daily pacific august - chronicling america · 2017. 12. 12. · apply to 12954-l-m j. m. vivas....

DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, JANUARY 6, 1892. FASTER SVCCI. remain tor about a fortnight, alter which IEWIS-CRAI- GE. (General 2Unxcastmctut. (General SlfcocrtiscmentB QJLHU "August ,vrriv e i ivn fA 'd 'A II i W M QL liAlllJ IV. 0 TIME TABLE. ROM AND AFTER MAY 1, 1891. T RAINS A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 8:45 1:45 4:30t Uave Uonolula...0:15 9:49 2:49 5:35t . u linil 7:',0 & r i u v - - Leave Honoallull. 73G: VO:51 3:51 5:45f rriv Honolulu. .8:35' 11:55 4:55 6:50T PKARL CITY LOCAL. Leave Honolulu... 5:30 Arrlr Pearl City. 6:071 Leave Vearl City . 0:OS Arrive Honolulu.. 0:40 t Saturdays only. Sundays excepted. .Saturdays excepted. 2863-- q Tided, Sun and Moon. by o. J LYONS. I S B S 5 8 S I L bS : i ss " -- I" 9 W to X C. L - )5 r g a j- - " O G a.rti. p.m. p.m. p.m. 4 6.4G 6.40 11.40 2.15 6.39 6.82 10.35 5j 7.4,0 7.30; 3.0 C.39 5.2311.33 p.m. a in. f m. a.m. 6 9.60 8.50 3.20 4.20 fi.30 5.34 7 11. 0 10.30 4. 0 6. 0 C.40 5.34 0.30 8 a.m. 11. 0 4.50 6.20 6.40 6.35 1.30 9 0.10 11.20 6.20 7.30 6.40 5. 36 2.28 10 1. 0 11.60 6 . 0 8.30 6.40 5.36 3.32 J Day Mori... Tues.. Wed .. Thur.. Frl Sat.... San... Ttie Time Signal for the Port is given at 12 h. 0 m. 0 8. (midnight) oi Greenwich time, or 1 h. 23 m. 84 b. p. m. ot Honolulu Observatory It IsRi v'en by the Steam Whistle ol the Honolulu Planing Mill, a few doors above the Custom House. The same whistle is sounded cor- rectly at Honolulu Mean Noon, Observatory Meridian, or 10 h. 31 m. 26 s. of Greenwich time. Meteorological Record. BY THIS GOVERNMENT SURVEY. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY. BAROM. THERMO S o . - S3 c 2 Of B.B S 5 u a ? g, ? B B P H rff - Sun. 27 30. 23 30.11 69 79 0.04 78 4 Mon 128 30.19130. 11 71 80 0.05 75 4 Tuea-I- 30.16 30.09 71 78 0.03 68 4 Wed 3030.20i30.l0 72 80 0.02 67 4 Thu 31 30.20!30.12 68 79 0.03 62 5 Frid 1 30.15,30.05 67 78 0.H 67 2 Bat. 2 30.13 30.05 66 77 0.62 78 3 she win leave lor ivanului to load sugar for ban Francisco. The bark Forest Queen wll likely leave for San Francisco next week. The bark-entin- e S. G. Wilder will commence loading sugar after her. The steamer W. G. Hall arrived on Tuesday morning from windward ports with 020 bags sugar, 80 bags coffee, 30 head cattle and 91 packages sundries. The steamer Waialeale will leave to- morrow morning for Hamakua. The barkentine John Smith was docked at the Fort street wharf yesterday to dis- charge her caigo of coal. The steamer Australia left on Tuesday, January 5th for San Francisco with seve- nty-one saloon and steerage passengers, and the following cargo: 502 bags rice. 47 boxes betel leaves, 22 bags coffee, 255 goat and sheep skins, 2C09 green and dry hides. 0500 bunches bananas, 4143 bigs sugar (W. G. Irwin & Co.), and 920 packages sundries. The domestic produce was val- ued at $30,120. The schooner Liholiho takes out coal to the U. S. S. Pensacola to-da- v. MAKKIED. LEWIS-CRAIG- E At St.Andrew's Cathe- dral. January 5th, 1892, by the Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, Mr. Harry F. Lewis to Mrs. Margaret McLeod Craige. I.OCAI, AND GENERAL. Another weddiDg. Politics are warming up. Lots of excitement yesterday. A heavy mail was sent on tho Aus- tralia. A sale of Government land will take place to-da- One of the girls at the Kawaiahao Seminary is dangerously ill. The Hawaiian Band gave an on- - joyable concert last evening at the Hotel. Harry Webb has taken the place of William Holt as a custom house guard. The new officers of the United Chinese Society can bo found in another column. The phonograph exhibition takes place next Friday evening at the Y. M. C. A. Hall. "New England Baking Powder" has a world-wid- e reputation. Hol-liste- r & Co. sell it. The quarterly meeting of C. Brewer & Co. will take place one week from to-da- The Australia sailed without any happenings. The band gave the usual farewell serenade. The S. S. Yamashiro Maru with 1123 Japanese immigrants is due here Friday from Yokohama. The side-wal- k in front of the resi- dence of Captain Freeth is almost impassable in rainy weather. Miss Minnie Kinney presided at the organ at Kawaiahao Church last Sunday, very acceptably. With profound sorrow, the Adve- rtiser informs ite readers that " Bill Hammond " did not get away after all. In the Supreme Court, Tuesday, Judge McCully gave the attorneys a decided rebuke for their dilatory methods. Nothing of importance in the Po- lice Court yesterday. Twelve Chi- nese, for gambling, had their cases continued. Captain Huntley is loud in praises for Captain Freeman of the I. I. S. N. Co.'s steamer W. G. Hall. Good boy, "Cap." A valuable dog was run over and killed by a Nuuanu Avenue tramcar yesterday, opposite the residence of Mrs. H. Hart. Mr. Robert Gardner, who has long officiated as bar tender in Honolulu, has now tho management of the Anchor saloon. The Board of Representatives of the Honolulu Fire Department will meet to morrow evening. An inter- esting time is expected. Mrs. Flornnce Williams begins her series of morning lectures at 10 to-da- y, at the residence of Mrs. Dole. Subject: Madame Guyon. The Hawaiian Mission Children's Society will meet at the residence of Hon. A. F. Judd Saturday evening, January lltb, at 7:30 p. m. The Portuguese Mutual Benefit Society of Hawaii has elected new officers for tho present year. The names are given elsewhere. The whereabouts of Messrs. Wha-le- y and Lycurgus are known. They are at Waialua for some purpose electioneering, it is supposed. The joint committee of the Me- chanics' Union and the Hui Kalai-ain- a will meet this evening to make nominations for the coming election. Vice-Consu- l Arthur Richardson says he would send the sailors of the John P. West to a hotel, only he is afraid they would get dyspepsia. The wife of Captain Huntley, of the ill-fate- d bark John P. West, is rapidly recovering. The captain and wife are expected to leave for San Francisco on the nest through steamer. Owing to increased attendance at the St. Andrew's Priory school for girls, a second floor has just been added to one of the large dormi- tories. The number of boarders for this term are seventy, and there are others to come. The school is in a very flourishing condition and doing good work. A mass meeting was held at Mae-ma- e chapel, Nuuanu street, by the Native Sons of Hawaii, on Monday night. Notwithstanding the inclem- ency of the weather over 100 voters were present. J. K. Kaulia was the unanimous choice of the meeting for representative. Mr. Kaulia has received a call from the voters of Pauoa to hold a mass meeting there some night this week. He Proclaims His Willingness to Do Wonderful Things. Succi, the faster, sends to the New York Herald the following remarkable letter: "I have read in the press lately of some person who has come for- ward and asserted his ability to fast longer than myself. I therefore ask your fairness to insert my an- swer. I am willing to undertake to swim twice or three times a day for thirty days, and during that period to fast absolutely. On the thirtieth day, if I find any one who pretends to be able to undertake the same fast, I will then, in the presence of medical men, partake of poisons sufficient to kill forty men. After this experiment, to further demonstrate my powers, I will make even more astonishing ex- periments and show that my fasts are accomplished by means of the almost supernatural force which is pure spiritualism. Suoci. 'Fasting Man of the Nubian Desert." SPECIAl BUSINESS ITEMS. I'il meet you at the Brans- - wick Billiard Parlors this even- - j ing. 2910-t- f The Brunswick Billiard Par- lors are the handsomest in town. 2910-t- f No better or more acceptable holiday present to a lady than a pack of the beautiful Visiting Cards, such as are printed so neatly every day at the Oazette Office, 4G Merchant st. (General SUtoevtiscments. flawii. Bell Telephone Co MOTICE. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK-- - holders of the above Company will be held SATURDAY, Jan 9th, 2 p. m. at the office of Mr. Cecil Brown, Merchant St. J. P. BROWN, 29i33-t- d Sec. Hawn. Bell Tel. Co. Chinese Employment Office, 54 KIlSGr ST. Mutual Telephone 716. f9Gl-i- n N OTIC K. AND AFTER THIS DATE IjIROM ' Kat Poo is authorized to sign the the firm name of Wing Wo Chan & Co. WING WO CHAN & CO. Honolulu, Dec. 31, 1891. 2960 4t LSTOTICE, AND AFTER THIS DATE C Mr. C. J. McCarthy will collect all my bills. H. G. McGREW, M. D. Honolulu, Dec. 31, 1891. 2959-l- m WAN TED. SITUATION BY A GIRL TO DO j dressmaking or tailoring. Address P. O. Box 257, Honolulu. 2955-l- w TO LET! A NEWLY FINSHED COTTAGE at Palama, near King Btreet, and rlnsft tn the tramcars. Anolv to C. F. Peterson, over Bishop & Co.'s Bank. 2884-t- f WANTED. mVO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH -- - board in a private family. Inquire at this office. 2938-t- f For Lease or Sale. RESIDENCE ON LUNALILO street, at present occupied by Mr. J. A. Kennedy, containing double parlors, 4 bedrooms, dressing and bath rooms, dining room, pantry and kitchen. Grounds 300x105 feet, well laid out; servants' rooms, stable and chicken house in rear of main building. Vacant on August 14th. R. 1. LILLIE, 2822-- tf with Theo. H. Davies & Co. A Good Investment ! FOR SALE. A PIECE OF LAND WITH 4 Cottages on Vineyard Street, rented for $28 per month. For particulars apply to 12954-l- m J. M. VIVAS. ALFRED S. HARTWELL, Counsellor - at - Law Office in Cartwright Building, opposite Post Office. Honolulu, H. I. 2m 1379-t- f San Francisco Cottage, 86 BERETANIA ST. VTEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS EN W suite or single. Beretania street cars pass the door. 2952-l- Mas. T. H. PATTERSON. PAINTER! YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S JOB IF of Painting of any description done, call on the practical Painter, J. L MEYER onlv. 130 Fort St. P. O Box 37 Mut. Tel. 662. 2823-- 1 v For the latest and most ele gant styles of Ladies' Visiting Cards, or Wedding Invitations or Notices, go to the Hawaiian Gazette Office, No. 46 Merchant. The cards printed there are perfectly charming. 2907 To Prospective Owners OF- - Lots at Pearl City Special Inducements III It'RCHASERS! 1st The O. K. t L. Co. agree to carry purchasers of Pearl City Lots, for a term of nine years from date of purchase, at 1 cent per mile second class, and iy cents per mile first class, and so stated in the deed . 2d Those who build residences before January 1, lSi'2, will be furnished a free pass for themselves and families until January 1, 193. od Those who build residences after January 1, 1892, and before January 1, 1893, will be entitled to a special rate for each homestead, of 20 cents second class and 30 cents first class from Hono- lulu to 1 earl City and return, or 10 and 15 cents respectively each way. 4th Those who build residences with- in six months from date of purchase will receive from the Company, after the improvements are completed, 20 per cent rebate from the price paid for each lot built upon . 5th Those who build residences with- in one year from December 1, 1891, will receive from the Company, after the im- provements are completed, 10 per cent, rebate from the price paid for each lot built upon. 6th Those who build residences before July 1, 1892, will be entitled to receive from the Company, 40 per cent, discount from our regular freight rates on building material, while building. 7th Those who build residences be- fore January 1, 1893, will be entitled to receive from the Company, 25 per cent, discount from our regular freight rates on building material, while building. Sth The Company will transport builders and workingmen employed by purchasers of their land for the purpose named any time before January 1, 1893, at 10 cents each way from and to Hono- lulu. Workingmen's train leaves Hono- lulu at 6 :15 a. m., reaching Pearl City in time to commence work at 7 o'clock. Leaves Peninsula of Pearl City at 4 :15 p. m., arriving at Honolulu Station at 4:50 p. n. UTThose who have purchased Lots at Pearl City previous to this day can if they will, avail themselves of the special inducements designated above as 2d, 3d, 6th, 7th and Sth, which are in addition to any inducements offered at the time of or previous to the sale . jtfC V. Stukdevant or James F. Moegan, will quote prices on any of the unsold lots at Pearl City. Oahu Railway & Land Co., b. f. dillingham, General Manager. Honolulu, Nov. 14, 1891. 1321-t- f EAGLE HOUSE, rumariu Avenue, - Honolulu, R. I. PLACE THAT HAS RETAINED A the same management, the same guests, and the same employees continu- ously, from its inception, is generally con- sidered trustworthy and reliable. We need say no more; but as always, respectfully solicit the patronage of tour- ists and others at the liberal rates of Per day $ 2 00 Per week 12 00 With special monthly rates. THOS. E. KROUSE, Pbof. P. O. Box 390; Bell Telephone 353. 2889-- q CHUN TUCK, Contractor and Builder No 54 King St. Mutual Tel. 716. House, Sip and Ornamental Painting Furniture Made to Order. General Repairing. jrAll orders promptly attended to. Charges moderate. 2957-- 1 y E. B. THOMAS, Contractor and Builder. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON all kinds of Brick, Iron, Stone and Wooden Build- ings. All kinds of Jobbing in the building trade at tended to. Keeps for sale: Brick, Lime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, old and new Corrugated Iron, Minton Tiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; California and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blocks, Etc., Etc. Office" and Yard Cor. King and Smith Sts. Office Hours 8 to 12 a.m., 1 to 4 p.m. Telephones Bell 351; Mutual417. Resi- dence, Mutual 410. P. O. Box 117. 2832-- q Hawaiian Stamps Wanted! WILL PAY CASH, FOR EITHER A large or small quantities of used Ha- waiian Postage Stamps, as follows- - (These offers are per hundred and any quantityw .il be accepted, no matter how small, at the same rates.) 