crossroads 2012

50 years educating with passion S Also on this issue: messages from our graduates, ex-teachers and other former members of our staff. The history of San Cristobal and our school. Art by our students... and more! DOSSIER: Father Carlos O’Leary The man who started it all

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Magazine created by the high school English Department at Santa Cruz to celebrate the institution's 50th anniversary. Sigh our guestbook at:


Page 1: Crossroads 2012

50 years educating with passion S

Also on this issue: messages from our graduates, ex-teachers and other former members of our staff.

The history of San Cristobal and our school. Art by our students... and more!


Father Carlos O’Leary

The man who started it all

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CONTENTS Editor’s letter (by Silvia Orden) …………………………………………………..….… 3 DOSSIER: Padre Carlos O’Leary (3rd year advanced) .…………………….…….… 4 LOOKING BACK: Looking at old photos (1st year advanced) …………………………………..……… 12 “San Cristóbal” – now and then (3rd year beginner) …………………...…………… 13 Conversations with a Passionist (3rd year beginner) …...………………….…….... 14 Meeting a member of the Irish community (2nd year intermediate) ……...…...…… 15 “THE WAY WE SEE IT” (5th year intermediate) … ……………………………....… 16 “THE WAY IT USED TO BE”: Memories of a dear doorkeeper (2nd year advanced) …….………..…….…...…… 17 Memories of a primary school teacher (4th year advanced) ...... …………...………17 Memories of a high school teacher (2nd year advanced) ………….……………..… 17 Memories of Religion teachers (4th year advanced) …………..……..…..………… 18 FIRST STUDENTS… THEN STAFF MEMBERS! A student turned into English teacher (3rd year advanced) …….………….……… 22 Our teachers and counsellors remember (2nd year advanced) …....……....……… 23 “ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS”: An interview to Alejandro Güena..…......…..……….…………………………..… 24 A letter from Federico Liutvinas ………….…………………..…….…………..… 25 Hi from New Zealand! (by Lucas Santonja)…………………………………….…………..… 27 Greetings from Canada! (by Verónica Abella) ………..…………………………..… 28

Comenten en nuestro libro de visitantes = Sign our guestbook!

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Silvia Orden

Patricia de Hoop

Nora San Martín

Ma. Del Carmen Sassone

1st to 5th year students

Special thanks to: Lucas Campos Gabriel Saldías Sergio Dalvessio

And those students who “walked the extra mile!”

Gladys Baya

Elsa D’Antuono

Lucía Amarelo

Norma Tomé

Editor’s note: Contributions to this e-zine are published here as submitted by

their authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff or institutional authorities. While corrections have been suggested during the drafting process, no editing has been done to final versions. Nota del editor: se han publicado las contribuciones a esta revista tal como fueron presentadas por sus autores. Los trabajos publicados no reflejan necesariamente las opiniones ni de miembros de nuestro equipo de redacción ni de las autoridades institucionales. Si bien se sugirieron correcciones durante el proceso de redacción, las versiones finales presentadas no han sido editadas.

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Editor’s letter

¡Qué acontecimiento único e irrepetible en

nuestras vidas… en la vida de los

Pasionistas, del personal del colegio, de ex

alumnos y alumnos…! Que nuestro colegio

haya sido parte de nosotros por tanto

tiempo… que haya guiado nuestros pasos y

acciones… que nos haya cobijado con su

calidez…es decir, que nos haya marcado


50 años… Cuántos recuerdos… Cuántos momentos vividos… Y cuánta

gente que ya no está pero que agradecemos que hayan construido el

colegio y formado parte del mismo…

El Padre Carlos O Leary… Cómo me emociono cuando pienso en él… ha

sido hermoso haberlo conocido y que haya formado parte de mi vida…

Pasé 33 años enseñando en mi amado colegio donde me he sentido

querida, valorada y respetada… Celebro el día de Marzo de 1979 en el

que, luego de haber sido entrevistada por el Padre Carlos, comencé a

trabajar y a desarrollar mi vida profesional con la misma Pasión que él

me transmitía.

Y celebro hoy, también, los 50 años de vida del Instituto Santa Cruz que

significa tanto como celebrar la vida…

Silvia Orden

PD: El tono se ajusta a una despedida anticipada ante mi próximo retiro.

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Father Carlos O’Leary: The Man Who Started It All

(3rd year advanced & 5th year beginner) EDITOR’S NOTE: The Spanish version of this article was originally published in a newsletter distributed in our community in 2004, on occasion of Father Carlos’ passing away. Whenever possible, authors have been stated.

NOTA DEL EDITOR: La versión en castellano de este artículo fue originalmente publicada en una cartilla distribuída entre miembros de nuestra comunidad en el año 2004, con motivo del fallecimiento del Padre Carlos. Los autores han sido indicados aquí cuando fue posible su identificación.

Father Carlos O’Leary

Padre Carlos O’Leary

After having endured a crippling illness, with great courage and fortitude, Father Carlos O’Leary passed away on 9 June, 2004 in the city of Buenos Aires. He had been the founder of Holy Cross Institute and his headmaster for many years. Father Carlos was born on September 16th, 1916 in Canals, Cordoba, Argentina. He was a member of the Passionist congregation and had been ordained priest on August 1945 in the “Basilica de Lujan” He was the parish priest in 1986 through 1989 and together with a group of enthusiastic lay, he built up a neighbourhood “San José Obrero” en Laferrere, province of Buenos Aires, a project which allowed many poor families to leave the rented rooms and the squatted houses where they were living in and to start building their own homes with their own hands.

Después de haber soportado con entereza, coraje y una creciente esperanza muchos años de enfermedad, falleció en Buenos Aires el 9 de junio de 2004 el P. Santiago (Carlos) O´Leary, fundador del Instituto Santa Cruz, que estuvo a su cargo durante muchos años. Nació el 16 de septiembre de 1919 en Canals, Córdoba (Argentina), miembro de la congregación de la Pasión (Misioneros Pasionistas), fue ordenado sacerdote el 12 de agosto de 1945 en la Basílica de Luján. Fue, posteriormente, párroco y, entre 1986 a 1989, junto a un grupo de laicos construyeron un barrio – San José Obrero – en Laferrere, provincia de Buenos Aires, que permitió a muchas familias poder dejar los inquilinatos de los barrios de San Cristóbal y Boedo para pasar a tener casa propia.

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A brother that came for a few days …

and stayed for thirty years

Being 27, Father Carlos came to Saint Paul School as the Head. He was an athlete, a male model for children and adolescents. Besides, he was a priest out of the ordinary. To carry out his projects, he had the ability to unify people’s will and he did not doubt to be the cook by the grill, the sweeper in the corridors or the forward in a game. He was simple and provided himself with the help of simple but loyal people, like Martin, who arrived asking for a temporary job and stayed for thirty years.

