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  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny



  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny


  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny


    Danube-StoriesZentrum fur Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZAWiW)der Universitat UlmUniversity of Ruse

    Culture Institute XIII. District Budapest

    Constantin Brancusi Cultural Association Timisoara

    Evropski DomVukovar

    International Association for Danube Research (lAD)

    University of Belgrade

    Grundtvig Learning Partnership LP DANUBE-STORIES 2011-1- DE2-GRU06-07809 6

    Life longLearning


    * * ** *

    * ** *

    * * *

    A o c i a t i a *** r ~ * *C ul tu ra l l i lA DZN/ W C on t a n t in * ** *XIII. Kerilleti Kozmuvel6desi Nonprofit Kft. B r a n c u ~ i *** r /

  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny


  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny



    4 Preface

    7 Danube-Stories - an Overview

    8 Danube-Networkers

    11 Partner Meetings

    25 Danube-Stories and Danube-Pictures

    97 Interactions and Products

    109 Danube-Dictionary

    116 Imprint

  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny



    Project coordinators

    G r u n dt vi g Le ar n i n g P ar t n e rs h i p

    Preface Carmen StadelhoferGermany

    The Danube Region stretches from Germany in the west till Ukraine in

    the east, with 14 countries where 115 million people currently live in.The Danube Region has an enormous economic, ecological, cultural and

    social potential. However, there are also marked economic and social

    differences that came to being in the course of the history of this region

    rich on conflicts. The EU macro regional Danube Strategy stepped up in

    2010 is a fundament to give structure to a common development in South

    East Europe. To realize this ambitious aim it needs people who meet,

    people, who are willing to share their experiences and visions through

    funding projects that are anchored in the civil society, new bridges should

    be built along the Danube and borders overcome. The Danube Region

    should develop into space for different cultures, various nations and all

    generations, in which strong civil society contributes to prosperity andthe improvement of life quality of all people.

    In the future, demographic trends have a strong impact on EU societies.

    According to the Eurostat estimations (112010),23.3 % of the population

    in the Danube region will be aged 65 and over in 2030. Many Danube

    regions are additionally touched by migration of the working population,

    aggravating the age shift. These changes imply major effects on societies,

    with consequences for the social, welfare and economic life as well aseducation and culture.

    On the contrary, older adults (55+) can no longer be regarded as a

    Nikolay Mihailov


    Lajos Szalkai


    homogenous group of passive people or a burden in need of care. Rather,

    they are an active age group with various life styles and social milieusdiffering considerably between and within countries - just like any

    other part of the population. Ageing societies like those in the Danube

    region simply cannot afford to waste the enormous potential of older

    adults. Lifelong learning is the key to assuring that the competences

    and productivity of older adults aren't lost to society. It is imperative

    to provide this growing share of population with learning offers

    stimulating self-directed learning and social participation. In a world

    shaped by science, technology and fundamental social changes general

    adult education must be fostered and developed to prepare older adults

    to take over new challenges and new tasks in society, economy, science

    and culture. Formal learning offers must be combined with informaland non-formal learning environments, e.g. in self-organized groups

    and post-employment activities. The importance of cooperation between

    universities and organisations representing civil society should be

    acknowledged in educational policies and funding.

    In this frame the Centre for General Scientific Continuing Education

    (ZAWiW)of Ulm University, Germany, initiated in 2008 the Network

    "Danube-Networkers" for seniors' education, social participation and

    intergenerational dialogue. The network is called "Danube-Networkers",

    for it is established and work by people alongside the Danube and should

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    Danube Stories 5





    be kept alive and be expanded through active cooperation. Besides the

    structural and political work, since then border-bridging projects hadbeen realized in which seniors' groups work together with other older

    and younger people from the different Danube countries.

    The Learning Partnership "Danube-Stories" (called DASTO)is a very good

    example for this "life long learning in practice". It started in the frame of

    the European Commission's Grundtvig Programme in which seven groups

    from seven institutions from Danube countries participated: ZAWiWof

    UlmUniversity; Germany; International Association for Danube Research

    (lAD), Wilhering, Austria; Culture Institute XIII. District, Budapest,

    Hungary; House of Europe, Vukovar, Croatia; Constantin Brancusi

    Cultural Association, Timisoara, Romania; University "Angel Kanchev",

    Ruse, Bulgaria, - and by support of Baden-Wiirttemberg Foundation theUniversity of Belgrad, Serbia. In the DASTO-project had been involved

    several hundred people, mainly elderly but also younger people. The

    partners are strongly joined by common activities like the "Danube-Boxes"

    and the exchanges of texts, poems, fotos and videos. The local activities

    enrich the variety of project outputs, which are already impressive, the

    meetings foster the inspiring and cordial exchange between the partner

    groups. The joint mobile exhibition "Danube-Networkers on Tour" gives

    an good overview concerning all Danube-Networkers activities.

    Weare proud to be able to give you by this book some idea of the manyfold





    results of this project up to now (april 2013) and to make you feel by texts

    and fotos the engaged andjoyful cooperation of the "Danube-Networkers".More you will find in the projects' website www.danube-stories.eu.

    As main coordinator of the project I like to thank all colleagues and

    participants for their great cooperation, and the institutions, which

    support this Learning Partnership, especially the European Commission,

    and the Baden-Wiirttemberg Foundation.

    Special thanks to our friends from the International Association for

    Danube Research (lAD)in Wilhering, Austria, who conceived and designed

    this beautiful book in several months of voluntary work.

    The members of the Learning Partnership "Danube-Stories" and the

    Network Danube-Networkers invite all people and institutions to take

    actively part to guarantee seniors' education, the inclusion of the oldercitizens in society and intergenerational dialogue - and to foster a network

    that connects decentral institutions representing various aspects of civil

    society, and by this regional, Danube and European identity.

    Please contact us!

    In the name of the DASTO-Team, Carmen Stadelhofer, Academic Director,

    Head of ZAWiWfrom 1994-2012, president of ILEU e.V.,main coordinator

    of the Learning Partnership "Danube-Stories" and of the Network "Danube-

    Networkers". Ulm, April 2013

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    6 Grundtvig Learning Partnership

    Centre for General Scientific Continuing Educati-

    on (ZAWiW), Ulm University, Germany

    ZAWiW's task is in the development and testing of innovative

    methods in adult education, with focus on fostering self-organised

    learning of older adults with the s upport of the new media.

    The conc ept "learning through rese arch" had been already tested

    in many of ZAWiW's working groups. The members of the working

    groups "European C ontacts" and "Time witnesses" cooperate in

    the project Danbue-Networkers.

    Contact: Carmen Stadelhofer

    Albert-Einstein-Allee 47, 089081 Ulm, Germany

    Phone: +49 (0)731 5023195

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.zawiw.de


    University of Ruse, Bulgaria

    The Un iversity of R use has long traditions in educa tion and in

    carrying out projects on local, national and international levels,

    among them implemented projects within the CE EP US andother programs as well as the participation in Erasmus thematic

    networks and intensive programs. The numbers of implemented

    programs and projects are: 95 in LLP (ERASMUS, ERSMU S

    M U N DU S , C O M E NI US , M IN E R V A, L E O NA R DO d a V IN C I,

    G R UN D T V IG ) , 3 in C E E P US a nd 1 2 in F P 6 & F P 7 , 1 C I R -C E ,

    3 NATO , etc.

    Contact:Nikolay Mihailov and E miliya Velikova

    University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Rousse, Bulgaria

    8, "Studentska" St, BG 7017 Ruse

    Phone: (+359) 885 635 874

    Fax: (+35982) 888 650E-Mail: [email protected]

    E-Mail: [email protected] ml1V

    Web: http://www.uni-ruse.bg U

    Cultural Nonprofit Ltd. of the 13th District

    of Budapest, Hungary

    Cultural Nonprofit Ltd. of the 13th District of B udapest offers

    through its five instituts a lot of opportunities for the different

    cultural possibility and useful of leisure.The district has 130 000

    inhabitants. The Cultural Centre A ngyalfOldi J ozsef Attila is the

    oldest and biggest cultural centre of the district regarding to its

    size a nd to its possibilities with the following activity fields: potter

    courses for all ages, drawing and painting, sewing, flower-boundingand textil courses, theatrical courses, dancing and gymnastic. This

    institute co-ordinates and helps the civic organizations (NGO -s) of

    the district.

    Contact: Lajos S zalkai, J 6zsef Attila tElr4., H 1131 Budapest

    E-Mail: szalkailajos@ kult13.hu

    Web: http://www.kult13.hu/

    Cultural Association "Constantin Brancusi" -

    CACB , Timisoara, Romania

    The main objec tives of the As soc iation are: the disco very,

    selection, promotion, training, solidarity, development, support andexploitation of humanistic, cultural, s cientific and creative values .

    The As soc iation activity is reflected in its own quarterly journal,

    called "The Endless Column". ACCB's Executive President i s

    currently Mr. Prof. Dr. Horia Ciocarlie.

    Contact: Prof. Mariana S trunga, RO 300351 Timi~oara,

    Str. Macilor nr. 12, J udetul Timi~, Romania

    Web: http://brancusLorg.ro/lang/ro ~

    Asoci'li'C u llu r a fli

    ,Cons tan t in

    r Bnincu~i

    Europehouse, Vukovar, Croatia

    The Eu ropea n Hou se Vuko var (E HV U) was founde d 10 Y ears ago.

    Its main aim is the re-development of the community of Vukovarthat is ethnically deeply divided after the terrible war. To overcome

    this division, that is deepened even more through various social

    problems such as high unemployment, persisting concepts of

    the enemy, exclusion of various groups, special information

    campaigns and citizens' creative engagement, as well as special

    training in self-help groups is necessary.

    Contact: Ljiljana Gehrecke

    Ijiljana.gehrecke@ vk.t-com.hr

    Web: http://www.edvu.org/

    International Association for Danube Research,

    Aus tri a

    The Internationa l As soc iation for Dan ube R ese arch (lAD ) was

    founded in 1956 with the goal of promoting and coordinating

    activities in the fields of limnology, water management, and water

    protection in the Danube River basin. At present 12 countries in

    the Danube basin are lAD members: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia,

    Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Serbia

    and Montenegro, Slovakia, Switzerland, Ukraine.

