creative skills, presents

…the challenge of a generation ! C reative S kills presents:

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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…the challenge of a generation !

C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s


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C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s

index ✓presentation





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C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s

presentation Creative Skills born from the passion for creativity.

At August the 30, 2016, is founded the first company to operate as a link between the business society and

academic environment, aiming to change the paradigm of how to promote the image/brand of our


Over the years, we find pertinent questions, some of which still, without a effective response, as the issue of

preparing young people to the reality of business market.

As a strategic partner, we are focused on leveraging both your business and your visibility. Our value proposition is

to diversify our existence in a completely innovative perspective and with a social consciousness that promises to

benefit us all. Our slogan: “we are what we create”


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C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s

We are here to explore the natural resources, as the inexhaustible source of creativity, so abundant in young

people... such us our sons, nephews, grandchildren, brothers,... For this reason, we will strengthen ties to the

realization of innovative projects, forming multi-disciplinary teams where the know-how present in the business

class is presented as an engine for generating more knowledge to the students.

We all know that knowledge is also passed by our mentors… they are presented to us in several occasions and at

different times on our lives ... They are not expecting any return, other than to increase value ... this way and

taking advantage of what we already have in our reach, we will energize and enrich our society at another level!

Our main goal is to make known the greatness of our achievements, telling the story behind the image/brand,

and to make known the challenges, the stumbling we'll get on the way, showing in the process, how we

overcame them...



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C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s




Merit  Recogni3on  


At the speed that we have become accustomed, the base of our knowledge is at a distance of a click. What

once could take years to learn, today we assimilate almost as an upload of information. But what we leave

behind, and with a natural tendency we highlight, are the people responsible to get us to where we are ... Given

we still can not enter remotely on someone's mind, we need more and more to relate on emotions, relationships,

networking…We need to know the history behind the personality, the organization, the symbol, the brand!

Our route…


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C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s

Does not matter the market segment which in you operates or even your size for that meter. Any organization is a

potential partner for Creative Skills.

If the image of your company is truly important, in a win-win perspective, take a second to make a simple

exercise of impact analysis, when you consider that on your portfolio, a brand, a service, a solution is presented

with the signature of our students...

Doing to quantify the potential return of the impact in the society, you will benefit from the communication

through the media, which will associate your brand, whenever a project is launched, as well as through the

visibility on social networks, fairs, workshops and the knowledge base that will be created at the platform,

In order to promote the success of this initiative, we ask you to consider to spend a small percentage of your

business profit, to create more value and support today students, that tomorrow will join your team!



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C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s

Any organization that join this pioneering initiative is investing directly in human capital of excellence, especially in

the young people universe, were the innovation and originality are simply there essence.

Our work is based on the launch of challenges to the students, in and for the different spheres of activity, creating

work teams that bear from the support of the marketing department, in a brainstorming environment.

We believe this way, the projects that we create and implement, will be perfectly aligned with the vision, market

presence and focused on your particular case.

Objectively, Creative Skills aims to create unique projects in the shape of challenges, which together, will make

the difference in our society. The scenarios below, represent some examples of reference, that with our partners

and clients, we propose to accomplish ...



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S k i l l s


1. A reputed-centenary company, which for commemoration of a prominent date, brand enhancement or even

the launch of a new service/product, becomes partner of Creative Skills in order to see there story told, by the

hands of the students.. .

2. A wine industry, which for the launch of a new or exclusive line, strengthening its position in the market or even,

international expansion, becomes partner of Creative Skills in order to see different labels with caricatures and

small allusive passages, to historical figures, by the hands of the students...



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S k i l l s


3. A Architecture Office, which to respond to a certain need, to create a new living, business, recreational or

cultural place, becomes partner of Creative Skills, in order to see it designed by the hands of students…

4. Industries of furniture or clothing, which to launch a new line, becomes partner of Creative Skills, in order to see

created a new and unique design, by the hands of students...

5. A oil company, which for better visibility and differentiation from the gas stations of the competition, agrees to

be a partner of Creative Skills, with the goal of seeing found creative and innovative solutions that lead to greater

demand for its brand, by the hands of students...



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6. A Publisher, which to strengthen its market position, accepts to be a partner of Creative Skills, in order to publish

a new book, written in first hand, by students, to make known the life, challenges , frustrations and expectations of

today's youth ...

Among many other examples!


