creationism vs. evolution2

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A look at Creationism Vs. Evolution, what do you think?


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Creationism Vs. EvolutionCreationism Vs. Evolution

Unlock the Truth Know The LiesWin The Lost

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What I believe!

I Believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God and I believe it cover to cover.

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All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,for instruction in righteousness:

2 Timothy 3:16

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The oldest known historical records are less than 6000 years.

Many ancient cultures have stories of an original creation and a worldwide Flood. Nearly 300 of these in the recent past flood legends are now known.

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Richard Dawkins- Evolutionist

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EVOLUTIONSIT SAY:EVOLUTIONSIT SAY:“We are the product of 4.5 billion years of fortuitousfortuitous, slow biological evolution. There is no reason to think that the evolutionary process has stopped. Man is a transitional animal. He is not the climax of creation.”Dr. Carl Sagan

“If we are going to teach creation science as an alternative to evolution, then we should also teach the stork theory as an alternative to biological reproduction.”Judith Hayes

“Most species do their own evolving, Most species do their own evolving, making it up as they go along, which is the way Nature intended. And this is all very natural and organic and in tune with mysterious cycles of the cosmos, which believes that there’s nothing like millions of years of really frustrating trial and error to give a species moral fiber and, in some cases, backbone.”

Terry Pratchett

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What Do Others Scientists What Do Others Scientists Say?Say?

It’s a Racket, Stupid, Boring, It stunted their growth.

Intelligent Design is a propaganda mill, filling young

minds for on mush.

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Science Is Not Democratic Process.

It is a Dictatorship. You dare not


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DR. Wernher von Braun

“One cannot be exposed to the law and order of the universe without concluding that there must be design and purpose behind it all.... To be forced to believe only one conclusion— that everything in the universe happened by chance—would violate the very objectivity of science itself.... They (evolutionists) challenge science to prove the existence of God.

It is in scientific honesty that I endorse the presentation of alternative theories for the origin of the universe, life and man in the science classroom. It would be an error to overlook the possibility that the universe was planned rather than happen ing by chance.”

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Dr. Richard Sternburg - FIRED! Smithsonian

Dr. Carol Crocker - FIRED! George Mason Univ.

DR. Robert Mark – FIRED!

DR. Gozales – FIRED

DR. Gonzales – FIRED! Head of astronomy found out he was a Christian.

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What Do Others Say?

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Each One Shall Answer

We are without excuse.We cannot claim ignorance.We will have to answer for our actions.

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My Goal is to present the truth and Expose errors.

Strengthen the faith of believers.

To establish the facts correctly and give you the ammunition you need to win the lost.

To be able to discern truth from lies.

The Un-Godly are not the enemy.They just work for him!

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What Is Science? What Is Evolution

Evolution Is:Evolution Is: The Evolving of something from

nothing. We all came from a Rock,

Evolved to a Ape, then Us.

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Is Evolution -- Spontaneous Generation

Evolution is - all animals have a common ancestor, and "evolved" into the different kinds that we have today over millions & billions of years.

Your ancestors was therefore a glob of ghoo.

Bible -- all animals "bring forth after their own kindown kind..."; like like kinds,kinds, produce like produce like kindskinds. No animal produces a different "kind" "kind" of animal, and there's no evidence that any ever have.

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The lug nuts on a Chevy will fit on a Pontiac , that proves they evolved 14 million years ago.


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 Genesis1: 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 The earth was without form, and void.

 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, 11 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so.  21 So God created the large sea-creatures and every living creature that moves and swarms in the water, according to their kinds. [He also created] every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

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26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the animals, all the earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth." .

27. So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female.

 28 God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every creature that crawls on the earth.“

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31 God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.

Evening came, and then morning: the sixth day.


in these scriptures?

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•Does God Exist?

•How do you know He exists?

•What proof do you have or can present that he exists to a non-believer?

•How would you answer these questions?

Four Questions????Four Questions????

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To Inform The Lost

To Provoke Thought

Provide Evidence

Lead The Lost To Christ

Help Others To Learn


And apply The Great Commission.

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Where Do We Start?


Despite what we have been told by evolutionist, there is no conclusive evidence of the common origin of life through evolution.


Since the beginning of time all the mater in the universe has been governed by precisely balanced laws of physics and constants which cannot be changed or altered.

peter nowell
peter nowell
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GEN.1:1Habitable planet conditions for life requires at least 60 elements to sustain life.

