data is king

Data is King Marshall Bowen

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Data is KingMarshall Bowen

Do you have current, accurate data in your rifle data book?

Do you even have a data book?

If you answered no to either of those questions, you are WRONG!

I cannot stress the importance of a good data book enough.

You need to ask yourself these important questions.

What is your mil hold for a target 400 yards away with your elevation set at 200 yards?

Does your cold bore shot hit 2 inches high or 1 inch left?

Is your 700 yard elevation 7 or 7+4?

Do you have a .5 mil lead or a 1 mil lead for a target moving 2mph at 500yds?

What is the formula to find the distance to a target in yards?

What is the COS when shooting at a 30 degree angle?

What is the total round count for your barrel?

These are just a small number of things that every good and improving sniper should know and be constantly thinking about.

If you have good data you will be able to answer all of these questions.

If you have poor data, you will make a poor shot.

In combat a poor shot could mean the difference between life and death.

Wind, temperature, moisture, light, angle and elevation are just a few things that play a huge role in the impact of your round.

Some of you might be wondering how you gather all of this information.

The answer is simple, get out to the range and practice shooting.

Shoot in every temperature, light, angle, elevation, and wind that you possibly can.

Keep close track of the effects these different conditions have on your rounds and write it all down.

You are not going to be able to get all of this information in one day, it will take time.

If possible, have a spotter with you when you are gathering data.

Two sets of eyes are better than one!

Marshall Bowen

Thank you very much for viewing my presentation and be sure to check back again soon!