1 cent, violet $ CO 1 cent, blue 60 1 cent, green 40 2 cent, Vermillion 150 2 cent, brovn 50 2 cent, rose 20 5 cent, dark blue 150 5 cent, ultramarine blue 60 6 cent, green 2 50 10 cent, black 4 00 10 cent, vermilion 5 00 10 cent, brown 2 50 12 cent, black 6 00 12 cent, mauve 6 00 15 cent, brown. 5 00 18 cent, red 10 00 25 cent, purple 10 00 50 cent, red 15 00 $1, carmine 25 00 1 cent envelope 40 2 cent envelope 75 4 cent envelope 1 59 5 cent envelope 1 50 30 cent envelope 3 00 2 cent, violet, 1891 issue 50 CVKo torn stamps wanted at any price. Address: GEO E. WASHBURN, 625 Octavia St., San Francisco., Cal. 2951-l- m 1406-5- t QA ETT E Steam Hook ami JTot) PRINTING OFFICE 46 Merchant Street. Is prepared to do all kinds of Commer- cial and Legal Work, correctly and with dispatch. Having Lately Received a Very Complete Stock of all the Finer Grades of Flat Papers of every size, WITH Fine white and Coloed Cards. And also having added to our former very large assortment, about eighty fonts of tub Finest Job Type aud Ornaments From the most celebrated Foundries of the United States, and employing only experienced and tasty work- men, we are prepared to turn out at very short notice : Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Circulars, N t.'. Heada, Statement. BUU of Lading, Contracts, Mortgage Blanks, Leases, Bonds, shipping Contracts, Calendars, Blank Checks, Steel-plat- e Wedding Cards, Stock Certificates, Business Cards, Milk Checks, Meal Tickets, Bank Checks. Plantation Orders, Receipts, Prom. Notes, Marriage Certificates, Diplomas. Catalogues, Blotting Pads. Druggists' Lables, Envelopes, all sixes; Shipping Receipts, Ball Programmes, Theatre Programmes, And in fact everything which a First class Office can do, and At Bed-roc- k Prices ! Gazette Book and Job 46 Merchnat Street. Caliloriiia FEED CO., KING i WHICH, Pr(B. Have on Hand and For Sale, Fresh every month from the Coast the very best quality of Play and Grrain Of a!l kinds, at the very lowest prices 1 Delivered promptly to any part of the city. GIVE US A TRIAL! Warehouse, Leleo Mutual Telephone 121 ; Bell Telephone 129. Office with C. T. Gulick Bell Tele- phone 348 ; Mutual Telephone 139. 2818 1383-- q To The Public! BUY YODR SOAP AT TH1 ;leleo soap works, Because there you get the BEST quality, full weight, and the LOWEST PRICE, viz: $4.50 per 100 lbs., or $4.75 per Case. I havp no Agents in Honolulu. Buv your Soap direct from my Factory. Established 35 years! T. W. RAWLINS, 1391-3- m Proprietor. A Quiet Wedding at St. An- drew's Cathedral. There is a happy omen, it is said, in connection with the first wedding that takes place in a church in the new year. If so, then there will be a life of sunshine for the couple who plighted their troth at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday evening. At 8 o'clock, Mr. Harry P. Lewis, a mem-bo- r of the well-know- n firm of Lewis Bros., grocers, was united in marri- age to Mrs.Margarat McLeod Craige, late of Melbourne, Australia. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, and Mr. Wray Taylor rendered appropriate wed- ding music on the organ. The bride was given away by John A. Hassin-ger- , Esq., who did the honors in his usual graceful mariner. Mr. George McLeod stood up as best man. The ceremony was witnessed by only friends of the contracting parties, among those present being Mrs. and Miss Hassinger, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Lansing, Hon. Paul Neumann, Mrs. Alex. Mackintosh and Mr. F. M. Lewis. After the ceremony, the bridal party were driven to tho Lewis family residence, Beretania street, where a reception and wed- ding supper were held. m A Good Nomination. A private letter from Hawaii states that at the urgent request of the Hawaiian voters in the Hama- kua district, Hon. W. H. Hickard, who was the representative elected in 1890, has consented to be a candi- date this year. He had decided not to do so, owing to his business re- quiring his presence at home. The native voters, however, urged him very strongly to reconsider his reso- lution. We trust the report may provo correct, for if he should still declino, it will necessitate the elec- tion of a. man utterly incompetent for the office. Wheelmen. The Pacific Wheelmen held their regular monthly meeting last night in the Y. M. C. A. parlors. The gold medal the prize of tho club for the one mile race, was presented with great eclat to the successful compe- titor Mr. Clifton Tracy. The quar- terly election of officers was held, re- sulting as follows: President, A. C. Lovt-ki- re- elected. Secretary and Treasurer, Ruby Dexter. Captain, M. Phillips. Lieutenant, Clifton Tracy. The Friend. The Friend for January brings its usual budget of valuable comment on current events,with a summary of news. Editorial attention is called to tho needs or the Hawaiian Board, which are more pressing than usual. In the notice of Founders' Day at Kamehameha, extensive extracts are given from the valuable address of the American Minister. This honored periodical will soon celebrate its ju- bilee, as it has now entered on the 50th year of its existence. Public Concert. The Royal Hawaiian Military Band, under the leadership of Prof. D. Iv. Naone will give a public con- cert at Thomas Square this evening commencing at 7:30 o'clock. The following is the programme: March Admiral Brown H. Berger Ballet Astorga Ab;tt Gavotte Welcome Kluss Cavatine Martiri Donizetti Oiwi Nani. Hole Waimea. Lihi Kai Ohele. Medley Reverie Beyer Waltz Mikado Bucalossi Polka Trolzkopfchcn Faust Quadrille Pinafore Godfrey Hawaii Ponoi. Medical Director Woods of the Charleston who met with such a serious accident on the 15th of De- cember, is slowly convalescing. So far as the fractured bones are con- cerned good union is taking place, but the effects of concussion still re- main, in the loss of smell and taste, and somo peculiar brain symptoms following shock with occasional at- tacks of vertigo. Yet there is no reason to think that complete recov-er- v will not ensue. The general verdict " If you don't read the Advertiser you don't get the new3." Quarterly Meeting. npiHE REGULAli QUARTERLY ing of the C. Brewer & Company will bft held at the office on Queen street on WEDNESDAY, the 13th inst. at 10 a m. E. F. BISHOP, 2963-l- w Secretary C. Brewer t'c Co. WOTt SALE! LIGHT ROADSTER COLUMBIA cushion tire Safety Bicvcle. Has been in use three months only Apply at this omce. 2963-- tf Good Offices To Let VER THE (iOLDEN RCLE BA- - 0 zaar, late A. L. Smith's store, at mod erate rents. For particulars applv to the proprietor. W. F. Reynolds. 29tU-3- w FOR RKISTT. A NEW COTTAGE AT PALA-ma- , near King street, conpletely furnished; suitable for two voun men or a small family. Apply to Chas. F. Peterson, over Bishop y. Co.'s" Lank. 2918-t- f TO LET! A DETACHED COTTAGE, consisting of one large, nieelyfir-ni.-he- d room : rent moderate." An- - ply at Advertiser office. 