cross of glory & west freeborn lutheran churches july 2021

Cross of Glory & West Freeborn Lutheran Churches – July 2021 Sunday Morning Worship times: West Freeborn – 9:00 a.m. Cross of Glory – 10:30 a.m. Messengers As (Jesus) was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed by demons begged him that he might be with him. (Mark 5:18) When you read the Gospel of Mark you need to read it as a war taking place between Jesus and demons. Jesus is the warrior for good and the demons are the warriors for evil. In this battle the demons understand that they are outmatched and do not stand a chance, so when Jesus shows up in their presence they have no desire to fight. They wave a white flag and surrender. This battle becomes visible for the rest of us whenever Jesus encounters a person possessed by an evil spirit. It exists in the miracles and other events, but is more obvious when a demon actually talks to Jesus. The fifth chapter of Mark’s Gospel contains an interesting account of a man possessed by lots of demons. In this case the fellow was a wild man forced to live in caves, who screamed and cut himself. This had to have been a frightening sight for Jesus’ disciples when they get out of their boat and are met by this individual. But for Jesus, this is another battle being fought between good and evil, and once again the demons are quick to beg for mercy. “Throw us into those pigs, don’t destroy us.” In the end we see this former wild man clothed and in his right mind, and, as we hear in this month’s verse, asking to join Jesus’ group. But Jesus doesn’t allow that. Instead he wants this man to stay with the people who know him and serve as a witness to the power of God in his life. The wild man becomes a messenger of God’s love and mercy. Yours in Christ, Pastor Schwartz 1

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Page 1: Cross of Glory & West Freeborn Lutheran Churches July 2021

Cross of Glory & West Freeborn Lutheran Churches – July 2021

Sunday Morning Worship times:

West Freeborn – 9:00 a.m. Cross of Glory – 10:30 a.m.


As (Jesus) was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed by demons begged him that he might be with him. (Mark 5:18)

When you read the Gospel of Mark you need to read it as a war taking place

between Jesus and demons. Jesus is the warrior for good and the demons are the warriors for evil. In this battle the demons understand that they are outmatched and do not stand a chance, so when Jesus shows up in their presence they have no desire to fight. They wave a white flag and surrender.

This battle becomes visible for the rest of us whenever Jesus encounters a person possessed by an evil spirit. It exists in the miracles and other events, but is more obvious when a demon actually talks to Jesus. The fifth chapter of Mark’s Gospel contains an interesting account of a man possessed by lots of demons. In this case the fellow was a wild man forced to live in caves, who screamed and cut himself.

This had to have been a frightening sight for Jesus’ disciples when they get out of their boat and are met by this individual. But for Jesus, this is another battle being fought between good and evil, and once again the demons are quick to beg for mercy. “Throw us into those pigs, don’t destroy us.”

In the end we see this former wild man clothed and in his right mind, and, as we hear in this month’s verse, asking to join Jesus’ group. But Jesus doesn’t allow that. Instead he wants this man to stay with the people who know him and serve as a witness to the power of God in his life. The wild man becomes a messenger of God’s love and mercy.

Yours in Christ, Pastor Schwartz


Page 2: Cross of Glory & West Freeborn Lutheran Churches July 2021

Do-It-Yourself Bible Study

For our Bible study this month, let’s look at the readings for July 18. If you find this intriguing, I hope that you will join others to go deeper.

Apparently it is not good for sheep to be without a shepherd, or to have a shepherd who is not looking out for their welfare. The need for leaders who care about the good of the people is the theme for these lessons.

Our lessons usually consist of an Old Testament, a New Testament, and a Gospel lesson. The Old Testament and Gospel are usually connected thematically, but the New Testament lesson will take us through other New Testament books and are not necessarily connected by theme.

Jesus has just sent his disciples out to preach and teach and heal by themselves, and this is when the Gospel writer throws in the story of John the Baptist being beheaded. While the disciples in this lesson report that all went well, we know that faithul obedience can still be risky business.


Read Jeremiah 23:1-6.

First the prophet condemns the political and spiritual leadership of

Israel for not taking good care of the people. God will intervene with new

leadership. What do you think it means in verse 5 to execute justice and


Read Ephesians 2:11-22.

It is Paul’s teaching that in Jesus, God has introduced a new way of

salvation, one that does not rely on obedience to the law, but calls for

faith in Jesus. This bring all people under one tent. How do you think

faith can unite People?

Read Mark 6:30-34, 53-56.

Here Jesus is presented as that shepherd promised by Jeremiah, and other

Old Testament prophets. We see Jesus surrounded by sick and needy

people. What are we learning about the Kingdom of God?

Page 3: Cross of Glory & West Freeborn Lutheran Churches July 2021

Church Councils will meet on Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Cross of Glory Church Council June 1, 2021

Present: Jerry Morstad, Matt Hoelscher, Steve Bakken, Linda Brekke, Jill Morstad and Pastor Steve Schwarz.

