of the train is the Pulse Rifle schematic. So on up the ramps

and through the door you will see a silhouette of a Pack member. Turn right and you will see a

slasher lying on the ground. Chuck a dead body at him and he will jump up, end his days. Turn

around and there will be a Power Node on the wall.

Follow the ramps up into a colourful shopping centre. Run to the left and turn around to face the

pack. Once dealt with enter the store and buy some plasma cutter ammo if you need it. A Power

Node it sitting in one of the holes in the shop doors to your right.

Jump into the elevator next to you, it will open up to a Pack member jumping off the balcony, don't

bother wasting ammo on him. Cross to the other side of this floor, hack the panel and enter yet

another elevator. Turn left then right and move forward until you trigger the next attack of the

Necromorphs. Shoot the exploders pod and then the switch for the window. Run to the same

window and turn around to face a few Pack. Climb through the vent and out into the garbage

compactor area.

Up the ramp to switch off the garbage compactor, return to the ramp (edge down and return to

the top) to face a Puker, two Stalkers and an Exploder. Go through the door on the left at the

bottom of the ramp, launch off the platform, head left and enter the door on the left here. There

should be a Power Node in here. Now fly over to the door diagonally across from this one and

activate the switch at the end. Go through the door that just opened up and boost to the platform

at the end. Don't worry about avoiding the debris as it does not damage you, however it does slow

you down.

Just inside the next area the lights will go out. Move on up the ramp to the left and a slasher will

jump out from the vent on the right or left at the top. Plug the power pack in to activate guess

what, yep another elevator. There is a Power Node locked door here which contains a gold

semiconductor and a medium med kit along with ammo. You may feel you need it, you may not.

Jump in the lift and at the top on the left wall you will find a Power Node. Out of the lift a few

Swarm will appear out of the room in front of you. Take them out with your plasma cutter. Turn

right and there will be a slasher feigning death again. Chuck something at him, take him out and

the swarm behind him. Go through the door to the left and into the eerie nursery.

Out of here, through the door on the left and a slasher will jump out on the right. Take him out and

jump into the elevator. At the bottom of the elevator you will move around into a large room

where you will face a few nasty necromorphs. Try and take out as many dead bodies as possible

from just behind the archway to the room. Run to the right, down the stairs and wait for the

Infector to crawl in to infect the body there. Take it out. Usually a Puker will burst through the vent

above the door to the left now. Take him out. A second may drop soon after. You will probably here

an Exploder now. Turn around to face it coming from either the left or right vent across the other

side of the room – there could be a second. Another Infector will enter the room, usually from the

right vent. This is usually followed by another Exploder if he hasn't appeared already. Once all

taken out go through the door that's just unlocked. Dodge to the left of the centre piece and on

into the church.

On to Chapter 4...

Page 9: Dead Space 2 Walkthrough

7. Chapter 4 – the separation of church and state.

From the foyer go through the door on the left, go up the stairs and through the next door into an

area with a save point, store and bench. DO NOT SAVE YET!

Buy some plasma cutter ammo if you're running low and sell any unneeded or accumulated items.

Keep in mind we will be finding the Security Suit schematic soon which you will want to upgrade to

(costs 20,000). You should have 4 Power Nodes to spend. I recommend upgrading the plasma

cutter to join the two damage nodes together across two empty ones. This means you should see a

decent jump when you add further nodes later as virtually every node you place adds to the

weapon. Leave one power node alone for a Node locked door.

Return to the foyer and go through the opposite door, up the steps and through the unlocked door

at the top of the stairs. Immediately you will be met by an Infector, launch a line gun mine at it and

stasis it. Run to the bottom of the stairs and do the same to the Infector tucked away underneath

the stairs around to the right. A third infector should appear on the opposite side of the circle, if

your quick you should be able to catch him with the same strategy while he's infecting his first

corpse. A slasher or two will burst through the vents, usually near the third Infector, nail them with

the line gun. Activate the lift in the centre pillar and you may be attacked by a Spitter and a Slasher

if you hesitate too long.

At the top of the of the lift go through the two doors in a row to an open room with chairs set out

and a large window. Grab a spike from the left and put it just in front of the door on the right. Go

through this door, remove the panel on the left and move one of the blue blocks from the right

over to the vacant slot on the left, this will activate the door. Remember the spike we put in front

of the door? Pick it up ready to pierce the window when three slashers come out and quickly

shoot the red button. This saves a great deal of ammo. If you are a bit nervous about this then just

take the three slashers out normally. Stasis the malfunctioning door and go through. Grab the

Security Suit Schematic from the shelving to the left of the vent. If you want you can go back to the

store to buy it if you have enough credits – in fact it's recommended you do!

On through the vent then and as soon as you reach the end you will have to repeatedly tap the

button prompt. Once finished grab the Power Node on the desk and exit through the door on the

left. Go through the door to right at the end, move around to the right and down the lift. Follow

the path around to the centre chamber and run up to the door which is subsequently smashed.

When the conversation between Isaac and Daina finishes move towards the centre of the room to

trigger the gates to unlock. Queue the first meeting with the Stalkers. Run back to the broken door

and wait for them to charge, you'll hear a horrible screech and should see them coming. Use you

line gun here and aim for their legs. If you have the security suit they will do little damage if they

do hit once or twice but the aim is not to get hit at all.

Move to the hacking panel on the right to turn on the elevator. At the top move to the left to find a

Power Node next to a dead body. Go into the opposite direction now, through the door at the end

follow the corridor around to the left and through the door on the right. As you move toward the

altar in this room a load of Swarm will fall from the ceiling and two Slashers will attack. Retreat

back to the door and take them out with the Plasma Cutter. Move around to behind the alter when

the room is clear and you will see another Slasher feigning death. Chuck one of the items on the

floor at him and take him out with the plasma cutter. Jump in the elevator behind him and down

the stairs to chapter 5...

