daily sound 5/30/12

HOTDOGS In Santa Barbara Harbor At The Boat Launch Mini Mart The Place For Real News WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 2012 WWW.THEDAILYSOUND.COM FREE VOLUME 7 ISSUE 106 FIND US ON FACEBOOK Facebook.com/ TheDailySound FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SBDailySound Very Windy, Warm 82° 805-962-5898 DAILY SOUND P P A A R R K K I I N N G G P P R R O O B B L L E E M M S St t a a t t e e m ma a y y f f o or r c c e e c c i i t t y y t t o o s se e l l l l a a l l l l o of f i i t t s s d do ow wn nt t o ow wn n p pa a r r k ki i n ng g l l o ot t s s | | P PA AG GE E 2 2 Measure Y proponents raise $150K All from developer Mark Lee SEE PAGE 3 ➤ ➤ Debate gets heated Arguments erupt over measure SEE PAGE 3 Santa Barbara developer Mark Lee wants to bulild 25 homes on a piece of undeveloped land, otherwise known as Veronica Meadows. Measure Y, if passed by voters, will allow a bridge to be built to allow access to the development. DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli

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Parking Lot Peril: State of California may force city to sell its downtown parking lots


Page 1: Daily Sound 5/30/12

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Very Windy,Warm




PPAARRKKIINNGGPPRROOBBLLEEMMSSttaattee mmaayy ffoorrccee cciittyy ttoo sseellll aallll ooffiittss ddoowwnnttoowwnn ppaarrkkiinngg lloottss || PPAAGGEE 22

Measure Y proponents raise $150KAll fromdeveloperMark Lee


��Debategets heatedArguments eruptover measure

SEE PAGE 3Santa Barbara developer Mark Lee wants to bulild 25 homes on a piece of undeveloped land, otherwise known asVeronica Meadows. Measure Y, if passed by voters, will allow a bridge to be built to allow access to the development.

DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli

Page 2: Daily Sound 5/30/12

2 Wednesday, May 30 2012 Daily Sound


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Above and on front page, Santa BarbaraĘźs city owned parking lots and garages are in jeopardy. Below, In a letter to Assemblymember DasWilliams, Santa Barbara Mayor Helene Schneider strongly urges him to reject the proposed bill.

DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli


DAILY SOUND EDITORIn a move that could dramatically

change the future of downtown parkingand spell doom for free 75-minute park-ing, the city might have to sell all of itsdowntown parking lots, the latest falloutfrom the loss of its redevelopment agency.

A trailer bill released as part of thegovernor’s May revise states that parkinggarages or lots owned by RDAs must bedisposed of, as part of the dissolution ofstatewide redevelopment agencies.Money from the sale must then be turnedover to the state.

As a practical matter, the move couldmean the loss of free 75-minute parkingdowntown and the private market con-

City may have to sell off parking lots and turnover money to the State of California

See PARKING, page 12

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Daily Sound Wednesday, May 30 2012 3


Measure Y proponentsraise $150,000


The proponents of Measure Y, the develop-er-backed proposal to build a vehicular bridgeover Arroyo Burro Creek to access a privatedevelopment — have raised $150,000 — all ofit, however, came from developer Mark Lee’scompany Peak-Las Positas.

Financial disclosure statements releasedrecently show that Peak-Las Positas Partnersmade $50,000 contributions to the campaignon April 3, May 9 and May 15.

Most of the money has gone to politicalconsultants, direct mail postage, printing andgraphics and marketing experts.

The opponents of Measure Y have raised$16,400 in their efforts to stop the controver-sial Veronica Meadows project.

Nearly 30 different individuals or groupsgave money to the No on Y campaign. Thelargest donations were from The Fund ForSanta Barbara and Bloomer deVere GroupAvia, Inc., a business aviation consulting com-pany.

Developer Lee wants to build 25 luxurymansions on undeveloped land that he owns inthe Las Positas Valley. In order to move for-ward with his project, however, he needsapproval from voters to build a bridge overArroyo Burro Creek. An EIR showed that thebridge would cause unavoidable, significantimpacts to the creek.

Lee has promised to restore Arroyo BurroCreek at his own expense.

Voters will decide whether he can build thebridge on June 5.

Arguments erupt overMeasure Y at debate


The controversy over Measure Y continuedinto a forum last night as both sides flat outdisagreed on the facts.

In front of dozens of Mesa residents atHoly Cross Church, advocates and opponentsof the divisive ballot initiative clashed overthe environmental impact, traffic issues, andwhether the housing project can move for-ward or not.

If passed, the measure would put a bridgeover Arroyo Burro Creek across from ElingsPark to allow vehicle access to part of a 25-unit housing project known as Veronica

Meadows. Because it’d have to cross overpublic land designated as “undeveloped park-land,” only the citizens can allow the citycouncil to permit its construction.

Without it, the only other access pointwould be through Alan Road, and protestsfrom residents of that street almost killed theproject when a bridgeless alternative had beenproposed.

Represented by Alan Road resident AndySeybold and developer Mark Lee, the Yes OnY advocates said the bridge is needed to keeptraffic off of Alan Road. Seybold said thisisn’t a referendum on the housing project.

See MEASURE Y, page 5

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A mix-up over a telephone num-ber caused a mild dust-up onMonday in the 19th District StateSenate Race.

Oxnard Firefighters PresidentJeff Donabedian asked candidateHannah-Beth Jackson to stop hercampaign from using the NationalWeather Service telephone numberfor her calls to voters.

Jackson is running against MikeStoker and Jason Hodge for theseat.

For less than an hour last week,the caller ID that showed up fromthe Jackson campaign appeared to

be from the National WeatherService.

“Last week, just as we werebeing notified by the NationalWeather Service of fire danger, vot-ers were receiving campaign phonecalls from Hannah Beth Jackson’scampaign from the same telephonenumber,” Donabedian said. “If thisis a mistake by the Jackson cam-paign, it must be corrected immedi-ately. If it is done intentionally, it isa terrible campaign tactic andreflects poor judgment.”

Jackson's campaign said it was atechnical error.

“This was a technical error com-mitted by our vendor's sub-vendor

who recognized it within an hour ofthe call program starting,” saidRudy Ramirez, Jackson’s cam-paign manager. “They fixed it atthat time. The National Weather

4 Wednesday, May 30 2012 Daily Sound


Apple wants to make more in U.S.


Apple Inc Chief Executive Tim Cook said he would like to seemore of the company's products assembled at home than in Chinaand contain more U.S. components such as semiconductors.

Apple has been criticized for relying on low-cost Asian manu-facturers to assemble its products and for contributing to thedecline of the U.S. manufacturing sector.

Cook, who took the helm of the world's most valuable technol-ogy company in August shortly before founder Steve Jobs died,said manufacturing in the United States was difficult because ofdeclining tool-and-die manufacturing expertise, among otherthings, but he was working on it.

"There are things that can be done in the U.S., not just for theU.S. market but that can be exported for the world," Cook told thisyear's All Things Digital conference, an annual gathering of A-listtechnology and media executives in the upscale California coastalresort town of Rancho Palos Verdes.

Mexico mom gouges son’s eyesA mother in Mexico has been arrested on suspicion of goug-

ing out the eyes of her 5-year-old son during a ceremony.Police said on Thursday they had arrested seven people,

including the boy's parents, after his eyeballs were pulled outduring the ritual in Nezahualcoyotl, a working-class neighbor-hood on the eastern flank of Mexico City.