2923-t- f flow er 5 Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca, Mo., during the past two years has been affected with Neuralgia of the Head. Stomach and Womb, and writes : '' My food did not seem to strengthen me at all and my appe- tite was very variable. My face was yellow, my head dull, and' I had such pains in my left side. In the morning when I got up I would have a rlow oi" mucus in the mouth, and a bad, bitter t:iste. Sometimes my breath becdre short, and I had such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensations around the heart. I ached all day under the shoulder blades, in the left side, and down the back of my limbs. It seemed to be worse in the wet, cold weatlier of Winter and Spring; and whenever the spells came on. my feet and hands would turn cold, and I could get no sleep at all. I tried everywhere, and got no relief before using August Flower Then the change came. It has done me a wonderful deal of good during the time I have taken it and is work- ing a complete cure." G. G. GREEN, Sole Maa fr, Woodbury, N.J. Cctn 3tinertistmnt& 7 pr Ct IRVESTMSrtTS ! KsT 8 pr Ct. The Northwest Investment Trust Co. OF The State of Washington. Offers to Investors, gilt-edge- d securities, in the form of first Mortgages ou improved Farm and City Property, the Mortgages not exceeding in amount one-thir- d of the conservative valuation of the Real Estate on which they aremade,bearing7and 8 per cent, interest, payable semi annually, and running from 3 to 5 years. Correspondence solicited, and any in- formation relative to investments gladly furnished upon application. Address: The Northwest Investment Tiiust Co., Montesano, State of Washington. W. J. Stav.r, President. W. D. McDuyde, Treasurer. 2958-3- m I VSK FOR The.Eest Canned Butter in the World JVev Pack Just Received ! Mackerel, Tongues and Sounds, and SA3L.MOJNT BELLIES, A SPECIALTY! S. FOSTER & CO:, Sole Agents, 26 and 28 California St., San Francisco, 2686 1360-- y A. Hering. M. Pauly. The Pacific Novelty Works 132 Fort St., Honolulu. Carving and Turning in Wood or Ivory Polishing Shells or other Ornaments. FANCY FRESCO PAINTING. Repairing and Cleaning of Musical Instru- ments, Guns, Scales and any light Machinery, Calabashes turned, polished and repaired 1 Electricians, Machinists, Locksmiths Dies, Instruments, Models. Etc., made to order. Give us a Trial. 2927-2w- tf Attention ! The upstairs portion of the AKLINGTON, containing hand- somely Furnished Rooms, with electric lights, will be open and ready for occupancy on January 1st, 1892. Rooms will bo all the same price, and those who como early will have their first choice of apartments. THE ARLINGTON ! Fxotel St. near Fort St-- fr 29co-l- w GEO. H. DOLE. Of Riverside, Cal.r BEING CONSTANTLY IN RECEIPT of inquiry from the Hawaiian Islands regarding real estate in Southern California, has deci.led to offer his services to the people of Hawaii as Agent for purchasing orange ranches and other real estate, eh her in Riverside, or in any of the neighboring towns. Reliable and unbiased information furnished upon application. 1401 2916-3m- a FOR BALE! TWO CHOKE BUILDING LOTS situated on Young St. between Pii-k- oi and Keauinoko St3., having a frontage of 50 feet each and a depth of about 100 feet each. These Lots adjoin each other and will be sold either separate or together. Terms moderate. Apply to J. ALFRED MAGOON, 2948-t- f Next to Post Office. NE NE NE NE NE NNE NNE SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Signal Station Report. Diamond Head, J an. 5, 9 p. m. Weather clear; wind light, north. ARRIVALS. Tuesday, Jan. 5. Stnir W G Hall.Freemaa.from Maui and Hawaii. 1E1'AKTUKS. Tuesday, Jan. 5. Am bkt Discovery, McNeill, for San Francisco. , StmrC. 11. Bishop, Le Claire, lor Waia-na- e, Waialua and Koolau. SS Australia, Houdlette, for San Fran-Cisc- o Stmr Leb.ua, Fitzgerald, for Olowalu and Kalaapapa. Stmr Iwalam, Weir, for Nawihwili, ka-lo- a, Waimea, etc. Stmr Claudine, Davies, for Maui. Stmr Likelike, Cameron, for Paauhan, Kukaiau and Laupahoehoe. Schr Kulamanu for Kobala. Schr Ka Moi for Paauilo. VKSSElS LEAVIKG TO-DA- Y. Am bkt S N Castle, Hubbard, for San Francisco. VESSEL!) IN PORT. (This list does not include coasters.) U S S Pensacola, Kantz, San Francisco. Am bgt Geo.H. Douglass, Reul, Butaritari. Br bk Pass of Leny, Vint, Glasgow. Am bkt SN Castle, Hubbard, San Fran. Am bk Forest 4ueen, Nelson. San Fran. Am bkt SG Wilder, Griffiths, San Fran. Haw bk Mauna Ala, Smith, N'wcl, N.S. W. Am bkt John Smith, S BGroth, Newcastle. Am bkt Robt Sudden, Ulbarg, Newcastle. Am schr Ethel Zane, Peterson, Newcastle. Gr bk Paul Isenberg, Wolters, Liverpool. NorbktGrei. Anderson, Newcastle. Am ship Hawkesbury, Nordfeldt, Nwcstle. Br bk Omeo, Newcastle. Am schr Kobt Lewers, Tibbetts. Pt Tnsnd. Am bk Ceylon, Calhoun, San Fran. OSS Australia, Houdlette, San Fran. Am bk Estella, Ross, Newcastle. Am tern Glendale, Euieka. Am bkt Irmgard, Schmidt, San Fran. Am bkt Planter, Dow. San Fran. Am bgt W G Irwin, McCulloch, San Fran. Am bkt Eureka, Eureka. FOBK16N VESSELS EXl'ECTED. VbBKeiw. Wiit-r- Iroui. Due. Am schr Lottie Carson. Eureka Dec 23 Am bk Edward May . . . Boston Feb 29 Am bkt Lurline S F ( Hilo)..Dec '26 USS Iroquois San Fran... Am schr J G North . . S F (Mali). .Dec 30 Am schr EK Wood ... Newcastle. Jan 10 KM S 8 Monowai San Fran Jan 14 RMSS Alameda Co onies. . Jan 14 Am bkt M Winkelman . .San Fran . .Jan 10 Am bk AldenBesse San Fran . Jan 25 Am schr Anna S F(Kab)..Jan 24 Am tern Eva S F (Mali).. Jan 25 Am schr Alice Cooke .. Puget S'd . . Feb 1 SS Yamashiro Maru Yokohama. Jan 7 Mis stmr Morning Star . .South Seas. Mar 25 Haw bk Foohng Suev . Boston J une 5 Br yacht Beagle Cruise Due O&OSS Gaelic San Fran .Feb 11 P M SS Rio de Janeiro. .Yokohama. Jan 8 PASSENGERS. ARRIVALS. From Maui and Hawaii, per stmr W G Hall, Jan 5 J G Hoapili, Mrs A Clark, RevTEykyn, W J Smithies and child, Mrs S Mahelona, J K Kekaula, Miss Ka-huak- T KR Amalu, Mrs E M Jones and child, J M Monsarrat, Mrs F Soto, Miss S Ahina, W T Robinson, J G Rothwell, Father Rualt, E B Marshall. Q Goodness, C W Baldwin, R Wesmann, Mrs Marques, and 82 deck passengers. DEPARTURES. For Kauai, per stmr Iwalani, Jan 5 Hon V Kuudsen, C M Cooke, Miss Dora Mossman. Mr and Mrs T 11 Gibson anil 2 Children, J Kauhane, J E Miller and wife, Miss Emma Blake, Miss .1 I Pope. Hon P P Kanoa, M Berlowitz. M J Perreira, Mr Wolters, Mrs Hagus, .1 A Palmer, Father Emerau, Mrs Nunn, Hon W E Rowell, 4 Chinese, and 50 deck passengers. For Maui, per stmr Claudine. Jan 5 Q P Wilder and wife, JW Kalua. C R Mc- Veigh and wife, Miss Gregory, Mrs Chaa Loveland, R B Scott, Miss Maguire. Mrs Austin, Miss Ritchie, WT Robinson, A t Franca, Father Gulstan, Hon H I Bald- win, A Borba, D Quill, M Kealoha, J S Muirhead,C T Yan, and 40 deck passen- gers. SHIPPING NOTES. The barkentine Discovery, Captain D. McNeill, sailed January 5th for San Fran- cisco, with 10,241 bags sugar weighing 1,214,511 pounds and valued at$34,Gob.3o. The American barkentine S. N. Castle, Jj. H. Hubbard, master, sails to-da- y for San Francisco. The barkentine Robert Sudden complet- ed unloading coal yesterday. She has been moved out in the stream where she will

