crystal river news. (crystal river, fl) 1910-09-23 [p...

I I r r GERBERSONWi- sh to call attention to tho fact that they now located ia their handsome new store They curry in fctock one of i the moat complete lines of pOUSE in FURNISHINGSi- n tho State Prices a low as the lowest All goods guaranteed to be ad represented All old customers and tho public generally invited to call 305 Lemon Street Wilkie Block Lemon street pXJLATKA FLORIDA Columbus Wagons The Worlds Best Made by the International Harvester Company ALSO McCormick find DeerIng Mowers and Rakes And Repairs for same See the line before you buy P A I It Son c I i al are 14 Grber a 4 + + WILLIAM TURNAGE LOEBS OLD STAND PALATKA FLORIDA America by the medical authorities of Europe and Dispensed In capsules dlf Be sure and get the genuine wuaaAMS KVO cu omo lots 4tt Goods r AL 5 BROWN Exclusive Agent for KNOX Hats Both Straws and Felts at Tampa The American Pomological Society is to meet at Tampa the last This is to be a Convention and there will be a grand exhibit of Florida products Florida fruit and vegetable growers should foot foremost one that will be remembered In order to secure a large exhibit the E 0 Painter Fertilizer Company Is Offering Valuable Prizes offer 25 best box of Alto valo Mt cash for Oranges Grape Fruit Beans Cauliflower fug Potatoes easb prizes which amount to than 350 Write for particulars and for the complete record of prizes It fa not too early to plan your exhibit now THIS 0 PAINTER FERTILIZER COMPANY Jacksonville Florida I fl Trocheis Colchicine Salicylate A standard and Inlalllble cure for endorsed stomach without irritation disagreeable Price 1 Sold br One Third Off on all k r I fancy Display Pineapples dJtY- L 7 for e E Capsules COLCHICINt SAIi LAT solve in a- q Wit 1S botto or tbtissa 1 S u met t asss ar ssw mss asasrss tie esser o s o- We Cabbage salon >> = SILVERWARE JEWELRY CLOCKS CUT GLASS aM and Jewelry Repairing Also ENGRAVING DONE BATIBFAOTION GUARANTEED J SMITH THE r t h tlJ m tida- t V I J LEMON ST PAL Ti AtiFJA j jf- f t 1- i r PROMPTLY l JEW t EEC r A- MMyM41 L < < < INTERLACIIEN Correspondence TimesHerald Mr Oeo JJ Gillette oar prominent merchant ba been quite III for ueveru days Dr A M of Palatka is the attending physician Mrs Qeo W Huttrta wlh her two children of Palatkavlsltod her toother Mrs Goo Berkelmann last week Born to Mr and Mrs Walter Vivian on Beptemoer 10 a dainty little daugh- ter J II Wylie Harold Mann and Ray Qano were among the vkftoni to Pn- latka recently Niece Kruia and Wiunefred and I E Jordan were delightfully eu tertathed at the home ot Mr 0 J OHavtr In Kenka Friday evening Miss Erma Baker a teacher in the Bostwlck school Saturday and Sunday at her home in Pleasant Valley Edgar Biker of Kouka is assiitlng lu tbe tore work dariug Mr Illness Misses Hattie and OUrlna Prater re- turned from Baldwin and Mr Olenny where they have r i4 Altes will teadh the 3 i- sama school this year Mr P 0 OlJimr who been spending Ibo past summer at hU hnm m loft Sunday for Ureeucuiilt college course at De Pauw University Mr UHaver will spend some time with his mother who has been visttlug In Indiana since early August befote his sobool opens Rev J S Collier spent last week at his home in filled his Appointment at MoMeekln Sunday Gano leaves for his home in Nashville Teun Saturday NO REASON FOR DOUBT Indiana he finishes five t LaS totted hat < ¬ A STATEMENT OP PACTS BACKED BY A STRONG GUARANTEE We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation IP every case where we we will sup- ply the medicine Bezall Orderllei a ntl live depandablaf itijTrnfe bowel regu- lator strengthener tonic They reestablish natures functions In a quiet easy way They do not cause any Inconvenience griping or nausea They are so pleasant to take and work so that they may be taken by one anti at any time They thoroughly tone op the whole system to Kexall Otderlles are unsurpassable and Ideal for the use of old folks and delicate personi VVe can- not too highly recommeni them to all sufferers from any forte of con stlpatlon Hull Its attendant evils Two sizes lUo and 25o Euperaber you can obtain Bexull Remedies la this community oaly at our The Rezall Store The Ackerman Stewart Drug Oo fall Ire anU an I a ¬ The College of Agriculture offers n culture aj3iA- dmleslou without examinations No limit All white citizens eligible Please tell further information uLlres JJ Vernon Gainesville CASTOR IA For Infants and Children Tho Kind You Have Always Bovgiit Bears the Signature I WANTED COSMOPOLITAN MALL ZINB requires the sirvUes a repre- sentative In Palatka to look after subscription renewal and to extond circulation by methods Which have proved unusually successful Salary and eommliston Previous experience desirable oL AP dress with references H 0 Cam bell Cosmopolitan Magazine 176 Broadway New York City- A Man of Iron Hcrve Indomitable will and tremendous en arn never found where Stomach Liver and Bowels are out of order If want these qualities and the sncces they use New Life Pills the matchless for keen brain and strong 25o at Drug 001 and J L Burts j bon tort Irre male Florid 4 H of clal tlal Whole time or spare tin regula- tors Twelve Weeks Novetnber oiallyplanned TtltlOzz a Aexernan Stewart ¬ ¬ cool furnished moms river front on Then take heed of this little notice and make this MKAT MAKKBT your the beet and choicest meat sold and only the most cour- teous and prompt attention given ftf Hastings and Western Meats THOS CANNON Phone9 8 Lemon 04 91 k ujHia- an pa r n ant FRESU rR n s tact oue ep cure tick > Is taken by people in trop cal countries all the year round It stops wasting and keeps up the strength and summer as well Winter 1 AU DRUGGISTS INSANELY TlhjrclatveB of 4 p t rlum years old and not th hospital feared the old man would the fortuno they wanted when die by his many acts of and charity to friendless years ago the old man Tendered into a Chicago mission Ho the rear and listened atten- tively Jo the services Converts began- to testy and when they bad finished the arose He old his story He old be was wealthy but unhap- py le sought peace among tboso who dtyotcd their lives to Gods serv- ice man n hI h poor he world In 111 t Irs R should tin It w this One sa of Chicago t Insane au t6e yff d been dlssl as eflfdri ght three ¬ ¬ ¬ He jilned the mission Tbet he took cheap quarters In the tenomnt district and each day went o find poorly clad and poorly lldren that be might brighten yes U children needed clothes or Id man bought them Or he poor boy a bright red Me girl a doll or his money to make happy and he regularly mission and paid a good expenses- ho happiest man In tbe t was often beard to remark urned In at tbe closo of a icd to buying presents for the Ww of course Who but a crazy go about tbe streets giving his money to every little child he happened to meet At least that It the way tbo tnsano commissioners looked at It The heirs bad llttlp difficulty prow ing the ahem insanity of such an un usual action on tbe part of a man with money to f candy- nt c Cr y7 man ould awa < And so they took the old man who bad been so happy In helping tho chil- dren and shut him up In tbe county asylum where be could not spend the heirs money mission friends tried hard to get Stout eantlme deprived of his chlcfcst Sane T 101- 1ho heirs get some of their mon- ey nd much good may It do them of the good old man those three supremely happy years nortbank goodness can they take away from tbe forlorn walls of the street tbe dresses and shoes and wagons and dolfs and tbe happiness Skin and Scalp Troubles Yield 4ni an liquid preparation for ex- i73 Drug confident that Zemo will and scalp of Infant or of pimples black beaks I coma r poison or any other form 1 eruption that thpy ar money back II you are ly satisfied with the results rom the use of Zemo brat application will give Im e relief and show an Improve n every Instance used tontly will destroy the germ coddltion i Pfll e poor old man t wll But they never can take out ot the to Remo In non prickly heat hles oaip ri p p t leaving the akin In a clean eal oldb ACICERU4Y8TEV ART DRUO Co t actually hrs I Aokerman Stewart n ¬ < E Edfflonson Corner Lemon and 1 7th Stroots Is bfiering some BABE BAR GAINS IN Goods tolieawld- ofOc 4 12C 20 reduction on Dress Goods and 25 to f80 per cent on Ladies Hats and get some of these BARGAINS They ont last long JI I Dress h ilad Hats 1O percent all Come a LpCOMOTIVE AUTO NAN Do you know how much power Is In a locomotive TV best locomotive made uses only B IMT cent of be power developed by th coal burned under Its boilers Miietyfive per cent is wastcdl Aril do you know that the average man today wastes that much mental and physical power The psychologists say so There la not no much difference In men as regards latent power or abil- ity The difference Is to be found very largely ia one man knowing bet ter than another how to use the power t he has j To put It In another way gets the mot out of himself keeps his clutch In high speed He knows bow to connect with his power how to Watch the chauffeur Before be starts bis machine ha makes careful inspection He nJJosts lever scrapes spark plugs notes the radiator tests the clutches fills the water tank oils the friction parts In- flates the tires tries his engine and then In automobile parlance the man who I utlllzl the force ot his engine wanted driving ¬ ¬ ¬ Honk noak HonkC The engine starts the clutch Is thrown In and In a few revolutions his car Is going full speed Ho Is first sure of his power and then ho connects with It In a way to get most out of It without hurting the machine A man must do likewise He must carefully adjust all the working machinery of his mind and body so as to produce power Then when the big task comes and the stress is upon him be throws In the clutch and makes full speed and Is careful not to burn up his machine And Just as the chauffeur IB sometimes obliged to change his clutch from high to low speed In order to climb a long hill so must the man slow up under dlfflcultybut Once up the hill he reverses to high speed NinetyBye per cent of waste Is too much That Is why the locomotive must give way to the electric motor engine- So of the man who wastes that much He cannot compete with the man who can use 40 or GO per cent of his power Great men know how to use their power They get Into gear with the infinite forces In themselves Success In life Is largely a matter of making proper use of power keep RISKED LIFE FOR A BIRD William Dayton a sailor risked his life In Philadelphia to save a sparrow Tho bird had been caught by a tan gled kite string In tbo top of a large sycamore tree where it fluttered help- lessly Its cries attracting a crowd Dayton threw off his coat and climbed the tree reaching the top sev entyfive feet from the pavement The small branches bent beneath his weight Crawling cautiously ho caught tho string and released the bird The crowd cheered The Humane society gave him n medal Whereat somebody may say Pooh Much ado about nothing Perhaps somebody