Un hermano que llegó… para


Llegó a los 27 años como director del Colegio San Pablo. Un atleta juvenil, un varón modelo de niños y adolescentes. Además, un sacerdote diferente. Para llevar adelante estas obras, tuvo la capacidad de unificar voluntades, y no se avergonzó de ser cocinero junto a la parrilla, barrendero en el colegio, delantero en un equipo o pierna en un partido de truco. Contó con la colaboración de hombres sencillos, como Martín, que un día llegó buscando trabajo, le dieron una changa por algunos días y se quedó… treinta años.

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Social service and something else

I think the parish fostered the development of some of the skills that did not show at school at that time. Father Carlos‘s hearing skills, the careful preparation of his preaching, his gifted advice, the sensitivity he displayed for the needs of the poor and his commitment and involvement with the cases of eviction of big families from taken houses made him organize a social system service, the hotel and taken houses group. He also built up the parish quarters and launched the housing programme in Laferrere.

Servicio social y algo más

Creo que la Parroquia le posibilitó desplegar algunos de los dones que no sobresalían en el colegio. Su capacidad de escucha, la cuidadosa preparación de la predicación, el don de consejo, la sensibilidad ante la necesidad de los pobres y la toma de partido en casos de desalojo de inquilinatos o casas tomadas. Organizó el servicio social, el grupo misionero de hoteles y casas tomadas. Construyó el anexo parroquial e impulsó las ya mencionadas viviendas en Laferrere.

Carlos: The Man

He bravely faced his paralysis for 18 years. He did not give in. He exercised relentlessly for his recovery. He wrote and read his masses overcoming his speech difficulties. He did not care about what people might say, or about what he saw when he looked at himself, having left behind that handsome and athletic man of the youth. He was not a superman. He was just nothing less than a MAN. He had his temper, but the amount of faithful lifelong friends describes his pain, his endless lonely days, and his life, entirely centred on Jesus.

Carlos: el hombre

Afrontó por dieciocho años la parálisis. No se entregó. Caminó puntualmente buscando recuperarse. Escribió y leyó sus homilías, venciendo la dificultad del habla. Superó el “qué dirán”, o la vergüenza de mostrarse sin “la pinta” de otros tiempos. Carlos no fue un superhombre. Fue mucho más: fue un hombre. Tuvo sus límites de temperamento, pero la cantidad de amigos y amigas fieles hablan de lo más profundo de su ser del tiempo, el dolor, los amigos, los interminables días de soledad y el sentido de la vida centrada en Jesús.

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Father, friend, head

He took part in every innovation that took place at school; from bettering the building with those breathtaking gardens with fruit trees to gaining space from the uncultivated areas. He was concerned with improving the quality of education and the quality time we spent at school. He was highly interested in sports and he devoted most of his time to practising them. He tried to get everybody involved in sports as he was. He was a great sports player, especially of football.

“Padre, amigo, director”

Siempre estaba al frente de todo lo nuevo que se emprendía en el “cole”, desde mejorar la imagen del edificio, hermosear todo con nuevos jardines, plantas frutales, más espacios ganados a la tierra, preocupándose desde luego por mejorar la calidad de la educación (bilingüe), y la calidad de nuestra presencia. Y nuestra actividad deportiva, a la que mucho espacio le dio, inculcándonos a todos la importancia de los “sports”. Era un gran deportista, un excelente futbolista y practicante de otros deportes.

From his hand, a school for all

“Santa Gemma”, in 1929, was a school situated next to where the building Holy Cross Institute is located nowadays. This school was for girls and was run by ladies of high society who belonged to “Las obras de la conservación de la Fe”. After some hesitation, Father Carlos started the setting up of a school for boys where he was running an English institute, next to “Santa Gemma”. By that time, 1962, the Provincial Head of the Passionist congregation was Father Geoghegan. As Passionist priests are not certified educators, it was decided that the pedagogical direction of the institute would be in lay hands. It was also agreed that English would be an

De su mano, un colegio - Es de todos y

para todos

Después de varios cabildeos y teniendo en cuenta los antecedentes de las Obras de Conservación de la Fe (promotoras de escuelas solventadas por un grupo de damas en estrecha colaboración con las iglesias, - una de esas escuelas, Santa Gemma, funcionó allá por 1923 en una casa particular sobre la calle 24 de Noviembre, (vecina al actual Instituto) y, también funcionó la academia parroquial de enseñanza del idioma inglés dirigida por el Padre Carlos O’Leary, un visionario y tesonero religioso, comienza los trámites para abrir el 19 de marzo de 1962 el actual Instituto Santa Cruz (de varones). Por ese entonces, el Provincial de la

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important part of the curricula. Parents that sent their girls to neighbouring school “Mater Ter Admirabilis”, started sending their boys to Holy Cross Institute and they formed the first parents’ association. Everybody, headed by Father Carlos, worked hard in the construction of the school, not only in the physical but also the spiritual trait that characterizes this school. There are many anecdotes about teachers, parents, even the construction workers that consider Holy Cross as their home. The institute grew bigger and bigger, so much so that in March 1969 the secondary section was opened, consisting of two shifts and ….the big change: Holy Cross Institute became co-ed! As time went by, Father Carlos was replaced by other priests, each of them with their own special traits, but all of them sharing the founding spirit, focusing their performance on a phrase said by the project’s creator: “What years ago was the work of a few,

today is the work of everybody for

everybody. And nobody is yet satisfied,

more and more is meant to be achieved

The memory of the first small school is

far away now and we believe that in the

near future this project will be put to the

service of children who are, in fact, the

final goal of all our efforts,” said Father Carlos. This wish has come true.


with its three sections and 1550

students, together with the Church,

the Monastery, the Calvary, and the

Nazareth spiritual House have made

up what is known as the Holy Cross

Square, which has a firm and

important presence in the


Congregación era el padre Ambrosio Geoghegan. Como los padres Pasionistas no son educadores, se decide que la conducción pedagógica del colegio estuviera en manos de un laico. También, se acordó continuar con la especialidad de la enseñanza del idioma Inglés. La liga de padres, en un principio, la formaron un grupo de varones que tenían a sus hijas en el vecino colegio Mater Misericordia. Todos, conducidos por el padre Carlos, trabajaron codo a codo para levantar lo que hoy es el edificio, espiritual y físico, de la ochava de 24 de Noviembre y Estados Unidos. Existen varias anécdotas que demuestran el compromiso del personal docente y no docente, de los padres, de los alumnos e incluso de los obreros de la construcción, que lo consideran su casa. El Instituto se consolidaba día a día. Tal es así, que el 1° de marzo de 1969 se abre la sección secundaria (turnos mañana y tarde). Ya en 1965, funcionaban salas de Jardín de infantes – hoy, iniciales- y, en 1982, se convierte en mixto. Fue pasando el tiempo y con el colegio en plena expansión barrial extendida, por esas reglas internas de las congregaciones, el padre Carlos es reemplazado como representante legal por otros sacerdotes. Cada uno con sus características, pero siempre manteniendo el espíritu fundacional, enfocaron su quehacer en una frase del creador del proyecto. “Hoy, lo que hace años fue la labor de