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8. Chapter 5 – The double cross

You now enter an area that looks like a cryogen freezer. The first three areas are free from any

Necromorphs. Head left in the fourth area and be ready for a Puker to jump out one of the tanks

on the right. Fifth area now if you head into the area the left and head back as soon as you hear

glass smash you will have to fight 4 slashers and a Puker. When the path dips at the end of this

area there will be a Puker waiting for you. There is also a Slasher feigning death on the floor near

the door to the next area.

Next area is a nice little puzzle. There is a gold semiconductor on the elevator side of the central

contraption here. Ride the elevator down to the lower floor and grab the Power Node and Ripper

schematic (if you have room). Hack the centre console to lower the lock in arms. Stasis the

spinning centre discs and use kinesis to pull the arms down in pairs. Once you have all the discs

locked down the gravity will be removed allowing you to fly up to the ceiling. Stasis the fan and

boost between the blades. Stasis the ceiling as a box drops and go through the opening left

behind. Grab the Medium Med Pack schematic floating around here, switch the gravity back on at

the panel and go through the door.

There will be a store on the right. If you can afford it now and didn't get it before grab the security

suit and if you are running low on ammo/health grab it here. In the next area the lights will briefly

go out and return after a few seconds. There is a bench here where I would advise upgrading the

Plasma Cutter's damage where possible making sure to leave one Power Node for any doors. Move

the panels across with kinesis to reveal a vent (don't save here yet!).

After crawling the vent you will fall through to a dark area. Turn around to grab any ammo or

credits lying around. In the next room grab the Line Racks schematic from behind the stack of

green crates. Grab the ammo from the boxes and head out of the room. Follow the corridor

around to meet two lurkers and a charging Slasher. Take out the Slasher quickly and despatch the

lurkers by removing their tentacles when exposed. Move on up and round into a large room with

stair cases either side. A large tripod will jump out and grab you, shoot the yellow spot on the

tentacle. It will then drop you and retreat followed by an attack from the Pack. Run back towards

where you entered, stay inside the curved corridor and take the Pack out with your Plasma Cutter.

When the music stops your okay to move back into the church. A Slasher will appear as you come

out of this alcove and charge towards you – take it out. A Medium Med Pack will be waiting for you

next to the middle left pilar.

Up the left ramp and around and an exploder will appear, needless to say take him out. Move up

slowly and a Slasher will burst through the window in front of you. Then a Slasher from behind.

Move up slowly and a Puker will appear from the right along with a slasher from one of the

windows in front of you. Grab the health from the centre balcony, a Slasher will climb up, own him.

Turn around and go through the door to meet a crawling Stalker. Stasis him and stomp him. Move

on to the next room with a sculpture of the marker and a cut sequence begins. When done go

through the door at the end into another elevator and after a while a Slasher will drop from the

ceiling, beat him to death.

Out of the elevator follow path to the right and into the small office on the right to grab a Power

Node and the Detonator Gun Schematic. Don't Save Yet! Turn right out of this room then left,

through the door and into the next cutscene. Be ready to tap the button prompt! When attacked

by the uber tripod shoot the yellow bits. Run, kinesis the door and run! Next aim for the canisters

emitted from the ship. You are then chucked back inside ready for Chapter 6...

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9. Chapter 6 – The last person who said that tried to kill me.

Check the rooms around you for a Power Node and move up the corridor and through the door.

The door to the right opens out to the balcony containing the Seeker Rifle Schematic. Return and

take the door at the end on the right (next to save station). Around to the right and go through the

next door and then down in the elevator. At the bottom you will find you are back to the area you

were in toward the end of Chapter 3.

As you enter this room a Pregnant will come through the archway opposite. Shoot it in the legs and

arms to kill it quickly and run towards it and around to the right. Stand next to the store at the end.

This is a nice little funnel for the next few Necromorphs that attack. You will now have to face two

Leapers before the door ahead will unlock – run through it before the next attack, using a store will

have to wait!

A broom on the right will fall onto a cyst causing it to blow up. Around to the right and you will see

a cyst on the second pillar on the left, one on the conveyor walkway on the right, one on the wall

on the left, one on the third pillar along on the right and another further up on the left. As you

move forward a crawling Slasher will appear to the right, quickly grab an arm from one of the dead

Slashers on the floor to take him out. Use another arm to take out the Cyst to the right and a body

to detonate the last Cyst in front of the Node locked door.

Inside the Node locked door there will be ammo, 1 Medium Med Pack, 1 Ruby Semiconductor, 1

Bronze Semiconductor and a Stasis Pack. At the Bench upgrade your Plasma Cutter/Line Gun

Damage where possible.

Through the door and on into a zero gravity area on fire. You have to remove the power blocks

from the two stations on either side of the pillars and the oxygen station on the ceiling. Bring one

power block with you through the now accessible area opposite to your entry point. Take out the

two Lurkers that appear on the left and take the power block with you into the next area. Replace

the red block with the blue one you've brought in and activate the elevator. A Puker will be waiting

for you when the doors open so stand back and take him out ASAP.

Out of the elevator grab the Power Node on the wall to the right, smash the fuse and through the

door. This is the second encounter with the Stalkers. Again draw them out by passing the centre of

the room, retreat back to the area next to the ramps just inside the room tucked into the corner

facing towards the Stasis Station. If you cross the archway towards the ramp you will send the

Stalkers back into hiding and you will have to trigger them again. There are usually six to deal with.

Your path should be clear now to go up to the hacking panel. Keep in mind you may have to face a

Slasher/Puker or two coming from the vent here.