    Contact: Harald und Gabriele Kutzenberger

    Am Zunderfeld 12, A-4073 Wilhering

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.iad.gs

    University of Belgrade, the Faculty of the Philoso-

    phy (Associate Partner since 1.1. 2012.)

    The Un iversity of Belgra de is the bigges t and the oldes t higher

    education institution in the region, founded in 1905. Studyprograms are compliant with the B ologna Declaration principles

    since 2005. T he U niversity is composed of the following faculties,

    classified according to scientific fields in the faculty group: group

    of Social Sciences and Humanities (where is the Facul ty of

    Philosophy), group of M edical Sciences, group of Sciences and

    Mathematics and group of Engineering Sciences and Technology.

    Contact: Nataljia Milosevic

    Studentski trg 1, SRB 11000 Belgrade, S erbia

    web: www.bg.ac.rs. e-mail: [email protected]

    B ACE N- m " i :WORTTEMBERG ! f : 0 : 0

    STIFTUNG: ,I :W tift"" Zukunft '

    mailto:[email protected]://www.zawiw.de/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.uni-ruse.bg/mailto:[email protected]://www.kult13.hu/http://brancuslorg.ro/lang/romailto:[email protected]://www.edvu.org/mailto:[email protected]://www.iad.gs/http://www.bg.ac.rs./mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.bg.ac.rs./http://www.iad.gs/mailto:[email protected]://www.edvu.org/mailto:[email protected]://brancuslorg.ro/lang/rohttp://www.kult13.hu/mailto:[email protected]://www.uni-ruse.bg/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.zawiw.de/mailto:[email protected]
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    Danube Stories 7

    D an u b e-Sto r ies -


    an overviewThe Grundtvig Learning Partnership "Danube-Stories" (August 2011 - July 2013) focuses

    on the development and application of innovative approaches to oral history work with

    older people (55+) in the Danube Region. These approaches should encourage creative

    expression of thoughts and feelings in subject areas that have to do with the participants'

    living environment, history and cultural identity. They should provide people of different

    nationalities, educational backgrounds, gender, with opportunities as well as tools for

    documenting and communicating their memories and experiences and make these

    available to others. The common work on subjects within the thematic of Danube and the

    Danube Region will lead to increased knowledge in the subject-areas as well as increase ofawareness of the national as well as cross-national identities of the people of this region.

    The oral history work includes "Story-Telling Cafes" in cultural or educational centres,

    intergenerational activities in schools and testing new creative methods. The project also

    involves the training of peer moderators for oral history work and introductory workshops

    to creative writing and computer use. lCT is applied extensively in this project for the

    presentation of the results and cross-national communication.

    The results of the work done in the partner groups (narrative materials, interviews, videos

    and art-work) will be presented in four cross-national meetings. The outcomes will be

    a documentation of the creative work in a project website and in the 2nd project year atravelling exhibition in the partners' cities.

    Danube-Stories is part of the Danube Networkers Framework. For more information about

    other Danube-related projects visit www.danube-networkers.eu/project-overview.html

    FundingThe Grundtvig Learning-partnership "Danube-Stories" is supported by the European

    Commission's "Lifelong Learning Programme".



    partner Meetings:

    23.01. 2011 - 26.11. 2011 W llhering / Austria

    08.07.2012 - 11.07. 2012 Ulm / Germany

    04.10.2012 - 07.10.2012 Timisoara / Romania

    25.10.2012 - 29.10.2012 Vukovar / Croatia

    30.10. 2012 - 02.11. 2012 Belgrade / Serbia

    29.11. 2012 - 02.12. 2012 Budapest / Hungary

    23.01. 2013 - 25.01. 2013 Wilhering / Austria

    08.05.2013 - 12.05. 2013 R use / Bulgaria

    Products:- Website with products and materials: www.danube-stories.eu

    in English/German and other languages

    - Danube-Boxes

    - Danube-Stories, Fotos, Videos

    - Book Danube-Poems

    - Book Danube-Stories

    - J oint action: Mobile exihibiton "Danube-Networkers on Tour"

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    8 Grundtvig Learning P artnership










    Ukrajina Danube-Networkers

    Network of Seniors' Education, Social Participation and Intergenerational Dialoguealong the Danube

    State of art

    2008 the Centre for General Scientific Education (ZAWiW)ofUlm University, Germany, based on

    its long experiences in the frame of the non-formal European network "Learning in Later Life"

    (LiLL,www.lill-online.net) initiated the cooperation of educational and cultural institutions

    especially in the Danube Region. The aim is to foster lifelong learning for older adults by

    utilizing their competencies in the learning process and to establish a network of institutions

    working with seniors and promoting culture and education intended to strengthen seniors'education and social participation as well as intergenerational co-operation in the Danube

    Region. This until now non-formal network operates under the name Danube-Networkers

    (www.danube-networkers.eu). Universities and non-governmental organizations of all Danube

    countries working in the field of education, culture and social affairs are involved.

    The European Commission's Regional Policy Department created in 2010 an action plan, the

    so called Danube Strategy, in which stated how the co-operation between the 14 countries in

    the Danube Region should be strengthened in the areas of mobility, transport, environment,socio-economic development and security.

    More than 60 institutions coming from all Danube Region countries supported the statement

    "Lifelong learning programmes for older adults as a societal necessity in the Danube Region"submitted by ZAWiWin the frame of the public consultation of the European Commission

    concerning the Danube Strategy in spring 2010. Since then, ZAWiW and other partners

    contributed in many European conferences and by publications and other means to promote

    the idea of "Danube-Networkers". Parallel to the development of structures, transnational

    projects are implemented, in which groups of seniors from different Danube countries are

    working together. In this context, Internet tools play an important role in cross-national

    communication and co-operation.

    More information: www.danube-networkers.eu/project-overview.html

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    Danube Stories 9


    The vision of the members of the network "Danube-Networkers" is that citizens of all

    countries and of all ages actively participate in various thematic-fields in the furtherstrategy developments for the Danube Region. With the aid of local, regional and cross-

    national projects and activities, they want to contribute actively to the development of the

    Danube Region. Therefore projects in different forms of co-operation and networking are

    needed in which

    people from all countries and ages can meet each other

    new ways and forms on lifelong learning and social coooperation can be tested

    education offers of the general academic continuing education are open to all citizens'


    the multifaceted possibilities of the new media are opened to all people along the

    Danube older and younger people learn, how to shape our future and how they can engage

    themselves actively in society

    Successful project work needs engaged institutions involved, stable financial resources,

    supportive politicians, and many people who want to take part in democratic decision-

    making and civic engagement in the common Danube area. By this way, the "Danube-

    Networkers"want to continue as a decentral network of responsible and active institutions

    to shape our common European House!

    Further information on "Danube-Networkers" and its partners:

    Carmen Stadelhofer, ILED c/o ZAWiW,DniversiHit DIm, 89081 DIm, Germany,email: [email protected], phone: 0049 (0)731-5023192, fax: -5023197.

    Literature:- Stadelhofer, Carmen/K6rting, Gabriele: Danube-Networkers - A Network of Seniors' Education and Social

    Participation along the Danube, in "Zeitschrift fUr Internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungs-

    padagogik" 312012, Dezember 2012, S. 29 - 32.

    - Stadelhofer, Carmen; K6rting, Gabriela; Marquard, Markus, Westerhaus, Meike: The Grundtvig Learning

    Partnership 'Danube Networkers' and the development of lifelong learning for older adults in the Danube

    Region, in: International Journal of Education and Ageing, Volume 1, Number 1,2010, S. 93 - 99.


    2011 the m agazine for-the danube countries

    mailto:[email protected],mailto:[email protected],
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    10 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

    , .A.",.~ ...,

    .' ~~--.- '''-''~~.~Ulm Germany

    Wilhering CAustria

    23. - 26. November 2011

    23.- 25. January 2013

    Budapest C8. - 11. Juli 2012

    29. November - 2. December 2012

    Vukovar Croatia

    25. - 29. October 2012

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    Danube Stories 11

    Tim is o ara Ro m ania

    4. - 7. October 2012


    30. October - 01. November 2012



    Partner Meetings

    _ B ul ga ri a

    8. - 12. Mai 2013

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    Grundtvig Learning Partnership

    1st overall partner meeting in Wilhering,Austria

    The kick off meeting took place on invitation

    of lAD, the International Association for

    Danube Research in Wilhering, Austria in

    November 2011. The partners came together

    and discussed the structures of the projects,

    the methods to apply and the intended

    outcomes. In a next step the methods of

    the "Danube- Boxes" have been shared to

    prepare the work in the countries. Cultural

    exchange enriches the experience of the

    participants and helps to become familiar

    with the different languages of the Danuberegion. A sight seeing tour to the Rokoko

    Monastry of Wilhering and the NATURA

    2000 site "Upper Danube Valley" with the

    beauty of the Schl6gener Schlinge and the

    baroque town of Eferding was a high light

    of the field trip.

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    Danube Stories

    A gen da Partn er Mee tin g Wil her in g23. November 2011

    Venue: Landgasthof Fischer, Darnbach

    Evening: Welcome meeting and common dinner

    24. November 2011 P roject kick off meeting

    Morning: Welcome Harald Kutzenberger, lAD

    Introduction by Carmen S tadelhofer/Gabriele Koerting, ZaWiW

    Project planning: project content on partners' locations

    afternoon: continuation: project content on partners' locations,

    responsibilities and activities 2012 & 2013

    Evening: cultural exchange

    25. November 2011

    Morning: Field Trip Danube in Upper Austria (Danube gorge

    Schlagener Schlinge, medieval fortress Schaunburg, SarockCity E ferding, ...)Afternoon: Workshop "Future Danube-Stories": concrete fields

    of cross-national cooperation between partners

    Evening: Round Table with politicians and citizens from Wilhe-

    ring (welcome Vice Mayor Renate Kapl)

    26. November 2011

    Morning: Common visit of the City of Linz, Capital of Upper


    Afternoon: Departure


  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny


    14 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

    2nd overall partner meeting in Ulm,


    ZAWiW, Ulm University, was the host of

    the second partner meeting of the Learning

    partnership "Danube-Stories" in July 2012.The meeting was linked with the European

    Conference of ZAWiW "Active Ageing and

    Intergenerational Dialogue - a Challenge for

    the Danube Countries in a Common Europe".

