daily 3 coatractor aid builder © r&n can get the same by proving ownership and paying costs,...

LEWISTON, IDAHO: THE DAILY TELLER. Raisins, currants, citron, lemon and orange peel, boiled cider and all ingred- ients for fruit cake and mince meat al Russell’s grocery. 46-tf FOR RENT—A 4-room house, base- ment and large barn. Block 4, North Park place, near Normal. Have cus- tomers for residence, business and farm property. Frank J. Young, Lewiston Nat’l. bank block. WHEAT STORED FREE. The Lewiston Milling Co., are prepared to store 40,000 bushels of wheat for mil- ling purposes without any storage charges. NOTICE. The Prescription Drug store is now lo- cated at the place formerly occupied by the Fashion. Captain Schattner, well known as a competent and thorough pharmacist, personally compounds all prescriptions and private recipes, thereby insuring that thoroughness so essential in all prescription work. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of stockholders of the Lewiston Light Co. Ltd., will be held at the office of the Lewiston National bank on Mon day Jan. 14, 1900. at 8 p. m. 07~5 S. H. Rhkd, Secretary. NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP DISSO- LUTION. Notice is hereby given, that the co- partnership heretofore ezisiting between Ora L, Kennedy and Susan E. Schaffer, partners as Kennedy & Schaffer, has been this day dissolved; that Ora L. Ken- nedy succeeds to the business of said firm, retaining all the assets and assuming and paying all the liabilities thereof. Dated December 12, 1900. Ora L. Kennedy, Susan E. Schaffer DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the law partnership lately subsisting between us, the undersigned, Frederick D. Culver, Elmer E. Halsey and Miles S. Johnson, doing business under the firm name of Culver, Halsey & Johnson, at Lewiston, Idaho, was, on the 31st day of December, 1900, dissolved by mutual consent, E mer E. Halsey and Miles S. Johnson retiring from the firm. Frederick d . Culver Elmer E. Halsey Miles S. J ohnson. j7 j. PBILLIPI, The Old Reliable MERCHANT TAILOR is now prepared to do business at the old stand. Suits made to order; cleaning and rapairing at reasonable prices. Carry a iull line of Foreign and Domestic Goods. Swanson street, back of Dr. Phillip’s lesidence : : : : ^ IfaMan's ^ in Love. £ e THAT IS HIS BUSINESS. IF A G I R L’S IN LOVE, THAT IS HER BUSINESS IF ANYONE IS IN LOVE WITH GOOD PRINT ING, THAT IS OUR BUSINESS WE DO MOD ERN PRINTING AT MODERN P R I C E S 'Phone No. 906 will find Wm. F Galbraith, the Dentist. Cudahy’s Celebrated Rex brand of hams and bacon at Wildeuthaler’s. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up by John McNulty, on Nov. 19, 1900: One sorrel mare with white face, four white feet, branded ‘T P” on right hind quarter, about six years old. Also one black gelding, about six years | old, branded thus: f l on the right hind quarter. If owner does not claim and pay alt charges within forty days of the date of this notice, will be sold according to Sec. 1362, Revised Statutes of the State of Idaho. J ohn McNulty, Sec. 14, tp 35, 1 E B M. Russell, Ida. NOTICE OF ESTRAY. Came into my pasture last summer two heifers, one red and white branded “ q q" on.right hip, right ear cut off, under bit in left; oue dark red muley, with same mark and brands. Owner can have them by proving ownership and paying charges. Robt. Hayter. Three miles west of Big Eddy 011 south side of Clearwater. 58-im NOTICE OF ESTRAY. Bkeman, Nov. 24, 1900. I have taken up at my residence on the sw qr of the se qr, sec 31, tp 36, nri. W. B. M: One gray mare about eight years old, weight about 950 pounds, brand on left hind quarter “B” about 4 inches long. Owner can get the same by proving ownership and paying costs, Charles R. Tredb. Quenville & Miller, -GENERAL- BLACKSMITHING Shoeing a Specialty Special Apparatus for Handling Unruly Horses. Barton Shop, 4th and @ St H. T MADCWICK Coatractor a id Builder I.BWISTON, IDAHO NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of William McDonough, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given, that let- ters of administration on the estate of William McDonough, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 18th day of February, 1899, by the probate court of Nez Perce county. All person« having claims against said estate are re- quired to exhibit them to me for allow- ance at my residence in Grafton, South- wick P. O., within four months after the date of the first publication this notice, or they shall be forever barred. This 19th day of December, 1900.' 