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    , ~.:w yonK TUB LAMn I'UDI.l~lIlxG COM I'ANY


  • ~ .... 11l1." SAlI LOYD


    The Cyclopedia of Puzzles prcS('nts to that )age lUay be regarcil'u as a lit tit' family puzzle dep.1.rtmcnt in jtSt,lf. containing' as it dO

  • -

    NOTES Th., (,~'dQPMill of I'llr.1.I~'S rontain.. tl'l"l'r 5.000 PUWt'>l, lrick!:Ilgt's- fron> 1):.It" 910 to

    1),1gt' 3lH in ('oulK'CutiH' on'rr. Tu Ii",] the ;;o[ulion of a ]lUule turn tu th,' !IOlution I),'~ tlml nule allhe top the nllmber.! uf tl ... puzzl .. l"'If"'; to "hid, tht-), apply. Il "ill then 1)(' .... impl" mattl'r to lQl-'ale the Wlllthl-nrtn lOIulion. Fur ('\"oml,I,,: The lint ..ulution pa~. !I-W. M 1I0t ... 1 al i18 t')II. contain~ Ilns"'('~ '0 Iluules IIp' ..... ring 0" JI~ 7,8. II. 10. II, h!. I~ ami U. Mlluyof th .. d,nrudt'fl lind wort! PlIl.l'.!e!I 11Imll~hf)"1 Iht' hook art' IIl'Wrn-pani('(1 hy Ilwit :;olulioll' eXII!'("'i('({ in .!'impl\" nUIJll"~('81 cipher: tJ.I,,1 h, Iht' ] .. tk'N 01 the al],hahel art' n'pn' .... lIt~od by uuwbt-rs In ('''r"'s:)()Iltlul~ "rd .. r. For inl>tlln('lellC(! of tlll';r solulion~, 80 Jo nol writ.... amI whid, Ulf'~' I\.r('. '['hut i~ for you to find out.

    A! th" l"\'lIdcr pJ"OC('O..:b through the book h" ~1"1ll]J mnkl' nolM (If ~u"h puuil'll II." he diooro\"!'~ nn gin'" 5Olutiotl.'!.. If compktc, lhllt "ill be tl,,' li~t of "I'riro(' I'UZ:dL"ll,"

    There arc no conditions attacbed tn this prize offer other than that. conteSlanl's solutio Ds must be senl collectivdy- the answers 10 the complete set of " Prize Puules" forwarded in one envelope, and posted not earlier th i n December I, 1915, and not liter th:m January I, 1915, addressed to SAM LOYD. New York Prest C lub,

    New York City" If ,'n" d

  • ,


    Propooiti.,.,: Call 7"" mark o!l .octlr 50 poluuo

    My chum and l ... ~ uking in tlx (lqflCt'S,. An lri,h,""" would al. .\cronlingly. ~ '1'P!'!;"ide iho .... the "'h .... d;I\'. "h."... .."" -sc the mtItI ... bik the o.brk ician ... ith--. ,10" bwy.t Ch;'",~, ~f1O.ny .. "h --, Ih~ d ).')'. .. Y"" Ii" at a cent a JI'fft' uMlliUOml ma.Jo: uaaly 50 paint>. ane. Ad,1 up (b. Maggie OJ,,,, cigar WIth,. gold land the drinker ... "h --, .h.ql:""l,'IP" numllt", on "n ,"" ",.n .kat)'tlll Il'OUn,\ It' .. ith --, \"" ...... Iman ,,-n" .--. koock out and ,.'hm . he s"m alll!JUnlS .b. ",ilot with. --, the Ikto,i" 1.0 o",, I ']i,1 .ftcr ~Ii';~ I,,n: ... a. t" ~ to ,Ilt ~rn)'''rd. o .. ,! r I,,,u,,! ,11.1 ,he ',"'}' 111lI' h""et au,1 ",w, f~""r lit 0..- oOd of 1i,t!~ _ "" IIliJ '.\en." I .11"" ,old hun

    ! I_I.-. d'.IIl" lay 0ft'I. A , .."..k IS" a ",n,l..."..,. ~k. IAJ'I'~ll)bytW 'Yuun'lighl 1 n well ..... h 'w r.l.I.n, .. !hi ,]0,,., kDOW 101. of ,hltl,...

    I'. S.,-I)o )"1' .~ that thi r.r her \atllS hlac~. whiir .r a g I"", IllIy ... hr~~ anywl>trl", Ihe IiI' "f h .. w..! .. ill !.or ... 111:"'. \""'" ......... ... , .... aohll'kM m~anr a o:lW goWng up; 1",1 talkin g alr

  • Hm: ;. aftOI.her ItaiI Rw.d P"ul~.

    which ilhlJl.~t_ .. pretty rnathe-"",Uc&l pnnnple and at t~ ....... tLlnc p. K~te oan', t.ll ~ .. ~n re

    "",nle'l. from a .... en d""''''I~1 ~O. 1n .,!u,.-ti,,1l' th, hahyju,nl"

    en. r IOdju","" tho bah}', '" wi ,I Idloul (A coun ' ry.) .

    41 The calmOS!. man IS IIOmtli\llel m.'I~ i.ale (An i!ilano:l.)

    H '\""y Ilwy .. enl and o'c' Ih~ ,.."..~ ..... opun

    4J The ... k. must ('

    In T1v,.- mllde a hu~....,t....-y. bul ah. of no a"ail (.\ terrilory.)

    $1 \'(111 ahoulml-t 10 belle-.

    lIy /;"'1 "l"'" h ... luvor, And muoh I hn~ lht.1 no ,Iarl<

    doo(b Atound Ih. pair m:ly hover

    S_t IlMoy ge it 1"" o:i~hln. 01 "",I >he has mv-.i,

    0.. loearmg 011 I~ Innly pnw n" .. many be>u~ have RlCkOOt'oI

    An(l ...,.., my ri~'l[" I'll ronrlu,le, AM hn~ you'll 111 me '1u~,

    II ...... ""I I .. v .. v..,..' tnse~ lily .. Ide r&i.""",," IS. Cy!''- An. .. I. L l~. ~. 19. 15. U.~ ___ _

    Wbat jlUdO'I<

    Why;' A 1m],}, lih wheatl Be-cau""" .1 " 6 ... t o"",U.d, Ihon Ih .... ~b.'1 anJ (lno!ly l>eCooln tho fl~. nf Ihr l;>mily.

    On ... hat 1.d uampl ... Bueau,. younR men_no 10 apt \(I 1,,110 .. I""'"

    WhY slIouleyde paths ni Li,o

    ",,'," ,. l",,"){ "",,~'''loJ I,), Ib~ ~ Ih.ol ac""~'h'n~ m,ght be ,1(>ne Iv ,ml>"l1 ;rn .rtl'I'~ "moh 10 many papilla' ft>UI(:O /"r Ih~ l>~I.

    ~ ,......"..c mIl lhe .... to il. TI,. cit;", ;,rc nulll, bn-ed 00 .. to onohlf: ""I,~ ... W deo. cn~ their 'tigur I" Ini. "'I' ~he u ... ~. I''''file J,~wnc" .. Iv" IIrt.-!.

  • I

    Hue ;5 a o()l1c.nsposM, .... ill be diJ..

    """ A fUme they >.I ... yo Iha,.." Tron5pC'OC0 .an male. th< Mot 1 ... ".lo""",lioo, :>c. (OI11i"ll" I" 1M ".II-k ........ " ~n .. : ~! 'f"fl .. hal .h.U [...,' A hOflc', hcaJ .. -h-\:ktN Irom both .ide, of the bal-ane:

  • Of _IT,.. if)'Ol' ClIn m~k~ a ~wi" f1~g from " >qlLlrf, ;t i. jn'l U .... y 10 'c"~" Ih~ opel'\tunn_quo" ;n IWO pit.'1 which will lomn the flag.

    c. ... pc:rf()fn>ffl CItlin' fOil. w;,h the SwiJJ AIit' "'hid! We will bkt oc-eo,ion 10 tnt",i"". Whcn ,he bad .Ito connectorl ,,ith thif 0 .... whKh .... .-orth """""iq' CUI the troI!I in ,"" pOecn which "ill Iorm rm,. ""I:'le. Or cuI ;1 ;n Ihno:: pieces which wll1I11ah.. pc:r11 5/lU,,'.

    W. Ih:olI take urlr occulon 10 m",,' ''''' ....". nf Ih. nl .... ck'''. fcall pc:rformM by Carr~Schwi~ In all ling SwiN chtc$Cl . nd jURli,,1t' wi,,, pano; of milk at hOf !'i"'iN m~k betury. !Ita. the e!Wk h~1I of Lu_ %erne.

    A ChUM. If you journey eYe< la~

    1\'0 maute. "hell or ,,"".e. My ~I'$t "",,1

    1 fi~. Ih;$ p.imilin illunJ1lllion 0/ three 1"",l1k' lock, """au .. It IJ the 820"'"' lhal A. C. Hobbo, the fa-


    ~ tumbl~1"!I are pbttd IrJIOII on. "'" now. ,,hich ;, a gn-al impro,~ mffl' ~ dog (muke


    ~ ' eKE IS ONe OF TI"

    old-time problems of our , "",,~. It",,,d datocn ra~ . d, ..-n throur.h ~"e

    """,rat,,,,,, "',Iflout any 0lI~'. hay. "'3 ,be ,enxroty 10 qU"'I,on tbe =In_ ur lhe 'e thl!t it ean be clearly di>.tinguished It diM...,., of some lif...,.,n miles. It is _ than. thousand )'GoB '*l and is suppoed to h&ve bee:a ...... ed tloen: by lhe IOldion of ~thdrecl and AJf~ af"" thei. ,'it, t.",. over tho O.nes, as while ....,.... ... the eOau"", they ",e COIl-tinuRlly

  • PROPOSITION lo to ho ... mR oy pioc Ol. " f ... r;ou l alz ... i. it pOII ;III. to d l~ l do a pia ... In Ill. Itral,bl ~1I1 ' of k olfo?

    I "' a ,;:;~,,,, form. let 11$ I ,n10 the lollo ..... ng un"I"" wb,cb (:Co""" ,n ..... 111

    ;:;,~';j~~~~il~::~ in"~t," ... hich 10 Ih .. young folk, not "I' In ""'them"lieal lore may he inlttproled as meaning t hai " Ihe ; I old folko m .... 1 he helped firot a nd

    ;:ff,:;;j~ .;; the ~h;ld,..n .houM net ask 10. an .....,0.\ pi~ . " "

    Roy.l Road.

    The followIng f~ Inmolatl"n of a German ~m .... bwll UI.I .... 'N dllN11l' the- IMt nontuty 'n .. lI ~"ldo t'"ll' u.n,l. eru\ "n~,ded. Wby .1 dces =1 !.oIl.

    Wh;~ Ih~ lop ;. bllm"""" Still \hto won""'" pw

    By _h.>.I "" u. ~ttlc 'I"nn~ WbistlO$ II' il ",".

    Child...., 1 ......... h;l~ pLo.'in,: Joining .porl ..,Ib ltAnunll:: ....... "It.." mO..., th~n "-'>nl. Into k ........ led~ tu,n;nll:.

    Puul",. I',ob and rid..Jle., Make the d.iWrtn d,,'~r,

    k.d,ng h.Y Iho Rov~l .-oall. where Study iI pleulI""

    PROPOSITION-Tell whether

    mI: .... ht n ~;;~:~:: Cite ...... as < 'tb~ great.

    t>n ... rth , lhowmnn

    """,,, of ,ru_

    ... clI,ltIhIt!gh to intlln .. t~ to Iht ""hi", lhat II>. gmt .bowm~n had lOme funny ""* ... ~ up hIlI sl""ve Can Y\lll lOlL. thd plI .. d

    Ihould will this rice, and wby_

    A Stlldy In Diyli ioll. H ere i rute htt]g Rn thmet ... 1

    ol u

    mo. And fmd l>y man): oh.ongeo tried A &Urn "'tn

  • To """"1'"'1,1" tht kll IIi .,I,hng abe to" \' ., .... "",:".,1,,,,,:: 1

    In Ih( fi .. t in'I .. ,.,. .... ~ "'" !hot lOp .n0 ~ eq\Jilib-rium. By tht .. Milian 1 t1u~ cuhts UI 1M ~d pAi~ "I oc:ol .. ..., p""lUCnt cube a"d eight m"bles, or ni~ marbles weiglLa equal to Ihe top!


    A ReIN.

    TM CAIMli. Oturch my lirat noain-

    "'"' . ),]7 n.,," con"'U or rIy maid, whoM '0 .. to Gud mr. 1'I\a D thr n3"'" of OtntQl Wmfield Scott. my in_ I.ntile """"""lion ...... find lJ)' my falbn', hoM,ng me "V on ru.lIhuI-den; dnnng a miliUl.'1 proc.HiMl to _ llie hero ... ho ..-h ~ the Briluh al Chippewa and Lundy. r....... I do non thmk that my """,d hu eVe' ht""- =~IJ' d;' .ha$od f tile iIIlpn:sROtI then cre-aleJ.. lhat General Scull ...... the 'I'DleU ....... Wt tv..- hva! Th. uI,"" WQ pn>bablr inl""'t;.d. y~.r I.ler wlw:tt. dunng OUr .... WIth "~:\I Hn.atum creal"", by Gentral Seen', A)'UIg tu Scneta'1 (If War Stanton. to Ih, .ffeel tha" .. Whil. we h.,ell:'Of'('$ 01

  • Ilhit,1e ,t ".,,. SlX'rI",k Il('llme', or oomc nIh .. not",! ,1'!"'1ive. wllG .t-""" .... c,j I'" booty from 10111o,,! roe-reiv;ng "I!ti.', I.ot "bkh Jr.'v. (i>1,1.LSWORTH" 11 ; mixc"-"p """ of an ~;'1~

    "'hich .. in '." IIX' in,.: .. ""il" of OUr Y""'''i" "" ... 11011 \0 d""'1 "'"

    It. Charade I nttdn! Ih." and 10 .... , And .1.>111'd for Ih. door. Thinkinlt I would go for I~ttl,

    10M. Ind ~w I had not p'. I sq,,,,,e, Whm by ch'n I MDI ther., By whith I tman. Y"" kno .... n,y OM.

    tWO, 111,, fOlJr. 6 ......

    It. Reb"t Wh.n grand"" "i.hed my fi~t to

    make, Mv .KtH,d hr ",wid .t ..... ) .. takr, An

    "M" Chairnoan," .,,,,1 the >~_ fa., ... the ea.U for t:ondinC" vOle .1>0>0'b, ,A.,"',!",~)OU ,,ill Il'ffi't bo}'i:oh fa. .: ,\n ... ~, I, '4,70.5,

    mrmbOrt lit .. w( fJ!>d Ih. mi-nority "", ,ld""" ... I~ motl"" hy n .. jority 0-' on. VIM," C~n ron ttl! jut! how I ... ny "'IU .... ere call at

    ,thi. meeting I

    Urn i. 3 rolli"""""" linl. r"ule r"" 11~ ,",In/:: fo!k., ,,~,id, p, .. mts pouil~t;lIc In)'tIU''II' "hich 0th ~bc hour ha"d pointing ;n Ihe clif'OCt_ 01 rhc 'un. ~. """ ... n in tilt &tm~ying .Ie~tch. The point

    eD.Clly ",id,,",), btI" .. ..,n lhe hnll ""nd and the fIgu u will be due ""nh..

    It i. ...cll to t("lTlfttlhrr. ho\,'~~"', th:i.1 d",;~ 1M time (rom ti" in Ihe aft~moon 10 .ilI in I"" momi"i" OIl rulCl\ gi.~ thr north poonl i",uad of the _Ill. In lhe _them hani,-'fI~ I"" rult ... m be ......,r~L

    Some )Utl ago. whi!.o taking ..... 110: jn.! ""I";

    10,' an .,-.iaon !:,",,~=>n ... b

  • lit", i. the original "011 of lhe SeiI(Mt an,1 Ihe monkey bou... 1.-.1 art numbered to fadl. i,.t d .. ipllon of the nlO!llo:ty'. mult.


    Here is an ~l"",""bry st~dy in arith",.tic: .. herein yoo write oo,,'n the names of all the artid ... ;1.JId ,.