Through the door, up the ramps and out into the shopping centre again. You will see Elle across on

the right fighting off Necromorphs. As you approach the centre of the walkway a Leaper will climb

up. Take it out quickly. Move around to Elle and she will fire a warning shot triggering a cut scene.

When done head right for the Pulse Ammo schematic. Follow Elle into the elevator. Out of it you

will see a cyst on the floor to your left. Grab the body on the right and chuck it at it to take it out.

Another Cyst on the corner here and just past it a Slasher and a Pregnant will attack, finish them.

To the left of the conveyor walkway you will see another cyst in the middle of the gang way.

Another just above the sign in the centre that has 3 and 4 on it. Just past here a Puker and a Spitter

will attack, take the out. At the end of the conveyor on the left another Cyst and another on the

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right near the ceiling. You will then be attacked by a Puker and a Slasher from behind, take them

out quickly. The final cyst is in the top right of the door way.

Through the door, up to the right and through the door on the left. Crawlers will now appear in this

room and in the next. Note one will burst through the ceiling in the centre of the second room too.

Follow the route around until you open the doors to a hall with tiered seats on the left and stage

on the right. As you head into the room a few Pack will attack. Mutilate any dead bodies lying

around. Around behind the tiered seats an enhanced Puker will drop down. On the other side on

the benches mutilate the dead bodies. Up onto the stage and follow the path around. Isaac will be

scared by a cardboard sun dropping from the ceiling. Hack the panel and get ready for an attack

from Pack, Crawlers and an Infector. Take a few out as you move across to the right of the stage

and behind the set pieces – Line Gun Mines are quite effective here. Pay attention to the Infector,

it will be gunning for you now as there are no corpses to turn into Slashers.

On through the door that just opened up and head left. If you head into the room on the right at

the end you can pick up the Flamethrower schematic. Through the door at the end and you will

receive another cut scene. Enter the elevator where you'll talk to Elle who has found Stross. Out of

the elevator and into the transport hub where you'll see Elle and Stross in person on the upper

balcony. Stand by the shutter that says '9 Malfunction' and wait for the Brute that will attack.

Keep your distance, use stasis and concentrate you fire on one yellow shoulder. Once he's lost one

arm he will begin spitting explosives at you. Try to get behind something (the centre grating type

stuff is good for that) stasis him, grab the explosive he shoots with kinesis and fire it back at his

other shoulder. Grab the Ruby semiconductor he drops and go through the door opposite your


There are two detonator mines you need to get rid of just down this ramp. Grab the boxes/bodies

and fire them across the beams to make them explode at a distance. Equip your line gun and fire a

mine at the Guardian at the bottom of the second ramp. You should kill it in one, you can tell

because it will emit a long agonising scream. Kill any remaining pods. Down into the lift and on to

Chapter 7...

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10. Chapter 7 – Destroying the AI

Straight out of the lift and you'll be attacked by a Leaper and a crawling Puker. Don't save at the

Save Station just yet though. Follow the path around and into a zero G area. Grab the box with

kinesis and fire it at the red end of the rocket protruding from the block of debris. Boost down to

the bottom of this area and use the surrounding debris and bodies to launch the two rockets at the

base of the elevator box. Grab the Power Node and the Ripper Energy schematic from the very

bottom of the area. Return to where you came from, through the double doors and wait for the

Leaper to come racing after you. Take him out with Stasis and removing his arms. Get back to the

store to get rid of the Ripper Schematic, top up on health if you need to and move on to the

elevator sequence.

You don't need to expend any ammo here at all. Keep move and move to the opposite side of the

elevator to the tripods when they first appear and then when they have finished reaching in move

towards that same window. Repeat this for the entire sequence and you should be able to get

through it with ease.

At the top of the elevator turn right, use the Explosive/Kinesis cannisters to kill all the cysts and

grab the Force Gun Schematic from the lockers. Through the door and grab the body from the bed

in the room off to the right. Put it in front of the security locked door to make it open. To the left of

the door is a store but be careful as there is a Cyst adjacent to it, be sure to take it out before

accessing the store. Through the security locked door edge slowly into the left path until the mines

activate. Stand back and use various items with kinesis to trigger the mines and clear the way. Grab

the Power Node from the left path on the right wall. On through the door at the end.

In the next room a Slasher will come crawling towards you, take him out with the surrounding

debris and it's detached arm. From here kinesis the explosive cannisters away from the window.

Move to the centre of the room and stand between the green barrels. Trip mines will activate

either side of you. A Leaper will burst through the vent on either the left or right and trip a mine,

dispatch him quickly and finish off the Crawlers making sure not to detonate them too close to


Into the side room now, hack the panel and edge into the main part of this room. You will hear a

Leaper screech and run towards you, take him out with stasis and the Plasma Cutter. As you move

into the room a little more a Slashers will appear from the vent in front of you and to your right. I

retreat back into the side room to avoid accidentally breaking the window in the centre of the

room. Up the lift on the opposite side of the room, head straight for the bench and turn around.

Edge forward to trigger a Slasher to jump out of the vent on the left wall. Open up the walkway to

the right with kinesis and use the Slashers body to trigger the mine. Grab the corpse again, turn

left and edge into the area until the mine activates then trigger it in the same way. In the cabinets

at the back you should find another Power Node along with other goodies. Turn around and edge

to the door, a Slasher/Puker will jump out from the vent on the left.

Go back over to the bench and upgrade damage on the Line Gun. On through the door next to the

save station (Don't save yet), equip the Line Gun and take out the two Stalkers. Hack the panel to

return oxygen to the area and unlock the door. Through this door and you will be entering the

computer mainframe. Climb through the vent into the switches area and remove all the panels.

