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. , 1 • I \ by :'THE S:EvtN'l'H DAY IS THE SABBA.TJI OF THE LORD GOD." TBB)[S--12 60 a M •• lllis •• ,- VOLUME 7. _ WESTERLY, R.1., FIFTH-DAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1865. by the living teacher, as well as by r;nending the same thing. A meeting ber inmoBt soul she knows that tbe th tId b-: the distril...tion of tracts, -,vherever a. ove 1m not I I and im- incur the antipathy of others b1 do- Of" of the Board 'Was soon after held, pure spirit of ber girlbood is gone. poslDg stroctures rise the bank! iug rigbt in h I b' circumstancea might demand: The mainly to consider the s,ubject, and -Timothy Titcomb. of the Schuylkill at this oted way. a a 0, sur y, or ,- .• j Board have not been informed of op- was very fully discussed. Such a hour, hundred POor boys Did ODr Savioor ever fall into ei- Lotbilan. portunities to do anything in this di- history was deemed desirable, if it THE CAUSE. are fed, clothed; trained' taught, ther of these extremes for a moment 7 ar X\IlI. s. S. SOOWDLI.. rection. The missionaries sent out should come from our own denomina- BY JOHN G. WBITTIJ<R. upon the income of enormous Was not bis tbe Bin less, Oather tbem In, 0 longing beRrt, . \ God mend hiS beart who ';'mnol feel estate wuich he won 'thiA entire ble mal'esty that awed bl'a"oIIowers tb tb I ( one8 ID I by the Seventh-day Baptist Mission- But. to d t h' t . Th' I r h I a\ 't' b a " , Oa er e 01;0 eo' a op any IS ory, In e Impu se a a 0 y ze coosecru IOn to t e of accumu- while his gentle benl'gnl'ty iIlB:£!'"ed' Thore Is room "r !til-not one can part S c' h d b l l . th' hI' And sees not witb hrs sordid eyes I t" H The maglo qlrcle. tho' shame and 8m ary 0 Ie.), ave ou tess, lD elr woe or 111 part, no'W published, as The beauty of self.sacrlfille I a IDg property. . the ample their enthusiastic love? If jail lJeiitil_lt, Should set tbelr seal on a darling'. brow, labors with feeble churches and oth- a atantlard work for this denomina- Tbough ID tbe sacred plaae he stands grounds of Girard looking were now on earth, we can im.. .nne 'nd sear tbe soul with a burning brand; UphftlDg consecrated hands, 'up at I't fi . d b -.- c:me 0 I beloved. around me now. ers, done very much to sustain and tion, would be unworthy of a people Unworthv are hIS \lP" to trill s ve massive e mces, t at the poorest people -,vould Dot be Meet me now in the soul's brigbt "'pd. I S bb th h Of Jesus' martyred mIracle. strolliug in its or by its afraid to approach him. Were he to Born " .'here New Jersey, bome of my heart. promu gate a a trut. who have as much talent as the verdant I' . LI;s on the far Atlantic shore, dId' h h S th-d B' B'd Not to the SWift nor 10 tbe onrong, h h IstenlDg to enter a modern mission school as be _L __ __ , . -- !'or the Sitlbbatb. Reeoraer. JfY JlEART'B GUESTS. Gaze wistfully over tbe hills WhlOb start 3 . n accor ance Wit t e tbird even ay aptlsts. eSI es this . The b&ttles of tbe fight belnng I .. ' tile c em of at p!ay, once entered a synagogiJe, hriw the IlIinbtn..'Wfbi"r.,Im:'h! . In bewildering light from the sunllet lIfIIL, suggestion, the Board issued a circu- it is expected that a more compre- For be-who stnkes tor freedom, wear. t?e most sympathetic imagma- ra.gged yoongsters would dr ft - to :, On wbose shores hes the land which ahel. The armor of tbe capllve', prayers; tlve f m .. lers me, lar, which was sent to aU the church- hensive and better work than any And nature proffers to blS cause 0 men mURt pause before cen ulm I If be visited our bOUBel, how I' k' t t d t'b t' t th now eytanton thl's suh';ect, would be Thestrenglbof berelernallaws; sur!ng tbe sterile and!nnlovely life welcome he woold make bimself a i n'"e Ihe voices now hushed in the oburch. es, as mg s a e con n u IOns 0 e d Wh,le he wbose arm essaJ'S to bind. of Its &ounder A d 'f b b d . fi 0 I "" i I And herd WIth common brlltes hiS .' . n lee oul 10· our resides, and how our children I I yard st I , tract cause. Some of the churahes the resnlt, if undertaken by the So- '" q I' I l' b h lAnd those which on strangers' earsllOW thrill, Strlve. evermore at fearful odds u ra C OAe y 1nto·t e & Ilracter and w,ould love to climb on bis I.p anO lbi"llall':j(I"':t.M,: 1 S,,,elled the home oborUs In one nql tone. have responded by sending in to tbe ciety. Such a work will ,doubtless IMe ?'He.er map wbo willed this great klIS. that penilite, benigu .. Dt q bra .. e boy on the war.tratl i. treasury iheir contributions, while require ml\ch time, labor, and thor- Or soon, theIr rlghts shall mto being he would per- face I Tbere II nothing T ugh the noisome swamp, many ave not been ear rom. researc . e.o owing reso- " . h Id -- ... ,.., _. 1" of battle. bl8laurels h h d f h Th" II . be willing to admit tbat to hiB divine dignitv In' th'- I1br... I I . STEPHEN Gl&ARD •. - was Nom ID t e wor for une Girard Jesos drew to him poor sutrering guarded love bath kept There is not! that interest felt by the ubon was unanimoulOly adopted by tiJollgb it were a pity there shoold w.omen, and outcast DubhcaDB, aria Watcb nnd waro wbIle he waked or slept; churches, and that promptness of the Board, at the meeting above re- Wilhin tile of many per- ever be anotber. slDners tbat had a IItire heart-ache' . , - . " ' o !lction, which we are confident the ferred to, and is inserted here to 80ns still alive, " old GIrard," as the . Such an inquicy perhaps, troops of .little .children.w.ho re! ·BJ!J.Q'.QPlBG, ............ On\ftewld!lgWheh,el.re fate or tbe world was tract cause is entitled to, and it is show their view of the matter; famous banker was usually styled, a dIsclose that Stf'phen Girard was JOIce.d to receIve .bls. bened.IcUoncOr I W'" .lal.f .. 'a L_I o sbort, stoot, brIsk old gpntlemau, endowed by t "th h .... J'l". 1- Il\ s "ood right arm hath helped turn the h d th t d '" '11 b R nil. ure '1'\'1 a great to smg osannaS'1D hiS pral oa Among a-,pjIQ< 'e -bo ..' ope a renewe euorts WI e " esolved, That the Executive used to walk ID bis Bwift, awkward b t 11 I "" - - scale, I ear as we as a pawerfn N.ow., what Chr.ist was, every o.';'-n "-re'·- oC',;.,e· ... · Wbere dealh swoops by Qn the sulphurons made by our people, so that the Board of the American Sabbath way, the Blnets of the lower part of and tbat cl'rc t I Ob h Id """ "".. ..u IT W nms ances a. one rlsttan s ou strtve to be. He is had ... , . ... ,. missiles fall like hail. treasury will be fully supplied with Tract Society are disposed to publish Philadelpbia. TiJongb everything and bardened the one, and llur model not only"n t1 8 h \" '"I':' 1'<1, \.- Ill' brave, tr\le soldIer, stands undIsmayed; . _, t th a standard History of the Sahbath "bout bim indicated tbat he had very perverted tbe other. It is not im. ne b t'-' I spo f e\ 0 outtire.k of' the 'f8betllo.n; 8.rfe from Ibe pestIlence-safe from tb. foe. necessary ineans to carry ou e provided a suitable manuscript little in commo" with bis fellow-citi. probable that he was one of tbose ss'1s 0 ID WlDsomeneBII o. c ar&oo bis parish, and'''YIHGOJI, b,. ..... God .hiolds my darling where'er he may go. plans of the Society, and meet the be obtained " and having means that zens, he was Ibe llJalked man of tbe t b . h d ter a o. Let learn of him. illg lip for hiB cquntfv tAit- b h d b d unlor unate emgs w 0' esire to be us learn blm how. to o·a I'n a. b'. "'lei -el""""'eoted· , Berne where the 0 uro yar 8 a ow. sweep dem nd f th Th . ht be I' d t d h k'\ f h . H' I 'Q Into noon's brIghtness a wave of gloom, a s 0 e cause upon us. e mIg app Ie owar suc a wor , "CI Y or more t an a genemtlOn. IS oved, but whose tempel1 and appear· the mo?t rIgId. lIens.e of Justice, pur_l- of dDty, be b&d "0 l.Je witb hands folded in quiet sleep, fact that the Treasurer's report shows we cordially invite proposals for asvect was ratber insiglJllicant and combine to repel it. The mar- tyand mtegnty With th I bl t- " USu O !e"nuewnitdle Y , !"yY ; an increase of receipt! over expen- writing it, and we will cheerfully q uite His dress ble 8tatue of him, which adorns the traction of' e ova e a and a martyr. It ... "toil Ir'ta I tt d t .. d a P f b d d h bb d B a sunny ,ace, a b"..r from A.I tbe summons of Love e'en the sleepers d't d' h a en 0 any commulllcatJOn a - w s 0 u- 018 lOne an Bay,' ail entrance to tbe pn'ncl'pne bnl'ldl'ng I'f w d Iii h t d ... ........ I ures urlng t e present year . "'I, or ! an onse scour esy, an a pie, ·""'tl·m-I··" .A L .. 'f .... _ .. L will start. ' , dressed to our Corresponding Sccre- be wore the pig-tail, the white neck- t ld k' b ..,. u .... .., "" .. _1- h Id . . d' . cou spea, mIg t Bay to us, "Liv- genolDe sym. pathy for even the most and fidell't: v, ',both , .... a no ... soldier.boy. with his sW8rthy cheek. S OU iD nowise Isparage an iD- tary." cloth, tbe wlde-bdmmed bat, and the Ing you could n t u d t d b d d '# ,.,- .... - , ,on ers an oor ar ene smners. Tbe worst men ml'n'lster ' \',' Comes from blS oamp on Potomao's sbore; creased effort in this direction. The - large·skirted coat of the last centu· I d d J 1 1 And she \Vho died where the Chesapeake ' The above action of the Board was H d ove me; ea, compe. at east, may scoff at Bible religion; but at Ooe praised hi ....... OQal·ea:;. Chanls her dirge in his solemn roar; fund on hand is' small indeed, com- made bl' th h th I fry. e was blin in one eye t and your respect!' Indeed, he used to heart honor the conistent Ohristian, men·" and .poke 'o,r f -- "'1. ,L..1o. amttl And she whose bark drifted slowly away d' h h d d Ii pU IC roug e eo umns 0 tbough hlS burley eye-brows gave b t' d h' ... II .... U I f I i h d P are Wit t e eman or the spread S say, w en ques lOne as I to IS ca- w.ho wears the beauty of I'n eyes 'and radi·'"t :.-:"e. A ... From the c asp 0 so many ov Dg an 8, the ABBATH RECORDER. One commu- Borne chalacter 10 hIS countenance .. W' II I aa - _UlII - And was lost in tbe glow of that goldoIl' day f S bb th t th d th k h' h ' I or; m th y bls cbaraete.r a. nd co. ndact. A hVlng, p ..rtw·olarly COmmended bi· .... d...... y. Whichforeverrelgnsmtbe heavenly lands; 0 a a ru ; an e wor w lC nication only has been received in it was curIOusly devoid of expres- " a .... I ... ,. -. And tbel!ltle ones. whose innocent eyes the American Sabbath Tract Society sion. He bad also the absent look wan Review. ovable Ohnstlan, IS the most averred be " .. J.re full ot the Ugbt at ParadIse; response. That one was from Eld. lb' d fnl argument for the Gospel. No In- work. A tbird spOke of hia halllil{{" And lbosewhose hearts can never grow cold has set its hands to, should not fail A H L . f nr I dO" !DaD w 0 eIther ba no tboughts fid I t f t d th t ''.I ... h h b th I ft Ih Id ,. f Id . . eWlS, 0 nester y, R. I., an b b d' t' h d h LOVA"DLE OHRISTIANS. e ever ye. re t:I ea. -he never seemed to leel .. '-'-." ·"'e .0 I e one w 0" eo ",ome. ° ; nor falter until the Sabbath of the or was a sor e ID uoug t; an e D St d Cb t 'h L Oh l' ,..., .. !W All. all are here, and thelr voices till intimated that he might be willing sbuflled along on his enormous feet, Paul paints tbe portrait of the u y rls , ten. ove. j of biB took, .ad ,,, .. ·lnM Ity soul's sldl halls wlth,a musical thrlll. Fourth Commandment shall be recog d get yoor heart satorated With blm t h' b d t -'a. - to un ertake the work, under certain lookmg n{·ith .. r to tbe right nor to true ChrIstian in the eig' hth verse of pn I. aD 0 aD, 111-' And the falher. growing old and worn. nized by all who profess to love the . th I I Tb I h Follow Christ. His example and his or 4rlluhrer·v. Renews hI. youth a8 he Joms the band; CIrcumstances, out made no definite e e t. ere was 1\ ways a cer- t e closing cbapter of. his letter to grace can turn deformity, and And chlldhood's grace andIOY are borne and keep His law. Even the proposition. As to the eoployment tain look of the old mariner abont Ihe Philliplans. Here it is j the por ness, and sin, into tbe sweet comeli- On J,sters' brows al they touch my present plans of the Society alC such, f t t 't b k h bim, though he had been fifty years trait is one that he have writ· ueSB of "whatsoever tbings are love- an •. 0 an agen 0 wn e a 00, t e an I'nhabllallt of the town. Wben t b' d h 't' And th I d b I Ih i blo that if carried out, the fund on hand B d f h .. en IS owu name on eu w en I was Iy, and whatllOeeer things are ua roam, W lee even ng W8 oar are 0 t e opmlOn, that it be rode it was in the plainest, least d t Her soft breath over the prairIes far, '11 I th k d one; good report." He that winneth soul. And the blusblng sunset tainter glow< WI cn y commence e wor ,an would not be best for the Society to comfortable gig in Philadelpbia, .. Finally, brethren, whatsoever is wise. Bnt if you would win sin· aflj mild oalm eye of the EveDlng they will bavr to depend on the be- employ anyone to write a history, drawn by an ancient and ill formed things are true, wbatsoever tbings neril to tbe Savioor, you must make I And onr mountain. and mer, and plain, of our people in the fnture but to pay liberally for a suitable borse, dri. en always by tbe master's are bonest, whatsoever, things are yoor religion winsome.-N. Y. .oat, II 0 • • tilld FloatlDg ooft on the .(",'lled breeze, their support and execution. A owu hand at a good pace. He cbose jost, whatsoever things 'are lovely, 109: Dr mlnlilt&r IGcatCl> tbe ecbo at soma-ilOme strain. manuscript, as soon as it can be ob- still to live where he bad lived for wbatsoever thl'ngs are good raport. -which you don't.ofteD tee, and snUo and llweet as the summer ratn, constantl u tain d d' creasing < , I -0.·'1 L."_ Or the south wlOd's whIsper among the y B sean III tained. This idea was very fully fifty years, in Water street, close to If tbere be any virtu , if there be STUDY OF THE BIBLE. ..- not IIO!On ",r.'; """.,. trees, treasury would encourage the Socie- consl'dered at the late and last mcet- the wharves, in a smill and incon· any praiRe think on the' lie tb' " 0 th I f' h F II T lleemed ,to al1 iNCl'lo',·1 Stirring my beart with 1\ .ad sweet pain, ' ! IDgs. 0 e c oee 0 tea erm, was pretudiced ag.lnlt hilB, WOOD 'be For thoJe whose volce8 no more will Join ty's Board to more extensive plans ing of the Board; and that their po. vement boutie, darkened by tall In the former part I of the verse, President Tuttle of Wabash Oollege 4 k I tI. It. 1..J !i.1Il In the dear home.songs at eve's sweet de. and labor, and give them confidence stortl·housee, amid the bUBtle, the Paul tbe .etroqg features of Indiana, preached 110 discourse, 1 ere I' "iou ,1111 0 e, a II cline.' sition might be understood, the fol- noise, aud tbe odors of commerce. the CbrlstIan-bls trnthfulness, his which he earnestly commended the Idtterr'Yt· b that be ... U'lUI"1IIf And those who sing wltb regretful pain, that their efforts would be crowned l' 1 t' d t d b t d b' - r . .. e 0 I • II _.:l.lItlwa- .6-tAid· me 1hat my vOIce swell. in no glad refraill. owmg reso u IOn was a op e ; His sole pleasure was to visit once ones y, a. n IS uncompromlslDg Holy ScrIptures to the study and k' dl' if I 0.-" ... I RIll' il 186' with success. But while less than . f h T as Ul .,.. ..- .... ,.,.. , .. ,aWN lOOJI, .,4pr, •. "Resolved, That this Board still a day a little farm wblcb,.be p08sess- senie 0 rib t. bese are such deep faitb of the young men We qllote f' d. "Ith' , one half of the churches are void regard the writing and publication ed a few miles ont of town, wbere lines as Micbael Ang o.paioted in" the closing paragraphs' of the ser- d!t·, Ill) For tbe tlabbath Reeorder. of interest, or so unconcerned for of .. otQOdo.'i History of the Sabbatb he was wunt to take"t,ff his coat, roll his lignre of Moses,! and of the mon; h a; Iti lI e ":,r ;mee . this great cause, as to fail from year as of paramount intereBt-;-mrdtliat . uiliir .... leeveao:. a ..d., personally stern of prqphe.tio era. .. In closing the relieioo8 instrnc" a::.' ·"urn:: we invite the attention of our breth- lahor in the field 'and io Ihe barn, Bot, Jnst as a great lartlst, tions of another term allow me to t fo' " ' ' TIlE AllElI.I0Al{ BAB'BATH TRAOT ilOOlETY. to year in furnishing any pecuniary b' co . t . d I' t d tb . " h 'b 0 rgne me. ren to this subject, and pledge our- oelDg rn, pruDlogr .=s, osslng e IDea e e plereID$" eye, t e ma- lay to you, young gentlemen, t at "A d I Wo" n4ed -I-a.. confidence in its pow- selves to compensate liberally the hay, and not dIsdaining even to as- brow, and mOllth of time deepens my convictioo that be Jlad l' W is lost, and work narrowly and reo author for his manuscript who shall in butchering tbe animals which bero, Ihrows ID too tooches has the highest wisdom wbo com- : 0 t IS n·tb 'hi' "m' ciety, at its last Annual Meeting, re- luctantly laid out. Yet we trust that produce such an acceptable hittory." h8 Tals<,d for market. It was no .' at give a womanly! sweetness to piues in himself the clearest koowl- go ani r ;,: trilll! :u. t I . I . P 1 I' 1 h' ' c.use ·.nu eu w no commended, in the Report of the Ex- the fault is not entirely in our people, . h B d h mere ornamen a or experImenta .e 80 ,compo etes 1B edge of God's Word, and tbe most e.r- Dnt l.e !..-.dd -- it· '--,"" The attentIOn of t e oar as farm. He made it pay. All uf its t t bet II I d k h W rei' q ....... ,... uo..,., ,- ecutive Board, three things for the and urge especially that tbose who f pur raJ y pres n mg. ove mesll an nest purpose to ma e t at 0 a I WII a;d u W·t,h Ilh ........ TWISTY'FlRST REPORT OPTHE EXECUTIVJI aO.lllD· The American Sabbath Tract So- been called to the act, that men of produce was carefully, nay, s1lrupo· admirableness as thet crowning at- lamp unto bis feet and a ligbt unto ti boW} pi, 11,"-' , future action of the Society, viz; have the care of churches, shall see capital who profess to keep and love lously iJusballded, sold, recorded and traction of tbe ChristIan character. path.' In Henen's estimation m.a BIDt e °avet DlY .. .!lWrp 1 t C t · f t t d' t 'b h' th' 1 h t d f HId h' "Wh t 1 I" h . b' h e",ery ,dav,.D re ...... IN,. liM •. s. on llluance 0 rac IS rl u- t ose 111 elr severa c arges the Sabbath of the Lord, do not al- aCCOUD e or. e ove IS grapes, a soever llIgs ... e ove y, e IS not t e wIsest w 0 can most b th nil " I, C tion. shall have opportunity. to contribute h t . 1 '11 b t bis bis pigs, and especially says," and things are of easily and elegantly translate tbe roOber. 't be Id:'" ;) ........ ' 1 ways use t a caplta as WI es bis rare breed of canary birds " but good report." ThIS ISlthe only place illominated pages of the .ncient I' ma,. 1 •• h": 1M, 2d. The employment of every avail- ac,cordiIllZ to the importance of this t th . t t f S bb th N T am n 'IIY ,ra.e W a.' ...... "' ... '--'. promo e e 111 eres SOli. a - the people of Philadelphia bad the in the ew estament, in which tbis classics or more comprehenBively 'd'w tie' f .::::; able meBUS and opportunity to op- ,w·nrIK. keepers, or even to enable them to full benelit of their increase-at the word "lovely" is tOI be fouDd. It and demonstrate the theo- H. re 111· ...... - pose public sentiment and legal en- In accordance with the Guggestion keep it without greater sacrifices bigbest market rates. Many feared, literally signifies whati is dear to any reme of the higher K: r,. . e ..,... actments in favor of any other day of the General Agent last year, If Sab- than are able to be borne. It is many served, but none loved thie one. It is that quality in the Chris- Gesenius was a scholar of .,.lIoIIt at- an lfiJUry. fII of the week than the Sabbath. singular and' lonely old man. If tian cbaracter tuat engages tbe at- tainments, who like 1I0me other great __ ....... ll!:: ..... ,-__ ..,- bath Vtndicator, No.1," has been or. hoped that particular regard to this there was among the very few whQ fections of all who come into his scbolars was ever learning. yet neyer ,IOd 110ft. , 3d. A more pcrfect system of con· to be revised and stereotyped, interest will bc had by all our breth- habitually conversed with him, ODe presence. The pbrase .. things of able to come to the knowledge of During tbe allCiadfoD grOwli, '&'Iri tributions. and the supply of tract No.4 re- ren who employ labor, a n 4 especially 'Wbo understood and ('steemed bim, good report" also occurs in thlB pas. tbe truth which teaches II. BiDDer of Mr. Brookfl'i'eCIill'l't IlliMlilWdb'U'eiri. '1'be present Board have endeavor. plenished. These additions place by our capitalists, who are able to there was bot one; and he waB a sage alone. It means that which how he may be Baved. La Place is Mr. Bra. tDqt .. I,*OtO· cd, so far a!! they were able, to carry the Society's depository in good con- bave much controlling influence in man of such aboundmg charity, that, excites admiration and wins appro- regarded as among the greatellt of John Br()1t',n r.id, ;iQW db- out the recommendations of the So- like Uncle Tobey, if he bad beald batiop .. The. two togeth- matbematicians, achieving his place of his unrelenting as regards the publication of our several societies. that tbe devil was hopeleisly damn· er 13lgnlfiy, m plaID ,EnglIsh, "Be by demonstrating some of the most MesBre. Stevens. and I ciety. its tracts; yet the supply on hand The Board respectfully suggests to ed, wonld have said, .. I am Borry for lovable; let your life win all the astonishing problems ever anDOODO- they prelleed hIm Clolely W"Ii""'. 1st. In addition to the tracts sup- is somewhat less than at the com- the Society the importance of a day it." Never was there a person more be arts around yeu." ed' and yet La Place belonged to a docnment.. I]!hie eliciMdltbeJolloW!' plied by the General Agent, (Geo. B. mencement of the year. At the high of fasting and prayer, with special destitute than Girard of the quali· It was weH that the apostle pot in described ill tbese wordi by an iog Doble and eloqolln& ,..p Utt ) to •. d th rs ties wbicb win the affection of olhers. tbiB finiEbing stroke. It was well to inspired pen; 'The fool hath 83id from Mr. StaYeDS : ., ti erl' 'b ,:"Isslonarldcsdan 0 fe 10 rates of paper and labor, it has not reference to the spread of the Sab- HIB temper was violent, his preseDce remind tbe most conscientious Ohris· io his heart there is no God.' .. While I bave not a *<>,-4 or d stn >utiun, a goo egree o !I. been deemed best to increase the bath truth all over our land. forhidding, bis usual ma.nner ungra· that he should str1ve to render " What does he commit who io extenDation of' tile . tention has been paid to the circula- of tracts any farther In conclusion, we' add, that geuer- CIOOS, his will inflexible, bis heart uis religion attractive to others. For pursues learning merely for its own Brown, nor "n1 tlliD , w •• , ....... ' tion of our tracts by our brethren in than the present demand required. al harmony, and a good degree of untender, his imagination dead. He not every good man'S piety is lova- sake, and who lays the ripe prodWlt his Mntenoe, Jet. air,'bete:Me,tl ... their respective localities, and espe- The following extract from a letter . 11 was odious to many of bis fellow ble. Some men's religion bas too of a gifted inte 11ect on tbe altar of hi,tory of 4!!'C . II b ....... . d' . te mterest, have been manifest in a citizens, who considered him the much acidity to taste well. Others selfish heart, forgetful of wht Dr. great evtls d:iU •• CHI Y Y mlsslO..,.nes an mIDIS rs of the General shows what that tbe Board has done; and as we bardest and meanest of men. He sour their religbn with an intense Cbalmers so fioely term! the ,_ men who •• in thei.r different fields of labor. The are the wants of the Society in this now submit to the Society this our bad lh'ed among them for balf a cen- cenEforiousness Their cOnTersation magnitudes, 'the littlene88 of time,' .n tmmner, to followmg extract. from a letter of the direction, and also the progress of final wOl'k, we pray the God of the tory, bnt he was no more a Phile.del is elJough to set everyone's teeth and' the greatne88 of eternitr I' Ob, thole wi.n overabadoW'/lIIln_ General Agen.t .the stereotyping and other labor; Sabbath - to bless the efforts of this phi au in 1830 tban in 1176. He on edge. After an houI's talk witb how cheerless the prospectot soch an III the 9( of his labors lD thIS directIOn; h . t' d t h t th da slIll spoke with a Frencb accent, and them, J ou thllJk tue worse of even one! How dreary tbe anticipation I U T ere is now on hand, at the So- orgamza IOn, an 0 as en e y his words with a Frencb tbe best men you know. Tbey are God forbid that it ehall he our por· U Duting the year now closing, dety's depository, a supply of the when all his commandments shall be shrug and French geBticulation. Sur- crabbed Christians. Everybody ra- tion at tbe last I your Agent has continued to supply Society's stereotyped publications, acknowledged as His Law. ronnded witb Ohristian churches spects them, but nobody loves tbem. "You will bear me witoess, as orders for tracts, whether for sale or with the exception of Tract No.4, wblciJ he had belped to build, he reo We once bad a venerable and godly. yonr religious instnlctor, tbat I bue t 't d' t 'bution in accord th H' t f th S bb tli th IRA J. ORDWAY, Cor. Sec'y. gra Ul ous IS rI , . - on e IS ory cello a, e mained a sturdy unbeliever, and pos- mlDded officer in our church, who neTer hinted-at least intentio".Uy IInce with the votes and practice of Address to the Baptil!.ts from the w_ ED>IEOTON,N. Y., sept. 1st, last. never did a wrong a"·t to my knowl- -that any IIccumulations of wor'td- A g the persons Seventh-day Baptist Genera.l sessed the complete works of only.., prevIOus years. .Q.mon only man, Voltaire. edge; and yet be never did a pleae- Iy learning CIlD be a compensation to whom tracts have been supplied, ence, and the Royal Law Contended FE1lALE SINGERS. He made it a point ofdoty to labor ant one either. He was a perfect for ignorance of God's Wcrd, and DIU be named the following:' For, by Edward Stennett. The vol- I never beard of an Americao girl on Suuday, as a good example to chesnut-bur. There was a deal of especially that magnificent oontral J. P. Hunting, West Edmeston, N. ume of Sabbath Tracts is also near- abroad to study nlU"ic, for the olhera. He made no secret of tbe good, solid" meat" liD him, yet no that it seeks to impart. We Y., (about 20,000 pages.) Iy out of print, therfil being only a purpose of fitting Lerself for a pob- fact tbat be considered the idle.nes8 one hked to pnck' his fingers in have heard of David Home, an aged I D. TitsW'orth, New Market, N. J. few copies on hand, while the call he musical career, willout a pang. of Sunday 1101) injury to tbe people, corning at it. So tbe rugged old and insincere trifler in the midst of upon tbe Henry Ernst, Walworth. Wis. for them is rather in.9reasing. New A musical education, an introduction moral aud economical. He would man was left to go on his own way the deepening sbadows of eternity j menlionad;wbell Geo. Greenman, Mystic Bridge, Ct. editions'of the tracts named above, to public musical life, and a few bave opened bis bank on Suuday, if to bellven, workmg, and praying, of the refined, tbe courtly, the schol· New York.iad Wm. P. Longmate, Pendleton, N. Y. aud also of the volume of Tracts, years of tbat life, are almost certain anyone w{lUld bave corne to it For aod $colding, as he !Went; but even arly Ca.mpbell, in old age, pOBBeIlleCl dering in UIe; _"1\4 PI; Chas. A. Burdick, Welton, Iowa, (3 should be issued soon. In the way ruin for any woman. Borne escape bis part he no rest and the cLildr.en in. the were al- of a brilliant fame H a poot, an4 !lnly ... , parcels.) of stereotyping in tract form the tbis roin, it is troe, but there are would bave nODe. He never travel- most afraid to speak to hIm. Adrop an ample competence, yet sick at memory of John Brl)W'D, I Geo. J. Crandall, Watson, N. Y. matter of Vindicator No. I, your temptations laid for every step of ed. He never attended public 3B- or two of tbe Apostle John in his heart becRuse of the cheerlessfotare. ture to predict •• itt irow' Andrew North, St. Peters, Minn. Agent has done nothing except to tbeir life. They find their !nccess semblies or amusements. He had no composition would have made him a We bave seen the man of wealth and brigbter tbro0ll;b' ooiIlhat ,'''; Varnum Hull, Berlin, N. Y. overhaul the copy, make such correc- in the hands of men who demand more aflections to gratify, no friends to glol"iolls specimen of a Christian. weeping 1108 his eye wandered ..-earil;, !'lid the State of Virr!D!a i .... ',,,b' Nathan Wardner, Alfred, N. Y. tions and amendments as deem- than money for wage& They find visit, no coriosity to appease, no We bope that be hss become mellow- over the pti,ocely domain, with all 11.8 own. .. N. V. Hull," ed necessary, and prepare It for the .their per80nal charms setover against tastes to indulge. What he once er by this tim\l, in tbe sunny atmos- the harvest fields aod meadows, the dom. will, wltbm tbe hVII Thomas Williams, " printer. He has ftlUnd abs?lutely no personal charms of Tbeir said of himself appeared to be troe, pLele of heaven. herds and the flocks which he clIolle now preeent, r.11e lfIooa'IIliIIlt''tIiS Calista Root, Clarence, N. Y. time til' after tbe details of ste- whole life ia lilled with tivalriel and tbat be rose in the morning witb but There is also a sanctimonions-set biB own, a PO!SfOBS10n from wbich hill me'!'ory, ·UpOD tlie '"\'7 ...... J. E. N. Backus, DeRuyter, N. Y. reotyping lind printing ; lind in view jealonsies. They find Ibemselves a single object, and tb ..t waB to la- face wbich some people -,vear, that death was just ejecting him. We wlMlre III·rallowl dood." ,I Wm. M. Jones, Scott, N. Y. of the extremely high prices of !Ill constantly throwrl into intimate as- bor so hard all day as to be able to is anytbivg attractIve. We once have seen the stateBUJan dying lit I' Randolph Drake, Delavan, Ill. labor and materials WIth on tbe W'th men who 81eep allnigbt. Tbe world was abo dealt wfth snch a mlln in businesll; Karshfield, or.t Mount Verllon, and Church at SouthamptoD, Ill. book making, he has been lD less "ubject themselves· to no 9hristian solutely nothing to bim but a work- and we always co!,med carefully the tbat all the splendor. of " haste than be perha.ps would have ean hardlY be said to ing place. He sevrned and I!cooted chauge he gave OB back after a past achievementll broll&'ht Altbougli no fruita Of the Society's been under other circnmstances." have had _ a Christian, education. tbe idea. that old men shoold cease purchase. We did instinctively j very little comfort aiide Crom that efforts in tbis direction have come tat- They are constantly in operas. to labor, and sbould I!pend tbe even- for we had an oncomfortable S1lllpi- -wbich bowed from the toepel. We ey, aDd· Uta" •. '. to the knowledge of the Board, we The Board take pleuure illS. the whole drllmatic relilh of which ing Qf their days in tranquillity. cioo lba' the manuer -(if look aDd have _n earth'. grea' men delpon. Serre-nt,' trust that 110 man:,:', seeds of truth, ing, that the expense of stereotypIng i! found in equivocal sii1atioris, or "No" he would sav "labor iB the 6peecb was a mask to hide frOI$ tbe dent as their worldl,. Q1udear 'If" Tbert hM""8rc Vindicator No. 1 is very generous- openly liceotious revelitious. In price' of life, its ii8. p piness, its .. ",!rv-I world a designing Perh .. pe and their 0,..8eein, Bco.ttered so eItensively, ha",e DOt d'd h' .. t' b t th f It t th b tb Ob 1\ f ly borne by Bro. Abel Stillman, of Po- soch circumstances as l!lese, a wo- thing; to rest is to rust; every man we I 1m IDJus 100 i a e au away a e approac 0 ea. , a allen on batren ground; but that NY" 0 draft man must-· be- II -marvel 'Of modesty sbould \abor to- tbe last hour of his was hiB own in wearillg 10 repol,ive what deep meaning there i. in thej,,"'ted' Bome hllve taken root, and will, in Ia.nd, . ., so that there is and a miracle of grace to escape abilit,. 7" Snch was Stephen Girard, a BanctiIDooiousneBit. ort-repeated remark of the .an wboee God's own time, produce an abun- upon the treasury for that obJect. contamination. I do q,t believe the richest man who ever lived in A lovable Cbriliuan is one who genio. hy -left 10 bright aD ilIumi .... Ii ,lJla,b·tJi ... dant harvest.. The importance of a standard His- there is a womao in tbe world who Pennsylvania. hits the golden mellln rt tween easy, tlon 'bebiod it, ever since the 2d. The second r""ommenda'tl'on tory of the Sabbath haa been su",. ever clime out of a mosical This is an unpleasaut picture of a laxitYlo DBeience on he up into Ule .i,., '-," .. :11'"'''' P d h if n of polite and amiable Pb.i1a one haod. and; stern, ungenial rocket, bl. • Lily "IlB recel'ved the "t.A.ntl'on of the to the ll- r d by the action of career as goo a wom n as s e en- c lZe. •• h b H d vI" 'I .. "" .PUD tered it. She lBay escaped delphI&. h were Indeed a gum aod morOllCntjilll on 1. e oft er. e i. IIOUn , 1I1in.tre, to be Board. A notice bas been Eutarn Allllooiation. A commu- with lin Ilawllisbed na e; she may dreary world, wherein sboold &lid IiweetJaDd melloW. He 10 brilliHt that die lltanding in the S.lBBJ.TII RICQBilb the nieation ",as also recebed from -Eld. sta .\00 of Girard. never incurs contempt by yieldiDg alII.sel 1 . Jl h hte t b' h t thl man done fur the cIty men's sinfnl pre;ndicel, nor does he lOn-in·l.w,' for. areater part of the year, otrering'aia A. Herbert Lewis, ast June, reCOm- clety, or eve elg ne \ I ; o. ID w a e - - .. I, I