    Can't Bt Doa.o. You gn'\ .L;tn,j for 60. minutes

    wi!hcu\ moving. jf you .... blind-folMd.

    y"" ~~'I Oland a' Ih~ .i,l~ (If .. I'O ho",,, ""hind hiJ lack Ind hi, hoad apin.t Ih ... >.a.

    A RIb".

    J dwell wh mii:hty billow, 1'0.1.'. TImgh 00Sued the usual nou.,. .,ung lorth that .. the rnembcn of the "_bitt and Ancient OnlCf of ILbenoi.UtI wiD paran the buill of n,M 1TH'1I to tbe row .... Ie,'"" .. .,,,).1 111 dn

    Dut """n w ... C"""y 1n', .. ~,1. an,1 Ihe I'n'>oo 1"'1 rnw ta_ out with bul "'IM..,.,n Th .... wu a b"meo.! attom l't to form ....,Ih ei~ht m"" in urll m ... , apm with oeVtll. a1>ll Ihen wllb fi~o. four. th,,,,, and even 101'0, hut it ... as found that ea~1I and evory formation a\. WBy' cam. out ... ilb ~.:~nl .pa-.


    loe Cuey in III~ last line, Then. a1thoU/lh it atnk~ U5 ... ;0. .. !ly .Upe .... t!tlOD. ,t leeame .Iul!' th .... m~,t b.av. been ;n lbe 1'..".,."';00 hIS .. pTtlty pmiJ-10m .. lIi"b WIll ;ntete

  • n ilE..". of the ~T'tal MOo , .. J, .. hlCh wa. un",, 1;nKI1"~'f>lc'1Ic Ibilw,",. CumIl""Y. mtan> 10 ,. O'UI",nlln curtly what the c"' .. 001 the ",;odor f .... to a; II h. wu. ;"...,.Iigating the Keely ,_.

    One ... rilor on ,he .uhi""l i.. of the opinir>n lhal lhe .il:" h:tt ..... '" recl1ndil. "ulh.""",k.1 .ignifoa ...... . . "d qlllf' ~ncit"t Chineoc: wt! "Ih >" Ih. umo: Il.. cd-1.1SITIO~' 'g, ,b. ",h __ ~ , ..... ,~ ~t 1"' .... '0'" , ... 1'10"'

  • PROPOSITION- Can YOII till whit the boar lrutt? I IS to .n ........ th,. puzzle you need only

    ana,, .. the ronu"drum. What dOd the ~r want I

    The PlIyus Who All Won. A. an .mprov=nlt upon the ~-

    OtPled nn";",, that """"' .... c= only la .... mlleh as 'he I ....... \0; fUl,.,.a


  • , ... ., "':lIeM. Arne ,i" .. arul that one wfnt

    IWO mi~ul'" an h"'" 100 dow, an~ the other one mlllul. an huu, 100

    rUI, ... lhal ,.-htn I looII:ed at tMm again Ihe fait .. one Wlf eXKIly one hoo t ah~d. Can)'ou fill'u,,, QU\ fl'Q/tl the dial at what li,n" ~I~", noon the watches mu I hIY" .(uledl

    lIe,e I, an~lhcr (II,. which will punic you: 1101" JOOn .. HI the hou., min"~ and lIOoond 10.10,1. again &p-par the wne dl.>tan~ aPllf!, .. .how" a~?

    !:Juch pmblm'l at. built "I'M the immul.1hl. bWI of tho ,Iiv; : ,,, of \i ..... and .'" thc''''on pu.ely "O:UM. ""uic.ol IUId mtd'~""al 1 h.te .rc 60 ....,., tun 100 ya,,u in

    A laIlilll: body J;OOlI 16 f~, !he lin, _"; .1 limes 16 the nal _d; 5 ~ I( thc third~, 2nd ,., oa inc:n u"g accor, 7. 9. 11 UmH .... faleh .. lor lb .., 1!lOt'f! to ""I ~h""".I1""" t~ 5JI\' thllt "tornnt ItA, II rt'Al Iovo for,,,'1L an,l hn ...... "

    Grunt d,The hone was rnlbly round and pun:huood (",m In m'''''I'b..t,cattd GeTman IDI" baU of whal I,.. would ~"" .. kl had he known the p"'-emil m.aa lQ M .... !'"reo.! Oro.nt. and III abo ..... in tbe 'lO("'pt liin"" fo, her.


    1hi. f'\1t'l~ ~hw~ how ratl =nee X",, ' .... nita"''' lh~ -Iob 0; the I:"IJ ltriek by rounhn,t:. ,h. numb of -!"lee:. 100, tac.b Ollk, ~Dd >tnllli"r,1 ~7n """aN! ineMs. )low mra'''N! of( thot point. a, QN!lully .< i"""',ih ..... Ih. ~ 1lOltmalial faU."ic.> ..... a. unfor tUMId" ~"I. Th., ... "rk. "hic!t tnir!lw1I1P"" a< 1M ""lrnina-ti, .. 01 hi. lalw" .. ma>! ""'"r ~ tho: tnn,1. t bo>nk .-e< attelllptM hy 1M authco, It Iuo. ~ d.""';!xd a~ (".f rrcl>l< pu .. t wh ...... 'n tho .",,1.111 wa. '" t"t hi. k"owlt,l~ of th. ,,,hit by dctf'CI' ,ng 1M /a1\M'Y conceal.d in the puz

    The gul..! brick protol.", i, ginn an illll'ln';"" ui a ... ne. of PUUIH whid, I h""r /."",, b< "'1I~red la.-u.hly t~h th_ ~. a/wa)" KWtt!. paniC'd by uplm:tli.... "hjc,h ",~11 ptTnnt lM ,lu,Jc,n ittlm briog mi1-kI,,"" to Illg. ,"I that the ~tuld i. ca"" in .... Ih ""ttled m.""s:"" ... ~p. j>OIlCd 10 he lhe (~re ... ell wQnt. of .h!I'","""ked hll""'rut)'. gi"ins: a grapbic de.::npl"'" 01 tho fate wb,~" h&o1 beI~ll"" som" ""'r loot an. sJw:r.o1ll[ th.u t.M -ros eut II~ tilt ... , . had dnftai IOJ"~. tw.l on tIUd~ before eltect.u>( Lo. .. ,hng

    .u It rule. tM IIIOdI"t'll ~,"Ie of Illter

    Whal ;s an eAvCfo.dropp

  • IIPEAK'NG ABOUT tb. way Ihat J'u I" ideu rome to'IS It may

    - be .. id ~hat the theme " fo." /:QOr 1''''1>

    ]J, 53. 64, ~JO. ~,S, 14(1, 290. 319, 225,

    613. ~JO, 248, 330. 24, 248. m, 2J, f,U.

    lJ'), .'00, 137, ~36, 556, 85. 570, ] 14. S6J. !oro,

    319, 4'}]. ;70.,w. ~5( ... 438. 3ili. llR. W ... 10')0. ,wI. S24. 405, W 61\ ,wI. :?25. 12:;, 2'Al. 31" ~

  • "AI showing how V.IU1bl4' knowl tdJ:c, iml'mvi", I" \h~ ",i".1. tluy bt Iea_d from \ncit;ng the .o.cort of the II Imli". I~.h,c,,"'n who inv>riably re eomn> one 101trutted c.'''phon in tM art of p!Qding, .nd it .,.. ~ bct .. ~ teachc1" and ""pil th.:tl tbe Imllon 1 "'auld be paid ,..h

    My ,,'hoI ... m tIult Ihrooch wave and ,,ind.

    In bopef my firll to MV . Ciphor Anaw",-Ia, 9. 6, 5, a, 15,

    '. ~

    Puercben I Pr~ lz.L

    ne", " oi.IIIpl. hllie marking p"'~,[..." fot the j"nnilel who ha"e Inun'''''''g ''''''nlh ,\.0 gu .... into bo..-mlny I"""" he d"'irlcd it with one ot,.,.,gltt cuI w,lh .. knife Sup-J>O'{ng. \110 he" ..,al p""""I. drn .. ~ .tr:"~ht hne ,,-rueh Wl'>Ul\! dlVid. ,\ 'n~ Ih~ ,""aiel! ;>Oaib1e n"IIIbet 01 V'~,

  • I _ -.#C"


    PROPOSITIOlf By changing the po!itlOD of the fe ... e~t possible nuruwr of the tell duck. arrlnge them 10 there will be five rOI"l of four in hne.

    g HP. ~lJUJI::CT OF th'" I'unl ~ ;",:"1';1\;(>,, i. ~ t~,,,,h,,r "",0 10 ,., j "i~"t.o ur l!'~ v" ,mty ,,{ lIu .... "I, HI- ;ond ,n-

    tro "1,, ,n chal" of "'Ihe, hn OIl Ihal, "" ~bnwn III the &k~tch, on. o:ould [,gure oul IhnG '", .. o( laur_in row 1\:ow JWI lIS !lOOn u I got. line on four of Ib_ bil"llioD to JI'Ot four 0' non~ led to th~ _u1t (If my "'-"kinK I .... fol_ 1o';~R in"'_tinr ~""TY_ A. lOOn as the omoke cleared ;nray. IQ thl , Mtlld "J>C" my ~~'rt. , ...... 101 ~Dd that tht ttn birth loa

    '''''''41 pltA~ure 1'1 gi'-t ~t 10 any lucky dud( ,,')00 ""II ""Ivo Iblt hille p.oLlem fur "'e ""r""'lly.

    1'h. ph'I","" ,how. Un duck, ad_ vlUloinlj" ul II"lmet""a! j"nn . Im ... -ing thre< ro,,"I/JI lour_m_I",e. Xn", =rgllonJ" It ... ,n 10 then: w,lIl~ \'" ro ..... of four-.n ,hnu, .. ml'ly IJl' alt"'l "ul nl the nurk.

    The pruhlem ~ ... toe ""o.kN out praclically loy pl."inr vet} small oonntc1"1l upon the dU('kl in the 1" .... t" ... "",\ """-' them ."'"nd unhl you ret he row Df I ... ur ,n-.-roW.

    A Tricky Problem. Iu]'; your I"~l. ,f It.., ('an 1m1"

    do .. n Ii .... o..W ,; u"" to a.J,' up And make fourtfTablem 'fhe ok . ttflf"t'Itnl. tilI,,'" all of U. ~. ,,( .-anous .. _ '0-pll- ..... 1f a m~t""_ lnat ..",] na!u~ _bJch all should lie able to .... Iv.

    W.ll. to Ret ba,-k 10 the C\"~t Garden l'ruble",. "'hicb I hrl ai_ m""t r"ri"tlell It .. tDld tlo~1 '''''' bucl5,n, hrr I"enoj'. st

  • AS.C, Teo.P~


    A. SW AllM OF GOOD 8 EES. Ho", U a b'l '" cooll1uona

    for the N~ .. Year "I\LolI young m,'" hal ,...".kod O\l\ ,n p",. t.ori~l fa,I",," u~'n 1",...,1 "" ~ pt..ce"'" and "'a.i ,II dnv ...... ,1 ill. bo.ord an

    To aid our ) .... 'ng Id.,,,t, ;n d ""rihinK Ih.;r .,,, ... eu. (h. ~Ia .... ~r. nu",,,,,,"ed.",, (h~'Ih

    Ir:>nlfd 4. S. 9. Sl

    Ciphtr Ans ....... -c. I, II, 9. I, 7. 5. 19-

    Comical CDoundruma,. \\110 p ..... the bNU/ Th. jodQll gue tho Jack aU. Wh~ did the wood ...... 1 n.,a, .... it saw the lamb-cloop. Why did !he bo,ner_B,.? IkeI,,,,., it sa .. the ake_".,Jl

  • fls S![OWINn IHlW .\

    IIY'..i:B puulc ""')' '.'('~"a u-l "Jt.: ""m "''''lb'''II. I alto

    . g\ ",m 1.013","" ' f I rul>a.\,',,,

    I ",mom!..r Ih'" ,h. 'l.uto,i,..,.-00" ... ,. nes., '" "M)" ~"ung chid,." b....J l"'t ....... 11 ~tl!e lhe tra,h nf th~1 boKie 1I'\0ry in Dl} mInd nnwlUld ""~ rm" all. give me Ml"'.e .00,,", pip' f~t ' So. from a p"",ly in""logatin~ standpoint. ~ ,,~ Iw ,.,., 30 ,Mn'l lOS he b.>.d heforr "

    .. \. e ... ' .... i.1 &no;>tht'r m"",her of I h~ p~rt" , "'ho ... as a ~ivil eng'n .... , "&,. r:", p",nLf, wh" we", S,,', d,,! n"t 'J~u~ R .. m>\ f I':"r.t. )0, I tol 1L.~el Ih'" ~h til (,,, I ... ii" .. I I u in'~I'f'''''I~r, jf tun,rthing o:ooul,1 ""t ~ done 10, the ,h,I

    It .,und. 'II0 """'1 .. IIt;"n .. ..s 110 d.- Ihal It '""k fon.M ..... b~. art1""",nl and 60,", httl. ro .... " \L .. ule t~ ... o.I"j>\llt. In" cvml"" ",,"'n of the In,1 ju.t menli""ed " """'I~ bo an _)' maltor 10 n,lju,li, &\;e on. m

  • PROPOSITION-What will be Ibe , .ili 'nigbt riM or faU?

    if the monkey &lItmpl:l to climb Ihe rope? WW the


    . . told problem ," mef m~,,:.t La ... or nalural ph,IOSOphy,

    In theory the problem a])pUB to be .lInol .. para~~c&J .. neen! conundrum wh'ch II roml the round. as to .. hu II II tlull on! r lip d"mn~y iI .... " or do...-.! d'imn~y do ... n,but WJlI OOt ro up a chImney up nnf do...-.! & chimney up' (AD u",Lrell".)

    Fo. Bi bl...studont ..

    If l he cbdil",n 1-\ .. ", in lI~rod. Slaughln of lho hn .... k>. ~'. g..>a tc. ,k cord'n&" 10 the atoo-ric , .... ". Ihrm, "-'h eh g" ,n the makrop 01 .nt}~h':~): 'l"h< ... oJcmonU consi'l nf ,.n~n''''.uma1Ty .."..u atoms ... hid! oombi"" .. '"It "n .. u .tmu It> mala SC'>h. "'.''',- Her. are thtc ] I 010_",,:

    II win bt Ottn that ~""" of the .Ie-"""n,, ha. i" dlemi",,1 ")"Q'hoI ""d Ih.,,;e "tlmb... llIt;t ""'tD. ,,~a combmo ,..;th OIh~r :noms \0 produce add. QIto. b ..... or compound. :11, I' lIy,I" .. hl,,"< ,..;.1 110 Sull'/tlmC ... ,"'II'SO".""xli< a~,d 111. f''''''l'h""" :..;, ... ,rI'O lIydrob.",nic acid nBr. ll>tD w. get Iht d,ff .... nl 14111 bJ'

    lltting '''''Ial. in Ih" lei.l. in \,I~ct 01 H, ..... n a, hydru .. "",l 1",--_ ,,hioh I'(rl.lin W lilt ch.",,,,al nO-"",nclat"'.

    The ddfttt1\1 ",,,11'1'1 .. of all 01. mont ",il1l"I>11"" "tirely di>l'-Ifnilar ""n'I"',,",I,. 11lO i. Ih" fon'ml~ (ut w~tcr a"J i"dical" d",t ,WO atom. fil 11 ,., on. alOrn Ilf 0 form w~t.r. 0 br'''1:" 16 ti,,, ... h~,vi~r than II ,h"", tI'" 11 /.'ml' lite '!'Ih 1"0 01 "'Air'. :-low in .. -.aJt tlK: 1"D\~"('"'' fil 0 ."d wh.t ... a. a ",'Ide" Iiq"i,1 brcomu a Ih",k, >l""l'v "'''''1'''',"l. 101 01 \hine' I know il i,nl. a"d 1 know il h """,10 may originate d...... '1u ... li .... , ... hich .1imi""le

  • i'ropt>SitiQn: D,.lda II", GttI:.k C.~u Inlo W'", p:._ .... hidl will tlt tOtothor and form a lutaD,iulnr DbllIll,.