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Page 1: DAILY PACIFIC August - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 12. · apply to 12954-l-m J. M. VIVAS. ALFRED S. HARTWELL, Counsellor-at-Law Office in Cartwright Building, opposite Post


FASTER SVCCI.remain tor about a fortnight, alter which IEWIS-CRAI- GE. (General 2Unxcastmctut. (General SlfcocrtiscmentBQJLHU "August,vrriv e i ivn fA 'd

'A II i W M QL liAlllJ IV. 0



8:45 1:45 4:30tUave Uonolula...0:159:49 2:49 5:35t

.u linil 7:',0

& r i u v - -

Leave Honoallull. 73G: VO:51 3:51 5:45f

rriv Honolulu. .8:35' 11:55 4:55 6:50T


Leave Honolulu... 5:30

Arrlr Pearl City. 6:071

Leave Vearl City . 0:OS

Arrive Honolulu.. 0:40

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted..Saturdays excepted. 2863-- q

Tided, Sun and Moon.by o. J LYONS.

I S B S 5 8 S IL bS : i ss" --I" 9 Wto

X C. L - )5 r g a j--"O G

a.rti. p.m. p.m. p.m.4 6.4G 6.40 11.40 2.15 6.39 6.82 10.355j 7.4,0 7.30; 3.0 C.39 5.2311.33

p.m. a in. f m. a.m.6 9.60 8.50 3.20 4.20 fi.30 5.347 11. 0 10.30 4. 0 6. 0 C.40 5.34 0.308 a.m. 11. 0 4.50 6.20 6.40 6.35 1.309 0.10 11.20 6.20 7.30 6.40 5. 36 2.28

10 1. 0 11.60 6 . 0 8.30 6.40 5.36 3.32J


Mori...Tues..Wed ..Thur..FrlSat....San...

Ttie Time Signal for the Port is given at12 h. 0 m. 0 8. (midnight) oi Greenwich time, or1 h. 23 m. 84 b. p. m. ot Honolulu Observatory

It IsRi v'en by the Steam Whistle ol the HonoluluPlaning Mill, a few doors above the CustomHouse. The same whistle is sounded cor-

rectly at Honolulu Mean Noon, ObservatoryMeridian, or 10 h. 31 m. 26 s. of Greenwichtime.



BAROM. THERMO So . - S3 c 2Of B.B S

5 u a ? g,

? B B P H rff -

Sun. 27 30. 23 30.11 69 79 0.04 78 4

Mon 128 30.19130. 11 71 80 0.05 75 4

Tuea-I- 30.16 30.09 71 78 0.03 68 4

Wed 3030.20i30.l0 72 80 0.02 67 4

Thu 31 30.20!30.12 68 79 0.03 62 5

Frid 1 30.15,30.05 67 78 0.H 67 2Bat. 2 30.13 30.05 66 77 0.62 78 3

she win leave lor ivanului to load sugar forban Francisco.

The bark Forest Queen wll likely leavefor San Francisco next week. The bark-entin- e

S. G. Wilder will commence loadingsugar after her.

The steamer W. G. Hall arrived onTuesday morning from windward portswith 020 bags sugar, 80 bags coffee, 30 headcattle and 91 packages sundries.

The steamer Waialeale will leave to-morrow morning for Hamakua.

The barkentine John Smith was dockedat the Fort street wharf yesterday to dis-charge her caigo of coal.

The steamer Australia left on Tuesday,January 5th for San Francisco with seve-nty-one saloon and steerage passengers,and the following cargo: 502 bags rice. 47boxes betel leaves, 22 bags coffee, 255 goatand sheep skins, 2C09 green and dry hides.0500 bunches bananas, 4143 bigs sugar(W. G. Irwin & Co.), and 920 packagessundries. The domestic produce was val-ued at $30,120.

The schooner Liholiho takes out coal tothe U. S. S. Pensacola to-da- v.

MAKKIED.LEWIS-CRAIG- E At St.Andrew's Cathe-

dral. January 5th, 1892, by the Rev.Alex. Mackintosh, Mr. Harry F. Lewisto Mrs. Margaret McLeod Craige.


Another weddiDg.

Politics are warming up.

Lots of excitement yesterday.

A heavy mail was sent on tho Aus-

tralia.A sale of Government land will

take place to-da-

One of the girls at the KawaiahaoSeminary is dangerously ill.

The Hawaiian Band gave an on- -

joyable concert last evening at theHotel.

Harry Webb has taken the placeof William Holt as a custom houseguard.

The new officers of the UnitedChinese Society can bo found inanother column.

The phonograph exhibition takesplace next Friday evening at theY. M. C. A. Hall.

"New England Baking Powder"has a world-wid- e reputation. Hol-liste- r

& Co. sell it.

The quarterly meeting of C.Brewer & Co. will take place oneweek from to-da-

The Australia sailed without anyhappenings. The band gave theusual farewell serenade.

The S. S. Yamashiro Maru with1123 Japanese immigrants is duehere Friday from Yokohama.

The side-wal- k in front of the resi-dence of Captain Freeth is almostimpassable in rainy weather.

Miss Minnie Kinney presided atthe organ at Kawaiahao Churchlast Sunday, very acceptably.

With profound sorrow, the Adve-rtiser informs ite readers that " BillHammond " did not get away afterall.

In the Supreme Court, Tuesday,Judge McCully gave the attorneys adecided rebuke for their dilatorymethods.

Nothing of importance in the Po-

lice Court yesterday. Twelve Chi-nese, for gambling, had their casescontinued.

Captain Huntley is loud in praisesfor Captain Freeman of the I. I. S.N. Co.'s steamer W. G. Hall. Goodboy, "Cap."

A valuable dog was run over andkilled by a Nuuanu Avenue tramcaryesterday, opposite the residence ofMrs. H. Hart.

Mr. Robert Gardner, who has longofficiated as bar tender in Honolulu,has now tho management of theAnchor saloon.

The Board of Representatives ofthe Honolulu Fire Department willmeet to morrow evening. An inter-esting time is expected.

Mrs. Flornnce Williams beginsher series of morning lectures at 10to-da- y, at the residence of Mrs. Dole.Subject: Madame Guyon.

The Hawaiian Mission Children'sSociety will meet at the residence ofHon. A. F. Judd Saturday evening,January lltb, at 7:30 p. m.

The Portuguese Mutual BenefitSociety of Hawaii has elected newofficers for tho present year. Thenames are given elsewhere.

The whereabouts of Messrs. Wha-le- y

and Lycurgus are known. Theyare at Waialua for some purposeelectioneering, it is supposed.

The joint committee of the Me-

chanics' Union and the Hui Kalai-ain- a

will meet this evening to makenominations for the coming election.

Vice-Consu- l Arthur Richardsonsays he would send the sailors of theJohn P. West to a hotel, only he isafraid they would get dyspepsia.

The wife of Captain Huntley, ofthe ill-fate- d bark John P. West, israpidly recovering. The captain andwife are expected to leave for SanFrancisco on the nest throughsteamer.

Owing to increased attendance atthe St. Andrew's Priory school forgirls, a second floor has just beenadded to one of the large dormi-tories. The number of boarders forthis term are seventy, and there areothers to come. The school is in avery flourishing condition and doinggood work.

A mass meeting was held at Mae-ma- e

chapel, Nuuanu street, by theNative Sons of Hawaii, on Mondaynight. Notwithstanding the inclem-ency of the weather over 100 voterswere present. J. K. Kaulia was theunanimous choice of the meetingfor representative. Mr. Kauliahas received a call from the votersof Pauoa to hold a mass meetingthere some night this week.

He Proclaims His Willingnessto Do Wonderful Things.

