crowle: the way forward. a time to reflect & think over 10 years since the village hall was built...

Download Crowle: THE WAY FORWARD. A time to reflect & think Over 10 years since the Village Hall was built Village has expanded over the last decade Playing field

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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  • A time to reflect & think Over 10 years since the Village Hall was built Village has expanded over the last decade Playing field area is in need of refurbishment Current facilities are run at capacity Provision of facilities to meet the needs of all groups and all ages
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  • Looking to the future Now is a time to think about what the community would like for the next 10 years and beyond What facilities have you always wished Crowle had? Additional facilities for the Village Hall? Additional or upgrading of facilities on the playing fields? New community groups & classes? New additional facilities around the village? Here are some ideas
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  • New Facilities A new Pavilion by the Village Hall and Playing Field providing dedicated Changing Rooms, Kitchen, Toilets and Club Room. The Pavilion could provide additional facilities for our existing Clubs including Bowls, Football and Tennis, plus encourage new ones e.g. Table Tennis, Netball, Badminton, Cricket, Rounders, Rugby, Athletics
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  • Village Hall Improvements Additional hall area Additional storage facilities for clubs Other ideas and club requirements could be included in the design
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  • Sporting facilities Improvements to drainage of playing field to enable additional sport and recreational use. Additional Sports Pitches to facilitate the expansion of current Sports Clubs and encourage new ones to be established New sporting facilities and clubs e.g. Basketball / Netball Cricket / Rounders Rugby Climbing wall MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) Activity/ Fitness trail Running track / Cycle track Flood lighting
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  • Sporting facilities
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  • MUGA court (Multi Use Games Area) or separate sporting facilities
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  • Sporting facilities
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  • New Play and Leisure Facilities Outdoor climbing wall or boulders Outdoor fitness trail
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  • New Play and Leisure Facilities What other sporting facilities would you like in Crowle?
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  • Playground Is new Playground equipment needed?
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  • Outdoor Seating Area Seating can be used by school and community groups
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  • Around the Village Improvement to paths and bridleways around the village Create cycleway and safer and permanent access to playing fields Family Skills cycle challenges along the path and/ or on the playing fields
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  • Around the Village Sensory gardens As well as the Village Hall and Playing Fields, the Parish Council owns the Parish Gardens on the corner of Froxmere Road and Church Road. What ideas do you have on how the Parish Garden and other areas of Village, for eg the pond on Netherwood Lane, could be used ? Are you aware of any land that could be put to better use? Are you a landowner that would be happy for the community to utilise part of your land?
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  • Themed circular walks: Family/ Adventure/ Nature /Historical trails & Sculpture trails around the surrounding area Walking Trail
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  • Community Orchard Development of a community orchard We live in an area of former orchard, where still a lot of fruit grown, goes to waste Development of a free fruit guide for the village Involvement of school and community groups Skills sharing and community action
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  • Artwork Public artwork On or near the Village Hall Around the playing fields Around the village Crowle Crest inspired by the community and made by a local artist
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  • Community Groups What new community groups would you like? Cookery/ Craft Art / Photography Badminton / Table tennis Cricket / Rounders / Running Cycle / Running club Youth Film Choir Community shop/ coffee shop Lunch time club for retired people Bridge / Whist club What ideas have you got?
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  • The Next Step We need to know your views and ideas Complete the questionnaire online at or on paper copies available at the Post Office, Village Hall and Old Chequers Survey results will be compiled and ideas shortlisted Feasibility carried out of popular ideas Investigation into funding opportunities So please let us know your views