    This conference and the 8th Danube Festival

    of the city of Ulm had been a wonderful

    frame for the participants of the project to

    feel "Danube spirit" in an extended way, but

    also to encounter the common challenges and

    possibilities of the common "House Europe".The "Danube-Boxes" had been presented to

    a wider public for the first time as well as

    a photo exhibition and a poster exhibition

    realized by the partner groups. Many

    discussions on the further development

    of the project had been held and helped to

    improve the results. The idea of a common

    book "Danube-Stories" was created at this


    The cultural contributions from all Danube-Stories-groups on the public stage of the

    Danube Festival along the Danube between

    Neu Ulm and Ulm showed the creative

    potential ofthe participants and the richness

    of cultural heritage: poems and songs, dance

    and music have been performed in many

    languages - not understood by everyone

    literally, but understood with one's heart.


  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny


    Danube Stories 15

    A gen da Pa rtn er Mee tin g Ul m

    Sunday, OB.J uly 2012 Venue:

    Morning: Haus der Donau, U lm

    Partner meeting exchange and co-ordination

    afternoon: Edwin-Scharff-Haus - Kongress- und Tagungs-

    zentrum, Neu-Ulm


    Karl-J oachim Ebeling, President of Ulm University, Germany

    Katrin Altpeter, Minister for S ocial Affairs in of Baden-WLirttem-

    berg, Germany

    Gerold Noerenberg, Lord Mayor of Neu-Ulm Fran(fois Vellas,

    Chairman of AIUTA, Toulouse

    Renate Heinisch, R epresentative BAGS O, Germany

    Introduction: Carmen Stadel hofer, Director of ZAWiW, Germany

    Lectures from international speakers

    Monday,09.J uly7.2012Morning: lectures and input statements

    Afternoon: workshops

    1. New media and Online-Communities for active aging

    2. Civil society und active citizenship

    3. Activating methods in senior education

    4. Cultural heritage und contemporary witness work

    5. Sustainable structures for lifelong learning

    Evening: Cultural contributions from the DASTO -groups in the

    frame of the Danube Festival of Ulm 2012

    Tue sday, 1O.J uly 2012

    Ort: Edwin-Scharff-Haus - Kongress- und Tagungszentrum,


    Morning session: lectures on the EU Danube Strategy in

    connection to LiLL and the E uropean Network "Danube-Net-


    Afternoon: Public event on civil participation and new media in

    the Danube region

    Wednesday, 11.J uly 2012

    Venue: GenerationenTreff Ulm I Neu-Ulm - Haus Ulm

    Workshop Internetunternehmen Learning

  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny


    16 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

    To realize the ambitious aim of the Danube-

    Stories book the team came over to add two

    more partner meetings. The first of these two

    trilateral meetings (Romanian, Hungarian

    and Austrian team) took place in Timisoara

    - on invitation of the Constantin Brancusi


    Many persons organised a rich program.

    Only a few can be mentioned, especially

    Aurel Bancu from Constantin Brancusi

    Association, Doina Dragan and Mariana

    Strunga from the writers'association and

    Adrian Bancu from Helion Science Fiction

    Association made this event a venue for

    concentrated exchange. An exhibition on

    handicrafts and the presentation of the

    Danube-Poems were impressive events.

    A structure for the book has been set up

    and responsibilities for the collection of the

    material were shared.

    The multicultural city of Timisoara-

    Temesvar- Temesburg brought life to the

    stories and the field trip to Arad and Lipova

    made Banat region familiar to all.

    D b St i 17

  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny


    Danube Stories

    Agend a Part ner Meetin g Timis oar a

    4. October 2012

    Evening: Arrival of the hungarian and austrian groups

    5. October 2012

    Morning: Partnermeeting: deepening comunication,

    Linking of creative activities of the actors of the partnergroups.

    Exchange and cooperation of partners, concept und layout of

    the Danube-Stories Book.


    - Bookstore at the C athedral (Iibrarie de carte germana)

    - Roman catholic cathedral St. George, (Catedrala Romano-

    catolica St.Gheorghe)

    - c1adiri de patrimoniu (4) - foste han ~i casa enoria~ilor

    - Liceul German Nikolau Lenau

    - Prima ria Veche - Piata Unirii

    - Galeriile Popa-s

    - Muzeul de arta - Palatul Barok, colectia Baba, Arta

    contemporana, Arta Decorativa T raditionala

    - Pavajul gravura cu cetatea medievala

    - Bastionul Teresia (cu f. Multe gravuri ce prezinta cetatea

    Teme sburg intre 1717 -1919)


    - Participation on a SF association meeting HEL ION.

    - Teatrul National Roman, German ~i Maghiar, Catedrala

    - Biserica katolica Prea S fanta Inima a lui Isus - din Piata

    Lahovary (1899 -1919)

    6. October 2012

    Morning: Participation of a books bring out (Danube in poems)

    - Naive painting exhibition romanian/serbian (Daniel Susa)Afternoon and evening: Visit in two Banater older towns:

    Basilica papala Maria Radna din Lipova (Lippa), cetatea

    90imo~- Arad G ara, catedrala ortodoxa noua. Catedrala Katolica, Pre-

    fectura, T eatrul National, Corso, C etatea medeievala Arad ...

    - Catedrala Catolica a Bulgarilor din Vinga.

    7. October 2012

    Morning: Departure


    Grundtvig Learning P artnership

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    Grundtvig Learning P artnership

    3rd overall partner meeting in Vukovar,


    Evropski Dom Vukovar (European HouseVukovar) hosted the third general partner

    meeting in October 2012. The impressive

    recovering of the city after difficult decades

    was explained by Ljiljana Gehrecke, the

    coordinator of the project in Vukovar. The

    teams presented the state of art of their

    work and discussed the next steps to do.

    An international conference on "Seniors'

    Education, Social Participation and European

    partnership as a Challenge and Chance forthe Danube Countries" with lectures from

    local and international authorities and the

    mobile exhibition "Danube-Networkers on

    Tour" gave the frame to involve interested


    The villages of Dalj, Aljmas und Erdut

    had been visited. The common visit of the

    memorial sites touched all participants

    and reminded that our project "Danube-

    Stories" has the main task to create abetter common understanding and mutual

    acceptance. The friendship evening of

    "Danube-Stories" participants and the social

    evening with various cultural groups of

    local minorities had been highlights and

    made all participants feel once more that

    despite languages barriers there are means

    for interested participants to communicate.


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    Danube Stories 19

    A gen da Pa rtn er Mee t in g Vu k o var

    25. October 2012

    Venue: Hotel Lav, Vukovar

    Evening: Welcome meeting and common dinner

    26. October 2012 P roject kick off meeting

    Morning: W elcome Zvonimir Frka P etesi, C roatian Ministry ofForeign Affairs, Carmen Stadel hofer, C oordinator of the L ear-

    ning partnership DAST O

    Introduction: Ljiljana Gehrecke, Evropski Dom Vukovar

    Walk through Vukovar

    Afternoon,: LL P meeting Danube-Stories regional conference,

    presentations of partner groups 1-5

    Evening: Presentation of the project results of the group in

    Vukovar and opening of the mobile exhibition "Danube-Net-

    workers on Tour" and cultural exchange: presentations from all


    27. October 2012Morning: conference: Seniors' education, social participation

    and European partnership as a challenge and chance for the

    Danube countries

    Co-ordinators' meeting

    Afternoon: Visit of memorial sites in Vukovar

    Presentations of partner groups 6-7

    Presentation of DASTO book concept (Harald Kutzenberger)

    Evening: "Herbst in der M usik"

    Konzert der Chore der deutschen Minderheit: "Drei Rosen von

    Vukovar" in Vukovar und "Liederkranz" in Lanycsok / Ungarn

    Co-ordinators . meeting

    28. October 2012

    Morning: Common visit of the Evropski Dom Vukovar

    Afternoon: Excursion to the municipalities Dalj, Aljmas und


    Evening: Friendship evening with local minority groups in Vuko-

    var with their typical gastronomic specialities

    29. October 2012


    20 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

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    20 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

    The Cultural Institute of the XIII. district of

    Budapest, Angyalf6ld, invited to the second

    trilaterial meeting to prepare the DASTObook.

    The partner meeting was opened with the

    visit of self organised study circles on foreign

    languages and history. The participants

    visited the POLYGLOT KLUB and the

    STUDY CIRCLE GEMINI and tried the new

    methods that had been developed long ago

    by Grundtvig, after whom the European Life

    Long Learning initiative has been named.

    A second topic have been health and creative

    programs at the Cultural institute like the

    312 Meridian exercise.

    Aspecial topic have been urban gardens. They

    offer self harvesting and nature contact for

    urban citizens and are of special importance

    for both elderly people and families.

    Gy6rgy Katay presented an overview and

    at the site of Leonarde-Garden we could

    experience the practice of urban gardening.

