day 10

---------------------------------------------- The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 10: ---------------------------------------------- Hi Joey Welcome to Day 10 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge. One of the aspects of manifestation that people have the most trouble with is letting go. Letting go doesn't mean to resign yourself to never having what you desire, it means to let go of the 'need' to have it. Today’s lesson deals with letting go. ---------------------------------------------- The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 10: ---------------------------------------------- One of the things that really bugged me when I first started reading about manifestation was this whole idea of 'letting go'. To be honest, it sounded like a cop out. Doesn't getting what you want require a lot of hard work, long hours, brute force, and determination?

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Page 1: Day 10

----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 10:----------------------------------------------

Hi Joey

Welcome to Day 10 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge.

One of the aspects of manifestation that people have the most trouble with is letting go. Letting go doesn't mean to resign yourself to never having what you desire, it means to let go of the 'need' to have it.

Today’s lesson deals with letting go.

----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 10:----------------------------------------------

One of the things that really bugged me when I first started reading about manifestation was this whole idea of 'letting go'.

To be honest, it sounded like a cop out.

Doesn't getting what you want require a lot of hard work, long hours, brute force, and determination?

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Apparently not.

Apparently this was simply a limiting belief created from my experience and repeated thoughts.

Apparently things can be easy, effortless, and fun.

Really? Yes!

The more I looked for evidence of this, the more I found it. I discovered there are a lot of people out there who find manifesting, achieving, and attracting pretty easy.

They don't 'struggle' - they create. They don't chase success - they let it in.

It didn't seem fair at all - work less and get more? It upset the 'work hard = rewards' equation that I had been led to believe.

So I set about in a very determined, old-me and non-easy way, to learn about it.

I discovered it really is easy! In fact, the less hard you try, the easier it gets to manifest your intentions. That's why I am excited about sharing these skills - because the less I do, the more my business grows. I want that for you.

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So here are my 5 easy tips to 'let go' and let it in:

1. Beware of 'I need it'. The more you think and feel you 'need' something, the more you repel whatever it is you desire. 'Needing' is really the vibration of 'lack'. And the more you vibrate 'lack', the more you attract it.

Replace 'I need it' with 'Wouldn't it be delicious if...', or 'The Universe is in the process of ....', or 'Even though I desire this thing, here are 10 wonderful things in my life that I truly appreciate' - and then go on and list them and feel appreciation for them.

2. Distract yourself. When you feel the absence of your desire, it's easy to fall into a state of longing. This is not helpful! Do anything to distract yourself with fun - turn on the music and dance, giggle with your friends, try to juggle, go on a holiday, try a new sport, go to the movies. This way you'll prove to yourself that your happiness is not contingent on a manifestation (which is exactly the state you need to be in to let it in).

3.Manage your vibration. Nothing is more important than that you pay attention to your feelings - your vibrational expression. Always look for thoughtsthat feel just a little bit better. Avoid negative people,situations and media. Ask yourself repeatedly, 'what

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can I do right now that would make me feel really good?"

4. Give up caring. You might be quite attached to your goal - like, 'when I have enough money, then I'll be happy', or 'I have to lose another 10 pounds before I can meet someone'. If this is the case, it's time to let go of these self-imposed rules.

The feeling you are looking for in relation to the end result is: happy, excitement, and the thrill of having it - NOT stress, worry, and massive expectation to pull it off. See the difference? Look for the feeling you desire at all times, do things and think things that will allow you to feel good.


1. Continue to use the visualization process, the scripting process, and to chant wealth success. The more you practice these the faster your subconscious mind will be accepting ofthe new ideas and thoughts and turning them into beliefs.

2. Use the floating money visualization to continue to increase your comfort level with money.

3. Learn to let go. What can you do from moment to moment that will let you feel good?

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Please share your thoughts or insights in the group forum:

Watch you email for lesson 11 tomorrow.

-----To Your Success,Karen Walker