data analysis in social sciences

Understanding Data Analysis in Social Sciences Partially based on Pandya K,, SPSS in Simple Steps, Dreamtech Press, ISBN-13: 978-93-5004-251-9. …or: - why data analysis?... required knowledge on the basic statistics… what are the various tests?... the assumptions behind each test… how to use the tests?... an introduction to the fundamentals of data analysis for MBA students © 2012, Marie Anne Rosario, partially based on, and adapted from Pandya K,, SPSS in Simple Steps, Dreamtech Press. 1

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data analysis


Understanding Data Analysis in Social SciencesPartiallybasedonPandyaK,,SPSSinSimpleSteps, Dreamtech Press, ISBN-13: 9!-93-"##$-%"1-9.&or: - 'hy data analysis(*ired +no'led,e on the basic statistics&'hat are the -ario*s tests(...the ass*mptions behind each test&ho' to *se the tests( introduction to the fundamentals of data analysis for MBA students. %#1%, /arie 0nne 1osario, partially based on, and adapted 2rom Pandya K,, SPSS in Simple Steps, Dreamtech Press.1P*rpose o2 Statistics13 4o describe a phenomena,%3 4oor,ani5eands*mmari5eo*rres*ltmore con-eniently and meanin,2*lly,33 4o ma+e in2erence or ma+e predictions,$3 4o e6plain, and"3 4o ma+e a concl*sion.. %#1%, /arie 0nne 1osario, partially based on, and adapted 2rom Pandya K,, SPSS in Simple Steps, Dreamtech Press.%Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)4ypes o2 Statistics Descripti-eStatistics:4hee-entoro*tcomeo2e-entsisdescribed 'itho*tdra'in,concl*sions.Itisconcernedonly'iththecollection, or,anisation,s*mmarisin,,analysisandpresentationo2anarrayo2 n*merical)*alitati-eor)*antitati-edata.Descripti-estatisticsincl*de the mean, median, mode, standard de-iation, ran,e, percentile, +*rtosis, correlation coe7cient, proportions etc. In2erentialStatistics:4hisisb*iltonthedescripti-estatisticsby,oin,a step 2*rther to ma+e interpretation 'ith a -ie' to pop*lation *pon 'hich adecision'o*ldbebased.8alidandreliabledecisions,,eneralisations, predictions and concl*sions co*ld be dra'n *sin, this statistics tools s*ch asstochasticprocess,)*e*in,theory,,ametheory,)*alitycontrol,chi-s)*are, t-test, 2-test etc. 96perimentalStatistics:1elatestothedesi,no2e6perimentsto establishin,ca*sesande:ectso2s*chdesi,nsase6perimental,;*asi-e6periments etc. . %#1%, /arie 0nne 1osario, partially based on, and adapted 2rom Pandya K,, SPSS in Simple Steps, Dreamtech Press.3$Nominal:Numbers assigned to runners7 11 3FinishFinishOrdinal:Rank Order of WinnersThird Placeecond PlaceFirst Place!nter"al:Performance Rating on a #$to$1# scale%&' (&1 (&)Ratio:Time to finish in seconds1*&' 1+&1 13&+,easurement scales. %#1%, /arie 0nne 1osario, partially based on, and adapted 2rom Pandya K,, SPSS in Simple Steps, Dreamtech Press. Nominalvariablesallo'2oronly)*alitati-eclassihi-s)*are, binomial test Ordinal variables allo' *s to ran+ order the items 'e meas*re in terms o2'hichhaslessand'hichhasmoreo2the)*alityrepresentedbythe -ariable, b*t still they do not allo' *s to say ?ho' m*ch more.@ 0 typical e6ample o2 an ordinal -ariable is the socioeconomic stat*s o2 2amilies.Permissible Statistics:Descripti-e = percentile, medianIn2erential = 1an+-order correlation, Ariedman 0NB80. %#1%, /arie 0nne 1osario, partially based on, and adapted 2rom Pandya K,, SPSS in Simple Steps, Dreamtech Press." Intervalvariablesallo'*snotonlytoran+ordertheitemsthatare meas*red,b*talsoto)*anti2yandcomparethesi5eso2di:erences bet'eenthem.Aore6ample,temperat*re,asmeas*redinde,rees Aahrenheit or >elsi*s, constit*tes an inter-al scale. Permissible Statistics:Descripti-e = ran,e, mean, S.DIn2erential = pearson correlation, t-tests, 0NB80, re,ression, 2actor analysis Ratio variables are -ery similar to inter-al -ariablesC in addition to all the propertieso2inter-al-ariables,they2eat*reanidentientral 4endencyE0-era,es- /ean- /edian- /ode/eas*res o2 Spread E Dispersion- 1an,e- 8ariance- S.D- I;1 /eas*re o2 0symmetry/eas*re o2 Pea+edness. %#1%, /arie 0nne 1osario, partially based on, and adapted 2rom Pandya K,, SPSS in Simple Steps, Dreamtech Press.

/eas*res o2 >entral 4endency Bne o2 the main obFecti-es o2 statistical analysis is to ,et a sin,le -al*e that describes the characteristic o2 the entire data. S*cha-al*eiscalledthecentral-al*eandthemostcommonly*sed meas*res o2 central tendencies are 0rithmetic /ean, /edian and /ode. 4hey,i-e*sanideao2theconcentrationo2theobser-ationGdata3 abo*t the central part o2 the distrib*tion. 0rithmetic/eano2aseriesisde