68-im O- L. Phillips, Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Elias S. White, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Elias S. White, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 27th day of December 1900 by the probate court ol Nez Perce county. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance at my residence on Aken street, Clearwater addition to the city of Lewiston, Idaho within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or they shall be forever barred. This 27th day of December 1900. Mary'A. White . Administratrix. L. L. STRONG, Undertaker and EmbalmerJ Room« in new Eichenberger block I Stenography Typewriting. All Work Dose Promptly. Adrian R. Sweet. Binu&rd Block. nm wm fw m w m w t P. W. Kettenbach, Fire I n AndLoais. Lewiston, Idaho. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of William Audernacht, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given, that let- ters of administration on the estate of William Andernacht, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 21st day of December 1900, by the probate court of Nez Perce county. All persons haying claims against said estate are re- quired to exhibit them to me for allow- ance, at my place of business in Kamiab, Idaho, within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or they shall be forever barred. This 21st day of December, 1900. 71- Robert L Spiker. Administrator. NOTICE STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Kettenbach Co., Limited, has been called to convene on Saturday the 12th day of January, 1901, at 10 o’clock a. m., at the directors room of the Lewiston National Bank in Lewiston, Nez Perce county, state of Idaho. Said meeting has been called for the puroose of electing five directors tor said corporation for the first year of its existence, and for the purpose of adopt- ing bylaws for said corporation. By order of the acting president. Dated this 28th day of December, 1900. Frank W. Kbttbnbach. Acting president of Kettenbach Co., Limited. 75-Jann T H E TELLER PRINT’RY ESTRAY NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that I took up at the residence of B. H. Terteling, three and one-half miles southeast of Lewiston on the 27th day of September, 1900, the following described estrays, towit: One bay mare, strip in the face, about 8 years old, weight about 900, branded, diamond with straight line over it, on left shoulder, few saddle marks. One bay mare, weight about 850 pounds, about 8 years old, branded O on right stifle and 111 on left stifle. One brown gelding, about 10 years old, weight about 900, white stripe in face, branded with a bird picture on left shoulder, saddle marks. Owner can have said property on proving same and paying charges as prescribed by law. Dated Jan. 6, 1901. P. B. Terteling. REID & COMPANY CONTRACTORS PROPRIETORS OF THE SPOKANE TILE WORKS And Manufacturers of Paving and Floor Tiling. Will make special rates to citi- zens of Lewiston ,or the construction of CEMENT OR TILE SIDEWALKS floors or driveways while engaged here on street work. Call at Raymond House or address box 334. Dray and Express W. E. MATHEWS, Proprietor. All orders promptly at- tended to. Call or leave orders at Thatcher & Kling, Tel. Ill E. TEXIER, j THE PIONEER GROCER. A full line of select family Groceries. Fruits and vegetables in season. Good value for your money. Prompt delivery. j. Main Stret, between 2nd and 3rd. V A A d k d k A A A 4 A d k A J GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY NONE BETTER ^Nothing like it! That in wbal says about tbe everybody WEISGERBER BEER Strictly a first class article and absolutely pure. Uau ■ hot ;au r be bad In keg or Ttottle. f ^ The California Brewary, k WeinhardoeDepot Main at., opp. Damas building. 