    To mu,I .... ,. the prindrl~ of work-ing a puule b:lokw~"l, acco,dinK ,0 the n,om II~I a ~ r"lc Ahould work bolh " ... yo, We illlrOll",'o ..... _ Jell.tbl. I'roI,I"", wl",,,,in Ih. objtf a my.Tic socm, \11.11 "" f,,,d "h,." We toke Ih .. tnilikm "f Ihe "1"3'" an,1 ",ark ,h. , i .. ", of lh~ !-iw",I;," ;n the nlor, I~'l Ih .. lo,.r !"IN will I"rm & I','r-icel Crk ''''', anJ if We ""'rk il wilh the tI

    ,,,10 f,:'111. ~ if "."' "'" !i~,,,,,", ""'.

    bur:ehJ'm of li'll< iml"'flano-e .... off wilh '''~. h .. d;

    To a foo: I ""1:1" lhen t..: 'he I"IV!' Md ,1"'ilI!.

    !koal'iw~ Iwict. ",",J r~ver~ ",h,t """WI'

    An" I>n "ilh I ~,' ."d. I:OOK nII"ritcl wnrdi.

    I" ""w frw ohanl'; co" narln tit (t"""'''t(1 ;IIk> s~,,'I .. oh,m!:inl; only ntl~ ]'-t!cr '" a Ii",,,, al""y" formi,,!:, p~rf>:-na I,. COnl""I'i>lillg a speedy parmer->hip,

  • WILL TAKE oceuion 10 Tm1I'~ Lhal lh~ fact 01 .om"Hliar "'illl !he an ....... ' 10 Ihl'm, f.,. the =.~ .n",",. LO """'~ of Ille ..-t I'op"b. on~. hoft n~'C' bI.eo publioh~d, and, 10 Ia ... [ am a .. -n. , hay. n11hoo!l. IUId .. tlce ",,-,hier 01 the 101')("" hanking i"-r>1t hIm i"" .'" hOll .. '0 ",.k. Iht wt1n

  • n~t" ;, a lottie p" .. t. d"";l(nCd til iUum"l" th< pri""ir.l~ of (~n ... t lItion al~'h.d in I ~brll to di = .n unknown ""gIl! /N'" a fr:t(tion:ll ~r\ 01 1 .... 11. A. 1""0 t ...... f'l'" '. 110." .1 , ...... """'b' ......... ".!. TIl., Wll> ...... bu' "~.n tb.~ .... .",. ."''' .. In~'n u~ .... , ... , .. " "'"".~ I.", b.d 1"'Ll iPolO two j';ota It f,,,.,,,, a ".h, . bl, "ml imrr ... ing I.,,,,,, ib r"nl,,"",~i"j; whice Ji")y iargt-r. anrl conlain ;"Jr enLrri~1l' Pf'OerlOnt1l the fGI in three piN:" Irom .ny ,orlangle is 10 cui On Ih. dottrrn

  • Tb~", .", pr:lny m .... ;

    My IffOIld ",,",('I ap_: Mv .. hole', a pl"d~ 10 100 TNeerncd

    \Vilhin . certain space, Ciph.r Ans .. 'tr.--S, IS, 19. Xl. I,

    7. S'

    ,\ CHYI'TOGIU.\!. UR''''0'l500SSN.

    In tht uubcT1nce nl hi< joy at lhe p ..... pming a mppy father in his old ~. O'Sbougoossy ...,.od 10 .elli. t ....... thirds of hi ... -m. liP'"'" "\he 11m" and one-third ~I"'" lbe mother. hI'l in ~a"" "th. bov~ sllotold be" j!irl. tben t"">-third. of the .. tate .11OI!d I:" to the mother ",1 .... e-Ihird 101M dallj(htcr ; "h"" it d"ol"! .. ,,. howC\. lhat tht boy


    A Rebul

    My 6 .. t i. ""'nd in the ocean "live, A. wdl a. in 1I~ I'il ano.llhe m,n";

    M)' ~Id bolow lhe ou,f= ... ~ hay. Wh...., no't't W ",n can ~h;n~_

    My whole t .... f ... w 1>0;0\10 I(TI'., Dut _dOOm 13il. 10 6nd a rll'~

    Cirbrr An.w~T.-19. I, . ~, 20, 3, 5, I~, 12, ".~"=-__ _

    A Rebu. Within my 6 .. , ~on !:'Illant CI't'W

    An aoo:hor ... ft may And; My nu" ye {"'t. lno.Id. 'Ii. tru~.

    \\,,11'0\11 an...,01 ""y hino.!. Wit""'t m. whok .. t nl and vinl'j[J.r," 1IIi,1 " .hr.wd 'ptn '"ltor t~ it< "."\.,, , link. _he "'''' II", )" I~"",d, TIt..., how milch ,Ii.! '\(;., Cam, w.",,?

    ",,,,,,,lo 1 c= ." '"6

  • e o e o e o e o

    ~_ ERE'S a p,oLltm "'hieb

    hal bftn J'"uliltl{ a.n-ey cvOf lInee l,t got 011

    . '; ~ Iht ,force. II. hal ",.,j. II 1!1'1(nI1I of tI, ima-

    lion ."d alk. for the .... '11311 01 ou t dC\lc. puulj.\,. 11~ 1",,,,11 ",von \Jloclct of Ihe cil:'bll, word. k


    inning and mrli"s: hi. nighlly 1011( rom the 1";111 he it ;"dia,inll' AI th~

    COm" of Ave"". A .nd ~fMauen 10 me nol a bil ; I am l:enl1e ond l'l:hl . ."d transposed

    Am e~.r r..wy >.nd fit.

    \\'hil~ diocu.';ng th.t probl ..... of "I .... rinl: ." 00I0ng. r.t us t~D 01 " p'~lial '.'t s~etpfold for )'l in )lo.. 1'.", ~ .... d nat ho rouli'" f""" I'",,,,d,, "" lh. diff.rm be-1'!Ott1l at and. leiltcn b

    Your grain produe.n!!' gt'Om.d. Cipher AnIO,.r,- I9. .6, I, 18, I,

    2, 17, S. (See Wdlttt r .. )

    H .... ;, ". piclu , . "f . Rip \'~n Winkl. and h" ""I:' Shne,dcr, Th. I~ ,ul. i. 10 fin~ Ihr dog, bul il ;.


    Th. abo". pIctI"" of .. dock dial mll,tnl'" I~< ""f"'rI=' poinl of evi-dm ... in a 0.:11truck lhe foo. 01 1M dock. II ltnl

  • Problem

    ~'" ". .".


    o 0' 0 ", .-


    Aruni .. 1 T"I(O h o)'o"ing 00 .. 11 oonbl"I' mi~hl I""' llon"'I:I, Ih~ enct n-nlrr of I~e fi,,~ ri,,~ ~,,'l b:1clc to , he ,"uti"l: I"',nl i" ill I k"~" " .. ;"'~t """'.. 11"1 tl~ ~d, nli",1 !~1I. I"~l dUN I" nav~lllt:llqcy tlu.. II,.. {""t can to.- ,l,'CQ,-ered within the cxtr"doX! oo.mdary of the I!l

  • The Oreek Crou. Emin~nl a",hat'Jlogi.I' and anti-

    quarianJ like u rlon~lf\, Schlie-mann, Prof. Wild",,~ cr< .... ~hich f,,,. upro .. d of .u: thoo .. nd yc-o.'" h ... ,,OJ f, .. the l\'mIloI "I buman mtdl ...... r. on,1 is nilw rnq:n,nd at "1,..,~,"nJ;" ocin>ce and ma,hematlr:tl u~ .. t;l",I~. n.. Ivrnn ... "ir:tl e ...... brmrd fnlm he ..J"a ..... In, thou""",ls of war. hu bI-o:n kn~"n aa lhc Illn,lo" prW-Jern. Dr .:ull;n); ., i" 6>"~ p..:cu. "pon Ill

    tn f,.nt! a pf tho ....... 10ft, in f""r pi",,", which ,,ill f.xm "'IUU.:

    n .. ,.., an: OttmnotJ. oth~ p,o!>-Inn, (Ottn1e.1 with tM .yrn"'ot~'" P'Of""rtioM 01 "'"' G...,.1e en. .. hi be '"cook .!," or, in JlUule I ... ~ . ''bow.t an.wn- lha, ,.I.,,, ed how In ,10 ,I in lour. Fi.:', C lbo .. '. how the 100. pitctJ Ihot.]d be "",d .

    I dl"",,'>rd ,li_w, ~1 that 1\-.., .... , an infinile nn",ber 01 an,,,, .... , u the paralld .. "I nllO)" bt "1lO,1. any whcn~l,', An ,~'hmlJ or .. y .... l crm ..... a",1 Iroln Ih .... ..-. e:on flXTl\ ~

    Jint. rl in ",hO')\: 'I>. I ""m,.! olr Ih~ h;~I"'t , " hni,"'inR i, ""'~ ~!'f't"r. it "..,1. II> "'Y ""', all of Ou, I',uti" ..... ill tho "..." 1 ,h:l1 1}uteh ji~t "h~n ~ ba"" ,I""d Ihe pIlul.

    StIC'C"t a word ,,(no,o!..., Itt, ..... and plac. thr l .. \>:) 'I"'U the ;."'~ ",,,. d corrtaly In ,IK \m',., ,0", "I titq;:., in Iho (CIO"_ ,.,., I.'" ibl .. mo !!, I 'hink i, "as the jumpin.:' I."t

  • I :un f''''.""J \M to 'o"01""t ..... I~w OO In ... and wM them b:ttk I Iht original .., .. .., ...... t $,8 1'''' lot. and c1taned up ,Itt. wholt 'nnuclion bt-for. hi, lrain a"i,'w. U. n .. ",It .. profi l on ,h. dn.1 jU$l I'Ilwo] 10 hi. ~rot .... , pric. of I;" loou. eo you .... kal \0 \,,11 jult I>ow =n)' 101. wort I,id out in the m .... n of flolm"'Wt,

    Puzzleland Park ft ................ ,~.,,-, .,t., ., f f I f t ~' . ............................ .

    f , ................... , ........ . f ~ ,. f f t ',' , , I,I.Jl..!I"", , , .t , .. .t,. t'l tl' f f." ..... . ....... , .... 't't .... ~t , ...... , .. , ..... , ........... ,'. 1 , ........... t,'l , tt .t .",.." .ft .. ... ..................... , ... , , .... . f.@ . , tc tl"!.i.'.I ... ........ t If t I:'t ...... ........... ....... f" + ~ f I , t , It ........... tt tt ,. 'I" to," ..... , It' t It " .......................... . .......... , , iTrti! .......... .,.,., 'I" ........ , , ~ ......... ~ .... of ......... , ... , .. ', 4' .. I t '., ' , ...... , ................... ' . i . ". I

    .to f ' .................. t. e' ... , ......... . t ........... , ,'! .. , ..... ,' .................... i":"i" ,,..~................ ... .... f. ..... 1',.."' .......... .. ... ...... t ,. ...... t ...... , ...... ,.. 1",;';';~~:':;~~"'=;~:':~":1 , ..... , ........ ,.

    f ......... . ,..."" ,!;;]. \ .. , . ' . Th ... an: ~hl hou5 .OJ '0 mok. , CM,),).I. citel but Iht Jq"irrri h.1. 1110 ,::one at

  • Mr!. HuLl",-.. 1 hal im'tI1tffi a d..,,'cr ,,5t..., for k",pinl{ ~bJ on her blackbo .. y jam. She fill.d t..,mty-five jarl and .""nged the three siut AO U to kl~ Iw .. nl~ quan. On ea

  • Ltot tb ... "!IUd",,, ."" .... th,;. 11 nl~ 1111 DIan

    r.hon"!it""l'h~ ",-ltll k"" .. J~"Ii" .. 1u1.' the , ,_ r .... "1\ lind ~-'1I)lh .. , "" IhM Ih~ imp"""'u,,! Ul",Jn 1116 m .. mOr1" '1'D' ab.! ... b cqD~nl"l iuf,1' ham .lu,ly. I att .. ".!....! M. Ann'. Church .. 'III.'I'\> '",.,. Ik Ua.1IA'1iXI/' l'''''''' :mol h,,", at thill IaI\O day I ha, OC"""OIl t.> IU6 i~ A hrh:lu Id>'ll. (W"e,,"" \ m~; h"r~ ill tile alphll ... t jou as Ihlt g","1 I,hlbn 1hrollhis~ ,,'110 d

    I .. y ory pi1. cal. Sup to h'h-~~"r. " ~". JI(>,,~b SI I O~: ""'Y be Inn.IUI"1TIeOI inl" BOO1" io th_. The \.alt

  • Mrs. Pythagoras' /~ - " Puzzle .. ... , \ .' 1 ,

    / A ,.

    lIJ[JE~ Mr.. P)\lUI.gorU

    , ,00II ""'UI,,~l ,..;,h l'~r 'l>OUK r~r;",,0 .,,1. """,l"n.d. "'. "" Ih.1 the "'IUUt )0\1 .tt1.",. n,,,,, bc OQUlIt to WIll sq" ..... and \h ... -fore muO! be "'Iuai \0 ,hi: 10'1""< ~f , ... h)poth ... u..,.~

    ~ lrulh of 1M. 1;1'\'11 d.uun' " """",'n in ,h. amllll jl\,,,,,..lion. Nu. I ,hows ti,l;ht~nRltd triangle:; bo--ing Ihr~ inchn high, thr oct"". of that lid. tonl2oilU nil'" "l"u< inchn; 1M t..." bring '''''' ;""hn long, COII-toiru 'U;IC'(11 oquan ,,,,,heo, and \1>1: fi~. incll hypolhotn"'" "1"" """-, ...... as m"'y "'1""' " ... hft .. bc>th of W othtr squ:lr .. a.M"d l"I:"nhtr.

    If ...... -joh In nW" ,,-hieh w,n abo do il in Ibln "' ... , (;111 !lU' lhal \one pirqu Ih:il hili 1""" 1 ~MW it .~n b< 'Ion .. ..

    'I'h ....... ha.a 101 ..... Phythagoraa n .... pu ... le , . *, 'V

    ~" '. ,. . .> ,

    On tht principl. lhal Nf'f'J ~ rut.: .10",,.1.1 '""'~ ""''' wa)"l, w. ",-ill .., ....... r .. W i.I ........... .., pro-du Iwo "I" ...... fmm """ br!;c ~. I"Ia Ih. l""nl ,,( Ih~ cnm-pas6 d th3t tho ~ ,h" .. lJ t.. uk ... by .....,."j. bUI after )'elr< "f p", ict in .. ng t .... la!"'. Ihe u, ".." &""'OI'N and Ihe Dld.i"", OJ>-

    A B C D - ... I J K -. _ . - ,-p Q R 5


    ,- ' ... - " , " W X Y Z

    -' -- , I , - -- - . , - . -- - , , , -- - -. . . -. - - . .

    -'-'~ "-

    E F G R -, -- . . . .. M " 0 -,

    T V V "- -- -

    . ':.. . -;, --_ ..

    , . - . . . -- ' . . . . -. , 0 - . " - . . -

    ~"'1'1c in "'ominl: ,h lph:We1 ... y: A r than Ihll boy "ho kuow$ Dothlng shout " "Ylhl!'g. Le~ .he you!lg nom tli. ,. Dlln

  • PROPOSITIO"- lI ere art _ho",n Ihe dlme .. ,lo" , of t .. o field .. tbe o .. t " .. cloud b1 580 nil .. Ihe o tber b1600. An Ic" con l dIl1 43,s60 tquare fUI 'llld .. ill raj" 840 'IIU .. h ... Whll will b. Iht re lll l .. " _II U .. h trO p. of th. t .... "old.?

    ~ COU"R!>ll ALL

    m .. lhrm~\11'. if! ",lin word The 1>01 . btea.u ...... hen y

    Whal ,I Ih. '""'" awkwanl \;",e lor a lra,n IOllIrt' I2:S0 ... it. ten to one ,f you ""Ich ;\

    W hy \I a camel .... ...,. pUSO' doni animal1 UKause he alwoyo ru.a hq b~ck up.

    Why can Ih ....... 1,1 brge W .. hinl:l'''' Ind Rob0. . . J.

    pnmled ~tu,.. ,h,,,,'n b)' Fill'. S- TlI1' u.".l1 !MIl""'. "hich h ... IU ... ,).,,,. !""'r. or Ie,-, loy 1(1" ... ",10, i hv .... 'n ,~ Ih. n.xt th, .. ill1'lratin" ..

