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Mentors in Hypnosis brings together the best hypnotists in the world! Through these interviews the Mentors share with you their knowledge, wisdom and experience. Together they bring you Centuries of hypnosis.

In this Interview we learn from Mentor Dan Cleary.



Mentor Dan Cleary is an expert in working with hurting patients and has specialized in pain management and alleviation. His straightforward and humorous persona makes him very easy to watch and listen to.

Mentor Dan Cleary is an internationally recognized Pain Relief Educator and Hypnosis Instructor, teaching doctors, therapists and individuals to access relief throughout the U.S. and Europe.

From 2007-2012, Dan Cleary was a course director at PAINWeek® a major medical conference for practitioners from around the world, specializing in the treatment of pain.

Dan lives the program he presents; a member of the ‘Chronic Club’ for over thirty-five years, he shares the insights and techniques he has developed.

Dan Cleary has written hundreds of articles for professional publications around the world and is the author of:

CREATING CHANGE – A Primer to HypnosisCHANGING PAIN – Relief is RealisticTARGETING PAIN – A Practitioners Guide to ReliefDan Cleary is indeed one mentor to look up to and always ready to

offer his knowledge and expertise with others.


Eugen Popa: How and why and when did you start doing hypnosis?

Dan Cleary: I was in a motorcycle wreck in 1978 and I paralyzed my right arm, pulled a bunch of nerves from my spine.

For the first 5 years I didn’t sleep at all in the conventional sense. I’ve been living with a lot of pain. I tried every drug available, alcohol, combinations thereof, I would be awake for 24-48 hours at a time and then collapse for 3-4 hours and awaken in tears. I was finally recommended to a psychiatrist who did hypnosis and during our first session I realized – strangely enough he wasn’t a very good hypnotist.

He walked me down 20 steps into a dark cave and we started on this one, we tried this before, but it’s a funny story. It was at 14 or 15 steps and I was waiting at the bottom for him, kind of “okay, let’s go, let’s go”.

I got it, steps, I can get down steps. And then he had me going through a dark tunnel, there was a big wooden door on the tunnel and I’ve got one arm and big wooden doors are kind of a pain. So we go into the tunnel and it’s dark and it’s just enough light to see. All these classic hypnosis scripts from the 50s and early 60s. Somewhere along the way I just started blowing holes in the walls of the tunnel and looking out on a tropical beach and a bay and I had my sailboat out there. I let him talk all he wanted, his voice was kind of a background and I realized that this was metaphysics that I had studied back in the 60s.


The imagery, the meditation and all these things were actually helping me to feel better. So I left thinking that hypnosis was probably not the answer but meditation and metaphysics were. So I began working my own version of it. Initially it was sitting down and spending 15-20 minutes doing meditation and progressive relaxations and things like that.

But I began to make it more “portable”. At some point a friend told me – I began working with other people because I had been in construction before and I bought a sailboat in order to learn how to be left-handed after my right – so I was mostly in boat yards and the people I knew were laborers, they worked heavy equipment and things like that – aches and pains.

So they would come to me and I would tell them stories. And at some point somebody told me “that’s hypnosis”. And I said “No, no, there’s no steps involved”. And he said “No, this is hypnosis, you are a hypnotist and you should get paid for it”. And I thought “Well, pay, that’s a good idea”.

So about a week or two later, somebody else, an entirely different person, told me about a hypnosis class that was forming. And I did it. And strange enough my hypnosis training set me back about 6 months in my work, because I learnt that you have to do – I went in for the first class and sure enough, here come the 20 steps. Mine is the same story, but I don’t use steps.


Eugen Popa: Awesome. That is a very interesting story.

Dan Cleary: After the first session with the psychiatrist, within a week I was sleeping 6-8 hours a night. And that saved my life.

Eugen Popa: Okay, so here is the next big question. In your own words, how would you define hypnosis? What is that?

Dan Cleary: I would begin first with what it is not. It is not the trance, it is not the induction, it is not the technique. To me hypnosis, as I’ve come to know it, is a model of communication and it’s going on – people are going in and out of trances all the time and when we use our communication and observation skills, we can recognize that and utilize what they bring to us.

If I were to define hypnosis, I would say it’s a form of communication. I actually begin most of my hypnosis certification classes by saying that hypnosis does not exist. That it’s just a name we’ve given to a process and it’s not definable because everybody does it differently.


Eugen Popa: What can help best someone who just starts in hypnosis?

Dan Cleary: Don’t take it seriously.

Eugen Popa: I love that. That’s my other slogan – don’t take yourself too seriously.

Dan Cleary: You see, there’s a great difference between sincerity and being serious. It’s seriosity, not curiosity that killed the cat.

Eugen Popa: Alright, that’s a new one. When you do your hypnosis, how do you pick your inductions?

Dan Cleary: I don’t. I look for the trance that they bring in.Eugen Popa: How do you do that?

Dan Cleary: Observation – I think it’s somewhere in the area of intent. In NLP they say if you presuppose trance and trance exists and I’m not sure – I can’t even spell NLP. But it’s somewhere in there. I’ve listened to and written inductions over the years that when people come in, they generally begin to tell me something that sounds like the inductions. And when I see them nodding their head when they tell me their issue is, I know they’re going into a trance to tell me – pacing and leaning.

Eugen Popa: To recap this question, what would you say would be the recipe of a good hypnosis session?

Dan Cleary: Meet them at their level. But don’t buy their story.

Curious who are the other Mentors? Here they are!



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