    Danube Stories21

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    Danube Stories

    Ag enda Part ner Meetin g Budap est

    29. November 2012

    Afternnoon: Arrival of the Austrian and R omanian groupEvening: Visitation: Language Study Circles -


    30. November 2012

    Morning: Welcome, introduction and visitation of the Cultural

    Institute/Adam Bubics, leader of Cultural Divisionl

    "312" Meridian e xercises for the participants/Eva Abranko I

    Short presentation about the

    - Study Circle Gemini IGabor Szigetil

    - Conversation Club in the C ultural Centre ITam as Sziranyil

    Introduction - workshop: language conversation

    Reflection of guests - good practice in our communities

    Afternoon: City sight seeing with guiding

    alternative: bath, museums IG ybrgy Katay, G yula Nagy, Gabri-

    ella Sarkadil

    1. December 2012

    Morning: 312" Meridian exercises for the participants

    lEva Abrankol

    - Community Gardens- their impact for the local people and

    community in Budapest I G y b r g y K a t a y l

    - Good practice: C ommunity Gardens in Vienna and Upper-

    Austria IHarald Kutzenbergerl

    P resentation

    Reflection of guests Painting workshops, plant display IHunor K a t a y l

    Afternoon: Activity of the Community Garden- visitation of the

    Leonardo-Garden IM6nika Kertesz! www.kozossegikertek.hu

    City sight seeing with guiding

    IG ybrg y Katay, Gyula N agy, Gabriella Sarkadil

    2. December 2012

    Morning: free programme

    Departure of the romanian and austrian groups

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    22 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

    Bilateral DASTO partner meetings

    Ulm - Belgrade in Belgrade30.10.2012

    Morning: Visit of the townAfternoon: Intergenerational encounter with students of adult education at

    Belgrade University under direction of Prof. Medic and Carmen Stadelhofer

    Encounter with Politicians and NG Os in the town hall of the district Stari


    Evening: Guided visit by seniors through the town ZemunEncounter with Serbian artists and Viva Vox C hoir

    31.10.2012Morning: "Story-Telling Cafe" with seniors from the district

    Vracar in the Town Hall

    Afternoon: Visit to a virtual museum in Belgrade and by seniors guided tour

    of the fortress Kalemegdam

    Tour on the Danube River, lunch on the ship

    Time for persona l discovery tours in small groups

    Evening: Opening of the exposition "Danube-Networkers on Tour" and the

    project "Danube-Boxes" at the U niversity for the T hird Age in Belgrad in the

    frame of the "Open Day" of the UTA Belgrad


    Wilhering - Ruse in Wilhering23. J anuary 2013Afternoon: Arrival of the Bulgarian group and informal dinner

    24. J anuary 2013

    Morning: Welcome, presentation of the activities of lAD by Harald Kutzen-

    berger Presentation of the project activities of the B Ulgarian group and a

    Report on the audit of the Bulgarian National Center for Human Resources

    Development by Emiliya Velikova Yoana Ruseva and Milena Popova

    Discussions about the results of the previous meetingsAfternoon: Discussions about the content of the Danube-Stories Book

    25. J anuary 2013

    Morning: Preparation of the text materials for the book

    Afternoon: Preparation of the pictures for the book

    Preparation of the documentation of the previous meetings

    26. J anuary 2013

    Morning: Evaluation of the results of the meetingDiscussions about the possibilities for exploitation of the present project

    resultAfternoon: Interview about the DAS TO-P roject with Dimitar Dunkov for

    Radio Bulgaria / Austria

    The dynamic of the learning partnership lead to two more bilateral meetings to

    intensify the cooperation.

    In the frame of the 3rd partner meeting in Vukovar the German group decided to a

    make visit to the Serbian DASTO-partner group in Belgrade which is composed by

    members of three institutions: the University of Belgrade, the University ofThird Age

    Djuro Salaj and the Foundation of Human Aging Laszlo Lazarevic. Great hospitality

    and a rich progamme offered the opportunity for intensive exchanges of German and

    Serbian seniors in the district Vracac (story-telling cafe) and the UTA Djuro Salaj,

    with students of Andragogy at Belgrade University, with politicians of the district

    Stari Grad and artists and members of the Viva Vox Choir in Zemum. This meeting

    was very important for the German group for to have a better understanding of

    the life and educational conditions of the partners. To overcome language barriers

    persons of all ages were ready to translate and to explain, sometimes with gests

    and pictures.

    In January 2013 a bilateral meeting of the Bulgarian and Austrian team was held

    again in Wilhering to prepare this book including training in PC layouting. The

    collected stories and pictures needed to be selected to reach a well balanced and

    representative book. The involvement of seniors to advanced PC-Iayouting showed

    new and practical aspects of life long learning.

    The good spirit of the learning partnership could be promoted with an bilingual

    interview of Prof. Nikolay Mihailov, Emiliya Velokova, Milena Popova from Ruse

    University and Harald Kutzenberger, lAD General Secretary, by Prof. Dimitar

    Dunkov for Radio Bulgaria, Austria in Linz.

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    Danube Stories 23

    4th overall partner meeting in Ruse, Bulgaria

    The meeting in Ruse from 8th to 12th of May 2013 will be the last meeting in the frame

    of the project "Danube-Stories". It will be a special one because all partners can enjoy

    the results of the common project documented by the Website, the book "Danube-Poems"

    and the book "Danube-Stories" which will be presented on this occasion for the first

    time to a wider public. By the mobile exhibition and a public event the idea of "Danube-

    Networkers" will be widespreaded. Visits to Ruse Town and arroundings with encounters

    will give unforgettable impressions and experiences for all. In the frame of the European

    Day 2013 the 9th of Mai the DASTO-Members will celebrate friendship and better mutual

    understanding which will not finish with the end of this successful Learning Partnership

    but will be continued in the spirit of Danube-Networkers in new encounters and projects.

    anube tories ~ .. . . . f '

    Agenda Partner Meeting Ruse

    This final meeting in Rus e takes place in Mai 2013 after pub-

    lishing this book and the following program is planned by the

    bulgarean team:

    8. Mai 2013

    Afternnoon: Arrival of participants, accommodation

    Evening: discussing the agenda for the meeting

    9. Mai 2013

    Morning: Opening of the discussions - Address from the Rector

    of Ruse University, Opening words from C armen Stadelhofer

    - Partner presentations - project outcomes

    - Study Circle Gemini /Gabor Szigeti/

    Afternoon:- Partner presentations - presenting the best stories (three

    stories per partner) and the DAST O Book

    - Municipal event dedicated to Europe day

    10. Mai 2013

    Morning: Meeting the local authorities - do we listen to the

    voice of the people? - discussion

    Afternoon: Problems of the elderly people in Bulgaria - on site

    discussions at a village in Ruse region

    11. Mai 2013


    -Personal Town Tours- presentation

    - Annual exhibition at RU


    - Talking about the future - ideas for future


    - Field trip to Veliko T urnovo

    12. Mai 2013

    Departure of the participants

    24 G r u n dtv i g Le ar n i n g P ar t n er s h i p

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    24 G r u n dtv i g Le ar n i n g P ar t n er s h i p

    Budapest =Ulm Germ an y

    8. - 11. Juli 2012

    Wilher ing

    =A u st ri a

    Vukovar .~

    Danube Stories 25

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    Danube Stories

    Danube-Stor ies and Danube-Pic tures

    Timisoara Romania


    'Ruse iiiBulgaria

    26 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

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    g g p

    Rund ums MUnster bei Nacht -

    Spaziergang im nachtlichen Ulm

    Wir wohnen mitten in Ulm, unweit vom Munster entfernt. Wenn

    wir abends nach 22 Uhr noch eine "kleine Runde" drehen, laufenwir nardlich des Munsters durch menschenleere StraISen. Die alten

    Fachwerkhauser, oft liebevoll wieder hergerichtet und geschmuckt,

    bieten im Schein der StraISenlampen oder der eigenen Beleuchtung

    eine wunderbare Kulisse fur einen ruhigen Ausklang des Tages.

    Gesprache, belanglos oder ernsthaft, uber das Tagesgeschehen,

    da und dort Entdeckungen in den erleuchteten Schaufenstern der

    kleinen Boutiquen, heimeliges Licht aus mancher Gaststube, die

    nur Einheimische kennen, Plakatanschlage, die auf kommende

    oder bereits langst gewesene Kulturereignisse verweisen - bei jeder

    Jahreszeit ist soleh ein nachtlicher Spaziergang schon. Manchmalerhascht man einen Blick zwischen einer BaulUcke durch oder uber

    ein Hausdach oder Giebel aufs Munster, besser gesagt auf einen

    Ausschnitt vom Munster.

    Doch gehen wir dann von einer der SeitenstraISen her kommend

    aufs Munster zu, steht es p16tzlich vor uns in seiner erhabenen

    GraISe. Zunachst steht uns das Seitenschiff gegenuber, seine Ver-

    strebungen, Kreuzblumen, Spitzbogen sind angestrahlt und wirken

    zusammen wie eine filigrane belgische Spitzenbordure. Erst all-

    mahlich erfasst man das Munster in seiner Lange und Hahe. Der

    Munsterturm, mit 161 m der hachste Kirchenturm der Welt, weistohne Einschrankung direkt in den endlosen Himmel.

    Nahern wir uns dem Munster uber die Platzgasse, stoISenwir auf den

    fast menschenleeren Munsterplatz, vor uns das weiISe,Anfang der

    gOerJahre erbaute Stadthaus, links die Silhouette des angestrahlten

    Hauptturms und des Hauptportals des Munsters. Es sind nicht

    die einzelnen Bauteile, es ist die Komposition, der scheinbare

    Widerspruch und die inzwischen zur Einheit verschmolzene

    Kombination aus mittelalterlichem und neuzeitlichem Baustil, die


    Wir umrunden das Munster, dessen Beleuchtung uns immer freund-

    lich begleitet. Die Jahreszeiten verleihen dem Munster viele Gesich-

    ter. Mal weht ein laues Luftchen, mal faucht der Wind urn die Ecke

    oder es nebelt einen dieser unsaglichen Ulmer Nebel - je nach Wet-ter andert das Munster-Gestein seine Farbe, wirkt die Gesamtge-

    stalt auf mich anmutig oder trotzig, gebieterisch oder geheimnis-

    voll - aber nie bedrohlich. An warmen Sommerabenden wird der

    Munsterplatz zunehmend zu einem Treffpunkt fur jungere und alte-

    re Menschen, Stuhle laden ein, sich niederzulassen, und viele Leute

    setzen sich in kleinen Gruppierungen nebeneinander mit Blickrich-

    tung auf das Munster, so als ob sie es gruISen und seinen Anblick

    genieISen machten.