Jerry called the meeting to order, Pastor Steve opened the meeting with a prayer.

Pastor’s report: He attended the Synod Assembly for the morning session. It was a virtual assembly this year.

He will be finishing Pilgrim’s Progress as a basis for sermons in the next 2 Sundays and then we will be

returning to the revised common lectionary which is based on the Gospel of Mark. There is a baptism planned

for June 27th. We discussed the # of in person attendees at church services and the # viewing the on line

service. Secretary’s report was read by Jill Morstad and approved as read.

Treasurer’s report was given by Linda Brekke. She reported a rebate for the boiler was received of $1,840.

Insurance paid to Grinnell at an amount to cover quarterly cost even though the billing we had received wasn’t

clear to us. Andy Peterson, our insurance agent at Heartman Insurance had been contacted by Jill and he

explained that Grinnell didn’t have the ability to charge us quarterly but we could pay the sum representing

quarterly. That was done and we will expect a bill again in a few months. We will observe if that works out as

expected. Matt Hoelscher made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay bill as allowed. Motion

was seconded by Steve Bakken. Motion passed

Church services were discussed as to if we felt it was time to make some changes back to a more normal

service with the increase in vaccination rates, decrease in COVID cases and lifting of restrictions in the state as

of the end of May. After discussion it was agreed to return to using our hymnals and liturgy and pew bibles as

those in attendance felt comfortable. It was agreed to continue with communion in the manner we have been

in the past several months which allows more distancing. We will continue to access for considering changing

this in the future.

Centennial celebration was mentioned. Martin and Rachel were not present to give any update. It was

suggested that maybe a committee should be formed to assist with this planning and that September will

arrive quickly. Martin and Rachel have confirmed the speaker Doug Ohlman but we will need plans for the

meal, invitations to former pastors/families etc. Jerry will check with Martin and Rachel as to what their

thoughts are regarding this.

Projects: Painting to be done at church on the social hall and covering over the sidewalk. Not a scheduled

date but mentioned it needs to be done prior to the centennial celebration.

Slope by the steps of the church that had been looked at last month. Jerry had left a message with Sequoia

landscaping but hadn’t received a response. Jerry and Jill filled the area in with landscaping fabric and rocks.

No repair was done to the cement but rocks were placed to fill that gap. A suggestion was made by Alvin

Morstad that a railing be extended along the sidewalk to prevent anyone from accidently stepping off the

sidewalk. Jerry and Steve will investigate options for that. Those present looked at this area. We also

discussed need for weather stripping replacement around the main doors.


Page 4: Cross of Glory & West Freeborn Lutheran Churches July 2021

A suggestion was made by Alvin Morstad that a railing be extended along the sidewalk to prevent anyone

from accidently stepping off the sidewalk. Jerry and Steve will investigate options for that. Those present

looked at this area. We also discussed need for weather stripping replacement around the main doors.

-Steve will plan to take the parsonage snow blower to NR by October for repair.

We then joined West Freeborn council members via ZOOM for a joint meeting. We had not held a joint

meeting since prior to the pandemic. Those present from WF were Glenn Ausen, Becky Ausen, Steve Ausen,

Pat Ehrich, Mike Ehrich, Corky Modene and Sonja Honstad.

Topics: Time change for church services will start June 6th. WF will have services at 9 am and Cross of Glory at

10:30 until next June.

Jerry informed the WF council that Duane Spooner has agreed to make steps by the west side of the

parsonage to replace the ones that are no longer safe. We plan to have him make them a little larger and

possibly out of composite material.

We discussed the steps and planter area on the east of the parsonage again and some ideas. Glenn has

attempted to reach a mason for his evaluation of options. He hasn’t been able to get in touch with him but

will keep trying. With recent rains that had occurred pastor stated there had been some seepage of water

into the basement in that area.

The 2 trees that have broken limbs and need to be taken down were discussed. Saturday July 17th at 8 am was

the date and time decided on for anyone available to help remove these.

Pastor Steve was asked if there was anything else that needed attention. He didn’t have any other concerns at

the parsonage but he did state that he thought we should consider giving raises to those working for us. He

said not necessarily him (pastor) but others like the secretary, organists and janitors. There was much

discussion regarding this. A motion was made by Corky Modene and 2nd by Steve Bakken to increase the

secretary’s wage to $ 14.50/hr. The motioned passed. There continued to be discussion about increasing the

organist wages. Steve Ausen made a motion to increase the organist’s wage to $ 75/service. This motion was

2nd by Corky. The motion passed. It was decided each council will determine the custodian wages and will

further discuss pastor’s salary.

Jerry and Glenn will decide if we need to meet jointly for the next meeting. The joint council was then

adjourned after a motion by Corky and a 2nd by Steve. Motion carried.

Cross of Glory council then briefly discussed a graduate recognition for Andrew Hoelscher, the only HS

graduate from our congregation, to be Sunday June 6th.