un grupo pequeño, es labor de todos y

nadie a su vez está conforme, se

pretende y se logrará mucho más. Lejos

está el recuerdo de la primera escuelita

y creemos que en un futuro no muy

lejano quedará terminada esta obra que

es de todos y para todos y, por sobre

todas las cosas, al servicio de los chicos

destinatarios al fin de nuestros

esfuerzos,” sostuvo en una oportunidad

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el padre Carlos O’Leary. Ese anhelo se hizo realidad. El instituto Santa Cruz A-496, con sus tres secciones y 1550 alumnos pasó a componer junto con la iglesia, el Monasterio, El Calvario y la Casa de Ejercicios Nazaret, lo que en la actualidad se denomina la manzana pasionista, de presencia firme y permanente en el barrio.

. “Hold on, I’ll dry my hands and see to


The school was being built, and, at the end of the summer recess, the halls, corridors and classrooms were thoroughly cleaned. One day, while a man was energetically draining water from the inside through the exit, he saw the shadow of a woman. He kept working hard, but not before asking this lady if she could kindly move aside so that she would not get wet. The woman, who was smartly dressed, moved a little bit after giving the man a piercing look of disapproval. When the man resumed his task, he involuntarily spilt some water on the woman’s shoes. He apologized immediately, while she complained and demanded to see the headmaster about a place for her son at school. It was then that Father Carlos said “Wait till I dry my hands and I’ll see to you” This anecdote describes Father Carlos O’Leary completely. He was hard working and perseverant, a real fighter. His perseverance –possibly inherited from his ancestors- made it possible for him to build the institute. He was not only responsible for the physical space but also for the “spirit” of the institution. He was, indeed “the builder”. Today “the builder” has gone but he has left us his legacy.

“Espere… me seco las manos y la

atiendo” (Pedro Armano1)

El colegio estaba en obra. Al final de cada receso escolar de verano, se lavaban a fondo los corredores y el pasillo de ingreso. Ese día, un hombre con movimientos enérgicos, escurría el agua hacia la salida. El secador iba y venía a ritmo casi febril. Una señora, elegantemente vestida, esperaba en la futura puerta de acceso. El señor, sin detener su compás, le dijo: “Córrase, que si no la voy a mojar”. La dama, un poco molesta, cumplió con lo indicado, aunque no guardó la distancia necesaria. Fue así como algunas gotas de agua mancharon sus brillosos zapatos. Pero también la mirada incriminatoria de la señora detuvo la marcha de aquel buen hombre. Aceptadas las disculpas del caso, la dama manifestó con cierta suficiencia: “Busco al Padre Carlos por una vacante para mi hijo”. El hombre, inalterable, le respondió: “Pase a esa salita y espere… que me seco las manos y la atiendo”. Lo narrado basta para pintar de cuerpo entero al Padre Carlos O’Leary. Tesonero; educador de voluntades y,

1 Pedro Armano was our primary school vice-head from the foundation until his retirement. He left great memories and teachings. (vicerrector de la primaria desde los comienzos de la misma hasta que se jubiló. Lamentablemente, falleció en 2009., pero nos dejó grandes recuerdos y enseñanzas).

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sobre todas las cosas, trabajador incansable –no es metafórico- : en muchas oportunidades, colocó ladrillo sobre ladrillo. Su insistencia, heredad tal vez de sus ancestros, permitió la construcción del Instituto. Entonces, no se puede dudar en llamarlo el hacedor, el de la etapa fundacional. En síntesis, el constructor. Hoy, el constructor se fue. Nos deja su legado y su impronta.

Passion for the people

When I got the news of Father Carlos’ passover, “the other” Carlos (“Carlitos”), told me: “If we had to define Father Carlos in a few words, they would be passion for the people”. This is what those of us who shared part of the way with him saw in him Brave attitudes in difficult situations, even at dictatorship times, the creation of the social service system as an answer to the needs of the poor, the housing project “San José Obrero” for the homeless, are feats in the life of a great man.

Pasión por la gente

Cuando me dieron la noticia de la Pascua del P.Carlos, el otro Carlos me dijo – “Si tuviéramos que definir a Carlos en pocas palabras, estas serían: ‘Pasión por la gente’”. Eso es lo que vimos en Carlos aquellos que hemos compartido con él parte del camino. Actitudes valientes frente a situaciones difíciles, como en la época de la dictadura, la creación del servicio social como respuesta a las necesidades del barrio frente a los desalojos de las familias más pobres de la comunidad parroquial, la puesta en marcha de un proyecto de viviendas “San José Obrero”… y así en cada acto de su vida…

A faithful disciple

He did not only set up a building but also added values, life and spirit to it, in spite of the difficulties. We still remember him turning up from nowhere to share the celebration of a goal at the back yard. We can still see him at every corner, enjoying life and friendship, making no differences at all. He left us on June 9th, 2004 at 9 a.m. God Father received our dear Father Carlos with open arms. We are in communion with one another, thanking God for his life.

Un fiel discípulo

El recorría los pasillos del colegio. No sólo levantó un edificio, le agregó valores, vida e impulso, a pesar de las oscuridades que puedan brotar de nuestras intolerancias o falta de memoria. Así lo vimos en cada rincón, saboreando la amistad, sin hacer diferencias, acercándose por detrás en cada gol que gritábamos en el patio del colegio. Nos dejó el miércoles 9 de junio de 2004, a las 9 de la mañana. Dios Padre recibió a nuestro querido Padre Carlos con los brazos abiertos. Estamos en comunión unos con otros, dando gracias a Dios por su vida entregada al Evangelio.

The Passionist Family Familia Pasionista

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Looking at old photos (1st year advanced)

21st Century kids browse old snapshots of our area … and

discover it has changed a lot! Photos from: Santa Cruz – La historia de un barrio

In the last century, “San Cristóbal” changed a lot. Now it’s not the “Barrio de tambos” it used to be; today people associate it with business. In the past, many traders (like milkmen, greengrocers and butchers) used to work moving around the streets. Nowadays, people go to the supermarket. Merchants used to move around the neighbourhood using carriages. Although there are some carriages still in use in the city, at present people prefer cars, trucks, lorries and vans.

