date laimers principal s note - miles state school · year 1/2 — haylee s. — for your amazing...

Principals Note Date Claimers Principal: Mr Steven Benne P & C Meeng Tuesday, 12th November Office Meeng Room. 5:30 to 6:30 pm Thank you for your connued support. Issue 33 October 23 2019 Thursday, 24 October— 3:30 pm Prep Transion Day - Parent informaon session Friday, 25 October – Book Club due by 9:00am Saturday, 26 October— 9:30 am Prep Transion - Parent informaon session Tuesday, 29 October — Miles SS Pink Ribbon Day Friday, 6 December - Miles SS Awards Night Phone: 4628 0333 Prep : 4628 0329 Office email: Mrs Wendy Hay [email protected] Mrs Claire Goodchild [email protected] Office Hours: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm School Swimming - This year, Miles State School will be paying for the school swimming program, as a one off gesture, including entry to the pool for all students. If your family has a swimming pass, could you please forward a copy, or advise the office via email ([email protected]), by November 4, that your family or student has a pass to reduce our costs . We thank you in ancipaon. Kindy to Prep Transions - We have planned two Parent informaon sessions, this Thursday aſternoon 3:30pm and Saturday morning 9:30am in the Prep classroom, for parents of children intending on enrolling for Prep in 2020. These sessions aim to provide informaon and offer an opportunity to answer quesons you may have in preparing for starng Primary School next year. We ask that parents bring their childs Birth Cerficate in order to confirm their eligibility. These parent informaon sessions in combinaon with a series of sessions for the children aiming to help them become more comfortable in the environment and with rounes. Secondary School Readiness Programs - Over the last 4 weeks of Term Three and the first 5 weeks of this term our year 5/6 classes have had the opportunity to engage in a number of specialist lessons very kindly supported by the Miles State High School. These sessions aim to provide students with a sample of High School life and will soon be followed by transions sessions. These days form part of our Secondary School Readiness Programs and assist students with becoming familiar with the curriculum offerings in Secondary Schools and their operaon. While our Year 6 students may be aending many different schools for Year 7, and each school is unique in their offerings and operaons, the Secondary School Readiness Program is designed to give a general perspecve of Secondary School. These days are about building independence and will benefit all students regardless of the school they aend. Student Leadership - Our Year 5 students will begin their leadership applicaon process in Week 5. This process involves the endorsement of staff and elecon by students into leadership posions. Year 5 students are required to complete their Student Council Handbook applicaons for leadership submied on the Monday of Week 8. While the speeches and vong are not scheduled unl week 9 it is recommended that parents start conversaons with their child in considering if this is of interest for them. The announcement of our student leaders and captains will be made at our annual awards presentaon night on Friday 6 th December as per tradion. Enrolments for 2019 - At this me of a year we start planning our staffing for 2020. To assist us in this endeavour, could parents please let our office know if you are planning on moving school in 2020. A short email to [email protected] or phone call will suffice. World Teachers Day - This Friday we celebrate World Teachers Day here in Queensland and have planned to recognise the significant contribuons our teachers at Miles State School have in the lives of our students. We are privileged to have such dedicated, commied and highly skilled praconers working with our children. Oſten I am leſt in awe of the lengths our staff go to in ensuring children are supported holiscally, well beyond the scope of the curriculum. Have a wonderful week. Steven Bennett Principal Cnr Pine and Constance Streets PO Box 63, MILES QLD 4415 Telephone 07 4628 0333 Fax 07 4627 2219 E-mail [email protected] Web hp:// SCHOLASTIC BOOKCLUB - 2019 Brochures were distributed to classes last week. Orders need to be returned to the School Office by no later than 9:00 am on Friday, 25 Ocotber. Our preferred method for ordering and payment is the LOOP ordering system offered by Scholasc. This is a fantasc way to order your Bookclub, without having to worry about finding correct money, or if your child has delivered their order to school on me. Instrucons for LOOP ordering can be found in the documents secon of our web page - If you are paying by cheque, please ensure your cheque is made payable to SCHOLASTIC BOOKCLUB. Thank you!

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Page 1: Date laimers Principal s Note - Miles State School · Year 1/2 — Haylee S. — For your amazing contribution to our English lessons. Keep up the great work! Year 2 — Sheree R

Principal’s Note

Date Claimers

Principal: Mr Steven Bennett

P & C Meeting Tuesday, 12th November

Office Meeting Room.

5:30 to 6:30 pm

Thank you for your continued support.

Issue 33

October 23 2019

Thursday, 24 October—3:30 pm Prep Transition Day - Parent information session

Friday, 25 October – Book Club due by 9:00am

Saturday, 26 October— 9:30 am Prep Transition - Parent information session

Tuesday, 29 October — Miles SS Pink Ribbon Day

Friday, 6 December - Miles SS Awards Night

Phone: 4628 0333

Prep : 4628 0329

Office email:

Mrs Wendy Hay

[email protected]

Mrs Claire Goodchild

[email protected]

Office Hours:

8:30 am to 3:30 pm

School Swimming - This year, Miles State School will be paying for the school swimming program, as a one off gesture, including entry to the pool for all students. If your family has a swimming pass, could you please forward a copy, or advise the office via email ([email protected]), by November 4, that your family or student has a pass to reduce our costs . We thank you in anticipation.