has never read how Abraham Lincoln saved the rob insIt was In the early days when Lin- coln the young lawyer was riding the Springfield circuit In those times the judges and the lawyers traveled to- gether usually on horseback from town to town where the court was held On this day there bad been wind and rain As the horsemen with many a Jest passed along the road a mother robin was observed to be in much dis- tress The wind had blown her nest from a nook In tho rail fence and scat tered her blrdllngs Lincoln dismounted and the others passed on He picked up the nest gathered the llttlohrood of nurslings and replaced them nest and birds In the place from which they had been blown What have you been doing Abel inquired one of tho lawyers when Lin- coln caught up with the party The latter answered nothing But there happened to be a witness of the inci- dent who told It In after years A little thing r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ In the dictionary of Goodness there are no little things Even In Gods great program there- Is care for tho sparrows Tim Father of us all watches over the birds and not ono of them falls to the ground un noted The Great Goodness that di- rects tho vast machinery of the uni- verse does not consider the taU of a sparrow n little thing And so that Philadelphia sailor when he rescued the poor bird and Abraham Lincoln when bo picked up tho little f was doing n godlike thing Because In this common sol saw something great and thing of the humanity that wy coin something of the was In Christ Why did the people cheer dl root Deg goo ¬ ¬ ¬ > + NATURE Needs an Assistant The corn In the farmers bin doeinot iliad Itself Ko more can Nature aluns and tin aided always perform the enormous that are to often forced upon her Nature Needs an Assistant Perfect health Is tho reeult of study and reeearch It has taken centuries to under itand the human body and to find conditions and remedies to develop a health equilibrium Any one with a sick stomach er bllloui constipated and nervous Is not at all likely to regain their health unaided Nature Need aa Assistant ST JOSEPHS NATURES BEST ASSISTANT This remedy has proven tie true and tried friend of the human family by giving prompt relief when taken for Constipation Indigestion Biliousness Iyspcp ness or other troubles Incident to a torpid or Inactive liver and a cloned up system a pleasant remedy of great power unit Natures assistant In tho highest degree I- Is made In both liquid and powder form la pleasant and asrccablo to the taste prompt In action loaves no weaken lug after effects J I tub the test sluggish lIv t Liver Regulator- s la sic eulllll n Itself irsl Ills and ¬ > < Js an Ideal Liver Medicine We have n large number of letters frt satisfied patrons who have been btmcQted brit St Josephs Liver Regulator IB sold by druwlsts ami general merchants or you can scud to us fur It Price Llauld SO data a bottle Powders In tin boxes 23 cents a box Sample of powders and booklet seat free on application GERSTLE MEDICINE CO CtuUanaoja TtwMW TWO ARE LYNCHED AT TAMPA Cigar Strike Brings on Lynching of Two Prominent Italians TAUPA Frs dept 21 There Is gen oral quiet today following the last night of Oastengo FJoarolto and Augelo Albaoo two Italians who have been prominent in the cigar strike here The lynching WM so quietly planned and executed that the authori- ties have little hope of arresting the It end cured lynch- ing ¬ ¬ Ijnchen Both men were arrested late In the evening by a deputy sheriff charged with accessories to the shooting of J D Eisterllng the bookkeeper or Bostlllo Bros and lIae several days ago They were looked in the West barracks for a time and shortly 9 oclock were taken out placed in a hank Hud started toward the coun- ty jail in Tampa They were accom by Deputy Sheriffs Evans and Bryan When the hack in which the four men were riding reached Howard and UrandOentral avenues a men fifty or seventyfive In number halted the party The officers were told to get oat and driver ordered to turn- around The prisoners handonffed td each other were to alight t toe two prisoners were marched off the burned to the nearest and sent a message to police headquarters- When Police Chief Woodward arrived at the sceuo no live man was in sight He was greeted with sight of two bodies swinging us the When the bodies were out down after two hours it was found that the neces- sity for both to the same limb arose when the mob failed In an effort- to sever the chain connecting their hands Ficarotta his pipe gripped firmly in his teeth and wore his hat Following the discovery of the bodies here At mid night a crowd ot 2000 had gathered and tensity of feeling from the now on was evidenced- If you havent the time to exercise will prevent constipation They induce a mild easy of the bowels without Ask your druggist for them 25 cents Suffered day and night the tor meD of Itching plies Nothing helped me I used It oared me permanently Hon John R Garrett Mayor Girard Ala Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of Cham berlains given as soon as the child becomes or even after the croupY cough appears will prevent attack atewart Drug Co WHY NOT TRY POPHAMS Asthma Remedy Tampa attt r the i 1 armed s moon- light t t d ttt t ir ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ++ H- CHl HESTER S i PANY Vi 1b- UWOND IIUIfD rrLL5 iota tcalUe ttfbborL 1 0 cBr- DUKOXD 7trr MM EVERYW- rJ a 7 DIAMOND dw- LADlxa t a D14 4 for Ct1C boay sine Tau ossss- sntaI a s k a years tegsrded u LOfIDA <