Lucio, Valentina, Jorge, Damián, Alejandro and Francisco

We saw a picture of Boedo Avenue in 1930. There were a lot of small shops. There were some tramcars in the middle of the street, and a few cars next to them. The cars were very small, without a roof. Today, this avenue is part of a modern city, with lots of trucks and cars. There are shops with lots of people, but there aren’t any trains!

Rocío, Martín, Fabrizio, Nicolás, Ana and Micaela

In the past, people used to buy newspapers to learn the news. At present, this is not common, because people watch TV or surf the Web to get informed.

Tomás, Ciro, Juan Ignacio, Lucas, Catalina and


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In the past, some “organilleros” used to make music to entertain people in the streets. They played a keyboard instrument called “organito” (“little organ”).Listening to the radio and to these men were the only ways to listen to music. Technology has evolved a lot and replaced the “organito”. Now we can use MP3 players, computers or the TV to listen to music. That’s why today we can only find these instruments at museums.

Giuliana, Camila, Malena, Agustina Z., Ana and Marianela

San Cristóbal – now and then (3rd year beginner students)

3rd- year students help us learn about the area around our school

The City of Buenos Aires is the largest in Argentina. It has forty-eight neighbourhoods, and one of these is “San Cristobal”. The history of this district goes back to the days when Juan de Garay founded the City of Buenos Aires, half a century after the first attempt by Pedro de Mendoza. In those days, the city lay between what we know today as Cordoba Av, Independencia Av and 25 de Mayo Av. – a total of about 140 blocks - so our current neighbourhood lay outside its bounds. To our knowledge, Captain Alonzo de Vera was the first owner of the lands, and this was a fishing area. Its surface was 2.1 km2.

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In 1869, the Legislature of Buenos Aires created the parish of “San Cristóbal”. That same year, the first census showed in San Cristobal there were 3,171 people and 392 houses. Eighteen years later, in 1887, there were 37,765 people and 3,260 houses. Then, in 1909, there were 78,246 people. Of these, only 26.5% were Argentine, whereas the immigrants were Italians and Spaniards. As the population grew, houses and streets were built. On 14 January, 1892, the park “Martín Fierro” was inaugurated. In 1904, the district was divided into Northern and Southern San Cristobal. By 1972, many streets had changed their names: for example, Agüero, Monasterio and Ituarte were replaced by Mexico, Independencia and Estados Unidos, respectively. More recently, San Cristobal was divided by a highway, and the extension of the old Jujuy Av also affected it. Today, we can say the area of “San Cristobal” is limited by Independencia, Entre Ríos and Juan de Garay Avenues, together with the streets Sanchez de Loria and Carlos Calvo. One of its most famous spots is the corner of Saavedra and Carlos Calvo streets, where you can see “Miguelito’s bar”. Other interesting points are “Tango” and “Parroquia San Cristobal”, built in 1869. What’s more, “Hospital Santa Lucía” and “Hospital Frances” are situated in the neighbourhood. Both are very important institutions in the area. Our school, “Instituto Santa Cruz” is situated between General Urquiza, Estados Unidos, 24 de Noviembre and Carlos Calvo Streets. Here you can attend kindergarten, primary and secondary levels; all students learn English and Religion. Also, they can take English lessons in the evenings. This institution opened its doors in 1962, following the philosophy of the Irish fathers who founded it. At first, it was only for boys. In the 70s, it became co-educational, as other schools in the area. At present, this is one of the most important high schools in the neighbourhood. In 1976, the community participated in a movement to find people missing for political reasons. Two French nuns were kidnapped in the church as a consequence of this. Every June 28, residents celebrate Neighbour’s Day. Perhaps you can join us next time! Sources:;

Conversations with a Passionist (3

rd year beginner students)

FFather Bernardo Hughes tells us how and

why he became a Passionist, and reflects upon his experiences during 50 years of passion for the young.

Watch this interview (in Spanish) at: Part I: (4:57) Part II: (1:49) Part III: (7:47) Part IV: (2:26)

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Meeting a member of the Irish community (2nd

year intermediate students)

We have interviewed Marcela Reidor, member of the Irish community, who lives in a Senior Home.

She told us that when she was a girl, she lived in Castilla, in the countryside. When her father died, her mother rented the field, and they settled down in Buenos Aires. She belonged to a poor family and after her father’s death her elder brothers had to work hard to support the family.

In Buenos Aires she lived on Estados Unidos and Dean Funes street, close to our church.

At first. she attended a boarding school called, in those times, “Quitin”, run by Irish nuns just across the street from Holy Cross Parish. Then she was sent to Mater Misericordiae as a regular pupil. Of course our school didn’t exist in those times.

She had a close friendship with most of the priest of the community such as Father Pio, Father Anselmo, Father Esteban, and she also knew Father Charles and his family very well.

She told us that Holy Cross church was built thanks to donations from the Irish Community.

Her birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day and she used to celebrate her birthday and St. Patrick’s Day with the Irish community at Nazareth. They were all very good friends. She was in touch with most of traditional Irish families in the neighbourhood.

When the interview was over, we shared a lemon cake that one of us had brought. All the people at the Senior Home joined in! We thanked her for her kindness and promised to come back very soon. The elderly people told us that our visit had brightened up their day and all of us had deeply enjoyed our time together. So we promised to come back and spend some time with them.

Interview by Agustina and Valentina. Report by Patricio, Franco, Emanuel and Joaquín

We regret to tell our readers Ms Reidor passed away last September, shortly after our interview. Our school community decided to publish this as a way to pay tribute to her.(Lamentamos informar a nuestros lectores que la Sra. Reidor falleció en setiembre pasado, poco después de nuestra entrevista. Nuestra comunidad educativa decidió publicar esta entrevista como forma de homenajearla).

Watch this interview (in Spanish) at: (9:17)

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(5th year advanced)

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Memories of a dear doorkeeper (2

nd year advanced students)

RRosita was the doorkeeper at “Santa Cruz” for

thirty-five years. Loved by hundreds of students and their families, she retired in 2004. During this interview, she shares her interesting memories of her days at school. When she was asked if she would return to work here, she immediately said “Yes, of course!”

Memories of a primary school

teacher (4th year advanced students)

LLucia Marinelli was a primary school teacher

in the first years of our school, teaching generations of children in the neighbourhood. In this interview, she remembers her experience working at our school.

Memories of a high school teacher (2nd

year advanced students) MMónica Planella fue profesora de inglés durante

muchos años en el nivel medio del “Santa Cruz”. En nuestra charla nos contó cómo ingresó al colegio, compartió momentos vividos y expresó sus sentimientos tanto por la institución como por sus alumnos.