    '. " fli/ .. ,/ .......... ... ... '

    C " A.,' ;:: __ B



    Fi"1 1,,1.1 a f"',lrclh "I"'" piece of ~I"" in Nil oltu .. ", al~! hrnrl \I f ....... . he ~.nle, ,,,,inl .. ' th.11 tho douhle

  • s;"~., d .. ...,' ~n""ftl 1.,..1>0< if f"" .. ,~ ,.;' ... ,~" .......... ......., po ... ,lIT til< oil' ..... , __ I ...... tor Ill< I'll" ........ _ of 5n1D>n.h 01 m,"tt.."""' .... , ""'''>" of .. _ d",,,,, .. 1 .b,;, I,.., " th, u.ol ",.,. "''7 I,,. ",f"< ..... ",,. .t br , . ,"" filtl1 Of ,idh """' .... 1. .",1 1>< ... ~, bo, .... """:A",,l, > ... 1 ,t>.nd&rd "I' Id< 1>"" u.... amItipI. ,"" half of .,.... '" \all 01 tbt otMr ond .... ,,,olt '" the drfl\lt. ad. h. w,u la,. tho: .. poci'l .. ... an< ",rr'" "",,,or n., why/ ~"_ h. ,; .. :" "' .. ,," In Ioalf I""" ... 'n II, ... l>n"",. "" .10< d.d ... ,,'n'" \> .... ,b nr 'he ~ ' '''' ~l Orat\ll. .!) ~II ., ,b,I, 11'1""" "'" ... ,11 brine ,b. ,_ ~i .... ,,,,,.,be, .., .. '0 r" ,,,,,," ;"'0 ..,Iid obloo. _ ."d ""If l",hu wid. '" H'1 .... b .. Iort ..

  • \

    Ct:IUOt'S h.... t.,.n


    '" m

    ""M,,'n h .. d, un.' ...... , '''n".' ,",.,,, " " ''''~''

    .. "h Ih",go, I oa'" &IOv."...! big waldle'>, tool"ng "" 1f I~Y had b\l~ '" front o( the IIOI'eII for """nt-Itu ~tllri"'. aU indicating tho ... mc mY$tenUI tm,"" a('COmparuoed Ly tbe """""n~nt that !.he firms ~ _abl"h.,.! a couple of hundreJ ye:o.. "'" I do not dOllbt lor a moment that tome ouch similar silfD on l., fOllod at l\ur1'1JIberg. wheft the watch origin.1t


    weIl ... l .... wt l"J isnn. of \1>03 points ww,'lI, wnb th .. a,'\ of a wMeh, can be .",.W., to be pcGIIM. I I "a I .. ..-t ,,",-ver, that 11K< m~re !,uule of tel:';"r .. hat un>e the wateb ,n-diQ.les. has t-n Itdd "I' 10 plll.oht gau 'M all u.e.. oentunH .,lboIIl bm"g Ihooqht of nr ooIvedl

    Take )'''''' watt'h .ad ... 1 ,I to . he tUne ""ilcatnl )IIIWItl whi,'b ... ,11 be ,fIU'O_ du""" to ur.1au< ,n a .. mp!o ,,ar ... vera! prol.o ems "r .he r!""k and din.fI .... m "".., ""Ih .. h,~h every une "'DIll,! be I"m,h~r

    !law many lx.y. kll" Ihat a cord and .""", ,,"l time ........... mun .c di ... ,,,..t to,.. 10 tonvcn. ,he """""nl JlM~_ a. ,ho .. n upon Ih. w;>ddeu' 1>8.1. hy

  • liT IS TOLD THAT A:-< ho,,"" a",l unoopha\'-'inl found, after d'\i~' ... areh, ... ,,11 of ",--""\:1,, I'D"' water ",Iud, h~ couhi cotI!I('i~MioIuly "'''plo}' rOT the 1''''''''''''' h~ I"""f"'

    '" Lelal Problem. A C"-fI .... old f.rm nnw l\'. ~ ... nll lIky ... r.p"r1 and pl!ahal ~,lmce turns llpon the .,lUllon "II~ qUftUo".

    'Tho: problem hu "' ... the ro"nd. or tho plI .. ]e ... orM .. " tkver cat"h ... Illd. turn. llpon 1M p"'nt tbat r.1.at1 muo.t be dead w make hill ... ir widow."" he could oot matry b" ... "'ow, "'r, "nonhtl ...... thtte is good .. tth ... ullln the Ulch '1u0I1i"" wlLid. f"rly ,t_ the rnpular .l'l5 ... er. From" loPpl. :os ...,11 U a p .. rli~Ill, rtandpoul~ .. .., 'II"I the up!>"r Il"",... wl""b ."""'. w"h the re! al .. ,,,,. be "nther mo"' n .... I .... jun tl~,'co nun. In tM Ii~ roonu On each of the lour lids 01 the ron,enl Of O(Iurot ,t ,. i'].oi~ to be ...... ~ thAt ,I,.. p,""h!~m ""'''''''lUI tl) 100 \ ... 0 ul'P'!r II""".. 00 that the ground II"" .I""" n\ ",., t" )", ro".;d.,....J nt all

    w.n. ,t 00 happen" thot sft~r


    the r~trut of tl,e French army \hrou~h tho I'yr~nees pa .... ~h.t ",nt of the ynungest.ru1 nl~ rome-ly nun. wore fnund to ha.vo disap I"'~no~ ... n,\ It w .... nlways ""Ii~vl'd ~hat Iher ha'\ been iso

  • ROOM



    P ROPOS ITIOII"- CIII yo" decipber tbt b" iell 011 t be

    IS KOT GEKER-Imo .. ." Ibal .n Ihe

    ... bt-te I worked

    !~~~,~~t;~~";'; 10 the pres ... and mado , bllt \"n ""fMe lim made

    II Will due. ..,,~

    en.:, . ~ ,,,t .. 1 , ~uld be

    To 11I" 5t.t. my earnest. d...:"" til "",ke everything el ... r hy kin_ de-r"8atten metbod . 1 """"n th.t Jusl bef~ I promoted . ,he ... '"'" m ... tonll 01 the .t,,ectorII'" oi .... lI-

    knnwn hn ... '" WI II 1"""',,,', 11-0--qua.atanre wllh /:.motU .,,1"''" The ('Urf~,,' tolls the knen uf parT-,og-

    da)" In ~'""'l' ehn .... 'rum Lnl,h.n,1 10

    Japun; To fox one 01 b"auly'o h ....

    ."Iv my Tho I'r"PI'r o\udy of manlw of ~ll.

    I mu', \ .. ,.".d onJ\" tJ> toe It:od, ,\no' ",

  • 2"1-2 =4


    PROPOSITION-Give 4i1feulll values for A-.l.-B a04 AXn - Y

    ~F COl:RSE YOt: ALL "",,~ ... !and ,""]111'1,, a-t ..... and .""1'1~ .nl thai aXb=y. jll.t as a+b=y. an,1 'I i .... f. to oay ILi31 It ".ou]d puzzle mnny .. dever person to think of' ot h~. "u",l>(,rs or qUAnt i' i"" ",hor~witl, 1m Ih~ onl,nary aO'~i" 01 hie. whlcb the ~ """"'wife ..,I .. O



    PROPOSITIOlf- Tell h ow lo n , II .. m hk. 0 01 I pI , lu o f fl l b t o ... n qu llb I be Ol he ra.

    g llE PEOPLE Of' S .. m a.., natural horn C.mb"' ...... bo ,,"Uid he~ II\.e,. taol .. m;ge of cloth lIee ...... thry kno .. bow 10 man.e- Ibe m.ulo (malel).

    Why IS hl' .... 1

  • ~ --.

    -~--PROPOSITION- Two \)oats l tart from opposite . ideo of II, river Ilt the same imtanl , and mut 7~O ,anb

    from the 5bore. They remain in tbe "i~ lell minute .. I.Dd all the return trip meet 400 ylll'di Irom the other $bore. Bow wIde b the river?


    US'!' TO SIIOW HOW the ,,"crag' mortal 1,,\-k,"" Ih~ cut ""d ,Ined

    , . ",,1 ... for ,tu,ne ord,nmry e.akulAliollt atlJ. ,,~\l ""

    puulecl by ~mlM I'm\,ltm' which call far original Ina 01' t~ht. at tention if, called to tbis I'''''''''' .... ". ample which ~w,..,. onl ... tJight kn1:'n1 f .... -lIlly II> btol ad,.,.nug.'l ,,( :ony per. fn1"!T1ct 1 ~ver 111_

    \\'Til,,,,, tke """'oo of a taro on a plK't o! J>81""'. he Wl>Uld fold. ",t.h. "t" ore a,... ... ~e". Wh"h Ih.oll ... ko .. p

    Of ~~ he keepl thO' m 10 ... cards. and d",dlng ag.,n. "u. .. Do )..... ..,Jr,:t Ihe low cal'tb Of the h,gh OIIes"

    ou..anling a. btlOf'P. II

    The 5'OI1d ;. "1'""1" Bu, ,I the o,h.,.,. had l'ot-en rhoten. he .. ould Ply ... ,th tCO.

    [I will be lound Iha t the ..... "]1 of the ... "'" "aries a'rominr In whi~h one of t he potaton !larry OiKIS to rer:el\'e [Of hil handicap_ Th" ",,~.


    nnd and n,ore du'li~-ul , propooed t ......... ' 1 ha, .. bor,,,, with you 100 k>ng' You h.o.~. in Jur'" the very (t>I11Idahotlll 01 my Day by do.y you have 1Or-I UM mo . no.! yet I .,....]d DOt hear t.o I:\~.)'1>U "l'- When ~~ 'I'e ~, how your ...... and poli6h attnocll mel Whon ron bee""", my ow ... how lIlAhy fncndl ..... ied "", I Y et your Wlder

  • P ROPOSlTIO!f- in bow I~W movel Call you tranlpose the positional tbe whi5kyflask and the .c:rubbilli bruill. put",l.olc U sktlcl! Iho., " m'WOolor}' rouple, .. 110. ha.villr bar! th";. worldly belung'"" lar.doed by oon-tract ;,no thouts ... th 11>0 domelll( 14-1' \.\od. pIlUle.. They ha ... ~ Ih'e t..~ arti cMI, 1M ~'t d, uble. toIa, ore btl" and bureau ... h;~b an *' ,,,Ilk), lui no two can be plam in anr one """'" n the .. ",. \1me .... urounl of lbe cto. 1*'1"", of 1M OII1er ..... aU artides hich mmor hel",,~inp. ho'"'y ..... "ted not be mtnuoned. as pettaininll.O lIM problem_

    It .. happel. bo ., .... , Ihat Ibe ice ~ ... d 1M bed$\"," ... ,. plaln hal a h"art. a man lake, ,t ,,itll. d,,,, mond . ""J al\e, that h., band it hi .

    What ","un' of one syllahlt, if you take '''u I~tt ... from il. l>ecnmn A ","o.d of two lyll.obl ... 1 PlaK""

    .. gt''''


    I PROPOSITIOll' - What ill the m Olt .'QDomicai form of l ta.a.k de&ir;DK to hold 1000 ~ubic fe-et?

    ~KRE IS A 1'R..\CTICAL plum1J;n~ I.,..,,, .. hicb

    . will interest those of .. . '. meclum.caltw.nofmmd,

    Plumbfis. biiel"'l:l>..>lrrl and tank bulide .. _i""". '" ul "'Mn "'. ,uult 'VI), II 'ka,,, by 10. .. b,ch .... ou1.l "like 10.00J ...... bave ruioed tho produc! to tho fourt!' po"'~ r . IUld may ,~,ntinue w,th Ihe fifth. IIxth. ""v.II,h. ote ..


    A ""be ,en lett .quare will hold 1,000 ro1 .. , f .... l'l ilItruc. but .. that .. ,....Jd .... qu, .... sao leet

  • TELL eR'S AGf:. M OT..-t PROBLEM


    PROPOSlTlON-Th. a~ of the three .mou~t to 70 p:1ln and the fa~bt' is juj;!; ~ times as old a. the boy, When Ibt,r combined agtll &111000110 twl(e 70 yean the lathn will be only t'!iice .. old III th. boy, What is the age 01 the mother?

    I'UZZ1.~:S. ~d I a:n JUIl ax ~jm.,. .& el,\ a", lenned. no you are '\0"fI'.'~ "'&y be .;ud that

    inclined l~ly OIIJ]ple. , .,.., Ihe! dau it .. ."...,gn:. ].IropoIit>on .., diff ........ t from ... hal ;. u~ed. thu the '1\101')' actu:>lly a]lpeo.,.., .un!.nr

    It ... '" aprung in the f~milr dr-cl~ Ih~ elher day . nd gA"e n ... 10 1000i""u";on which ta~ed II,e mlllhe, m~tir.l ingenuity of Ill! p......,t I the full limit.

    Otte of tM lrio ... el',ao:hled , ... tbe 1'"'10,.., WU ba"lng birthday anru,ersary. whicb arouotd Mast .... Toam'\y . curiooily regardi", Ih..,. respective "!ne

    W nil r-rty of !nuri"" who ""cre d .... "C the Alpo ill the .tll:unerW '/)5, .,d _110 had underbhn the k,"~ ,n..,1' ov ... 1m mo",~ [rom A1t pt'rson" ... h" In ~um cove. Ibt p('1.I, h)" f'h.ein~ upon tb.,n sm~1! m .. rkcn, unt;\ all are

    What d ..... ","'"." ,., moct al" 1.0 ~v. ln. '" ooru.\v' Tho. t.oU .....

    Wh)' i, &W'r't/ """'in~ m.:m w.. ""-,I ~hot~ D~ .. u ... be n.:1" tbe game alIve

    Whert" an' ''''' heads ben .... tbAn one' In .. bum;t.

  • t

    PROPOSITIOl{- Tell which one of the playen shaulp pay lor tile gllme

    a ll ERE ARE PUZZI.F.S T I'rolMln. COm,,', teo.! with alll""t all .. ",,10 Itl 1 ,am eltbt-r '" I~ "I~y ;\..,11 or II> I~ manner oIl

    Tho puzzle ill tlllell .. },jch o~~ nf lhe I,bytfi ohu-uld pay for I"" pme acco .... hn~ 10 1m. t~rn,~ of ,h. """", . ",..,,1. Thu lhe 1'",1,,1= i,; n,,1 SO ~Imple u it Ionh mal' be 1111 ....... 1 lrom lhej",,~ 01 IU ha'~ng I ...... ,., fe...-...l \I) I~.e c-nmp..t,lO,-,; ;n .. 'e Urn,"'"",' ..~,., it wu found lha, no) 'WO o( lbe pla)'en a~ 101""" tbe ... _ a""",,,. Tell ",hieh one should P"r fo. tbe H"-. "lid .. hy.

    NOlet! and Queries. AmonH the "",nou; qUM'ion.

    "hieh rin.! their ""r ,n,o the puz_ zler'. ....~Ium i..< the illowing. ... hl

    WI,, u~ b.E. III(! m""~ obedienl 01 lDan'"",u thinlt'l Hccau.e Ibev make .. M;',(l "'h~nt"er Ihoy an. told.

    PROPOSITION- How tan yo" toclose as JniUl)' aclft of [..,d at tbere are t .. e[ve-foot rail. to .. feoce?


    l'u .. l~ Imm the I.e< , . Slar SI .. t~. inlro-

    -. which ma"y ,,' ou ... a,l.", "rt' ('ul l ,,al. "HI"n one yu, 01 .. hot tnule ;. a ministor ~t a

    '\'.':0'II'n'S of c-ndur-Iran of land . ..-mo.h lhey ulen'anI .n

  • PROPOSITIOIf -Can you futore (he milling lIutnbera?

    ~. NCI> AGAIN nlSCl1S ,,,n I"... h ... 11 ",,,,,,0CICdily be able to gil"'" tbe "urn""'" .. hieh han been .. ......-I 10 thaI Ihe. rum ,.;u 1'""'. It n:alIy looks u. if there shou!d be $M1'CS of 00lTte they are st ubborn Ihingo ,.