    Danube Stories 27

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    Around the cathedral - a stroll through Ulm at night

    We live in the middle of Ulm, not far from the cathedral. When we in the

    evening after 10 o'clock take a stroll, we usually walk through the empty

    streets on the north side of the cathedral. The old half-timbered houses,

    many lovingly restored and decorated, offer in the street light or lit by

    own source a wonderful setting for a quiet end of the day. Talks, trivial or

    serious, about the events of the day, here and there discoveries in the litup shop-windows of the little boutiques, homely light coming from some

    restaurants that only the locals know, posters informing about future or

    past cultural events - such a night stroll is pleasant in any season of the

    year. One throws a glance sometimes through a gap between the buil-

    dings or over a roof or a gable at the cathedral, or rather at a section of it.

    Yet when we take one of the side streets in the direction of the cathe-

    dral, it towers in front of us in its majestic size. First we face the side

    ship, its bracings, finials, the pointed arches are floodlit and remind of

    a delicate Belgian lace. Then gradually one perceives the cathedral in its

    real length and height. The cathedral spire, with its 161 mthe highestchurch tower in the world reaches directly to the endless sky.

    If we approach the cathedral from the Platzgasse, we reach an almost

    deserted cathedral square, in front of us the white building of the town

    hall built in the 90ties, on the left the silhouette of the illuminated main

    spire and the main portal of the cathedral. It is not the individual buil-

    dings, but the composition of the middle age and contemporary building

    styles, the seeming contradiction and the combination that have mean-

    while merged into a unity, that fascinate.

    We walk around the cathedral whose friendly illumination accompanies

    us. The seasons provide the cathedral with many faces. Be it a mild bree-ze, wind hissing around the corner, or the unspeakable Ulm fog, the sto-

    nes of the cathedral change their color depending on the weather. The

    whole can make an impression on me of being graceful or defiant, impe-

    rious or mysterious, but never threatening. On warm summer evenings

    the cathedral square is becoming a meeting place for young as well as old

    people. Chairs invite them to sit down and many people sit next to each

    other in small groups facing the cathedral, as if they would like to greet

    it and to enjoy this view.

    Carmen Stadelhofer

    28 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

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    g g p

    Vom grolSen Schworbrief zum Ulmer Nabada

    Der grof5e Schwbrbrief und die Schwbrrede

    Der grolSe Schw6rbrief von 1397 beendete einen langen Streit zwischen den Zunften

    und Patriziern in Ulm, er gilt als eine der altesten Stadtverfassungen im Reich. Die

    Handwerker und Handler erhielten die Mehrheit im Stadtparlament. Zehn Patrizierbildeten mit dreilSig Zunftvertretern und dem Biirgermeister den GroJSenRat der Stadt.

    Dadurch erhielten aIle Mitglieder aktives Wahlrecht zur Wahl des Burgermeisters. Nach

    jeder Wahllegt der Biirgermeister den Eid auf die Verfassung aboWeitere Rechte wurden

    im Schw6rbrief festgelegt. Er hatte in dieser Form 180 Jahre Gultigkeit und sicherte der

    Stadt Ulm eine politische und wirtschaftliche BlUtezeit und eine Fuhrungsposition in

    Suddeutschland. Noch heute legt der Oberburgermeister der Stadt Ulm den Eid auf die

    Stadtverfassung alljahrlich und 6ffentlich abo Er gibt Rechenschaft uber die Vorgange

    und Erfolge der Stadtpolitik des abgelaufenen Jahres. Vom Balkon des "Schw6rhauses"

    halt der Oberburgermeister seine Schw6rrede jeweils am dritten Montag im Juli mit dem

    6ffentlichen Rechenschaftsbericht uber aIle wichtigen Beschlusse und Ereignisse desvergangenen Jahres in Ulm. Die Schw6rzeremonie vollzieht sich vor geladenen Gasten und

    Burgern, die zuh6ren wollen.

    Das "Nabada"

    "Nabada" das ist ein schwabischer Begriff und heilSt in etwa: hinunterschwimmenl

    hinunterbaden und bezieht sich in unserem Fall auf den gr6JSten Fluss der Stadt, auf die

    Donau, auf dem in jedem Sommer ein Festzug stattfindet. Das erste offizielle Nabada gab

    es 1927.

    Nach der Zeremonie der Schw6rrede folgt am Nachmittag der fr6hliche Teil des Tages.

    Ca. 20 0000 Burger/-innen treffen sich im Erholungspark "Friedrichsau" an beidenUfern der Donau. In monatelanger Vorarbeit sind Ereignisse des 6ffentlichen Lebens auf

    phantasievollen Festschiffen (ahnlich wie im rheinischen Karneval) dargestellt worden,

    die mit "Hallo" von den Zuschauern an den Ufern begruJSt werden. Das Volk darf die Schiffe

    bewerten. Das originellste Schiff wird pramiert. Der Festzug auf dem Wasser findet seinen

    Abschluss mit dem "Ordinarischiff', einer "Ulmer Schachtel". Die Oberburgermeister von

    Ulm und Neu-Ulm befinden sich auf diesem Schiff. Kurz vor der Donaubrucke im Park halt

    es an und entlasst die Oberburgermeister und ihr Gefolge in die "Friedrichsau". Auch die

    Zuschauer str6men nun in Richtung der erfrischenden Stationen.

    Danube Stories 29

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    From the Schwbrbrief to the Ulm Nabada

    The Schworbrief (the letter of oath) and the Schworrede (the speech of oath)

    The Schworbrief from 1397 ended a long dispute between the gilds and the patricians in Ulm, it is known to

    have been the oldest urban constitution in the kingdom. The craftsmen and the traders had the majority in

    the city parliament. Ten patricians, together with thirty representatives of the guilds and the town mayor,

    have built the big council of the city. Thus all members received active right to vote the mayor. After the vote,

    the mayors have sworn their oath on the constitution. Further rights were stipulated in the Schworbrief Ithas been valid in this form for 180 years and ensured to the city of Ulm a political and economic heyday and

    a leading position in the South of Germany. Still today, the lord mayor of Ulm swears every year in public the

    oath on the constitution. He gives account of the procedures and successes of the town politics in the previous

    year. On the third Monday in July, the Lord Mayor holds his oath speech from the balcony of the Schworhaus

    (oath house), in which he publically reports about all important decisions and events of the past year in Ulm.

    The oath ceremony takes place in the presence of invited guests and Ulm citizens.

    The Nabada

    The Nabada is a Schwabian term and means something like: swimming down/bathing down and relates in

    this case to the largest river of the town, the Danube, at which each Summer a festival takes place. The firstofficial Nabada took place in 1927.

    After the ceremony of the Schworrede, the afternoon is dedicated to the festive things. Approximately 20.000

    citizens meet in the recreation park 'Friedrichsau' on both river banks. Following several months preparation,

    events of the public life are presented on fantasy-full festival boats (similarly as in the Rhein carnival) that

    are greeted with 'Hallo' by the viewers on the river banks. The viewers can judge the boats. The most original

    boat receives a prize. The festival on the water ends with the 'Ordinarischiff', an 'Ulmer Schachtel' (traditional

    Danube boat). The Lord Mayors ofUlm and Neu-Ulm are on this ship. They and their accompaniment leave the

    ship at the Friedrichsau. Also the viewers stream in the direction of the refreshment stations.

    Jutta Gotthardt

    30 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

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    g g p

    Fluss der Lander

    Am Ufer der Donauvergeht langsam der Tag,

    verabschiedet sich leise,

    es folgt ihm die Nacht.

    Es rauschen die Wellen,

    der Mond schaut zu.

    Die Donau flieBt weiter,

    hat auch nachts keine Ruh.

    So findet sie morgens

    ein ganz anderes Land,

    wo sie andere Menschen,andere Sitten fand.

    Sie versucht zu verbinden,

    zu mahnen, zu werben,

    damit aus Fremden

    Freunde werden.

    Die Donau muss weiter.

    Auf ihren Stationen

    verbindet sie Wasser,

    verbindet Nationen.

    Am Ziel ihres Wegesfolgt wieder die Nacht,

    in der Neues geboren

    und Altes vollbracht.

    Der Lauf ihres Weges

    von vorne beginnt.

    Das Wasser wieder

    durch die Lander,

    zur Miindung rinnt.

    River ofCountries

    At the banks of the Danubeslowly passes the day

    parting silently

    followed by the night.

    Roaring waves

    watched by the moon

    the Danube rolling on

    no rest during the night.

    In the morning finally discovering

    a completely different land

    finding different peoplefinding different way of life.

    Trying to unite,

    to remind, to win people,

    to enable strangers

    to become friends.

    The Danube has to go on,

    from station to station

    uniting water,

    uniting nations.

    At the end of its wayagain follows the night

    in which new is born

    and old is done.

    The path of its way

    beginning from new.

    Its water flowing,

    passing land by land

    to finally reach the mouth.

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    32 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

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    Drei Symbole fUr "Heimatland-Donauland"


    Hier flielSt die Iller in die Donau. Hier bekommt man eine Ahnung von dem

    machtigen Strom, der ins Schwarze Meer mundet.

    Der Illerspitz ist fur mich ein art der Erinnerung, denn meine kleinen Kinder

    planschten in dem sehr kalten Wasser der flachen Iller. Sie wussten von derKraft des flielSenden Gewassers, die den Hautausschlag ihrer Schwester heil-

    teoDie Kinder hatten auch die starke Stramung der Donau erlebt und radelten

    spater den Fluss entlang zum Sport.

    Ab Ulm war die Donau schiffbar und transportierte Waren, Menschen und

    Hoffnungen nach Sudosteuropa. Der starke Fluss mit seinen machtigen Neben-

    flussen mage die unterschiedlichen Kulturen der Anrainerstaaten verbinden.