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Page 1: Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1910-09-23 [p ] · supremely happy years nortbank goodness can they take away from

I I r r

GERBERSONWi-sh to call attention to tho fact that they now locatedia their handsome new store They curry in fctock one of

i the moat complete lines of



tho State Prices a low as the lowest All goodsguaranteed to be ad represented All old customers and

tho public generally invited to call

305 Lemon Street Wilkie Block Lemon street


Columbus WagonsThe Worlds Best

Made by the International Harvester Company


McCormick find DeerIng Mowers and Rakes

And Repairs for same See the linebefore you buy



It Son






14 Grbera 4+ +


Americaby the medical authorities of Europe and

Dispensed In capsules dlf

Be sure and get the genuinewuaaAMS KVO cu omo lots

4tt Goodsr AL 5 BROWNExclusive Agent for KNOX Hats

Both Straws and Felts

at Tampa

The American Pomological Society is to meet atTampa the last This is to bea Convention and there will be a grand exhibitof Florida products Florida fruit and vegetable growersshould foot foremostone that will be remembered In order to securea large exhibit

the E 0 Painter Fertilizer Company

Is Offering Valuable Prizes

offer 25 best box of Alto valoMt cash for Oranges Grape Fruit Beans Cauliflowerfug Potatoes easb prizes whichamount to than 350