Kindy to Prep Transitions - We have planned two Parent information sessions, this Thursday afternoon 3:30pm and Saturday morning 9:30am in the Prep classroom, for parents of children intending on enrolling for Prep in 2020. These sessions aim to provide information and offer an opportunity to answer questions you may have in preparing for starting Primary School next year. We ask that parents bring their child’s Birth Certificate in order to confirm their eligibility. These parent information sessions in combination with a series of sessions for the children aiming to help them become more comfortable in the environment and with routines.

Secondary School Readiness Programs - Over the last 4 weeks of Term Three and the first 5 weeks of this term our year 5/6 classes have had the opportunity to engage in a number of specialist lessons very kindly supported by the Miles State High School. These sessions aim to provide students with a sample of High School life and will soon be followed by transitions sessions. These days form part of our Secondary School Readiness Programs and assist students with becoming familiar with the curriculum offerings in Secondary Schools and their operation. While our Year 6 students may be attending many different schools for Year 7, and each school is unique in their offerings and operations, the Secondary School Readiness Program is designed to give a general perspective of Secondary School. These days are about building independence and will benefit all students regardless of the school they attend.

Student Leadership - Our Year 5 students will begin their leadership application process in Week 5. This process involves the endorsement of staff and election by students into leadership positions. Year 5 students are required to complete their Student Council Handbook applications for leadership submitted on the Monday of Week 8. While the speeches and voting are not scheduled until week 9 it is recommended that parents start conversations with their child in considering if this is of interest for them. The announcement of our student leaders and captains will be made at our annual awards presentation night on Friday 6th December as per tradition.

Enrolments for 2019 - At this time of a year we start planning our staffing for 2020. To assist us in this endeavour, could parents please let our office know if you are planning on moving school in 2020. A short email to [email protected] or phone call will suffice.

World Teachers Day - This Friday we celebrate World Teachers Day here in Queensland and have planned to recognise the significant contributions our teachers at Miles State School have in the lives of our students. We are privileged to have such dedicated, committed and highly skilled practitioners working with our children. Often I am left in awe of the lengths our staff go to in ensuring children are supported holistically, well beyond the scope of the curriculum.

Have a wonderful week.

Steven Bennett


Cnr Pine and Constance Streets PO Box 63, MILES QLD 4415 Telephone 07 4628 0333 Fax 07 4627 2219 E-mail [email protected] Web

SCHOLASTIC BOOKCLUB - 2019 Brochures were distributed to classes last week. Orders need to be returned to the School Office by no later than 9:00 am on Friday, 25 Ocotber.

Our preferred method for ordering and payment is the LOOP ordering system offered by Scholastic. This is a fantastic way to order your Bookclub, without having to worry about finding correct money, or if your child has delivered their order to school on time. Instructions for LOOP ordering can be found in the documents section of our web page -

If you are paying by cheque, please ensure your cheque is made payable to SCHOLASTIC BOOKCLUB. Thank you!

Page 2: Date laimers Principal s Note - Miles State School · Year 1/2 — Haylee S. — For your amazing contribution to our English lessons. Keep up the great work! Year 2 — Sheree R


Visitors to the School - For the safety of our students, could all Parents and Visitors who come to the school between 9:00 am and 2:50 pm please come to the Office and sign in. Thank you



tt 4

/5 F


Student of the Week

Prep — Penelope E. — For a massive effort with reading! Great sounding out!

Year Prep/1S — Dallas B. — You demonstrate amazing citizenship skills! You are helpful, considerate and responsible!

Year 1/2C — Haylee S. — For your amazing contribution to our English lessons. Keep up the great work!

Year 2B — Sheree R. — For outstanding improvement in her reading!

Year 3/4H — Evelyn O. — For showing great persistence with your division. Wonderful Work!

Year 3/4J — Nate Y. — For your wonderful effort in mathematics, you are a champ!

Year 4/5F — Kendall A. — For eagerness with using sign language to practice her spelling words.

Year 5/6H — Alex Y. — For your great attendance this week! Keep it up!

Year 5/6N — Konrad T. — Great improvement with your work ethic and behaviour. Fantastic to see!

Poems, Place Value and Planets In English, students are learning about poems. We had many laughs introducing poetry with the Poet’s Lament poem (It’s a poem about hating writing poems). We have been exploring the purpose and features of poems. Students will be creating adapted poems based on a poem explored in class. We will then be to presenting it to the class using multimodal features (costumes, props, photos, sounds etc) to make our presentation interesting for our audience.

In Maths, students have been reviewing place value and multiplication and division these past couple of weeks. We are now exploring decimals and fractions and will then move into Chance concepts.

In Science, our class are enthusiastically learning about the solar system and aspects of space exploration this term. They are beginning to research facts about a chosen planet for their assessment. Students will be creating an article for our class’ digital magazine called “Our Place in Space” using EdStudio.

Page 3: Date laimers Principal s Note - Miles State School · Year 1/2 — Haylee S. — For your amazing contribution to our English lessons. Keep up the great work! Year 2 — Sheree R


nd 2:50 pm

If you would like to give a donation and get a tax

invoice you can donate on our fundraising page. Link



Also if you would like to help out on the day please let

me know.

Thanks, Katrina Lucas [email protected]

Page 4: Date laimers Principal s Note - Miles State School · Year 1/2 — Haylee S. — For your amazing contribution to our English lessons. Keep up the great work! Year 2 — Sheree R