"There was some kind of ceremony inside a house," saidLaura Uribe, a spokeswoman for state prosecutors in the Stateof Mexico, a populous region that borders much of the capital.

She did not give details of what the ritual involved.The mother is believed to have removed the eyes with her

bare hands because the boy refused to close them during theceremony, police told a news conference.

Mo. Sunny 7Mild73°

TodaySubtle changes are expected for much of the week withjust the nightly ebb and flow of the marine layer. Look forhighs to remain right at or slightly above normal for mostareas.

AM Fog, Pt.Cloudy53/71°

Mo. Sunny,Mild


Much Cooler,Breezy55/74°

AM Fog, Mild


SundayFridayThursday Saturday

Facebook Inc shares slid below $29 to a new low on Tuesdayas nervous investors fled the company's shares, concerned aboutthe social network's long-term business prospects and an initialoffering price that proved too rich.

Shares of the No. 1 social network fell 10 percent to an all-time low of $28.65, before closing at $28.84, or down 9.6 per-cent. Since its market debut at $38 on May 18, the eight-year-old company has shed approximately $25 billion in value -roughly equivalent to the market capitalization of MorganStanley, the lead underwriter of Facebook's IPO.

Wall Street has harbored concerns that Facebook, whileboasting nearly a billion users worldwide and dominatingInternet social-networking, would have difficulty translating itsgrowing presence on smartphones and other mobile devices intorevenue. Rivals Google Inc and Apple Inc currently dominatethe mobile arena.

Facebook shares hit new depths

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Lyons gets 30 yearsDAILY SOUND STAFF REPORTCorey Lyons, convicted of the double

murder of his brother, Daniel Lyons, andDaniel’s partner, Barbara Scharton, hasbeen sentenced to life in prison withoutparole.

Lyons had been accused of shootinghis brother and his partner inside theirMesa home in May of 2009. ProsecutorRon Zonen said Lyons will spend the restof his life in prison.

“It was a brutal premeditated killingand we always felt it should be a casewith a life without parole sentence,”Zonen said.

This is Lyons’ third and final trial.Two previous prosecutions ended inmistrials; one due to prejudicial witnesstestimony and on because of a hungjury.

Call center mishap sparks questions

See NUMBER, page 12



‘This was atechnical errorcommitted by ourvendor's sub-vendor ...Rudy Ramirez for Jackson

Page 5: Daily Sound 5/30/12

Daily Sound Wednesday, May 30 2012 5




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Jesusita, and Tea Fires have stained theChromatic Gate heavily during the pastseven years. Donations to Restore OurRainbow committee administered bySanta Barbara County Arts Commissionwill help clean and maintain the creationof famed local artist Herbert Bayer whois best known for his design of hotelLittle Nell at the base of Aspen Mountainas well as the design for 'universal type-face' as a member of the Bauhaus. Ourcommunity has less than a handful oforiginal examples from internationallyfamed artists.

Peter Walker HuntSanta Barbara


boyhood hate crime: What is referred toas a prank when it's perpetrated by ayoung elitist Republican is, in fact, a caseof blatant physical and mental abuse.Others involved in this crime have vivid,detailed recollections and have showngenuine remorse. Mr. Romney, on theother hand, draws a blank. This wouldseem to indicate the man has a weakmind, is a liar, or both.

President Obama has been accused ofbeing the real bully because he hasattacked conservative radio and Fox.Since these entities have repeatedlyreferred to him as a communist-Marxist-socialist who was not born in the U.S.and is not eligible to hold the office towhich he was elected, only Tea Partysycophants would see these alleged"attacks" as anything other than a spirit-ed and justified self-defense.

President Obama has been accused ofslandering and bullying U.S. SupremeCourt Justices. This is, of course, com-plete nonsense. They have lifetimeappointments and can only be removedby impeachment on grounds of treason,

bribery, or other high crimes and misde-meanors (Article 2, Section 4 of theConstitution) ... or upon their death. NOpresident has bullying power over theseJustices.

President Obama has been accused ofbullying and intimidating donors toRomney. These deep-pockets million-aires and billionaires are INVESTORS.They buy political influence and affectpublic policy. They expect, and usuallyget, a huge return on their investments.We, the people, have every right to knowwho they are and whose interests theyrepresent.

Such obsessive anti-Obama rhetoriccan only be attributed to willful igno-rance, shameful hypocrisy, or both.

Robert BaruchGoleta


CEO of JPMorgan Chase, and heapproved what the New York Times saidwas an incredibly risky banking strategythat led to a loss of at least $3 billion forhis bank. Reports say that led to billionsmore being wiped from retirement plansand shareholders across the country.

A fox guarding the henhouse. Worldrenowned economist Simon Johnsonbelieves that increased safeguards couldhave prevented JPMorgan Chase fromengaging in this risky behavior, butthere's a problem: Jamie Dimon sits onthe board of the Federal Reserve Bank ofNew York, which is charged with regu-lating the banking industry. It's an unac-ceptable conflict of interest -- leavingJamie Dimon in charge of protectingagainst risky financial bets is like havinga fox guard the hen house.

You can stop banks from regulatingthemselves.

It's outraged that Jamie Dimon con-tinues to sit on the board of this bankregulator even after this scandal, so wemust calling on the Federal Reserve

Board of Governors to fire Dimonimmediately.

Because JP Morgan Chase Bank is"too big to fail", it enjoys the protectionof US taxpayers. As such, Mr. Dimon hasa responsibility to safeguard the bank'sfinancial strength – not just for the sakeof his shareholders, but for the publicgood.

Mr. Dimon failed in that duty. He per-sonally approved a very risky tradingstrategy that not only lost billions of dol-lars for the firm but also had the potentialto destabilize the world’s financial mar-kets.

Jamie Dimon risked depositors'money and all of our futures. Despitethis, Jamie Dimon still sits on the boardof directors of the Federal Reserve Bankof New York – an institution chargedwith supervising JP Morgan Chase andother Wall Street banks.

Mr. Dimon also leads lobbying cam-paigns to maintain the right to carry outthe kind of risky trading that recently lostbillions and continues to put the world'seconomy at risk.

Jamie Dimon should immediatelyresign his post at the New York FederalReserve Bank.

If he will not, then the FederalReserve System should take whateveraction is needed to remove him immedi-ately from that position.

Both Treasury Secretary Tim Geithnerand former Head of the CongressionalOversight Panel for the Troubled AssetRelief Program (and Senate candidate)Elizabeth Warren have called for JamieDimon to resign his New York Fed boardposition. To date, Mr. Dimon has givenno indication that he will relinquish thispost.

Americans must stand up to Mr.Dimon and demand his resignation.Ignoring this request would underminethe legitimacy and effectiveness of theentire Federal Reserve.

Leoncio MartinsSanta Barbara

It’s about where the traffic goes to get tothe homes.

“It will be built,” Seybold said. “Whatthis is about is access.”

But the No On Y group, representedby Santa Barbara City Council memberCathy Murillo and attorney MarcChytilo, said that a “no” vote would sendthe project back to the planning commis-sion.

Chytilo claimed the approval lan-guage required that the bridge had to becompleted or the construction of thehomes could not proceed.

“If they can’t do step one, they do nothave approval for step two,” Chytilosaid.

Murillo claimed city attorney SteveWiley had confirmed that the projectwould go back to the planning commis-sion if Measure Y did not pass. Lee said

that had been the first he’d heard of that,he believed the law had been much morecomplicated.