Write for particulars and for the complete record of prizes It fa

not too early to plan your exhibit now



Trocheis Colchicine SalicylateA standard and Inlalllble cure forendorsed

stomach without irritationdisagreeable Price 1 Sold br

One ThirdOff on all

kr I

fancy Display Pineapples

dJtY-L 7

for e



SAIi LAT solve in a-qWit 1S botto

or tbtissa

1 Su mett

asss ar ssw mss asasrss

tie esser o s o-







aM and Jewelry RepairingAlso ENGRAVING DONE




t h tlJ m tida-tV



ft 1-

i r




MMyM41 L





Correspondence TimesHeraldMr Oeo JJ Gillette oar prominent

merchant ba been quite III for ueverudays Dr A M of Palatka is theattending physician

Mrs Qeo W Huttrta wlh her twochildren of Palatkavlsltod her tootherMrs Goo Berkelmann last week

Born to Mr and Mrs Walter Vivianon Beptemoer 10 a dainty little daugh-ter

J II Wylie Harold Mann and RayQano were among the vkftoni to Pn-

latka recentlyNiece Kruia and Wiunefred

and I E Jordan were delightfully eutertathed at the home ot Mr 0 JOHavtr In Kenka Friday evening

Miss Erma Baker a teacher in theBostwlck school Saturday andSunday at her home in Pleasant Valley

Edgar Biker of Kouka is assiitlng lutbe tore work dariug MrIllness

Misses Hattie and OUrlna Prater re-turned from Baldwin and MrOlenny where they have r i4

Altes will teadh the 3 i-

sama school this yearMr P 0 OlJimr who been

spending Ibo past summer at hU hnmm loft Sunday for Ureeucuiilt

college course at De Pauw UniversityMr UHaver will spend some time withhis mother who has been visttlug InIndiana since early August befote hissobool opens

Rev J S Collier spent last week athis home in filled hisAppointment at MoMeekln Sunday

Gano leaves for his home inNashville Teun Saturday


Indiana he finishes five







We guarantee complete relief toall sufferers from constipation IPevery case where we we will sup-

ply the medicineBezall Orderllei a ntl

live depandablaf itijTrnfe bowel regu-

lator strengthener tonic Theyreestablish natures functions In aquiet easy way They do not causeany Inconvenience griping ornausea They are so pleasant totake and work so that theymay be taken by one anti at anytime They thoroughly tone op thewhole system to

Kexall Otderlles are unsurpassableand Ideal for the use of oldfolks and delicate personi VVe can-not too highly recommeni them toall sufferers from any forte of constlpatlon Hull Its attendant evilsTwo sizes lUo and 25o Euperaberyou can obtain Bexull Remedies lathis community oaly at ourThe Rezall Store The AckermanStewart Drug Oo





The College of Agriculture offers n

culture aj3iA-

dmleslou without examinations Nolimit All white citizens

eligible Please tellfurther information uLlres J J

Vernon Gainesville

CASTOR IAFor Infants and Children

Tho Kind You Have Always Bovgiit

Bears theSignature I

WANTED COSMOPOLITAN MALLZINB requires the sirvUes a repre-sentative In Palatka to look aftersubscription renewal and to extondcirculation by methods Whichhave proved unusually successfulSalary and eommliston Previousexperience desirable oL AP

dress with references H 0 Cambell Cosmopolitan Magazine 176Broadway New York City-

A Man of Iron HcrveIndomitable will and tremendous en

arn never found where StomachLiver and Bowels are out oforder If want these qualities andthe sncces they useNew Life Pills the matchless

for keen brain and strong25o at Drug 001and J L Burts





4 H



tlal Whole time or spare tin


Twelve WeeksNovetnber



Aexernan Stewart



cool furnished momsriver fronton

Then take heed of this little noticeand make this MKAT MAKKBT your

the beet and choicestmeat sold and only the most cour-teous and prompt attention given

ftfHastings and Western Meats

THOS CANNONPhone9 8 Lemon 04

91 k ujHia-an pa r


ant FRESU rRn s

tact oue ep cure



Is taken by people in tropcal countries all the yearround It stops wasting andkeeps up the strength and

summer as wellWinter


INSANELYTlhjrclatveB of 4 p t

rlumyears old and

not th hospitalfeared the old man would

the fortuno they wantedwhen die by his many actsof and charity to friendless

years ago the oldman Tendered into a Chicago missionHo the rear and listened atten-tively Jo the services Converts began-to testy and when they bad finishedthe arose

