crystal river news. (crystal river, fl) 1910-09-23 [p...

FortyFirst Year 100 Per Annum 7 TH E 4 t SEPTEMBER 23 1910 ii 4 1iMJ3JIeRALD PALATKA FLORIA 1 Dry Goods Now to be found in Temporary Quarters in old Loeb Building Stand in the Tilghman Build- ing Lower Lemon Street Visits from our old friends and patronage of the trading public solicited Prompt careful attenD A tion to all customers as before A beautiful line of Ginghams and Percales daily ji on which are special prices Oomevin andgGlylphem over Get then now and make them up children V Will into the store about OQjbpb0rvte an in order to reduce our stock will make a BIG R8ilJOj TION IN ALL LINES V Leo t Store arriv- ing forth f Jacobsons- o ularr Shoe the and scboa1 i move new ¬ SCHOOL BOOKS Now rebound secondhand All books used in tho this county can bo had at Eotvtous Also full stock of all supplies- as Pencils Pens Inks Book Lion taken in exchange or bought for to mo book prico lists money rebound books CHAS E RO N lemon Palatka- OEO E WBLOH President A 8 WIZARD Cashier CRAB BUBT Assistant Cashier PALATKA Capital 5OOOO Surplus Undivided Profits 14OOO We solicit the acoonnto ot the people throughout Putnam County and render all theioartejles and acoomtnolatlons oonsUtrnt with rood Banking 1 schools of Bags and I and etc Second hand now in use iu SChOOlS of this and in gOOd ondi t a nr I I F n WILSON The Putnam National Bank- OF 50000 Pen- cil boos county loe Proetdent ti 1 B > At the Orpheum The week has been a good one at the Orpheum Theatre for both Mana- ger Kalblield and the amusement loving publlu The Weather has been Ideal the crowds large and the shows good so nobody has had a kick coming satisfaction of all Bailey Edwards a cleTurteam the boards for the remainder of the freak Regarding them the Jacksonville Metropolis has the fol- lowing to say i and Edwards as Silly 8am and the Soubrette were far above the average and were greeted with en- core after encore Their act Is one of real mirth sand laughter and they certainly made The next big attractions are George Murphy the dancing demon and Helen Scott novelty singer Save your coupons and win the prize Saturday night Headquarters for School Books We carry a Of New Books also HeBound and SecondHand at lowest price Send for price list Aokerman Stewart Drug County Agents Palatka WHHAHSCbHDIHOHT- OIIf t UT llllC l- lOCRMAfll nOT StlfUKiriiTOM n- MM TAW KIWVIrOtHU UU r Jt I The firlt nights WhUneI Sls- i 1 Jl I1- IOr e elODgion fur tune the I I I I 1 r fla JL- If DE CURie U I nTmuO R ttJJliJ t t n 2 amuolSoll- UTIUAnAGOItIGllliTt IT- AamtHAHSTEWARTt j the toe p s e aT6 k a arotrarow suf alcn npruern or Nv r rteusii re0CIW1 A FOOD l ITS 1 IL u ¬ ¬ μ ± Death of Mr H J Fowler Mr H J Fowler died nt his home near Melrose Friday morning at 881 oclock followlui nu extend ed duration For some mouths his con- dition bad been regarded as critical BO the end cameM to to his host of friends throughout the At times a sufferer he bore his affliction with that fortitndeoharao- terUtlo of the trap OhrUtian aDdjy the eod il re to1 hla I6venones ttnd depart to that home beyond the skies Mr Fowler was one of the pioneer residents of the Melroio because oi his long residence there his genial manners and his hospitable he was one of the most es- teemed citizens of the county His home was ever open for tho reception of stranger and friend alike and many are they who will testify as to His Until seized by illness he was pos- sessed with rare energy and was recog- nized as a snooeasfol and planter Though evidencing a keen interest In politics and though a Demo crat to the manor born never sought political preferment but In as life was content with being a taltbtnl worker in the ranks Jill admirers however him on the Board of Public Instruction which position he filled moat honorably- and satisfactorily for several terms In the passing excellent Southern gentleman the Indeed loses a citizen of true worth He is survived by a number of chil- dren and other relatives who have the of the entire community their irreparable loss daughter Miss liens and ions Leroy and lee in a few days North the roan to enter John Hopkins University at Baltimore for dentistry and pharmacy re- spectively while the others go on to for a visit of a few weeks While away Mr Brown will pur- chase a big line of fall and winter goods for his popular emporium These will be to tot by the Brown establishment a h le18 I iMr a i- aD rI Af oura 8 ex lave na- ture ra ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Presbyterian Bev J tV Purcell of will occupy the at Fresby terlan church beginning on about October lit Purcell K Palatka with the highest of as to ability larlty and it Is to that he will locate permanently In onr jmldat The following clipping Mift the Christian shows tbftbels an Indefatigable worker In the Ma- sters vineyard g the vac the pastor Bar M B i turned to his work the first tabbit In September At the morntab he welcomed Into the the church twentyseven njnr mem- bers administering the Bacwment 01 baptism to twenty of this number Two Infants were also at the same hour Perhaps riot tbsn a dozen more will be admitted soon This Ingathering IB fruits- of a series of unlqn evangelistic meetings which was the month of August by John B and his son Burke Dur- ing the present short pastorate rev entythree rnemberB making the of this church over three hundred Baptist Services tlon preached on last Sunday at at the First Baptist Church Hit discourse was greatly appreciated by a large congregation At In tho evening be gave an Illustrated on the World and Sunday School using moving and illustrated songs Every one enjoyed the entertainment aa it was Interesting and Instructive Rev Cecil Preached Bev 00 Cecil for some years State evangelist of the Florida Con ference but for the past season sta- tioned at St Augustine filled the pulpit at the St Jamoe Metnodlsb Church Sunday preaching two ex cellent sermons to attentive congre- gations It Is with regret many friends of this popular divine learn of his Intention to leave old Florida and join the Tennessee Conference We unbounded Rev Mr Cason Accepts Call Roy P Q Cason of Apalaohlcola has accepted the call tendered him by the First Baptist Church of this and will come to assume his pastoral duties on or about October pith Mr Cavon is a minister of tee St James Methodist Church H Dntlll Pastor Regular services will be held at St James Methodist Church Sudsy con- ducted by the pastor Preaching at 11 am and 940 lead by Bupt- J ft well v Pass r th 1f c mea u1tAaUa1IIII W Purcell D D bO 80 f- pulplto form r Ii eer tlon l Lamb ld fIo bout momb rlblp of b ptl ed net e n r member c m Rev n R Ray Gen phil bet the FlorIda Sunday t o morn- Ing a n the In his new of action olnlsed ability 1 f n ° QJ ua n gr t1 rs sty p m Sunday School at V I ontlcello recom- mendations and i k f hie ar 5 V rte pa re- ceived hip earn Scho Convection success field end pop larRy co- n 780 A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° + RIVER STEAMER LINE at Company It- ht Justness JU- Jffht and 1 Steamboat Companys put in condition for is Reeled to the largest busi- er she has had her hull opalred and pointed her ma overhauled and her ovated and In fine coq be will be practically a new City and Omega which will W days earner Howard will next on I for a like treatment and and other points on the river i will be best service j afflo end of the bntinens la now one of Palatkas citizens a tanning to give the merchants e this fact when log shipments and that can Steamboat Company noted elebwhere in the d the MoNell will here re Jacksonville In time to latka before noon making the Palatka to Crescent City and nd returning the same oven awain m over the decks the au h snow the boats the two lines nerfeN ell Is now on the u resumes regu from Jaoklouvllle to lUll a boats that have over e of R uant In be near ru tiW tutee business td enterprise wing Walker I being shown ha y and tae Id tis tij ratters for Exce this co w In large share of the boat be Sited up wIth r In Bain a t 1 par- Is business Il JI act having p e ive i cht cab dlii hod sheagein IaTy be T Pal an by whey eni e- J in wh 0 fa Sorthe the the vl to- 4oti feet their s Ole to ri- le tbao ndclt general s rest trip Om log will nice ¬ Palatka to Crescent City an return will no doubt soon becoaMfe favorite excursion trip for citizens giving as ft does an to an together with the lovely Ockla fcr time on tho river gives this section for enjoyed by few te improvements both in the with that hereafter the boats ts favorable light that I do her part towards returned Sunday from a visit of a month to the mar North Mrs Jacobson and son Ralph wept to Jacksonville to away Mr Jacobson purchased an stockaa ho anticipates a business the fall and and Is determined to meet of the trade however did bo secure a fine and dealrwle lot of goods for his he entirely mention of which war jj e In our last Issue With a a stock of dry goods shoes wta and with the additional L Ms ladles A light housefurnishing 6 largest In this part of a character Jdlt upon Its owner and nlty In general ustark at the Howell amatlzatlon of George Barr popular novel Grans ell TMariB on October 25th by one of beifc companies that tours the Month B a romantic drama tell of a love behind a throne with thrilling Interest throughout the acts The cast IB composed of eighteen male and fe of the typo Thin yrlll be the opening ilttracUotfat the Howell for sea d he nd g on the river and after a lovely the water to return home dur most time day for those who want to spend of to other ranee t ad I IU vorabfe Itl u oar td1B mag Ol orprlse a aeobson lm and accompany him home gre wlnt the mends ext ed It may nly Uno ° ut expandedtwo new artmentl Of will Mao one tark bo presented at the How h r lD1 11 trip Pal Inc eve trip of the wa al I ivee ooaa 1n cos a Jgtke pacoose- e Returned H me- L meet renso be- N arts ready towear 51 now of- t t Aj ill the eon bf ¬ Th has been awarded to Stokes Atkinson contractors and make other Improvements and alter aVIoni new opera with hatracks and- fooMBifej have been ordered and In position before the Reservation of turned from a highly I enjoyable visit to the q the State where offielal capacity At nag HUt ted Okoloosa Tribe ft charter momborahl- DVt previous to this he In KituMun No 40 at LaKroKYr with an opening list of 83 prominent citizens Pounds Is one of most popular and enthu- siastic S braves in the reservation and nn erhlB lead many tribes Wing praanlxed and Btrengthened O the and ed ped ejai the approaching season Clr AI r s are I I j b fl u7 e grey m of lbe the he- Y d Ne of flit a awk ¬ TILUHMAN TBMfBRANCB RALLY A large audience was present at the temperance meeting Sunday pf ttho Bantlit Tent In Heat fihe closing the saloons In Put cum courtly mace the address of the evening Making no set speech hi remarks set forth without acrlnnj or harshness some of the reasouo why the saloons should be doted The entertainment given at the tent on Monday night was Indeed a Unique feature paign The meeting In charge of W G was not under the auspices of any political organi- zation It was Independent The Orchestra of Mr Tilghman wife eon and daugh- ter J Q Tilghman Jr end Warner Hamm assisted by Mrs Haram rendered a program of vocal and Instrumental music and recitations that was at once Interesting and In- structive Members all of one family are bearing their own expenses for the sake of the temperance oaui e and Its advancement are going 10 nuch as ask their help They will be the means of dclng mu b good for this cause and thit too people who would not attend were t not for the entertain feature Bv H putlll ot Palatka gave a Ik which he emphasized the fact that the saloon business Is a peculiar business avowed to be wrong yet licensed at a high rate to con- tinue Its evil trafflo Hastings Ad- vocate Opening of Putnam High School Putnam High School will open on Monday morning at 8 oclock for the term the prospects b i of arid J active that resulted for aprohlbltlon cam the and I I for a Baloon League mo it hi6ltloh movement ld dat reclaim h ¬ ¬ ¬ > + blight During the months very few alterations and Improvements have been made to the building and as the corps of teachers will be practically the same only one change been I made In the entire list the pupils wilt enter their studies familiar surroundings and free Irom the necessity of getting acquaint- ed The same routine of as pursued last term will be Inaugura- ted and the of the term be as usual Special exercises will be conducted at the opening hour and of the school are cordfaliy Invited to be present Following la the faculty for the term G A Stephens principal Misses Miriam Pasteur and Estelle MoKen zle assistants Misses Georgia Johnson Mary Mc Lnugblln Daisy Plokren Misses Mabel McNeny Mabel Holcotnb and Bessie Spain New Athletic Mall At the City Council meeting held Tuesday night the Palatka Athletic Association was a twentyyear lease on the water extension of Kirk land street on which it is proposed to erect a handsome for occupancy by the Association A letter signed by a number of property owners In the who favored propo- sition wee by members of the Association which doubtless hod con- siderable in the action of the Council The building Is to be con- structed with sub ultimately with the latest and best equipment and will be an ornament to End Plane have already been submitted by Engineer Ensey for the new hall An Approaching Marriage The following Invitation will bo read with Interest by the people of the entire county as Mr Albert Marvlok la well and favorably known throughout this section Mr Mrs B H Bandeford request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Marlon to Mr Norbert Mar vlok Saturday morning September twentyfourth nineteen hundred and ten at eight oclock Pine Bluff Ar- kansas 1304 West 14th Avenue are to to It- belu a joint took company It will be ex- ceedingly vaca- tion ena r stock the enterprise ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The Weklwa Launched The launch Weklwa built Capt Boyd fpr Judge W 8 Bullock- of for tourist service between Banford and Weklwa Springs was launched Monday Weklwa Is a modern craft In every respect being equipped with and other modern conveniences and improvements Including