Even reading the wording of the staffreport itself didn’t clear things up,instead sparking a brief argument withinthe crowd about whether “substantiallycompleted” is binding or not.

The sides also argued over the envi-ronmental impact of the project. Murilloand Chytilo claimed the project’s envi-ronmental impact would be disastrousfor wildlife in the area. Chytilo said itwould create a ‘dead zone’ and block offwhat is otherwise a popular corridor forriparian wildlife.

“It’s a highway for animals,” Chytilosaid.

Lee countered that significantrestoration would take place and thetype of bridge being put in is far frombeing any kind of barrier for the naturalhabitat.

“If it’s abundantly clear that a herd ofgiraffes or a bull elephant could walkunderneath the bridge, it begs the ques-tion why is it considered an impedi-ment?” Lee said.

One resident asked point blank if Leewould pursue the project if he could notget the bridge through.

Lee, who’s been working to pass theproject for well over a decade, empha-sized that he would do everything to easetraffic from Alan Road, but said with nobridge, there wouldn’t be any otherchoice.

“Absent the bridge, Alan Road willremain the only alternative,” Lee said.“And that’s what we’ll do.”

MEASURE YFROM PAGE 3 ‘[The project] will be

built. What this isabout is access.’Alan Road resident Andy Seybold

Page 6: Daily Sound 5/30/12

6 Wednesday, May 30 2012 Daily Sound


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Let’s go surfin’ now ...The Beach Boys performed at the Santa Barbara Bowl on Memorial Day to a sold out house. Brian Wilson the heart of the Beach Boys, andwith the absence of touring with the band for 47 years brought magic back to the group on Monday night. With the reuniting of Brian Wilson andthe Beach Boys the band is playing better than ever like a fine-tuned machine. I say bravo to the Beach Boys for a wonderful evening that trans-ported us back to another time and place in the early 60s. — Gary Lambert

DAILY SOUND / Gary Lambert

Page 7: Daily Sound 5/30/12

Daily Sound Wednesday, May 30 2012 7


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Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney greets supporters during a campaign rally at a local busi-ness in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Romney clinchesRepublican nomWASHINGTON (Reuters) — Mitt Romney

clinched the Republican presidential nomina-tion yesterday with a resounding victory inTexas and now faces a five-month sprint toconvince voters to trust him over DemocraticPresident Barack Obama in the November 6election.

Although the race has been essentially overfor weeks, Romney finally cleared the bench-mark of 1,144 delegates needed to become theRepublicans' presidential candidate after along, bitter primary battle with a host of con-servative rivals.

He will be formally nominated at theRepublicans' convention in Florida in lateAugust. In a statement, Romney said he washumbled to win enough of Texas' 155 dele-gates to secure the nomination.

"Our party has come together with the goalof putting the failures of the last three and ahalf years behind us. I have no illusions aboutthe difficulties of the task before us. But what-ever challenges lie ahead, we will settle fornothing less than getting America back on thepath to full employment and prosperity," hesaid.

Romney's big day was overshadowed by hisappearance with real estate tycoon and realityTV star Donald Trump, who organized a majorfund-raiser for Romney in Las Vegas.

A famous self-promoter, Trump has beenloudly fixated over whether Obama was bornin the United States despite clear evidence thathe was born in Hawaii, and Romney did noth-ing to publicly rein him in.

ROMNEY CONSIDERED UNDERDOGRomney endured serious threats from

Republican opponents from Rick Perry to Rick

Santorum to reach a goal that his late father,former Michigan Governor George Romney,fell short of achieving -- winning his party'sstamp of approval as its presidential candidate.

It is always difficult to unseat an incumbentpresident and Romney is considered the under-dog. But with the economy staggering along,polls are close.

All indications are that Americans face thepossibility of a cliffhanger election inNovember that will be decided by relativelysmall percentages of voters in as many as adozen battleground states, such as Ohio,Florida and Virginia.

The former Massachusetts governor nowfaces a lengthy to-do list to gird for his duelwith Obama, from picking a vice presidentialrunning mate to raising hundreds of millions ofdollars for a national campaign.

In the immediate weeks ahead, his goal is tobolster his case that Obama has been ineffec-tive in handling the sluggish U.S. economyand hostile to job creators.

This argument will move soon to the energyindustry, which Romney thinks Obama hasbungled by not ramping up domestic produc-tion of oil and natural gas.

Romney in weeks ahead will turn toObama's 2010 healthcare overhaul. The U.S.Supreme Court is to decide in late June on theconstitutionality of the law's requirement thatall Americans purchase health insurance.

Romney has vowed to repeal the law ifelected, citing it as an example of too muchgovernment under Obama. He has faced criti-cism from Republicans for the healthcare over-haul he developed for Massachusetts thatObama has called a model for revamping theU.S. system.

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8 Wednesday, May 30 2012 Daily Sound



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Page 9: Daily Sound 5/30/12

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: RUDY’S T-JEANS 5716 Hollister Ave. Goleta,CA 93117, County of Santa Barbara;Erica Hernandez, Rodolfo MartinezIV.(720 W. Sola St. Santa Barbara, CA93101),This business is conducted bya Husband and Wife(Signed):RodolfoMartinez IV This statement was filedwith the County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on MAY 22, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Kathy Miller FBN Number:2012-0001566. Published MAY 30, JUN06, 13, 20 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: SANTABARBARA MARKETING 14 S.Canada St. Santa Barbara, CA93103, County of Santa Barbara; ZahidaCarrera.(SAME),This business isconducted by an Individual(Signed):Zahida Carrera Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerkof Santa Barbara County on MAY 15,2012. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. I hereby certifythat this is a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Lurdes Navarra FBN Number:2012-0001439. Published MAY 30, JUN06, 13, 20 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: TOPACONSTRUCTION 132 Garden St. #27Santa Barbara, CA 93101, County ofSanta Barbara; PeterDevine.(SAME),This business isconducted by an Individual(Signed):Peter Devine This statementwas filed with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on MAY 29, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Mariam Leon FBN Number:2012-0001576. Published MAY 30, JUN06, 13, 20 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as:GIGABAUDICS CO. 360 S Hope Ave.Ste.C130 Santa Barbara, CA 93105,County of Santa Barbara; RichardKot.(1066 Miramonte Dr. #6 SantaBarbara, CA 93109),This business isconducted by an Individual(Signed):Richard A. Kot Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerkof Santa Barbara County on MAY 22,2012. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. I hereby certifythat this is a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Mariam Leon FBN Number:2012-0001507. Published MAY 23, 30,JUN 06, 13 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as:ESPERANZA, UNITY, VOICE &POWER 1004 Neil Park Ave SantaBarbara, CA 93103, County of SantaBarbara; Jacqueline Inda.(208 NAlisos St. Santa Barbara, CA93103),This business is conducted byan Individual (Signed):JacquelineInda This statement was filed with theCounty Clerk of Santa Barbara Countyon MAY 22, 2012. This statement expiresfive years from the date it was filed inthe Office of the County Clerk. I herebycertify that this is a correct copy of theoriginal statement on file in my office.Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Mariam Leon FBN Number:2012-0001513. Published MAY 23, 30,JUN 06, 13 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: TEXTURES210 E Ortega St Santa Barbara, CA93101, County of Santa Barbara; GailLeger.(2525 State St #2 SantaBarbara, CA 93105),This business isconducted by an Individual(Signed):Gail Leger This statement wasfiled with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on MAY 21, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Mariam Leon FBN Number:2012-0001485. Published MAY 23, 30,JUN 06, 13 2012


is/are doing business as:CONCIERGE COSMETICS,CONCIERGE SKIN CARE,NEGOCIANT COSMETICS,NEGOCIANT SKIN CARE,NEGOCIANT WINES 606 AlamoPintado #115 Solvang, CA 93463,County of Santa Barbara; Alternativa,LLC.(2081 N Oxnard Blvd. #141Oxnard, CA 93036),This business isconducted by a Limited LiabilityCompany(Signed):Reimond ReynoldsThis statement was filed with the CountyClerk of Santa Barbara County on MAY14, 2012. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. I hereby certifythat this is a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Ronnie Ruiz FBN Number:2012-0001424. Published MAY 16, 23,30, JUN 06 2012


ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NUMBER 1401575Petitioner or Attorney:Melissa Dawn BeemerTO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:Melissa Dawn Beemer filed a petitionwith this court for a decree changingnames as follows: Present Name:Melissa Dawn BeemerProposed Name: Melissa DawnFernandez THE COURT ORDERS thatall persons interested in this matterappear before this court at the hearingindicated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of nameshould not be granted. Any personobjecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a writtenobjection that includes the reasons forthe objection at least two court daysbefore the matter is scheduled to beheard and must appear at the hearingto show cause why the petition shouldnot be granted. If no written objectionis timely filed, the court may grant thepetition without a hearing.

NOTICE OF HEARINGDATE: July. 12, 2012 TIME:9:30 a.m. DEPT: 6THE ADDRESS OF THE COURT IS:SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIACounty of Santa Barbara1100 Anacapa StreetSanta Barbara, CA 93101A copy of this Order to Show Causeshall be published at least once eachweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the petitionin the following newspaper of generalcirculation, printed in this county SantaBarbara Daily Sound. DATE: 5/17/2012 Terri Chavez, Deputy Clerk

Denise de BellefeuilleJUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR

COURT PUBLISHEDMAY 30, JUN 06, 13, 202012

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NUMBER 1401458Petitioner or Attorney:Sarah EggersTO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:Sarah Eggers filed a petition with thiscourt for a decree changing names asfollows: Present Name:Sarah Patricia EggersProposed Name: Sarah PatriciaJamieson THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in this matterappear before this court at the hearingindicated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of nameshould not be granted. Any personobjecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a writtenobjection that includes the reasons forthe objection at least two court daysbefore the matter is scheduled to beheard and must appear at the hearingto show cause why the petition shouldnot be granted. If no written objectionis timely filed, the court may grant thepetition without a hearing.

NOTICE OF HEARINGDATE: July. 12, 2012 TIME:9:30 a.m. DEPT: 6THE ADDRESS OF THE COURT IS:SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIACounty of Santa Barbara1100 Anacapa StreetSanta Barbara, CA 93101A copy of this Order to Show Causeshall be published at least once eachweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the petitionin the following newspaper of generalcirculation, printed in this county SantaBarbara Daily Sound. DATE: 5/17/2012 Terri Chavez, Deputy Clerk

Denise de BellefeuilleJUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR

COURT PUBLISHEDMAY 30, JUN 06, 13, 202012

Daily Sound Wednesday, May 30 2012 9LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE


June 10, 2012

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Page 10: Daily Sound 5/30/12

10 Wednesday, May 30 2012 Daily Sound

FREE. Up to 4 lines. Items priced up to $125. Private parties only. OONNEE item per household. To place or remove a listing, please email [email protected] or call 564-6001.

ART & ENTERTAINMENTNEW YORK PHILHARMONIC concerttickets;May 10, 8pm; Granada Theater; LOGEseats, Row BB, #10 & 12, second row;$123 each. (805) 729-5519.

Audio Book CD unabridged P. D. James-Death Comes to Pemberly. $10. call 845-2112

Liz Taylor Doll, wearing diamondnecklace, perfect end box, $40 obo, 757-0303

Brand New Coffee Table books, SantaBarbara Pics and Interior Design, $25 forboth. 252-0941

Albums and record for sale, Rock n Rollbooks and VHS tapes. Call Mike 284-4359

DVD, Justified Season 1, 3 discs, $20, 569-1714

Surfer Magazines from 1990 ‘s to present.Lots of them!! $40 for all. 698-5524.

Nice garden decor of a boy & girl sittingon a bench. A bargain at $70.. [email protected]

AUTOMOBILEcar jack and jack stand- $50 (818) 347-9535

2 BMW tires, very good condition, 225-45-Z radius 17, 94 WXL, S - 1088, $80 for both,call 928-4602

2 used tires. $20. Continental Touring ContactAS P215/60 R16 94P. 805-722-0650.

CLOTHING & WARESGREEK FISHERMANĘźS CAP, $16, brand new,menĘźs size m, grey wool, 565-1044


MEN'S DELMAR navy blue racing jacket. Brandnew. Orig $100 now $40. 957-4636.




SHOES, sneakers, basketball shoes, sizes15-16, $30-50, new to slightly used, 805-252-2824

WET SUIT Large, Bodyglove, good cond.$65 OBO 565-1022

Pearl and rhinestone wedding orquinceniera tiara brand new, silvertone withbuilt in haircomb. Orig. $60, asking $40.Call617-8660

Xavier Brand, NEW watch. Gold, 4diamonds on face, $300 originally. $100 obo.Fred 967-6803

Brown Foreman Umbrella, 9 ft, Beige, GreatCondition just needs a cleaning, $40. 963-6045.

Sugar & Creamer Set. $7. 685-2644

3 Pocket Watchesw/ cases “very nice” $50.each.966-4843 CALL’S AFTER 12 NOONONLY PLEASE!!!

Saint John Skirts For Sale. 7 Skirts nearlynew sizes 6&8. $25/skirt. Call 965-4327 orgo to Beltone Center 1532 Anacapa Street.

Navy blue wool jacket by Austin Reed, size46 regular. Originally $250, now $50 or obo.Fred, 560-7950.

Coldwater Creek women’s pants, PetiteX small, black linen & rayon, wide leg, elasticwaist, perfect condition, worn once, classiclook, $50, 684-7156

ELECTRONICSGuitar amplifier 12” crate excellentcondition $90 805-696-6430

IBM T-60 LapTop Very good condition, 1.6gCPU 2g Ram Wi-Fi, DVD, No Battery, butworks great plugged in. Call for more info.$125 805-636-0102 Scott

17” square flat screen color monitor$25. (805) 448-4184

Yamaha PSR 38 electronic keyboard, fiveoctaves. $150 includes stand and lots of ofmusic 967-2866

Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock bundle AD: One, like new (never unpacked or used)complete Guitar Hero III bundle. $45.00 OBOCell: 310 435-5680.

PANASONIC DMP BD75-PK Like new (neverout of the box) Blu-ray disc player.$74/Obo~Cash only, Thanks. Local in SB(805) 403-6728 Happy Holidays!

Pixmai P2702 Ink jet photo printer bycannon, still in box, asking $60, 805-452-3614

Sylvania TV $75 great picture 966-9208

NIKON Coolpix 600. Complete, in the box,$75. POLOROID SX-70 Sonnar- w/Poloroid strobe, bracket & instructions. $98.M-Th. only, 805-252-9902.

Marantz double-cassette deck with dobyHX Pro and 5-CD player, $35 each. 636-4987

Dundee radio, am/fm, 1 and 2, $60, Lee,448-2154

Printers, New, Canon Pixma MP520, HPlaser jet #3055, both include ink cartridge,$60 each. 969-6540 Walt.