He old his storyHe old be was wealthy but unhap-

py le sought peace among tbosowho dtyotcd their lives to Gods serv-ice


hI h poor he worldIn

111 t IrsR


It w thisOne



Chicagot Insane au

t6eyff d been



ght three




He jilned the missionTbet he took cheap quarters In the

tenomnt district and each day wento find poorly clad and poorlylldren that be might brightenyesU children needed clothes or

Id man bought them Or hepoor boy a bright redMe girl a doll or

his money to makehappy and he regularlymission and paid a good

expenses-ho happiest man In tbe

t was often beard to remarkurned In at tbe closo of a

icd to buying presents for the

Ww of course Who but a crazygo about tbe streets giving

his money to every little childhe happened to meet

At least that It the way tbo tnsanocommissioners looked at It

The heirs bad llttlp difficulty prowing the ahem insanity of such an unusual action on tbe part of a manwith money



cCr y7

man ouldawa


And so they took the old man whobad been so happy In helping tho chil-

dren and shut him up In tbe countyasylum where be could not spend theheirs money

mission friends tried hard to getStouteantlme deprived of his chlcfcst

Sane T101-1ho heirs get some of their mon-

ey nd much good may It do them

of the good old man those threesupremely happy years nortbankgoodness can they take away fromtbe forlorn walls of the street tbedresses and shoes and wagons anddolfs and tbe happiness

Skin and Scalp

Troubles Yield

4ni an liquid preparation for ex-i73 Drug

confident that Zemo willand scalp of Infant orof pimples black beaks

I comar poison or any other form

1 eruption that thpyar money back II you are

ly satisfied with the resultsrom the use of Zemo

brat application will give Ime relief and show an Improven every Instance used

tontly will destroy the germ



Pfll e poor old mant


But they never can take out ot the

to Remo


prickly heat hlesoaip

ri p

pt leaving the akin In a clean


t actually


I Aokerman Stewart




E EdfflonsonCorner Lemon and1 7th Stroots

Is bfiering some BABE BAR





4 12C20 reduction onDress Goods and 25 to

f80 per cent on Ladies Hats

and get some of

these BARGAINS Theyont last long




h ilad Hats

1O percentall



LpCOMOTIVE AUTO NANDo you know how much power Is

In a locomotiveTV best locomotive made uses only

B IMT cent of be power developed byth coal burned under Its boilers

Miietyfive per cent is wastcdlAril do you know that the average

man today wastes that much mentaland physical power

The psychologists say soThere la not no much difference In

men as regards latent power or abil-ity The difference Is to be foundvery largely ia one man knowing better than another how to use the power

t he hasj To put It In another way

gets the mot out of himself keeps hisclutch In high speed He knows bowto connect with his power how to

Watch the chauffeurBefore be starts bis machine ha

makes careful inspection He nJJostslever scrapes spark plugs notes theradiator tests the clutches fills thewater tank oils the friction parts In-

flates the tires tries his engine andthen

In automobile parlance the man who

I utlllzl the force ot his engine






Honk noak HonkCThe engine starts the clutch Is

thrown In and In a few revolutionshis car Is going full speed

Ho Is first sure of his power andthen ho connects with It In a way toget most out of It without hurting themachine

A man must do likewiseHe must carefully adjust all the

working machinery of his mind andbody so as to produce power Thenwhen the big task comes and thestress is upon him be throws In theclutch and makes full speed and Iscareful not to burn up his machine

AndJust as the chauffeur IB sometimes

obliged to change his clutch from highto low speed In order to climb a longhill so must the man slow up underdlfflcultybut Once upthe hill he reverses to high speed

NinetyBye per cent of waste Is toomuch That Is why the locomotivemust give way to the electric motorengine-

So of the man who wastes thatmuch He cannot compete with theman who can use 40 or GO per cent ofhis power

Great men know how to use theirpower They get Into gear with theinfinite forces In themselves

Success In life Is largely a matterof making proper use of power


RISKED LIFE FOR A BIRDWilliam Dayton a sailor risked his

life In Philadelphia to save a sparrowTho bird had been caught by a tan

gled kite string In tbo top of a largesycamore tree where it fluttered help-lessly Its cries attracting a crowd

Dayton threw off his coat andclimbed the tree reaching the top seventyfive feet from the pavement Thesmall branches bent beneath hisweight Crawling cautiously ho caughttho string and released the bird