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Fl1bli8h~d by :'THE S:EvtN'l'H DAY IS THE SABBA.TJI OF THE LORD GOD." TBB)[S--12 60 a ~j.rJ -~ M •• lllis ••


by the living teacher, as well as by r;nending the same thing. A meeting ber inmoBt soul she knows that tbe th tId b-: the distril...tion of tracts, -,vherever a. ove 1m not I I and im- incur the antipathy of others b1 do-Of" of the Board 'Was soon after held, pure spirit of ber girlbood is gone. poslDg stroctures rise the bank! iug rigbt in h te~ I ~ b' t':;';'ii~it~ttr,~.~~~~,~!~=~.

circumstancea might demand: The mainly to consider the s,ubject, and -Timothy Titcomb. of the Schuylkill at this oted way. a a 0, sur y, or ,- .• j Board have not been informed of op- was very fully discussed. Such a hour, ~ix hundred POor boys Did ODr Savioor ever fall into ei- Lotbilan. portunities to do anything in this di- history was deemed desirable, if it THE CAUSE. are fed, clothed; trained' taught, ther of these extremes for a moment 7

ar X\IlI. s. S. SOOWDLI.. rection. The missionaries sent out should come from our own denomina- BY JOHN G. WBITTIJ<R. upon the income of enormous Was not bis tbe Bin less, incorrupti~ Oather tbem In, 0 longing beRrt, . \ God mend hiS beart who ';'mnol feel estate wuich he won 'thiA entire ble mal'esty that awed bl'a"oIIowers

tb tb I ( lo~ed one8 ID I by the Seventh-day Baptist Mission- But. to d t h' t . Th' I r h I a\ 't' b a " , Oa er e 01;0 eo' a op any IS ory, In e Impu se a a 0 y ze • coosecru IOn to t e of accumu- while his gentle benl'gnl'ty iIlB:£!'"ed' tiirovokii~ Thore Is room "r !til-not one can part S c' ~ h d bl l . th' hI' And sees not witb hrs sordid eyes I t" • H The maglo qlrcle. tho' shame and 8m ary 0 Ie.), ave ou tess, lD elr woe or 111 part, no'W published, as The beauty of self.sacrlfille I a IDg property. . the ample their enthusiastic love? If jail lJeiitil_lt, Should set tbelr seal on a darling'. brow, labors with feeble churches and oth- a atantlard work for this denomina- Tbough ID tbe sacred plaae he stands grounds of Girard looking were now on earth, we can im .. .nne C(\uI~,I:ec!lllrin

'nd sear tbe soul with a burning brand; UphftlDg consecrated hands, 'up at I't fi . d b -.-c:me 0 I beloved. around me now. ers, done very much to sustain and tion, would be unworthy of a people Unworthv are hIS \lP" to trill s ve massive e mces, t at the poorest people -,vould Dot be Meet me now in the soul's brigbt "'pd. I S bb th h Of Jesus' martyred mIracle. strolliug in its or by its afraid to approach him. Were he to

Born" .'here New Jersey, bome of my heart. promu gate a a trut. who have as much talent as the verdant I' . LI;s f~ir on the far Atlantic shore, dId' h h S th-d B' B'd Not to the SWift nor 10 tbe onrong, h h IstenlDg to enter a modern mission school as be

_L __ ~~ __ , .

--!'or the Sitlbbatb. Reeoraer.


Gaze wistfully over tbe hills WhlOb start 3 . n accor ance Wit t e tbird even ay aptlsts. eSI es this . The b&ttles of tbe fight belnng I .. ' tile c em of at p!ay, once entered a synagogiJe, hriw the IlIinbtn..'Wfbi"r.,Im:'h! . In bewildering light from the sunllet lIfIIL, suggestion, the Board issued a circu- it is expected that a more compre- For be-who stnkes tor freedom, wear. t?e most sympathetic imagma- ra.gged yoongsters would drft

- to :, On wbose shores hes the land which ahel. The armor of tbe capllve', prayers; tlve f m .. lers me, lar, which was sent to aU the church- hensive and better work than any And nature proffers to blS cause 0 men mURt pause before cen ulm I If be visited our bOUBel, how

I' A~dre.moftbebnghtneSllOrdaY80f1ort, k' t t d t'b t' t th now eytanton thl's suh';ect, would be Thestrenglbof berelernallaws; sur!ng tbe sterile and!nnlovely life welcome he woold make bimself a i

n'"e Ihe voices now hushed in the oburch. es, as mg s a e con n u IOns 0 e ~ d Wh,le he wbose arm essaJ'S to bind. of Its &ounder A d 'f b b d . fi 0

I "" i I And herd WIth common brlltes hiS kln~ .' . n lee oul 10· our resides, and how our children I I yard st I , tract cause. Some of the churahes the resnlt, if undertaken by the So- '" q I' I l' b h lAnd those which on strangers' earsllOW thrill, Strlve. evermore at fearful odds u ra C OAe y 1nto·t e & Ilracter and w,ould love to climb on bis I.p anO C:\:=~~~~:l~b, lbi"llall':j(I"':t.M,:

1 S,,,elled the home oborUs In one nql tone. have responded by sending in to tbe ciety. Such a work will ,doubtless r~~\l d:~~~rtt:d~et~: ~:~~r.~~f~~: IMe ?'He.er o~tb~ map wbo willed this great klIS. that sw~t, penilite, benigu .. Dt q o~, bra .. e boy on the war.tratl i. treasury iheir contributions, while require ml\ch time, labor, and thor- Or soon, theIr rlghts shall "l~.\leate. lU~tltutlOn mto being he would per- face I Tbere II nothing derOKa~ ~~~j'!'I= T ugh the noisome swamp, many ave not been ear rom. researc . e.o owing reso- " • . h Id -- ... ,.., _. 1" j~'~score of battle. bl8laurels h h d f h Th" II . ~,haps, be willing to admit tbat 'tbe~~ to hiB divine dignitv In' th'- I1br ... ·I\1~j=I:~

I I . STEPHEN Gl&ARD •. - was Nom ID t e wor for une Girard Jesos drew to him poor sutrering Tloveoh~ib guarded blm~ love bath kept There is not! that interest felt by the ubon was unanimoulOly adopted by tiJollgb it were a pity there shoold w.omen, and outcast DubhcaDB, aria Watcb nnd waro wbIle he waked or slept; churches, and that promptness of the Board, at the meeting above re- Wilhin tile memo~y of many per- ever be anotber. slDners tbat had a IItire heart-ache' . , - . " '

o L~~~ ~:~It!rs~~nthr:v:i~~:,~e::"ail; !lction, which we are confident the ferred to, and is inserted here to 80ns still alive, " old GIrard," as the . Such an inquicy wo~ld. perhaps, ~~d troops of .little .children.w.ho re! ·BJ!J.Q'.QPlBG, ~ ............ On\ftewld!lgWheh,el.re ~he fate or tbe world was tract cause is entitled to, and it is show their view of the matter; famous banker was usually styled, a dIsclose that Stf'phen Girard was JOIce.d to receIve .bls. bened.IcUoncOr I W'" .lal.f .. ~ 'a Ce~W"~ L_I

o sbort, stoot, brIsk old gpntlemau, endowed by t "th h ~ .... J'l". 1-Il\

s "ood right arm hath helped turn the h d th t d '" '11 b R nil. ure '1'\'1 a great to smg osannaS'1D hiS praloa

• Among a-,pjIQ< 'e -bo ..' ope a renewe euorts WI e " esolved, That the Executive used to walk ID bis Bwift, awkward b t 11 I "" - ~... -scale, I ear as we as a pawerfn N.ow., what Chr.ist was, every o.';'-n "-re'·- oC',;.,e· ... · .1~r"T:!:

Wbere dealh swoops by Qn the sulphurons made by our people, so that the Board of the American Sabbath way, the Blnets of the lower part of and tbat cl'rc t I Ob h Id """ "".. ..u IT W nms ances a. one rlsttan s ou strtve to be. He is had f~tt 1ilm~ ... rf'~lI:;'llI· , . i· ... ,.

