david srere

Building World Class Brands: The Essential Principles 打造世界的品牌: 重要的准David B. Srere, Co-President and CEO

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Building World Class Brands: The Essential Principles

打造世界级的品牌: 重要的准则

David B. Srere, Co-President and CEO

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Siegel+Gale is a global strategic branding firm.

Introduction 简介


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Alan Siegel 42 years 42多年经验 225 people 225位资深从业人员 8 offices 全球八个办公室 An Omnicom company 宏盟集团成员

Introduction 简介

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Our Promise 我们的承诺

We build world-class brands through elegantly simple, unexpectedly fresh strategies, stories and experiences. 通过优雅的简约设计及引人入胜的品牌战略,品牌故事和品牌体验,我们塑造了众多世界级的品牌

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Brand Strategy Brand Research Brand Architecture Verbal + Visual Identity Naming Digital Strategy + Design Customer Experience Simplification

Our Core Capabilities 我们的服务

品牌定位 调查研究 品牌架构 设计+视觉识别 命名 数字媒体设计 受众体验 简化

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Our Goal: Help Build the Next Generation of World Class Brands 我们的目标:打造下一世代的国际级品牌

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“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” + Confucius

千里之行始于足下 + 孔子

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1980’s: Birth of a Market Economy

1990’s – to date: "The Age of Advertising

+  Evolved from a centrally planned economy

+  Dominated by international brands and JVs

+  Availability = differentiation

+  Mass advertising confused with branding

+  Consumer affinity towards global brands; local brands thriving as OEMs

+  Price = differentiation

+  A gradual but noticeable shift towards brand-building

+  Native brands gaining share locally; looking globally

+  Price still leads, but quality, service, and choice are emerging as differentiators

Emerging Now: "A Shift to Brand Building

The Branding Market is Still Emerging 品牌建立市场还处在初期阶段

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What are the principles of world class brands? 什么是打造世界级品牌的重要准则?

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Three Essential Principles 品牌三准则

1.  Create a compelling story about your organization 根据企业的实情,创造一个清晰可信的故事

2. Tell the story in a compelling way—don’t just show it 将这个故事动人的说出 - 不要只说无行动

3. Bring the story to life consistently across every touchpoint of the organization


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Great Brands Tell Compelling Stories 成功的品牌都诉说着动人的故事

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Help people be their best in the moments that matter.


Create innovative solutions to the world’s challenges


Help the world work better through forward thinking


Enhance people’s lives with intuitive, simple, elegant design


Improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come


Help the world run better in order to create enduring prosperity for people everywhere


Great Brands Tell Compelling Stories 成功的品牌都诉说着动人的故事

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What makes a compelling story?


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It answers three key questions: 它们回答以下三个问题

+  What do I stand for? 我代表了什么?

+  How am I different? 我是如何与众不同?

+  Why should anyone care? 为什麽别人要重视我?

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It’s based on truth It’s based on truth


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It’s not just about what your organization does—it’s about what your organization does for others

不是你做了什么 - 而是你为别人做了什么

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So what? What?

Moving from the “What” to the “So What?” 从做什么到为何而做?

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A company that manufactures computer chips



The company that defines the future through technology



Moving from the “What” to the “So What?” 从做什么到为何而做?

由 到

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Developing the Story 发展故事

Audience 受众 Target segments 目标群体"Perceptions 感知 Needs and Desires 需要和欲求

Organization 组织 Vision 愿景"Culture 文化"Structure 架构

What are the needs? 有哪些需求?

What is the context? 环境如何?

The Brand Story 品牌想法 The strategic focus for your brand efforts—the one thing your brand must accomplish 品牌的战略关注点—品牌必须实现的一件事

What are the capabilities? 能做什么?

Environment 环境 Competitors 竞争对手"Industry Trends 行业趋势 Market Dynamics 市场动态

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A Great Story is Well Told - Not Just Shown 一个好的故事是被动人地说出–而不只是表达

Visual 视觉:

+  Logos and symbols 标识和符号

+  Advertising 广告

+  Packaging 包装

+  Signage 招牌

Verbal 言语:

+  Personality 个性

+  Tone 语调

+  Voice 品牌声音

+  Narrative 脚本

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+ Evolve Windows from a commodity people have to use to a brand they want to use


+ Increase awareness, understanding and relevance 提升知晓度、理解度和关联度

+ Deposition Apple 降低苹果地位

Branding Priorities 品牌优先

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Verbal Principles: 声音准则

Understanding 有理解力的

Knowledgeable 有知识的

Inquiring 好奇的

Pragmatic 务实的

Visual Principles: 视觉准则

Real Life 生活化的

Integrated 融入生活中的

Alive 充满生气的

Clear 清晰的

The Story


Windows is more compatible with your whole life - at home, work, and play


The Windows Brand Framework Windows品牌架构

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Verbal Principles: 声音准则

Understanding 有理解力的

Knowledgeable 有知识的

Inquiring 好奇的

Pragmatic 务实的

Visual Principles: 视觉准则

Real Life 生活化的

Integrated 融入生活中的

Alive 充满生气的

Clear 清晰的

The Story


Windows is more compatible with your whole life - at home, work, and play


The Windows Brand Framework Windows品牌架构

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Shoot real Windows users and engage members of their personal communities Depict the many facets of a hero Windows user at work, play, relaxing and learning

Use multiple photographers to depict diverse settings and subjects Adopt an editorial style for imagery

Incorporate products seamlessly within users’ life stories. Aim to show ethnically and culturally diverse groups.

Brazil Shoot:"Nesters—Santos Family

Moscow Shoot: Empty Nesters—Petrov Family

Beijing Shoot: Transitioners—Min & Jia

Applying the Visual Principles 应用执行这些声音准则

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Verbal Principles: 声音准则

Understanding 有理解力的

Knowledgeable 有知识的

Inquiring 好奇的

Pragmatic 务实的

Visual Principles: 视觉准则

Real Life 生活化的

Integrated 融入生活中的

Alive 充满生气的

Clear 清晰的

The Story


Windows is more compatible with your whole life - at home, work, and play


The Windows Brand Framework Windows品牌架构

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Before: “Have to Use”

Windows Live Spaces is a terrific tool for sharing your memories online. It is your virtual home on the internet for your family and friends to visit! Like any home, we should probably put up a few photos.

Windows Live Photo Gallery gives you the power to share your photos directly to your Windows Live Space for friends and family to see from afar.

Unlike many online photo websites; Windows Live Spaces even has the ability to directly download an entire photo album! It is easier than ever to share your photos!

After: “Want to Use”

Why use Windows Live Spaces?

For lots of little reasons, Beth Adams takes lots of little pictures. Lots and lots, actually. A gigabyte a day. Beth runs a daycare center, and a few years ago, she had a brainwave: snap photographs of the kids being cute and share them with the parents.

Great idea. But just an idea, until she discovered she could reach out to almost any parent, anywhere, easily, with Windows Live Spaces. Now, Beth uploads images to her Windows Live Space and broadcasts them to parents in a single mouse click. She creates downloadable photo albums for each classroom. And since nearly everyone speaks Windows, she knows that the pictures–and the smiles–will come through for everyone.

Bringing the Voice Principles to Life 将声音准则执行于传播中

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Three Essential Principles 品牌三准则

1.  Create a compelling story about your organization 根据企业的实情,创造一个清晰可信的故事

2. Tell the story in a compelling way—don’t just show it 将这个故事动人的说出 - 不要只说无行动

3. Bring the story to life consistently across every touchpoint of the organization


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