Swarm will pop out from behind the right panel. Arrange the blocks in the four socket block so

they turn green and activate the console on the right. Back out through the vent now, switch the

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route changer next to it and climb through to the new area. Run over to the left and up into the

corner, remove all the panels and an enhanced Slasher will jump through one of the vents. Once

he's down arrange the blocks in the four socket so they are all blue. This will unlock a switch to

change the vent route again, activate it and climb through the vent to grab a Large Med Pack, 2

Power Nodes, the Peng Treasure and a Ruby Semiconductor. Back through the vent again, switch

the route back and rearrange the blocks to turn green and activate the console to the left. Back

through the vent you will be attacked by an enhanced and normal Slasher. Shoot the exposed cells,

a Slasher will attack after 3 cells are shot and all cells are shot.

The AI will now talk a load of jibberish as it dies, go through the door on the left and a corpse will

drop on Isaac. There is a Cyst to the middle left of the right path, on the back wall of the left path

and right next to the door out to the next area. You will also be attack by four small tentacle type

creatures, use stasis and shoot/stamp to kill them to conserve ammo. In the next area you will

have an enhanced Slasher, two or three Leapers and three Lurkers to dispatch. Use the Line gun to

quickly kill the enhanced Slasher as he climbs up the railing, turn around and stasis the Leapers to

take them out and shoot the tentacles off the Lurkers to kill them quickly with the Plasma Cutter.

You will see a Node locked to your right. Inside is the Contact Beam schematic, a Medium Med

Pack, Gold semiconductor and various ammo.

Hack the panel and enter the solar array lift. Outside you will need to line up two mirrors to the

central mirrors. Out of the door head for the mirror directly in front of you and redirect the ray at

the mirror in the centre. Look left and you will see a massive pod. This opens up to a turret type

thing that shoots explosive pods at you. Line Gun Mines work a treat here. Restock oxygen, Grab

the Ruby Semiconductor it drops and align the mirror next to it to the centre. You'll now get a

message from Elle, take a moment to scout the area for ammo, credits and health in the boxes.

Return to the consoled area (look for the green runway lights) and eventually jump into the

ejector. Once launched bank right, left for the next two, bottom right corner of screen for the next,

about the middle bottom of the screen for the next two tubes, right and then straight for the red

lights at the centre. Once Isaac is back on his feet enter the store and sell off the Peng Treasure and

Semiconductors. Buy the Contact Beam here and plenty of Plasma Cutter ammo and Line Gun


Phew, congratulations, you've just made it through over half of the game without dying. Nice one!

I suggest taking a break now. Go do something else and take your mind off it for the rest of the day.

It doesn't get any easier.

Above all else Save here. The next part is pretty difficult and you can quickly get overwhelmed if

you're not careful/lucky.

Through the door and run straight over to the CEC door on the opposite side of the room and turn

around to look into the room. You will face a mixture of Pack, Spitters, Pukers, Leapers and

Slashers. Keep your back against the door and keep shooting. Elle will eventually shout to tell you

the door's open and to run. As you back up through the doorway the Necromorphs will hilariously

give up the chase. Activate the panel to activate the lift and on to Chapter 8...

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11. Chapter 8 – Not designed for human traffic

Once it opens walk down the ramp and through the next door. Isaac will have another attack.

When it finishes check out the store to top up on med packs and ammo. Go through the door on

the left then the right. Moving towards the window you will see an infector fly up and create a

slasher. You now have two enhanced Slashers and two normal Slashers to neutralise. Inside the

Node locked door to the right of the entrance here you will find the Vintage Suit schematic, Ruby

Semiconductor, health and ammo. Return to the store to offload the suit schematic and

semiconductor (if you have enough buy the suit, 40,000 credits).

To the next room a Pregnant will appear on the left and a Slasher from behind. The next room an

Infector will fly by and Isaac will have another visit from Nicole. Grab the Power Node here in the

area to the left of the entrance. On around to the grated ramps, turn around to find a gold

semiconductor to the left of the entrance here. The next room you will see Elle and Stross. You

need to make your way around to them. Take the door on the right and turn left to grab the

Detonator Mine Schematic. Move forward until the machinery springs into action and move back

to the door to take out the enhanced Slasher, 2 normal Slashers and a Puker. Use the bench to

make upgrades of your choice. Upgrade your weapons choosing damage over anything else.

You shouldn't need to upgrade your rig or stasis really as being careful and following the guide

should help you avoid getting hit as much as possible.

Through the door into the Zero G machine area. Make your way through the obstacles, stasis

anything that moves too fast and likely to kill you and time your movements between flames.

Dodge in and out of cover when taking on the Lurkers (two at a time) and the same strategy

applies for taking out the turret thing seen before at the solar array. Through the door at the end

grab the Power Node from the wall on the left and on into the room with Elle and Stross. When in

control of Isaac again grab the Large Med Kit schematic from behind you and remove the tables

out of the way of the door out onto the grated walkway and Chapter 9...

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12. Chapter 9 – A tram ride with Isaac Clarke is never simple

Out onto the walkway and towards the lift a Leaper may burst through the vent on the wall , take it

out quickly (sometimes it doesn't appear, if not just turn around to follow the next step and take

out the extra Leaper), turn around to take out the Slasher climbing up, run towards where it was

climbing and turn around to take out the final two Leapers. Up the lift and around to the left a

Slasher will jump out at you, follow the route around and take out the crawlers ahead.

In the next room you will have to fight two Lurkers and a Spitter. At the store top up on health and

ammo if you need to. In the next room a divider will come running at you, stasis him and run

around the opposite side to the elevator. The next room will have an enhanced slasher and an

exploder jump out at you. Run up the walkway second on the right, shoot the window out to

quickly get rid of them and then the red button or shoot the exploder in the body to avoid blowing

out the windows and take out the Enhanced Slasher.

