cylindrical coordinate

Cylindrical Coordinate Cylindrical coordinates are a generalization of two-dimensional polar coordinates to three dimensions by superposing a height ( ) axis. Unfortunately, there are a number of different notations used for the other two coordinates. Either or is used to refer to the radial coordinate and either or to the azimuthal coordinates. rf!en ("#$%), for instance, uses , while &eyer ("#$') uses . n this wor!, thenotation is used. he following table summarizes notational con*entions used by a number of authors. (radial, azimuthal, *ertical) reference this wor!, &eyer ("#$', p. +"+) (Rr, Ttheta, Zz)  SetCoordinates Cylindrical in the Mathematica pac!age VectorAnalysis`  rf!en ("#$%, p. # %) oon and /pencer ("#$$, p. "+) 0orn and 0orn ("#1$, p. 12) orse and 3eshbach ("#%4) n terms of the Cartesian coordinates , (") (+) (4) where , , , and the in*erse tangent must be suitably defined to ta!e the correct 5uadrant of into account. n terms of , , and

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Cylindrical Coordinate

Cylindrical coordinates are a generalization of two-dimensional polar coordinates to three dimensions by superposinga height ( ) axis. Unfortunately, there are a number of different notations used for the other two coordinates. Either

or is used to refer to the radial coordinate and either or to the azimuthal coordinates. rf!en ("#$%), for

instance, uses , while &eyer ("#$') uses . n this wor!, thenotation  is used.

he following table summarizes notational con*entions used by a number of authors.

(radial, azimuthal,*ertical)


this wor!, &eyer ("#$', p. +"+)

(Rr, Ttheta, Zz)   SetCoordinatesCylindrical in

the Mathematica pac!age VectorAnalysis`

 rf!en ("#$%, p. #%)

oon and /pencer ("#$$, p. "+)

0orn and 0orn ("#1$, p. 12)

orse and 3eshbach ("#%4)

n terms of the Cartesian coordinates ,




where , , , and the in*erse tangent must be suitably defined to ta!e the correct

5uadrant of into account.

n terms of , , and

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7ote that orse and 3eshbach ("#%4) define the cylindrical coordinates by



where and .

he metric elements of the cylindrical coordinates are




so the scale factors are




he line element is


and the *olume element is


he 8acobian is


  Cartesian *ector  is gi*en in cylindrical coordinates by


o find the unit *ectors,


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9eri*ati*es of unit *ectors with respect to the coordinates are










he gradient operator in cylindrical coordinates is gi*en by


so the gradient components become










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he Christoffel symbols of the second !ind in the definition of isner et al. ("#'4, p. +2#) are gi*en by




he Christoffel symbols of the second !ind in the definition of rf!en ("#$%) are gi*en by




(:alton "#1'; rf!en "#$%, p. "16, Ex. 4.$."2; oon and /pencer "#$$, p. "+a).

he co*ariant deri*ati*es are then gi*en by







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Cross products of the coordinate axes are




he commutation coefficients are gi*en by




so , where . lso


so , . 3inally,





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o rewrite this, use the identity


and set , to obtain







he curl in the abo*e expression gi*es







:e expect the gradient term to *anish since speed does not depend on position. Chec! this using the

identity ,



Examining this term by term,




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so, as expected,


:e ha*e already computed , so combining all three pieces gi*es




he di*ergence is





or, in *ector  notation


he curl is