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S k i l l s

For the concept, check above some of the common guidelines to every challenge:

§  All challenges will be preceded by a specific regulations, for each case in particular and accordingly

developed in collaboration with the Partner/Client;

§  Throughout the process, in addition to the collaboration of Creative Skills, all the challenges will have the

support of the company's marketing department, for access to tours, interviews and answering questions about

your business;

§  All participants/students will be awarded with a certificate of participation and merit;

§  The winners will be awarded in addition to the diploma of merit, with a award , determined in due course by

the jury;

§  The jury will be composed by the members appointed by the Partner/Client, the representative of Creative Skills

and a figure of public importance, witch will be identify in due course;

§  In addition to advertising in institutional sites and social networks, all the challenges will be publicized through

the media, events, exhibitions and workshops ...



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S k i l l s


First Step

•  Agreement

•  Target Definition

•  Deadline

Second Step

•  Brainstorming

•  Regulation

•  Launch

Third Step

•  Meeting I

•  Evaluation I

•  Evaluation II

Fourth Step

•  Meeting III

•  Organization

•  Decision

Fifth Step

•  Results

•  Publication

•  Event

All challenges will be released monthly and with some exceptions, will last in general terms, three months since the

accession to the decision. The schedule of work that Creative Skills propose, for the cycle of life for each

challenge, can be represented in five steps:

The award ceremony/event will take place in a space that will be duly communicated, due the number of

participants and geography of each challenge.


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C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s


Our Mission

Develop more efficiently the human capital, in a unique and creative way,

Provide services of excellence so they can become a reference of experience for our stakeholders, partners and


Our Vision

To be a player of reference for all our partners.

Be a benchmark of excellence for the global market, transposing all the barriers possible, that together, will lead

us to conquer the world..

To be the impulse that gives to the young people, the chance to make a difference in our society.

Our Values

Because people represent the difference that makes all possible, our values are based on mutual respect,

perseverance, eloquence, transparency and the power of sharing,


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C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s

Given our recent creation, for the biennium 2016 - 2017, the work will be focused on the domestic market in order

to achieve a privileged position throughout the mainland and islands.

Is our expectation, to get support, both public and private organizations, which as partners of Creative Skills, will

play a key role in facilitating access, minimizing distances and legitimacy of our presence in the academic


Like all newly created companies, we expect many challenges, but we are strongly committed and confident in

the key partnerships that aim to be successful, in this journey that now begins.

If we also consider that there are no privileged markets and with a strand of cross-action, we are fully aligned and

focused on the business of our Partners and the healthy socio-cultural growth of all the students in the world.



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S k i l l s

In the digital era where we live and at the speed that which we move, is a natural tendency to look only to the

image/brand, forgetting everything that makes possible its appearance, its relevance and even its very

existence ... Is this trend, that we want change!

After the initial phase and fortified our position in the domestic market, Creative Skills expect for target, to grow to

the internationalization, in close collaboration with exchange partnerships.

With headquarters in Oporto, Portugal

we will work together, to conquer the world ...



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Our strategy is simple but ambitious. Within five years, we aim to be closer to you, wherever you are ...





2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021



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C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s

We believe that the Corporate Society is endowed and conscious of the need to create more value, but mainly in

the increasingly and pressing need, for the retention of merit that are developed in our countries.

Our proposal involves changing the paradigm of how to enhance the brand of the organizations, joining a key

ingredient, often overlooked ... The creativity and thirst for knowledge that is particularly abundant within the


The exercise that we propose:

Two young men in the same social circumstances… one grows in the normal and available learning path... the

other, beyond what is available, gradually we give him more knowledge, tools, general notions of

entrepreneurship and in a appealing way, provide him with the glimpse of the history of our brands ...

Who do you consider, have gather greater know-how and preparation for the future?



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C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s

Young people are identified as the future of society, those responsible for maintaining legacies and alive the

stories that tells ours ... We could not be more assertive. Young people represent our best bet, when we want to

recognize the essence of our organizations, more consciously.

Join Creative Skills movement, the only company in this area of expertise and include, for the promotion of our

brand, our innovative and unique contribution.

Be inspired… Inspire us ...

The success of this challenge, also lies in your hands ...

“…In this giant and wonderful puzzle that represents life,

I am proud to be a small part of it”

Sílvia Evaristo



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Creative Skills

AP. nº1021 4446-909 EC Ermesinde Portugal NIPC 514095601 CRC Porto ap 39/20160830

Phone: +351 966 452 165 E-mail: [email protected]

see you soon!

C r e a t i v e

S k i l l s