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Dail y Computer games addict News Areas : LOCAL ISSUES WORLD ISSUES WORK and EDUCATION LIFESTYLE People start playing video games as a h start spending a lot of time with video become addicted, but there are people w hobby. Playing for many hours is like getting

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Post on 10-Nov-2015




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Computer games addict

People start playing video games as a hobby, but then start spending a lot of time with video games and they become addicted, but there are people who play like a hobby.Playing for many hours is like getting drugs, smoke,... this causes problems to the person: headache, you get stressed, your mood changes, you get agitated,...


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Local issuesBlackcardsThe case of the black cards have appeared in october 2014, they were given to the personnel of Caja Madrid. Black Cards, are like Visa Black, and inside the cards there are hundred of thousands euros. This money can be spent on massages, travels, luxury items,...Comisiones Obreras have finished the internal commissions that were opened to investigate the use that the six involved had done of the black cards of Caja Madrid.In all cases it is foreseeable that the document will finish with an expulsion.The six involved in the case are: Francisco Baquero, Antonio Rey De Vias, Rodolfo Benito, Juan Jos Azcona, Pedro Bedia and Gabriel Mara Moreno.The manager of the CC OO, said that no one of implicates wanted to give the money back and the union is embarrassed because of the action of those people and they have asked for forgiveness.


-Real Madrid and Bara FC played a match last Saturday, 25th October 2014 on the Santiago Bernabeu stadium. The match finished 3-1 winning Real Madrid.World issues

The first goal was from Bara in the first part, but at the beginning of the second part Cristiano Ronaldo scored a goal on a penalty, changing the scoreboard to 1-1. Finally Real Madrid scored 2 more goals and Madrid won the match.

-Three people were killed in a gunfire at 7:00 a.m. in a school near the railway station of Wilderswil, the capital of Switzerland. One body was found inside a car and the two others near the same car.

-Xavier Arretxe, one member of Fito and the Fitipaldis was driving a Range Rover at maximum speed throughout the Bizkaia mountains. He has composed a new song of their new single after being five years without releasing any song.

-The CNMC have imposed a fine of 25,78 millions of euros to Telefonica Moviles because of some permanency agreement included in their contracts to small and medium business, that unjustifiably limited the capacity of clients to change of operator.


Work and education

Work and education-How would you feel if you had to go to two different schools every day?We would feel bad because you spend a lot of time studying and you will get bored. And because you won't have time to be with your friends-Would you like to study this hard?In one hand yes, because if you study hard you will get a good job, but in the other hand no, because you can be stressed.-Why do we go to school? What is education for?We go to the school to study much because we need a good education to manage a good job.Education is for manage the job that you want in the future, and to spend all you life working in a job that you like and that is well paid.-Are there things you should not learn at school, but should learn from your family and friends? For example, who should teach you about politics/sex/education/how to deal with money/religion/the risks from smoking or taking drugs?Yes, sometimes people near you teaches you new thing of the life that you didn't know before and now a days are important to know about the life.-What makes a good school?A school where there are good teachers, in a place that you learn a lot about different subjects, such as , history, maths.. and a school where you are comfortable.



Too much TV?

-For us the TV is not much important , but we prefer to do other things like hang out with our friends,...-It would be good because we have other things to do like study, do sport, homework,.../ We would give up Disney Channel because we prefer other ones.-No, we don't like the TV adverts, it is better to see all the programme without adverts/ Yes, some of them have an influence on us, for example: Nike shoes, football matches or clothes adverts.- Most programmes do-The TV programmes in the past were black and white, now they are all colour TVs, now they have special effects, and now there are more TV programmes because in the past there were only 2 channels.-We think that in the future people arent going to see as much TV as today, because of the new technologies that are going to be in the future, the people arent going to see much TV.


Moral issues

Too old to have children?

-In our opinion men and women can have children at the age that they want, but this has advantages and disadvantages.The advantages of having babies in their 50s and 60s are that the baby is going to have a good attention, and there are not going to be economical problems.The disadvantages of having babies at 50 or 60 are that the baby isn't going to pass much time with his parents, and it is difficult to have children at this age, because the mum is not prepared physically.

The advantages of having children at 17 or in your 20s are that the baby gives you maturity and teaches you a big responsibility.The disadvantages of having children in your teens are that the baby is not going to be well looked after by the mother, and there can be economic problems. In addition, if the mother takes drugs during the pregnancy, she is condemning her unborn infant to neurological problems.We think that being older or younger is not a problem for the baby, but having a suitable home or everything necessary for the childs well-being is.


Food and health

-Portugalete Town Hall has banned the drinking of alcohol in public places like market squares and parks. Is that a good idea? Why/Why not?Yes, its a good idea.Because they leave the rubbish on the floor, and because the people who drink give a bad influence to the other people.