    Fur mich hat Ulm immer noch das Flair der Freien Reichsstadt.AIs Wahlburgerin

    mag ich die stadtische Offenheit und das spurbare Burgerengagement gepragtvon einer Geschichte des Erfolgs, die bis heute andauert.

    DerHandelmitTextilien, vorwiegendmit Barchent,begann im 14.Jhr. undflaute

    Ende des 17.Jhr. aboDas Leinen-Baumwollgewebe begrundete den Reichtum

    der Kaufmannsstadt und bestimmte malSgeblich die Gesellschaftsstruktur in

    Ulm und der Region. Barchent aus Ulm war Qualitat.

    Die erfolgreiche wirtschaftliche Entwicklung pragt immer noch die mittel-

    standische Gesellschaft und macht Ulm zu einem lebendigen, traditions-

    bewussten, wohlhabenden Zentrum Sudwestdeutschlands.

    Kultur und KunstKunst ganz allgemein ist nicht unbedingt ein Schwerpunkt einer Kaufmanns-

    und Wissenschaftsstadt.

    Doch nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg engagierten sich einflussreiche Persanlich-

    keiten und schufen Kultur auf sehr hohem Niveau: innovative Theaterinsze-

    nierungen, die bedeutende Hochschule fur Gestaltung, die von Inge Scholl

    politisch gepragte Volkshochschule und den Treffpunkt fur moderne Kunst im

    Hause Kurt Frieds. Seine hochwertige Sammlung ist heute im Ulmer Museum

    und bildet oft die Grundlage fur Ausstellungen der Gegenwart.

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    Three symbols for "My Homeland is a Danubeland"

    IllerspitzIt's the place where the river Iller falls into the Danube. Here you get an idea of the powerful river, that ends

    in the far Black Sea. Illerspitz for me is a place of memories.

    My children enjoyed splashing in the cold water of the shallow Iller. They also experienced the power of flo-

    ating waters, which finally healed their sister's rash. The kids also got to know the powerful current of the

    Danube River, while swimming along its bank.

    Small ships, called Ulmer Schachtel, started from Ulm towards the Southeast loaded with goods or emigrants,

    who were hoping for a better life.The strong Danube with its many tributaries might unite the countries along its banks in spite of their very

    different history.

    Ulmer Barchent.Living in Ulm I am still feeling the touch of the independent city of the Middle Ages. I love the urban openess

    and the civic engagement, which promoted its successful history.

    The trade with textiles, especially Barchent, started in the 14th century and ended in the 17th.

    This web of linen and cotton established Ulm's wealth and determined the city's social structure and the

    region's development. Ulm's Barchent meant quality.

    Up to ourdays, the urban society makes Ulm to a lively, prosperous centre of Southwest Germany with all its


    Culture and art.

    In general arts are not the priority of a commercial and scientific city.

    However after the Second World War some persons of influence from Ulm started an impressive cultural de-

    velopment: experimental stage-plays, the foundation of the innovative Hochschule fur Gestaltung, a college

    for design and research in all fields, as well as the Volkshochschule, a community centre for adult educati-

    on. This institution was politically directed by Inge Scholl, the sister of Hans and Sophie Scholl. Last but not

    least there was the meeting-place for modern art in Kurt Fried's home. His valuable collection is nowadays

    presented in our Museum.

    Monika van Koolwijk

    34 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

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    Interview mit Frau Matic,

    Lehrerin der kroatische Folkloregruppe in Ulm

    Paula: Frau Matie, als ieh Ihre Gruppe im Jahr 2008 tanzen sah, warieh sofort begeistert. Daher freue ieh mieh, dass ieh heute mehr von

    Ihnen iiber Ihre Gruppe erfahren kann.Frau Matie: Wir sind hier in den Gemeinderaumen von St. Klara

    in Ulm, wo wir jeden Samstag proben; dabei nehmen unsere Mit-

    glieder aueh langere Anfahrtswege in Kauf. Ieh selbst komme aus

    Aalen.Paula: Sie sind offensiehtlieh sehr motiviert, wenn Sie sieh in Ihrer

    Freizeit hier engagieren.Frau Matie: Die kroatisehe Heimat unserer Vorfahren bedeutet mir

    sehr viel. Dort sind unsere Wurzeln. Ieh moehte dazu beitragen,dass der kulturelle Reiehtum unseres Landes nieht verloren geht

    oder nur noeh in der Erinnerung der alteren Generation lebendig

    ist. Es ist uns wiehtig, dass die Familien mit ihren Kindern ge-

    meinsam unsere Kultur pflegen, z.B. bei unseren Volkstanzen ... Wir

    haben drei Gruppen mit Mitgliedern von drei bis seehzig Jahren.

    Darunter viele Sehulkinder. Die Musik, die wir horen, stammt von

    versehiedenen Instrumenten. Eines davon liegt hier vor uns: es ist

    eine Tambouriee. Wenn man diese Instrumente spielen will, muss

    man fleilSig iiben.

    Wir kreieren iibrigens keine neuen Tanze, sondern andern ledigliehdie Choreographie; d.h. wir stellen die einzelnen Elemente neu zu-

    sammen.Paula: Das sind sehr anspruehsvolle Aufgaben. Wer unterstiitzt Sie

    dabei?Frau Matie: Das Kultusministerium in Kroatien bietet "Workshops"

    an, die uns viele Anregungen geben.Paula: Was bei Ihren Auffiihrungen sofort ins Auge stieht, sind Ihre

    wundersehonen Traehten.

    Frau Matie: Diese Traehten sind typiseh fiir die versehiedenen

    Landsehaften Kroatiens. Man konnte friiher daran die soziale Posi-

    tion einer Person abIes en:

    ob arm oder reich, ob ledig, verheiratet oder verwitwet. Besondersstolz sind wir auf unsere Festtagstraehten, die wir bei kirehliehen

    Festen und besonderen Veranstaltungen tragen.

    Paula: 1st es nieht sehwierig, die notigen Materialien zu besehaf-

    fen?Frau Matie: Die Stoffe wie Leinen, Baumwolle, Wolle, Stiekgarn und

    die kostbaren Faden fiir die Goldstiekerei besorgen wir uns in Kro-

    atien. Aueh bei den Mustern besinnen wir uns auf die Tradition.

    Wir lieben unsere Traehten und halten sie in Ehren.

    Paula: Frau Matie, was wiinsehen Sie sieh fiir Ihre kiinftige Arbeit?

    Frau Matie: Ieh hoffe, dass aueh die Generationen, die in Deutsch-land geboren sind, das kulturelle Erbe Kroatiens pflegen werden.

    Paula: Frau Matie, ieh bedanke mieh fiir dieses aufsehlussreiehe


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    36 G r u n dt vi g Le a rn i n g P ar t n e rs h i p

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    Fahrt iibers Land.

    1mAuto Geplauder in mehreren Sprachen. Das Ziel ist die Kirche Maria Radnu.

    Flach und we it ist das Land in der Gegend urn Arad, beschaulich das Leben.

    Maria Tafed in bsterreich liegt in der Wachau an der blauen Donau und

    inmitten der Weinberge. Die Fiirbitten zur Heiligen Maria in Kummer und Leid

    zeigen die selben Bilder und die selben Gebete.

    Journey across the countryside.

    Multilingual chats in the car. Our destnation the church of Radun.

    The countryside fiat, wide and contemplative, tranquil the life.

    Maria Taferl in Austria above the banks of the blue Danube river in the Wachau

    lined by vineyards. The Prayers in grief and sorrow to the Holy Mary depicting

    the same images and gestures.

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    Ich wurde 1941 in Istanbul geboren und schloss dort 1974 meine Studien in Klassischer Archaologie, Ethnolo-

    gie und Sozialer Anthropologie aboIn diesem Jahr ging ich nach Deutschland und schlieBlich 1987 mit einem

    Stipendium fur Restaurierung nach bsterreich. Ich lebe nun mit meiner Familie in Wien. Zu fotografieren be-

    gann ich in den 60er Jahren. AussteUungen folgten ab 1971, seit 2003 auch in Wien.

    Falten: Schon in der Kunstgeschichte findet man verschiedene Faltenmuster, z.E.bei Persern, Griechen, Romern,

    in der Romantik, der Gotik, im Barock uSW.Sogar der beruhmte Philosoph Leibniz beschaftigte sich in seinenSchriften intensiv mit den Falten. Dazu Leibniz: "Das ist es, ein flexibler oder elastischer Korper hat noch

    koharente Teile, die eine Falte bilden, so dass sie sich nicht in Teile von Teilen trennen, sondern sich vielmehr

    ins Unendliche in immer kleinere Falten unterteilen, welche noch eine gewisse Kohasion bewahren."

    1m"Origami" hangt fur den japanischen Erfinder dieser Kunst des Papierfaltens das Aussehen der fertigen

    Figur vom Auge ihres Schopfers aboForm, Struktur und Proportionen sind entscheidend. Auch in derfraktalen

    Geometrie zeigt sich: Je genauer man die Form ansieht, desto mehr Verastelungen findet man.

    Ich habe versucht, ausgehend von den leibnizschen Ideen und dem mathematischen Rhythmus zur Harmonie

    zu gelangen. Mit der Beziehung von Licht und Schatten werden Bewegungen geschaffen. Dies Hisst, wie in der

    Barockmalerei, beleuchtete SteUen vor den Hintergrund auftauchen. Ebenso wie bei Origami soU eine strenge

    und zeitlose Schonheit gefunden werden.


    I was born in 1941 in Istanbul and graduated there in 1974 in my studies in classical archeology, ethnology

    and social anthropology. In this year I went to Germany, and finally in 1987 with a grant for restoration to

    Austria and now I am living with myfamily in Vienna. I began to photograph in the 60s. Exhibitions followed

    in 1971, since 2003 in Vienna.