A:ii~:'"creaming missiles fall like hail. treasury will be fully supplied with Tract Society are disposed to publish Philadelpbia. TiJongb everything and bardened the one, ~ramped and llur model not only"n t1 8 h \" '"I':' 1'<1, \.-Ill' brave, tr\le soldIer, stands undIsmayed; . _, t th a standard History of the Sahbath "bout bim indicated tbat he had very perverted tbe other. It is not im. ne b t'-' I spo f e\ 0 I· outtire.k of' the 'f8betllo.n; .~.ie

8.rfe from Ibe pestIlence-safe from tb. foe. necessary ineans to carry ou e provided a suitable manuscript ca~ little in commo" with bis fellow-citi. probable that he was one of tbose ss'1s 0 ID WlDsomeneBII o. c ar&oo bis parish, and'''YIHGOJI, b,. ..... • God .hiolds my darling where'er he may go. plans of the Society, and meet the be obtained " and having means that zens, he was Ibe llJalked man of tbe ~ t b . h d ter a o. Let u~ learn of him. ~t illg lip for hiB cquntfv ~a.i~\ tAit-

b h d b d unlor unate emgs w 0' esire to be us learn fr?~ blm how. to .combI1!~ o·a I'n a~lIIa. a. b'. "'lei -el""""'eoted· ,

Berne where the 0 uro yar 8 a ow. sweep dem nd f th Th . ht be I' d t d h k'\ f h . H' I 'Q ~,... ~ Into noon's brIghtness a wave of gloom, a s 0 e cause upon us. e mIg app Ie owar suc a wor , "CI Y or more t an a genemtlOn. IS oved, but whose tempel1 and appear· the mo?t rIgId. lIens.e of Justice, pur_l- of dDty, be b&d "0 t"Jf.\"~..l~)lIro l.Je witb hands folded in quiet sleep, fact that the Treasurer's report shows we cordially invite proposals for asvect was ratber insiglJllicant and combine to repel it. The mar- tyand mtegnty With th I bl t- ~ " USu

O!e"nuewnitdleY, Ow.aldtomo~t~~ !"yY ~!adrOtlm ; an increase of receipt! over expen- writing it, and we will cheerfully q uite unplepo~se88ing. His dress ble 8tatue of him, which adorns the traction of' ~ e ova e a and a martyr. It ... "toil Ir'ta


• tt d t .. d a P f b d d h bb d B a sunny ,ace, a b" .. r from e.,er'llip·aaIo-~'bll"~ A.I tbe summons of Love e'en the sleepers d't d' h a en 0 any commulllcatJOn a - w s 0 u- 018 lOne an Bay,' ail entrance to tbe pn'ncl'pne bnl'ldl'ng I'f w d Iii h t d ... ........

I ures urlng t e present year . "'I, or ! an onse scour esy, an a pie, ·""'tl·m-I··" .A L .. • 'f .... _ .. L

will start. ' , dressed to our Corresponding Sccre- be wore the pig-tail, the white neck- t ld k' b ..,. u.... .., "" .. _1-h Id

. . d' . ~ cou spea, mIg t Bay to us, "Liv- genolDe sym. pathy for even the most and fidell't:v, ',both ,.... a no ... ,,,~,,

I!~ soldier.boy. with his sW8rthy cheek. S OU iD nowise Isparage an iD- tary." cloth, tbe wlde-bdmmed bat, and the Ing you could n t u d t d b d d '# ,.,- .... -, ,on ers an oor ar ene smners. Tbe worst men ml'n'lster ' \',' Comes from blS oamp on Potomao's sbore; creased effort in this direction. The - large·skirted coat of the last centu· I d d J 1 1 • And she \Vho died where the Chesapeake ' The above action of the Board was H d ove me; ea, compe. at east, may scoff at Bible religion; but at Ooe praised hi ....... OQal·ea:;. Chanls her dirge in his solemn roar; fund on hand is' small indeed, com- made bl' th h th I fry. e was blin in one eye t and your respect!' Indeed, he used to heart honor the conistent Ohristian, men·" and .poke 'o,rf--"'1. ,L..1o. amttl

And she whose bark drifted slowly away d' h h d d Ii pU IC roug e eo umns 0 tbough hlS burley eye-brows gave b t' d h' ... II .... U I f I i h d P

are Wit t e eman or the spread S say, w en ques lOne as I to IS ca- w.ho wears the beauty of holl·n~aa. I'n eyes 'and radi·'"t :.-:"e. A ... •

From the c asp 0 so many ov Dg an 8, the ABBATH RECORDER. One commu- Borne chalacter 10 hIS countenance .. W' II I aa - _UlII -And was lost in tbe glow of that goldoIl' day f S bb th t th d th k h' h ' wrel~lrl'showawltbtait I :a~.d"elLdNc: or; mthy ~meeedrs_ bls cbaraete.r a. nd co. ndact. A hVlng, p .. rtw· olarly COmmended bi· .... d ...... y.

Whichforeverrelgnsmtbe heavenly lands; 0 a a ru ; an e wor w lC nication only has been received in it was curIOusly devoid of expres- " a .... I ... ,. -. And tbel!ltle ones. whose innocent eyes the American Sabbath Tract Society sion. He bad also the absent look wan Review. ovable Ohnstlan, IS the most pow~r- .~d averred tba~ be " .. alw~, ~ J.re full ot the Ugbt at ParadIse; response. That one was from Eld. lb' d fnl argument for the Gospel. No In- work. A tbird spOke of hia halllil{{"

And lbosewhose hearts can never grow cold has set its hands to, should not fail A H L . f nr I dO" !DaD w 0 eIther ba no tboughts fid I t f t d th t ''.I ... h h b th I ft Ih Id ,. f Id . . eWlS, 0 nester y, R. I., an b b d' t' h d h LOVA"DLE OHRISTIANS. e ever ye. re t:I ea. • -he never seemed to leel .. '-'-." ·"'e .0 I e one w 0" • eo ",ome. ° ; nor falter until the Sabbath of the or was a sor e ID uoug t; an e D St d Cb t 'h L Oh l' ,..., .. !W All. all are here, and thelr voices till intimated that he might be willing sbuflled along on his enormous feet, Paul paints tbe portrait of the u y rls , ten. ove. rl~t j of biB took, .ad ,,, .. ·lnM

Ity soul's sldl halls wlth,a musical thrlll. Fourth Commandment shall be recog d get yoor heart satorated With blm t h' b d t -'a. - to un ertake the work, under certain lookmg n{·ith .. r to tbe right nor to true ChrIstian in the eig' hth verse of pn I. aD 0 aD, 111-' And the falher. growing old and worn. nized by all who profess to love the . th I I Tb I h Follow Christ. His example and his or 4rlluhrer·v.

Renews hI. youth a8 he Joms the band; CIrcumstances, out made no definite e e t. ere was 1\ ways a cer- t e closing cbapter of. his letter to grace can turn deformity, and BOllen·l:~~f~~~~~~~ai~ii:n]\ And chlldhood's grace andIOY are borne Lor~ and keep His law. Even the proposition. As to the eoployment tain look of the old mariner abont Ihe Philliplans. Here it is j the por ness, and sin, into tbe sweet comeli-

On ~y J,sters' brows al they touch my present plans of the Society alC such, f t t 't b k h bim, though he had been fifty years trait is one that he migh~ have writ· ueSB of "whatsoever tbings are love-an •. 0 an agen 0 wn e a 00, t e an I'nhabllallt of the town. Wben t b' d h 't'

And th I d b I Ih i blo that if carried out, the fund on hand B d f h .. en IS owu name on eu w en I was Iy, and whatllOeeer things are

ua roam, W lee even ng W8 oar are 0 t e opmlOn, that it be rode it was in the plainest, least d t Her soft breath over the prairIes far, • '11 I th k d one; good report." He that winneth soul. And the blusblng sunset tainter glow< WI cn y commence e wor ,an would not be best for the Society to comfortable gig in Philadelpbia, .. Finally, brethren, whatsoever is wise. Bnt if you would win sin· aflj • ·:;i~j!:~;;~i~:~~~; 'Ne~fa!~e mild oalm eye of the EveDlng they will bavr to depend on the be- employ anyone to write a history, drawn by an ancient and ill formed things are true, wbatsoever tbings neril to tbe Savioor, you must make I tlctnlOD'o~I~:atell,j;(njCbed And onr mountain. and mer, and plain, of our people in the fnture but to pay liberally for a suitable borse, dri. en always by tbe master's are bonest, whatsoever, things are yoor religion winsome.-N. Y. I~- .oat, II 0 • • tilld

FloatlDg ooft on the .(",'lled breeze, their support and execution. A owu hand at a good pace. He cbose jost, whatsoever things 'are lovely, 109: Dr mlnlilt&r IGcatCl> tbe ecbo at soma-ilOme strain. manuscript, as soon as it can be ob- still to live where he bad lived for wbatsoever thl'ngs are ~ good raport. -which you don't.ofteD tee, and (wl:11I!1~.

snUo and llweet as the summer ratn, constantl u tain d d' creasing < , I -0.·'1 L."_ Or the south wlOd's whIsper among the y B sean III tained. This idea was very fully fifty years, in Water street, close to If tbere be any virtu , if there be STUDY OF THE BIBLE. ..- not IIO!On ",r.'; """.,. trees, treasury would encourage the Socie- consl'dered at the late and last mcet- the wharves, in a smill and incon· any praiRe think on the' lie tb' " 0 th I f' h F II T lleemed ,to remem~r al1 iNCl'lo',·1 Stirring my beart with 1\ .ad sweet pain, ' ! IDgs. 0 e c oee 0 tea erm, was pretudiced ag.lnlt hilB, WOOD 'be

For thoJe whose volce8 no more will Join ty's Board to more extensive plans ing of the Board; and that their po. vement boutie, darkened by tall In the former part I of the verse, President Tuttle of Wabash Oollege h~ 4 k I tI. It. 1..J !i.1Il In the dear home.songs at eve's sweet de. and labor, and give them confidence stortl·housee, amid the bUBtle, the Paul pa~ut~ tbe .etroqg features of Indiana, preached 110 discourse, i~ cb~me 1 ere I' "iou ,1111

0 e, a II "'Il~

cline.' sition might be understood, the fol- noise, aud tbe odors of commerce. the CbrlstIan-bls trnthfulness, his which he earnestly commended the Idtterr'Yt· b "t~~· that be ... U'lUI"1IIf And those who sing wltb regretful pain, that their efforts would be crowned l' 1 t' d t d b t d b' - r . .. e 0 I • II _.:l.lItlwa- .6-tAid· me 1hat my vOIce swell. in no glad refraill. owmg reso u IOn was a op e ; His sole pleasure was to visit once ones y, a. n IS uncompromlslDg Holy ScrIptures to the study and k' dl' if I 0.-" J~b' ...

I RIll' il 186' with success. But while less than . f h T ~ as Ul .,.. ..-....,.,.. , .. ,aWN lOOJI, .,4pr, •. "Resolved, That this Board still a day a little farm wblcb,.be p08sess- senie 0 rib t. bese are such deep faitb of the young men We qllote f' d. "Ith' ~ , ;~ one half of the churches are ~o void regard the writing and publication ed a few miles ont of town, wbere lines as Micbael Ang o.paioted in" the closing paragraphs' of the ser- rr~ d!t·, Ill) be.'~: b~"fi

For tbe tlabbath Reeorder. of interest, or so unconcerned for of .. otQOdo.'i History of the Sabbatb he was wunt to take"t,ff his coat, roll his lignre of Moses,! and of the mon; h ~j a; Iti lIe":,r ;mee . this great cause, as to fail from year as of paramount intereBt-;-mrdtliat . uiliir .... leeveao:. a .. d., personally stern h~roe8 of tb~ prqphe.tio era. .. In closing the relieioo8 instrnc" a::.' ~_d ·"urn:: ~ht~;:Z

we invite the attention of our breth- lahor in the field 'and io Ihe barn, Bot, Jnst as a great lartlst, tions of another term allow me to t fo' " ' ' TIlE AllElI.I0Al{ BAB'BATH TRAOT ilOOlETY. to year in furnishing any pecuniary b' co . l~ t . d I' t d tb . " h 'b 0 rgne me. ren to this subject, and pledge our- oelDg rn, pruDlogr .=s, osslng e IDea e e plereID$" eye, t e ma- lay to you, young gentlemen, t at "A d I Wo" n4ed -I-a..

confidence in its sust~ining pow- selves to compensate liberally the hay, and not dIsdaining even to as- brow, and ~he le~nine mOllth of time deepens my convictioo that be ~ Jlad l' ~ W u!'f<~'" is lost, and work narrowly and reo author for his manuscript who shall si~t in butchering tbe animals which bero, Ihrows ID too ~oft tooches has the highest wisdom wbo com- : 0 t IS n·tb 'hi' "m'

ciety, at its last Annual Meeting, re- luctantly laid out. Yet we trust that produce such an acceptable hittory." h8 Tals<,d for market. It was no .' at give a womanly! sweetness to piues in himself the clearest koowl- go anir;,: w~ trilll! ~~~~ :u.

t I . I . P 1 I' 1 h' ' c.use ·.nu eu w ~u no commended, in the Report of the Ex- the fault is not entirely in our people, . h B d h mere ornamen a or experImenta .e v~!age, 80 ~n ,compo etes 1B edge of God's Word, and tbe most e.r- Dnt l.e !..-.dd n~· -- it· '--,"" The attentIOn of t e oar as farm. He made it pay. All uf its t t bet II I d k h W rei' q .......,... uo..,., ,-ecutive Board, three things for the and urge especially that tbose who f pur raJ y pres n mg. ove mesll an nest purpose to ma e t at 0 a I WII a;d u W·t,h Ilh ........


The American Sabbath Tract So-

been called to the act, that men of produce was carefully, nay, s1lrupo· admirableness as thet crowning at- lamp unto bis feet and a ligbt unto ti boW} pi, 11,"-' , future action of the Society, viz; have the care of churches, shall see capital who profess to keep and love lously iJusballded, sold, recorded and traction of tbe ChristIan character. path.' In Henen's estimation m.a BIDt e °avet

DlY ~ .. w~\i""1 .!lWrp 1 t C t

· f t t d' t 'b h' th' 1 h t d f HId h' "Wh t th·.J~ 1 I" h . b' h e",ery ,dav,.D re...... IN,. liM •. s. on llluance 0 rac IS rl u- t ose 111 elr severa c arges the Sabbath of the Lord, do not al- aCCOUD e or. e ove IS grapes, a soever llIgs ... e ove y, e IS not t e wIsest w 0 can most b th nil " I, C tion. shall have opportunity. to contribute h t . 1 '11 b t bis plum~. bis pigs, and especially says," and whats~e~et things are of easily and elegantly translate tbe roOber. 't be Id:'" ;) ........ ' 1

ways use t a caplta as WI es bis rare breed of canary birds " but good report." ThIS ISlthe only place illominated pages of the .ncient I' ma,. 1 •• h": 1M, "'~!l. 2d. The employment of every avail- ac,cordiIllZ to the importance of this t th . t t f S bb th N T am n 'IIY ,ra.e W a.' ...... "' ... '--'. promo e e 111 eres SOli. a - the people of Philadelphia bad the in the ew estament, in which tbis classics or more comprehenBively 'd'w tie' f ~U-'" .::::;

able meBUS and opportunity to op- ,w·nrIK. keepers, or even to enable them to full benelit of their increase-at the word "lovely" is tOI be fouDd. It and cl~arly demonstrate the theo- me~\, H. c·re ~-;;' 111·......­pose public sentiment and legal en- In accordance with the Guggestion keep it without greater sacrifices bigbest market rates. Many feared, literally signifies whati is dear to any reme of the higher K: r,. . e ~ ..,... actments in favor of any other day of the General Agent last year, If Sab- than are able to be borne. It is many served, but none loved thie one. It is that quality in the Chris- Gesenius was a scholar of .,.lIoIIt at- an lfiJUry. fII of the week than the Sabbath. singular and' lonely old man. If tian cbaracter tuat engages tbe at- tainments, who like 1I0me other great __ .......ll!::.....,-__ ..,-

bath Vtndicator, No.1," has been or. hoped that particular regard to this there was among the very few whQ fections of all who come into his scbolars was ever learning. yet neyer ,IOd 110ft. , 3d. A more pcrfect system of con· to be revised and stereotyped, interest will bc had by all our breth- habitually conversed with him, ODe presence. The pbrase .. things of able to come to the knowledge of During tbe allCiadfoD grOwli, '&'Iri

tributions. and the supply of tract No.4 re- ren who employ labor, an4 especially 'Wbo understood and ('steemed bim, good report" also occurs in thlB pas. tbe truth which teaches II. BiDDer of Mr. Brookfl'i'eCIill'l't IlliMlilWdb'U'eiri. '1'be present Board have endeavor. plenished. These additions place by our capitalists, who are able to there was bot one; and he waB a sage alone. It means that which how he may be Baved. La Place is Mr. Bra. tDqt 1~ .. I,*OtO·

cd, so far a!! they were able, to carry the Society's depository in good con- bave much controlling influence in man of such aboundmg charity, that, excites admiration and wins appro- regarded as among the greatellt of John Br()1t',n r.id, ;iQW db-out the recommendations of the So- like Uncle Tobey, if he bad beald batiop .. The. two expre88io~s togeth- matbematicians, achieving his place of his unrelenting ~1,I\K<?~ti~

as regards the publication of our several societies. that tbe devil was hopeleisly damn· er 13lgnlfiy, m plaID ,EnglIsh, "Be by demonstrating some of the most MesBre. Stevens. and 8otl~~ell,:"'''' I ciety. its tracts; yet the supply on hand The Board respectfully suggests to ed, wonld have said, .. I am Borry for lovable; let your life win all the astonishing problems ever anDOODO- they prelleed hIm Clolely W"Ii""'.

