creative advertisement


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Page 2: creative advertisement

Creative Strategy

Creative Strategy

Determining what the advertising message will say or communicate

Determining what the advertising message will say or communicate

Creative Tactics

Creative Tactics

Determining how the message strategy will be executed

Determining how the message strategy will be executed

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Get raw material and data, and immerse yourself in the problemImmersion

Take the information, work it over, wrestle with it in your mindDigestion

Turn the information over to the subconscious to do the workIncubation

“Eureka! I have it!” phenomenonIllumination

Study the idea, evaluate it, reshape it for practical usefulnessVerification

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Verification - Refining the ideaPreparation - Gathering

InformationIllumination - Seeing the

Solution Incubation - Sitting Problem


The Creative Process

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Evaluate ideas Evaluate ideas

Reject the inappropriateReject the inappropriate

Refine the remainingRefine the remaining

Give ideas final expressionGive ideas final expression

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Directed focus groups

Message communication studies

Portfolio tests

Viewer reaction profiles


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Creative Strategy

Target audience identity

Basic problem, issue, opportunity

Major selling idea or keybenefit

Any supportive information

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• Basic problem or issue the advertising must address

• Advertising and communications objectives

• Target audience• Major selling idea or key

benefits to communicate• Creative strategy statement• Supporting information and


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Positioning the Brand

Use a UniqueSelling Position

Positioning Create the Brand Image

Seeking the Major Idea

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The Unique Selling Proposition Unique Selling Proposition

Benefit Unique Potent

Buy this product/service and you get this benefit or reward

Must be unique to this brand or claim; something rivals can't or don't offer

Promise must be strong enough or attractive enough to move people

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Copywriting and The Creative PlanCopywriting is the process of expressing the value and benefits a brand has to offer.

A creative plan is the guideline that specifies the message elements of advertising copy.

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Print Media RequirementsAll media in the print category all use the

same copy elementsThe way these elements are used varies with

the objective for using the medium

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Copy does not have to work as hard to catch audience’s attention

Straightforward and informative

Writing is brief

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Better quality ad productionAds can be more informative and carry longer copy

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How to Write Radio CopyRadio Guidelines

Keep it personalSpeak to listener’s interestsMake it memorableInclude call to actionCreate image transferMAIN POINTS-MusicSound effectsVoice

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How to Write Television CopyMoving action makes television so

much more engaging than print.The challenge is to fuse the images

with the words to present a creative concept and a story.

Storytelling is one way copywriters can present action in a television commercial more powerfully than in other media.

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