    Folds:Even in the history of art there are different patterns of folds, eg in Persians, Greeks, Romans, in Ro-

    manticism, Gothic, Baroque, etc. Even the famous philosopher Leibniz worked intensively in his writings to

    thefold. Leibniz wrote: "That it is, a flexible or elastic bodie has yet coherent parts that form a fold so that theydon't separate into parts of parts, but rather be divided indefinitely into smaller and smaller folds, which still

    retain a certain cohesion. "

    In "Origami" for the Japanese inventor of this art of paper folding the appearance of the finished piece de-

    pends on the eye of its creator. Shape, structure and proportions are crucial.

    Also fractal geometry shows that the more closely one looks at the form, the more branches there are.

    I tried starting from the Leibniz's ideas and mathematical rhythm to move to harmony. With the relationship

    between light and shadow movements are created. This causes, like in baroque painting, that illuminated

    parts emerge against the background. As with Origami a strict and timeless beauty is to be found.

    Samim Sismanoglu

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    Danube Stories 41

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    Die Donauhat in Osterreich ein sehr unterschiedliches Erscheinungsbild.

    Auf der einen Seite flieISt sie eingepfercht in ein Korsett aus Granitb16cken, reguliert und geteilt

    durch Wien.Auf der anderen Seite donauaufwarts schlangelt sie sich fast ungebandigt und frei durch Ober-


    Geboren und aufgewachsen in Wienin einer hektischen Stadt voller Beton und Mauern und mit nicht allzu viel Natur

    zog es mich in meiner Jugend immer wieder an den Donaukanal (ein kunstlicher Seitenarm der

    Donau) mit einer der wenigen Grunflachen in meiner Wohngegend.

    Als ich als Erwachsene die M6glichkeit hatte, dies zu andernzog es mich aufwarts gegen den Strom in die Nahe von Linz (am Rande der Landeshauptstadt

    von Ober6sterreich) mit weniger Hektik und viel Natur.wiederum in der Nahe der Donau fand ich hier ein sch6nes Platzchen am naturlichen Ufer des



    The Danube

    has very different aspects and appearances in Austria.

    On one side it flows cooped up through a high quantity of granite blocks. Moreover the river is

    regulated and divided through Vienna.

    On the other side (upstream) the Danube flows nearly untamed and free through Upper Austria.

    Born and grown up in Vienna

    Vienna is a busy city full of concrete and walls with no real place for enjoying the nature.

    Hence I passed my leisure time at the "Donaukanal", which is an artificial branch of the Danube,again and again. It was one of the only public green spaces in my living area.

    When I was fully grown up I had the possibility to change my way of living:

    I moved upstream to a market town nearby Linz, the provincial capital of Upper Austria, where I

    found a stressless place surrounded with pure nature.

    In this small village I found my new favourite place, also on the waterfront of the Danube, but this

    time it was all natural and not factitiously arranged.


    Brigitta Maringer


    42 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

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    In meinem Heimatgebiet urn die Bezirksstadt Eferding im frucht-

    baren "Eferdinger-Landl" brachte bis in die 40er Jahre eine Fahre

    an einem Drahtseil an der Donau die Menschen von Ufer zu Ufer.

    Die Aufregung war grog, als im Zweiten Weltkrieg ein Kriegsflug-zeug das Seil durchschnitt. Der Pilot kam bei diesem Ungliick urns

    Leben und die beschadigte Fahre wurde nie mehr repariert.

    Jahre spater wurde bei Aschach ca. vier Kilometer oberhalb der

    Ungliicksstelle eine Briicke iiber die Donau errichtet.

    Bis heute existiert in Oberosterreich nur noch eine dieser, nur mit

    der Kraft der Stromung betriebenen Fahren. Sie verbindet die un-

    gefahr 10Kilometer stromaufwarts von Linz liegenden Gemeinden

    Wilhering und Ottensheim.

    In my home region around the district capital Eferding in the fer-

    tile "Eferdinger LandI", untill the fourties a ferry on a wire rope

    brought people from bank to bank of the Danube. There was much

    excitement when in Second World War a warplane cut the rope. Thepilot died in this accident and the damaged ferry was never fixed.

    Years later a bridge was put up in Aschach about four kilometers

    streamup the place where the accident took place.

    Till today in Upper Austria there exists only one of these ferries that

    are only working with the power of the river's current. Around 10

    kilometers steamup the capital of Upper Austria Linz, it connects

    the municipalities of Ottensheim and Wilhering.

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    +-'e n:J

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    44 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

    i i l i i h di f i h f i i h b

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    Der"Sepp'n Wirt" in Elz. Wie sich die Dorfgemeinschaft ein Wirtshaus baute

    "A Dorf ohne Wirtshaus, des geht net," sagt Hermann Sandner von der Dorfgemeinschaft

    Elz. Jedes Dorf braucht ein Wirtshaus. Wo sonst sollen die Menschen gemiitlich zusammen

    kommen, essen, trinken und miteinander reden. Kein Wirtshaus, keine Dorfgemeinschaft.

    Das Dorf Elz liegt in der Gemeinde Lasberg im Bezirk Freistadt im Miihlviertel in Ober-

    osterreich. Der 180 Einwohner zahlende beschauliche Ort im Hiigelland wurde 1427 erstmals

    urkundlich erwahnt. Adelige der Landesfiirstlichen Herrschaft Freistadt hatten ihn in der

    Nahe der Burg Weinberg gegriindet. Soweit man dort zuriick denken kann, hat es immer einWirtshaus gegeben. Bis zum Jahr 1991,da wurde das einzige Gasthaus neben der Dorf- kapelle

    zugesperrt. Das Haus war desolat und der Wirt ging in Pension. Urn die Gemeinschaft im Ort

    aufrecht zu erhalten, pachtete der Sparverein das sogenannte Sepp'n Haus, das bereits 1748

    erbaut worden war, als Vereinslokal. "Da ein Verein keine Konzession zum Ausschenken hat,

    begannen die Elzer iiber ein echtes Wirtshaus nachzudenken," erzahlt Hermann Sandner.

    Die Idee war schnell geboren. Die Eheleute Gertraud und Gottfried Brungraber hatten

    einen Vorschlag. "Wenn ihr aIle mithelft", lielS Gottfried Brungraber die Runde aufuorchen,

    "dann trau ich mich driiber. Ich kaufe das Haus und wir renovieren es gemeinsam." Die

    Dorfgemeinschaft war begeistert. Das war im Jahr 1997. Ein sehr wagemutiger Entschluss

    des Landesbediensteten und seiner Frau. Sie stellten ihr Leben urn und werkten gemeinsammit den Dorfbewohnern dreieinhalb Jahre lang an dem Umbau. Die Finanzierung erfolgte

    durch die Familie Brungraber, durch eine Forderung des Landes Oberosterreich und durch

    die Unterstiitzung der Gemeinde Lasberg. Die Dorfgemeinschaft investierte 2000 freiwillige

    Arbeitsstunden in den Umbau des Hauses. Am 1. Juli 2001 wurde der "Sepp'n Wirt" feierlich

    eroffnet. Eine gemiitliche Gaststube, ein grolSer geschmackvoller Saal mit Holzbalken und

    ein uralter Brotbackofen, in dem jede Woche Brot gebacken wird, sind die Gustostiickerl

    des schmucken "BlolSstoa-Hauses" (durch den weilSen Verputz der AulSenwande bleiben die

    Granitsteine der Wande sichtbar, also bloK)

    Gefeiert wird hier alles, vom Kindlmahl (Taufe) bis zur Zehrung (Leichenschmaus). Es gibt

    Musikstammtische, Kartenrunden, Frauenturnen, Volkstanz, Feitlclub und Sparverein.Nicht nur die Einheimischen schatzen die traditionelle bodenstandige Kiiche von Gertraud

    Brungraber. Zum Sepp'n kommen Gaste aus einem grolSen Einzugsgebiet, urn sich nach einer

    Wanderung am saftigen und knusprigen Schweinsbraten oder an den herrlichen frischen

    Mehlspeisen zu lab en. Eine Attraktion ist auch das traditionelle Pecholbrennen. Ein altes

    Kulturerbe, das in Elz noch gepflegt wird. Man sollte es sich bei einem Ausflug zeigen und

    erklaren lassen. Der Sepp'n Wirt, Gottfried Brungraber sagt, dass er seinen Entschluss nie

    bereut hat. Trotz der Doppelbelastung ist er mit Leidenschaft Wirt geworden. "I hab halt

    koane anderen Hobbies. In meiner Freizeit sitz i bei den Gasten."

    . . . .


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    The "Sepp'n Wirt" in Elz. How the village community built a tavern for themselves

    "A village without tavern is a no-go," says Hermann Sandner of the village community

    Elz. Each village needs a tavern. Where else should people get cozy dinner together,

    drink and talk. No tavern, no community.

    The village Elz lies within the municipality of Lasberg in the district Freistadt im

    Milhlviertel in Upper Austria. 1427 the tranquil village in the hills counting 180inhabitants was first documentary mentioned. Nobles of the "Landesfilrstliche

    Herrschaft Freistadt" had founded it near the castle Weinberg. As far as one can think

    back, there has always been a tavern. Until the year 1991, at this time the only tavern

    next the Village chapel closed. The house was desolate and the host retired. To maintain

    the community in the village, the local club "Sparverein" leased the so-called "Sepp'n

    House", that had been built 1748, as their meeting place. "Because a club owns no

    concession to sell drinks, the people of Elz started to think about a real tavern," tells

    Hermann Sandner. The idea was quickly born. The couple Gertraud und Gottfried

    Brungraber made an offer. "If you all will help us", Gottfried Brungraber said "then I

    dare, I buy the house and we renovate it together." The village community was excited.That was in 1997. It was a very courageous decision of the governmental official and

    his wife. They changed their life and worked for three years together with the village

    inhabitants in order to rebuild the house. It was financed by the family Brungraber, by

    the province of Upper Austria, and by the support of the community Lasberg. The village

    community has invested 2000 volunteer hours in the reconstruction of the house. On

    1. Juli 2001 the "Sepp'n Wirt" was ceremonially opened. A cosy lounge, a large tasteful

    dining room wth wooden beams and an ancient bread oven, where every week fresh

    bread is baked, are the highlights of the typical "BlojSstoa-House" (by the white plaster

    of the outer walls the granite stones of the walls remain visible).