Watch this interview (in English) at: (5:33)

Watch this interview (in Spanish, subtitled in English) at: Part 1: (4:02) Part 2: (3:35)

Watch this interview (in Spanish) at: (9:07)

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Memories of Religion teachers (translated into English by 4th

year advanced students) SSSSSSSSister Christillá, Maria de Anglet´s Servant, was a

Coordinator of Catechism for our community. Currently, she lives in France (Hermana Christillá, Sierva de María de Anglet, fue Coordinadora de Catequesis en nuestra comunidad. Actualmente, vive en Francia). When we asked her what she remembers about her days at Santa Cruz, she told us:

Una mirada hacia atrás…volviendo unos cuantos años atrás, vemos como el colegio Santa Cruz que nació bien chiquito fue creciendo y ocupando un lugar preponderante en el barrio Santa Cruz. Cuando el Padre Carlos me pidió hacerme cargo de la catequesis para reemplazar la catequista coordinadora que se iba, me tomé el tiempo de la reflexión. El Padre Carlos quería una catequesis « viva » que no sea una « isla » o una materia más en el colegio. Pensando en una verdadera evangelización, un equipo era necesario. Poco a poco fuimos invitando personas comprometidas y capaces de trabajar en equipo. Llegué a descubrir jóvenes que eran catequistas y otras, que sin diplomas pero convencidas del valor de la fe, anhelaban transmitirla a los chicos. La integración con los maestros se hizo rápidamente, favoreciendo una « educación integral » La catequesis podía iluminar la pedagogía educativa. Y está ayudaba a la formación catequística de los alumnos. El equipo catequístico que nació en la primaria se extendió pronto al secundario, integrando nuevos catequistas, capaces de comprender a los adolescentes y acompañarlos en su búsqueda como jóvenes. Un caminar que se hizo con luces y sombras. Vivimos momentos difíciles y otros que nos confirmaba en nuestra voluntad de seguir adelante porque « todo eso valía la pena ».

Let’s have a look into the past… If we recall those years, we can see the way the Holy Cross Institute grew. It started as a small school, but it grew to occupy an important place in the neighbourhood. When Father Charles asked me to replace the Coordinator of Catechism who was leaving the school, I took some time to make up my mind. He didn’t want to consider religious studies as an isolated subject, but as an exciting one. Thinking of a true evangelization, teamwork was necessary. Gradually, we invited people who were committed and capable of doing it. I discovered young catechists and other people who, without a degree but convinced of the value of faith, were willing to transmit it to the children. The integration with the teachers was quickly made, favouring an integral education. The Catechism was able to light up the educational pedagogy, and this helped the catechistic formation of the students. The Catechistic team that was born in the Primary school soon extended to the Secondary school, joined by new catechists who were able to understand teenagers and to accompany them in their search as young people. It was a path with ups and downs. We lived difficult moments and others that confirmed our willpower to keep going because all that was worthwhile.

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El equipo se consolidó gracias a la oración, a los encuentros que nos permitía preparar los encuentros y analizar nuestro andar catequístico. Éramos mucho más que un equipo de trabajo Fuimos creciendo juntos, gracias al apoyo del Padre Carlos y de los directivos de primaria, Jorge Demárcico y el apreciado Pedro Armano. Encontramos, en casi la totalidad de los maestros una acogida y una ayuda que nos fue preciosa. Podíamos hablar de una verdadera comunidad docente de la cual la catequesis era parte integrante.

The team consolidated thanks to the prayer, the meetings that allowed us to prepare and improve our catechistic task. We were more than a working team. We kept growing together thanks to the support of Father Charles and the Primary school’s headmasters, Jorge Demárcico and the appreciated Pedro Armano. We found, in almost all the teachers, a reception and collaboration that was precious. We could talk of a true teacher community, in which the catechism was an integral part.

MMMMMMMMaarrttaa DDeellllaa RRoollllee was our high school

coordinator and then vice head (in the 70s and early 80s) (coordinadora de la sección secundaria y luego vicerrectora). These are her reflections: No fui catequista propiamente dicho al frente de curso, en ese momento había un dicho que corría: todos somos catequistas, siempre me sentí muy identificada Yo ingresé en el colegio Santa Cruz en 71 aproximadamente era el tercer año que funcionaba el secundario yo me inicié con matemática de 2° y hacia el 82 en el cargo de vice (luego una larga suplencia de rectoría) es allí donde tuve contacto, por compromiso personal con la catequesis. A modo de mayor acercamiento desde la conducción el rector y creo que el P Mateo me propusieron la coordinación. Repito yo no tenía más que un antiguo título, experiencia de parroquia pero nada de colegio. Fueron años difíciles mi mayor deseo era trabajar con los catequistas, por cuanto debía lograrse la unidad de equipo, se dieron algunos logros desde la organización que hicieron a un incipiente proyecto pastoral, que significó fortalecimiento de las funciones de catequesis. Que en último término todos los que formábamos el equipo coincidíamos.

I was never myself a catechist in front of a course. At that moment there was a saying: We are all catechists and I always identified with it. I arrived at the Holy Cross Institute in the 70´s approximately. It was the third year that the Secondary School had been working. I started in the 2nd year, teaching Maths and towards 1982 after a long substitution. I occupied the position of Deputy Headmistress. I had direct contact with the catechists due to my personal commitment. Both the Headmaster and Father Mateo suggested that I should be in charge of the coordination, although I didn’t have any experience in coordination in a school. Those were hard years but my dream was working with the catechists and it came true. Our goal was bringing people together in a team. There were some achievements which meant that the catechistic functions were strengthening. We all agreed that that was the most important thing.

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Yo creo haber aportado a la catequesis, pero a modo personal recibí muchísimo de partes de todos. Eran tiempos de retiros, convivencias, campamentos en los cuales alguna presencia tenía recuerdo las celebraciones del domingo donde acompañaba especialmente al p. Juan María Avendaño quien mucho entregó Del P. Juan María, del P. Mateo y del P Alejandro Ferrari Freire recibí mucho a los efectos de acompañar la catequesis y todo el proyecto en cuanto a los alumnos, padres y docentes. Nunca se puede saber cuánto se ha dado pero si cuanto se ha recibido, ha sido una etapa donde por convicción y compromiso personal el Señor me dio una oportunidad.