Out of the door, first right has mines across it. Use the box to the left to take them out. There is an

audio log and the Flame Fuel Schematic on the landing here. On round and you will see another

guardian. Use the Line Gun Mine/Explosive cannister from the walkway to despatch it quickly and

kill off any pods it spawned. Up the lift and hug the wall next to the switch (right) to get a shot on

the Exploder and Slashers coming towards you. Take them out quickly. Another Slasher and a

Pregnant will come out of the room to the left.

Into the tram call station, you have to fit the gears in the correct places in the central mechanism

to start it up. Be aware one of those stringy things lies in wait underneath the large Gear to the

right, use the Gear to beat it to death. Once fitted call the tram with the blue console. Move back

into the alcove behind you to take out the two enhanced Slashers that come through each door

here. Move around and into the tram.

The tram will stop after a while and Isaac will jump out. Smash the boxes and go through the door.

Edge up the right in this area until you hear the Stalkers jump out, hopefully some will trigger the

Cysts and die. Run back to the left of the entrance (next to a Power Node box – grab it while your

here) and wait for them to pounce. There will be around 4/5 to contend with. Be careful there are

no active Cysts as you move further up. An exploder will jump out of the vent at the end in the left

corner, take him out quickly and use this alcove here to lie in wait for the next wave of Stalkers.

When all seems quiet again move around to the left and move toward the corner. An exploder will

appear from a vent here along with the Stalkers. Use the corner again as a choke point. When all

the Stalkers are dealt with move around to find a Guardian next to the door you want to go

through. Use a Line Gun mine or the explosive cannister around to the left to take it out quickly.

In the next corridor take out the Cysts as you move around, note there is one in the ceiling. As you

move down a lone Slasher will jump out. Use the store to top up on health an ammo.

In the next area you will need to shoot explosive barrels at the tank. Put the tanks lying on the

floor onto the lift to take down – Don't use them on the upper tank! Use the dispenser cannisters

only to take out the tank above. Down the lift take the two cannister out of the walls and you

should have four cannisters to shoot at the tank. Stand in the area where the green boxes were

(smash them before you launch a cannister, you won't have chance after) and shoot the cannisters

at the tank above. After you shoot two (if your quick you have time for three) cannisters a tripod

will drop down. Stasis him and quickly use the last one/two cannisters.

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Take the tripod out with a combination of stasis and fire to it's elbows. A Plasma Cutter with a full

damage upgraded will take three or four shots to take out an arm.

Grab the two remaining cannisters from the left and right, shoot them at the tank and it should

explode revealing the lift to get out. Run to the lift and activate it quickly.

Run into the tram and a cut scene follows where Isaac has the fantastic idea of returning to the

USG Ishimura. Exit the tram, up the lift and on to Chapter 10...

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13. Chapter 10 – Last time I was here things didn't go so well

Run up the walkway and back into the Ishimura. Turn left and move the boxes out of the way of

the door. Grab the Power Node etc from this area. Next go back to the entrance and go through

the other door and around to the diagnostics panel (remember from the start of the first game?).

Go through the door to the right and follow the path down to the next elevator. Keep moving

through a room with a few consoles and a Save Station on the left. Follow the waypoint until you

reach an long cavernous tunnel with green glowing lights ahead.

Move forward and a Brute will burst out from behind the crates on the right. Stasis it and use your

contact beam to take it out quickly. Another Brute will charge, take it out in the same fashion. You

will now be attacked by four Slashers and one enhanced Slasher. Run to the end of the walkway,

Stasis the Pregnant that appears and turn around to fight them next to the Power Node box. Take

them out with the Line Gun and Plasma Cutter being careful not to burst the Pregnant. Once they

are all dealt with hack the panel next to you to activate the elevator and ride up to the tram


In the next room you'll find a store and a Save Station (Don't save though!). Top up health or ammo

if you need to and sell any excess items. Into an elevator at the right of the store and up into

decontamination. No Necromorphs to deal with here until you go through into the next area.

Opening the door you will be greeted by a Puker and a Crawling Stalker to the left and right. Take

them out quickly and move around to the left. Take out the enhanced Slasher then the Pregnant,

run to the end and turn around to face another crawling Stalker, Lurker, Slasher and enhanced

Puker. Grab the Power Node here and follow the corridor in the opposite direction.

You'll meet yet another Stalker and a Lurker as you move up. Pop your head around the corner to

find another pregnant and a lurker – If the Pregnant isn't here he will attack from behind.

Depending on what you dealt with ealier you will have to deal with a Puker and a Slasher ahead

with an enhanced Slasher attacking from behind. Quickly dispatch them and head into the Zero G


Solve the puzzle by connecting up the flashing red cubes in the centre pillar to create a continuous

pipe. The Force Energy Schematic is floating around in this room. Return to the entrance, activate

the gravity centrifuge at the console and exit the way you came in.

Just inside the second door Isaac will have a flashback from the first game. Back through the

decontamination area now (stick to the area to the left of the centre console from the entrance)

and you will have to face Pack from either side, an enhanced slasher followed by a Puker then

another enhanced Slasher then another enhanced Puker. Use the Plasma cutter for the Pack then

switch to the Line Gun for the enhanced baddies. Out of decontamination and just in front of the

elevator there will be yet another advanced Slasher feigning death. Chuck something at him and

quickly take him out.

Back up the elevator and into the room with the store. Buy any health, sell excess contact beam

ammo and go back down the corridor out to the station. As soon as you open the door an

enhanced Slasher will be waiting in front of you with some of the Swarm at it's feet. Take them out

from just inside the doorway and another enhanced Slasher will drop, take him out in the same

fashion. As you move towards the train swarm will come out of it and a Slasher will jump out from

the left of the train. Once you've killed them enter the train and activate it at the console.