PENTAX K1000 body: reliable, Nobatteries needed ! or ME Super w/ 50f2, $125. M-Th. 252-9902

Copy / Fax canon pc1060 WORKSGREAT $25. Contact: (805) 687-3178 9AMto 8PM only, please leave message withdetails.

Cordless phones, two line and single linew/answ mchn, good cond. $40 each.966-7003

27” Magnavox T.V. with remote, $100, 805-962-5703 please call after 6 p.m.

Play Station 2: Super controllers, Mem card,IR Remote, 12 top action games: Only $125for ALL!! 805-886-5090 Lv Msg

PENTAX K1000 w/ 50f2 lense: strong &reliable. $125. 252-9902

Flat screen TV 14” 2006 $60. 805-403-4620

motorla blue tooth model #mbt385zcpmatible w any cell phone. orig. $34.99 -sale for $15.inckudes charger. 805-562-1469

MISC VIDEO GAMES, $5 each or less,Nintendo 64, PlayStation2, PC games: CallAndy 845-4358.

Fax/Copier Panasonic includes 2 rolls ofink film (film value $60) $75. Call 569-1714

Microwave small, blk, usedd for heating only,excellent. condition. $45. 259-7787

Lexmark Printer hardley used. 966-6809

Copier HP PSC 500. Hewlett Packard copierPrinter scanner copier. $60. Call 965-0636

Verizon wireless flip phonew/camera/camcorder $50 259-9793

Kodak Slide Projector, Best Model $90 call 964-8175

3 CD +cassette + AM/FM, JVC make. $bestoffer. Call 962-7502

IBM 17” black computer monitor withspeakers in the box. U pick-up in Buellton.$19.95. (650)617-5553.

2 Credit card terminals for business. Onenever been used. A bargain @ $50.00 used& $145.00 new. Both in excellent condition.680-7146.

View Sonic 17 “Ultra Brite CRT color monitor.Mac or PC. 967-3162. $45.

Apex DVD Player, $20 OBO, 560-7950. Fred.

HOME APPLIANCESShark hand held steam cleaner (modelSC630W) Complete Kit, all attachmentsincluded. $65 (sells for over $100) BRANDNEW! Call 967-2799.

Hand vacuum. Ultra big Sharkw/attachments. Excellent condition. $10. 805-966-2961

2 steamers- 1 for all uses, 1 for fabric $20each 964-5164

Oster Ice Crusher $10.00 (805) 685-8621Microwave Excellent Condition $30 685-8621

Hepa Air Cleaner Only used one week-likenew. original cost $100. Asking $50 805 692-8870

Microwave, Quesar, excellent condition,Black, 24” x 14” x 18”, $40, 899-0081

Nearly new Health O Matic digital lithiumscale. No battery replacement required.$10.00. 687-5162

Black & Decker Coffee Maker w/ thermalpot. Like new, used once.Keeps coffee hotwithout electricity. Better coffee, lowerutility bill. $15. 698-2828

Hoover Steam Vac. Floor polisher, rugshampooer. $25. 805-259-7787.

Microwave oven. countertop model. 21wide x 16 deep x 11 high. $75. 565-3796Food mixer sunbeam $45 or obo call 805-967-9264.

HOME DÉCORNew Matching Cabinet Hardware SetsVon Morris Solid BR Chrome2 - Cupboard Latch/Catch Sets with Hinges$45. (1/2 price) Please Call 965-6031in SB

6 cases of maple flooring #83004 20x12sq ft, $35 per case 895-7501

Trunk, 32” x 11” x 18”, $30. 687-7647

Large brass ceiling fan, excellentcondition, $25 obo, 805-452-4333

large wooden picture frames, excellentcondition, between $40 and $80 each obo,708-1401

Area Rug, $45, tan and gold and beautiful,331-2103

Mirror Mission style, solid oak, 25-1/2”wx 34”h. Mint condition. $150.Can email pictures. Call Andy or Anne at845-4357

Office desk and hutch. U-shape,mahogany finish, excellent condition. 7’wideX 6’ deep X 6’ 6” high. $75, u-haul. Pleasecall 805-455-0072.

Wild West painting, stage coach attack byIndians, Arizona artist, framed, 20/24, $75.682-3482.2 Swedish candle holders, hand carved,hand painted, $10 no less, 966-4843

Antique Blk Decorative Drapery Rings 38for $16.50 OBO. 687-7998

Kitchen Table Round, 40”wide $80 964-1367

Half Doors & mirror glass. $50, please callKeith at 895-7501.

Sandstone boulders and cobbles,excellent for retaining walls & landscaping,$60/ton, 708-6141.

Brass 6-arm glass hurricane light fixture,27” diameter. Good condition $100 805-684-6099

Upright piano w/ bench,medium/dark wood.Good condition. $100obo. 962-5077.

FURNITUREChester drawers, light color wood 30"wx15"d x29"t. $40 965-6682

Wall Unit. Solid Oak. 72h x 5w x 17 dp.10 Partitions. TV, Books, etc. $125 770-2324.

solid oak desk 6 drawers, good condi-tion, 48"x36" $100 687-0273

Office Desk. 6 ft. Grey modular. 45 deg.corner. $50. 680-8925

Glass show case: 4 ft. long 28” deep. 3glass shelves, adjustable with glass top &sliding wood doors. $75 OBO. Richard680-3880

Beautiful computer hutch; can be usedas enclosed bookshelf also. $125 Onlyserious buyers.Call 252-7669.

high-low adjustable swivel chair + shelfunit on rollers (40x28x16) $30 each 448-1729

outdoor iron chase lounge $25 965-0122

Two brown, wrought iron chairs, blackcushion seats - 41 inches tall by 17.5inches wide. Good condition. $99 805-693-9125

solid oak desk, 39”x17”, 4 drawers, $75,963-9132

table. metal. 40” diamter, with prettyglass top. opening for umbrella. $50 obo.569-1714

Futon foam chair, red cover, excellentcondition. $40.Call Paulina at 682-5183.

FUTON- frame and white mattress........55”wide, 30” high back rest.........$75.......692-9258

Office adjustable chair with back andfoot rest. Like new. $60. 683-6733

Bedside Table made by Ikea 19 by 14 Two drawer Good condition. $35. Please call 963-6045. In SB

Bedside Table made by Ikea 19 by 14Two drawer Good condition. $35. Pleasecall 963-6045. In SB

Coffee Table (Mastercraft) Cherry,Chippendale, sliding candle trays. $125. Pix Avail. 805-569-5219

entertainment armoir, cherry root finish,good condition, 77” x 36” x 21”, $125,964-3903

Blue sofa and matching chair, now $80637-3597


twin mattress, clean, 637-3597

sturdy oak desk, $40, 637-3597

Blue love seat with entertainment center,$125, 331-2103

3 bar stools, $35 each, like new, sturdy,white, rod iron, with back, blue fabricseats, Goleta, 685-0168

Old wooden teacher’s desk, 3x5, call965-2037

DRESSER $25 obo, white, large with 6drawers, particle board, great for storage,bit scuffed and needs touchup. 62”L X301/2” H X 19”W. 682-2262

Armoire w/ matching dresser, 805-931-6633

Antique end table $50 OBO. 805-884-4059

Bentwood Rocker w/ cane seat and back.blond wood, nice condition. We’ll deliver inSanta Barbara/Goleta. 682-6789

Interior doors. 6 nearly new wood interiordoors w/mounted brass hardware & hinges.Factory painted white, foam core, varioussizes. $90. 565-9244 or lv. message.