RRRRRRRRafael Tesoro, former cathecist at high school (ex catequista en el nivel

secundario), writes:

Para mí, representó un enriquecimiento a nivel personal, en lo espiritual. Muchas veces me referí a ese enriquecimiento espiritual como una "bocanada de aire fresco": poder reconsiderar con mayor profundidad el misterio de la Pasión de Jesús, su muerte y su Pascua; hacer memoria de aquella, intentar ser más contemplativo de este misterio en mi propia vida y mis propias circunstancias, tratar de ser más solidario y más profeta en lo que veo alrededor mío... En fin, el carisma y la espiritualidad pasionistas le dieron una "vuelta de tuerca" a mi maduración humana y a mi fe cristiana. Esta experiencia personal, el poder compartir la tarea con compañeros catequistas que eran excelentes personas, cristianos lúcidos y críticos, naturalmente me llevaron a re-entusiasmarme con la tarea catequística, acudir a nuevos recursos, nuevos enfoques. En cuanto a las celebraciones, usualmente había dos tiempos fuertes en el año: Pascua y el "Mes de la Cruz",

In my opinion, it represented a personal enrichment on a spiritual level. Many times I took this experience like some fresh air to think over the mystery of Jesus’ passion, His death and Easter and to remember it. To be contemplative of the mystery of my own life and circumstances and to try to show more solidarity and wisdom in what I see around me. In conclusion, the catechists spiritually changed my Christian faith and my human maturation. This personal experience, the power of sharing my work with my catechistic partners, who were excellent people, naturally brought me back to my catechistic duty, using new resources and focusing on new things. As for celebrations, there were usually two strong moments in the year: Easter and the Month of the Cross, with a

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con una apertura masiva con todo el secundario, y otras celebraciones por curso o por división. Las convivencias se desarrollaron a comienzo de año, buscando fortalecer la dinámica grupal al comienzo del año escolar. La formación sacramental se hizo básicamente desde la Parroquia, preparando para la Confirmación. Creo que en general los alumnos respondían bien a la propuesta catequística, en parte debido al enfoque abierto y no dogmático del equipo de catequistas: hay libertad para poder plantear dudas y cuestionamientos (que son entendidos como momentos propicios para una maduración y una purificación de la fe de edades anteriores), hay apertura a lo ecuménico e interrreligioso, una fuerte acentuación en la opción por los pobres. Hubo ocasiones en que el colegio y la parroquia trabajaban en conjunto con más visibilidad. Abrazo!

massive and amazing opening to all the levels in the High School. The outings were developed at the beginning of the year, looking forward to making a stronger group. The sacramental preparation was basically done by the people in the church, preparing the students for their Confirmation. I think that students used to have a good attitude to the catechistic proposal, partly due to the open approach: there is freedom to ask questions, there’s an opening to interreligious communication, a strong emphasis on the option for the poor. Sometimes the school and the church worked together more clearly. Hugs!

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A student turned into English teacher

EEEEEEEEmiliano Cannarella, quien durante toda su

vida estuvo muy ligado al Instituto Santa Cruz, entró por primera vez al colegio al comenzar jardín de infantes. Realizó el primario y el secundario completo en nuestra escuela y, ya recibido como maestro, regresó al colegio como profesor de inglés. Al terminar quinto año, en lugar de ir a Bariloche

con sus compañeros de curso, Emiliano decidió realizar un viaje de un mes a Francia para perfeccionar su francés. Encantado con este país, hace ya 5 años que decidió ir a vivir allí. Durante estos años, viajó por la mayoría de los países de Europa. Como aún no ha podido adquirir la ciudadanía francesa, Emiliano no puede trabajar como profesor. Este hecho, sumado a la nostalgia de estar lejos de su familia y de su país de origen, hizo que en el 2011 decidiera volver de visita por seis meses a Buenos Aires. Durante este tiempo, Emiliano dejó de trabajar en un banco de Europa realizando transferencias internacionales y cambios de moneda para dedicarse a lo que realmente lo apasiona: enseñar. Durante la entrevista, Emiliano nos dejó claro que estaba encantado con el colegio. Siempre tuvo una muy buena relación con los profesores, con quienes podía hablar libremente, en especial con su profesora de historia Delia. Ella fue quien logró que ame la materia que enseñaba, lo cual cree que es muy importante. Otros aspectos que destaca del colegio son que es abierto a diferentes puntos de vista y que el nivel educativo es muy bueno, un hecho que descubrió al ingresar a la universidad. Para terminar, Emiliano nos dejó a todos los estudiantes un consejo. “Estudien mucho para triunfar en la vida y, al mismo tiempo, disfruten. Tiene que haber un balance en la vida”.

Listen to our chat with Emiliano (in English) at: (13:13)

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Our teachers and counselors remember… 2nd- year students interviewed some of the school graduates who currently work with us.

Share their interesting memories!

JJJJJJJJuanjo, our PE teacher, was a

student at “Santa Cruz” for eleven years (1963-74). He remembers the school building was then very small, as it was still under construction. Student families worked together to help it grow, and slowly it became the building we can see today. At that time, the school was just for boys, something Juanjo didn’t like much. Juanjo admitted as a teenager he was not a particularly outstanding student, and added his marks were usually around seven, though he actually got really good marks when he got to university!

Juan Ignacio B., Federico, Juan Ignacio F. and


GGGGGGGGaby Pernas, our Arts teacher,

joined our school in 1982. She explained she chose to study here because of the good level of education provided. She added what she liked best about her time here were the school trips. She also has great memories of the gym exhibitions and of her days with her group of friends.

Belén, Francisco, Rocío and Solana

VVVVVVVVanessa Caprari started working at

our school right away after her graduation, in 1988. When we asked her what students at her time had in common with students today, she exclaimed differences were so notorious it was actually difficult for her to spot any similarities. Looking back, she told us she believes studying is less demanding today, since at present there are many ways for students to have access to information.

Guido, Madelaine, Camila S. and Nicolás

MMMMMMMMarina Enrico, who studied at

“Santa Cruz” between 1983 and 1985, told us in those days the school uniform used to be blue. But the subjects taught have not changed, she added, and our popular “La Cueva del Oso” already existed at that time! Students would come to school at the same time as at present, but they had to be standing on line in the gymnasium at ten past seven.

Lucía, Camila F., Carolina O. and Gastón

PPPPPPPPatricia Bardelli has great memories of her school days at “Santa Cruz”,

between 1983 and 1985. She remembers Accountancy was tough, but the most difficult subject for her was Chemistry, which –she explained- she failed in fourth year. She also said some of her teachers are still working here: Marcelo Ruiz, Viviana Devito, Emilse Ciccarella and Silvia Orden. When we asked her how she felt as their colleague now, she admitted that at first it was weird to work with them, because she felt she was just another pupil, but then she got used to it. Finally, Patricia told us three of her ex-classmates (including our Chief Counselor, Marina Enrico, and and Gabriela Barreto, who used to work as a counsellor with us) are teachers at present, though they’re not currently teaching at “Santa Cruz”. After all these comments, it was clear Patricia misses all she used to share with her schoolmates!