    All celebrations take place in this house, from baptism to attrition. In this roomsmusicians, card playing people and clubs have their meetings and also female

    gymnastics and folk dance takes place there. Not only the locals love the traditional

    food offered by Gertraud Brungraber. Also other guests from a wide catchment area

    like to come to the tavern, to enjoy after a walk the luscious and crusty pork roast or the

    delicious fresh pastries. An aditional attraction is the traditional "Pitch-Oil Burning."

    An old cultural inheritage which is still alive in Elz. The host, Gottfried Brungraber

    says he has never regretted his decision. Despite the double burden he has become

    passionate host. "I just have no other hobbies. In my spare time I sit with the guests."

    Gisela Schreiner

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    A Lanchid orzoinek erdekessege

    Coriosity of the Chain Bridge-keeper

    Kuriosum der HUter der KettenbrUcke

    Mit felejtett ki a szobnisz Marschalk6 Janos a szobrok keszitesekor?

    A nyelvet ... !

    What is forgotten by the sculptor John Marschalk6 when he made

    the sculpture?The tongue of the lions ...!

    Was wurde vom Bildhauer Janos Marschalk6 bei der Skulptur-

    anfertigung vergessen?

    Die Zunge der Lowen ... !

    Danube Stories

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    48 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

    Meron allva nez a ballago Dunara Talan azert nez hogy leszeduljon

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    Meron allva nez a ballago Dunara,Talan azert nez, hogy leszeduljon

    vegre,Es a melybe essek, a viz fenekere ...

    Looks out on walking to the Danube depending on one's daring,

    Is watching possibly because of that, giddy finally,

    And let him fall into the depth, onto the bottom of the water ...

    Magas hegy tetejen regi Buda vara,

    On top of a tall mountain the castle of old Buda,

    Oben auf einem hohen Berg das Schloss des alten Buda,

    Sucht beim Wandern die Donau abhiingig von seiner Kiihnheit,

    Sieht deswegen vielleicht schliejSlich schwindlig zu,

    Und liisst sich in die Tiefe auf den Boden des Wassers fallen ...

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    Gabriella Sarkadi

    50 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

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    A rakodopart also koven iiltem,neztem, hogy uszik el a dinnyehej ...

    On the bottom step that from the wharf descends J sat,

    and watched a melon-rind float by...

    Am Kai dicht unten am Wasser hab ich gesessen,

    eine Melonenschale im Blick, schaukelnd davongetrieben ...

    .. .Alig hallottam, sorsomba meriilten,

    ... J hardly heard, wrapped in my destined ends,

    ...Ratte kein Ohr,ganz von mir selbst besessen,

    hogy fecseg a felszin, hallgat a mely.Mintha szivemb61 folyt volna tova,zavaros, boles es nagy volt a Duna.

    To surface chat the silent depth reply.

    As if it flowed from my own heart in spate,

    Wise was the Danube, turbulent and great.

    Fur das Schwatzen des Wassers, sein Schweigen in den Tiefen.

    Ein gewaltiger Strom, der meinem Rerzen entfloss,

    Das war die Donau, wirr, weise und grojS.

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    cC O


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    Budapesti hidak

    Budapest bridges

    Budapester Briicken

    Szabadsag hidFreedom bridge

    Freiheitsbrucke- Ke Ha JI I1p;y, Kao p;aHac, Ben CMO I1111JII 1QaMU;I1Ma.

    J ep;aH op ; TI1X P ;I1BHI1X C YHQaHI1X p;aHa BOP;110 Hac je yrrpaBo TaMO. CelIYl CMOY

    QaMu;e 11yrrYTI1JII1 ce Ka HallieM JI I1P;Y. I1ecaK Ha rrJI a:>K11Hac je 3aClIerrJhY lBao.A m I

    TaMaH Kap; caM MI1CJII1J Ia p;a caM Ha qBPCTOM TJ IY, I1CTI1Taj rrecaK Me je rrpeBapl10

    - 6110 je jOIli yBeK cyBI1111e MeKaH 11ja caM caMO rrporraJ Ia Kp03 lbera y BOAY!

    Cpena y cBeMy TOMe 611JIa je yrrpaBo Torrao 11cyHqaH p;aH, KOjl1 MI1 je rrOMorao

    p;a ce 6p30 OCyIllI1M. AJII1 ja caM ce I1rraK 11KacHl1je CBaKI1 rrYT pap;o Bpaham Ha

    MaJ IO p;yHaBcKo OCTpBO ...

    Our Lido

    Sunny high school days ... I remember that we did not know how to

    stand up to them. I was never an adventurer, but one "adventure" Istill remember. There's a wonderful view from the Zemun's quay of

    the Great War Island, better known as the Lido. At the time when I

    was in high school, there was not a pontoon bridge to the beach at

    the Lido, like today, but we went there by boats.

    One of those beautiful sunny days led us right there. We got into

    the boats and headed to our Lido. The sand on the beach blinded

    us. But just when I thought I was on solid ground, the same sand

    tricked me - it was still too soft and I just fell straight into the wa-

    ter! Good luck in this situation was that it was a very warm and

    sunny day, which helped me dry more quickly. But still, I've gladlyreturned to the little island of the Danube each time after this ...

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    Mune H a A p C O BU ll

    Milena Arsovic

    r o.-.n



    70 Grundtvig Learning P artnership

    Kyna y CrraHKaMeHy

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    Kyna y CrraHKaMeHy

    EJ 1lHr CMO ,n;Be ro,n;MHe y 6paKy Ka,n;a CMO O,n;J IyqMJ IM ,n;a KyrrMMo KynItUW y

    CJ IaHKaMeHy, MaJ IOM MeCTY Ha 06aJ IM )J ;yHaBa. "To ne 6MTM Harna oa3a", peKao

    je MMJ I aH M 3arpJ IMO Me. J1 6MJ Ia je. BMKeH,n;OM CMO :>KypHO HarrywTaJ IItI rpall,

    cpenHM rnTO neMo BpeMe rrpoBecTM 3aje,n;Ho, ,n;aJ IeKOo,n;rpa,n;cKe BpeBe, y Kynvn.\M

    Kpaj peKe. J a caM rajMJ Ia py:>Ke, MMJ IaH je rre~ao. BeqepM CMO rrpOBo,n;VllIVIHa

    lDeHoj 06aJ IM, rneTaJ IM ,n;p:>KenMce 3a pyKe, ,n;yro rrpMqaJ IM, cMejaJ IM ceo PeKa je

    6MJ Ia nYTlbMBM CBe,n;OKHarne cpene. J1 OH,n;a Ka,n;a ce po,n;MJ Ia MMJ IMl..\a, VI Kalla

    je Ha lDeHoj 06aJ IM rrpoxo,n;aJ Ia, Ka,n;a je y lbOj HayqMJ Ia ,n;a rrJ IMBa ... BpeMe je

    rrpOJ Ia3MJ IO, MMJ IM~a je o,n;pacJ Ia, o,n;ceJ IMJ Ia ce y KaHa,n;y. OCTaJ IM CMO MVllIaH

    M ja M Harna MaJ Ia oa3a, y KOjOj CMO rrpoBo,n;MJ IM BenM ,n;eo ro,n;MHe. YI3HeHalla,

    MMJ IaH je je,n;He BpeJ Ie J IeTlbe HonM y CHy TMXO M MMpHO YMpO. Ilpo,n;alIa caM

    CTaH y rpa,n;y M rrpeCeJ IMJ Ia ce y Kyny. Ty, Y3 )J ;yHaB, CBe je oerrT MCTO Kao VIrrpe

    MHoro ro,n;MHa, MMJ IaH Mja CM O M J Ia,n;M, rneTaMO ce, lby6MMO ce, cMejeMO. BpeMe

    je 3aY CT aBlbeHO.

    A Cottage in Slankamen

    We had been married for two years when we decided to buy a cottage

    in Slankamen, a small town on Danube. "It will be our oasis", said

    Milan hugging me. And it was. On weekends we were busily leaving

    the city, happy to spend our time together, away from the city's

    hustle, in our cottage down by the river. I nurtured my roses, Milan

    went fishing. We spent our evenings on the river's banks, walking

    hand in hand, talking, laughing ... The river was a silent witness of

    our happiness. Even when Milica was born, and when she started

    her first step on its very same banks, and when she learned how

    to swim ... Time went by, Milica grew up, she moved to Canada.

    But Milan, I and our little oasis remained, where we spent most

    of the year. Suddenly in one hot summer night, Milan quietly and

    peacefully passed away in his sleep. I sold our apartment in the city

    and moved permanently into the cottage. There, near the Danube,

    everything is the same again, as it was many years ago: Milan and

    I are young, walking, kissing, laughing ... Time has stopped.

    Danube Stories 71

  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny


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    G r u n dt vi g Le a rn i n g P ar t n e rs h i p

  • 7/30/2019 Danube Stories -Grundtvig programunk zr kiadvny


    He,n;elba, JIerr cyHqaH rrpOJIehHJ1 ,n;aHJ1ja caM ce 360r Tora o,n;JIYQJ1JIa,n;arrpOllIeTaM

    06aJIOM CaBe J1 , IJ;yHaBa. IlOll IJIa caM o,n;caBCKor rrpJ1CTaHJ1l lITa J1 TaKO JIaraHJ1M

    KopaKOM CTJ1fJIa ,n;o crropTCKor u;eHTpa "MJ1JIaH faJIe M YllIKaTJ1poBJ1h". l IIeTlba

    Me H J1je 3aMOpJ1JIa, aJIJ1 caM J1rraK ceJIa Ha je,n;Hy KJIyrry ,n;aY:>KJ1BaMy rrpeJIenOM

    rrej3 a:>KY.J1crrpe,n; MeHe ,IJ;yHaB, peKa Koja crraja BJ1l lIe 3eMalba, BJ1l lIe MJ1JIJ10Ha