Small antique walnut table w/ drawer, $100.Call for appt. 681-9060.

Meditation & garden benches–handcrafted, custom, unique from $75 to $125.Please call 883-1823

Antique carved desk chair w/ rush seast.$65. Call for appt. 681-9060.

Vermont Wicker Basket. $75. 685-2644

2 Ethan Allenmaple ladder back chairs w/rush seats. $45 ea. Call for appt. 681-9060.

Hide A Bed, Good Condition, tan color,$70 801-0134

Desk, fair condition, solid wood, $40, 805-722-0342

MISCELLANEOUS2 BALL PYTHONS with aquarium. $125.Call Kate at: 745-8989

CART - Folding cart. Holds 300 lbs. Used4 times. $125. 965-9665

SANTABARBOPOLY GAME $25. 805-576-7405

Carpet cleaning machine all new parts,heats water includes hose and wand $125call for details 252-0702

new portable gas stove, 1 burner $24630-9635

PUSH LAWNMOWER/SCOTTS ELITE$35 Good condition Call Bob 680-1428


THE MIKE ROY COOKBOOK N0. 1, 2 &3,very good cond, $7.00 each, Call: 805-965-6494

WALKER: 4 wheel walker,nearly new, foldsflat for travel $75 Call 969 0052

KITTENS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION.All kittens have their shots, been fixed andtreated for worms. Visit at San Roque PetHospital. 682-2647, [email protected]

LARGE ACRYLIC BLANKET. 60in x 80in.Colorful - red, green, white, black w/ scottiterriers design. $25. 805-964-2506 10am-8pm

ANTIQUE PELHAM PUPPET. Wooden ponymarionette in original box. $125/obo. 692-1800



FISHER PRICE ACQUARIUM CRADDLESWING for sale. In very good condition,$40.00 Please call 689-6533




DRAFTING TABLE, $125 OBO, 683-6733




CA LICENSE PLATE, 1947, yellow and black,$100 no less, 966-4843



New Pear of Binoculars. 10x50 Originally$75. Now $20. Call Fred 845.4004

CROSSMAN 15 GALLON AIR TANKpressure compressor, air pressureregulators, hose attachments, varioussizes, $125, 617-6031


2 RV CHAIRS METAL & canvas w/ carry-bag $10 each, 895-7501

TRICYCLE FROM THE 1930’S, $25, 966-4843, ASK FOR RAY

WHEELCHAIR, good condition, $35 obo,805-280-2596


VINTAGE BENDIX, red band, rear hub, $70obo, please call 568-0829



10” REFLECTOR bowl for indirect lightinglamp $5.00 OBO. 879-5560.

WETSUIT: Xcel infiniti 4/3 full suit boys’ size14. Xlnt cond. $95, Call 805 698 3532

3 Kids Umbrella Strollers: Great Condition!2 in Blue & 1 in Pink color. Simple. Lightweight.$10-$15. CALL 637-8127

Upward motor, 3.5 horsepower, Sears-Roebuck, needs work, $25, 964-7276

OUTDOOR & EXERCISEExerciser. Mini AB-CIRCLE. Complete upper,mid, lower abs workout w/4 DVD's. Unused.$125/obo. 962-7460

Weider Gym. Bench press, leg lifts- highand low pulleys, butterflies. New condition.Moving must sell. $90 OBO 961-4477.

Bike Bridgestone paid $80. what offer? toobig for me. call to view @ downtown sb home560-1353

GOLF BALLS-in excellent condition.Hundreds of them. All brands. Only 50 centseach. Great Xmas present! Near East Beach965-7074

Prince OZone Seven Tennis Racquet,excellent condition, new grip & strings, tosell quickly @ $55.00, call, rich 805-259-8698 cell

non-electric universal ‘scooter’ or bike foryouth or midsized adult, $25,[email protected]

Black & Decker 18” mulching electric lawnmower, $125, 969-3990

Thule-3 bike carrier, trunk mount, retail $130,only $75. In great condition.Cindy (805) 683-4075, after 5:00 p.m.

Swimmer’s Fins, “Nature’s Wings”, size 61/2 - 9 1/2, $15 obo, 879-5560

1960’s Classic Schwinn 3-speed, perfectcondition. $125 Call John 965-2052.

WET-SUIT-classic-men’s XXL, doublestitched, “farmer john style usedonce xlnt cond”$ 60 OBO 705-9488

650 pen reel, brand new, spool and lineincluded, $100, Keith - 895-7501

outboard motor, 4 horsepower, $125, 680-7393

Skin diving equipment,fins,boots,goggles, snorkel, hat, gloves, & knife, $100,805-617-4646.

STAIRCLIMBER Good condition about 3years old, $30, 805-705-5907

Alpine stair climber, exercise machine, worksgreat, $10. Call 692-5322.

Kids golf bag w/ (3) irons & (1) wood. Forage(s) 5-7. Great condition, barely used! $45obo. 681-1553

Junior golf bag used once. $15. 964-7276

Weber BBQ, charcoal grill, 23”, $40, 682-2326

Women’s and Men’s Ice skates. $10 orunder683-6733

Golf Clubs & Bag. Full set, woods & ironsw/ pull cart. New balls & acces. $85 (805)682-3482.

Free agent Trail Bandit platform bike, likenew, brand new tires, bear trap pedals. $125.636-4816

Ice Skates( Roller Derby) Ladies size 8 $20.897-0082

Basketball Hoop. Ajustable heights,portable, w/water base. $45 528-3099

Page 11: Daily Sound 5/30/12

Daily Sound Wednesday, May 30 2012 11

Sudoku #8

Easy Sudoku Puzzles, Book 5

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

1 9 6 38 5 2 1

3 9 6 88 9 3 7

3 9 7 2 14 1 5 66 4 1 5

3 4 1 67 5 2 4

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork.Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle.Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers pageif you really get stuck.