toilet motors force the new boat Through the water at an 8mlle passengers can accom In the cabin and on the up per deck Death at San Mateo Mrs Abigail Tobey an old and well known of San Mateo died at tbo hound nf her niece Miss Louise MoShane there on Tuesday morning following an extonded ness The funeral was held Thurs- day morning the itrvlnea being con- ducted Howard of TITo er city q A I 1 t etc ill this 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ I AUTO CONTEST ENDS MONDAY Drawing for Brush Auto to be Meld at Parricides Next Monday Oft Monday September SOtliAt- 13t30 oclock for the handsome Brush automobile will be- held in the store of the Fvarnsld Clothing Company on Lemon utreet Is to say that an Immense crowd of Interested Holders of ticket will be on band and that much will be manifested as to the re- sult The lucky number will be drawn by a child blindfolded wltb sleeves above the elbow so that It will bo a fair square deal for all participants- The prize which by the way la a beauty hat been on exhibition at the Fearnslde establishment ever since the contest was Inaugurated and It Is by far the moat valuable gift ever presented to patrons by a Palatka business concern The Interest the contest has aroused Is something wonderful and Its success has ex ceeded the fairest anticipations of Its promoters Not only are numbers held by the people of Palatka and of Putnam county but of every section of the Stale and Nation Even Eng land Canada and Mexico are repre- sented which goes to show that ad- vertising and that the enter- prise of the Fearnelde is appreciated throughout tho land The outcome of the will ba Remember the contest the biggest and boat ever oft by a mer chenille establishment In Florida closes on Monday and the drawing will be promptly at 1280 oclock Join the crowd and be on hand As will be seen by the big Fearn side ad In thin issue another great opportunity Is to be offered the trad ing public by this popular house for on a clearance of all summer clothing will be Inaugurated Mr F J IS now In New York buying goods for the fall and winter and this which will be the largest and most complete ever brought to the city will soon be ar- riving Boom must be made for It BO hence tho Clearance Sate Redac- tions of one third and more will be fact the goods will be sold almost of cost Nothing- In the line of lightweight goods will be reserved so visit the Fearnilde establishment and secure somoof the good things offered before they are none Remember the Sale as well as the Auto drawing Monday Meat Market ReOpened Monday morning W M Green will reopen hIs meat market on Kir- by street In the West End He hal renovated and Improved his store throughout and will be In a better position than ever before to satisfactorily trade Ho will keep In stock u fine assortment of Florida and Y stern meats port sausage etc and will promptly fill all orders Mr Green Is an experienced meat man and un- derstands the wants of the people along this line Stokes Atkinson The attention of onr readers is called- to the ad of Stokes Atkinson the well known contractors and builders of this These gentlemen make a specialty of building and repairing roel denoes and are to and careful attention to nil whether or small They have several desirable contracts on hand now and have others in view If you ooutfinplate see tlieiu for and specifications and prices Rev Culpepper to Come It hi expected that Rev J B Cnl pepper the noted evangelist will deliver a prohibition address In this city In the near future A union meeting will be held and every effort made to have It the greatest temper- ance rally ever given In Dr Culpepper will come here after the election and conduct a big which will last for ten days or two weeks II I IJ con- cern I i pay 1 I lt e VA jt- n 0 bo oil D t I I Monda madeIn 1 r 1 I J J pool y A Ii H t t40 I J Y tiys dra l f c I P T- On l l7 1 contract t 1 i you re- vival ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > A GOOD POSITION Can be had ambitious men in the Bold of Wireless or Railway Telegraphy Since the 8honr effective and since the Wireless Companies are establishing stations counti Is a great of telegraphers Po sltiona beginners from 70 to too month with ohanoe of ad- vancement The National Telegraph Institute operate sis official In supervision of rail- road and wireless officials Memphis Tenn or Colombia H O At the Christian Tabernacle Preaching by the pastor every fourth Sunday at 11 a m and 730 p m Bible School at 3p m every Sunday Mid wek prayer meeting 730 p m Wednesdays A cordial welcome to all FOR SALE Two new Shot Guns one lit L C Smith one 19 Winchester VThese to be CHEAP 0 E BANDS and and l1atell 1Jh 60 1 RUM sold I ladies I lull yon wtlte them fotirfa lid alU at it 1e23 1 ¬ ¬ +

