dca time for cmos to adopt the 7s framework

It’s Time for CMOs to adopt the 7S Framework “While it’s critical to consolidate cost, you can’t consolidate creativity.” By Dean Crutchfield Associates

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It’s Time for CMOs to adopt the 7S Framework

“While it’s critical to consolidate cost, you can’t consolidate creativity.” By Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Dean Crutchfield Associates

Marketing faces its first real existential crisis today, especially as pressure on CMOs to achieve what many are referring to as “the same impact for 60% of the dollars” builds. That’s why now’s the time for CMOs to adopt and apply to marketing operations the 7-S Framework: An analytical tool that’s been successfully used by hundreds of firms.

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The 7S Framework Developed by McKinsey consultants in the early 1980s for organizations, the framework represented a new way of

thinking about organizational effectiveness, focused not on structure but on coordination. A simple concept:

change one of seven interrelated levers, and you must change them all.

  CMOs today have remarkable

opportunities to engage consumers in a two-way relationship. To do so requires

recalibrating their entire marketing operation, from departments to brands through to agency partners. Leveraging

the principles of the 7-S Framework can help CMOs standardize the success

and efficiency of the process.  

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Today’s consumer admires brands that enable them to participate. CMOs must adopt narrative-based brand and marketing strategies that can engage consumers: creating brands that are more magnanimous, malleable and functional. Product (RED)’s unique approach reinvented the business of philanthropy by creating reciprocity with the customer while simultaneously demonstrating that its partner brands promote the cause and concomitantly make money by doing good. That takes coordination of all seven levers.

Here’s an overview of the seven levers and the ways in which CMOs should apply the framework to optimize their own operations: 1. Shared values. The interconnecting center of McKinsey’s model, this is where the other six levers come together.  

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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2. Strategy CMOs are seeking new ways to get and keep customers. According to Verse Group and Jupiter research, more than 60% of CMOs surveyed said that traditional advertising and brand positioning are not as effective for attracting customers. So CMOs are looking to improve CPM, e.g., Reckitt-Benckiser’s decision to boost TV advertising effectiveness by ramping up online video spend with the likes of Hulu.com. According to eMarketer, online advertising is expected to generate $39.5 billion in sales this year — a 23.3% increase from 2011 — compared to a sum of $33.8 billion on print. By 2013 that figure is estimated to be closer to $43 billion.

That doesn’t mean TV advertising is dead, far from it, it just the “traditional part”. Today we have affordable and reliable technology and orchestrated media to tap into the consumer, it’s opened what we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell all sorts of tools for pre-event anticipation, preparation, and experience; the actual shopping, interactions, and flow; as well as post-purchase memories and rewards

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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3. Structure For the CMO, what matters is the structure of agency relationships. Consolidation is king, as evidenced by a number of flawed big brand attempts, e.g., Dell attempt to consolidate 800 agencies into Enfatico. While it’s critical to consolidate cost, you can’t consolidate creativity. The fix? P&G’s “Brand Agency Leader” value-based compensation model,

where one agency is responsible for all the other partners, including payments, budgets and hires.

On the other hand, you have moves being made by industry leaders such as Coca-Cola and Unilever who are both looking under their belt to find efficiencies that they can add back into their media spend. Coke is planning to find over $500M! The 7 variables are crucial for this model to succeed.

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4. System ROI is the system the CMO needs to perfect. To enhance the CFO’s view of marketing’s value, CMOs are leading the charge for change, as demonstrated by Coca-Cola Co.’s recent initiative to push for the adoption of value-based compensation models. The idea isn’t new, but the need has gained momentum as CMOs hasten to cut costs and complain that current ROI tools are inadequate. Management consultancies are piling in to help. Look out!

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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5. Staffing The CMO is the key to a successful

staffing strategy as he or she decides how to build the brand

across multiple channels and the people required. Understanding the

variables of the 7-S Framework is essential as pressure mounts to reduce headcount, but retain the best people for the task in hand. “The Vitality Curve” is one of the

best tools for doing so: It prioritizes the top 20% for special treatment,

70% for training and the bottom 10% for firing.

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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It used to be the 4Ps (price, product, place, promotion); now it’s the 4Cs: content, community, commerce and consumers. To tap these, the full force of marketing is awesomely powerful, but there are caveats if you neglect certain levers. PepsiCo Americas CEO Massimo d’Amore’s vainglorious attempt to revitalize seven brands simultaneously to save costs, consolidate agency partners and bring a cohesive approach to the brands backfired, costing millions. While big results require big ambitions, appetites need to be separated from requirements (7 of them).

6. Style/Culture For the CMO, it’s the style of marketing communication that can optimize the changing relationship between brand and consumer. Today marketers can hold entirely different conversations with the consumer by shaping brands that enable people to participate. .  

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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7. Skill For marketers it’s about how to generate more “earned media” from budgets and how brand narratives, non-traditional media and innovation will play a central role, but there’s a skill gap between need and capability. Ultimately, with a shift in the world of brands and marketing, new skills are required as ever more complex programs are designed that integrate traditional and non-traditional media.

P&G’s “Build From Within” program tracks the performance of its star performers, known as Proctoids, via monthly and annual talent reviews. Evidently it’s been successful in so far, but issues are afoot for P&G as customers switch to lower value brands.

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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The success of contrarian marketing strategies requires CMOs to table prevailing marketing theories and embrace experimentation.

There are very few things in business that pay off by waiting. Now’s the time for the CMO to leverage the 7-S Framework.

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Dean Crutchfield Associates Sell More, Seize More, Win More

Growth Advisors

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Seize More Opportunity

Brand Strategy Team Building

Personal Branding Brand Building

Business Activation

Sell More Services

Selling Presentation Skills Ambition Planning

Pitch Forum

Win More Business Sharpen Offers

New Business 101 Pitch Boot Camp Growing Clients Pitch Doctoring


Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Delivering Your Best Case & Winning Face

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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In the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources held, Dean Crutchfield has

targeted and won millions in new fees from the world’s

leading brands.

By convincing senior executives at Fortune 500 companies on brand architecture, portfolio

rationalization, go-to-market brand strategies, product and

business innovation, Dean Crutchfield has directly helped clients generate billions in new

business growth.

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Armed with rich content, deep

knowledge, 2x2 matrices and a white board, we rapidly

create targeted, multi-channel growth programs that generate immediate

Impact Dean Crutchfield Associates

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What DCA Delivers Achieving growth

For ambitious leaders who are driven to grow fast

Creating new business Orchestrating and activating accelerated outreach programs

Building efficiencies

Rapidly sourcing the best talent for the business

  Improving margins

Rallying teams behind the brand and go-to-market strategy

Boosting win rates

Delivering your best case and winning face forward

    Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Working with DCA

Catalyzing top line growth for clients is what we thrive on: delivering your best case and winning face, encourage your people to move the needle north and sharpen the product offering. DCA (Dean Crutchfield

Associates) achieve growth for clients by tailoring brand-led techniques that are uniquely participant

centered. We guarantee results. Whether it’s a better pitch, winning new mandates, a better team or more

fees, you will find our fee in your business within weeks.

DCA programs have been thoroughly tested and

proven with start-ups and the world’s greatest brands, uniquely adding immediate value.

When you hire DCA, you get results. If you have the

right people attend the sessions and complete all of your committed decisions and pilot initiatives and are still not satisfied or seeing results by the agreed time frame, we will coach and advise you free until you do!

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Working with DCA

By deploying real world strategies and hands-on collaboration to inspire teams we create content backed by actions that will assure you of seizing

every good opportunity, selling more services and winning new business.

For 20 years Dean Crutchfield has advised the

world's most iconic brands, built businesses, created new companies, opened international offices and spoken about the role of brands at Duke, Kellogg,

Wharton and the Google Speaker Series. He has made appearances on all major TV news networks, commentary in the global press, editorials in major

business publications and is a Contributor to Forbes.

With a proven ability to inspire and push the boundaries beyond the notion of what was thought possible, DCA excel with clients who are looking to

run fast, led by CEOs, CMOs, entrepreneurs and executive teams eager to capture dominant levels

of success.

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Global Client Experience

Aviva* BP BT*

BSkyB* Camper & Nicholson Carter’s Cellcom* CITI Comcast General Electric Kraft Fila Frito-Lay Littlewood’s* McDonald’s M50    

McKinsey Metsä Serla* Nomura* PepsiCo PG&E Pitney Bowes RBS* Scanfinest* Shell Smirnoff Staples Sunglass Hut Target Tower of London* Warburg Pincus WGM

“Dean always cuts to the core of what needs to be done and said. He helps bring clarity and provides value by being an outsider with no agenda, so he can help you stand back and see things from different perspectives. Dean helped us think through solutions and then form the best way to present those solutions in a persuasive and compelling way.” *References upon request

* Overseas Project  

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Contact: [email protected] +1 917 239 3303 333 East 34th Street, Ste 15A/B, New York, NY 10016

Dean Crutchfield Associates

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Dean Crutchfield Associates Sell More, Seize More, Win More

Growth Advisors

Dean Crutchfield Associates