david k. hendrickson, chairbrian noland, chancellor veterans program updates wvasfaa spring...

David K. Hendrickson, Chair Brian Noland, Chancellor Veterans Program Updates WVASFAA Spring Conference

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David K. Hendrickson, Chair Brian Noland, Chancellor

Veterans Program UpdatesWVASFAA Spring Conference

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission 2

Office of Veterans Education and Training Programs

Skip Gebhart Administrator

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

The Post-9/11 GI Bill of 2008

• Began August 1, 2009

• Provides comprehensive educational benefits to veterans

who served on active duty after September 11, 2001

– Tuition, Fees, Books, Supplies, Housing, et. al.

• Has paid more than $8 billion in education benefits to

nearly 500,000 veterans and family members


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Public Law 111-377

The Post-9/11 “Improvements” Act of 2010

• Signed by the President January, 2011

• Intended to simplify implementation and administration of Post-9/11 benefits

• Contains significant changes to the original Post 9/11 GI Bill

• Affects some previous GI Bill benefits, too


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Details and Workshops Are Coming!

• Regulations to implement the changes have not been completed

• We are having Certifying Officials Workshops in mid-May and hope to have regulations then

– Week of May 16

– Day and a half sessions

– Charleston, Morgantown

• We will send details as soon as possible


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Changes to the GI Bill

• Several effective dates

• Changes include:

– Eligibility

– Benefit payments

– School processing issues


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Active Duty and National Guard

• Effective now, payable on October 1, 2011

– Expands program to include certain active State service performed by National Guard members under Title 32 U.S.C.

• Effective March 5, 2011

– Limits Tuition and Fee payments for active duty members training at more than ½ time to eligibility levels (40%-100%) based on length of service (like Post 9/11 veterans)


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Tuition and Fees

• Effective August 1, 2011:

• Pays all in-state public school costs (including Masters/PhDs, etc.)

• Caps private school costs at $17,500 annually.

• Individual state caps no longer needed

• Yellow Ribbon Program still applies to costs above $17,500


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Net Charges for Tuition and Fees

Effective August 1, 2011:

Schools must report net cost for tuition and fees after deducting:

• Any tuition and/or fee waivers or reductions• Any scholarships, federal, state, institutional or

employer-based aid (NOT Pell or Loans) applied to the student’s tuition and fee costs

Will mean rethinking how and when Certifying Officials communicate with Financial Aid and Business Offices and when they certify T&Fs to VA


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Housing Allowances

Effective August 1, 2011:

• Prorates Housing Allowance to training time (half pay for half-time attendance)

• Allows Vocational Rehabilitation participants to elect the higher Housing Allowance offered by Post-9/11 GI Bill if otherwise eligible

• Adjusts Housing Allowance Rates in August instead of January


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Break Pay

Effective August 1, 2011

“Interval pay” or “break pay” will no longer be paid for periods between terms

– Applies to ALL VA education programs, not just the Post-9/11 GI Bill

– Effectively reduces GI Bills’ benefits by up to two months’ pay per year

• Up to $2600 for Ch. 30

• Between $1500 and $2500 for Ch. 33


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Licensing and Certification Tests

Effective August 1, 2011– Allows reimbursement for more than one “license or

certification” test (previously only one test was allowed under the Post-9/11 GI Bill)

– Entitlement charged at the rate of one month for every $1460 paid by VA

– Allows reimbursement of fees paid to take national exams like SAT, ACT, GMAT, LSAT, et. al.


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

More Changes. . .

Effective August 1, 2011

• Allows VA to pay MGIB and MGIB-SR kickers on a monthly basis (previously paid as a lump sum payment at the beginning of the term)

• Allows personnel in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Public Health Service to transfer Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to dependents


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Non College Degree Programs

Effective October 1, 2011

• Allows students to use the Post-9/11 GI bill for non-college degree (NCD) programs

• Pays actual net cost for in-State tuition and fees at public NCD institutions.

• At private and foreign institutions, pays the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees or $17,500, whichever is less.

• Pays up to $83 per month for books and supplies


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

OJT, Apprenticeship, & Flight

Effective October 1, 2011

• On-the-job and apprenticeship training

– Pays a monthly benefit amount prorated based on time in program and up to $83 per month for books and supplies

• Flight programs

– Pays the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees assessed by the school or $10,000, whichever is less, per academic year


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Correspondence and Distance Education

Effective October 1, 2011

• Correspondence training

– Per academic year, pays the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees assessed by the school or $8,500, whichever is less

• Online Only Training

– Pays Housing Allowance for those solely in distance learning

– Half the national average of $1,348, or $674


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

Reporting Fees

• In 1974, the reporting fee for handling VA paperwork was $7.00 per VA student enrolled on November 1 each year.

• Now it goes up to $12.00!

• Fees paid SHALL be used by schools to certify VA enrollments or otherwise support veterans programs.


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission


• More people now eligible for benefits

• Benefits reduced for all to pay for increased costs

• Policies and procedures changed; schools will have to relearn, retool, and—in some cases—redo.

• Confusion of multiple policy, procedure, and program changes will mean more questions


West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission