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FortyFirst Year 100 Per Annum





ii 4


Dry GoodsNow to be found in Temporary Quarters in

old Loeb Building Stand in the Tilghman Build-

ing Lower Lemon Street

Visits from our old friends and patronage of thetrading public solicited Prompt careful attenD


tion to all customers as before

A beautiful line of Ginghams and Percales dailyji

on which are special prices Oomevin andgGlylphemover Get then now and make them upchildren V

Will into the store about OQjbpb0rvte anin order to reduce our stock will make a BIG R8ilJOjTION IN ALL LINES V

Leot Store




Jacobsons-o ularr Shoe





move new


SCHOOL BOOKSNow rebound secondhand All books used in tho

this county can bo had at Eotvtous Also full stock of all supplies-as Pencils Pens Inks Book

Lion taken in exchange or bought for to mo bookprico lists money rebound books

CHAS E RO N lemon Palatka-

OEO E WBLOH President A 8 WIZARD CashierCRAB BUBT Assistant Cashier


Capital 5OOOOSurplusUndivided Profits 14OOO

We solicit the acoonnto ot the people throughout Putnam County and

render all theioartejles and acoomtnolatlons oonsUtrnt with rood Banking


schools of

Bags and


and etc Secondhand now in use iu SChOOlS of this and in gOOd ondi

t a nr



The Putnam National Bank-




boos county

loe Proetdent





At the Orpheum

The week has been a good one atthe Orpheum Theatre for both Mana-

ger Kalblield and the amusementloving publlu The Weather has beenIdeal the crowds large and the showsgood so nobody has had a kickcoming

satisfaction of allBailey Edwards a cleTurteam

the boards for the remainder ofthe freak Regarding them theJacksonville Metropolis has the fol-

lowing to say iand Edwards as Silly 8am

and the Soubrette were far above theaverage and were greeted with en-

core after encore Their act Is oneof real mirth sand laughter and theycertainly made

The next big attractions are GeorgeMurphy the dancing demon andHelen Scott novelty singer

Save your coupons and win theprize Saturday night

Headquarters for School Books Wecarry a Of New Books alsoHeBound and SecondHand at lowestprice Send for price list AokermanStewart Drug County AgentsPalatka


OIIf t UT llllC l-

lOCRMAfll nOT StlfUKiriiTOM n-



Jt IThe firlt nights WhUneI Sls-

i 1 Jl I1-

IOr e elODgion furtune the











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Death of Mr H J FowlerMr H J Fowler died nt his home

near Melrose Friday morning at 881oclock followlui nu extended duration For some mouths his con-dition bad been regarded as critical BO

the end cameM to to his hostof friends throughout the Attimes a sufferer he borehis affliction with that fortitndeoharao-terUtlo of the trap OhrUtian aDdjythe eod il re

to1 hla I6venones ttnddepart to that home beyond the skies

Mr Fowler was one of the pioneerresidents of the Melroiobecause oi his long residence there hisgenial manners and his hospitable

he was one of the most es-

teemed citizens of the county Hishome was ever open for tho receptionof stranger and friend alike and manyare they who will testify as to

HisUntil seized by illness he was pos-

sessed with rare energy and was recog-nized as a snooeasfol andplanter Though evidencing a keeninterest In politics and though a Democrat to the manor born never soughtpolitical preferment but In as

life was contentwith being a taltbtnl worker in theranks Jill admirers howeverhim on the Board of Public Instructionwhich position he filled moat honorably-and satisfactorily for several terms Inthe passing excellent Southerngentleman the Indeed loses acitizen of true worth