6HÂS. PARKER, Proprietor. Old Hermitage, and other fine Castle Whiskies, Imported Wines, Brandy, Gin and all varieties of leading case goods together with .... La Flora de Alfonso, and Fiesta de Oro Ci- gars, a n d .................. W E I N H A R D’S BEER, Comprehend a first-class stock of Wines. Liquors and Clears which I offer to the Lewiston public. CHAS PARKER FRUIT BOXES OF ALL KINDS MANUFACTURED BY THE Winchester Lumber C O e e e e LUMBER CO., WINCHESTER Winchester, Idaho. ssss 3 SIDEBOARD SALOON— a. W. L. BOISE, Prop. SPECIATIES— Red Top Rye, (ten vears old) Pullman Bourbon (fourteen years old) Old Crow, Hermitage, Old Taylor, Canadian Rye, Canadian Whisky © R&N EAST. Gives tbe cboioe of Courteous Treatment to AI 1Two Transcontinental R O U TE S e G KRESS Jawaler watchmaker REPAIRIMQ SPECIALTY Mala Street Postoffice Block L. e. NEAL, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER And dealer in furniture, picture frames and moulding, White,Wheeler & Wilson, and New Home sewing machines. Ma- chines to rent. Telephones: Store, 962; residence, 875. Great North’n By VIA SPOKANE MINNEAP- OLIS ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO Oregon Short Line VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY Ocean Steamers leave Portland every Five Days for SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers leave Lewiston dally at 8:80 a. m., connecting at Hi parla with trains for east and west. Returning, leave Rlparla at 3:40 a. in. U. W. MOUNT, Gen’l Agent, H. HURLBURT, Lewiston W. _ Age» Portland, Urea on Range Meat Maiket. DILL BROTHERS, Prop’s. Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats. Sausages and Fancy Meats a specialty. We would be pleased to receive a portion of your patronage ________ Baal Mala Straat. Lew la ten, la» r. M. Donzac & Co. j Wines, Liquors and Cigars. U J Mallory & Lydon Livery Stable. (Martin Collin's Old Stand) Lewiston, Idaho. LIVESY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. * o •z <0 o SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS PALACE DINING, SLEEPING AND OBSERVATION CARS. MEALS—A LA CARTE TOURIST CARS OF THE LATEST DESIGNS Close connection East and West-bound at Spokane with trains of the O. R. 4 N. Com pany. Direct connection at St. Paul, without chante of depot, with all trains for Chicago. New York, Boston. Philadelphia, Omaha and all points West and South. Leaves Spokane daily for Least at 10:15 a.m. Leaves Spokane paily for West at 7:45 p, m. West-bound trains make direct connection for Seattle, Tacoma, Portland. San Francisco and all points on the Sound. East-bound trains, during the season of navigation, connect at Duluth with the mag- nificent steamships Northwest and North- land of the Northern steamshÿ Company operated In connection with the Great North- ern Nailway. For further information, maps, folders, etc., apply to any agent of the O. K. fit Company, or to F. I. Whitney, h . a . J ackson, Q«i’l Pass. A Tkt. Agt. St. Paul. Minn Commercial Agent. Spokana. Wash N 8 Pullman Sleeping Care Elegant Dining Cars. Tourist Sleeping Cars. St. Paul, Minneapolis Duluth Fargo to Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte. THROUGH - TICKETS TO Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New York Boston and all Points Fast and Sont«.. For intormatlon, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or write R. B. Hooper, Agent. — OR— A. D. C harlton , Asst. Cen’l Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon New Rigs, New Stock, Everything up tc date. Calls will receive prompt attention. ’Phone No. 17. 'A A A A A A A t OUR____ I SPECIALTIES ï ? 5 ï 5” Telephone 108 Wildenthaler Block *1 Home Rendered Lard,c“r 'eown w H A M S and B A C O N Pork Tenderloins, Spare- ribs, Pork Sausage, Head Cheese, Liver Sausage,etc. CITY MARKET vw vw m w y No Longer An Experiment. The St. Louis Special is no longer an experi- ment. It is an unqualified success. The experience of the last seven months de- monstrates that there is a distinct demand for through-train service from Washington and Montana to the South and Southeast. The St. Louis Special fills that demand. It is the only train which takes you through to Kan- sas City and St. Louis WITHOUT OUT A SIN- GLE CHANGE OF CARS. Only one change to Omaha and Denver. Tickets at Northern Pacific Ticket offices. Letters of Inquiry, addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. A. B. JACKSON. Agent. Jamleaon Bldg., Spokane, Wash. ********* » * ...................... a Ad - aat- v - - r - r rrutj