Franco, Florencia, Zamira and Milagros

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An interview to Alejandro Güena

Entrevistamos a AAAAAAAAlejandro Güena,

un ex alumno que es a su vez padre de un ex-alumno y de un alumno, y esposo de una de nuestras profesoras. Comenzamos preguntándole sobre el colegio en el momento en que el estaba cursando. Nos contó sobre las diferencias en la estructura del colegio y también sobre dónde estaban sus aulas. Antes era sólo de varones, y había que cumplir al pie de la letra con el uniforme. También nos comentó a qué jugaban en esos tiempos. Nos dijo “Y acá siempre se jugaba a la pelota”. Feliz de ver de cuán cambiado está el colegio, nos comenta “De lo que era, a lo que es ahora, es… un gran e importante logro”. Seguimos con los cambios y nos resaltaba que a pesar de los cambios extraordinarios del colegio, éste sigue siendo muy humano manteniendo el espíritu pasionista. Charlamos sobre cómo le iba a él en el colegio, decía que tiraba a ser alumno promedio, tirando más a bueno que malo. Cuando le preguntamos cómo le iba en inglés… ¡nos confesó que dicho idioma no era su fuerte! También recordamos a sus directivos y profesores. A pesar de haber estado nada más que tres años en el colegio, nos recalcaba nuevamente que el Santa Cruz lo mar-

We interviewed AAAAAAAAlejandro Güena, a

former student who is also the father of an ex-student and a current student, and husband of one of our teachers. We started asking him about the school at the time when he was studying here, and he told us about the differences in the school building and also where his classrooms were. In those days, it was only for boys, and they were strict with the uniform. Happy to see the changes in the school, he said to us "Judging from it was like in the past, what it is now, it is ... a great and important achievement”. We continued with the changes, and he stressed that despite the extraordinary changes in the school, the Passionists still keep its humane spirit alive … We asked him if he was a hard working student at school, but he said he was an average student with marks which were neither good nor bad. When we asked him how he did in English ...he said it was not his forte! Despite having spent just three years at school, he emphasized again that Santa Cruz was more than the school

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có, más que el colegio donde siguió su secundaria. El Santa Cruz le parece muy humano y por eso decidió que

where he did his secondary school. Santa Cruz holds a humanistic spirit.

también sus hijos vinieran a éste. Una anécdota: Recuerda que vino con Nacho, su hijo mayor, y se encontró con su profesor de séptimo, quién llevó a Nacho al despacho, donde había una foto del año en que él había egresado y le dijo: “Mirá, éste era tu papá”.

An e-mail from Federico Liutvinas (introduction by 4

th year advanced)

El ex alumno FFFFFFFFederico Liutvinas - egresado en 1994- nos envió un correo

electrónico en inglés, marca distintiva de nuestra escuela, contándonos sus recuerdos y reflexiones. Federico tiene, como todos nosotros, muchos recuerdos de sus 13 años en la escuela. Lo más importante, como él señala, es `Santa Cruz después de Santa Cruz’; es decir, la marca indeleble del conjunto de valores que recibimos de la comunidad docente que nos ayuda a desarrollarnos y poder enfrentar nuestra vida futura. Para finalizar, Federico nos cuenta que una vez en una reunión pasó horas charlando con una persona que recién conocía y que era 5 años mayor que él. Los dos habían sido alumnos de Santa Cruz y se olvidaron del resto compartiendo sentimientos y recuerdos. Eso es nuestra escuela.

Hi Everybody, My name is Federico Liutvinas, and I am of the 1994 promotion. It has been a long way since I walked through 24 de Noviembre gate for the last time. I spent 13 amazing years in Santa Cruz, since I was 5. My whole childhood occurred there .. But, I will not bore you with all days stories, which probably are funny only for me (and my friends). For sure, you´ll have better and fresher ones. So, let me tell you about a thing you already don´t know . Santa Cruz after Santa Cruz. If I tell you four names, John, Paul, George and Ringo, what does it pop up immediately in your head? (beyond "C´on, this guy is really old") . The Beatles, doesn't it? And isn’t it weird that even though the last time they played together was more than 40 years ago, any time one of these guys is mentioned, he is recalled by the group that so long ago he belonged to?

Watch this interview (in Spanish) at: Part 1: (1:17) Part 2: (1:48) Part 3: (3:13)

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Let me tell you something. The same will happen to you about the school. It doesn't matter wherever life takes you, the Santa Cruz watermark will remain there, forever. There are a lot of things I didn’t like or understand about the school when I was there (I bet you feel the same). I didn’t get their sense or reason then. But believe me, when the time comes, you’ll see that the pieces start to fit, and the whole puzzle is suddenly solved. You will benefit tomorrow by harvesting the seeds Santa Cruz is planting today. Suddenly you will notice that the dots connect themselves. Payoff will come, trust me. What you learn at Santa Cruz will set the tone of the principles you will live up to, forever. They will define and let you outstand in every way of your life. Let me be clearer. You won’t be the best in every challenge you face, for sure. But you will have the fairest and most important tool anyone can rely on to face his life. A strong set of values. In Mr. Kipling’s words, you will be able to ".talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings- nor lose the common touch". Believe me, it’s payless. To finish, just a short story. About two years ago, we were in a wedding party with my wife. She barely knew a couple of the ladies sharing the table with us. I knew no one. But I started chatting with a guy sitting next to me. Both of us were living in Olivos, but he told me that "his" neighbourhood was Caballito. I told "mine" is San Cristobal. The question felt by its own weight, "What school did you attend". Guess what, no more dancing or talking with the rest of the table (including our wives). Four hours later our astonished ladies were a bit mad asking how we got so much fun talking between us, if we didn’t know each other. Of course we knew each other, both of us had studied at Santa Cruz (he was five years older, so that was the first time I saw him). That's the school where you are studying. That’s the school that is preparing you for facing the rest of your life. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t miss the shot. Take care FL

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Hi from New Zealand! (Lucas Santonja, introduced by his brother Guido)

In his letter, LLLLLLLLucas Santonja, an ex student at “Santa Cruz”

tells us about his life in another country (New Zealand) and also gives pieces of advice for us, current high school students. First of all, he remembers his days in secondary school, especially how he found in Santa Cruz the support that he could only have received from his family. He also reflects upon moral values in this community. Second, he devotes some lines to discussing how important it is for students always to follow their dreams! Then, he says that travelling for him is a wonderful thing which you should always take advantage of. Finally, he encourages students to keep on dreaming and never give up, because that’s what keeps us alive!