He is survived by a number of chil-dren and other relatives who have the

of the entire communitytheir irreparable loss

daughter Miss liens and ions Leroyand lee in a few daysNorth the roan to enter JohnHopkins University at Baltimore for

dentistry and pharmacy re-

spectively while the others go on tofor a visit of a few weeks

While away Mr Brown will pur-chase a big line of fall and winter goodsfor his popular emporium These willbe to tot bythe Brown establishment




iMr a i-

aD rI Af

oura 8












PresbyterianBev J tV Purcell of

will occupy the at Fresbyterlan church beginning on aboutOctober lit Purcell KPalatka with the highest of

as to abilitylarlty and it Is to that hewill locate permanently In onr jmldatThe following clipping Mift theChristian shows tbftbelsan Indefatigable worker In the Ma-sters vineyard

g the vacthe pastor Bar M B iturned to his work the first tabbitIn September At the morntabhe welcomed Into thethe church twentyseven njnr mem-bers administering the Bacwment 01

baptism to twenty of this numberTwo Infants were also at thesame hour Perhaps riot tbsn adozen more will be admitted soonThis Ingathering IB fruits-of a series of unlqn evangelisticmeetings which was themonth of August by John B

and his son Burke Dur-ing the present short pastorate reventythree rnemberB

making theof this church over

three hundred

Baptist Services

tlon preached on last Sundayat at the First Baptist

Church Hit discourse was greatlyappreciated by a large congregation

At In tho evening be gavean Illustrated on the World

andSunday School using moving

and illustrated songs Everyone enjoyed the entertainment aa itwas Interesting and Instructive

Rev Cecil PreachedBev 0 0 Cecil for some years

State evangelist of the Florida Conference but for the past season sta-tioned at St Augustine filled thepulpit at the St Jamoe MetnodlsbChurch Sunday preaching two excellent sermons to attentive congre-gations It Is with regretmany friends of this popular divinelearn of his Intention to leave oldFlorida and join the TennesseeConference We unbounded

Rev Mr Cason Accepts CallRoy P Q Cason of Apalaohlcola

has accepted the call tendered himby the First Baptist Church of this

and will come to assume hispastoral duties on or about Octoberpith Mr Cavon is a minister of tee

St James Methodist ChurchH Dntlll Pastor

Regular services will be held at StJames Methodist Church Sudsy con-

ducted by the pastor Preaching at 11am and

940 lead by Bupt-J ft well v

Pass r


c mea

u1tAaUa1IIIIW Purcell D D bO 80 f-

pulplto form r Iieer tlon l

Lamb ld fIo

boutmomb rlblp of

b ptl ed


e nr member

c m

Rev n R Ray Gen phil betthe FlorIda Sunday t o


a n the

In his new of action

olnlsed ability1

fn ° QJua n gr t1 r ssty

p mSunday School at




recom-mendations and


kf hie ar 5V


pa re-ceived

hip earn



success field

end pop larRy co-












at Company It-

ht Justness


Jffht and1 Steamboat Companys

put in condition foris Reeled to the largest busi-

er she has had her hullopalred and pointed her ma

overhauled and herovated and In fine coqbe will be practically a new

City and Omega which willW daysearner Howard will next onI for a like treatment andand other points on the riveri will be best service

j afflo end of the bntinens la nowone of Palatkas citizens

a tanning to give the merchants

e this fact whenlog shipments and that

can Steamboat Company

noted elebwhere in thed the MoNell will here

re Jacksonville In time tolatka before noon making thePalatka to Crescent City andnd returning the same oven

awain m over the decks the

au h

snow the boats

the two linesnerfeN ell Is now on the

u resumes regufrom Jaoklouvllle to lUll a

boats that have over

e of

R uant In be near

ru tiW tutee businesstd enterprisewing

Walker I being shownha y and tae

Id tis tij ratters forExce this co

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large share of

the boat be Sited up wIth


In Baina



Is businessIlJI act havingp



chtcabdliihod sheageinIaTy


Palanby wheyeni




fa Sorthethe

thevl to-

4oti feettheir


Ole to ri-le tbao

ndclt general

sresttripOmlog willnice


Palatka to Crescent City anreturn will no doubt soon

becoaMfe favorite excursion trip forcitizens giving as ft does an

to an

together with the lovely Ockla

fcr time on tho river givesthis section for

enjoyed by fewte improvements both in the

withthat hereafter the boats

tsfavorable light that

I do her part towards

returned Sundayfrom a visit of a month to the mar

North Mrs Jacobson andson Ralph wept to Jacksonville to

away Mr Jacobson purchasedan stockaa ho anticipatesa business the fall and

and Is determined to meetof the trade however

did bo secure a fine anddealrwle lot of goods for his

he entirelymention of which

war jj e In our last Issue With aa stock of dry goods shoeswta and with the additionalL Ms ladlesA light housefurnishing