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Raisins, currants, citron, lemon and orange peel, boiled cider and all ingred­ients for fruit cake and mince meat al Russell’s grocery. 46-tf

FOR RENT—A 4-room house, base­ment and large barn. Block 4, North Park place, near Normal. Have cus­tomers for residence, business and farm property. Frank J. Young,

Lewiston Nat’l. bank block.

WHEAT STORED FREE.The Lewiston Milling Co., are prepared

to store 40,000 bushels of wheat for mil­ling purposes without any storage charges.

NOTICE.The Prescription Drug store is now lo­

cated at the place formerly occupied by the Fashion. Captain Schattner, well known as a competent and thorough pharmacist, personally compounds all prescriptions and private recipes, thereby insuring that thoroughness so essential in all prescription work.

NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.Notice is hereby given that the annual

meeting of stockholders of the Lewiston Light Co. Ltd., will be held at the office of the Lewiston National bank on Mon day Jan. 14, 1900. at 8 p. m.

0 7 ~ 5 S. H. Rhkd, Secretary.


Notice is hereby given, that the co­partnership heretofore ezisiting between Ora L, Kennedy and Susan E. Schaffer, partners as Kennedy & Schaffer, has been this day dissolved; that Ora L. Ken­nedy succeeds to the business of said firm, retaining all the assets and assuming and paying all the liabilities thereof.

Dated December 12, 1900.Ora L. Kennedy, Susan E. Schaffer

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIPNotice is hereby given that the law

partnership lately subsisting between us, the undersigned, Frederick D. Culver, Elmer E. Halsey and Miles S. Johnson, doing business under the firm name of Culver, Halsey & Johnson, at Lewiston, Idaho, was, on the 31st day of December, 1900, dissolved by mutual consent, E mer E. Halsey and Miles S. Johnson retiring from the firm.

Frederick d . Culver Elmer E. Halsey Miles S. Johnson.

j7 j . PBILLIPI,The Old Reliable


is now prepared to do business at the old stand. Suits made to order; cleaning and rapairing at reasonable prices. Carry a iull line of Foreign and Domestic Goods. Swanson street, back of Dr. Phillip’s lesidence : : : :

^ IfaMan's ^ in Love.



'Phone No. 906 will find Wm. F Galbraith, the Dentist.

Cudahy’s Celebrated Rex brand of hams and bacon at Wildeuthaler’s.

ESTRAY NOTICE.Taken up by John McNulty, on Nov.

19, 1900: One sorrel mare with white face, four white feet, branded ‘T P” on right hind quarter, about six years old.

Also one black gelding, about six years | old, branded thus: f l on the right hind quarter.

If owner does not claim and pay alt charges within forty days of the date of this notice, will be sold according to Sec. 1362, Revised Statutes of the State of Idaho. John McNulty,Sec. 14, tp 35, 1 E B M. Russell, Ida.

NOTICE OF ESTRAY.Came into my pasture last summer two

heifers, one red and white branded “ q q" on.right hip, right ear cut off, under bit in left; oue dark red muley, with same mark and brands.

Owner can have them by proving ownership and paying charges.

Rob’t. Hayter.Three miles west of Big Eddy 011 south

side of Clearwater. 58-im

NOTICE OF ESTRAY.Bkeman, Nov. 24, 1900.

I have taken up at my residence on the sw qr of the se qr, sec 31, tp 36, nri. W. B. M:

One gray mare about eight years old, weight about 950 pounds, brand on left hind quarter “ B” about 4 inches long.

Owner can get the same by proving ownership and paying costs,

Charles R. Tredb.

Quenville & Miller,-GENERAL-


Shoeing a Specialty

Special Apparatus for Handling Unruly Horses.

B a r to n S h o p , 4 th an d @ S t


Coatractor aid BuilderI .B W I S T O N , I D A H O

NOTICE TO CREDITORS.Estate of William McDonough, de­

ceased. Notice is hereby given, that let­ters of administration on the estate of William McDonough, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 18th day of February, 1899, by the probate court of Nez Perce county. All person« having claims against said estate are re­quired to exhibit them to me for allow­ance at my residence in Grafton, South- wick P. O., within four months after the date of the first publication this notice, or they shall be forever barred.