Succi, the faster, sends to theNew York Herald the followingremarkable letter:

"I have read in the press latelyof some person who has come for-

ward and asserted his ability tofast longer than myself. I thereforeask your fairness to insert my an-

swer. I am willing to undertaketo swim twice or three times a dayfor thirty days, and during thatperiod to fast absolutely. On thethirtieth day, if I find any one whopretends to be able to undertakethe same fast, I will then, in thepresence of medical men, partake ofpoisons sufficient to kill forty men.After this experiment, to furtherdemonstrate my powers, I willmake even more astonishing ex-

periments and show that my fastsare accomplished by means of thealmost supernatural force which ispure spiritualism. Suoci.

'Fasting Man of theNubian Desert."


I'il meet you at the Brans- -

wick Billiard Parlors this even- - j

ing. 2910-t- f

The Brunswick Billiard Par-

lors are the handsomest intown. 2910-t- f

No better or more acceptableholiday present to a lady thana pack of the beautiful Visiting

Cards, such as are printed so neatly everyday at the Oazette Office, 4G Merchant st.

(General SUtoevtiscments.

flawii. Bell Telephone Co



holders of the above Company will beheld SATURDAY, Jan 9th, 2 p. m. at theoffice of Mr. Cecil Brown, Merchant St.

J. P. BROWN,29i33-t- d Sec. Hawn. Bell Tel. Co.

Chinese Employment Office,

54 KIlSGr ST.

Mutual Telephone 716. f9Gl-i- n


AND AFTER THIS DATEIjIROM' Kat Poo is authorized to sign thethe firm name of Wing Wo Chan & Co.

WING WO CHAN & CO.Honolulu, Dec. 31, 1891. 2960 4t


AND AFTER THIS DATEC Mr. C. J. McCarthy will collect all mybills. H. G. McGREW, M. D.

Honolulu, Dec. 31, 1891. 2959-l- m


SITUATION BY A GIRL TO DOj dressmaking or tailoring. Address P.O. Box 257, Honolulu. 2955-l- w

TO LET!A NEWLY FINSHED COTTAGEat Palama, near King Btreet, andrlnsft tn the tramcars. Anolv to C.

F. Peterson, over Bishop & Co.'s Bank.2884-t- f


mVO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH-- - board in a private family. Inquire atthis office. 2938-t- f

For Lease or Sale.

RESIDENCE ON LUNALILOstreet, at present occupied by Mr.J. A. Kennedy, containing doubleparlors, 4 bedrooms, dressing and

bath rooms, dining room, pantry andkitchen. Grounds 300x105 feet, well laidout; servants' rooms, stable and chickenhouse in rear of main building. Vacanton August 14th. R. 1. LILLIE,

2822-- tf with Theo. H. Davies & Co.

A Good Investment !


Cottages on Vineyard Street, rentedfor $28 per month. For particulars

apply to 12954-l- m J. M. VIVAS.


Counsellor - at - LawOffice in Cartwright Building, opposite

Post Office. Honolulu, H. I.2m 1379-t- f

San Francisco Cottage,86 BERETANIA ST.

VTEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS ENW suite or single. Beretania street carspass the door.2952-l- Mas. T. H. PATTERSON.

PAINTER!YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S JOBIFof Painting of any description done,

call on the practical Painter, J. LMEYER onlv. 130 Fort St. P. OBox 37 Mut. Tel. 662. 2823-- 1 v

For the latest and most elegant styles of Ladies' VisitingCards, or Wedding Invitations

or Notices, go to the Hawaiian GazetteOffice, No. 46 Merchant. The cards printedthere are perfectly charming. 2907

To Prospective OwnersOF- -

Lots at Pearl City

Special Inducements


1st The O. K. t L. Co. agree to carrypurchasers of Pearl City Lots, for a termof nine years from date of purchase, at1 cent per mile second class, and iycents per mile first class, and so statedin the deed .

2d Those who build residences beforeJanuary 1, lSi'2, will be furnished a freepass for themselves and families untilJanuary 1, 193.

od Those who build residences afterJanuary 1, 1892, and before January 1,1893, will be entitled to a special ratefor each homestead, of 20 cents secondclass and 30 cents first class from Hono-lulu to 1 earl City and return, or 10 and15 cents respectively each way.

4th Those who build residences with-in six months from date of purchasewill receive from the Company, after theimprovements are completed, 20 percent rebate from the price paid for eachlot built upon .

5th Those who build residences with-in one year from December 1, 1891, willreceive from the Company, after the im-provements are completed, 10 per cent,rebate from the price paid for each lotbuilt upon.

6th Those who build residences beforeJuly 1, 1892, will be entitled to receivefrom the Company, 40 per cent, discountfrom our regular freight rates on buildingmaterial, while building.

7th Those who build residences be-

fore January 1, 1893, will be entitled toreceive from the Company, 25 per cent,discount from our regular freight rateson building material, while building.

Sth The Company will transportbuilders and workingmen employed bypurchasers of their land for the purposenamed any time before January 1, 1893,at 10 cents each way from and to Hono-lulu. Workingmen's train leaves Hono-lulu at 6 :15 a. m., reaching Pearl City intime to commence work at 7 o'clock.Leaves Peninsula of Pearl City at 4 :15p. m., arriving at Honolulu Station at4:50 p. n.

UTThose who have purchased Lotsat Pearl City previous to this day can ifthey will, avail themselves of the specialinducements designated above as 2d, 3d,6th, 7th and Sth, which are in additionto any inducements offered at the timeof or previous to the sale .

jtfC V. Stukdevant or James F.Moegan, will quote prices on any of theunsold lots at Pearl City.

Oahu Railway & Land Co.,

b. f. dillingham,General Manager.

Honolulu, Nov. 14, 1891. 1321-t- f

EAGLE HOUSE,rumariu Avenue, - Honolulu, R. I.

PLACE THAT HAS RETAINEDA the same management, the sameguests, and the same employees continu-ously, from its inception, is generally con-sidered trustworthy and reliable.

We need say no more; but as always,respectfully solicit the patronage of tour-ists and others at the liberal rates of

Per day $ 2 00Per week 12 00

With special monthly rates.

THOS. E. KROUSE, Pbof.P. O. Box 390; Bell Telephone 353.

2889-- q


Contractor and BuilderNo 54 King St. Mutual Tel. 716.

House, Sip and Ornamental Painting

Furniture Made to Order.General Repairing.

jrAll orders promptly attended to.Charges moderate. 2957--1 y

E. B. THOMAS,Contractor and Builder.

ESTIMATES GIVEN ONall kinds of Brick, Iron,Stone and Wooden Build-ings. All kinds of Jobbingin the building trade at

tended to. Keeps for sale: Brick, Lime,Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, oldand new Corrugated Iron, Minton Tiles,Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors;California and Monterey Sand, GraniteCurbing and Blocks, Etc., Etc.

Office" and Yard Cor. King and SmithSts. Office Hours 8 to 12 a.m., 1 to 4 p.m.

Telephones Bell 351; Mutual417. Resi-dence, Mutual 410. P. O. Box 117.

2832-- q

Hawaiian Stamps Wanted!

WILL PAY CASH, FOR EITHERA large or small quantities of used Ha-waiian Postage Stamps, as follows- -

(These offers are per hundred and anyquantityw .il be accepted, no matter howsmall, at the same rates.)1 cent, violet $ CO

1 cent, blue 601 cent, green 402 cent, Vermillion 1502 cent, brovn 502 cent, rose 205 cent, dark blue 1505 cent, ultramarine blue 606 cent, green 2 5010 cent, black 4 0010 cent, vermilion 5 0010 cent, brown 2 5012 cent, black 6 0012 cent, mauve 6 0015 cent, brown. 5 0018 cent, red 10 0025 cent, purple 10 0050 cent, red 15 00$1, carmine 25 001 cent envelope 402 cent envelope 754 cent envelope 1 595 cent envelope 1 5030 cent envelope 3 002 cent, violet, 1891 issue 50

CVKo torn stamps wanted at anyprice. Address:

GEO E. WASHBURN,625 Octavia St., San Francisco., Cal.