    Wb\' .I"n II ca' 1",,1< on fir--tract!'d will al=1'" I.rodu,," 190, lid., Of' a multiple Ih=1. For cumpl., lak~ ""',. a""'IUIt below t~n p

  • -

    IQ t

    I I

    , ~. ~~r I

    PROPOSITION-TeU how much monty tath of the men had whtn they commenced to play 11 A VE A lI. d .... lt;n ~IM.""chlllll>\!.5. Olt. h."" ~,..t ." h. wmto. ",n,l l louru.l .~n .he in M\I-,. Th_ \hl .... "k... Dutohmtn

    pbyod piflOChle lor \"0 d.y ... "". (JUt flOpP'''I. and .. Ium tl>o, ad journW .\ ..... found that ClaUi had ...... jnn 8 cenll and ru. brother Karlll oents. The I'rol..ltm "b"b I WlUlt the 1"""1 , ... Ik1 \.0 r,,,d out ia to prove. j ... t 00" I!".~h money the ~ fellow. llril>dn~"". had wben thee Vloy ""..1. for you _ in the pictun!. ea,b b.aa i"'l Iwo ".,.". ..,.1 t!>oM .u. coins ... hi,h ... WW\.h a toUll of i~t Sl. rcr"" ..... , all the money l:ng 10 I~",' party. l~;.t.ohe_um.dlh.tlhe money that t~~y no.. loa"~ is .n that they had .. bcn they ""rt~ the play. 10 that the w>n! lor b .... ' and pipe .... bkh must he ~tI\ .. 1 I",. d ... not p1~i" to the problem

    How Tb.y Kade Lon Lo Punl.-dom.

    lim! ill. Hlt l. lIory t ohl in "e-t1.agUe."

    Cu;>id o~ ll_ohu5ttut l1ew, And on .... Nu ..... I"'e.


    'f1tE DUTCtil'i

    ~ PROPOSITION Gu~'s Ibe nun 01 tb. mOIl and tbel' ... iul.

    .. ,,Mlh ,t i. f>" ,,\>\c Iwm this JC''"'''1,hc.n of lb." I'\ln:h ... ~ to trll the "am ... ~f e.,-h m.,,. Wlle/"

    Tho 'nlr.en~. w"" tba, the ",erry p.""y I\rd) A rnt thot ,.,n be a butterfly

    (ta "'1"f';1! ~r)


    A e",', noa, .. 1""on. (catk,n). /I horn.")"!. A ut T'n~" a cern (rnt '~r") A ... t ,nth .. >Id (l'atarrh). A nl thaI ~ go

    up). ,\ cat that uk. qu~iom (calC.

    o1nm1l. .\ h!>ran' cal (uu.\ope). A d.ut;rf'>WI (al (nu.~In)phe).

    Why ....,.,,1,1 it he ;mpos.;bl. 10 ."",e ;11 the d....,,-,; of Saha",1 B...-""oe of lbe And ... hiclt is (o=d-W1,beol th ....

    110w ,,,.1 the ... nd_i

  • fr

    {HE CC 4 2 /

    W"" is a mil" who nC~1!1' hell II Ioa,1 :U R s:~mhl~r1 Bocauoe he " no hell,,,. (l>I'UO'T)_

    Why i. Ihe root of Ih. tonr~c hke a .'ej ... toJ m"nl Ilenuoe ,\', uo .. " m the lI'outh

    Wlu>.t it that whieh we oftl'n r~lum. hu~ Oe"~r (., .. owl 'Thl\n~,

    --- --PROPOSITION-[f tbe water Illy b IOn In~bu Ibo1'o 1111 water, and dt'.ppun undor tho lurhe

    t " poilu dinanl \ ... only-on. inUI"Im.-Iu,-,,1 In Longlel1o ...

    K"vAllAh.' ",''':lICn ... hil. !>ern" pylnr the t;"l>~" 01' Modorn L",, f:'":,~;n Harvlll'd l!ni,c,",,"Y. l$-4? 1 ~ 00 ;:nple IhM "",'onc, ., . .,.

    "';\\)0"\ " kMw\",lge of :'\lull._ (Jill ~rurinl:. Suppose. fQl" cum-_tic. Or ,."'IlOI!'). "",,1

    To TeU .. P ... on. Ale. This "'NII",l i h ... ",i .... ~n,\

    1 .... 1 one kn"wn 1..1 Ih. 1"'''''''11 whooe "l:$ ill tu I ... dio\'c~ do

    Multil'!. bJ , A,IJ .. "'''hi ply

  • H HE CHI)';ES. ARE

    won ,l~rl u!h' """".... .. I figurC'O. ahbugh In

    "'mcwMy o.nlheT thor .... m 10 0\0 t"erylh,"~

    hack .... h. Jolr"",," aOO , ,nanl ",".kwanlli 1mm t~ ."" ...... 10 J'l'1 tbr figu'u ... hich W('nI .

    pu,,~ UK .. "UN. Ih .. ..,..., lei!"" uch t ""~. in ueh of (btl I.ol.nk ~paees. and m&ke &ood ....., of lhe 10110'""'11: rhyme

    A ___ old WQJnI,11 on -

    b,," PUI on her _ and ..... y Ihe

    ""nl. _ lilt crites, Anna. IUd, Ih ..... me both ,,.,..1 lI ann.o.h or I':ve

    When Y"" It"~ml' finl.I I .... t my Itron.l..nd ~"u are I"e only perxm to ~,,~ ,TIc my whllie

    l!e~rI.~" ....

    PROPOSITtoN-.Arrange the nine dl,its .rid .. cipher in tWII

    to". 10 lhey "m add up correctly as Ihown.

    Why .. a I ridc~."' olt(1l roore ul"'n.,,'" than a \., ,,1.' lIeWhy is I"tIOm full of muriC!\ an sylLab1e5 frnm .. h,eb if )'QU I.b ...... y 6v~ I.tlon male .. 111 .HIlA,II if )"ou .. way four. a fHllAle"';1\ be ct>",p,c",ouI f you l~kc .way l hue . ~1 m.on ",11 apl'

  • -OF THE--



    lion " ..... ,ded \ .... ilh bec"""1l. """,ell ). btl,'", humble .,:Jd,,=,," in tbe """'1&-I"'r auJ Iry 10 lind bu ...... cut;t lnto ellhl p,t

  • PROPOSITIOlf-Sho'll' bo .. to d]Y]de the ",05 .. i., illt .. IWO "quaru.

    ~ T IS NOT O~;Nf:R.\I,. from th e Pyth.o.l:Orian principle of S .... teo rnO'"" ~ndunn~ than that ()f 1. If I .. ", .... n \b\ the c~lc- oU\\.IlIg h .. es on the b, .... for, PT~nc Eng!3nJ. If.b.ul. or s.:.,\-

    , bl1l\f\lI"t!:o, .. hen . p- _II: lbe Roman antiqlles. to tell Whal i. 11 George. WuhingtMI partfllly by a~ci"enl. il .... d,lt'OV- Ihem bo .. many beads Ibere mu.dfath."., hi.o fMh~"'~_I" .. , h tw'> Kmn~f,,'hCrj; , R"d h" I",.... (ImlT) f~\"~ ...

  • ~ERE IS A l.ITTL.E

    , . Iludy in .ui.>lratl'on an'! ~ _ - d,v,""", .. h>ch.howllhe

    ,ml",rtl.n: nf bo,ng ... 011 up ,n tl~mentar}' anth-

    mUlt, no mat\t. whn our ,'O(atlon in lift may be. Slven ... "h In avonion 10 6cureo, ho,,",,''', IICI!unl of tbei. niue, (I",y look the l11lply bold .. wilh them. bul upon 11!.~hins:- thttr nndelvoUI \ lillY "",dciously I1eo ..., hay., \h., only elemenlry 10"""'"1:. and "no ~l.! to d"'m,,. liMe

  • PROPOSlTlOft C, n YOII l oin 'lteptune'. conundru m. ?

    ~PP. AK I N G AUOUT lil "",k jokes and the nen< nol to say pllm,>m"al ~;UI. ~1I,.ed to ~t I II ..... 01'1 n:peatedly In I

    ..... y tllat "1"1"",.ves Il't'IIembbnre of I_"n_ and 'mptOmptu origlll.hty, [ ' ''PP l.bey I", gIVen t his uJlportunity tu l>onM. o,'cr Ihe u ro ootLundrmn. Ol ~ropoundfd by Fat h"r Neptune,


    . -

    PROPOSI TION-T~H ho w t ll'O h l ynedl divid e d thelr urning ll.

    a !>HOW ING HOW . in tui'i~n. ~"llrn~II,>1 , ". kno .. lwg~ 01 I'"",ng, . 'nIl OOlIldirn.,. oolve a , punI. which m,g-ht bame thooe who r' '''el in figu,". an

  • PROPOSITION-Show Iht be$t play and toU just ho .... mlI.!ly "bo;ul" it Ihou ld will.

    !Ij. ERE IS A" ODD

    Imle ,,!WIle ami from , 1 lheE~ot ... hj

    R=be.-, lh.U ... hen a play .... ~ "box.," ~ pl.o."" apin. Sur~ f...- uampk .. play..,. IDllrks Imm 0 to H. as tJwo c_e.oo ... on the Il~te Thm the ......,00. pay..,. "",.-k. fmm H to L. and tbm no malt..,. .. hat mark 1M f!'!;t p1a~'.". m.b., the .....,..~ r'l.o.ycr 1 , 0 0

    PROPOSITION_Pial;!! two officers in Ihe center of the field gua rded by fourteen men, $I) th"t th ..... WI! no three in line. I

    ~tf lhe men llad PI'OJ"',ly 10 bqUI ... nb, an the probl..". IS thea monly 10 port the olbo:r mtn 10 WI there ,hall he Il(I thrtt in a lin. I.. olhH .....m.. after the .... 111 figu ..... an! ~cd CO=clly ca"""" hoJI. mII1IJIl: l.-om any ~bl. d,recuon wuld nal hll ......... tha~ two m .. n II"" p~tty .lnd ,nll'ta\llI( puu!., sume .. bAt "'n" to Ihe lamou. p.-oblom 01 pI"". Ill' "Chi qu_ ~;>D" " ches.board 10 thaI none can he tahn by anolh., It ,.u.ld$ readily I" a 0,..-tem 0( exha"Sltvc analysis ., ) .. d, may ~ inlmdueed upon a .. mpl.

    rl.n. but ... ill trY Ihe pat,tnc. or ","-11 ... atll'mp' 1(1 m",,'e. " by hap hUlan! uper>n,en,,,1 mtthudo. Th~ theory "r .. nalp,. I,y nh"ul ti,'e l"al. enlt", ! ... ",)~, Intn pUI.le p.acllce In Ille wnllrucll"" lUI .... 11 .. ",_inll (If problem nd per t..,o. to An muluUe I.~m,ol of Ille mind F,,'si r)a~ Ibe 0fT,

    Wby d"" ... m,n'n .... ,,190".)'0 oa} "dur:" be!o,'t'd t"ethrtn" and IIra ... tht .. Ie ...

    In ",hu IIq"id d~, Ih~ Qun of linl:l>nd lakl! her ,mo:h

  • ,


    , " II

    'I I I I, , 1

    PROPOSITION - Make. ICluue out of III irregular he l 8' ..-and ro"" .. IN:rfOCt squan:. i' "1 fIlL Heal .. "" it'l Nero (_ 0,

    Why il the> l~t. ]) lik

  • Fore and Aft

    --- . . . . ~ " . ---- = - "" PROPOSI TION- In bow Ie'" piaYI c.n YOII move 0' jump the pegl l ,am the north t o thl.outb

    a .. d Iba at be, . lrom Iba.oulb to tbe lIor\h?

    T A K E jllmp"'8 oyer a ""8 10 a vacant hole. In un lu upc,hte mallCrl. TM problem

    i. to I",O'pooI! the p"'t1,onl of tlle blad, and white per in t m, Inre", number of mov .. , ""d t he boo. ... IS ..... 'ked NUMb. Sou.h, E""I and \\"~\. In enable pllnil~ts In I"CCf>rd Ihe Mq~"" 01 1M;, pia) .. ,

    At'l'oni>nl:' \.0 an eye wit".,... the 01.1 .. ,10' wU "R."",mber that Ih" 1JI LD It..- middl~

    01 yn"r r:l";no O""C !l,," p .... l>lem u mu.'h .." 11""1 .... d ru.'"lcr d..d. they wi!! ~,..." pnoes if Ibey .uc'Cftd in unraveling ,t, C~ce II ,he G on lhe III'''''' lelt.hand

  • "

    PROPOSITION-5ho'llf how Ib~ eijht crOWl setUed on thfl cOm with DO three in row,

    X01'1::D OR:'\ITHOLO g"l. dHCTlb"lI: tb. h.b,\.I an,l UKnr'IY o{ \""", \011. how h. "-,t,, .. oed n nek of

    mara".-I'"K oro .... d~Im in the J>i"luf'O. and the punic II 1.0 p\.oce ,ght MQ .... on lueh pOIlIU that the ....... no two CroWl on Ihl' row Dr dlaguna1; Rn,1 on that lhe ~ ",Ih the jrUn i!"",g amund 1M field .. .,..ld find ,t ""1'

    tboo ""re' Why-=-'->-.-.-;",-",,-,-.-.~-. -< n ~ery

    ,lInrt co.t R""",,

  • THE DOMINO .........

    """""PUZZLE BY.sAM1c>b

    PROPOSITION HoII' m&ny point. Call h Icored in .. game of dominoes?

    g USED TO liE VERY {d upOn ,hem b)' huil'ling UP m'J:i< """arel "~Ih small llat 610n .... Ilpnn ",hid, lh~y ""d hl~ek \ru'1ime.

    11 ""'" Ill""'" f!mll lu"", to \OtII'O and bcca_ pbllUlae thmuJ(hout Italy. and the 6 .. t of Ihe lone of 1M , .... pc ... "' .... ~uO'fOInt . while t he "\.hero

    w" .... "~~u. an,1 lull of .. ro .... h,eh the urn",,,

    I! e er .... 'h QUAnllti ... I>"tl/ICl

  • I

    spony "",n are rurf"'""'l to ha ... unillru\en ruMlng .. oid. ,M" g""'f, kllown .. the n~" M""w Carlo Wat ~~nmng h" late to the .htlHtam~ man. Bu .. -..- h..! be

    What iJ th3t "'h",h you Ur b=Ih

    What roof rove'" Ihe m_ "","y tona",l The r()(11 01 Ih~ moulb

    Why 0.1 ..... an or:'Ilor ",...,.,Ne a ""....,broker' ~u,.. h. \i,_ by pouun~,

    W)l"! ,,,,,trument QI war w (beau)

    Wby , h""" .m.rtcr thAn. fOlll lla,,1C a hone .a" ru~ wht" be;s ,n a lrap .",1 a In" c:uI t

    Ousolved Riddles. Probably every ono 01 tbo mlllio!\S

    upon milli""" of r>eol'le"'lou ba". eIIjoyed LtW15 Carol". masterly aod ",a1i.t>e desenpllon 01 the vagon wbich flit through our mind. while in dreamland I1.:oVt poDdered onr eertaill un,."..ered ronUDdrunlS whIch wera iI"en loy Ahce in Won' d land_

    While Alire, the Mad Mln:b Hare Ind the CTUy Hatttr..ere .nlo),nl their I .... tho hnU~r AUgg .. ted 110m. ri~dl ... a" 1~l'I-fCIIl1O .... -quire IlIrth". 'hgl' .... "n frem our w>> hi. hQII\e In tllil cue the lover ~I quite a d .... nc. 10 )011""'1. but cakulate !u. Ioole .... 111 a rem "round It

    Wb.o.t (1;.1 Adam and I("e do whe1l they ........ ul'"ned from MtoI T~ "11Ii...:l Cain"

    \\ nat Wwn ;J m"", fr~qu.ntly d .... n' Cork.

    What kind of a ......,ptacle is that _hith iI alwa~ .. alking pe!" lik~ I pair 01 sugar lcop' fittau"" thoy ..... twn ~I>\K'''' Jui"",1

    Whicb is bel.t~rl ~LinB the giro 0\' youf choice 0' half R loRl W" H T.ll lI:,nll' Wilb~1 '" ~

    """'" uIlioer f Jul!'t Favre.