This 19th day of December, 1900.' 68-im O- L. Phillips, Administrator.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS.Estate of Elias S. White, deceased.Notice is hereby given that letters of

administration on the estate of Elias S. White, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 27th day of December 1900 by the probate court ol Nez Perce county.

All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance at my residence on Aken street, Clearwater addition to the city of Lewiston, Idaho within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or they shall be forever barred.

This 27th day of December 1900.Mary'A. Wh ite .


L. L. S T R O N G ,

Undertaker and Em balm erJ

Room« in new Eichenberger block

I Stenography

Typewriting.All Work Dose Promptly.

Adrian R. Sweet.Binu& rd B lock.

n m w m f w m w m w t

P. W. Kettenbach,

Fire I n AndLoais.

Lewiston, Idaho.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS.Estate of William Audernacht, de­

ceased. Notice is hereby given, that let­ters of administration on the estate of William Andernacht, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 21st day of December 1900, by the probate court of Nez Perce county. All persons haying claims against said estate are re­quired to exhibit them to me for allow­ance, at my place of business in Kamiab, Idaho, within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or they shall be forever barred.

This 21st day of December, 1900.71- Robert L Spiker. Administrator.

NOTICE STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice is hereby given that a meeting

of the stockholders of the Kettenbach Co., Limited, has been called to convene on Saturday the 12th day of January, 1901, at 10 o’clock a. m., at the directors room of the Lewiston National Bank in Lewiston, Nez Perce county, state of Idaho. Said meeting has been called for the puroose of electing five directors tor said corporation for the first year of its existence, and for the purpose of adopt­ing bylaws for said corporation.

By order of the acting president.Dated this 28th day of December, 1900.

Frank W. Kbttbnbach. Acting president of Kettenbach Co.,

Limited. 75-Jann




ESTRAY NOTICENotice is hereby given, that I took up

at the residence of B. H. Terteling, three and one-half miles southeast of Lewiston on the 27th day of September, 1900, the following described estrays, towit: One bay mare, strip in the face, about 8 years old, weight about 900, branded, diamond with straight line over it, on left shoulder,

few saddle marks. One bay mare, weight about 850 pounds, about 8 years old, branded O on right stifle and 111 on left stifle. One brown gelding, about 10 years old, weight about 900, white stripe in face, branded with a bird picture on left shoulder, saddle marks. Owner can have said property on proving same and paying charges as prescribed by law.

Dated Jan. 6, 1901.P. B. Terteling.



SPOKANE TILE WORKSAnd Manufacturers of Paving and Floor Tiling. Will make special rates to citi­zens of Lewiston ,or the construction of

C E M E N T O R T I L E S ID E W A L K Sfloors or driveways while engaged here on street work. Call at Raymond House or address box 334.

Dray and ExpressW. E. MATHEWS, Proprietor.

All orders promptly at­tended to.

Call or leave orders atThatcher & Kling, Tel. Ill


A full line of select f ami l y G roceries. Fruits and vegetables in season. Good value for your money. Prompt delivery.

j. Main Stret, between 2nd and 3rd.

V A A d k d k A A A 4 A d k A J



^Nothing like it!That in wbal

says about tbeeverybody


S tr ic tly a firs t c lass a rtic le a n d ab so lu te ly pu re . Uau

■ ho t;au r

be b a d In keg o r Ttottle. f

^ T h e C a lifo r n ia B r e w a r y , k

WeinhardoeDepotMain at., opp. Damas building.

6 H Â S . P A R K E R , P r o p r ie to r .

Old Hermitage,and other fine Castle Whiskies, Imported

Wines, Brandy,Gin and all varieties of leading case goods together with . . . .

La Flora de Alfonso,and Fiesta de Oro Ci­gars, a n d ..................

W E I N H A R D’S B E E R ,

Comprehend a first-class stock of Wines. Liquors and Clears which I offer to the Lewiston public.