2951-l- m 1406-5- t

QA ETT ESteam Hook ami JTot)


46 Merchant Street.

Is prepared to do all kinds of Commer-cial and Legal Work, correctly

and with dispatch.

Having Lately Received a Very Complete

Stock of all the Finer Grades of

Flat Papers of every size,


Fine white and Coloed Cards.

And also having added to our formervery large assortment, about eighty fonts

of tub

Finest Job Type aud Ornaments

From the most celebrated Foundries ofthe United States, and employing

only experienced and tasty work-

men, we are prepared to turnout at very short notice :

Letter Heads,Bill Heads,

Circulars,N t.'. Heada,

Statement.BUU of Lading,

Contracts,Mortgage Blanks,

Leases, Bonds,shipping Contracts,

Calendars,Blank Checks,

Steel-plat- e Wedding Cards,Stock Certificates,Business Cards,Milk Checks,Meal Tickets,Bank Checks.

Plantation Orders,Receipts, Prom. Notes,

Marriage Certificates,Diplomas.

Catalogues,Blotting Pads.

Druggists' Lables,Envelopes, all sixes;

Shipping Receipts,Ball Programmes,

Theatre Programmes,

And in fact everything which a Firstclass Office can do, and

At Bed-roc- k Prices !

Gazette Book and Job

46 Merchnat Street.



Have on Hand and For Sale,

Fresh every month from the Coastthe very best quality of

Play and GrrainOf a!l kinds, at the very lowest prices 1

Delivered promptly to any partof the city.


Warehouse, Leleo Mutual Telephone121 ; Bell Telephone 129.

Office with C. T. Gulick Bell Tele-phone 348 ; Mutual Telephone 139.

2818 1383-- q

To The Public!



;leleo soap works,

Because there you get the BEST quality,full weight, and the LOWEST

PRICE, viz:

$4.50 per 100 lbs., or $4.75 per Case.

I havp no Agents in Honolulu. Buvyour Soap direct from my Factory.

Established 35 years!

T. W. RAWLINS,1391-3- m Proprietor.

A Quiet Wedding at St. An-

drew's Cathedral.There is a happy omen, it is said,

in connection with the first weddingthat takes place in a church in thenew year. If so, then there will bea life of sunshine for the couple whoplighted their troth at St. Andrew'sCathedral yesterday evening. At 8o'clock, Mr. Harry P. Lewis, a mem-bo- r

of the well-know- n firm of LewisBros., grocers, was united in marri-age to Mrs.Margarat McLeod Craige,late of Melbourne, Australia. Theceremony was performed by the Rev.Alex. Mackintosh, and Mr. WrayTaylor rendered appropriate wed-ding music on the organ. The bridewas given away by John A. Hassin-ger- ,

Esq., who did the honors in hisusual graceful mariner. Mr. GeorgeMcLeod stood up as best man. Theceremony was witnessed by onlyfriends of the contracting parties,among those present being Mrs. andMiss Hassinger, Mr. and Mrs. Theo.Lansing, Hon. Paul Neumann, Mrs.Alex. Mackintosh and Mr. F. M.Lewis. After the ceremony, thebridal party were driven to thoLewis family residence, Beretaniastreet, where a reception and wed-ding supper were held.


A Good Nomination.A private letter from Hawaii

states that at the urgent request ofthe Hawaiian voters in the Hama-kua district, Hon. W. H. Hickard,who was the representative electedin 1890, has consented to be a candi-date this year. He had decided notto do so, owing to his business re-quiring his presence at home. Thenative voters, however, urged himvery strongly to reconsider his reso-lution. We trust the report mayprovo correct, for if he should stilldeclino, it will necessitate the elec-tion of a. man utterly incompetentfor the office.

Wheelmen.The Pacific Wheelmen held their

regular monthly meeting last nightin the Y. M. C. A. parlors. The goldmedal the prize of tho club for theone mile race, was presented withgreat eclat to the successful compe-titor Mr. Clifton Tracy. The quar-terly election of officers was held, re-sulting as follows:

President, A. C. Lovt-ki- re-

elected.Secretary and Treasurer, Ruby

Dexter.Captain, M. Phillips.Lieutenant, Clifton Tracy.

The Friend.The Friend for January brings its

usual budget of valuable commenton current events,with a summary ofnews. Editorial attention is calledto tho needs or the Hawaiian Board,which are more pressing than usual.In the notice of Founders' Day atKamehameha, extensive extracts aregiven from the valuable address ofthe American Minister. This honoredperiodical will soon celebrate its ju-bilee, as it has now entered on the50th year of its existence.

Public Concert.The Royal Hawaiian Military

Band, under the leadership of Prof.D. Iv. Naone will give a public con-cert at Thomas Square this eveningcommencing at 7:30 o'clock. Thefollowing is the programme:

March Admiral Brown H. BergerBallet Astorga Ab;ttGavotte Welcome KlussCavatine Martiri DonizettiOiwi Nani. Hole Waimea. Lihi Kai

Ohele.Medley Reverie BeyerWaltz Mikado BucalossiPolka Trolzkopfchcn FaustQuadrille Pinafore Godfrey

Hawaii Ponoi.

Medical Director Woods of theCharleston who met with such aserious accident on the 15th of De-

cember, is slowly convalescing. Sofar as the fractured bones are con-

cerned good union is taking place,but the effects of concussion still re-

main, in the loss of smell and taste,and somo peculiar brain symptomsfollowing shock with occasional at-

tacks of vertigo. Yet there is noreason to think that complete recov-er-v

will not ensue.

The general verdict " If youdon't read the Advertiser you don'tget the new3."

Quarterly Meeting.

npiHE REGULAli QUARTERLYing of the C. Brewer & Company will

bft held at the office on Queen street onWEDNESDAY, the 13th inst. at 10 a m.

E. F. BISHOP,2963-l- w Secretary C. Brewer t'c Co.


cushion tire Safety Bicvcle. Has beenin use three months only Apply at thisomce. 2963-- tf

Good Offices To Let

VER THE (iOLDEN RCLE BA- -0 zaar, late A. L. Smith's store, at moderate rents. For particulars applv to theproprietor. W. F. Reynolds. 29tU-3- w


A NEW COTTAGE AT PALA-ma- ,near King street, conpletely

furnished; suitable for two vounmen or a small family. Apply to Chas. F.Peterson, over Bishop y. Co.'s" Lank.

2918-t- f


consisting of one large, nieelyfir-ni.-he- d

room : rent moderate." An- -

ply at Advertiser office. 2923-t- f

flower 5

Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca,Mo., during the past two years hasbeen affected with Neuralgia of theHead. Stomach and Womb, andwrites : ' ' My food did not seem tostrengthen me at all and my appe-tite was very variable. My facewas yellow, my head dull, and' I hadsuch pains in my left side. In themorning when I got up I wouldhave a rlow oi" mucus in the mouth,and a bad, bitter t:iste. Sometimesmy breath becdre short, and I hadsuch queer, tumbling, palpitatingsensations around the heart. I achedall day under the shoulder blades,in the left side, and down the backof my limbs. It seemed to be worsein the wet, cold weatlier of Winterand Spring; and whenever the spellscame on. my feet and hands wouldturn cold, and I could get no sleepat all. I tried everywhere, and gotno relief before using August FlowerThen the change came. It has doneme a wonderful deal of good duringthe time I have taken it and is work-ing a complete cure."G. G. GREEN, Sole Maa fr, Woodbury, N.J.

Cctn 3tinertistmnt&

7 pr Ct IRVESTMSrtTS ! KsT 8 pr Ct.