    25_ TJ,., n,"ial:' of Ih" mob E l~a"r 10 },.,.,. i'u"J!in~Li .. n

    26 T(> Itrt ,,>10\ t~ l'ar i. Ihe 50

  • h appear! ,ha, !iva c1~ver _ boys formed pannershil' and pooled their issu~ to '--1 tn RO"'I .totk of paper" .... hitt. IMy rall1N off hke hot ukn and IhnI fiured "P !,heir account. III follo ... ., TQJI1 Smith .old ooe paper more than on. quarter d ...... bole Lot. while B,Uy JO)ftea di.pooed of one papM Jl'I01"e t han . quart .... of the remainder. Ned Smith told ona pa~ ,nora than. quar:r of wh~t ""U \eft. and Cbartey JOTIfl diJpooed of Jurt ona ?"-per more than I quart .... of lhe remainder. A this lUIp of tho p me the Smith' ",ne ju.t 100 papen " hend, wi lit tle Jin"ny JOneJ tho youngest kid of tho bunrh . .old all thai were left , lO;n , his !ritodly cneount the Jenu .... on out by how maa r paP''''' eannot .tand. My...,.,1ID'Ilm. n. lrouble. a. iUu.otrated in tho! 10110 .. ' 'ng pictu", :

    You _. some ChArita!>ly di.pooed ""berner ha ... lon working An . nd-I~ .hIoin ruket on "" unouspectin public. and _ . rt!l ,tani,,!: pint.

    The ""ry i. all "ghl a. wid. bul h .. malh"""li"" arc .~I!bdy 0111 01

    1:;" , and P"'''''lIt a pretly probk:m '" h ngle rol","", 10 the 'tarting poinl ",Iter making ~ eo",t (>(\ hlO I',ur fMm Ihe do ..... "f .Iot {'''I t .. 1 ~~ W""';ng_ Ion. Wal..-lay JanUi1ry lot. 11196, On ... bch (I:t,. uf the ..... k wuuld h" ",turn w the nMtinl{ \-'Omt I

    He.., ij th~ "'.v a I)ul~hman gave til. V",blcm: "Suppo.e t .. o g ...... .tart lrom 01'1)nh'~~'I'

    1'k P ..... kblld .,..,1131;"" ... ith .... hlCh 10 k-gin the new ya,., II i, ~ p>(" "f the ~ ..... b~ """fly "'''I;ng th.m into b:.I"... It ".ill W luun~ tl ... t t .... r ~re iK>il, u,.oo .h"(1)' i.leu, ahhoo&h ba....t "" ..... ""Ii< pTincipl", of ' .... m.t"1 ,,'ell wo;rlh h.o"'mg.

    or .."" ... , it i. undcr...,..s lhat no p:opcr ' . .. asl.~I, ao II>. diamond. ,,"""

  • H~I'\) i8 King l'wl~LUY'1 gl'\'Qt pu .. l" of H!lnnrlng :I pyramid, wbleh for thtll bio lotn ""11, An,1 Ihey illumal' ,,~,. .. ", .,>lion 01 .. 'hal L' lunnl. ~ i ... loner .... hich I !('lYC you two " ... k. ~ I" "",i] \('I """her. and .. hiIO' "",nT of~"OIl un ,~ ,ha, ,M ... "", 01 one .tate tan be ..,.!led ''''h ,"'0 kilt .. , .. M" 1'0"0 otIter lUI":, ""'Y be lpent

    Asithmotlcal Puul Tak~ f""., numbo .. , an .Iik~, '"1

    arTlng~ them 11'>" 10 add up 100.


    Liter..., Rebuo. nul" "'Lt.,\ILE.

    'Look he Ao.,. of """ven I. Ihick ""lh p"1~ III brighl ,'d. Th ... ', nOl the ornallnl otlt th,n

    ''''''' bchoI

  • NO. ,.o ... ..,. ... cr ud 1 hn"(' at I~Mt .llP~~"(! ... 1 In

    ![ettlng ou~ of my Jlh'\l'ro:~ V" Ill" wall! of 016 ~cl4(lelllY tllb !K'UOI!. ""'\ whil~ I tmve hr who Ime uleJ for ware 10 g>'1 II Mlnvu.rn'\'l~od. ';W~II, Idon'\ kno ... :' ""l'liKi l lie !'UP1>V; "but I .houM think thaI thrH ,..'111'8 ... ould be aooul rlghll" 1'-0 picture d .... l .. n! _"'~ 10 1,..1 ... t~ ...... led In it, ..., I lie' .. ,,"'\ 10 liJeirremarb SanonI'Ofl\lern' " I ... ,~~d{>t .dor Ill .. )' hung Ih.~ thing' "f'~rhal'" ...... JlIIOf' ll"~y r(lul "ol h.nll Ih .. url.t;' "". plied Ih~ ot"~r; IIn,1 thpn Ih" flret. whl> w,.,. r,""ll~' unt th" fool h~ looke.n IIpl'roprllll~ na",e for the llk turd

    '-George Wuhlnglon ,.. ex c1t.lmt'(1 hia ira!'! llothu, "your falber .-y. be ne,""r lume bill hll~k wi!bon~ hi, cigsrelt.-$ db-al'p'lDrlng. lIe leftafullboxoD lu, desk ",bell b .. went 10 tbe "ilIagll!hl, ",oming for a bt:lr, or *1m., kind of a 1001 ho wanled nn,1 ",.ben hI) came ba~k, half of III .. rn we", /Wne. W b i III be .poke 10 Ihe nwn folks about it, " h"l f of wh.u.t ...... re ldt di8ll11-

    I_red. rie .. ent o~"r to Frank. ,,'~ I"~ 10 I{(11ed Ih, 'rl ,,{ hit bu_""i,,1 ,laughler 10 d. "",0 "II" "wi..! ,h,~ do",,, the

    01 ~ ].>C,f"", cube 0; woud '0 ,-,\ ""lo

  • PROPOSITION- How mally .. ays can you led the words red mill and rtllU'der?

    FORMEER~.,,~~~; ~""

    ;1 to 'ranl1.le into "'"

    Ena:1i,h ~tene. which will .""d tla .. nIt tillltr .... Y . , Ab!~ ..... [ eu I .... Elba.." He~ if an old po.lindrom;c tom

    bin.lion .. hich I I>"rpclralcd ill my

    early day. for tlte blntllt of .. tern_ peranee rpnillltion, and .. h",11 will t..., the ""time. and ekill of 00. younlf 1'11 .. 1;,", The ~robl~m ;. to bqin from the on!'" It', and teU jll'! bo .. """"1 different ouy. one can Iud the .... rning wt>rdt Red, Rum and Munier .... 1"""1 alIeNed by delirium treme"o. Com. menWhich of your lnnenld' HO(a\UehellaJew,IL Why .. II pr;nler He lbepollmanl

    n ......... he d,stributes leiters. Who!.1 i. lhe diff ...... ce belwfen a

    wo.bnnnet and a Sund.y.bortMtl A day's dillermce.

    A turkey, c:ock Or hen ; Behead me, &Dd I IIp .. rd 1(laJ',

    F\l1 0 .. ",yl>uci .r~,n, T ..... _ me, Ihen a beLlI. I a.",

    Bloodlhirsty. hold and "';ld. ThRt pre)'l on many a h"Ipl_lamh,

    And cll de"""", a child I'cwl, owl, ""II

    Why i. to de>g'. taU a gre.o.t oo"elty' flecall.., no one eVer Aw il ~Iore.


    A 'tEBUS. I chooor lbe I"lgnm'.lonoly "'~1, .... \ll~ be on frum day \0 day_ Curt";) me. and I tMn am found Wh~1 .Iudenu do On rullrg>: J;mUnd Curtail once mnre, An,j b)' ;nsl"""lio" You'lllind I a." an interj""lXm,

    Whal kind 01 a

  • PROPOSITION WhAt w .. the circumference of the circular trick.

    I~ 0;';1-: OJ'


    1\1Il I""n y CHt al'O\lnd 01 .. ,'('rt~;n ,liamel". ~ ... ~"I III be r.IlJO~

    "'as lou~(\ thlt Ih. OULer

    ... h..,l. "",M t",o tuma to the inn~r on .. ' (ln~; thn "'he",,!. In making the ,urn

    1',,, an aec; . ttMo.I vuu1e. ,"rt time 3gu .... D cocnpaot which will have tbe dfed of mlluling him for """"" lima lI> rome. and mil, possibly rur.1w:n of talkilll Ill"" al hom.

    AfLer pn>pOUndmg on. of b .. JUl. tilllral roouMrumll .... hicb did ""'-meet. w;lb the entbusiaslic ""'"PI;oo whirh he l"""'&ht il ..,mLN, .... boNtmgly """ ... ked that II his beLler half ....... ld Ki'''' him _nr prob. ItfII on IlIJ nO!. al'lnOer- in trn min" .... he 1lWlrb;a~ wbo ,old me ""oh a I!tn)hnl rtory of an e~I''"' \nln bc-ing held lip by ~. 'I' a"'I"~rn oounlry tbat IIJI"fl ...... "nf ''''''ole< frt>IJI the same pI,."" quefl'OIII:d him reJ:ard.:.~! tM dan~ of lravdmg, H" . It "'''' uti",i"g and ,nconn";""I. but In DO .... >. d~ T here WM'tl neit~ nUl .... ' .. nor otaga evm. bfot.'ecn lhe p1'nta =tioned, III ~"~ry on. bad to '-'"'lTd oyer the """,n\ains br u..,--, b>' .. hich is meant 'n .;. Ulride of sharp b.:o< ked donkory .... ,houl ~ Of" stil'TUJ.'I. 1'h.t I .... ,hs are II Jteop and ""rmw thaI the hllle danker-faU continu.o,Hr.'" the .""..,1., musl he prt'pare Be

  • PROPOSITIOft- Bow many groupinp of dlffereol kind' of fl'\lil can be located in the on;h.lrd?

    ." Ihe ..,.'rr:a]

    11'1!eI; an ord.ard. II" t"~ a, a TftI""n 11ut~ h~ ..,.. nlpf!M in e:mPt rperi""

    lie illway. maintained t hat lbe prifteiple mighl be ""fried I till fu~th~r. so as eo brin~ in other group-ings. Rnd ".h

    In working out your IOlul;on mark out D diAgram "pon. 'httl of whit" po1' Wben lurned 11110 a me.rlo ..

    Why i, It illlpnGible t" PIck the best Mrcc in a ""'" ~ Ilet:.ause there i. alway belteT.


    "" -.... :;....:o.c. "... :-' ~:::~--:::;~ ;:... '"""-'-'-_ - --0 .....,..,.

    JfR'l)POSITlOft~To dgure out the s~b of a

    Ovor by "

    ukuJallon to


    IRma way,

    The chea. 10rJI rl!prawn! a ""r/1 of their ",.n_ ul Cl,tion I1IId nn;"" ..... 1 veaee 1.0)' .... tching the roalt ,~ Harlem_ A big _t a!1d. hltle ItOaI ",Uti,. 1''Ir''lher .u h:trmony. bau~ tMY Ita,. nothing eo di

  • PROPOSITION-With Ill: l!Tught lineg c\lmplete the sentence,

    ~o, tillS IS NOT A

    , - picture 01 .. hltl~ "'pr-ttl ... 1'11'",1 bl" ... mN .mok$ nllp. >I" .,p'Vl~"" ,I

    , '11I.n.led n,!dle ab"111 .,..bleb IMre .. as ,on"Mt\lh1~ .mob .nd 'Vtt)- poll)' ~...,

    AcenJ..lIg LO tM n ... "J.oO.J>Cn .. nrt ...... lmgM YDung Kho.>I m>rt"-..-I LO._ hn ""10k loy .kl) il1/l: il1u~Ir.U:l, 011" of ",h,rh ...... 1118 picture .110 ... 11 ... h eh. by the \lon of ax Ilra'Rhl mar ....... ,11 leU JII$I. what Ihn hill .. 1'>.ud d"mime "'00 !wi mv .... heam III this IILmOII' old ~, &Ie_ "" ,I muted '&1' ""lh all old Chestllul about .ea.l,ng mad d8 ba



    lhe peOn!. Wh"" }""-' I .. ('ome fa. m,:"", ""'h Ihem Y"u .. -ill ream '" rna -'" I""", ,n .... ,n'ly _I ..,11 00Ufl 1>rJ:,n 10 "rigirul'~ ..,-nuno.l",rns and p" .. I.s "I ""'"' .nth ~

    A pnmHn01lt riliil",,-.throll'" ,."J O_ .. "'r of Ih~ ~.ty I" the P.~_ Y qUite an ""'I"",nlanno_ or ..... he lamed ", a ~ .d~',"n'~,p_

    -'),1" den. h,"lher,-' he ask~, .. he l'dll~ th~ ::o.n,,,,,,I', bead, "d" yn k~~ .. "'h'>' 3 iai'hful ,.1

    Wbnt L Ibn< ",!I,d, i~ bough' by th~ yard un,1 "'om !.y tl'" foo' A ~O

  • fully a10f1J{ lhe oi~t tai] of lhe """' .. ,I txIIm".ing the .. ,nI .. nrk m,n_ uldy. he """"lOJ lnok ~l' in'I",""gly and ....... [ DY. stra,,~ ... d3"1

    ... g~al M .. h~.n a gilUll dlK.

    I wi.!> U! '1UU1t my nM lritn" P T, Ilamum, ... ,hff.nna ""Ilh lhe abo"e 1tl othiU' ""C

    "r ",h;.'1> h~. I~ ovenum.,.-l I>y " Ill;', 1,.,1'"". lilll

  • PROPOSITION B ow l%lJ.ny step' was there to the 014 tower1 .100 fct't hiSh, A very ",.~",ble which the eiro ... mRny t\llt.t fa. (.ove' R o:-entur)' the limit Of .lepJ there .. ere. ~

    p COt:R~I, ALl, itincrnm , .... rlns who

    . h~'. tHken Ih~r ",,"mor outing en ~bc

    Thera i. nothinr leh nOW hut. charred pol~ 01' """I ...,me ,;xty fCl't higb. II lhe If,n;rt .. ffiO dffiro>'ed \'y fira t"~t} oleil .. hallh~ .. enlin. n1l1flhIUlnp rethn, .haut which t~ wound & ',i.tru spi"" .tain:uo .. ~n I mOIl ohahb;h' dl't'O(I' When h ........

  • I


    PROPOSlTIOlf Tell JUII 110" ml.n1 graim of wbea.l Sesu. .... entitled to.


    , rvcwpeIM "'hat ~rd he 0.1"",,"'"'0'l1Ic game no nriginany u.lieol th .. royal ga"'~' but tho king in 111&

    tlklMil\nliOfl """'N;\ ch_ ..-Iueh, .. uplain0- an ~" ""'1> ...... ,n .,m" nlh "",IK W \til just h..,. m.", .,-.,nl of .. het1 , word Th.o.I """,n. \0 ex .. t. ,t _"N h1oUIJ he cuI 011 Themallff . UUe.allhoughqu.le

    5trange. laI y hcad an,II>t>d, te,"""llhu' Will then .< .,n .... 10 noth,n, chanlCO_

    Cypher A .... 6, 0 7. 21. II. s. a Wh ..... ;~ a ..,I,h ......... ry dUlfit-able

    1'""",,,,' When ho pra.eIlU .... m. (al",..),

    Why i. Ih. earth hk~ ~ Iothnol .tate> Ro {;tee 11 ,I

    Which i. tho, wl,I,,,1 n""'? The io" La (Iii.).