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You will stop at the Medical Deck. Through the door ahead, edge forward to trigger an attack. Walk

backwards while taking out a Crawling Puker, Lurker, enhanced Slasher and a normal Slasher. Move

on up and around to the left. The wall on the right contains a Power Node. Take the door on the

right and run to the door at the opposite side of the room on the right. Turn around to face an

enhanced Slasher, Exploder, enhanced Slasher and another Exploder. Hack the panel and turn

around to face an enhanced Puker, enhanced Slasher, another Exploder and a Slasher. Run through

the unlocked door here now.

Turn into the door on the right here, grab the Power Node from the wall, through the door on the

left and up the elevator at the end. At the top you will hear a creature screech but won't see it just

yet. Move the debris out of the way and through the door. Kinesis the island over to cross. As you

edge around to the left a Lurker will climb up the railing. Kinesis the walkway across again and

edge forwards to trigger an attack from a Leaper. If he doesn't appear right away pull the power

cube out from the wall next to the door. You will see him run across the wall to your right, take him

out as he attacks.

Take the elevator down and another Leaper will burst through the vent on the left. Take him out

and run to the door on the right. Another Leaper will appear from the left, stasis him and kill. Next

run across the once electrified walkway and around to the Node locked door. Turn around to face

an enhanced Slasher, normal Slasher, Leaper and then another enhanced Slasher.

Through the Node locked door there is usually health and a bit of ammo but nothing else of value.

If you don't need the health save the Node for the bench. At the bench I recommend concentrating

on the Alt nodes and finally the Spc on the Contact Beam. On through the door next to the Node

locked door then and follow the corridor through to an area with a Store and a Save Station (don't

save). Follow the waypoint out to a Zero G area. Launch and go to the right. A Lurker will appear on

the right wall here. Moving forward you will have to face 3 more Lukers. Retreat to behind cover

and take them out. Land on the platform on the right, through the door and Isaac will have

another flashback. A locked out store ahead, turn left into the bridge.

Stand in the doorway and wait for a group of Swarm to come from behind a crate and a Leaper to

attack. Keep waiting for an attack from a Stalker. Take him out and run forwards to the hole in the

deck and turn to face two enhanced Pukers and another Stalker. Forward and right and enter the

smashed doorway and area behind it. Use the Bench if you have any spare Nodes. Move forward

to the left of the elevator shaft. You will see/hear a Stalker. Retreat back to the broken door and

wait for the Stalker to attack and another enhanced Puker. You should be okay to move forward.

Not there are swarm in the right green box in the far left corner (when looking out from the broken

door). The room should be free of any more Necromorphs so head down to the bridge and activate

the gravity tethers. Exit through the escape pod on the right.

The pod will crash and you will end up on a walkway and on to Chapter 11...

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14. Chapter 11 – Why did you do it Stross!?

Through the double doors now and out onto a ramp with several pillars. Just past the first two

pillars you will trigger two Stalkers to appear. Run back into the right corner and wait for them to

charge and take them out. Run to the bottom right section of the ramp and turn around to face

another three Stalkers and a few Crawlers. Through the door in the centre bottom and it will

trigger a conversation between Isaac and Stross. Hack the panel and go through the next door.

In the next area you will see a Stalker run across the right walkway. Shoot the green box here and

use Kinesis to grab another Power Node. Around to the left you will see a Cyst ahead of you and to

the left. Take them out and move around. Around to the right a Cyst will be waiting for you in the

top right and on the floor in front of you next to a Power Node box.

The next area and a Cyst is in the middle of the walkway. A store will be waiting for you here, top

up on health and ammo if you need it. Keep in mind that the Advanced Suit is found in this Chapter

and costs 40,000 (36,000 with the Vintage suit discount). Through the next door and an enhanced

Slasher will attack along with a Lurker. Move around this upper walkway and wait for two

enhanced Pukers to attack. Move around to the ramp now and move just past halfway down to

trigger an enhanced Slasher to attack from behind, turn around to take him out. Run back to the

door you entered this area and wait for an enhanced Puker, a Lurker and an Exploder to appear.

Run down the walkway and into the red lit area. Turn around to take out the enhanced Puker.

Move around to the right and grab the power cube from the dispenser. Take it around and plug it

in. A Lurker will attack from the ramp. Move around to the right and an enhanced Puker will attack.

Further to the right an Exploder will appear along with a few Crawlers and a Lurker. Back up the

ramp and an enhanced Slasher and Puker will attack from the left and right respectively. Around

the walkway towards the now unlocked door on the upper level another enhanced Slasher will

attack from behind. Further along the walkway another enhanced Slasher will attack, usually again

from the rear.

Through the door past a save point on the left and Stross will jump out on the left. Through the

next door and you will be grabbed by a large tentacle and thrown into space. Another of the those

blob turrets again, take it as before, grab the Ruby Semiconductor it drops and use the o2 station

next to it. You need to use the Rocket boosters to move the two lasers away from the centre tube –

DONT FLY ACROSS THE LASERS. Up the centre tube you will have two sets of Cysts to take out. The

second group can be taken out quickly by chucking the floating body at them.

Back inside you will have a Save Station in front of you but don't save yet. Out onto the walkway an

enhanced Slasher will run around to you and there will be 3 Lurkers on the floor below. Use the

explosive cannisters to take the Lurkers out and face the enhanced Slasher when he makes his way

around to you. Move around to face an enhanced Puker. Further around you will be attacked by

two enhanced slashers from the front and one from behind. Turn around and quickly take out the

slasher from behind you, run back to the entrance and take out the other two. I like to shoot a Line

Gun Mine into the corner and stasis the two Slashers as they come running to blow them up. This

takes good timing. Move on around and another enhanced Puker and Slasher will drop down along

with another enhanced Slasher from behind you.