1st. In addition to the tracts sup- is somewhat less than at the com- the Society the importance of a day it." Never was there a person more be arts around yeu." ed' and yet La Place belonged to a docnment.. I]!hie eliciMdltbeJolloW!' plied by the General Agent, (Geo. B. mencement of the year. At the high of fasting and prayer, with special destitute than Girard of the quali· It was weH that the apostle pot in cla~s described ill tbese wordi by an iog Doble and eloqolln& ,..p Utt ) to •. • d th rs ties wbicb win the affection of olhers. tbiB finiEbing stroke. It was well to inspired pen; 'The fool hath 83id from Mr. StaYeDS : .,

ti erl' 'b ,:"Isslonarldcsdan 0 fe 10 rates of paper and labor, it has not reference to the spread of the Sab- HIB temper was violent, his preseDce remind tbe most conscientious Ohris· io his heart there is no God.' .. While I bave not a *<>,-4 to-~

or d stn >utiun, a goo egree o !I. been deemed best to increase the bath truth all over our land. forhidding, bis usual ma.nner ungra· that he should str1ve to render " What f~lIy does he commit who io extenDation of' tile condbet.~ . tention has been paid to the circula- p~blication of tracts any farther In conclusion, we' add, that geuer- CIOOS, his will inflexible, bis heart uis religion attractive to others. For pursues learning merely for its own Brown, nor "n1

tlliD, w •• , ....... '

tion of our tracts by our brethren in than the present demand required. al harmony, and a good degree of untender, his imagination dead. He not every good man'S piety is lova- sake, and who lays the ripe prodWlt his Mntenoe, Jet. air,'bete:Me,tl ... their respective localities, and espe- The following extract from a letter . 11 was odious to many of bis fellow ble. Some men's religion bas too of a gifted inte 11ect on tbe altar of • hi,tory of ~o. ~blllll~~ 4!!'C . II b ....... . d' . te mterest, have been manifest in a citizens, who considered him the much acidity to taste well. Others selfish heart, forgetful of wht Dr. great evtls d:iU t~~lI!o\l ••

CHI Y Y mlsslO..,.nes an mIDIS rs of the General ~gent, shows what that tbe Board has done; and as we bardest and meanest of men. He sour their religbn with an intense Cbalmers so fioely term! the ,_ men who ~t~mpf, •• I,lil./)'irldlli~ in thei.r different fields of labor. The are the wants of the Society in this now submit to the Society this our bad lh'ed among them for balf a cen- cenEforiousness Their cOnTersation magnitudes, 'the littlene88 of time,' .n tmmner, to ~ followmg extract. from a letter of the direction, and also the progress of final wOl'k, we pray the God of the tory, bnt he was no more a Phile.del is elJough to set everyone's teeth and' the greatne88 of eternitr I' Ob, thole wi.n overabadoW'/lIIln_ General Agen.t gl~es .the ~ubBtance stereotyping and other labor; Sabbath -to bless the efforts of this phi au in 1830 tban in 1176. He on edge. After an houI's talk witb how cheerless the prospectot soch an III the 9( ~ of his labors lD thIS directIOn; h . t' d t h t th da slIll spoke with a Frencb accent, and them, J ou thllJk tue worse of even one! How dreary tbe anticipation I

U T ere is now on hand, at the So- orgamza IOn, an 0 as en e y accomp~nied his words with a Frencb tbe best men you know. Tbey are God forbid that it ehall he our por· U Duting the year now closing, dety's depository, a supply of the when all his commandments shall be shrug and French geBticulation. Sur- crabbed Christians. Everybody ra- tion at tbe last I

your Agent has continued to supply Society's stereotyped publications, acknowledged as His Law. ronnded witb Ohristian churches spects them, but nobody loves tbem. "You will bear me witoess, as orders for tracts, whether for sale or with the exception of Tract No.4, wblciJ he had belped to build, he reo We once bad a venerable and godly. yonr religious instnlctor, tbat I bue

t 't d' t 'bution in accord th H' t f th S bb tli th IRA J. ORDWAY, Cor. Sec'y. gra Ul ous IS rI , . - on e IS ory cello a, e mained a sturdy unbeliever, and pos- mlDded officer in our church, who neTer hinted-at least intentio".Uy IInce with the votes and practice of Address to the Baptil!.ts from the w_ ED>IEOTON,N. Y., sept. 1st, last. never did a wrong a"·t to my knowl- -that any IIccumulations of wor'td-

• A g the persons Seventh-day Baptist Genera.l Con~er- sessed the complete works of only.., :~!:~~el,:~~~: prevIOus years. .Q.mon only man, Voltaire. edge; and yet be never did a pleae- Iy learning CIlD be a compensation to whom tracts have been supplied, ence, and the Royal Law Contended FE1lALE SINGERS. He made it a point ofdoty to labor ant one either. He was a perfect for ignorance of God's Wcrd, and DIU be named the following:' For, by Edward Stennett. The vol- I never beard of an Americao girl on Suuday, as a good example to chesnut-bur. There was a deal of especially that magnificent oontral J. P. Hunting, West Edmeston, N. ume of Sabbath Tracts is also near- abroad to study nlU"ic, for the olhera. He made no secret of tbe good, solid" meat" liD him, yet no that it seeks to impart. We

Y., (about 20,000 pages.) Iy out of print, therfil being only a purpose of fitting Lerself for a pob- fact tbat be considered the idle.nes8 one hked to pnck' his fingers in have heard of David Home, an aged I D. TitsW'orth, New Market, N. J. few copies on hand, while the call he musical career, willout a pang. of Sunday 1101) injury to tbe people, corning at it. So tbe rugged old and insincere trifler in the midst of upon tbe P~:~~~:==~~l~: Henry Ernst, Walworth. Wis. for them is rather in.9reasing. New A musical education, an introduction moral aud economical. He would man was left to go on his own way the deepening sbadows of eternity j menlionad;wbell Geo. Greenman, Mystic Bridge, Ct. editions'of the tracts named above, to public musical life, and a few bave opened bis bank on Suuday, if to bellven, workmg, and praying, of the refined, tbe courtly, the schol· New York.iad Wm. P. Longmate, Pendleton, N. Y. aud also of the volume of Tracts, years of tbat life, are almost certain anyone w{lUld bave corne to it For aod $colding, as he !Went; but even arly Ca.mpbell, in old age, pOBBeIlleCl dering in UIe; _"1\4 fo~,,~~ PI; Chas. A. Burdick, Welton, Iowa, (3 should be issued soon. In the way ruin for any woman. Borne escape bis part he r~quired no rest and the cLildr.en in. the :stre~t were al- of a brilliant fame H a poot, an4 !lnly Dnpl~ ... n~ "e.oCD~J.iI,~

, parcels.) of stereotyping in tract form the tbis roin, it is troe, but there are would bave nODe. He never travel- most afraid to speak to hIm. Adrop an ample competence, yet sick at memory of John Brl)W'D, I ~ml Geo. J. Crandall, Watson, N. Y. matter of Vindicator No. I, your temptations laid for every step of ed. He never attended public 3B- or two of tbe Apostle John in his heart becRuse of the cheerlessfotare. ture to predict •• itt irow' bHi~" Andrew North, St. Peters, Minn. Agent has done nothing except to tbeir life. They find their !nccess semblies or amusements. He had no composition would have made him a We bave seen the man of wealth and brigbter tbro0ll;b' ooiIlhat ,'''; Varnum Hull, Berlin, N. Y. overhaul the copy, make such correc- in the hands of men who demand more aflections to gratify, no friends to glol"iolls specimen of a Christian. weeping 1108 his eye wandered ..-earil;, !'lid the State of Virr!D!a i .... ',,,b' Nathan Wardner, Alfred, N. Y. tions and amendments as w~re deem- than money for wage& They find visit, no coriosity to appease, no We bope that be hss become mellow- over the pti,ocely domain, with all 11.8 own. free~m~n ~\Id}Y ~"' .. ~ N. V. Hull," ed necessary, and prepare It for the .their per80nal charms setover against tastes to indulge. What he once er by this tim\l, in tbe sunny atmos- the harvest fields aod meadows, the dom. will, wltbm tbe hVII ot,~ Thomas Williams, " printer. He has ftlUnd abs?lutely no personal charms of ~tbers. Tbeir said of himself appeared to be troe, pLele of heaven. herds and the flocks which he clIolle now preeent, r.11e • lfIooa'IIliIIlt''tIiS Calista Root, Clarence, N. Y. time til' l~k after tbe details of ste- whole life ia lilled with tivalriel and tbat be rose in the morning witb but There is also a sanctimonions-set biB own, a PO!SfOBS10n from wbich hill me'!'ory, ·UpOD tlie '"\'7 ...... J. E. N. Backus, DeRuyter, N. Y. reotyping lind printing ; lind in view jealonsies. They find Ibemselves a single object, and tb .. t waB to la- face wbich some people -,vear, that death was just ejecting him. We wlMlre III·rallowl dood." ,I Wm. M. Jones, Scott, N. Y. of the extremely high prices of !Ill constantly throwrl into intimate as- bor so hard all day as to be able to is anytbivg bn~ attractIve. We once have seen the stateBUJan dying lit I' Randolph Drake, Delavan, Ill. labor and materials connecte~ WIth on tbe st~ge W'th men who 81eep allnigbt. Tbe world was abo dealt wfth snch a mlln in businesll; Karshfield, or.t Mount Verllon, and Church at SouthamptoD, Ill. book making, he has been lD less "ubject themselves· to no 9hristian solutely nothing to bim but a work- and we always co!,med carefully the tbat all the splendor. of e.cel,le~it,b,iOj~~.pbjie"

" haste than be perha.ps would have ~traint-wbo ean hardlY be said to ing place. He sevrned and I!cooted chauge he gave OB back after a past achievementll broll&'ht Altbougli no fruita Of the Society's been under other circnmstances." have had _ a Christian, education. tbe idea. that old men shoold cease purchase. We did ~t instinctively j very little comfort aiide Crom that

efforts in tbis direction have come • tat- They are constantly acti~ in operas. to labor, and sbould I!pend tbe even- for we had an oncomfortable S1lllpi- -wbich bowed from the toepel. We ey, aDd· Uta" ~~;~;~~ •. '. to the knowledge of the Board, we The Board take pleuure illS. the whole drllmatic relilh of which ing Qf their days in tranquillity. cioo lba' the manuer -(if look aDd have _n earth'. grea' men delpon. Serre-nt,' trust that 110 man:,:', seeds of truth, ing, that the expense of stereotypIng i! found in equivocal sii1atioris, or "No" he would sav "labor iB the 6peecb was a mask to hide frOI$ tbe dent as their worldl,. Q1udear 'If" Tbert hM""8rc

Vindicator No. 1 is very generous- openly liceotious revelitious. In price' of life, its ii8.ppiness, its .. ",!rv-I world a designing ~ature. Perh .. pe and their world~l' 0,..8eein, Bco.ttered so eItensively, ha",e DOt d'd h' .. t' b t th f It t th b tb Ob 1\ f ly borne by Bro. Abel Stillman, of Po- soch circumstances as l!lese, a wo- thing; to rest is to rust; every man we I 1m IDJus 100 i a e au away a e approac 0 ea. , a allen on batren ground; but that NY" 0 draft man must-· be- II -marvel 'Of modesty sbould \abor to- tbe last hour of his was hiB own in wearillg 10 repol,ive what deep meaning there i. in thej,,"'ted' Bome hllve taken root, and will, in Ia.nd, . ., so that there is ~ and a miracle of grace to escape abilit,. 7" Snch was Stephen Girard, a BanctiIDooiousneBit. ort-repeated remark of the .an wboee God's own time, produce an abun- upon the treasury for that obJect. contamination. I do q,t believe the richest man who ever lived in A lovable Cbriliuan is one who genio. hy -left 10 bright aD ilIumi .... Ii ,lJla,b·tJi ... ,~ dant harvest.. The importance of a standard His- there is a womao in tbe world who Pennsylvania. hits the golden mellln rttween easy, tlon 'bebiod it, ever since the ~"!t!l!I\M'"

2d. The second r""ommenda' tl'on tory of the Sabbath haa been su",. ever clime out of a r~ibliC mosical This is an unpleasaut picture of a laxitYlo DBeience on he up into Ule .i,., '-," .. :11'"'''' ~.... P d h if n of polite and amiable Pb.i1a one haod. and; stern, ungenial rocket, bl. • Lily "IlB recel'ved the "t.A.ntl'on of the to the ll-rd by the action of career as goo a wom n as s e en- c lZe. • •• h b H d vI" 'I .. "" .PUD tered it. She lBay b~e escaped delphI&. h were Indeed a gum aod morOllCntjilll on 1. e oft er. e i. IIOUn , 1I1in.tre, to be Board. A notice bas been Eutarn Allllooiation. A commu- with lin Ilawllisbed na e; she may dreary world, wherein sboold &lid )'et,ti~, IiweetJaDd melloW. He 10 brilliHt that die lltanding in the S.lBBJ.TII RICQBilb the nieation ",as also recebed from -Eld. h&ve'presen~d ~ef' sta ~g in.~' .\00 ,pril;l~iple8 of Girard. ~ never incurs contempt by yieldiDg alII.sel o.··l~~:~l~::~~~::~~==~f.~~~

1 . Jl h hte t b' h t thl man bQ~ done fur the cIty men's sinfnl pre;ndicel, nor does he lOn-in·l.w,' Loo~"-" for.

areater part of the year, otrering'aia A. Herbert Lewis, ast June, reCOm- clety, or eve elg ne \ I ; o. ID w a e - ~ - .. I,




, '

• , I

THE SABBATH RECORDER, FEBRUARY 16, lS6ts. 'b===::=::::::====~=========;:=;=====r:~~~====::=~=:===~===;==============t:==:===-::-:::"-'-""'"

lIifted, and yet the uobltishiog alllor- For, while the" American Tract So- On moti.on, the Clerk was request- structed to replenish the tmpply of presided. A resolutiOil '1"1 palaed ance of those wbo quote it, and tbe ciety," Ius many books which we ed to furnish a copy of the proceed- Tracts, aod make lIoch re,i!lionl" to the e11'ect tbr.t $30,000 be raiBed,

W AI :lEliS or THE nEt. garbled manner in wbich the lan- might with propriety spend oor ings of tbis Quarterly ~eeliog, aleo h~ may deem neOeelary' j.ad expe- by application to the AlulIlni, for the " '!'Bil PUCI BUBBLI. ,

d h of the Quarterly MeetlOg held at d. lent to keep tbe SocI'et-'1!I dep'~~I"'-ry l' ornnae of ere~tl'ng a IJ'''II' e bOI'\.lI·lIg On Frfaa. 1"-1 P Id t L' goage I·~ presenled, lea 8 t e general meaos to circulate, it has others .I ~ IN ,.-- ~ .... u' ~ -, ree en ,.DCbln ~ b' . h Preston, iu September last, for pub ID good coodition. or the IostitDtion. The Iostitntion Bent to Congres ~ complete IIcnn"UI reader to thiok t at It 18 the most whicn we are not at liberty, in t e Iication in, the SaBATH ~ECORDER. Resolved, That the Recording Sec: already has fuod. to the amooot of f b "'"

Wll:8'I'1IltLY, R. I., riFTS-DAY, I'EB. Ie, 1866.

Oeo. D. Utter, Edstor.

direct of testimony. light of duty, to circulate, or aid in On motIOn, the meeting then ad retary poblish the above proceedings $10,000, to be applied to tbe lJaml! 0 t e pelloo oeg?tiation8, Ihowine OIlIIl AlID IATUBE or THE BAH- The other mis8tatemeot will be coo- circnlating. Dr. Edwards'" Sabbath journed. A. A. LEWIS, Moderator. in the SABBATH RECORDER" purpose. Judge Huntiogtoo, in his that the main thIng wanted by \!l.

. ,/ pJ.ttr"~~!STOBT. eidered next week. GLEANER. Manual," or the work of GiI611an on JAIIES E, N. BACKUS, Clerk. A. B. SPAULDING, President. ,vperiillg remarks, dwelt upon the rebel ........ u ~IDil!l\ioe, and tbat the b S bb th I tel bl ' h d b LINCIUo.rn<, Jan. 8tb, 1851. JAB. SUIOIERBELI., Rec. Sec; Imp",rtance of makiog th.e b. uilding President informed theiD that tberl

CHAP1'ER VI. tea a , a y repu IS e Y fi r Th Id b Id t n.o QlGrln" Jl'iMCa/emm/I. SPWTU.ALISM AND MATERlALIS)[, that SOCiety, for instance', works CHUROH ORGANIZED, • 1 re proo. eo, UI 109 cos conld be no luspen~ioo of hOlltllilj

" I HOKE liEWS.. $n,OOO-but was too small ~o allord, till the rebel. bad diab d d 'L~ Be_elitl 'wril.r. han qooted from 1. II spirit tbe originator of mat- which, by sophistry, by garbled NO', AUJVIU(, SIBLBT Co., :M:D<., l the necessary accommodatlonll, A . ' ,all e weir

lrt11G1"',J:liabop of Lyon8, aboot the ter Y or is matter the originator of quotations, hy whnlesale declara. To &holdJl<>r orth. llabbalh ;:r!!!~,186S. r PAWCATUCL : lIub!Jcriptioo -paper WIl!I ciroalated at ar~lell and I!>ckuowledged their aI· ;,ii'ar 111'1. II follow8 : "On. the Lord'lI all Ipiritual phenomena r Doell life tiol18, and speoioos insinoations, aim Tbe brethren aod BiBters of New Soven perllons were bllptized and the meeting, and the 6rst subscriber leglance to tbe (ederal goveroment

i; it" i. every ODe of 08 C. brisUalllt keep~ lie b~ck of matter, and in some way to cast down God's holy day, aod Auburn and vicinitv , aRsemhled at became members of the ~.w catuck ~aR Mr, Edward T. Hookery' a prl"ata SiJlce the rebel comminlonerl ~ ed tb 1 t ... ·t d . 'tl' t b d' .I Seventh -'ay B-ptl'ot'Chorc' bon S-b- In tbe Elgbth Yermoot olunteen, tnrned to Richmond, public meet,'D"

""e Sabbatb, m itatmg on e IIow, a .. e lon, au orgamze 1 n 0 0 leB, make void the law tbrough their tra· the apPol'nted tl'me and place, 'or the .... ~ ~ -If th d h •• ... d d .' h th F b ' b ' a~ a omnua 0 e ,&ea emy, W ooon- have been held and t aDd ",joicing in his works." '.. thought takes on an embo ies ditions, teaching for doctrines of formation of a Seventh-day Baptist a , e. tt . tnboled a montb'. pay. ' new a tPlllpll .. Gurney, an Euglish writer, aod Dr- itaelf in words,. c~nlrolling it for itB God the commandme~ts of popes and Church. Eld. J. C. West and Delio. WIlITERLY 1 made to II fire the Soothern hearl.~ Bdw~d8, in the II S4bba.th Manual," own. en~1I r o~ Ishfe ~be res~lt of or- couocils. I speak advisedly concern- Maxson Crandall, delegates from the On Sabbath, Feb. llt~, foor per. CHt'RCHJ:8 IN NEW YORIt CITr.-The The iudicatioDl are not fnorahle 101

qoot4 .... abo,e .. But neither of them ~anlzatlon-hfe maDlfestatlO~s be- ing tbeBe works, especiany their TrentOn chnrch, also Eld. P. S. Cran- 80nB were baptized by Etd. Christo- New York Observer says that there Jdf. Davis aod hi8 coadjutor., .. _,_ d' tl ( Ir ae I Ed mg produced only wben material ele- t t t f th h' t ... · I d I pher SII'llmao, "nd conn",' cted them- are but 306 church edi6ces, great oUIllY ~r THE POTOII'O. qu..- Irec y rom en u". rea men 0 e IS OrlCa argament, Ill, were present and participated _" A

.ard!!," i8 oenal with bim in ,tbe ments have ID some way been organ- and the perpetoity of the law of the in tbe deliberations. selves witb the Seveoth"ay Baptist and small, incloding all nameB, in On Sonday, Feb. 6th, 1100 jilJlpul' Jrllnuol, lives n~ authority, (see ized into bodie8 r Is there an esseoce, Sabbath. Eld. J. C. West preached the intro- Chorch in Westerly, (four miled east New York. In 1785, there were nine tant movement was commeoccd,b, "age10T,) w~i1e 'Uorney lIays, in a or power, with its activities mani· I do not doubt the honesty of the auctory discoorse, from Ephesiaos of the village,) where meetings bate only j and the increase has been the Army of the Putomac -toWardl Dote, (page 90,) .. Quoted by Dwight, festing themselves iu self-conscious motivel!l of Bro. Backus; but I thiok 2: 19-" Now, tberefore, ye are no beeo held nelldy every evening for very gradual. The table below tbe Sootbeide Railroad. There Wit

XMology,' ,olume " page 28!' thougbt, feeling, action, living on be· he has made a serioos mistake, and more strangers and fiorel'gner8, but Bome time past. shows tbe placeB of worship of each Revere fighting on SnndllY' aDd MOll. d d · ddt f h . of the denominalions in IS'S and in

: On tbie' 'ground there is great yon an In epen en 0 t e orgam' I trust that all the means we possess fellow,citizens with the saints, and aOCKVILLI. ; day, as the result, of whiob Gen . 18U. 1865. . ' Qbance for mistake, when we con- zation it may crystalize around may be wisely expeoded in this, and the household of God; and are built We lellrn that Eld. L.:M. Cottrell, 1865: GrlAnt's Iioes Were ellteo~ed about

~ider tbat. Dwight WH so Dearly itself 7 or is all of the phenomena of every other homanitarian work, al· upo~ the foondatioo of the apostles in compliaooe with the generally ex- B&ptist8, four miles. Our casll~lti~, .number. 23 29 32 56 32 60

blind, tba' moet of bil!l re"ding for mi~d bpt. functional action of or· waY8 keepio~ in view the fact, that and prop4ete, Jellus Christ himself pressed ~isb of the Seventh-day PreSbyterians, ed a little over one th01illRud, W'lli~ raf'Y 1~.al'l.,;'fter' be wI!' twenty· ganized matter, or, according to ra- we have an e~pecial work, which de, being theibiefcorner stone." Baptist Chorch a~ RockvUle, hal coo. Episcopalians, tholle of tbe rebels ex~ecded, tbal