We decided to defer discussion of custodial and pastoral wage increase until next month’s meeting due to low

number of council members in attendance.

Motion by Matt and 2nd by Steve for adjourn meeting. Motion carried. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer

Respectfully submitted by Jill Morstad (Deacon)


Page 5: Cross of Glory & West Freeborn Lutheran Churches July 2021

West Freeborn Lutheran Church Council Meeting – June 01, 2021

The West Freeborn Church Council met on June 01, 2021, right after the joint council meeting with Cross of Glory via Zoom. Members present were Glenn Ausen, Steve Ausen, Pat Ehrich, Mike Ehrich, Corky Modene, Sonja Honstad, Pastor Steve and Becky Ausen. President Glenn Ausen, called the meeting to order. Pastor gave a prayer. Becky read the secretaries report. Mike made a motion to approve the report as read. Steve seconded it. Motion passed. Pat read the treasurers report. Corky made a motion to pay the bills. Sonja seconded it. Motion passed.

Old Business:

Memorial Day: It went well. A big thank you to the Freeborn Honor Guard and to Omer

and Roger for putting the flags up. 😊

Time Change for Sunday: We will be switching time with Cross of Glory and starting our worship service at 9:00AM for the next year.

New Business:

Cemetery Stones: Blue Earth and Albert Lea Monuments will be contacted about some of the stones in the cemetery.

Paint in the Sanctuary Falling off of the Walls: Glenn will ask Duane about what to do.

Janitor Salary: There has not been a raise in many years for the janitor wage. After discussion Mike made a motion to up the wage by $20.00 per week. Steve seconded it. Motion passed.

Steve made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Corky seconded it. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer Respectfully Submitted, Becky Ausen, Secretary


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Community News

The Area Food Shelf of New Richland would like to spread the word that we have registered with Hunger Solutions -

Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless July Challenge. During the month of July we will be campaigning and

raising funds for our food shelf, with this challenge we will be able to get additional grant money based on how many

dollars we raise. It is not a set match but a percent of a pool of money based on how much we raise. We have set a goal

of $5000.00 to raise during July. All monies that is donated will be staying at our food shelf.

Now we are asking that the Churches that sponsor us to please help us spread the word via announcements, contacts,

email, bulletins. This is a challenge that we feel can be obtained but only as we are able to communicate to the


Funds can be sent directly to Area Food Shelf of New Richland at P.O. Box 12, New Richland, MN 56072 or a deposit at

the State Bank of New Richland to our account or via a donation to the Church for the food shelf. Please feel free to

contact me with any questions. Thanks for your help in our fight against hunger.

Larry Goehring, President – AFSNR - Cell - 507 461 9253



St. Peter Lutheran Church, Otisco, MN

Sunday, July 11, 2021 – Serving begins @ 4:00 p.m.

Barbecues – Ham Sandwiches – Potato Salad – Calico Beans – Pie & Cake – Ice Cream – Lemonade – Coffee


Quilters will meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month through August @ 9:00 a.m. @ West Freeborn


Page 7: Cross of Glory & West Freeborn Lutheran Churches July 2021

May Attendance at West Freeborn: May 2 -10; May 9 – 22; May 16 – 16; May 23 – 18; May 30 – 38

Statistics for Cross of Glory Lutheran Church

Date General Fund Improvement Fund Mission Fund Cemetery Fund 5-30-21 $ 1,785.00 $ 300.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

6-6-21 2,378.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

6-13-21 965.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

6-20-21 485.00 0.00 25.00 0.00

(loose offering was given to the Gideons in the amount of $134.00)

6-27-21 740.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

TOTAL $6,353.00 $ 300.00 $ 25.00 $ 100.00

Cross of Glory email address: [email protected] - Cross of Glory Website:

West Freeborn Website:

Jerry Morstad, Cross of Glory President 507-373-0085 - Glenn Ausen, West Freeborn President – 402-4287

Church Office – 507-845-2818 – Fax # - 507-845-2732

Stacie Madson, West Freeborn Custodian 845-2525

Pastor’s cell phone: 507-250-6694 - Parsonage Phone – 845-2825

Cindy Morstad, C.G. Custodian - 845-2255 (home) – 402-4577 (cell)

Alvin Morstad, C.G. Custodian – 845-2813 (home) – 402-8612 (cell)



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July - 2021 Cross of Glory & West Freeborn Lutheran Churches, Hartland, MN

Worship times: West Freeborn – 9:00 a.m. Cross of Glory – 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3


WF – 9:00 a.m.

CG – 10:30 a.m.





Councils meet


8 9 10


WF – 9:00 a.m.

CG – 10:30 a.m.


13 14





WF – 9:00 a.m.

CG – 10:30 a.m.




Quilting @ WF

9:00 a.m.

22 23 24


WF – 9:00 a.m.

CG – 10:30 a.m. Communion

26 27 28 29 30 31