Through the door there will be a mined door to your left and two bodies next to a Node locked

door to your right. Use the bodies to detonate the mines from a distance and open the Node door

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for the Advanced Suit schematic and various ammo and health. Through the door you just cleared

of mines and you'll have a Cyst on the right, further on on the right, then left. Hack the panel and

Stross will ambush you. Mash the button prompt to end his days. When back in control of Isaac go

through the door and out onto the walkway from before. I recommend running around the upper

walkway and back to the Store/Save Station now (switch you locator to store/save to find it again if

you're lost). Buy the advanced suit with the discount, switch back to the vintage, buy lots of ammo

(Plasma Cutter and Line Racks), a few health packs and Power Nodes with any surplus money left.

Switch back to the advanced suit and go back outside.

You may get attacked by an Exploder/Puker/Slasher as you go outside, take it out quickly. You

should have accumulated a fair bit of Contact Beam ammo by now. If you followed my advice from

earlier it's secondary fire should be at Max level which makes the next area really easy. The door

opens out to an elevator shaft. An enhanced Slasher will climb up and attack you here, take him

out in the usual way. Call the elevator, kinesis the items over the barrier and activate it.

Switch to the Contact Beam and stand in the centre of the elevator. Slashers will drop down in

pairs, one shot from the alternate fire should take out both. If not just finish them with stasis and

primary fire (stasis if you don't have the added stasis ability).

When the elevator stops kinesis the items from across the barrier and exit through the door. Nicole

will ambush you, rapidly tap the button prompt when it appears. Ahead will be a store, bench and

save station. Open the door to chapter 12...

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15. Chapter 12 – You know I'm riding on top of this thing right!?

Run down the path to talk to Elle. Once finished talking head to the left and take out the six cysts

on the floor with the boxes and spikes lying around. Head around to the right next to the drill to

find a Power Node and ammo. Put the Power Block into the spare socket in the side of the drill.

Next run up the ramp behind you. To the left a diamond semiconductor will be on the wall, use

stasis to grab it. Across the lift now and two enhanced Slashers will climb up and attack. Grab the

circuit board from behind the panel and take the lift back. An enhanced Puker will attack at the

other end. Run back to the drill and place the circuit board in to the drill panel and a hacking panel

will open up. Before hacking head back to the store inside to sell the diamond semiconductor and

switch back to the vintage suit to buy plenty of health for the drill ride.

Make your Second Save here. Take a break.

Return to the drill and hack the panel. Run up to the lift (but don't activate it) and take out the

Pack and Slashers until Elle has turned the drill around. Run to the lift and up onto the drill. I

recommend standing next to the front of the drill (that's right next to the spinning teeth) and

turning around to face the Slashers/Pukers. Switch to your line gun and take out the Slashers and

Pukers that climb up. After a while Lurkers will appear on a ledge to your left. Dodge the projectiles

and shoot them with the Plasma Cutter (don't move back) while keeping an eye out for the

Slashers and Pukers that jump up. A long ledge on your right will now appear with lots of Lurkers.

Again dodge the shots while taking them out and keeping an eye out for the Slashers and Pukers.

Eventually Isaac will burst through to the government sector and on to Chapter 13...

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16. Chapter 13 – Drop your tool and put your hands in the air

Move into the corridor with a save station on the right. Run to the end, turn right, smash the ATM

for 10,000 credits and turn left again to find a Power Node. Follow the way point and along the

walkway for a cut scene.

When in control of Isaac again run around to the left to the store. Replenish your health and buy

more (don't forget to switch back and forth with the vintage suit for discounts). Into the elevator

on the right and out. You will notice an enhanced Slasher and Puker run past you towards the door

ahead. Take the Slasher and Puker out and quickly run up the left steps and turn around to face a

mixture of enhanced Slashers, Pukers, Lurkers and Exploders. Try to shoot the Exploders with other

Necromorphs around them to make your job easier. Run around to the left stairs and down to

check for stragglers (usually Lurkers) and grab the Power Node to the left of the wreckage. Back up

the stairs and hack the panel on the left. Through the door and down the stairs, run through the

door to the right when you are ambushed. Grab the Power Node on the left and continue through

the vent. Out of the vent follow the way point up to a curved room and remove the power cube on

the right to trigger the next sequence.

Back down the stairs, switch to the Contact Beam and run out into the hall here. Use the alternate

fire to quickly neutralise everything in here but look out for any swarm and active Exploders.

Through the next door and Nicole will pay you a visit again. Through the central door, grab the

body on the floor to unlock the right door. Down the curved steps, through the grated area and

around to the right. Turn around to take out the Slasher. Follow the path around to the right now

and a Puker will appear behind you. Through the door run after the Infector and discharge the

Contact Beam's alternate fire here. Use the blue pillar here as cover to take out the enhanced

Slashers, Exploders and Pukers.

The next room contains a Power Node locked door and a bench. If you open this door and go

inside you will have a divider to deal with so it isn't really worth it. Inside the locked door there will

be a Ruby Semiconductor, health, ammo and credits.

Down into the next area and you will have four Stalkers and two Pukers to deal with. Run straight

ahead, grab the Power Node and run straight back to the door you entered through. The Stalkers

will now set up their charges so take them out with the Line Gun when they do. The Pukers will

appear to the left (I did once have a Puker burst through the vent on the right here), take them out

quickly. Replace the broken power block next to the door with the working one from the centre

console above the centre of the room. Through the door be sure to take out the Cyst here before

opening the wall cabinet.

Down the stairs Nicole will talk to Isaac again. Through the door you will see four spinning lasers.

