cross platform mobile apps with the ionic framework

Cross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic Framework Mobile+Web DevCon 3 February 2015 - San Francisco CA

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Cross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic FrameworkMobile+Web DevCon 3 February 2015 - San Francisco CA

Troy Miles

Over 35 years of programming experience


Twitter: @therockncoder

Email: [email protected]




The Ionic Framework

Build a simple app



–the rockncoder

“If you want bring a WiFi systems to its knees, bring a bunch of techies and all of their toys together in

one spot.”

Conference Limitations

Internet access at most conferences is limited

The app uses internal data stored in JSON files

Google Maps is also turned off

We will work in the browser only

AngularJSCreated by Miško Hevery and Adam Abrons in 2009

JavaScript MVC

106 kb production version (minimized, not gzipped)

Declarative programming for UI

Imperative programming for business logic

AngularJS Key FeaturesModel View Controller (MVC)

Data Binding

HTML Templates

Dependency Injection

Deep Linking


Model View Controller

Uses MVC

The goal is clear separation of concerns

The model is only concerned with data

The view presents the data to the user

The controller applies the business logic

Data Binding

In Angular, data binding is built into the framework

Replaces text content of HTML element with the value of the expression

{{ expression }}

<ANY ng-bind=“expression”>…</ANY>

<ANY class=“ng-bind: expression;”>…</ANY>

HTML Templates

No client side templating engine

Angular uses HTML as its templating engine

No extra markup, no extra libraries

Designers & developers rejoice

Dependency Injection

A software design pattern deals with how components resolve their dependencies

Pervasive throughout Angular

Allows for easier testing

Allows for easier swapping of components

Deep Linking

Deep Linking enables a website to restore state from a URL

URL and bookmarks are key part of the web

Early Single Page Apps lacked deep linking, they broke SEO and user expectation


“The coolest feature of AngularJS” - Misko Hervey

Attach behavior to DOM elements

Cleaner way to do DOM manipulations

Can nearly turn HTML into a DSL

Cordova2009: 1st developed at an iPhoneDevCamp event

2009: Developers form a company, Nitobi

2011: Adobe acquires Nitobi

2011: Adobe open sources PhoneGap project to Apache

2012: Apache gives the project the name Cordova

Cordova platforms

Adobe PhoneGap

IBM Worklight

Telerik Platform

The Ionic Framework

and still others

Cordova CLI

Global commands

help - display help text or help for a specific command

create - creates a project

Project commands

Project Commands










Why not just Cordova?

No native look or feel - only HTML

No programming framework - only JS

Cordova is generalized not optimized

The Ionic Framework?Combines Apache Cordova

with Google's AngularJS

along with lots custom JavaScript, HTML, and CSS3

to create purpose built mobile apps

which perform like native ones

and look beautiful

The Ionic Framework

Ionic is both a CSS framework and a Javascript UI library

Many components need JavaScript

But often components can be used without coding

Use a View Controller pattern like Cocoa Touch

Supported Devices

iOS 6+

Android 4+

Why is Ionic fast?

No jQuery

Minimal DOM manipulation

Hardware accelerated transitions


Replaced their hand built PhoneGap app with Ionic in May

Excellent UI


The fastest way to find new music

5 star rated

iPhone only


Like Uber for trucks

iOS and Android version

Scrapped prior version built with PhoneGap

SworkitCreated by Ryan Hanna alone

Featured in the Health and Fitness section of the App Store

Downloaded over 3 million times

in the App Store, Google Play and Amazon Store

Ionic starter templates




The side menu

Used by lots of apps since it uses minimal screen real estate

The “hamburger”, menu toggle can be position on the left or right of the screen

This is the base UI our app will use

Hello Ionic World

1. ionic start coffee sidemenu

2. cd coffee

3. ionic serve

Project directory

hooks - a place to customize the cordova build

platforms - project directories for native code

plugins - your apps cordova plugins

scss - customizable SASS files

www - your application

PluginsAs of version 3.0 Cordova is implemented mainly as a collection of plugins surrounding a small core

Plugins are implemented in native code and/or JavaScript

Without plugins your application can’t communicate with the device’s hardware

Over 600 plugins currently available

Installing/Removing Plugins

Find plugins at:

ionic plugin add org.apache.cordova.device

ionic plugin remove org.apache.cordova.device

Ionic includes 3 essential plugins: console, device, & keyboard

Plugins not available until after $ionicPlatform.ready

Plugin Anatomy

Documentation: doc/

Native code in src directory

JavaScript in www directory

Using a Plugin

Remember: You must wait for the ready event

Read the plugin’s documentation

Implement the functionality according to docs

Best practice: Sniff for the property before use


Cordova has a lot of available plugins

Plugins give access to the machine functions

ngCordova "Angularizes" plugins for ready use

You are always free to write your own wrapper code


the configuration file for your app

contains the app names, for computers and humans

version number



A few commandsstart - creates a new project

help - detailed help information

resources - create native device splash/icons

emulate - runs project on emulator after build

platform - adds support for a native platform

serve - runs project on default web browser

Debugging First Look

We will use the debugger in Chrome

For Android devices, Chrome is your best friend

menu -> More tools -> Inspect Devices

For iOS devices, Safari is your best friend

Preferences -> Advanced -> Show develop


most of your code will be in controllers, services, or directives

controllers act as the glue between the model and the view

controllers can use a context call $scope is use to pass data to and from the view

Controller sample(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('HelloApp') .controller('SearchController', ['$scope', '$cordovaGeolocation', function ($scope, $cordovaGeolocation) { console.log("SearchController launching"); $scope.showingListings = false; $scope.showingMap = true; $scope.showingSearch = false; var activeDisplay = "showingMap"; $scope.setDisplay = function (nextState) { $scope.showingListings = false; $scope.showingMap = false; $scope.showingSearch = false; $scope[nextState] = true; if (nextState !== "showingSearch") { activeDisplay = nextState; } }; }]); }());


ion-view is the root of a page

it contains headers, footers, and content tags

headers and footers are optional

HeadersIonic supports two kinds of header bars: ion-header-bar & ion-nav-bar

Outwardly they look identical, but their markup is different, as is the function

ion-header-bar is only markup

ion-nav-bar ties into ui-router and updates itself based on the router state


the native router for AngularJS is ngRoute

Ionic instead uses the open source ui-router

ui-router is more flexible and capable than ngRoute


ion-content is used to hold the pages content

it can scroll its content to reveal more that a screen’s worth at a time

pull to refresh and infinite scroll objects go here


Substitutable objects that are wired together using DI

Used to organize and share code across app

Only instantiated when an app component depends on it


Built-in services always start with “$”

Time to write code…


At some point in the app lifecycle, you may wish to update Ionic or one of the plugins

Update Ionic: sudo npm update -g ionic

Update a plugin: remove it and add it back

BE CAREFUL - Newer versions may break your app


Can search from website

Can easily change size

free & open source


Code and Slides


Cordova is a platform which allows for the building of mobile apps using web technologies

Ionic builds on top of that by providing a good looking performance driven UI and better developer tools

Ionic uses AngularJS as its MVC framework

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