6 largest In this partof a character

Jdlt upon Its owner andnlty In general

ustark at the Howell

amatlzatlon of George Barrpopular novel Grans

ell TMariB on October 25th by oneof beifc companies that tours theMonth B a romantic drama

tell of a love behind a thronewith thrilling Interest

throughout the acts The castIB composed of eighteen male and fe

of the typoThin yrlll be the openingilttracUotfat the Howell for sea


he ndg on the river and after a lovelythe water to return home durmost time day

for those who want to spend


to otherranee

t a dI

IUvorabfe Itl u oar

td1Bmag Ol orprlse a


lm and accompany him home

grewlntthe mendsext ed It may



ut expandedtwonew artmentl

Of will

Mao onetark bo presented at the How



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e Returned H me-






51 nowof-






eon bf


Th has been awarded toStokes Atkinson contractors and

make other Improvements and alteraVIoni new opera

with hatracks and-fooMBifej have been ordered and

In position before the

Reservation ofturned from a highly

I enjoyable visit to theq the State where

offielal capacity At nagHUt ted Okoloosa Tribe

ft charter momborahl-DVt previous to this he In

KituMun No 40 atLaKroKYr with an opening list of 83prominent citizens Pounds Isone of most popular and enthu-siastic S braves in the reservationand nn erhlB lead many tribesWing praanlxed and Btrengthened


the and


ejai the approaching season

Clr AI





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dNeof flit

a awk



A large audience was present atthe temperance meeting Sundaypf ttho Bantlit Tent In Heat


closing the saloons In Put cumcourtly mace the address of theevening Making no set speech hiremarks set forth without acrlnnjor harshness some of the reasouowhy the saloons should be doted

The entertainment given at thetent on Monday night was Indeed aUnique featurepaign The meeting In charge ofW G was not underthe auspices of any political organi-zation It was Independent The

Orchestra ofMr Tilghman wife eon and daugh-ter J Q Tilghman Jr end WarnerHamm assisted by Mrs Haramrendered a program of vocal andInstrumental music and recitationsthat was at once Interesting and In-

structive Members all of one familyare bearing their own expenses

for the sake of the temperanceoaui e and Its advancement are going10 nuch as ask their helpThey will be the means of dclngmu b good for this cause and thittoo people who would notattend were t not for the entertain

featureB v H putlll ot Palatka gave a

Ikwhich he emphasized the fact thatthe saloon business Is a peculiarbusiness avowed to be wrongyet licensed at a high rate to con-

tinue Its evil trafflo Hastings Ad-


Opening of Putnam High School

Putnam High School will open onMonday morning at 8 oclock for the

term the prospects


i ofarid

J activethat resulted

for aprohlbltlon cam



for a

Baloon Leaguemoithi6ltloh movementld


reclaim h






blight During themonths very few alterations and

Improvements have been made tothe building and as the corps ofteachers will be practically thesame only one change been I

made In the entire list the pupilswilt enter their studiesfamiliar surroundings and free Iromthe necessity of getting acquaint-ed The same routine of aspursued last term will be Inaugura-ted and the of the termbe as usual Special exercises willbe conducted at the opening hour

andof the school are cordfaliy Invited tobe present Following la the facultyfor the term

G A Stephens principal MissesMiriam Pasteur and Estelle MoKenzle assistants

Misses Georgia Johnson Mary McLnugblln Daisy Plokren MissesMabel McNeny Mabel Holcotnb andBessie Spain

New Athletic Mall

At the City Council meeting heldTuesday night the Palatka AthleticAssociation was a twentyyearlease on the water extension of Kirkland street on which it is proposed toerect a handsome foroccupancy by the Association A lettersigned by a number of property ownersIn the who favored propo-sition wee by members of theAssociation which doubtless hod con-

siderable in the action of theCouncil The building Is to be con-

structed with sub

ultimatelywith the latest and best

equipment and will be an ornament toEnd Plane have already

been submitted by Engineer Ensey forthe new hall

An Approaching Marriage

The following Invitation will boread with Interest by the people ofthe entire county as Mr AlbertMarvlok la well and favorably knownthroughout this section