. Bueno, no soy muy bueno en esto de escribir, ¡¡pero voy a hacer el esfuerzo!! Como sabrán fui casi toda la secundaria al colegio Santa Cruz, y en este colegio encontré una contención que no había tenido en otro lugar que no sea mi familia. La verdad que siempre que fui al colegio, me preguntaba ¿Para qué estudio todo esto si nunca lo voy a usar? Y me confundía, hoy que lo miro de lejos me doy cuenta que todo es utilizable en la vida, ya sea historia, matemáticas o en el caso del colegio Santa Cruz una forma de ver la vida y de ayudar al prójimo, con hechos y con actitudes. Los momentos de las personas llegan, esfuércense porque llegan, y para cuando ese momento llegue tienen que estar preparados, y nada mejor que las enseñanzas del colegio para hacerlo, nunca se olviden de ser buena persona y que si das amor… vuelve amor! Hoy me toca estar viviendo mi vida en Nueva Zelanda. Mi experiencia en este país es muy enriquecedora, ya que acá uno está sólo por su cuenta y tiene que hacerse camino uno mismo. Sepan que viajar es una de las cosas más lindas que te pueden pasar en la vida, aprendés muchísimas cosas, algunas por experiencias positivas y otras por negativas, pero lo importante es sacarle provecho a cada cosa que a uno le pasa, que por algo siempre pasa. Más allá de todo esto que les cuento, ¡sigo intentando ser la persona que me enseñó a ser el colegio Santa Cruz!

Lucas with his brother and sisters… 3 of them are members of Santa Cruz community! ☺

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Bueno, no me quería despedir sin antes decirles que nunca pero nunca dejen de lado sus sueños, porque esos sueños son los que nos mantienen vivos!!!!! Anímense a soñar que si lo hacen fuerte puede llegar a cumplirse!!!!!!! Un fuerte y cariñoso abrazo para todos. Lucas Santonja

Greetings from Canada! (interview to Verónica Abella by 4

th year students )

Con motivo de la conmemoración del 50° aniversario de nuestro Instituto Santa

Cruz le realizamos una entrevista a VVVVVVVVerónica Abella, una ex alumna del colegio

en el cual estuvo durante siete años, hasta egresar del secundario en el año 1991. Durante la conversación que realizamos vía Skype nos habló sobre su experiencia en la escuela y las enseñanzas que le dejó estudiar allí.

Su historia en el colegio comenzó en 1985 - al finalizar la dictadura militar cuando se permitió mezclar chicos y chicas-, luego de que en su anterior escuela, la cual era muy costosa, le negaran el acceso a una beca. De esa forma, Verónica se unió a su hermano mayor Marcelo y a su hermano mellizo Fernando. Ella se encuentra muy agradecida de que le hayan abierto las puertas a un lugar que siempre rigió bajo los valores de solidaridad, esperanza y compañerismo. Verónica siempre tuvo una muy buena

relación con sus profesores, especialmente con Silvia Orden y Emilse Ciccarella quienes aún trabajan en el instituto como profesoras de inglés y

de geografía respectivamente. Actualmente Verónica vive en Vancouver, Canadá. La primera vez que fue a este país desde el 2003 al 2005 fue para mejorar su inglés, debido a su carrera en negocios internacionales. Luego, volvió a Argentina y cuatro años después, regresó a Vancouver como residente. El día de hoy Verónica Abella vive allí y trabaja para la empresa multinacional Visa.

Al mirar atrás, Verónica reflexiona: “El colegio que este año celebra el 50° aniversario, abrió sus puertas a una chica que el día de hoy es una mujer y puede decir, 27 años después: ¡muchísimas gracias!”

Read our interview to Verónica (in English) on the following page!

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Interviewers: Hello Veronica. We are Sofía and Ailén, two students of Holy

Cross Institute. As you must know, this year is the 50th anniversary of our school and we

wanted to ask you some questions… First of all, how long did you spend in our school?

Verónica: I was there for 7 years, from 6th and 7th grade in the primary, and from 1st to

5th year at the secondary or high school. I started in 1985 and I finished in 1991.

Interviewers: Did any of your relatives go to Holy Cross Institute too?

Verónica: Yes, all my brothers went to Holy Cross Institute, even my elder brother

Marcelo and twin brother Fernando. They had started before me because schools were

for boys or girls only at that time. I mean schools were not allowed to mix girls and boys in

the same school due to the military government rule which changed during the 1st

democratic government.

Interviewers: Which is the best anecdote you remember of you school days?

Verónica: I am thankful to Holy Cross Institute and I will never forget it. Before becoming

its student I was at another school. That school is very expensive right now and so was it

in 1985. The economic situation in Argentina at that time was not good at all, and my

parents could not afford such an expensive fee. Although my mum and I talked with the

school’s director to receive a grant considering that I was a good student, she denied such

help. As a consequence, my parents accepted the Holy Cross Institute phone call proposal

to be part of it. So, I started the school a little bit later than regular students that year

because I started at that expensive school, and one week later I became a Holy Cross’s


To sum up, the school that this year celebrates its 50th anniversary opened a big door to a

girl who today is a woman and can say 27 years later: Thank you very much!

Interviewers: What kind of relationship did you have with your teachers? Do you have a

preferred one?

Verónica: I had a very good relationship with all my teachers, and I remember most of

them pleasantly. Silvia Orden is someone to whom I feel closer, and Emilse Ciccarella

because I also became a Geography teacher at the same Teacher´s Training College.

Interviewers: What did you like most about our school?

Verónica: Holy Cross Institute has always been an open-minded school and it is what I still


Interviewers: Why did your parents send you here? Did you like their decision or did you

want to go to another school?

Verónica: My parents sent me here because it is a school which everybody associates with

family, and my parents have similar family values to this school’s members.

Interviewers: We know you lived in Argentina and then you moved to Canada. How

long have you been living in North America?

Verónica: The first time that I came here was in 2003, until 2005. I did so with the idea of

improving my English due to my career in International Business. Then I returned to

Argentina, and came back to Vancouver in Canada as resident in 2009.

Interviewers: Why did you decide to travel to Canada? Do any of your relatives live


Verónica: I came with the idea to improve my English while working. I had a working visa.

I do not have any relatives here.

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Page 31: Crossroads 2012

Crossroads – 2012

“Instituto Santa Cruz” – High School – English Department Page 30

LIST OF LINKS – LISTA DE ENLACES Conversations with a Passionist (entrevista al P. B. Hughes) Part I: (4:57) Part II: (1:49) Part III: (7:47) Part IV: (2:26)

Meeting a member of the Irish community (entrevista a la Sra. M.

Reidor) (9:17)

Memories of a dear doorkeeper (entrevista a la Sra. Rosita) (9:07)

Memories of a primary school teacher (entrevista a la Sra. Lucía Marinelli) Part 1: (4:02) Part 2: (3:35)

Memories of a high school teacher (entrevista a la Sra. Mónica Planella) (5:33)

A student turned into English teacher (chat con el Sr. Emiliano

Cannarella) (13:13)

An interview to Alejandro Güena (entrevista al Sr. Alejandro Güena)

Part 1: (1:17) Part 2: (1:48) Part 3: (3:13)

Slideshow for presentation at school (diapositivas para el lanzamiento en la


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