29 38 15 32 ,~bree yearll of age, was 'doDe at cerlt theorie8, is all tbe reBolt of cor· maode all our resources and zeal to After'Ufe di8c"orse, a friendly and cloded to wai,e his resignation, aod Methodists, number"and included, t .... o gelleralt

IIIlcond hand; that his works were relation of forces, wherein ligbt, accomplil!lh. GLEA.;... interesting letter from Delio. L. T. continue the pastoral care of that' Catholics, -Pegram aud Sorrell-Who weI! 18 22 • 't 2'

3 9 i . d h t heat or elec'rl'cl'ty I'S trao"moted Dutch Reformed, kl·lled. Tbe g·ound gnl'ned b·a be- . wr (ten by An amanoensiS ; an . t a , ., g Rogers, of West Milton, Wis., ad, churcb. Jews, ' G - '.

r' be did' not 'n,e' to s'operiDtend the into vital, and tb.s again is traos· QUARTERLY M&ETlliG, dressed to the brethren here, was NEWPORl'. Lutberans, made sore by iotrenchments. 1

5 , , 3 pobll'ca'll'ou o( hll" Theology!' The formed ioto mental force or miod, _.:I h' h '11 h I Th S Congregationalistl SIlO.'N'S 1l0V I . heoce at dealh mind ceases to exist? AT LlNCKUEII'. reau, w IC ,we trust, WI ave jUlio' e eventb·day Baptist meeting. Frieod~,' A' EIlENn. ,reat liability to Ii mistake, under A Q tIM t' d . h otarv e11'ect upon those to whom it bouse in Newport hal been repaired U Gen. Sherman '"Wa~ expeoted tu' 2 3 , ,

16 22

• d 2. Sooh are some of the g'reat and uar er y ee 10g conven Wit .I oitllrians, _Deb ciroomstancell, III apparent, an th S th dB' Ch h' WaR addressed. since the visit to it noticed by us,. UnivpraaliBts, reacb Bram'hville on tbe 6th of Febra. of 'itlllIC' argoes notbing against the fundamental qoestions that have agi- e even . ay aphst IIrc m ta,ted and divided homanity throogh Lincklaen, Chenango Co., N. Y., on The following named brethren and last fall, and is now rented to a con- Miscellaneous, ary. The Ricbmood papers havel'

190 306 hone8t1,of ·Dr. Dwight. most of its history. Au allirmative Sixth day, the 6tb of January, 1865,- sister8 joined-by letter aod other gregation of colored people. T I' report th&t he has effecl~ a lotIg. . Tbe qootation is made from one of at 2 o'clock P. M. wise-the chnrch, which for the' ola , ment on tlie raiirolld betli- If th " bl•• I rm'on. in whl'ch nel'ther the answer to Ihe first, or spiritnalistic f N ,GINi:SEiI. d' \ [' ee e. e , The IntroductolY Di~coorse was present aSilome8 tbe name 0 ew ' . ,Tbis table is ao intere8ting stu y. and Aogusta. 'tbey _)80 Ipea~ of '0, ri .. illal nor the'plice wbere it m~y' member of each of these questions, d The people of Genesee. N. Y., made The Roman Catholics have more than ' .. • b d b h . preached by Eld. A. A. Lewis, of Anboro Seventh· ay Baptist Church ; an unostentatious visit to Eld. Thom- . " romors" that C~arle8tOIl hilS beta be found in lrert¥UB is given; and, IS t e one returne y t e primary d F doubled in oumber of cburches ; the evacuated. ", > --;.

and spontaneous fllolth of humanity. Prestou, from Psalm 85: 6-" Wilt EI . B. . Rogel'll, Rosina Green, as B. Brown, pastor of the Seventh-, .. we Bbllll see by the following, no h . . b h Wells K. Green, Phebe A. Coon, JewB have more than trebled; th!! Rebel dispatcbes, 'elp.grapb~'14

tuch PJllBage occur, in Irenaeu8. (The Ao sffirmative aoswer to the secood, t ou oot revive us aga1O, t at t y A. G. Coon, Abigail Champlio, day Baptist Cburch, on the evening Lntherans have trebled; the Friends ~ d" 242 or m&terialietio member to each ques. people may rejoice io thee 1" H. Champlin, Rozellae Stillman, of Feb. 'lh, leaving cash 'aod valoa· d U . r d C the pllper8 of Monday morlling,ebow

~uotation ma~ be oun on p. '. . . After tbe dilcoorse, Eld. Halsey N. R. Stillman, Julia E. Crandall, bles to the amonnt of 8175. an Dlversa Ista an ongrega- cooclosively that Gen. Sberman baa '01. 8; oC an American e~ition of tlOn, IS given as an after-thought, to S '11 . R. A. Crandall, Eon ice A. Crandall, tionafists have decreased; tbe B~p. occupied the South Carolina Rill. D'. NY' . meet a doubt, a perh~ps. It is the tl man was appomted Clerk pro L.8. CraDllall, Lncy A. Crandall, SOUTHAMPTOY, ILUNOIS. tists have gained six churcbes j

Wllht, . ., 1830.) t Tb t d d f h W C C d II 'I' Co road, thus cutting 011' common,'cal,'-o S' W I labored argument that haR given em. e pas or an eacous 0 t e .. r3n a , ., anon on, the Metbodists, les8 tha.n is general- v , Ir iI iam Domvillo bears' the Liocklaen Cburch were constituted a G. G. Coon, M. Eupbemia Coon, The Southampton Cburch hilS been betweeu Charleston or Riobmod: (ollnwing testimony: .. But, although birth to materialism, as tbe history Committee of Arral.gements for fu- C. A. Coon, Emma Burdick, bolding, for tbe past tbree weeks, a Iy supposed j the Episcopaliaos and and Aogosta. On Thnrsday, Ihi not to be found in Irenaeu8, there are of beliefs and doctrines abondaotly. ZE. WBnrBdiekd"ck LElsie AGreBen'd' k seriel! of meetings, in which a good Presbyterians bad the same number

. _ M . I' . h h'ld f ture meetmgs. Doring the absence . . Dr I , uey. ur Ie • t d b f federal forces were 00 .the Edisto" in tbe writings aBorjbed to aoother proves. atefla Ism IS t e c I 0 religions ioterest was manifested. wenty yea" lOgO, 1100 now t e or-, I doubt, the offspriog of skepticism, oC the Committee, a coveoaot meet· Bros. W. K, Green and A, G, Coon, Tb . . mer hllve fOQr more than the latter. near Braochville, and within ar!t .ather, namelY, in tbe interpolated iog was held, The Committee re- both of whom bave acted as ordained e congregattoos were qUite large, Dliles of Columbia, the cllpital of I~ 'Epistle of Ignatius to tbe Magne- eoding in atbeism as to God, in aoui- and tbe people were much revived State. There are romoro' thil . hl'latl'on as to mao. It I'S not tbe torned, aod reported a,lplan fur the deacoos, were constituted as soch in d LARGE PEW Rl!illuL,-The amoont • • ,!ians, ,and in one of its interpolated an eocouraged. Thirteeo have 301- h '\1 " . , fruitage of simple fllitb, or of iotui- religions exercises dnring tbe Quar- the new chorch orgaoizatioo. ready beeo bnptl'zed, aud -everal collected for tbe rent of pew8 io the Brllnc VI e 'has been occupied Uy, p ... ages, expre8siool!l 110 closely re- 1M' Th' Th h I f' h eed' ~ D U' 0 our troops, Ilnd that Cbarlestoo h~81 INmblj" .. , thoee in Dr. D.wight's qoo. ti~e know;ledge, those divine spoo· ter y . e:tlDg. e meet10g WaR e woe 0 t e proc mgs were otbers will soon offer themselves for nitaftan buroh, San Frauoisco, J .. ~'''''. to le'YI!I no doubt of the taneities of humanity j but comes of' then dismissed. characterized by a remllrkable de- baptism. In all these meetings, the California, of wbich tbe Rev. Mr. been' evacnated. Both reporls '3til _'_ f' ltd . f Ii r St bb' . d b plllusibJe, but Ilre not con6tmed. M1Ire. from Mllcb be quoted." argomeot, as an after-thooght, devel- Sixth· lay Evening-A deeply in, gree 0 tn eres ,an umou 0 ee mg. exercises were marked with calm e IDS IS pastor, as anooonce y WILIlINGTON. , " .' , .. , oped by slow degrees, through the teresting lIeasoo of prayer was held We will tlke the liberty to say add I'be telegrapb to the Ohristiall Register,

! Arter cO,m, paring the Eoglish of an e 1 rate thooght, wbile tbe T uocertain and erring processes of at half· past 6 o'clock; after which word in favor of him who left home, feeliog was earnest and determined. of Boston, was $27,000 io gold, eqoal Operations are said to bave oom

D.I,bt, 'and tbe Latin of tbe inter- bumau logie. Th~ first and natural Eld. Halsey Stillmao preached from friends, and the companion of hi8 at the time the hide were made to menced again in the viciuity of Wil. polated.epistle,Dom,iIleforther says;. \ f' . . h 8 h h f A h 11"e, to tOI'1 aod struggle wI'th and w. c. Y. $70,000 in currency, Tbill exceeds . t b t th t' I II Dr. ralev ' algo (vol. 2, p. 93) qoote8 Impo se 0 man 18 to ascribe spmt to t etc apter 0 cts, the 6t ,6th l' SounUlI1TON III F b 7th 1865 b ... 000 . Id th t r mlDg on, U e par lOU arB are. u91'

.I ~ for us. We ha,e every rea.on to be- • ., e ,. Y to", ID go e amoon rea 12\' received. -' .. from Irenacits a limilar passage, everJthiug, or 8pirit lying back of and 8th verse8, (omitting tbe Tth_) HIeBBI:HG. ed onder the late lamented Rev. Mr.

and euergiziug and giviog life to .. Theu Philip went down to the ci.y lieve thllt he is earnestly and sin- ~ King's preaching, aod is altogetber KOBILI!:. _whieh: i. evideutly derived from tbe f S . d cArely endeavorl'ng to do hl's whole On the eve of First-day, Feb. 5th, larger tban that realized at any other Th f N 0 everything. Thi8 is allirmed by the 0 amana, an preached the gospel ~ 18 6 ere are reports rom ell' I' IIIme "Bouree as the interpolated h' f U • d I t h "& AI h h B duty. In short, be is the right man 6, the seveoth day people of Rich- churcb, not exceptiog Rev. Mr. Bee- le'aos' and Richmond, that Mobileh"" Epll!ltle of 'Igoatios, and beiug in Istory 0 a natIOns an a I reo un 0 t em, c. t oug roo borg aud vicinity met at the resi· cher's. The b!lilding is the Illrgesl 'I'"

, Latin, 'tbe resemblaoce is the more !igions. : . Stillman was suffering from the ef, in the ri{ht place. Oor prospects deoce of Mrs. L. R. Babcock, for the chorch edifice iu San Fraocisco, is been evacuated by tbe rebel'. 3. Not only this, but likewise the fecta of recent physical prostration, are iodeed encguraging with regard f h b entirely oot of debt, and every pew CAVALRY EXPEDlTlOar.

striking." After compariog Paley h h" d . T porpo&e 0 8 owing t eir respects highest and noblest in human civili. he was enabled to preach the word to oor c ore an society. aking ,ill let, except tbree hundred seats re-, W and the interpolation, he adds: .. The into coui8eratibn the bealtb!l1l1lesl by ghiD!§" IItl .. • vrprlle dooation. served for strangers. A a.~iDgton dispatoh, published relder may perhaps wish to see the ZIltion, all that is freest and most with power, aod the e11'ect prodoced In this way are tbe friends thus in the ~ew York Times of Feb. 11th.

Progressive in goveroment, the di. upon tbe congregation "'all good. 10 of the climate" location, &c., thia i. hI" h wbole plllsage 'from Ignatius. It is d d Ike plog one anotber. 'May God, in CLUQYJ(lI:lI' AND t'I!IE DEAn. _ Tb" 8&Ys t at a great cavalry campaigD, vinest aspiration and achievement, the conference meeting which follow- in ee a desirable p ace to ma e a h' • .. J d' f -.. follows, (he' gives the Latio, .. I' d' 18 iofinlte goodoesB ",nd mercy, Provost.Marshal General reports tbat COOSIst1Og v~ ,an extraor mary oree, spring~ from, and is nomiehed by, a ed, a large nomber of brethren aod beglnolDg. o.act, we oubt If there h . . d I h wbich we translate :)."Let eacli of is a more l'uvI'tl'ng .pot weat DC-the crowp all t ose with a bleslling who he koows of no instaoce where 16 to move Imme iate y through I e living faith in the spiritoal. The sieters took parl The general desire D. b 1: \. : . d . ' t G If S G T :JOII .eabbatize 8piritually, by medi· f G d . . II 0 L d . "father of wate-," opon whl'ch to pos'leu sue ee lOgS. an .In whose Boards of Enrollmeot have exempted cot,ou u tatea. e08. bum .. aith that II 0 IS a spirit, aud we was, or , revive thy work!' .~ d WI tatln. opon the law joyfully, not by plant the I!Itaodard ,of the Crosll of bos~ms throb soc.h generoo.e hearts. preachers of the gospel belonging to' ao . i lion a~e to. c?ID'llaDfl the

• f h h d d" h too at'e of His genus," is tbe faith &bbath Morning-At 9 1·2 o'clock D th thO r d' f h' h '11 b "I f Ih a relltlDlI' 0 teo y, a miring t e ' Ch . t W ' I tb b' t orlDg e evenIDg, e flen s en- chorches whose reHaioo!! teoets do orl'e, w IC WI C a!UP e or ~e 'i' that elevatea the world. Tbat noted a prayer meetiog WIlS held, condoct. rls . e 'ee at we oug • 0 . •

work of God; not eating food cook- ed by Eld. Thomall Fisher. At 10 express our thank!! to the MissionaMr Joy~d thllmselvell to the: ut~ost, after not hring them withio the 8cope of purpole. Montgomery, Selma and ed t\le, daf before,'nor drinking tepid sayiog of ChrYllostoms "The troe 12 O'clock, Eld. Russel G. Burdick B d d b II n dol which Etd. Aodros wa.s IDvited to the act of Febrollry last for eorolling Mobile, are to be vieited,.aod tb~re drinkB, nor walklog a prescribed dis- Sbechinah is man," of which the pi!- of Wisconsio, preacbed frow Matt~ t oa~~ ao~ a ov;. a oorh gr~ I : ~ make a few remarks, aod the aged and calling :out the national .forces; will be co·operation from Gen. Olin tanos, nor. delighting himself in fool- lllr of cloud with its It inwrapped 6: 10-" Tby kingdom come; thy 0 t h ' or eenwIDg da ~ eP

t ebr gentlemau, with silvered locke, calm· nor. doea he koow of aoy privileges by. Tbe expedition wlll atart from

I •• h' dancing and clappl'n!? of. haods. inner splendor of the divine glory will be done io ellrth all it is in heav- wa cover ua. e eS\fe 0 e ra- havlU~ been granted to tbe preacb- . " ' , . Q. en." A collection was taken op for membered by all oor siater chorches. Iy arose, and ~ddressed tbolle a8sem· ers of any denominatioo of professing. EaBtpOl t. Tbe-open,lDg of the Ala· And after the Sal.."ath, let all -ho and preaeoce, maoifesting itself to bled aroood him 1'0 a t~ th t Ch . tl h' h h b d' d I bam a and T W bee RI' r d _ " the Seveoth.day Baptist Midsiooary Pray for us, that W" may remain ,voe , a caus- fie aos 'II' Ie . ave een eDle om i, ve ~, au lo,e Cbrl'lIt celeprate the' doml'ol'cal th.e.Hebrews, aod speaking forth .the S . .... ed all 1'0 tbe 80 d < h' . to to ot"ers ' the o~c -t'o f S"I M t III OCI~ty, amounting to $4 37. Com- steadfallt in the Caith 'of Cbrist. ou o. IS vOice u. : v opG I 0 0 ~ rna, '10 go . A ' t d' b I dl diVine oracles, was a most fiUIDg f II ed d" d b u and I' t t th d f ' I d If b'l '11' I II

" ,¥a", C008ecra e :' y a or y resor- b 1." . h N I' h f' b momon 0 ow • a mlmstere y' Th I h h f h' h pa se, IS en 0 e wor s 0 aGE' -J L I ery an iI 'j I e, WI vir oa y (Jom-, <II 1 8ym 0 or Wit ova IS t at alt E'd RIG B d' k d J e severa core es 0 11' IC IlI'l'B rOR OOCI-TlON. ames ''1'- . • . reation tbe q uee,. and highest of all • . ' , ers osse . ur IC an ame8 • kind and worthy adviser. Tbe f B h' plete our mIl! liOry work ID the oottou d "(J te I ted E . tI 9) wblcb accept8 and treats tbe homan E. N, Backus, assisted by Deacons the8e brethren and IliIter8 were for- friend a then !isteod to IIOme beantiful rence,. 0 oston, 1108 given two States of the Gulf.

ay.. 0 ~pa a pili e, c. . body as tbe holiest temple on earth, A C. Stillmau, Arza Muocy, and John merly member&, may consider this 300 thousand five hundred dollars for the ' !lere ~om"I~I~ has a note as fol. enshrioed within which i8 tbe image Maxsoo. , ollicial notice, aod can correct their music by tlie reverend gentlemao additiooal eqoipment of tbe labora-' THE PETERSBURG 1l1llE •.

low. : Uowllhng to rely merely of the divine-such is the faith that SahOOth .Afternoon-Eld. Wm. M. stati8tiCl!l accordiogly, and others, after whioh all were tory of the scienti6c IIchool at Har. The Committee on the Comloc£ 01 lIpon t.be ide,ntity of the pa. ssage in is leading hom' anl'ty by glo- degrees Jones preached from Luke 6: 46-'9 Z, W. BURDICK, Church Clerk. soonretorning to their several places vard College" which ia, in addition the War have made a report on t~e

D W _u And wby call ye me Lord; Lord 1" of ab de feeling d bt dl h Igoatlul 'WIth the quotatloos made to recognize the true manhood of &c.. 0 , , un on e y, t at to the SOlo of fifty thouslind dollars, failure of the Petersburg miue .. Tb6, ,. ftOIll:lrenaeos by Drs. Dwight and mao, before whose dignity aod worth Evening after the Sabbath-Prayer OUR TRAOT SOOIETY. the eveniog bad been spent both as a permauent fund for the bene6t lIay that 'he mine r.od tbe 888&1111

Paley, 1 have c~refully searched all outward conditioos 8ink into io. meetiog at 6 1·2 o'clock, condocted For a period of time, our Tract So. happily Ilnd profitably. 11:. of the cbemical aod eogineeriog de' which folluwed its explosloo would; ~ro.l!lh all the estant works of Ire- significance. With the iospiratiollS by Wm. M, Jones, At 7 O'clock, ciety'soperatoiu8 have been measura- J.LLEU.NY COI:NT1'. ~abrhtomtent' tsL· owMrern' ceL,aw~eOoOclled'8edfaththerl': have socceeded bad its direotion ret";

d 'th t' t t te Eld. James E. N. Backos preached Th I fAIl _.' g D~U., aD can WI , cer aID y sa, of such a faith, materialiam can bave from 2 Timothy 2: 13-" If we be. bly suspended. Little has been done e p~op e 0 egany, and the scbool by the gift of 6fty tboosand mained with Geo Burdslde, wbo 60

tbM,nOIUO? p~8s~ge,or aoy one at no sympathy. Through ita whole Heve not, yet he ahideth faithfnl ; he of late, by ita managers, to inspire sO.rroondl.ng coontry, are bleBsed this dollars, and added a bequest of fiflY perir.tended it from tbe ~egIDoin~. , .U tesembhng It, 18 tbere to be fooo~. bistory materialism bas ever been caooot deny himself." After the dis- co06dence io ita, elliciency, or by the wlOter With all the snow that i. de- thonsand more at his dellth. That Gen~ral wished tb Pllt hill c~~