    In wh.u ~ .... ("f'I! tM g

  • I I

    ~~\1\~,~ --~ .. , ..... - ~ -- .. ,

    &~rPt, , " , , , 1~) ' " , .. ' I . ,



    - , ~ IF , , . ,

    ... ' \ ','. , , . , ~ ,

    I , ,


    PROPOSITION-How lonc. chase bas the turhy led Jolly Old Santa Clau.1

    ~HkE IS A " /(H'M'Y I'"uk I, .. the j"nn,l .. .. hieb affoft!t "'11lI)' ,,~I s.~nu. CIa",," ""'".., ehaoo: ~mun Beta .... tbey .... al",'a)". crotilng u.e II"" and going (rom!>JIe to ""I.,

    What i. II! difr"""nre 1~1 ... ..,n a tube and .. ( .ny plUPOI'ltiCM 6red lUi ~ ..... J run~, like the rest 01 ~he claII. Ii"ble '" he ""ught on the ...-rona lide of the argumon.:':. ____ _

    A aelnll loy C.Wling, Thon i$" noon of plun.i Dumber. F"" to pc~ee ud !.ran'!.,,;] slumber 111.11 add to;1 the ,"ler _. ,\n.j -oron'I met.aml>lllboof;is-r:urnl;" plural,..,... no~. An,] ... ttl "'hAI bitter..,.,. bd ..... C~r ... Car .... --SEEING THE COUIITRY . r ... hapo the d.".., ones will ex-

    I':~'n. "'Y"'~" .. hieh lurns upoo f< n,eale

    He trMllped -t1,e: c OllY/fry with a cub ilno;\. \.a. 'CralTlea. monKey.


  • .. . -

    PROPOSITIon Toll how fu apul ue Iho btid ... ,

    ~' KRK IS A PRORI,Ol

    from !h~ l)('i,"!~r l' \ . !,m. nl Ille' Har. an" ll~unJ . " ... hirh "',11

    I -. 1nt.," .. '\h~Y"\lnllfot ... wl>,\e ., tho ... "'~ I,m. ,t mal' cau>C the .1"l:t-,h \.10",,1 \0 """,.... aneW ,n so!!le of u. 01.1 lImo 1"'''''' d,",,~ "",II plu .... nl !'On .... I;10.1 h,. ".-n-In O1.hfr ...... d

    Of cour.e .V011'''''C can ..,., it n ..... but Ihe puule no. is II) tdI jull h. trulnv f""t Ih.o.l h!>tlnd ha!-lO run before he COtn"' 10 lhe !uck~ b"d~t. whlOh i, not Il>own in the pi~lure

    TIw problem i. pre .. mted 10 our


    rolltgt "u1~";. anl h'gh vh""l hoy . M w~ll 0' all olhe ... malh~ ",ati""ll)" ,,,dinc.\. for the pu,!",,," of t~MhinK" .,"'ple n"~ woll worth kno""'''g,

    Wh}'.'.,-."C"C,-,"C"m-''''"''.-,pm" like " "",,,we-In' n~c""",,~ k.,.,pi olf I~ spaTh_

    \\'h)' uhhn POTU" W~, {ow kl1e-n..r Ihralphat...1

    wonlrl fnght~ .. llud' 0 I C l' (oh.' I ..,., Y""J

    Wb,' ",un .. ",a~tl~ n .... !:i""...,cnt pi"'-~ and an old ra.lUntted quarter' T"('nl, nit

    Whal i. Ib, thea!",'1 "'.~ to tou)' .. !:i,Mle' II"" lottie ~;e,n~ ftn!1 l"\ II. ,,,.,\ ,n'

    What pnle"';"" ' He IS man ~f "tt~ .. ,



    PNuPOSITION- GutSi the proper dil tanee to driYe th e b.ll.

    [i]p COURSE EVER\',

    , hod>j,pla,jnggoUnow. , ' and ""e" th. I.o.!v on ....

    ... ho, a r~ ..... 4 agn. - dKlared lto .. much

    IM""nl'" it """ to ... ;n~ in a TI'p,tnd to ohocu .. all 1M wri:lkles ",,,I I,"S-tem_ of goll. 0.- Lab in "'llh ... ell ..... mf'le ..... Ih.o.l ","ml.o"a tion of lhe 1'11'0 ,I .. tune .. ,,',11 gtl IMre_"

    Wha.1 .hould to. lbe p~ 1et'tIlCh 01 "rokes 10 learn. to 'fIin OUt m lhe !cut _ib!c num!,.... nf ~Irok ... on a n;!I. HO )'aNI. 21S yanis. 400 yaro. and H5 y.nh?

    WIwm t ... doc mool Ioke .. hllman bttog? When he ,. bet ....... " .. ",an and .. boy

    1I0w d""" .. boy 1001< if )'m> hurt him' It '"-"kef lum )'dl Ohl (yol. .. ,

    Why ort.> Ply.p.oper

  • ,

    ". , \


    PROPOSIT IO " -To tell tho coli 01 t h o puppy dOl !

    II" l'fER AIUH\'INO AT

    {.J .. happy unrl~r stand ~ UIJ:'W"h OUT C~I~.lLal - . ",~~hl,.,.... r~g"r"Lng

    till' ,,'.,.m~nt of the inJemnl\,e' dflnaftJ...! (or the a\_ u.k, "[lOn our mlmon.VI ..... and h.1v11', eonv'n, ... 1 \h ..... of the ...,. ceIooily o. ~dunl"~ of bo:~",g themoeh'" ;n pt~"""nNI to d""'1: '-ttl. ",Ih lhe ..... mlnned 1m";'" of Ihe world. R little liglit tn4y be: \h,..".'11 "1'01'1 tho" n.cthod. of finUllt-e, .. i\!u;'ro.llng In " 5ffi3l\ w.y IIOmc 01 Ih. uilfo,,,lt;O$ which eonfronteo.l our l~~e rommts-" one'" in th" 6(:\llon,.ol o( the aWIl,d of ""IlUgl"I

    The {'hin."" """1>1 ""'ney thnw-and. of )'~~'" !.elu,e I!u: Chmti.o.n ~ra. but th." inability to romp"" ""..., the lundan ...... u.l ptincip!' the h

    Why lou 'i('"W Y"f, n:i.lkman 1ik~ Ih. Ii -11 Ihot ,,,',,"',,,,-,-..1 jo""hl Ik-,.~,,~ h. I,nd. n l"'>~;t (r"'~hel ) in the "':II ...

    Why i. il .uw to lo!'IW lwo f:n~li>b -.ronIs. One of .. h;cb. !>oint

  • ox!-: nAS about Ih~ 1"1\,,,,


    -~~:"!' .. ""uld ""lk I .... ke Lima 115 lut Ihe lOttOio

    The .,.., of A~hilld Gn~ lhe tor to,,". ho ... eve ... diff",.. in lhat be does get lilmo ... nd ~ lhe \.Or. lotoe, bul tbe d,ffiruhy is..., dele" mL'Ie tho- uact poon!

    Tmmy not;e.

    bet ... !'an,1I .el"....,nu. A. " "",ller "I laet " ls ... mOI!l in,"" ~ung l'u .. l" ... hich malhema\ie1nnl ~ize as IOnninl: Ih. ground. ... ntk 1''''' .. h;~h nllJJ>Cnlu. "n", pml~..- rJ an ;mport.anl ... d laa.

    Why U tlno """UntDt hh ",Ukl 1le< ...., It-. ours (it lOUrs)

    Ilo ........ y bookke! i. Ih. col", 01 the .. ind. and ... a'. '" a IIClV,,"" .1Onnl Th "'1I1

  • PROPOSITION_If tho mOOD "'AI llI .. d~ 01 sreen cbun, iota ho .. maDY plecu could JOu : IIt.lgb, '''''I 01 kill/a?

    ~PEA"lN{; i\B01,;T

    .., . Ib~I",,",[,'hty"'lt=tlnl! d, .. ,,,,,, tbtml~l, th~ in fl"~"",, 01 w,lI puwer,"

    ~ all)'. a "ou-i op:&l ID .. _I ,-""lrilouu"" I" ~ "''''''.-t,,\ J""r" .. 1. .,\ ... "h lu .... )- 11",\ U\ Swa'e,bnd l!i~ ..... wer . ti&n Scien~e ... !~ o( til help them'

    W,th .. pelo",1 and rul ... mark Mf .th~ picture" moon wit" six '1,-~ , ~hl lines and ""'" h~.. many p!e""""Ily you. .,11 !>Ote " d,lk",nc-e t~""'n this RnJ the /nm"UI problem "I lb. Iloa.nling 1IU' 01 thr inll"",,~ er th~ e!lTth'8 alt"'"C' tI~n an.t pan into th~t 01 the mn(>n

    M, skOld\ i. drum from d~ ..-ript;nn puhltllhed at the 'i ...... 01 hi.f _to hu, as Ih~ runlr """ nothing to d!> with Ih~ ~d"~n'u", "fIt' b1,,-""_. "\I'd!. 1-0". do ynu 1''''nDWI~

    tltt- ~,,,rl ,13'" of Ih~ 1L-e

  • PROPOSITION_Soln tbree cODuodr u ml cooo~cttd wit b


    R I DDLES A\'I) . COfIundnlltll a~ bulthy

    eu,,", ... , for the gray ", .. m."r In th" t.mun. we ..... 1I .. k our ~-ounll ".. ..

    ~hlu 1.0 au .... lhi. jlCL('k of tutOnable ",.,uodl'Uml "tuch ..... "' 6red 011 dunnr celeh""i"" of In,le""nd. ~ncc day. II appears ,IuI',lb':'J' who W"", uJ"nll walk .1111 h .. falhe., askrd whr lluol hor had Ihe letter V on hi. nag, In,l l"" hoy who he>.nl Ihi. r"noark IlSked _""theI


    PROPOSITION_Sbow ho w tbe Turkish emblem ml,. he 'uniformed i nto the Crul acler'1 Croll hy divicling il into two piecu,


    ", ler.'!U1i' L!iU"'3ti"" "' Ih~ .Ieyeoth ins Ih~ while d .... "'. In,! .hen in Ihe .imp[ ... , Wly, Bnd by rutting inlo Ibe lowest flOOI'ible pi....,. Ir:>.nsfonn the Turx Wi dMil>" inlO the eo\ ... .,.y IQ hep a man'. love) NUllO r

    110'11' ... as Adm,ra1 o.-wly'o o"'al ranI<

  • PROPOSITION-Gues, the size of the two l tonel of OO, It i. "'ell 10 I'Mlt!'m_ t- th~1 T., a", ,1t...-" .. ,,,C l:t"" (I f OIj"al panty "",I Imlh"n,)". I", Ih ...... 01 a .to ... "' " .. , ... ""I."'"nt ... ,h. ,]u.>1"y. II o~.'~~"'t ~1,, v", '0 ~a11 .. It~n_ "'1)11 10 ,1o .. t l,n~l",g L,t "f y",her C

    f.,.. auntie no".. "",nu a h,\ from Ih~ 'hnl>'" 'riot ""thin~ ""!u ired to 1M:

    nddcd It> I h~ abo," d~t ~,"" w~ will jUot 100 bu,.. man)' u( o>ur ", .. homa. tu;:a", "lion lP-"e uS Ihe a i .. :ncte, of

    th. 'eqUlrt'

    Do )'o>u kJ, ... ,.. what II Ihe ol,Jtll P''''''' ul lumllur. In the worlJ > Th. nlull,pli""tion table

    Why" a ki .. lik ",,,,or' lIe_ call."" II 1: lIo"'...... it ""~ no ptnnl,

    If you ...., ~ ('Qunl ... "n~ "

    \\'''''1 k.,.- 0p"'" u.., door 10 the p.,u,.nl,aryl II'h,.ke,

    \\'h)',. a rig _,,10. ~url)' tntL~_ IlOllOn hke Ih. ~hoo' of H~lnl..t. fot her' D::ooIlSt he cuulol " un) un _ fold

    Why i. II Vln"" ... 1 fidolld, .. fe~th.ral ~3L1l.' Il('t'au

  • PROPOSITION Arrange tbe

    1]. ERE IS AN 01'_

    porturuly ff .... r y .... nJ: : . puuh.,. 1>u, been grmtJy uer6M.:I by I~ mnBid,ne _ ..... n:>n=ninll Ih~ lloop Snakt. .. WelL ill ., called On at"oount 01 iu pecutiar mod. of loronI

    "u .. z!~ r I"""'nl d,. 1.0.;: 1'",lurt tal art ~\"ng rd _1M "'>lluna:_

    When IS .. bellit....:! not .. bed. stud' When it"s .. h\t~ buggy.

    Why, "'Mn ):"" ,ore going nut IIf wwn, dn a nUlroad "" .. dl1

  • 'f


    I I


    I OYD.

    PROPOSITION C u i the inlv the f ll'l'ut p ossi bl. number vI piecn which will III w , etber a lld for m. perfec l . quare.

    IITlIDEXTS 01' OED. 'r_~l rv wi\1 I'""d ht'" an 'nt~";"llng ,-lml~n ~u,

    _ . lIcut.k,n ",'I~dl ~"n be"! 1'1 . ~ ..,ly"" l>y up",, , ,nul JlU .. l~ m~\hk. And ,f )'I)U put me b.a,-k ag";n, That I Rm thrrr i."I"" rlIUQ, Ikoa!JiIAlo. 'twi\! lb." ~1'1'I'~r Wllh"", mi,Ukt thaI I am~. Hf.heood ap.;n ,-",,11 want no ""'"', U""au"" 1 at,.."y' "",, 1fl>Uld not yieTJ thr ,,,,in\ "'ah"", dralllt'ng .,.~ry one ,,'ho ...... In the lbup "'to ,boo d~"""",, ... twl,,",

    '0111:" t~e busin_ ...... Rt a otandot,lI IOllJ the argu,""nt ,p,..,,,d through the ~!l"", building ... ,,'ell ... ""join. ing nefly eggs Werc eo.ten during the lint wu"'" at " ".1111

    W"",,, '""" Ihne on\)' 1_ vu .. cll t I n the daY' of X "'R, bo:lo.e l' and I ....... boTn 1

    What. as mHhn .... SA)' i. "tba "' __ U1inginLoanncts!" Alady"' t .. o hps

    WbM qu ... tion ;1 Ib31 10 .. h"h f"U m,,", .l .. av "',,'er "r ... .. \\'hat docs y.., . lpetlt



    ~pi5fl A classical

    puz.zle. BY


    P RO P OSI TION- TeD bo" often tbe baD .. ill rebound.. , 'aatn

    & ii, "'e;~hL

    One ,,/ ,n" .. , lie, I'mIMm . h. ball lfUlIld u,,~d ~fon: II~_

    ~-A R E BUS.

    So .. _ mv .. """nt. !in~ IIw ""nd "';Ih d,';"")"1

    BehN,\ nM! nd \h ... lAke .. It...... Ian,} ural,

    ~ev~..... ...hat 1't'IrIWn.., An". I'll rl,,;: dis""p.

    "'" 11w ..... n.u, t; iii! af A lund I'rov,d"""

    Wby "un 0..,,,, .onff). A f"'!in~ k' ''''_n. ~~Ic,;t ,

    NIh'" '110 1.1 .'-e.,,' nno fo ' t, 1>." t"''' l'I'~'" fijlt,- "'N~'d.

    I.'y , .. ;c~ 'wo invnn4i,j, ,,.It, I:':H.V ,.\' V J,

    I I'h,' " ~t"O'IIlj"n 1ik~ t~jlu'] lJe::au,,"., f>m .. ria~'I'I~ a, ~! pliOII.I mothf-. m"time of the I"""" ... n . "'hl rt.:Irt f,om a ro:-rta,n f"';nl "f Ihe to"n ~nu,'k ".n;"'~ > B~.u ... tho 1>3Sly "'un he: made of dough (de).

  • "Alldre's denials lell 011 deaf e~rs .. o.s his captor's spoke no ellgltsn ,

    ~!'kJ: IS AX ODD ~tl!~ O~ hi.

    , \oncal h,,~.,._ I\c0~ .""",1< Y.n~h

    I(I'1'At m~ .. dlnnl" h,' ),.,1 " ......... , I'ri..., CHARADE, .\ klt~c fn : n ,m- i" d-* ... ""_

    "",-d T""""n~ .nlh Oil ' 0 ""'n_ beb ",,,,t ,,,,,,IOl ,tnn"""

    111",,1':. (11,10., .\M_ Il. 21. IB, 11, 21. 18.

  • PROPOSITIOlf I+. (ommlulon broker, Wil D ebar , .. I pe r ~~D t. from lb 11er Ind J per unto Iro m Ih buyer, makn h5 by cboule,l" the wei~bt, .. h hUYI wi t h .... ;,10 1 , ounee \"0 buy,. a nd n il ... lib "". I OUIlCe \00 11,101. Ho'll' much don he P'Y for tb. lood.?