The crowd cheeredThe Humane society gave him n

medalWhereat somebody may say Pooh

Much ado about nothingPerhaps somebody has never read

how Abraham Lincoln saved the robinsIt

was In the early days when Lin-

coln the young lawyer was riding theSpringfield circuit In those times thejudges and the lawyers traveled to-

gether usually on horseback fromtown to town where the court washeld

On this day there bad been wind andrain As the horsemen with many aJest passed along the road a motherrobin was observed to be in much dis-

tress The wind had blown her nestfrom a nook In tho rail fence and scattered her blrdllngs

Lincoln dismounted and the otherspassed on He picked up the nestgathered the llttlohrood of nurslingsand replaced them nest and birds Inthe place from which they had beenblown

What have you been doing Abelinquired one of tho lawyers when Lin-

coln caught up with the party Thelatter answered nothing But therehappened to be a witness of the inci-

dent who told It In after yearsA little thing









In the dictionary of Goodness thereare no little things

Even In Gods great program there-Is care for tho sparrows Tim Fatherof us all watches over the birds andnot ono of them falls to the ground unnoted The Great Goodness that di-

rects tho vast machinery of the uni-verse does not consider the taU of asparrow n little thing And so thatPhiladelphia sailor when he rescuedthe poor bird and Abraham Lincolnwhen bo picked up tho little fwas doing n godlike thing

Because In this common solsaw something great andthing of the humanity that wycoin something of thewas In Christ

Why did the people cheer










NATURENeeds an AssistantThe corn In the farmers bin doeinot iliad

Itself Ko more can Nature aluns and tinaided always perform the enormousthat are to often forced upon her

Nature Needs an AssistantPerfect health Is tho reeult of study and

reeearch It has taken centuries to underitand the human body and to findconditions and remedies to develop a healthequilibrium

Any one with a sick stomacher bllloui constipated and nervous Is notat all likely to regain their health unaided

Nature Need aa Assistant



This remedy has proven tie true andtried friend of the human family by givingprompt relief when taken for ConstipationIndigestion Biliousness Iyspcpness or other troubles Incident to a torpid orInactive liver and a cloned up system

a pleasant remedy of great power unitNatures assistant In tho highest degree I-

Is made In both liquid and powder form lapleasant and asrccablo to the taste promptIn action loaves no weakenlug after effects




the test

sluggish lIv


Liver Regulator-s











Js an Ideal Liver Medicine

We have n large number of letters frtsatisfied patrons who have been btmcQted

britSt Josephs Liver Regulator IB sold

by druwlsts ami general merchants or youcan scud to us fur It Price Llauld SO dataa bottle Powders In tin boxes 23 cents abox Sample of powders and booklet seatfree on application


CtuUanaoja TtwMW


Cigar Strike Brings on Lynching ofTwo Prominent Italians

TAUPA Frs dept 21 There Is genoral quiet today following the

last night of Oastengo FJoaroltoand Augelo Albaoo two Italians whohave been prominent in the cigar strikehere The lynching WM so quietlyplanned and executed that the authori-ties have little hope of arresting the


end cured




IjnchenBoth men were arrested late In the

evening by a deputy sheriff chargedwith accessories to the shootingof J D Eisterllng the bookkeeper orBostlllo Bros and lIae several daysago They were looked in the West

barracks for a time and shortly9 oclock were taken out placed

in a hank Hud started toward the coun-ty jail in Tampa They were accom

by Deputy Sheriffs Evans andBryan

When the hack in which the fourmen were riding reached Howard andUrandOentral avenues amen fifty or seventyfive In numberhalted the party The officers were toldto get oat and driver ordered to turn-around The prisoners handonffed tdeach other were to alight

t toe two prisoners were marchedoff the burned to the nearest

and sent a message to policeheadquarters-

When Police Chief Woodward arrivedat the sceuo no live man was in sightHe was greeted with sightof two bodies swinging us the

When the bodies were out down aftertwo hours it was found that the neces-sity for both to the same limbarose when the mob failed In an effort-to sever the chain connecting theirhands Ficarotta his pipe grippedfirmly in his teeth and wore his hat

Following the discovery of the bodieshere At mid

night a crowd ot 2000 had gatheredand tensity of feeling fromthe now on was evidenced-

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Suffered day and night the tormeD of Itching plies Nothing helpedme I used Itoared me permanently Hon JohnR Garrett Mayor Girard Ala

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