TI,I" e~ition I ~onsulted was that It the father, or ellicientally, of "atbeism course, interestiog remarks were cborches, to increase its power, by sirable. About tbe 6rlit of January, ored troop8 io the van. Gen. Meade »UlDet (Parl•s, l'HO,) hut, teo all- In the religious sphere, 8elfishnes8 ~~t~s,~~dr~th::' M, Jonee, A. snpplying it the mellnll of doiog good. we bad a fall of soow to the depth ... _~KII C?N8T1~UTJOll'A~ ~IlENDIli:~ bas ~t~~;ct~~de ~~:. ~~::!I~,ar ~.:~H~~ , lare myself Ittll further, I have since in morals despotism io go.ernment Firstday Morniotg--At 10 1.2 We hope the darknesil wbich speaks of eight or twelve inches, makioli ~n teJe~e by. ~haw;re, y yda 'donbt it wonld have succeeded." looked ,to the editions by Erasmus and dem;ralization in 80ciet!' ",' o'clock, by previoos lIppointment, of the coming day il pll4sing, aod ac- excellent sleighing, whicb the people tree· oU.rt s. vote 10 e enate, an And the Committee say geoerally, (Patt". 1853,) aud Grabe (Oxford, y Eld. A. A. Lewis preached a dis- tivity and effort shall again be tbe have used to very good advaotage. a two-thirds ID tbe HO!lst'. Peonsyl- that but for tbe interference of Gen, J.'01l;) :alld ill neither do I fiod tbe BEADING FOR THE SOLDIERS. cour8e -upon tbe Bible Sabbath, tak· glad prophecy oC success, to cheer The snow gradoally increased in nnia ralified it by a vote of U to Meade at tbe eod, who from the be' p ... ge in, queltion!' E~ami.nation T. the EdItor of Ih. Sr.bb.th Booorder: iug for hill text, Mark 2: 27-" The tbe hearts of God's laints, who de- depth through J aooarv to aboot. 8 in the Senate, and 56 to 13 in the gioning had di~'?O!ieved in ar~ eon'r" , Sabbath wall made for man." '01 House temptuoQslJ', crltlCllled t~e proJIlCI 0 • f!fC1wS&iI 7bll, pp. 180-132. A notice by James E. N. Backus, The afternoo. and evening of light iu spreading the truth. eighteen or twenty incbes, keeping .• tbe mine, iUrould have accompli,bell : OoncerniDg thi. strong pas- Agent" Americao Tract Socity," &c., Frst-day were devoted to a Sabbath The following, from the minutes \be sleighiog io excellent condi- PETBOLEtril occupies 80me space in Ita object. But when Geo. Meade

~"'ClIlI W" ,be, in your last issoe, attracts my at- Cdonvler~S't Ceo~eotiood' wbicb was of a meeting, of the Bor.rd, held at tion up to the Tth of February, when oor columns tD-day, and our readers c~me tOd ondersltanbd~~hat the ebIP~: wrl'ten I'n tention. 1 heartly endorlle 'the I"dea eep y In erestlng, ao we trost reo tbe h fBI J 0 d . an unusual snow t t . h' h BlOn an assao t .... a pro I eulted in some good. ollse 0, ro. ,ra . r way, ID s orm se 10, w IC will do well to read wh~t the repre- chance of BUCceSIl, he .. eomed ,tb.

to qoote oC seuding reading matter to the West Edmellton, N .• Y., Jan. 16th, lasted moet of two days, increasing eentr.tiveB of tbe Ohio oompr.iI, bue direction efit; and b.r hill dltanalift it give soldiers, and hope our people will do BUSINESS IlUTING. will show that the Tract Society still the dept~ to at least two and one half to say on the lobject. meot of Gen. Burnside" pllln!!, \lto'

DO or merely that of all they can in thllt direction. But The usual bosinells meetiog was lives. There was a fnll meeting of feet, wblcb I.OW makes it quite dilli. came respooBible for ~ tbe relol\l!l, D"i.lb"trolD aloethomoos poblica. I must protest against giving our held on FiraWIlY morning at V all the membera, and a good number colt to get ahoot in the woods, or JOIiATlIJ.N RUSSELL BULLOCI: waB failllre. o'clock. Tbe meetiog WaR called to IllSCELLAKIOI1l lTU •• tlOD, prepared der circumstaoces funds into the' hand8 of a Society, order hy Etd. A. A. Lewis, Chairmao of vi8iting brethren, all of whom away from the main track. We have confirmed last 'Satorday &8 Judie of I

bl I 3 f h b '-- b f \ d t h d The Twenty-tbird Army OOr", . on(a.ora e to .. ot accoraoy. . many 0 w oae 00 .... we cllnnot en- of the laRt mpetiog. Prayer was of- were ope 0 an earnest: no II so great a body of IIOOW be- the United States Di.trict Oourt for (Gen, Schofield'll) has be~ transfar· S.ld· pUblication givea neither the dorse, in order to do this. fered by Eld. James E. N. Backos. On On mctiou, Eld. Geo. B. Utter fore since the wioter of 185&. We the District of Rhode blaod. red from tbe Upper Tellnetaee to I

ori,hial, nor the place where it may ~e have a U Tract Society," with motion, Eld. 4. A. Lewis was cbosen was appointed General Agent of the have had some qoite .evere wiod • Oity Point, Yirgioia. The· fact tbAI h . . 1Ii~ d b k d Moderator. The minotes of the Bo d A C .~ C - d t d ed °0000 I ' .. be foand. •• A thoroug IDvestlga- 0 "ers, ao 00 s, an meaus to ar . . storms, which have Completely block- OLOR~ LUGYllAn con uc e thiB·, .. t army. ",timat at·~, '

tiun,of Cbe Ilubject revealll the fact, lIIlod them j books desigoed to ai.d in ~:: ~~:~~:~a. MO!in~o~~!~ rE~: Re.olved, That we are desirous of aded many of oor hill roada witb the reUgiolls eervicelJ in the Hall of witb all itl arm8, mUllition,' .Dd 'b'a' MR 8 .... h ...... sage exil!lts in the doing the elipecial worl. which God J E N B employin~ suitable traveliog agents, d 'fted T the National HouBe of Representa· eqoipments( including artillery ••• • • nv ..., r- #0 ameli . . ackoe was elected to labor In behalf of the claim. of rl Inow, he weather hll!l heen eight hl1udied horael,·ba. been tra\ll' wriiln,lof trenleul j that the near- has called us as .. people to do, and Treasorer, to fill the .ncancy occa- t~e ~ibl? Sabbath, by conversing, uDusually 81eady for 8ix weeki put, tives IHt Snoday. ported lome fifteeo hundred mill'S,. by •• , approacb to it, is one somewhat which~ if placed in the hands of the sioned by tbe death of Deacon D. d. 11!~f1butl.ngtracta, lecturing, pr-ch- thawing btl verv litU" in the time " ' river aod rr.iI, 'and &CI'OM mOftnllllOl,

d Id Deloes Welle Eld Wm AI: J d ~w -01" THe Won Don.-Tbe ..tllUBlo1J8- ... • imilar, in an interpolate passage 80 iers, woold be read with qoite as· beh If f' th S tt Cb' :nes, tng, or II!ICDlling, .. circomstances yet it has not been leYerely cold. in mid·wioter, wSlbln tbe Ibort .ptee Itom ODe of the Epistle. ascribed to ~uch intereet .. those of the" Amer- ~~esteda t~at ,:he c~ext QU:~rie:t mr.y reqoire, outeide of fields occu' The mercory hal!l ron below lerO f'tJ St4ndard. recommends the dill· often da:J" withollt acoldelK,l. car' I -atl' •• , ('''ere i8 no eueh p .. sage IC.,:O Tract Societv." The sending of Mee, tiDg be beld with that CborchY. pied by our chorches. I 1I0intion of the aoti.alavery societies, t.inly both (orlloale and ,riIlJllrllt· ._ .... .I Resolved, Tbat we requeBt Eldll. severa ti~es, bot no tbne, I tbink, on the groood that elanry i8 dead. ble. ,

,ia .the prel!lent'received editioos of oor 0'1'0 books would accomplish all Eld. Backus ~qoe8ted the next N. V. HoI!, James Summerbell A H more than .0 or 12 degrees'below. It Order. were reoei't'ed at (lamp i,a.Uu") IDd written, douhtIese, which doty demand8, by way of giv- Qllarterly ~eetlDg to be beld with Lewill, aod D. E. Mauon, to 'tr~.,ei has thUB f., been a remSrbble win. A snbscription h .. been ral'led 1·0 DOI1"'I .. , Obioago, a few' aa'" III~'

T '. • d' the Chorch In Cuyler On moti ~ .. ~ ( aflet \be ,time of Ii!enaeos, wbo at lDg rea IDg matter, and much be- Scott was d' ted h on, H oor ageot. .or six weeks or lese, ter for keeriog IItOC~. Stock never Londo~ fur.the porpose ofpre.enting to prep~re to eend .wr.7 8,000,0 tOI tIie'IlIIl'Ii",' did not wrile beCore tbe aidell for God'. trulh on the qoel!ltiou d h I S!gnh~ as t e place, as circumlltances in their jndgment looked be~r at th .. _IOn of tbe a teltlmonlal to Cardinal WisemaD rebel pflloners to be excbanged. 5 latt.t pllt~ 01 the HCODd oentury. of the Sabbath. Maoy men woold a: 2 t ; I &8: ~xk ayof February, may juetify, to carry out the above year' olIIDfCiaUy IIheep in which our on the 8th of June next, being the 8,'228, who were can,4 OUI, ,1-\ I

. •• .. hId' c oc . ,as tbe time, of reBolution. -, t' ."/- II \. 'd N twenly·fiftb anniversary of hiB epi •• more than one-6ftb, refulted to be,el'lll 6. Thac the p .. sage, )f genulDe, read a dllcoulon of the subject in 0 109 Ihe nex~ Qoarterly Meeting. ReM>lved That the OOlTesponding ooun ryliliwe eupp Ie • ILII:, copal conlecration. The Idea i. to changed. :Ninl! bundred and til r~1·. ~onld ,tAch ~b~t tbey to wbom it tbe leisore nf ca~p life far more Eld. Thomas F18ber w .. appointed Secretary 'botify the abo,e named Fa.auuy 10th, 1865. preaent him with a splendid gold 'on~ applied du~i,r·tbe month of JI1( 1 '11''' &db .... III were to keep the Sab- elgerly than uoder ordioary circom. to !E:,:~h~ ~~ltroductory Di.conrllll, brethre~ of their appointments, by altar lIIlivice. ' oary for lel1'e to take the oath, 0 '-

b,*'(ee"'lltb da1) Bpiritually, &c., stanoetr, and reading thuB would be ~ A Le' : tl mau ~Itetedrnate. Eld. forwar~lDi a copy of the foregoi!!, PHILLIJ'S AC.lDEIlY.-Tbe lamoUI!I allegiance. lbey ', are DOW olferlDI " ,<,' • • I...... b _.:I . . Wltl wuappoID to preach retlOlutlonl!, aDd that he asoertr.1O Phillips AClidemy at A-..I-'er U Eld J M' t tbe t '0 ·b ..... ," por day aad ',net 1GblJal'''fIg, to ce Clffate t I! mllUe better. upon the IIUh1ect of the Sabbath on the amou t f ti h' h' uuu • ,JIlIIII!I., er 'amea cKenzie, o( the .. ra e ; a v", •• ,,' "

:hilli t 1 da d' r 'Jh' "b 0'( d' F' t-d '11' n 0 compenu on W)C w.hich w. a. d~troyed by fill not long Freewill Baptllt Ob.orch, Tiverton, Our Col18ol. at ~oDd~ inform. 0111' \IV .Il ea, 1, a II Inc IDr, WI r,l we eltre to send otber baolES Ir. ay morning. On motion, Dea. wi~~,~UiTredh ~ th G I A t lince, IS to ~- rebuilt on a new "I'te wal!l agreeably .orpnaed a tew e,e- got'&tniDent :tbatl'"tbe relll!le baD" 114" GIll ... w aotice, onl .. it Will pnbli.hed by aoy other Society let' J~n B. WeHs WIl4 appointed. to """""...,.. a. e nera ..on 't"" D •• • b' B .... ..:.. of·... ..

, W lte II PIP t " be reqoes~d .. _ complete tbe I'~_' A meeting"" lately beld at ADdo. DlDgbee .lnCoeh• 'Ii.a 'ilit fr<* .. I .... ge h?Db,ht t.h, o....,.~, Idretb• ... 8~.,-""B"·-.... -.4_ be tbe re8urrectiou dlf. ajudiciou8 selectioD be m-.:Ie and r an eIIIay on erllOna Ie y, • f =~. N ..,."" to tal.. ' ' num r 0 ~ ~aftA __ .......... wltb 0'· go'ern-t .... . .. " n .. .. ' • • .. _ • IlU , to be presented aUhe Dext Quarterl:J typlDg 0 n_icaIo 1 ,er "e ....... ~ th· ._-, ~"'" -. - ----., ..,... ". ' ...... 'I'W&III 'IS .... _ qao"tloD oome wbeD, our OWD added to IDch a lIeieo&ioD. Keetin,. ' . r o. ," 'o;on •. .....-urstJ. or 11!1 purpoee, hi. about '1100 in ~reeJlbaca aad iib 'ailon lIa,e beleu".bip ,"Yl";'

.. practicable, IDd tha' he be m· 'It Wblch J dr HanUDpD, of Sale., other articlea.. '. ,'.' " . .I1i11aacl,~ ~ ,It;,' ., ' ' i 'l ". '.. •

-A n amateur perfor'llBnce took

place at PIke's Opera Bouse In Cm OlUnatl last week for the bcop6t of soldlerll' tamlh~s All ImmensO aodl enco Wlitlf pres! nl and Ihe receIpts amounl4'd t I between ,6000 aud $7 > 000 The part f Hamlet was per furmed by tbe LIeutenant Governor pi' OhIO

Bllg General Hayes UnIted States VolUliteers"reports Irom R chmond to Ihe War Department, tb .. t he bas beeD paroled alld appomted as ageut to reCel'O aud dIstribute 8upphell for the UllIon prIsoners He reports tlmt tho lt1pplIes 650 pllvate pack .ges, and 60 billeD of blankets have been traoslerred to him A ware hOllse b08 been prOVided for storJDg the 811pplle8 antI be 18 a8sured by Mr Ould that every faCIlIty for thIS transportatlOo WIll lJe prOVIded

The names of a capta1U two heu tenante four ser~eantll two c lfpor 31~, aud forty DIne pr1vat~s cll1zens I f Fall RIver Moss wh have l cen kIlled In battle or dlCd fr OJ wot1nds receIVE d or dIsease contracted wbIle ID the servlcP are to be inscribed on a monument now erecting to theIr mem( ry ID that city

The correspnndell t of thp New Y(lrk Times With Gen Meade'R army wh IIy den 1'8 the report that the rellel commISSIOners WPI" received \'Ilh cbeers by our 80ld ers rhe

(raler! Iz~t (n and good feehngs of tt e Boll ers of bolh armlew was a

canard Gen Grant statcs Ihat he has

wade lin arrangemeot for the ex chanaI' of all tie pr soners f wllr mlln for mal, lin I officer for officer until 01 e s Ie 01 The olher I .. exhaust cd Be.' ppoees tbat exchanges WIll be ma.de at the rllte of three thollPaJ d per week

tbe bUIldIngs ou both SIdes of the


Captalll Joseph H Ware who oc­cupied a dwellIng m the VICInity wltb blS Wife five daughters and five soos met With a sad mlsfortooe They all succeeded IU gettIDg IDto the street from tbe hou8e Just as they left theIr beds but found tbemselves \0 a river of lire The family became scattered Mrs Ware had her VOUI gesl cblld, a htte gIrl m her arms and was endeavorlDg to save ber Sbe fell when ber~elf, her Itt tIe chIld and another daoghter about fifteen yean of age were borned to death 1U tbe street, aod theIr bodtes were so b Irrlbly mutIlated tbat they can ooly be Ideotl6ed by Ihe pecu har Clfcumsta.nces surroondlDg them Captam Ware and hiS two s}Os es caped but the other tbree daugb ters are miss ug


An amendment to tbe ConstItutIOn

"as proposed wblCh prOVIdes that

representatlves!D Congress shall be

app0!Dted accordmg to the nomber of

male CIt zeus quahfied to vote for

represenlatlves In State LegIS atnres

Tbe Enrollment bIll was passed wltb a prOVISIon tbat recrulIlIlg agents sl all not operate lD rebel states

The bIll relatmg to postal affairS was passed

A bill was pllssed t, reimburse M B800rl for expenses !Dcnrred lU call1Og out her mlhtu\ also a bill prO\>Jdmg for the constructIOn of a bridge across tbe OhIO Rver at ClD ClDDlltl

The Presldeut d report upon Ibe recent peace negotlatlOlls was recel. ed

A bIll wss passed to faCIlitate the collectIOn f GoverolIlf>nt claIms agalDst defaultmg p at office agents who ba ve aIded tbe rebe Is

Col Multlrll CommlSSlOller I f Ex chango Oll tho part f the U OIted StateR .tlltes Ih It an arrangement WIIR 1I1111 Ibout tw weeks ag I, by Gu el al Glllnt for" complete ex change of prlsooers man for mall and that about three tbousand a HOUSE OF RE7RESENT~TIVES

week WIll be exchanged The Naval AppropriatIOn Btll was

~eventy five men of Q lantrel'~ old passed w th an ameudment provld band 01 guerrIllas crossed tbe OblO 109 for an addItIOnal mid shIpman RIVer and made to the front of (lur In eR B veral days ago but sh rtly from each Congressional DIstrIct

ft rward tbey rrtlred and have The bll maklOg approprIatIOns for g lie lit J the mterlOr of Kentucky f r llicatJ ns was pas~ed also tbe agll n GuerrIllas lire very nil mer Army Approprlatwn B 11 WIth an

UR near OIlT hne" Robbertes IHe amel dmeul fOi bldd ng the payment r equent Delld plckels are brougut f oonev to such raIlroads !l8 the o every morulOg: I IllInOIs Centr ,I wb ch uave receIved

Wheo the war began Beauregard grants of laull u cond tlOn of trao~ asserted Ihnt he wotlld dIe 10 the portlOg troops and property of the 1 8t dItch Tbe other day ID Mobile U Itcll StateR free be ootiDI'd thp pe(lple of that CIty A JOlDt res lut ou was pai8ed ap tbut he lUtended to tight 10 the bit propr atmg means to procure a mar ter end-I\nd that tf be failed he ble bust of ChIef Jostlce Taney for could beg a PIISS Ige to some ~ reIgn the Supreme Court Room country , A bill was pasaell to estabhsh a

Out of a detacbmeot of Ii,e bun FreedmaDs Bnreao, also an amend rlred rebel prisoners at Camp Chase, I mel t to the Internal Revenue Act ClDclDnlltl who were ordered to be wb cb cons derably mod lies taxes plnred upon tbe exchao!!:c hst two There was an an mated dlscosslOn I undred and sIxty voted to relba n on tbe PreSident s commUDlcatlOn re-m prison The otbers Will be sent lallve to peace negot18tlOns and the forwllld questIOn ofprmtlDli twenty thousand

copies was referred to a commltlee General Robert E Lee was unanl n>olllly cODfil med by the rebel Seo lite February 1 Commander ID Ch ef of Illllho armIes of tbe Confederate Slates Tbe General has IsslIed ao "pp~al for arms aDd eqUlpments

A cavalry scout of General Sheri dan enoouutered tbe forces of Mil Jor Harry Gllmor on tbe ~th lOst, IlllA'r M orfield and wblpped It band 80mclv oapturl\lg up"ards of twenty officers aod men Amon~ the officers c 'pt Ired was the noted guerrilla chlel and robber Harry Gllmor him self

Major Hl1rry Gllmor a notorlOns reL 1 ufficer and guerrIlla recently !Itr1V d at Bosl< 0 WWI "t ooce for 'warded t For~ Warrcn He was IU

cl ar~(l uf II s captor MaJor Young, If Gencral Shemlall's Bcout~


On Wednesday, both br.nches of

Congress met to CQunt the elector.1

vote for PreSIdent when It waa de

clded that L ncoln aud Johnson re

ceJved 212 vote~ whIle McClellan

.nd Pendleton receIved the votes of

New Jersey Delaw.re and Ken

tncky ,

SUMMARY OF NEWS A deserter from the army named

DaVId Frank SIVIDS, shot bl8 father mother, and \'lIfe at Woodstock MlCb recently He IS uoder arre~t The motive tbat led to thl8 terrtble crime as stilted by the murderer hImself waR tplS He had become enarmored of a yoong lady at Grar ..