Š 2005 KrazyDad.com


Answers Easy Sudoku Puzzles, Book 5

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

Sudoku #15 7 9 1 4

9 6 5 1 77 9 3 2 5

1 3 8 28 4 2 9 5 7 6

2 6 4 84 3 7 2 9

2 8 6 4 76 1 7 3 8

2 3 6 8

4 2 8 3

8 1 4 6

6 5 7 4 9

3 1

7 9 1 3 5

8 5 1 6

5 9 1 3

4 9 5 2

Sudoku #28 1 5 2 9 36 2 3 9 54 8 7 1

7 9 4 65 4 7 6 1 8 3

3 6 8 17 8 2 45 3 9 6 89 3 4 5 2 7

7 4 6

1 7 4 8

9 5 6 3 2

1 8 3 2 5

2 9

9 5 4 7 2

1 9 6 3 5

4 2 1 7

6 8 1

Sudoku #34 6 2 5

8 5 72 7 1 3 9 8 65 4 9 7 6 2 8

8 6 16 2 1 8 3 7 94 9 5 6 7 1 28 2 4

3 2 9 8

9 1 7 8 3

3 6 2 9 1 4

5 4

3 1

7 9 5 2 3 4

4 5

8 3

7 6 3 5 9 1

1 4 7 6 5

Sudoku #48 9 5 6 77 9 5 1 3 2

1 2 8 3 9 56 8 2 7

1 2 3 4 66 7 4 19 4 3 8 5 1

7 3 4 5 6 96 1 9 7 8

3 2 4 1

6 8 4

4 6 7

3 5 4 9 1

9 5 7 8

8 2 9 5 3

6 7 2

2 8 1

5 2 4 3

Sudoku #56 4 1 9

5 3 9 6 2 48 1 3 6

4 1 2 9 79 1 8 5 7 4 2

2 8 4 6 11 5 2 4

8 6 4 9 5 14 2 6 8

2 3 7 8 5

1 8 7

9 7 5 2 4

6 5 3 8

3 6

7 9 3 5

6 8 3 7 9

3 7 2

7 9 1 5 3

Sudoku #66 4 2 1 5 3 89 2 75 3 7 9 6 1

2 9 6 1 31 6 8 4 5

3 2 7 9 11 4 5 2 8 9

8 1 78 4 9 2 1 6 5

7 9

8 1 6 5 3 4

4 8 2

4 5 8 7

7 3 9 2

5 8 4 6

6 7 3

2 9 5 6 3 4

7 3

Sudoku #79 1 7 5 4 3 6 8 28 2 6 7 1

92 4 5 6

3 9 2 5 8 4 75 4 9 8

73 9 2 7 1

2 5 9 7 1 6 4 3 8

5 9 3 4

4 6 3 8 2 1 7 5

7 8 1 3 9

6 1

1 6 7 2 3

1 4 3 8 5 2 6 9

6 8 4 5

Sudoku #82 8 4 5 7

6 7 3 9 44 7 1 5 26 2 1 4 5

5 6 8 47 2 3 9 89 2 8 7 35 2 9 7 81 8 3 6 9

1 9 6 3

8 5 2 1

3 9 6 8

8 9 3 7

3 9 7 2 1

4 1 5 6

6 4 1 5

3 4 1 6

7 5 2 4


Answers Challenging Sudoku Puzzles, Book 5

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

Sudoku #12 8 6 9 1 4

1 4 8 9 5 35 7 3 4 8 2

5 6 1 4 2 73 9 2 8 6 7 1 4 54 9 3 5 8 68 6 5 1 4 77 2 4 9 6 31 4 9 6 2 8

3 7 5

6 2 7

9 1 6

8 3 9

7 1 2

3 2 9

5 8 1

7 3 5

Sudoku #26 2 4 9 79 4 8 7 3 5 1

2 5 1 9 6 8 43 6 8 5 9

1 8 2 6 9 5 4 7 35 9 4 2 63 5 4 9 7 1 2

7 1 3 6 9 4 58 6 5 2 1

1 5 8 3

6 2

7 3

4 2 7 1

7 1 3 8

8 6

2 8

9 4 7 3

Sudoku #32 9 1 6 3 5 75 1 7 4 8 26 8 3 5 4 9

9 6 3 4 5 87 5 6 8 3 1 44 8 5 1 7 29 2 4 7 8 5

5 9 1 4 3 23 7 8 2 5 6 1

4 8

9 6 3

7 2 1

1 2 7

2 9

3 9 6

1 3 6

8 6 7

4 9

Sudoku #42 6 7 5 4 3

3 4 9 8 5 1 69 8 5 1 2 72 3 5 6 9 4 76 1 4 7 8

1 4 2 3 8 9 54 3 2 1 6 95 9 2 7 1 3 48 4 9 3 7 5

1 9 8

7 2

3 6 4

8 1

5 9 3 2

7 6

7 8 5

6 8

6 1 2

Sudoku #54 7 2 8 6 5 11 4 3 7 2 93 8 5 2 6 7 48 2 9 3 57 5 8 4 1 2 69 2 5 6 76 9 4 2 7 5 15 8 3 9 4 2

3 7 6 1 4 9 8

9 3

6 5 8

9 1

4 6 7 1

3 9

1 3 8 4

8 3

1 7 6

2 5

Sudoku #64 8 1 3 9 5 7

5 9 7 8 61 7 4 9 3 28 6 2 9 4 1 54 9 1 8 7 6 33 7 5 2 4 9 86 4 5 1 2 9

3 8 9 5 69 5 1 2 7 8 3

2 6

3 2 4 1

6 5 8

3 7

5 2

1 6

8 3 7

7 2 4 1

6 4

Sudoku #73 6 4 8 1 28 9 5 2 1 4

1 6 3 9 7 8 56 3 4 7 1 8 25 8 9 6 7

2 7 6 8 5 4 11 4 5 8 7 3 97 9 4 2 1 32 9 5 6 4 8

5 7 9

7 6 3

4 2

5 9

1 2 4 3

9 3

2 6

6 8 5

3 1 7

Sudoku #85 3 2 8 9

3 1 9 6 5 8 7 28 2 9 7 4 66 7 3 1 5 4 9

8 5 4 3 75 4 1 6 2 8 39 8 2 4 1 71 8 2 4 7 6 3 5

5 1 3 9 6

7 6 1 4


1 3 5

2 8

2 9 6 1

9 7

3 6 5


4 7 2 8

To solve, every number 1-9must appear in each of thenine vertical columns, each ofthe nine horizontal rows andeach of the nine 3x3 box. Nonumber can occur more thanonce in any row, column orbox.

SUDOKUSudoku #8

Challenging Sudoku Puzzles, Book 5

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

7 6 1 44

1 3 52 8

2 9 6 19 7

3 6 59

4 7 2 8

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork.Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle.Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers pageif you really get stuck.

Š 2005 KrazyDad.com

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Dining Guideevery Thursday!

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“FELINITY” by Pamela Jetty

ACROSS 1 Union Pac.

stops 5 Hardly

suitable 10 Discharge,

as radiation 14 Way of

speaking 15 Printing

proof, briefly 16 Was decked

out in 17 Ax feature 18 Win without

losing once 19 Place for

a banquet roast?

20 Unex-pected work stoppage

23 “I’m history!” 24 “High ___”

(Maxwell Anderson play)

25 He’s often in the hole

28 Fuzzy-bloomed shrub

33 Tourist’s proof

37 Lorna of Exmoor

38 Monopolizes 39 Bogart

sleuth 42 Almost never 43 Primo

invitees 45 Paid back,

action-hero style

47 Diagonally 50 “___, though

I walk through ...”

51 Each, to a

grocer 52 Some are

inflatable 57 Most 62 Blackjack

dealing box 64 Literary

salesman 65 ___ go bragh 66 Star quality 67 Landmark to

remember 68 Seemingly

forever 69 Royal pain 70 Keep up on

the issues? 71 Bit of reality? DOWN 1 Agitated

states 2 “It’s ___ for” 3 Acute

subject? 4 Down at the

heels 5 Major in

astronomy? 6 Brightly

colored salamander

7 Primatolo-gist’s study

8 Like Orbison’s “Woman”

9 Worst of the nosebleed seats

10 George Lucas creature

11 Patrolman’s crowd-con-trol order

12 Intense anger

13 Decimal sys-tem base

21 Stadium souvenirs

22 Crocus or freesia, e.g.

26 Time being 27 Jacket fabric 29 Sounds

made when searching for words

30 Conciliatory offering

31 Belle or Brenda

32 Symbol of craziness

33 Weak in the knees

34 “I kid you not!”