WinchesterLumberC O e e e e





W. L. BOISE, Prop.

SPECIATIES—Red Top Rye, (ten vears old)Pullman Bourbon (fourteen years old)

Old Crow, Hermitage, Old Taylor,Canadian Rye, Canadian W hisky

© R&NE A S T .

G ives tb e cbo ioe of

Courteous Treatment to AI

1 Two Transcontinental


e G KRESSJ a w a le r w a tc h m a k e r


Mala Street Postoffice Block


And dealer in furniture, picture frames and moulding, White,Wheeler & Wilson, and New Home sewing machines. Ma­chines to rent. Telephones: Store, 962; residence, 875.

Great North’n By






Oregon Short Line





Ocean Steamers leave Portland every Five Days for

SAN FRANCISCO.S team ers leave L ew isto n d a lly a t 8:80

a . m ., co n n ec tin g a t Hi p a rla w ith tra in s for e a s t a n d w est. R e tu rn in g , leave R lp a rla a t 3:40 a. in .

U. W . M O U N T , G e n ’l A gen t,

H. HURLBURT, LewistonW._ Age»

P o r tla n d , U rea on

Range Meat Maiket.D IL L B R O T H E R S , P r o p ’s .

Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats. Sausages and Fancy Meats a specialty. We would be pleased to receive a portion of your patronage

________ B a a l M ala S tr a a t . L e w la t e n , la »

r.M. Donzac & Co.

j Wines, Liquors and Cigars.U J

Mallory & Lydon Livery Stable.(Martin Collin's Old Stand)

Lewiston, Idaho.



<0 o




Close connection East and West-bound at Spokane with trains of the O. R. 4 N. Com pany.

Direct connection at St. Paul, without chante of depot, with all trains for Chicago. New York, Boston. Philadelphia, Omaha and all points West and South.Leaves Spokane daily for Least at 10:15 a.m. Leaves Spokane paily for West at 7:45 p, m.

West-bound trains make direct connection for Seattle, Tacoma, Portland. San Francisco and all points on the Sound.

East-bound trains, during the season of navigation, connect at Duluth with the mag­nificent steamships Northwest and North­land of the Northern steamshÿ Company operated In connection with the Great North­ern Nailway.

For further information, maps, folders, etc., apply to any agent of the O. K. fit Company, or to

F. I. Whitney, h . a . J ackson,Q«i’l Pass. A Tkt. Agt.

St. Paul. MinnCommercial Agent.

Spokana. Wash


Pullman Sleeping Care Elegant Dining Cars. Tourist Sleeping Cars.

St. Paul, Minneapolis Duluth Fargo

t o Grand ForksCrookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte.


Chicago,W ashington,Philadelphia,New YorkBoston and allPoints Fast and Sont«..

For intormatlon, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or write R. B. Hooper, Agent.

—OR—A. D. C h a r l to n ,

Asst. Cen’l Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon

New Rigs, New Stock, Everything up tc date. Calls will receive prompt attention. ’Phone No. 17.

' A A A A A A A t


I SPECIALTIESï ? 5 ï 5 ”

Telephone 108 Wildenthaler Block

* 1Home Rendered Lard,c“r'eown w H A M S a n d B A C O N

Pork Tenderloins, Spare- ribs, Pork Sausage, Head Cheese, Liver Sausage,etc.


v w v w m w y

No Longer An Experiment.

The St. Louis Special is no longer an experi­ment. It is an unqualified success.

The experience of the last seven months de­monstrates that there is a distinct demand for through-train service from Washington and Montana to the South and Southeast.

The St. Louis Special fills that demand. It is the only train which takes you through to Kan­sas City and St. Louis WITHOUT OUT A SIN­GLE CHANGE OF CARS. Only one change to Omaha and Denver.

Tickets at Northern Pacific Ticket offices. Letters of Inquiry, addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt attention.

A . B . J A C K S O N . A g e n t .J a m le a o n B ld g . , S p o k a n e , W a sh .

********* » * ......................a Ad - aat-v - - r - r rrutj