As you edge to the door way a crawling Puker and Crawlers with come towards you. Run back and

take them out at a distance. Now you have to run between the rotating lasers to the next door on

the right. Time your run so as it starts just as a block passes the door so you are as close to it as

possible. In the next room run right in and turn around to face an enhanced Slasher and two

normal Slashers. Grab the Power Node off the wall here and run to the next room.

Again run right inside and turn around to face a couple of Crawlers. Run to the next and final room

where you will face two Slashers in front and another behind. Up the lift and activate the console

to the right. This will stop the lasers spinning. Pull the bridges down and cross to the other side.

Here move around to the left and you will be attacked by a normal and enhanced Slasher followed

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by another Slasher. Head through the unlocked door and down into the next circular room.

Through the next door edge inside and take out the three Crawlers. Switch to the Contact Beam,

run left then right through the middle and straight for the door, hit open and fire the secondary of

the Contact Beam. One or two Slasher and Pukers will drop through the vents at the top and

bottom of the walkway. Through the next door run up the right path, keep an eye out for an

exploder to the left and open the door. Turn around to take out any Slashers as you edge backward

into the next corridor.

Out now into a large room, break the boxes and move up past the middle of the room. Turn

around to face the Brute. Same strategy as before, use Stasis and the Contact Beam on the

Shoulders. Through the door, across two sets of walkways and into a room with a bench, store and

save point (don't save though). Up the lift and into the room for another cut scene.

Next move into the room on the right to the eye poking machine. Take the needle down in steps

while the light is blue and don't allow the heart rate to rise too much. Get the needle really close

to Isaacs eye (watch the number below the heart rate) and wait for him to calm down before you

press the move button when the light is blue. Using this strategy I have never killed Isaac. Just be


After a short cut scene Chapter 14 will start...

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17. Chapter 14 – Stick a needle in your eye

Wait for the Ubermorph to burst through the vent. Turn it into a torso and stasis it as far away

from the hacking panel as possible, run to the panel and hack. Stasis him again and run through

the door to the right. Follow the path around until you reach another room with three walkways.

An enhanced Puker will be waiting for you on the right.

Run to grab the body on the table turn toward the door and chuck the corpse at it towards the

door. You should knock the Ubermorph over at the same time as opening the door. Stasis the

Ubermorph and run through the door. Around to the right you will face another enhanced Puker.

Take it out all the time being careful of what's behind you. Switch to your Contact Beam. The next

area grab the Power Node from along the wall just past the turning off to the right. Then follow the

grey corridor. In here you will meet two enhanced Slashers and some swam. Use the Contact

Beam's Secondary fire to knock them back as you make your way to the lift. Activate and turn

around to face anything coming using the Contact Beam again in the same way.

Equip the plasma cutter in the lift, run around to the left, kinesis the panel off the wall, shoot the

fuse, run into the room and use the contact beam again on the Infector and two enhanced

Slashers. If you're quick you should make it through the door before the Ubermorph catches up to

you. If not just stasis him as you cross the threshold. Hang around here and wait for your stasis to

recharge. Activate the panel when ready.

Don't panic about air, provided you don't hang around too long you should have more than

enough even with no air upgrades. Boost between the moving blocks. Dodge between cover to

avoid the flying Cysts and time your movement through the beams so you moving through just as

they turn off. At the end take out the turret quickly as mentioned before, land on the platform and

turn on the environmental controls. Through the door Nicole will talk to you again. Head through

the door. To the right is a Node locked door which contents vary. It can be two Power Nodes and a

Ruby Semiconductor, one Power Node or even just 3,000 credits.

Follow the route on around to a room with a bench on the right, a store on the left and a Save

Station ahead on the right.

Make your last save here. Not far to go now!

Note – If the Power Node locked door you opened before had a crap reward you can quit now and

load the save again to find something else in there when you backtrack to it.

Open the door and it's on to Chapter 15...

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18. Chapter 15 – Make us whole

Step outside and run to the right. Take out the two enhanced Leapers that attack you from behind.

Move forward and you will see a Puker on the balcony above. Fire a Line Gun Mine at it and Stasis

it. Around to the right the Ubermorph will appear again. Use the Line Gun Mine to turn it into a

Torso and Stasis it. Run right and just continue past the Lurkers through to the next room.

Two enhanced Slashers will jump out, take them out quickly and move on outside. Here you will

meet an enhanced Leaper, Puker and Lurker. Take them out and the Ubermorph will likely be

walking towards you. Turn it into a torso again and stasis it.

Run through to the next room where you will be attack by a Leaper, two Lurkers and ultimately the

Ubermorph again. As the door opens quickly use the secondary fire of the Contact Beam to knock

the Leaper into stasis if not kill it. Take it out quickly. Turn around, stasis the Ubermorph and use

one of the boxes to knock it over. Turn around again and take the Lurkers out if they are on the

path. If not just run past. Into the next area you need to ride the elevator up.

At the top of the elevator the Ubermorph will jump from the vent above. Turn it into a torso and

stasis it, shoot the fuses and go through the larger door and up the walkway to the final boss.

Use the Contact Beams Primary fire to knock Nicole back and reveal the marker. Shoot the yellow

part with the primary fire. Next use the secondary fire to keep the Pack at bay and knock Nicole

back and shoot the yellow blob. Rinse and repeat until dead – It should only take up to three direct


After a cut scene Elle will burst in through the roof to save Isaac. You will have one last flight in

which to dodge debris but it's pretty simple, just boost, dodge right the centre to go in between

the structure when it appears. Mash the button prompt and into the ship.

Cut scene and the credits will follow.

Phew. Congratulations you have just completed hardcore mode and unlocked the awesome hand

cannon. It goes Bang Bang and Pew Pew Pew!

Credits to Visceral and EA for making an awesome game!