Mr Mrs B H Bandefordrequest the honor of your presenceat the marriage of their daughterMarlon to Mr Norbert Marvlok Saturday morning Septembertwentyfourth nineteen hundred andten at eight oclock Pine Bluff Ar-

kansas 1304 West 14th Avenue


to to It-

belu a joint took companyIt will be


ceedingly vaca-




stock the enterprise






The Weklwa Launched

The launch Weklwa builtCapt Boyd fpr Judge W 8 Bullock-of for tourist service betweenBanford and Weklwa Springs waslaunched Monday WeklwaIs a modern craft In every respectbeing equipped withand other modern conveniencesand improvements Including toilet

motors force the new boat Throughthe water at an 8mllepassengers can accom

In the cabin and on the upper deck

Death at San MateoMrs Abigail Tobey an old and

well known of San Mateodied at tbo hound nf her niece MissLouise MoShane there on Tuesdaymorning following an extondedness The funeral was held Thurs-day morning the itrvlnea being con-ducted Howard of

TITo er














Drawing for Brush Auto to be Meld

at Parricides Next Monday

Oft Monday September SOtliAt-13t30 oclock for thehandsome Brush automobile will be-

held in the store of the FvarnsldClothing Company on Lemon utreet

Is to say that an Immensecrowd of Interested Holders of ticketwill be on band and that much

will be manifested as to the re-

sultThe lucky number will be drawn

by a child blindfolded wltb sleevesabove the elbow so that It will bo afair square deal for all participants-The prize which by the way la abeauty hat been on exhibition at theFearnslde establishment ever sincethe contest was Inaugurated and ItIs by far the moat valuable gift everpresented to patrons by a Palatkabusiness concern The Interest thecontest has aroused Is somethingwonderful and Its success has exceeded the fairest anticipations of Itspromoters Not only are numbersheld by the people of Palatka and ofPutnam county but of every sectionof the Stale and Nation Even England Canada and Mexico are repre-sented which goes to show that ad-

vertising and that the enter-prise of the Fearnelde isappreciated throughout tho landThe outcome of the will ba

Remember the contest the biggestand boat ever oft by a merchenille establishment In Floridacloses on Monday and the drawingwill be promptly at 1280 oclockJoin the crowd and be on hand

As will be seen by the big Fearnside ad In thin issue another greatopportunity Is to be offered the trading public by this popular house foron a clearance of allsummer clothing will be InauguratedMr F J IS now In NewYork buying goods for the fall andwinter and this which will bethe largest and most complete everbrought to the city will soon be ar-

riving Boom must be made for ItBO hence tho Clearance Sate Redac-tions of one third and more will be

fact the goods will be soldalmost of cost Nothing-In the line of lightweight goods willbe reserved so visit the Fearnildeestablishment and secure somoof thegood things offered before they arenone Remember the Sale as wellas the Auto drawing Monday

Meat Market ReOpenedMonday morning W M Green

will reopen hIs meat market on Kir-by street In the West End He halrenovated and Improved his storethroughout and will be In abetter position than ever before tosatisfactorily trade Ho willkeep In stock u fine assortment ofFlorida and Y stern meats portsausage etc and willpromptly fill all orders Mr GreenIs an experienced meat man and un-derstands the wants of the peoplealong this line

Stokes AtkinsonThe attention of onr readers is called-

to the ad of Stokes Atkinson thewell known contractors and builders ofthis These gentlemen make aspecialty of building and repairing roeldenoes and are toand careful attention to nilwhether or small They haveseveral desirable contracts on handnow and have others in view If youooutfinplate see tlieiu for

and specificationsand prices

Rev Culpepper to Come

It hi expected that Rev J B Cnlpepper the noted evangelist willdeliver a prohibition address In thiscity In the near future A unionmeeting will be held and every effortmade to have It the greatest temper-ance rally ever given InDr Culpepper will come here afterthe election and conduct a big

which will last for ten days ortwo weeks










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Can be had ambitious menin the Bold of Wireless or

Railway Telegraphy Since the 8honreffective and since the

Wireless Companies are establishingstations countiIs a great of telegraphers Posltiona beginners from 70 to too

month with ohanoe of ad-vancement The National TelegraphInstitute operate sis officialIn supervision of rail-road and wireless officials

Memphis Tenn or Colombia H O

At the Christian TabernaclePreaching by the pastor every

fourth Sunday at 11 a m and 730p m Bible School at 3 p m everySunday Mid wek prayer meeting730 p m Wednesdays A cordialwelcome to all


Two new Shot Guns one litL C Smith one 19 Winchester

VThese to be CHEAP0 E BANDS


andl1atell 1Jh


RUM sold




yon wtlte them fotirfa lid alU at it