    DPOUND THAT THE mODe ofthe Eall ....

    , "Ou,';! In vanable ri_ . .nd we.ghu UI ru,hUu.

    ullUWUldhnlol,rsvelert, &ad 'If Itself IS too dilllrok .... _ bu". for hiInlelf. bUI upon ",,"'v_ in, an order to buy. find .ome one who ww.- 10 ",n, and ~har~H 2 per nnl com",;";"n 10 f&Ch or them. 'I>e~by makIng. I"" nt. "" the transo.ttion Nt,,~rt""I ... , by )uKghlll' with the tcalft. he d_ _)'I manares \0 ... 1

    When is a door nOt a d 1\ dannns """! ....

    Ho .. """ hunt~ .. fmd heIT ):ame in Ihe ....00.' lIy hs!enln&: 10 tbe hark of IIu! ltWa.

    Why d.,... man Ih,nk of hi. mothei-'. lI'p" ..... "'hm b~ h~ndlfl the w.".. behind a n~ .... ell ,~a,,'hod pail of """","' n....u..,! h~)" "'" oucb ~nk"'K I""r

    Why; Nlm .. "U .... uf in'10"'" bke m cannon> It m.~n a Il'port

    IV1t.o\ ;. more .. ",,'l~.lul Ihan ~ 1>0 ..... thM Can counl' II -vcllin8

    "'" Why ar. tan~.1 people the lariest r Ha""", t h.y nil' alwar- "'n~cr \\\ bed tMn H"' .... u ... " i, .,.10 (00 10 .. ).

    Wb.:it i. that ... hieb touches one LuI U~I",", t..-o I A ,,ctl

  • " ... , t' '


    ~!' n)t.:ltst:, fOOT-

    ... htl .. MW n 1I" tUj"",,- Wru .... [I.".~'I t baI[ 'nth UIIr Itr the numb", "f cuhic ,nd,.,. of ... ind '.....,I~ined in thUII"" t ",. m"dil,,,,,. tlf III~ \>",I,I~'n.und "mle """~' m.>iOI..,,, Ib~1 i~. I~""'" A'" 1".1.

    [I" kn" .. u, h""'~v~t, Iha ' Ihtte ..."''' "",1M", ",f~rtt

    ,' ,

    in Ihe mO~umenl , Btld tbey a'" n'. ci ... ly of th. 0J1 ..... ben.

    110" manr I""'" ... ""Id you ""pec~ ' 0 lin..! in" pint' One !i')

    What .wmal~..., .. t-d ""Can-ni""I~1 Ant .ea~tt_

    Whal ..... thl> lint loti of _hid> .... Iuove any "" H"", woo.t\,j you "",k~ a Maheoe C.."..t l'utl her ,ai\.

    \ \ 'hal ""'k"" the ocun tl"t aogry 1 u.,.,AU"" it 1S........ed IU otten .

    WbeI> i& a omilb no' a anilbt ..... ""' M. a_riling \\'~ i. A maeon a bou..,t When

    h .. abuilrl,nl: Why. is .... t:ng\i.hnl"n like nine-

    tffn lhil!mgol Becau"" he i& IIn&r a ""~e",,go_

    Why u..:"use he keepo h .. ,jayo IQI from nioe 'ill Ib

  • -Well - (flended ~coJ11

    ., ,

    PROPOSITION Why _II tllil tutlmon;allik. the Amorica" W.., of rr"hpolldo"cel

    1I'l'.\KE OCCASIOS ,.l!~ of "" mMV d,II.",nt .lI ...... that .. e n~"ef knuw who ",a~ .han"" 10 ... n,1 t"" nt"" d~,'cr ",ply_ 1",-.".,n!x," many )""eO." all" at a """. un,INm part'", tb..o.toom_ ODe .pnmg lile o>ld ~"""nut 'Why.", h.ns .m",o/'U.I' tbe "'1'1, 10 "'hi'" ,"" II my "",(" X_vO< O't~yml at!>ll~ pIaNo. Tlu'DUjlh the ... "fld I =ke my


    F.v...-ywh= ftt the "~me bou., If yc ,hey ~no l1um\.ot'n .. "lU""U' 11)' lIesl rna; he d~r.nru" nO

  • e :-'TI NUINO II - former ,,,{crem,,, ta , Alio


    ,,"""'-eountry ~I~~~I.-

    I 11"']' of, ","~Is lhe d_L

    ')1,., ."~n~ nl"'"" ...... I.'1 "".",. in lhe .lark.

    f)'e~ ,I-' ~"'Iu[ tlT",-,,, _'"Y I ...... bv~ 1-" ,h",1.

    And ... "l~ ""VIUU,;'.n no U"AJ(el ",.uk

    {'yphrr .\,... I. I. I~. 21). 8. 17. 21. 1. II. ~.

    Why are !",un,J_ .... W""\ fin; gal., .... ' n ... auoe lh~, R .... nh .. ay~ e ....... ';"~ tho ]ine. :1"'[ ","fig /r'um 1'010 10 pole I

    A. REHUS. /k,i,le my 6,., ""/t",, made

    .-\ barga,n g.W>d e 10"" '" Ih

    I S. I~

    Whot " tt wh,ch ,I you n3IIl~ it e .... n ynu l"""k ,t ' !;,]",,~,

    What i. thai ".-hich }'OU r~n k.,q, tv.., ~11~c R"'inll >t W ""meb..,.!y cl ... y",,, "'Jrd.

    \\'111' " ..... \'1I ........",,3n 1M mon rrud ;"'"",n in t he "~rl,t' Be

  • ,

    Tell the lime b,lli.

    OLD- r--: "GflInd-


    u.., old min Our into ~u,'b an un_ J'l~"ble p"",on t~at hr 1.11 If>oul haYIng 10 _ Iht 10 .... /> da~'a of OUT ~,. , ... "tllat.b.",. f", Iher. 8"' trw... artIOn!;: 1lI..-M are fam;liAr "1th the a..iVet'lt of lbo. .. on 1m,.,.,.. an0 furniol;~l m. '1Ial; the aul.j'1 ,nan """",nat """"""" nf ... bat sh~ caJh.o.I "the alb ... day,"

    To l.eU the ~Iory in her I>",n way. obe "".1

    "Wt h .. J just am"ed u lb" _wile!; 'Ulion .... heo"e the trama aJ_ "'.'''' P"OJ. ",hen ..., lound that the ",,,,,ted I!!::.", to giot the 1le nf lbe .... UnM of the '''''ch marked "'.Il. C or I).

    The proloi"", iI 10 tell j ... 1 Ito .. """'Y lImN the enlf'neo-r mu.l ~ Ymoe; IlLat ii, clLanp the d,rect,on nf lua en,rJne to 1 ..... '''= the IHoI Of C'OU"'" lhe hrokrn-d"wn m~lnt ~ _ he uoe-l .... "''''0 . I.>U\ m ... t .... !>Il>he-I 1>. ,ull..J Ill"", ),,"1 b" ,t ......... ""r The ran rna. t ... dra .... ,""gly "" touI,I", t '>gcthor in any nqwret! ~um\.oen.

    The prnhlem ""mp'ia "'ilh lhe nrdinary rules nf pn.ctil't ~ it ~iv"" to lest. you, inll"nulty an,1 dcv"",e .. in di:'Overinr ~he 'l~ick est ]X>Whle WIly to pau thB broktn de ... " trruo

    What i.o the dilfe .... n". het .... ..,n lItol)' an" an npl'l~' On. Y"u have t" ~H ",de lIer tQ '"luee .... . an,1 the "Ih ~ot ,';,kr

    WIvo i. the Rfnt"'" d,;ck~nk,lle. 'l'"k

    II'h",b '1~.lh .. 001.1 >"('0 I'm ... t'. thf'. J."'n "I .\r'

  • I


    II II

    PROPOSITIOlC-lIow un you tollth. priu 01 oney article uhlblt.4 10 Ih Iado.?

    ~_in~ a\""'1 tl1l' en,,,", ..",. \0 1liiY a)""",t primiti." way" they Iu...,.,{

    the !if. .. matter ,,( lurk or ~h,,,,,,c. un,l yO! for the VI',III"~1r Iriok. ull, o ~'~"t n~'i

    ~~"'< r~","net ""nail, And j"m a m .. t...

    The .unrt. to ",,~ ohar;ujfl might hot h

  • IBIry Jl~. M,l l'm

    Tbo,.. wI"" ,..." m. mil no Inn8cr' Lo!.Q"'u,t

    If y"" "' ... [ B r ;F in t~ ..... what anim&l', "am. m,~ht "" 11 nt.nllon '" 'I~ P,-,rk yo" I i,,~J


    PROPOSITION Sbow bow CboUy Siowpop alipped. cog.

    To g1\"" 01" da .. in mnoeal .. l ~aphy a 'try I1mJ'!~ ]" .. "n ... ~ ..,:\1 u.ko .. I ...... k at the (0\l."..,01l p,,,"(.,ful S ,treb,m they fel).!" no ot>~er.

    PROPOSITION Dividing tbe CbeSIlIUU accordinc to tbeir .Cts, Nellie I&kts J as oft"" 1$ Mary takes 4, and to every fi that lhry-Ceu Susie "Us 7. Whit is the .Ce or tacb?


    m joot I'm-Ao.nd .

  • PROPOStTI02l' Show how to use up half of the grindBton ~.

    ~. l-: C,\I.1. AT'l'RXTlO:-l

    , to t he foIIQ""~S hille little I1nnd.tone Pl>ule

    \. ,. JrIvcn )"ot In I!IIlW Ilult Ih. gtU.\ ""lIal>oo of

    oquanng lhe circle un to. CltPWaN and laughl in a IimpJ ... y. 1(1 .. 10 be or ,n"'II"",Me ... rv'I ,n Ihe om, nuy _tUbop.

    It ia 101eIl Syruo,M pled their ....... ."d bought a IftOdi.tOll bul U tbey II"N .,-n.) mil .. apart. Ihey ~ tUI the elder ..... n obouW ketp tbe 11'1Id1llOn1 stone unlIJ be b~ f'fduO'td ,t ,n ., ... just """,.half. WMO ,t lhould be totntd o,~ to the otboer

    The mlld.t ...... WllI u.o.clly 22 ,ngnIphy of the world. Ibey ace presented ""lIb Inolb ... Jeaon ." tUddrn ",\Jet_ T hey Ire ukt

    0 ... Thin, I I a Time I "rn ....."i",l...! of" ":mpl~ piChi.

    ing vuuI. Th,,-h T ... "l''''ng upon ,1'1' .. ,,' ~~n

    , _ Ikm~n pa~'i":> 1" I;.~ '",Ih :0. =eo. ;on"",11 lOOn

    IiDd 'he Host, Cypbc:or AnL 16. I. J. II . I . 1. 5,

    When docs ~ "'-"n "",.,., to become maol When .... turns into .. Lo.of.

    ' 7J

    -\N9 had tob-occo -.Ne p;pes in si lence..

  • _THE_

    PROPOSITION How large wil1tbeir Hocks became?

    I I~l:~t~!~;~;:~~~~'f.::: my~lery ~h< most

    hI. in the I"]" ... ,,' ,.~".:.,.:. J;5.,' Tile Arno, bal1S

  • A. C:fi)N~J=: --- -PUlZLt

    ~~.o~;~~;;~:;j~~, .. twelve letter word and tbange if'; position in lbe fewell number of moves.

    ~ERE IS ,\N INTP.R. ~!\"'I "'o,d puule buil t upIl lhe 1< ..... 0( o,y uM

    cl 14 15 1'u .. lc. In !.hat th .... IS "'I'PO

    ditoover the locality " I an"th r mat-le-r which ...... to be '"an! OIl elItrcn>ely 'I(nor~nl a!1~ ""pcr. stili""" 111M ~nv hltl. ine"It, WhICh, leing Ulri\nnl'ti V> the lnft"cn"" 01 ~vil demons. i. hmt.>l~ to 1~~


    o ,

    PROPOSITIOl'l-With torn Itrai&;bt colt divide Ihe hnmesboe Into lleren piten., with nne nail bn\e in each pieee.


    puul~ h,"'od upon th~

    I blIn _tory of .. Til

    by 11)';n, 111"", togetllec. by the IOK'OIId cut h .... otdWhy;' I plum .at. hke the 0

  • PRoPOSrTIO!'f- Row would 10U cut thi! gingerb rud dog's head Into two piecel of the uml Ihape?

    ~. ERr. IS A PRM:T!nL

    pnI~I~1Il in llimpl, Ihvi I >i',n "'j",b It ukul.\u:d

    " w I",m~ ""m~ nl (JU' , ')"",nr "" .. :i," I,,,. I~~

    .... """" that i< ",11 ""I y 1lI y fin;t m:1k ... oomp""y. )i y _~ J1>untroml~ny,

    My Ihi.d ...... mbl ... oompany. My ... hn~ puuln CQmpany.


    A REBU~. My 6n< i. lou"d in the ~"" .. ave,

    AI weU in tbe pil anJ Iho mlne. ~l y IeC()nd below tM sut/&"" we luI"e Where nover th" INn In oh",,", My whole the 1.,.,a1 ~nI 10 gru.

    Dut ... I~nm lail.< 10 lind a pi""" Cypher A'IS, 19. l. 12.20. J. S. 12.

    n, !. 1$

    W~ " ;a-"":-'C,-C,C,,-,-& b.-ealdasl nlpr \\'hC1l,t'. '" lea thing ( ..... tb.

    ;"1' IIby dotl! a babv boy al ..... ' .. te. ""'v" a he"-rty w~:ro,,~ in" fainily' 1l",,,'lUSC ,t n~' .... t'tJ1llc:O .. m' ....

    What kuul of ....,wc'lllr .-I .... ~n I r.Jl\m:ln uko, for a _I.ling oMe' Ue t"k .... an elixir (he UbI ami "" brlui her).

    WMn is a sailor hk" a oorpw' Wh~n he is in tile abruu,Ls,

    Whc:n IS .. oi~k man a 1,1 rr.~ ,boo..-rc-ecn OUt any on ..,'o..,l """:.;.I .. "",

    QY .1\.,,,;. . ,,,,,"

  • A ';mple but ;nleresting probl~m .s.veloped from Ibnlhng ad,,",-lura .. hich belt!! me: durinr my .... eeQI of the pyramids. TM "'ide ..... yw may ob$ente, ...... armed..,tb a nrrord for u... po.".,... of lIaY"'g ""y liODl .. hkh might rome OW- w.y. and it ..... -'ipulated thnt 1 ,,",. to bave the .k,no from any we mIght QptUR. We we.. jun p"'p'mng to clunb W omaIleT of the CbeopI _be!:> one of tbe '-I" ... hich infeat tbat naghborhood c-me in vie ... I haatened to 1M top to pbce my belon~ngl in safuy, taking Ii"e .up5 at .. time. my ,wde Ii". and t he lion Rven. The .. toation .. IOlMWhnt rompUcated,.1 the o.ket~h ,hQwo IhM none of tbe .... e un!_ meaU win bring .. ny OIIe of the pr.rtieftotheeUCtlUmmit. Nuor ~. despi\.e the ract of lhe "'''U l\epf being out of VIew. you willliod IUIt~t dat2 to .. "maU the exact hf,ghtof Ihnt little pynmid.

    I m~y ... y inddentllUy. that the rucaIly guide .. born I hutructed to " se the lion' kin .. hile 1 de--poIIited my btlonglnp in safety must bYe IItOIen ~ "'''''', u I lleft< ..... him ap;n

    loRI-BUS. l.el collet 11 you na"-l'My fint.

    In my go",'n y",,'l1 CRUse my

    -'. And make my ...... th ,mpelu"",,, M my .. hole;. evtr rt, lin, _Ilea in a rude 100M, Bon. .-Wby is .. man commitina; murner

    hke heu walking ..,._ U .. ot.m I Beu.1>ICI ,t'o a Iou.I proceedinr.


    ...t ..... (p, ,,.

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    A C::HARADE.

    On th casement pADe the ";nd bIt"l high.

    Nt .... er II .... w;o lhe 1Iky; All Kenneth lI u'" ....... ""lIP' in .-. And Sir Eve:n:rd IIcpl in .. bunted -I oat and _n" ba