35 Rabble-rousers

36 Verbal elbow in the ribs

40 Daniel sur-vived one

41 Sistine Cha-pel figure

44 Use the Selectric

46 Writes wrong, say

48 Last place, as in standings

49 State bird of Maryland

53 Having more gains than losses

54 Coen broth-ers hit

55 Gives it a whirl

56 Austen title starter

58 Canned-soup instruction

59 Arab land 60 You might

drop one at a cocktail party

61 Buffalo 62 Duped one 63 Da Nang



Edited by Timothy E. Parker August 06, 2008

Universal Crossword

Š 2008 Universal Press Syndicatewww.upuzzles.com





r ed


rial q







ine A








DAY: Melanie Brown, 37; MelissaEtheridge, 51; Annette Bening, 54;LaToya Jackson, 56.

Happy Birthday: Look out for yourinterests and avoid anyone givingyou a hard time or pressuring youinto something. A change of attitude,friends or even location can lead togreater stability. Upfront and onwardshould be your motto. Keep thingshonest and follow your own path.Your numbers are 5, 8, 16, 23, 31,45, 48.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Takecare of any concerns you have thatcan affect your employment. Don't letanyone bully you or pressure you todo something you don't agree with.Rely on experience to help you makethe right financial decision now. 3stars

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You'llface criticism if you left somethingunfinished. Put in extra effort andtime if it will help sway someone tothink your way. Learn from experi-ence and you will avoid making thesame mistakes over again. Distanceyourself from an old partner. 5 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Thinkbefore you take action. Stick to yourbudget and alter your plans to fitwhat you can afford. A problem witha lover or child will crop up if youhaven't been honest about yourintentions or the way you feel. 2 stars

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Stickclose to home and avoid any interac-

tion with institutions, governmentagencies or authority figures thatmay give you a difficult time.Concentrate on your personal or pro-fessional relationships and you willimprove them. 4 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Your con-tribution will lead to a serious propos-al from someone you impress. Don'tjump to conclusions; the deal you areoffered will improve your reputationmore than your bankbook. Proceedwith confidence and you will be onestep closer to your goal. 3 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Angerwill work against you. Remain calmand offer sensible solutions and youwill eventually win support. Changesmade to your home or your statuswill be questionable if ulterior motivesare present. Strive for self-improve-ment. 3 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Thefacts you need to make a decisionwill not be readily handed over.Observe what others are doing. Relyon your intuition and intelligence tohelp you make the right choice. Don'tworry if someone disagrees with yourdecision. 3 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Offeryour help, expertise or knowledge,but don't let anyone take advantageof you financially. Keep your moneyin your wallet, regardless of the pres-sure put on you to donate. Successcan be yours, but financial rewardswill take a little longer. 4 stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

The more you say, the more troubleyou will get yourself into. You arebest to hear and consider what'sbeing asked of you before you makea decision that can alter your lifestyleor personal status. Honesty will berequired. 2 stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):You may be prompted to make asnap decision. Back away from any-one putting pressure on you. Followyour gut, not what someone elsewants you to do. Expect to faceopposition and be prepared to stateyour case and your final decision. 5stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Achange at home may take you by sur-prise, but in the end it will be in yourbest interest. Discuss the possibilityof doing things differently. Prepare tomove on and experience new people,places and things. 3 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):Problems with a friend, relative orneighbor will mount if you have neg-lected to do something you promised.Size up your situation and decide ifyou should back away from someonewho has been creating too muchtrouble for you. 3 stars

Birthday Baby: You think, yousee and you do. You are a passion-ate participant.

Eugenia's websites -- euge-nialast.com for confidential consulta-tions, eugenialast.com/blog/ forEugenia's blog and join Eugenia ontwitter/facebook/linkedin.

Page 12: Daily Sound 5/30/12

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trolling parking rates.The state late last year ordered the

shutdown of all redevelopment agencies.The state at the time estimated that theshutdown of the RDAs would result in animmediate $1.7 billion and up to $400million annually after that to helpCalifornia balance its multibillion-dollarbudget deficit.

Santa Barbara takes in about $4.3 mil-lion annually in revenue from its down-town parking lots.

The city and business leaders began tobuild the parking lots and develop anoverall downtown parking plan as aresponse to the growth of La CumbrePlaza on outer State Street in the 1970s.

The removal of angled parking onState Street and the construction of thegarages has long been seen as the cata-lyst for downtown's rapid growth andrevitalization.

"Taking those lots and garages awaycould be the beginning of the end interms of any prosperity of retail or the-aters or anything downtown," said SantaBarbara City Councilman Randy Rowse,the owner of the Paradise Cafe and alongtime president of the city'sDowntown Parking Committee.

Paul Casey, the city’s Assistant CityAdministrator, and Mayor HeleneSchneider are sending letters to the stateDepartment of Finance and local law-makers.

“This is huge for us,” Casey said."Our parking is the foundation of ourdowntown. We are hoping that DasWilliams and Tony Strickland will assistus in getting this language removed fromthe trailer bill."

In a letter to Assemblyman DasWilliams, Schneider said "I cannotexpress to you in strong enough termshow much we object to this."

Williams, who served seven years onthe Santa Barbara City Council before hewas elected to the state Assembly, toldThe Daily Sound on Tuesday afternoonthat he plans to back Casey and the city’sposition on the matter.

“To me, the Department of Financewanting to take the value of parking lots. . . would be over the line,” Williamssaid. “I have supported every measure touse RDA funds to help schools, but not

with existing, already built assets that arevital to our economy, our city and theregion.”

The city maintains nine parking lotsand five parking structures with a total ofover 3,000 parking stalls that serve morethan 5 million vehicles a year. The park-ing lot at Paseo Nuevo Mall is the largestprivately run lot, but the city has anagreement with the owners to keep ratesthe same as the city's public lots.

Rowse said there's no way a privatedeveloper could manage those lots aswell as the city.

"I don’t know how anyone would beable to run those lots and not have tocharge tenfold more than the citycharges," Rowse said.

City officials believe the loss of thelots will wreck the downtown experi-ence.

“Downtown Santa Barbara is recog-

nized nationally as a leader in downtownrevitalization in large part due to ourpartnership with the business communi-ty in creating a unified parking districtfor

employees and visitors over the past50 years,” according to a letter signed bySchneider.

City officials are also protesting thestate’s plan to take remaining affordablehousing funds. About 17 percent of SantaBarbara’s housing is affordable. The cityhas won several awards for its housingprojects and partnerships with the privatesector. Williams said he is committed toalso protection the affordable housingmonies.

Rowse hopes the state backs offbecause the city cannot afford to losethose lots.

“It would be absolutely devastating,”Rowse said.


DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli

‘To me, the Department of Finance wanting totake the value of parking lots . . . would be overthe line. I have supported every measure to useRDA funds to help schools, but not withexisting, already built assets that are vital to oureconomy, our city and the region.’

Assemblymember Das Williams

Service’s number was a glitch and nevermeant to deceive or trick voters.

“The specific instructions for the callprogram were for there to be no caller IDnumber for the calls. This is Pedro(Nava) and Jason desperately trying tomake an issue about a error that was

fixed almost instantly. The fact thatJason got the Oxnard firefightersinvolved to make a statement about thisis absolutely disturbing.”

Hodge is a firefighter. Nava has dis-agreed with Jackson politically for years.

The company also accepted responsi-bility for the error.

“We would like to sincerely apologizefor the calling that took place last Thursday

with the National Weather Service numberbeing displayed on the caller ID,” saidJeffrey Fell, President of Signia Marketing.“This was an unintentional programmingerror. This error was made on our end, andwas not a result of the client’s direction orinstruction. This error occurred for 1 hourand once notified we immediately shut itdown and corrected the error. Again, weare truly sorry for this mistake.”