The Northwest Investment Trust Co.


The State of Washington.

Offers to Investors, gilt-edge- d securities,in the form of first Mortgages ou improvedFarm and City Property, the Mortgagesnot exceeding in amount one-thir- d of theconservative valuation of the Real Estateon which they aremade,bearing7and 8 percent, interest, payable semi annually, andrunning from 3 to 5 years.

Correspondence solicited, and any in-formation relative to investments gladlyfurnished upon application. Address:The Northwest Investment Tiiust Co.,

Montesano, State of Washington.W. J. Stav.r, President.W. D. McDuyde, Treasurer. 2958-3- m


The.Eest Canned Butter in the WorldJVev Pack Just Received !

Mackerel, Tongues and Sounds,


S. FOSTER & CO:, Sole Agents,

26 and 28 California St., San Francisco,2686 1360-- y

A. Hering. M. Pauly.

The Pacific Novelty Works

132 Fort St., Honolulu.

Carving and Turning in Wood or Ivory

Polishing Shells or other Ornaments.


Repairing and Cleaning of Musical Instru-ments, Guns, Scales and any

light Machinery,

Calabashes turned, polished and repaired 1

Electricians, Machinists, Locksmiths

Dies, Instruments, Models. Etc.,made to order.

Give us a Trial. 2927-2w- tf

Attention !

The upstairs portion of theAKLINGTON, containing hand-

somely Furnished Rooms, withelectric lights, will be open andready for occupancy on January1st, 1892.

Rooms will bo all the same price,

and those who como early will have

their first choice of apartments.


Fxotel St. near Fort St--fr

29co-l- w

GEO. H. DOLE.Of Riverside, Cal.r

BEING CONSTANTLY IN RECEIPTof inquiry from the Hawaiian

Islands regarding real estate in SouthernCalifornia, has deci.led to offer his servicesto the people of Hawaii as Agent forpurchasing orange ranches and other realestate, eh her in Riverside, or in any of theneighboring towns. Reliable and unbiasedinformation furnished upon application.

1401 2916-3m- a


TWO CHOKE BUILDING LOTSsituated on Young St. between Pii-k- oi

and Keauinoko St3., having afrontage of 50 feet each and a depth ofabout 100 feet each. These Lots adjoineach other and will be sold either separateor together. Terms moderate. Apply to

J. ALFRED MAGOON,2948-t- f Next to Post Office.




Signal Station Report.Diamond Head, Jan. 5, 9 p. m.

Weather clear; wind light, north.

ARRIVALS.Tuesday, Jan. 5.

Stnir W G Hall.Freemaa.from Maui andHawaii.

1E1'AKTUKS.Tuesday, Jan. 5.

Am bkt Discovery, McNeill, for SanFrancisco. ,

StmrC. 11. Bishop, Le Claire, lor Waia-na- e,

Waialua and Koolau.S S Australia, Houdlette, for San Fran-Cisc- o

Stmr Leb.ua, Fitzgerald, for Olowalu andKalaapapa.

Stmr Iwalam, Weir, for Nawihwili, ka-lo- a,

Waimea, etc.Stmr Claudine, Davies, for Maui.Stmr Likelike, Cameron, for Paauhan,

Kukaiau and Laupahoehoe.Schr Kulamanu for Kobala.Schr Ka Moi for Paauilo.


Am bkt S N Castle, Hubbard, for SanFrancisco.

VESSEL!) IN PORT.(This list does not include coasters.)

U S S Pensacola, Kantz, San Francisco.Am bgt Geo.H. Douglass, Reul, Butaritari.Br bk Pass of Leny, Vint, Glasgow.Am bkt S N Castle, Hubbard, San Fran.Am bk Forest 4ueen, Nelson. San Fran.Am bkt S G Wilder, Griffiths, San Fran.Haw bk Mauna Ala, Smith, N'wcl, N.S. W.Am bkt John Smith, S BGroth, Newcastle.Am bkt Robt Sudden, Ulbarg, Newcastle.Am schr Ethel Zane, Peterson, Newcastle.Gr bk Paul Isenberg, Wolters, Liverpool.NorbktGrei. Anderson, Newcastle.Am ship Hawkesbury, Nordfeldt, Nwcstle.Br bk Omeo, Newcastle.Am schr Kobt Lewers, Tibbetts. Pt Tnsnd.Am bk Ceylon, Calhoun, San Fran.OSS Australia, Houdlette, San Fran.Am bk Estella, Ross, Newcastle.Am tern Glendale, Euieka.Am bkt Irmgard, Schmidt, San Fran.Am bkt Planter, Dow. San Fran.Am bgt W G Irwin, McCulloch, San Fran.Am bkt Eureka, Eureka.

FOBK16N VESSELS EXl'ECTED.VbBKeiw. Wiit-r- Iroui. Due.

Am schr Lottie Carson. Eureka Dec 23

Am bk Edward May . . . Boston Feb 29

Am bkt Lurline S F ( Hilo)..Dec '26

U S S Iroquois San Fran...Am schr J G North . . S F (Mali). .Dec 30

Am schr E K Wood ... Newcastle. Jan 10KM S 8 Monowai San Fran Jan 14

RMSS Alameda Co onies. . Jan 14

Am bkt M Winkelman . .San Fran . .Jan 10

Am bk AldenBesse San Fran . Jan 25

Am schr Anna S F(Kab)..Jan 24

Am tern Eva S F (Mali).. Jan 25

Am schr Alice Cooke . . Puget S'd . . Feb 1

S S Yamashiro Maru Yokohama.Jan 7

Mis stmr Morning Star . .South Seas. Mar 25

Haw bk Foohng Suev . Boston J une 5Br yacht Beagle Cruise DueO & O S S Gaelic San Fran .Feb 11

P M SS Rio de Janeiro. .Yokohama. Jan 8



From Maui and Hawaii, per stmr W G

Hall, Jan 5 J G Hoapili, Mrs A Clark,RevTEykyn, W J Smithies and child,Mrs S Mahelona, J K Kekaula, Miss Ka-huak-

T K R Amalu, Mrs E M Jones andchild, J M Monsarrat, Mrs F Soto, Miss S

Ahina, W T Robinson, J G Rothwell,Father Rualt, E B Marshall. Q Goodness,C W Baldwin, R Wesmann, Mrs Marques,and 82 deck passengers.


For Kauai, per stmr Iwalani, Jan 5Hon V Kuudsen, C M Cooke, Miss DoraMossman. Mr and Mrs T 11 Gibson anil 2

Children, J Kauhane, J E Miller and wife,Miss Emma Blake, Miss .1 I Pope. Hon PP Kanoa, M Berlowitz. M J Perreira, MrWolters, Mrs Hagus, .1 A Palmer, FatherEmerau, Mrs Nunn, Hon W E Rowell, 4

Chinese, and 50 deck passengers.

For Maui, per stmr Claudine. Jan 5 Q

P Wilder and wife, J W Kalua. C R Mc-

Veigh and wife, Miss Gregory, Mrs ChaaLoveland, R B Scott, Miss Maguire. MrsAustin, Miss Ritchie, W T Robinson, A tFranca, Father Gulstan, Hon H I Bald-

win, A Borba, D Quill, M Kealoha, J S

Muirhead,C T Yan, and 40 deck passen-gers.


The barkentine Discovery, Captain D.McNeill, sailed January 5th for San Fran-cisco, with 10,241 bags sugar weighing1,214,511 pounds and valued at$34,Gob.3o.

The American barkentine S. N. Castle,Jj. H. Hubbard, master, sails to-da- y forSan Francisco.

The barkentine Robert Sudden complet-

ed unloading coal yesterday. She has beenmoved out in the stream where she will