-When is it acceptable/unacceptable to drink? Should people be allowed to drink alcohol before they drive a car? on television? at football matches? at school? in restaurants? -It is acceptable to drink on pubs, homes,... but it is not unacceptable to drink outside the pubs or in the street.-No, its prohibited to drink alcohol before driving a car to avoid having accidents.- It is prohibited to drink alcohol inside the football stadium but they can buy drinks and food inside the stadium but without alcohol.-Its totally prohibited to drink alcohol at school.-It is acceptable for adults to have alcohol drinks in restaurants.

-What effect does alcohol have? Is it something that helps people relax and enjoy themselves, or is it a dangerous thing that causes anti-social behaviour?It produces headache, hangover, vomit, fatigue,...A dangerous thing that sometimes helps you to relax or cause problems inside your body.Page.7

The time stops next to the Guggenheimsports

The experience is such that the breath is suspended for a few seconds, as if time was stopped. Just follow the tiny figure standing over La Salve, which makes the event greater, even more than the bridge and the Guggenheim Museum looking from the shore of the river. The jumper becomes the only person who exists within a mile radius. He stands carefully on the platform to rethink their jump again. The time has come and it will take less than three seconds.No, you are not going to fall, although it looks like the edge of a 28-meter-cliff , and a seven-floor-building height. The moment has arrived, the cliff diver places his arms, and prepares to enter the water at about 90 miles per hour. The Red Bull Cliff Diving is a great event, impossible to forget, and this event is not everywhere, only in famous placesPage.8

Cinema review

Fast and furious 7

Fast and furious 7 is an action film directed by James Wan and written by Chris Morgan. The leading actors are: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Neal H. Moritz and Dwayne Johnson. And the supporting actors: Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson and Lucas Black. The is going to have a duration of 140 minutes and it is going to be on cinemas the 3rd of April.

Paul Walker didn't finish the film because he died on an accident while the film was recording, so he have had a memorable farewell on the film.The film have been recorded in different places, such as: U.S.A., Japan, United Arab Emirates and U.K.

Argument:After been defeated Owen Shaw, the team return to United States of America to recover their lives. But Deckard Shaw, the big brother of Owen, is looking for Dominic Toretto and Brian O'Conner to develop the death of his brother. When they notice of the Hans death the Fast and Furious family want to reach the person who kill Han, before he reach them.


-Two and a half men: Charlie Harper is an alcoholic, rich man and a ladiesmen, who lives in Malibu. His life changes a lot when his brother Allan and son Jake comes to live to his house because Allan divorced of Judith. Charlie is very angry because his brother is greedy but basically is happy of they are living with him.TV Guide

-How I meet your mother: In 2030, Ted Mosby the architech decided to tell his sons the story of how he meet their mother. The story begans much years ago when Ted mets Marshall and Lily at the university, the story tells about how Ted knews Barney ( the men who tried to get a girlfriend for him ), and Robin ( a Canadian girl who knows in a pub behind his house, and at first she was her girlfriend ).

-Big Bang theory: Sheldon Cooper the physicist is searching for someone to live with him. One day, Leonard is acepted by Sheldon and they start living together. Days ago, Leonard make new friends at work ( Raj, Howard ). They are very good friends because the most part are physicist and they like comics and videogames. One day, Penny arrives at the building in front of them. Penny is an actress of Omaha who traveled to Pasadena to search for work because she doesnt have money.


Weather forecast

Tomorrow, 17th of MarchIt is going to be a sunny day with some clouds, almost in all the Basque Country. In the south part of the country the weather is going to be better, with higher temperatures reaching the 30 degrees. The only problem is going to be in the medium part, it is predicted that a devastating storm is going to arrive there.18th of MarchThe weather is going to improve in most parts of the Basque Country. In some places the weather is not going to be as good as in other places. Around Bilbao we will have a rainy day with cold temperatures. In the part of Gasteiz the sun won't appear in all day.Pass a good weekend and enjoy San Jose. We will see again the next monday.Page.11


-Sagittarius :23rd November 22nd December If you are a good person with the others, you will have luck during all month-Geminis :21st May 21st June You will reach a person who is going to improve your life-Capricorn :23rd December 20th January You will get a good job with a good salary-Cancer:22nd June 23rd July You will be very healthy-Aquarius :21st January 19th February You will get a important notice from a unknown person who is going to change your life-Leo :24th July 23rd August You will pass a good month with your friends

-Pisces :20th February 20th March You will do a thing which you never thought that you could

-Virgo :24th August 23rd September You will have luck with your partner-Aries :21st March 20th April Your friends will prepare you a secret party-Libra :24th September 23rd October You will see a famous person and you will take a photo with him / her-Taurus :21st April 21st May You will receive a good present from somebody of your family-Scorpio :24th October 22nd NovemberYou will find something that you have lost for a lot of yearsPage.12