Genrral DIX under \DetructIon from t(lO, Mlch and conceived tbe Idea tl c War Department gIves notIce to thllt the most certam way to posileils II e edItors and r roprletors of all her wonld be to murder h s paren18 t eWRpaper8 pobhshed In hIS D~part and WIfe, 10 the matlner de8cnbed It ent Ihllt the system of c rre~polld and thus fan heir to h s father's

te WIth the rebel States by adver property and obtaIn the obJect of t SlUg under the head of Personals' hIS love 01 otl crWll1e 11\ tbe columns of sucb 00 Mouday n gbt Feb 6th the 1 aperll Dlnat immedlalely ceas~ steamer EmpIre State from New

00 Tbnrsday last United State~ York for Newport wben off New ~I tRhfll Murray receIved a telegram Haven wae ron 1010 by the steamer <llrectlllg bun to proceed to Montreal FrancOOla from Portland fIr New Ca! ada and take charge of the St York The FrancoOla staved 10 the AI! IIDK falders who lire t l be de starboard bow of the EmpIre State II'ered up to the Unlt~d Sates nu carrymg away tbe forward deck and I rltles ,b llwark~ aod eausmg her to leak

Ad ViceS frOID Mr Webb UOIted ve y badly Ber passengers were ~to.tes Minister to R 0 Janeiro re taken oft' by the steamer Galatea celved at the State Depal tmeot brlOg and tbe EmpIre State retnrned to lie grahfYlUg mtelhgence that the New York Tbe Francoma lost her government of Broz I bas lslued a bowsprit Iperee es.cludmg the pIrate Shenan A yOllng lady belongmg to one 10llh from the ports 01 tbat empIre of the lirst f"mlliea 10 Pblladelphla

I A G f L M a few d"ys SInce IOdulged for elx Obar e8 ates 0 ee ass hoors nearly 10 the mVIgoratlOg

the young mao who drove the c IW8 exerClSfl of skatlDg and her skate8 to pasture one fine mOfnmg In June belDg too tlgbtly strapped the Olr lS ... and dill not return uolll he had olatlOU of blood 10 her feet waB B8'td three YOllrs ID the U Ulon army ct dOh g home she r ltd Th d s oppe u reac III e-e 18 e (n ors ay unfortnoately put them IDtO hot A bnker at MemphiS recently got water aud now her phYSICIans say

permiSSIOn to pillS through the U olUn It WIll be necesl!ary to ampntate both hnea a barrel or lIour for the ose of of them


A rlgbt wbale was veloped la lP'eater tban that of any other ProvmcetQcwn harbor las\ new repOD

., SnUTR CoNVDTI CONVll1l'/'IOl( -An adJourned meeting of the Sabbath Conv.rtt Convention Will be held Wltb the S"".nth day Baptist Cbwch In Scotl l!f Y oommeno Ing on F rot day the 26th of February .. t 1 o clock P II Brethren n tbe mini try and b ethren and 8 aters 10 the la ty from far and n.ar are cordia ly InvIted to meet w th us and aid 10 extend ng Uti most prec ous

IE ... YOu: VARIETB-FEB 18 1886 I dred barrel. 4allT to taOh_h~'" , (and ODe lIun'" .............. lufttor)'

a ronnmg 6gb' of two hon~ The These 011 and mineral lands being adJacent monster first sncceeded 10 ~rlkmg to Duck Creek Paw paw Wolf Creek and the boat, knocKmg two m$ over other tributaries of the Ohio and Ihsklngum board breaking Ih" tblgh If I ne of r vers botb of wbicb are na1'lrahle for

Gold b.... duetuated fl'om 1211 dow" to will eurely h. d.e.ed a lat .. ~ let 206 toucblng the latter prloe n Saturday ... ~ tI J wben it was reported tbat Sherman had but one well) tben at tbe -nI ...... P .. -taken Branch~lIe thlB qualltr of 011 me ... y euoqli .,.111('"

.Ashes-Pots $11 60 P""rls 12 50 prodnoed to pay to eaoh ShaNlIOI.r ... ... Gl>U0n.-85c for mlddl np Iy OIor. thaD the tola " .. rlyln ..... 1 .. . h Th steamers and being w Ih n a few mile. of tbe

t em e wh~le will YldJ 0 bar Mar etta and C nc n nati rallroad great fac I rels of 011 Mour and Me.u....l'\onr 9 25@9 75 for en Caft of •• oh 8bare of hit 8100'1. .... 6 .. '"

pertlne N Y State 10 10@10 30 for llI.ooy lult 1111 hop.d wm er.lolD, be o~ t es are thus afforded for the .... r and rap d A child born recently ID S8I Fran transportat on of Ihese 0 i and m neral pro

CISCO had no opeDlng for 1/5 eyes dnctions to the eastern .eaports and the great trutb JUlES E N BJ.(ln8 Secretary

DeRuyter Feb 5th 1SGS

N T Btate and low grade! of Wefllern ex tra 10 9O@11 10 for .hipplng Ohio 11 100 CAPITAL STOCK O_L'I _-, 11 82 for trade -and fom ly brands 11 OO@ Inslead of ,33.000 000 whloh woul4 Mt1lllS1,

Cuts. were made and a p.ur 0 bright West 14 76 for 8t Louis ex~.... lIye Flour 8 OO@ ... : 8 60 Corn lIeal 7 90@8 00 for lenity, 8 80 be the proportion ot 101\fle otll.r bot!,...

eyes were found underneath What In addit on to the thouaands of barrels of IS most slDgolar eyela@he have 0 I IUld Immense boat loads of salt and coal commenced growlOg on eac~sld. of that have been sh pped from thi1! vlelnl!r the cut and the IJd~ do regolar there are also numerous manufacturing eo service tabl shments and re~erlllll that consume

., QUARTERLY )lEETING -The nut Quar terly Meet ng of the assoclMed Churcbes of DeRuyter Soott L ncklaeft Cuyler Otsel c and Preston will be be d Wltb tbe Chur oh In Scott commeuc1Og on SlxtlHlay the 2{tb ~t Febru"rr at 2 a clock P II Eld Thomaa F sher 11 appo Dted to preacb the Introduc torr d Beonrse Eld Baise)' SUlIman alter nate Eld A A LeWIS Is to preach upon he subJect of the Bible Sabbatb all F rst day morn ni Dea J<L3on B Well. was appo nt

for BrandYWIne nlN In other wol'tlll \b.,. .Ialll tit .. Gm.n-Wheat 216 for .. lxed Sprtng Bye ComplUilea of 'l,OOO!lOll 'Mb fe,. fit

1 60@1 70 Barl.y )IILII 2 15@2 22 Oala tlda Company andtheil_h _Itt .. ~ 1 05@1 11 Corn 1 87@1 90 for lrHtero t tb "-p ... t .. fe-'" mixed 0 mllny 0 .r....... '.. "

the coal and redne the 011 and warebousea lIall-1 60@1 80 for shlpplnl 1 90@~ 00 In Utu Q)iitjJa"1I u.er. afW oIII~ 11 ..... , for reta I lots an<l rYf tJriI1fI6GOO,.,.. ''''' NIt", .. o,.f Dr F D Hart, of M8881l1f)1 OhiO that store the salt from tile lIllIk ngum val

e:umlnlDg snrgeon for the hrtford ler to Bar nothing of other m neral produc Traveler 8 Insurance CompllY wa~ tions In which there i8 eVIdence tbat this IIJstantly killed last "eek tt falling rlob OIl and mID-raJ reilon abounds

Bops-25@38c lor common to prim. old JlllII. '" parl!GO' W""~ t....... \ 46@'i4c for good to cbolce neW' oU- .. , ie/IfQ\'" rt

Pr/n11M01I8-Pork 36 00 ror "Htern pnme JIU!]>OMI mess Beef 18 6O@22 00 for pllllD me. 21 60 BIIoro/oal4flr ~

opon a P Me of Iron which tenetrat Tn conclus on we wo ld caD attention to ed hIS skull HIS hfe W88 lilt Insor tbe rap d advance ID property bere already ed when tbe work Is but Just begun Howmuch

Among the bills recentl passed greater the advance w 11 soon be as It Is now being secured by capltalims wbo bave

by the Missoun L~gl8laturewas one the abll ty anddetermlDat on to develope the prOViding tbat any persQl wb ~e vast resourcu of this rich oil and mineral husband or WIfe has been engaged reg on m the Rebelhon against III U Dlted Among the numerous produelng wells of Slates shall be entItled to. divorce thIS v c n ty may be mentIoned the Dutton on proper appilcatlon to tile Courts Wen tbe Finlay Wen the Newton Well Ber

A. poor girl employl'd In a paper gen Companr Wells and namerous otber mIll at Westville COlln 8 few days wells be ng excavated on Wall Creek Fed SIOC<> found $90 10 ~reenlack8 In a eral Creek and other tr butarles oftbe Mus­lot of old rubbIsh Upon 'land ng It kingum and on Duck Creek w tb strong to tbe proprietor, and mform ng b m prospe cta of success which bave already wbere sbe' found It, he generously y elded tbo • nd. of barrels of petro enm

This t.mtory will "", .. Ive" {uller de..-elvv gave It to her ment from tbe organ zatioD of the Ohio 0 I

The pork packlOg bU81DedS H. the land Mlnini Company of whlcb tbe 171d1pen West IS about over 'nd 80 far as deN speak. In tbe folloWlDi terma heard from the decrease of hogs ORIOOIL MININGANDMANUP'ACTUBINGCOM slaughtered amounts to 488047, Pll[Y -We direct atlent On to the adverti.e

b ment of the 0 stock and lands of the Oh 0 w Icb It IB supposed, "I I be ID 0 I Mining and ManufactUring Company creased to 1 000 000 We are told tbat they Inspire the confidence

T of those whose Judgment we sbould reg",rd here W8S a dmuer party of old and wbo b.l eve them to be as represented

pel)ple m PrOVIdence fl'cently Three and wortby of the attent on of persona wbo t d I have investmenu to make n 0 I propertr

SIS era age respective y nt ety se.. Tber w 1 be nnder energetic management venty eIght and seventy years a I a. we Infer from the tone of Ih. advert se COUSID aged eighty and a daughter ment wh ch our readers are asted to read

entlrel} througb of ne of tbe 81sterd aged sen'nt} The paper An About Pe!7'oleuin a so says thrl''' years, made up the company of the Oh 0 0 M olng and Mlnufactnr ng

Company lhts Company aI "n events

.. ed to present an essay on Personal P ety A general attendanoe IS so c ted

., NOTlClt_The next quarterly Meet ng of the Seventb day Baptlm Churcbes In Southern Wl8CO us n Will be bekl w th the Ch urcb at Rock Rver comlDencing cn S xtb dar even ng Fe b 24th IS$> and cont nu ng over the Sabbath 8Ild Fl1'st-lday The follow ng s the order of exerc sea as adopted by

the ollicers of the Rock River Cburch S xth dar evemng preaollloll by; Etc!. A B PreD t ce a ternl':te FJd SWlma.n Coon Seventh day morn ng preach ng by Ed D E Max son snbJect Communion followed by tbe admln s'tr&tlon of tbe Lord a Supper Sev enth day evenlDg CODlerence F rst day moro ng preaching by Eld. Joshua Clarke subJeot- The best mode of conduct ng our Quarterly lIeetinge followed by a season of conference Fltsl day even ng preaching.y Eld W m C WhJtford

L T RoGBBB Sec y

., THE ~:UCUTIV1I BOARD OF rnB NORTH WESTERN AssoclAnoN 11' II meet at the Rock Rver Seventb day Bapt st Cburch M Iton W s on First day Feb 26th 1865 at the ca I of tbe Cha r",an Churches or Ind vlduals haVing fund8 In tbe r possesSH'n des gned for the Board will please forward the same at or before tbat time L T Roo.as Cor Sec A new Journal IS to appear In Pa> seems not to be a specu ators company lor

fiB to be called La Pre3se Galhcane I tbey have so mach terntory In ao sma I a d b d d cap tal and tbere are so manycbo ce place.

an to e evote to urgwg greater ~ r bor ng additIOnal we a 01 each of the MARRIED hberahty 10 relrgl us affalfs. The I great number of separate lnd se ected In Westerly Feb tb 1863 by Rev J P motto 18 from (Javour- A free f"rms aU belong Dg to th scolllPany that by Hubbard Mr JOHN B TANNlIB Jr and Miss c urc III a free tale 1ldent y be eved tbe d vldend. on eacb share ARAH ITCH aug ter 0 Captaln S las

@23 50 for extra.. Dre .. ed Bop 16i@16Jo Lard 19i(jj)13c

&eds-Clover 250 Tlmotby 6 0006 '16 Bougb Flaneed 3 66@3 80

lraUOtD--16i@17lo Wool-'-Saxony 90c @1 10 Native and one­

quarter Kerlno 1 OO@I 08



0 .. TRII



Marietta OhIO

A tew SHARES of STOCK In tbla COllP ANY to be had


$SOO PER SHARE wh cb tbey should be were tb~~ rated In

pro port on to the ml\lorlty nf Companle. or un the other hand If the number of sb ares were multiplied and rated BB on tb. basis of many Companies then the actusl cost of shares In tbls Company i. not (in such proportion) 20 oenla per share THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE

REASO NS for he HeVlll, this Companr to have a basi. so solid and reliable as to glv. every pel son Interested not oDly an abld11l1 confidence n tbe entire sar.ty of tb.lr In ,"estment but a strong lIlIsnrance of itslP'eat pro1ltablene&ll h b S' I

or near the close of tbe year It a qu te con S M F d b f I b b F tch ",I of Wester y

Cb cago pays 6100 000 a year for w e equa ... c montb to a year. nter 1 The Property was carefully ISI.ctedoat i' est on tbe r cost for as the advert sement

band labor ID gralD sh vehug It states by mak ng a companaon on tbe ba a per ad when a pICk or obolce of tbe best IS now proposed to ~ave tllne and 81S of some compan es one s'are In th s one DIED 0 I terr tory was to he bad I b I' h f s more than equaJ to hay cg one share n A H V I F b h 1 2 It was selected b nee ti tl a or y emp oymg mac lDery or I each of twenty separate com pan es of that t ope a ey e 4t 865 after an ill r Qn n rge C prac tbls work c ass Ina.mucb as he averare of eacb sep nassof one week O.CUCRANX>ALL on y son cal man tben and aUIl a resident of the vi

T arate f",rm n tb a companv forma a good 0 Ben am n F and Sarab M Cranhll aged en tr moat fully acquaJn ed Wltb its sltu8 be losses by 6re 10 Pniladelph a bas 0 for a company by I8elf eacb farm hav 5 years and 4 months t on and va ue wbo w th crow har In band

during 1864 amount d to $9119249 ng so many cbo ce places on wh ch to s nk In Wester y Feb 11th IUS after!loD n wa ked over the propertr prOving on the h b h I separate we Is jet all these larms are nes. of twenty four bours Capt CLARK

upon w IC t ere WilS an IDsuraoce tbrown Into th. one company lor Ibe bene LANPH ... R aged 78 years He made a publ c apot that twas terr tory hteraUIi aboundmg 01 $546 217 makmg the loss over I I lit of each sbareho der mik ng t equal profess on of re g10n some fvur yea.s ago tn Oil (as noted in statement below) and af surance $452 972 comparat vely to sbar ng a d v dend In and JO ned tbe F rst Seventh-day Bapt.t ter such personal and thorough examination

twenty separate com pan es. It .. ems there Cburch n Hopk ntOD of wh ch he rema ned Of the land gIven by Congress for fore as f tbose wh bave r..lt n doubt n a cons stent member unW deatb acceptii g on y the best and rejecting lIIany

au aO"rlcultural college 10 Massacbo bWh kob of the Dufmarous cOl/Jpan es to em At Grand Rap ds M ch Jan 22d 1866 Mrs ne gbbor ng pla.,.,s wh ch have s Dce been " ar a port on 0 the r pro~erty migbt do I t k th d t b th h

setts SCriP for 99200 acres has been so bere w tb safe.y Read tbe adverl se I E"I.Y A"BIIO" daughter of IS las and M I y a en W aVi r yo er parties 11' 0 are 8 Id for "'19 32a There remalOS to ment entire and Judge -Iff''' fig Po ! Lonphear She was born 111 Waterford Ct now hold ng at an Iml1!ense advance That

.. -- where her falber d ed wben sbe WRB an n I this b di In 0 lit b be sold scrIp for 224 000 acres --- fant Her motber "fterward marr ed Dr dS ah reg on "OUD ng may e

#. S ephen Barrows aDd mo.ed to M cblgan state t at It s we I known thattbe realdents The BaldwlO Place Cbureh of Bos where they now I ve Mr Ambrose and h a of the v cln ty bave for rears past. pplled

ton after havlOg worshIped on one I two sons en sted n the army at the com tbemselves with 0 1 of a superior quality mencement of the rebe on served outtbe r

spot for 125 years ha .. e !old thelf time and returned home ~lrs Ambrose Is whlcb at t mea became so plent lui as .ot to cbnrch edl6ce and will soou budd ., FROM the army hOlpilal-the bloodr said to have died n the tmlmph. of fa b be worth Ihe coat of procuring oasb In another I battle fteld-tbe mans on oflhe rich and bum In We.t Edmeston N Y :.Jan 28th 1~G5 at which to place It An IDitance may be nam

ble abode of tbe poor-froll the office and tbe res dence of ber son n law Jobn S Coon ed In \lh cb for wal1t of proper vessels an The steamer Cronstadt from Cron the sacred desk-from tbe mountain top d s of It sbort I ness W dow "lEBECCA BeRDlcE Oh 0 fiat boat or scow was fllIed In bulk with

t dt r C b d L tb II. ,_.- n tbe 80th year of ber age The fibJect of

0110. with lU4ct lIfy. OPPOSITE TIUJ COURT 80m,

1lt.1IIft'l'A.,O .. 0

TR U8T6118, " I J V AlfD)JP' ABDq l'rft~ IIUMM. BD' .laB BABIER 01 .... 1 ... 0 J B 811'JPBEBD ClnelaM 0 S •• 'l'YLUil X .. " J' ort. A SHUMW,U a." fort W WILWII8 1« B~1I'ar, -r- YOlk*,-

The propertr of the CompaDY ~0ilIlIII&I1It 3,uo !CIa


BZUOTZD OIL fJ:SJUto • ." Not In oDe OOlllP&ot body WlthOllt ,. .... ~

quality, but In lome 20 canfllllT .. ,"'" and ISparaw ran.. In oholat Ioeallll ... viz No I_Bart Farm on Mill"" ... It ....

from J(arietii 240 .0 .... , h ....... 11 .... 160 feet wltb «ood tbo1l' of "IUIId...-, .... Jult comm.ooed puttine don .. ..... well

No 2 -M Ooy fIIId -.vIeth.., , ..... , ,.. aCrel on Federal Creek rift l1li ... ....... tbese farml on .. me cre.t tber. MIl .... a well otruok within two weeki 1I'lIlob .. .". fiowlng over 390 barrele per .,

)10 a -Adam and lklbl_a htllll 110 acrel 00 Hall war Bun

No '_8mltb Farm 80 811". o ... .,,. Bun

No 6.-8p1'8&oe "arm 110 ae~, on JkMtII Run I

No '~TbomuhrID U.om,onn_ Run

No T_Bharp Armlate, Fer....,. JoN, Turner Lyncb DellllDi, lAIIln an' "004 ruff Farm! 1895 1liCrtI. 011 Wolf 0-"':, _ sidered by belt Judpa to be the "\'7 bell. of 011 territory

No 8~.lIIer Farm 80 1liC... on TUIIII B II Run

No 9 -Varley and VanraialiHf , ..... U' acres on Canlleld Run

No 10 -Dr1Jge Farm 46 IliCr. 00 ..... No l1......shirley F"rm 51.., .... 011 'f".r

al Creek on .... hioh tb.y are .atI1l&!"'" ration. to put down a well 1.lIItdl&wl1

No 12 -Fra.t F.rm 80 acr .. OR Roe .... River on whlcb they are Jut pattl1l& .,... a weI!

The above landa are Ie .... for Ute ..,.. of 26 rean wltb prIYII •• e of wood anf: uatler enonllh te caory on the ,!!oro of th.-OO .... ny Tbe Company are entitled to fOIIr .. ftIII of all the oil coal or .. It tbat ma" bt ~flI cured from the ahove landa ene ANi 0.1, 1I0lDg to tho original land ow ... n -Were It not for the tell101\ll1 .. of ,.Mi.,. 100 testimonials oould be -atI1Ied to tb. tOlJolr 1111 and nu.eroUi tae'" fIIated In ~OI'.(Obo" II a lor OpeD ageu an el tant va ey8 an ... ar off sla ...... oUhe ooean- th a not co gave berself to Cbrlst and to h s It wbicb wAIl resold at one cent per gallon

OERTIFIOAT6 saIled from Ruvel on tbe 24 tb of from every nook aIld corner of tU" elvilUed people In early I fe at wh cb t me sbe united but kept nnW the purchaser r .. old at twen lion November, and bas not SIDce been world-I. pouring n tbe ., .. denee of the ..... with tbe F rst Seventh day lI.pt st Cburch ty-e gbt ceDts per gallon or.11 20 per bbl b ..I of .• ~- --~ B .• - u_ n B1'<'okfield and had .UBI,lined sucb rela- From Bon ~ B .orrlt ........ ot~. ear" .. _~_~_ .... os ~ tlon" little short of .IX!Y jle"ra at rne1: lrIe • The pa.rty .. II<> ""'"eted - hi anti

There are foor 8Orghom mills ID TlIII8 Tholl8&nru. UpOD thousands of l.tters of her deatb Her last day6were unusually will cont nue to be a very large .tockbolder

M 1, d M h h r, ed I ilke!.he followlOgm&y be seen.t our 01110. calm pleasant peaceful arid happy A C n tbe Company He Is a high rre.pectable I .or IiIlS w Ie lD.nUIIlC.nr -·.-bury W. c .... 16 1000 '" t d bid th -... =1" ~ Iu Fort Schuyler N Y .. ov 12th 1865 of energe e r ng man as eDg De.re e

fourteen tboosand gallons of sorghom •••• I have been 10 the armY has chron c d .. rrb""" Mr Joit G BCJU>lcI< a Tunnel ng and other work of Railroad Build.. molasses Iatlt year p tal. for" urteen montha-speechless RDd p vate n Co K 3&th W!s Vo s aged 39 IDg and bas determined to devote his ener

• n ..... ly dead At Alton III they gave me a us He had been n tbe serv ce of h s A plDe tree was recently cut m hottle of Plantation Biters ••• Three ntry about lWomonths Wasba\ t1zed by g ea to a tb rouib and e!liclent development

Lyman MaIDe that was leven bottles restored my speech &lid cured me' JAW Coon 1n IBM II Scott N Y A of the propert, of thiS Company which fad • , C A FL.i.C'TE b d' d d -h d I feet throngb at the stnmp and made e ove WI.e a w owe mu, er an severa IS of It,e f of Immense value and I. so deem

brothe,.,. and s ste"" mourn h' 10s8. Ten tbree thousand feet of lumber South Warsaw 0 Ju y 2~ 1663 days before blS death be dictated a letter to ed by biB assoc ate owners securing as It

AI I t tb D t t fO I ••• Onoyoung mat wbohad been btsmother and subsequently onetoblswlfe wll the ceasel_ devotion of adeeplrln-

oca conr III e IS riC 0 0 8 ck and not out of tb.e hou .. for twO years n both of wh cb be e"mostly desired tbe terested thoroughly comp.tent and ener lumbla hll!! deCided that a husbllnd w tb Scrofu" and Ervs pel,., after Kay ng prayers of h s relatives Rnd exressed h m gettc manage mnst pay hl8 Wife s debts contracted ~'!nd=:i"b~v~:n tl~~I~~'r;~U~e~t~e;'s iel! ready to den the faith of es,:" J , As an l:refutable evidence of the f"U before marriage EDW...., WOI:NW I In Hospital .ear Stafford C H Va April f&lth of the Company In the IDtrlnslc value

The follOWIng IS from the Manager of tbe 4tb 1863 Mr OEO P son N~ tbe late Peleg of the Stock TH~ MANAGERS RETAINED S Clarke of Co D 157th Y Vo unteers S THE PROPERTY OF THE STOCKHOLD


., PftROL&t:M II( OSlO

From .AU About Petroleum a tJJte1d1l Jour Ml publ\She<l ,n:Geu> York

UDlon Home Scbool for the Ch ldren of Vol aged 29 years 10 montbs and 21 days He A unteers was bapt zed at the a~e of thirteen yeRr! n EAA ONE-HALF OF THE ENURE STOCK

HavemeyerManso 'Fft th-St f Scott N Y by Ed 'arnu.m Hul He en IN PART FOR WORKIlIG CAPITAL or other

I n y..,ven I sted n Angust 1862 H 8 rema ns were h It f h h New York Angust2 1863 /brougbt to b s nat ve n "go for nterment purposes n e resu sow c eViry par

DR Dun Your wonderlal PI""t,,,t on BIt In tbe ab.ence of Ed J B {)lark. tb. fune ty ho d nil e,en a BlDgl. share will be Inter ters bave been given to some of Our I tl •• b I ral sermon ~as preached by Eld Wm All e.ted

The follomng article 10 regard to p, dren suffer ng from weakness and "eak lungs ams of the M E Church " " J 6 To show tbe remarkably cheop -Ie at w tb most happy effect. One I t~e g rl n P 'P

troleum In Ohio Is from the pen ot a G. part cular w th pa ns In ber bead oSS of Be~ re Petersburg Va n the battle of tbe wh ch the atock of the Company Is offered olog .t who graduated in Miami University appet te and d"lIy wast ng cousumpt on on 29th of Septerober 1R6t Mr CHAl'lICY B son let the fo owing compar son he InBtituted

whom al med ca.1 SKill bad been exhaust ed of Pe eg Sand Lo ~ Clarke of Co B 11 tb Obio and aubsequently beaame a ReSIdent has been ent rely restored We commence d N Y Vo unteers aged U year8 and 8 months It a we I known that companies of one

witb but a teaspoonful of B tters a day Rer Th s is tbe second son wh eb tbe w dowed m Hon n leO 000 share. of ten dol &r8 eaoh Graduate of Yale U",.er .. llI New Haven appet te and strength rap dllincreased mother bas la d upon the alar of her c un have been iormed on one bundred aores of Conn wbere be enJoyed tbe advantaces of and sbe is now wei '" I try He was bapt zed mto tbe fe lowsh p of 0 I I nd (and often on le88 ) and taking tbls

Respectfully MRS 0 M DEvOE tbe Scott Seven h day Bapt st Church by access to an extenSIve college Ilbrary and a

fu I course of ecture8 on Geology and Chem stry del very br tbe emmept profe .. or B

Tbe wr ter bas aJso enJoyed the advantages of &"olog cal surveys wltb others of that profeos on .. nd w tb expen anced and luccellilful oil operators n various

a I reg ons and In th s a.rticle "vel us the resnlta of Invest gat 0118 lO Southern Oh a

where tber bave recently been making thor ougb and careful geological researcbes

ThiS 011 d strict WIth n a rad na of thirty miles of Marlatta. OblO 0 one of tbe r chest and most productIve In the world Many thousanda ot barrels of 0 I ha.e heen prfl duced therefrom although It Is tomparative Iy new territory and recent dIscover escon IIrm the bel ef that It will cont n~e to be still more product ve It oerta nly b"s a much br ghter prospect of .. rap d adtance than the older regions where properly has al ready attained Its mulmlllD pr ce

The proportion of tbe alI and mineral pro ducte secured to the leaseholder (being fonr fiftbs) II m Icl11arger tban • usually secured In other 0 1 regions where bo onl secures one haJt of the products

• • • lowe much to yon for I ver r bel eve the Plantat on B tters have saved my I fe RIY IV H W.o.GGONBR

Madrd N 1

• • • Thon 11' It send me two bot es more 01 thy Plantat on B tters My w Ie has been great y beneft ed by tbe r us.

Thy fr end Au C"BRL' Ph ade ph a

• • • I have been a. great 8ufferer from Dy.pep. a and bad to abandon preacb tng • .. • The Pht.ntat OD Bitters have cured me lin J S C .<THOIlN

Bocbester N Y

• • • S.nd us twenty four dozen more of your P antat on B tters tbe popu larlty of wh ch are dally lOcreas ng WIth tbe iuest& of our house

SUES CRADWICI< &; Co Propr etors W liard s Hote Wash ngton

• • • I have g ven the Piantst on B t tera to hundreds of our di ... b ed sold erg Wltb tbe most aston sh ng effect.

G W D,A"" ...... Super ntendent Soldiers Home "CinclDnaU

• • • The Plantation B tters bave cured me of Jiver com pia nt of .. hlch I was la d up prostrate and had to abandon my bu • ness H II. KrNGSUY C eveland 0

• • • The PIILntation Bitters bave cured me oC a deraogement of tbe kidneys and ur nary organs that has d stressed me to years It gets 1 ke a charm

Ed J B Clarke In tbe W1 or of 61 and 6z as a bas 8 tbe sbare m tb s Company would He rna nta ned a good profess OD of b s fa th Dot be twenty oents per share n comparison n Cbr st He en sted lD August 1862 ThE w th the Stock of sucb Companies or mak

d"y before h s death he JoIned b s company ng anotber comr arlson one sbare In tbls from tbe hospital bad been a week on b s way and then as tbe order came to start Compa ny is more tban equal to blovlng one w til two days rat ons he wrote a hasty note obare In twenty separate Companies Inas­n ]>enc I to h 0 motber (tb~ 29th) nform ng much as be average of eacb separate Farm ber 01 hea b restored and the 1lne sp r l8 of h 8 comrades D arms The next news was n tl 8 Company form8 a good bas I for .. from an ollicer of the company stat ng tbat Company by tself each Farm bavlng 10 Chauncy was kl ed dur ng the act on of m aDy .ho Co p aces on wb ch to 8lDk upa­hA 29tb September wb e nob y do ng h s

duty H s ga a t conduct elle ted the adm ra e well. yet all these Farms are thrown rat on f h s comrades and we a\ re~ret h s nto tb B one Company for the benellt of .ach dMtn The funeral serllmn n memory of sbarebo der mak ng t equIII comparat vely tbe brave s d er was preacbed on lb. 4tl1 of February from Rev 14. 13 w y: J to .hal ng a d v dend n twenty separate

Compan es

LETTERS. o W Cox W C Wh Iford James Summer

be I A R Cornwal G R Whee er Wm R Maxson A B Crandall Ph ne .... :;t lim an L M Cottren E. R C arke Natban Bogers S byl E Burd ck Alexander Campbell l' B Brown Wm II Jonel!!l H S D e ueo Tom

nOOD B L Barber D A P atts Wm B Clarke J E N B.ekns N A Clarke Etban Lanphear Wm Sp er El Fors,tbe

REOEIP'lI! All payments for the B.lI!BU'H RECORD£R are

acknow edged from we.1Il to week Jl the p»per Persous send ,,~ money tbe re ce ptofwb ch18 not dU yacknowledged shouldg ve u. early nl/tice oftbeom I

6 Tbe Company are already bormg lIye wells and have determined If thought belt to put down not leos tban One H un'red Many C mpan 8S bay •• Ix wells on one acre This Company baa TERRITOBY SUFFICIENT TO SllIX SIX HI7 Ji DBED WELLS allowln, lI.e Rcrea and over to eacb well

7 0 I Wei s of unaurpaslSd productive­ness eKIBt In Ibis re&lon or country aversg Ing t 8 aRId from one bundred to one thou Band barrels per day and In one 111Itance sucb was the volume of all produced that tbe macb nery was thrown from tbe well tbe vats overtloJrD and the surronnd ng land lit­erally covered with 0 I JDcredlble as thl. mar .em there are partle. who are wit.

now In W .. bIDltOIl Cit,)'

1I41l1aTU 0 Oot 18 1* Tb Is I! to c.rtlfy tbat we are well ..ell. __

ed wltb the land. I ...... by tbe Ol1lo OIl )lIning &lid Mannfaoturtl1l COJllpal1Y If ... know them to he amoDI the belt IoeatN lands for all PUrp""'l III " .. hlaatol aM Atben. Countiea and that .. I. 011 lur.o:IJI .. aurroundeoj In every dlrectloll bT 011 terril",) ry tbat baa been de,.elov-d and Ptet I. p~ duclng 011 In abJind¥ce

JAllES R .0BRIi •• C 16th Vli\ ,0 A WINBOR Sheriiii' WublJlC\oIl Co ,0

NEW YOR~ NEW LoJlDOJI NO.IrI~R .. II ~~~r:~~~~:: (SundaYI excepted) at ,

From pf.r It 1(; B foot of Ne .. York

The new aDd maanlfl08otlte.llllr OITr 0' hiS family ID SecesRla Some 10 qUI81th'e deteotlve found out that the I arrel contalOed qUlOlDe lostead of flour

It Is reported that tbe notorlons guunlla OaptaID Hedge was killed "t Garnettl.llle, Ky, on the 5th )1 st by a party or A Walker Tay lor ij g lernlla8, under comm.nd of Cap I Hays

fbe arm)' correlpondent8 assert thM sioce' the rebel pe.ce cOm mIl 8lone~s went back to Richmond the l umler of desl rt~rs commg \Uto OOT

Hllrnet RICb, of Fremont, KaIDe, about 12 years of age, placed a kerosene lamp npon a hut stove, a few days BlDce, aod let It remam till It W88 heated and when ahe took It off tbe bottom borsted or fell out, and the 011 flew over her and burned nn III ber clothes were coo8umed aDd parts of her lIesh acrt~p She died In a few boors

FuellS obta ned here for runD nr tbe en gines at a. much leal expense thanin other old str ets wood being very plenty and coal 10 ireat abundance 14 (urn shea for a few cents per buat.el whereas In ma.'y local tie~ t costs over one.dollar per bushel The

expense of s nkin, wells In thIS regIOn Is mllcb lesa than In moat others till8 being In a flne agr cu~ural country where tb. nece8 sarles of I fe are plenty and consequently the prICe of labor much less much cap tal Is thus Javed

C C MaORI 254 Broadway N Y

The Plantation B Ue ... make the weak strong the la.n.gu d bnlliant. and &re ex hausted nature. great rMlorer Tbey are composed of the ce ebrated Cal saya Bark Wmtergreen Sa_fras Roots Herb. &c aU preserved n perfectly pure St CroIx Rum

! T _1860_x Persoo of sedentarr habits troubl.d WIth.

weakness lasSItude palp t .. lion of the heart lack of appetite d .tress .fter e.ting torp d liver const patlon &c deJlerve to .uffer II tbey will not trr them

810B Pays too Vol Mo,

Samuel Saunden Westerly. $5 00 n 52 PI Deas Stillman Potter HnJ 2 60 21 62 Christopher Cbeoter!.AoblllWay 1 00 ~o 52 Gardner B Kenyon .I1opklpton 2 00 21 62 B F Chester 2 00 21 62 Geo W Weeden Jamesto.n 6 00 %1 112 Oeo Greenman Mystic Brld&e 2 60 21 52 Clark Greenman 2 50 21 62 T S Greenm .. n 2" 60 21 n Charles 1(8. lory 2 50 2\ n Chari eo GnnneU 2 60 21 52 John Batty 2 50 21 62 Wm Battr 2 50 2\ 52

nesses to the fact 8 The Iarge.t proprietors who weU know

the territory have peraonally t!I:E:am ned it and have decl ned nnmerous offers hecauae of the r stronl conlldence In lIs great nlue Could the Compa.ny be Indnoed to sell the en tire propertr at the rate they bave retulSd for port anI of It tbe property would yield an enormous advance without coat of dev,l opin, They beileve its development will be Imme,...lr more pro1ltable to them

BOSTON William -Wlloox cO ....... 'L ~ New Yor~-T" ..... 1. Til ......... ,. .... _ .... d .. ys and from lITew LondoD-MOM., ... .. neodays and Friday.

Tb. n.w "']I' m,..ola_hte_ orrtor NEW YORK Thom .. G Jewett :-lIfI!t:f trom New York-.oollar, WedR' t!­Frld8yo froID .ew LondOll-TueeIIa,., TII_ day. JUld Sabarday..

TbelS two Ateanle,. b .... pr_ly for ~hll J'~te.L wltb pro .... m.nta inoludlV water

and are only !Ionnd

neB bas buen largely augmeoted

Tbe army appruprlatlon bIll as PBBsed by tbo Hoosl' approprIates RI nut five hundred mIlhon8 (f dol lar8

• A FIRII broke out 111 • C Jal 011 fao

14 ry In PllIladelpllla, 00 Wed~esday 1Il0lDlng (f ]att week which oau.ed

the destructIOn of forty seveu bOlld

Ibgs and tbe 108s of elx hvee Tbe

1111 that esc,ped rrom Ibe burulDg barrel, P&8ticd tbrough the .treetl Inel ' e'lIIed • lake of Bre, i,DI-tID,

The Pope haa .nnounced th.t be Inteud8 shortly 10 c.nonlze certain 10 dlvlduals whom he deslgnatel as tbe

Dutch martyr. I and who JO 1672 were pot to rlelllh 10 Bollaod by the Calvlnhilic and patrlottc adberents of that great Prmce of Orange 80 fa­mlharly known JO the hIstory of tile Netherlands as I the fllther of hll people

A I arge gray eagle With a bell round Its neok has made Its .ppe.r '" ce near Portamnn'h Npw Bamp 8hlre It I.. ..u(JPO"~u Lo!J<l ~ Llrd winch was furmerly a pet .t Cape p( rpOl88, but whICb was sent adrIft WIth a alelgh bell .ttached to hiS neck .. • pUDlBhment for hll fre­quent r.ld. on the cblckeD Coopl

Tbe deptb tc "blch It Ia necelSary to link wells In th 8 local ty In many Insta~ces Is much lesa tbaaln other Hctlona largt quan t t ... of 011 having frequently been obtained at .. depth of leu than 300 feet

OWing to the proximity of th s 011 district to tbe nn pble rivers o.nd rRllroads the ex pense of carting Is only a11"ut one hall what It lain many otber all dlmrlc!!

Heavy a I \a frequently obtained In this dIStrict which I. klways 10 demand ... a lu brlcator and about double the price of ord nary Ii&M oils

It is Mnceded that a I property here !a more destr"ble than In those rell'o". liable to the Invasion. iuerrilla.l being not only mtr. secure but more pleasantly a tnated amoo, an Indnatrlous moral and Intelli&ent CODllllU nUy

It !a believed that the proportiOD of pro­,hclDI w.lIa ill tllil 4iltrlot, 11 propll'\y <II

Th.y are recemmendecl by the hlghelt tnedical autbor t es and are w .. rranted to produce an ,mmedia/e benefic al eWect They are exceed ngly ;<gree~ble perfectly pure and ha:rmless NOl'lcB~4ny person pretendlni to lell

Plantation Bitten n bulk or by the gallon I. -a SWindler and Imposter It la pnt np only In our patent log cab n bottle Be ...... r. of bottles refllled with illl1tatlon d.let.rlous It of[ for which se .. eral perselll .... alr,ady In prlilOn Se. that every hottJe bas oW'

private UDited States Stamp o ... r tI\e cork unmutiWed. and 8lKDatnre on ateel plate aida labeL

Sold by retpectable deaJetl throua:bout the _1tua1 aIobe P H DUII & Co

302 1r0lflrlr N.1I' Yl)rt

George R Wheeler Salem N J 2 50 21 62 Oeo Toml Dson Roadstowlli 2 60 21 62 E II: Tomlinson Lewlaburg Pa 1 2. 21 13 Amos ~ Goer WeltoD 1011'" 5 00 20 52 George W Cox Aurora I 1 00 21 26 Lute Coon Edgerton w"" 2 60 2l 62 Nathau Gibert Berlin Wla. 2 50 21 62 s..rton Br .. nd Delancy N Y 2 60 20 51 K .to E Hawley Broada bii 3 00 n 10 B E Burdlek Akron 2 50 22 • II. C lIapon.Jlere. 2 00 21 U Enoch lI..uoll Portville 2 60 21 32 A D H .. mllton 2 60 21 62 Char"'. W Ibar 2 50 21 6Z IIr. B A Crandall 2 60 21 ~3 Mrs J J Brown 2 50 21 6i Krs C Younge 1 60 21 62 Alanson KeDyon W~t 2 60 21 U Ca.lvm Wheeler lITtle .2 60 21 52 K Burdick We~ Clarkn1lle 2 60 21 62 Jonathan Cran4a.ll Broo~ld. 7 60 i!8 61 Justus a I:enyon Scott 2 50 21 n Daniel BabCOCk 2 60 21 62 )In 4my Barber 1 25 21 62 1I.r ... Amy Cran;b.!1 1 25 21 n lira.. Polly BordlC k 1 26 22 6 .n D -4 G:rtfiI, 1 00 SI ,

~ Investors In 011 Property sbould never raU to r.aect on 00. P01Dt whloh I. of all pervading mport"",ce namely th .. t wI U. nne teDtbs of the 0 1 Territory formed Into Compan e. may be of Intrinsic wortb ,.t not onefjnarter of tbe Companlel wID be succelllful from the lack of pe ... verlng In terestld and competent managen and tbll la especially applicable to dlmant and lnac cees ble territory In the present 0_ th. Engineer reside. near tb. property II tbe P reoldent of tbe CompaDY a.n4 b .. embart ed nearly his entire estate In It thlll HOur Ing the nndivlded attentiQn not ouly of. _01anOl thorou,hly comp.tent bllt an eyer pre .. D' ~f.l~":' aOlple IUId deeplrlnteraeted manager Thl' poln' the trallllllA,e II a vital one and Pllt. the ,nC08,1 of tbl '~bt ==~~i~~:~~~·~. Company almost beyond the pOint or evtD' t:- \! abl"~,!-'_ contingency Itta.n or a&

10 The capital of this (lompanylt 8O.od- _III ed,_ --:.-::::",\::",::: erat. tha' ano1l'lq 01111 OM ... In of a 111111

==_ ... -! l




I •


,~ !i1Io!ibWAY, BIll' YORK'

The attention of the public a/ld Il'IIdt II

InVited to our lIew 808~1 oo~ ........... Oat

PIANO FOllTES, whloh for 1'olu •• IGd. 'I-ri Iy of tone are unrivaled by any hllMI10

oJrered In Ibll mll.rtet. The,. GObl.ln aJllIIo

modern improvementll, JIoeftCA, QrallllA. , Jrafjl Pedal, lron Fratl\ll, On.r.8Ir1l1lg.u...,

, highest award of merit o,er all

othera at tbe Oelebra\ed

World's F"I~,

Prices -No I, Beven 00tl\1'8, found !cor

No.2, Seven Octue, ronnd cornell, Ron

• RI.END8BIP. lllSa.Dl. 230 p. Dl.