An Oxygen rich atmosphere. Liquid water and a continental land mass. H2o.A home star (Earth) of right temperature and mass.Orbital path that is not to close or to far from a sun distance.A moon to stabilize the planet axes and its tilt.A magnetic field.Trees - Lightning - Ocean

Just to name a few! Remove any one and all life would die.

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RATE OF ROTATION OF EARTH EVIDENCE RATE OF ROTATION OF EARTH EVIDENCE OF YOUNG EARTHOF YOUNG EARTHThe rotation of the earth is slowing down. We "lose" a second about every year-and-a-half, and must amend our clocks.

If the earth is slowing down, then it must have been going faster in the past. Today, at the equator, the earth spins at 1,038 miles per hour.

Six thousand years ago, the difference would've been minimal -- unnoticeably so. However, billions of years ago, the planet would've been uninhabitable -- winds from the Coriolis effect alone would've exceeded 5,000 miles per hour.

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Jupiter and Saturn

These two planets radiate more heat than they receive from the sun. If they were billions of years old, both planets would have reached equilibrium and no longer be able to lose more heat than they receive.

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“In Greenland andAntarctica, where the weather is consistently dry and very cold, the glaciers are miles thick but the annual rings are very thin.The deepest cores can measure over 10,000 feet, cores from Greenland drilled since 1990 show the northern climate was erratic... 135,000 years ago.” Plane found at 263 ft.

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In 1810, a billion people lived on earth. In less than 200 years, the population hit six billion. This fits the Biblical chronology perfectly as the current population started about 4,400 years ago with Noah and his family after the flood. An evolutionary timeline would require not only a nearly non-existent growth rate but also three trillion deceased humans within the last million years alone.

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The Beginning

The The Big Big BangBang

Where and when did come from?Who was there? Anyone you know?

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"Big Bang""Big Bang", sometime in the future?Basically, "nothing"nothing" exploded and made and made everythingeverything. The universe came from nothing. We all came from a dot, and the dot came from nothing. Where did the dirt [matter] in the dot come from? Who made it? Where did the [physical] laws come Where did the [physical] laws come from? from? It takes energy to make matter. Where did the energy come from? EVOLUTION?

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Was Jesus lying when He said that He created all things?  Jesus said that Creation was "the beginning." Evolution says that the beginning was 10 -15 billion Evolution says that the beginning was 10 -15 billion years agoyears ago. .

Evolution puts death before manEvolution puts death before man. The Bible says that death came because of man.

The credibility of Jesus, and the Bible is at stake.

Jesus quotes from Genesis and other books of the old testament many times–He must have believed it.

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The bible record and its text is the same today as it was 4,000 years ago. No one has disproved any part of it.

Dead Sea ScrollsDead Sea Scrolls.

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Evolution Time Chart

20 Billion 4.6 Billion 6000 4400

Evolution Created Earth Cools Creation Flood

Say Hello to Say Hello to GrandpaGrandpa

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Carbon DatingCarbon Dating

Calculation carbon dating formula is for dead species only:

1. Carbon 14 atoms = 100% of it is produce by radiation from the sun.

2. Carbon with 7 atoms = 50% or 5730 years, based on their theory.

You cannot date a rock, or fish, Oil, Coal or anything that ever ate fish or lived is the sea either.

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Carbon Dating 14 ProblemsCarbon Dating 14 Problems

1. The premise of carbon dating evolves around the seas.

2. If they cannot carbon date them then how do they know they are 4.6 billion years old and we came from the sea.

3.3. We can only date things for which historians know We can only date things for which historians know a "right answer“, such as the Declaration of a "right answer“, such as the Declaration of Independence. Or Dead Sea Scrolls. When Jesus Independence. Or Dead Sea Scrolls. When Jesus lived.lived.

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Carbon Dating 14 ProblemsCarbon Dating 14 ProblemsThe method doesn't work on things which didn't get their carbon from the air. This leaves out all sea aquatic creaturesThis leaves out all sea aquatic creatures, since their carbon might (for example) come from dissolved carbonate rock or other sea creatures. That causes a dating problem with any animal that eats seafood as well.

Nor does it work on anything less then a 1,000 years old, or older the 1,000,000 they say. This again leave to many gaps.

We can't date fossils, for three reasons. We can't date fossils, for three reasons. 1.To old they say. Yet they publish dates all the time.2.They rarely contain any of the original carbon enough to calculate.3.It is common to soak new-found fossils in a preservative which destroys if any and all carbon left.

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Carbon dating is a myth. Mammoths have been found that date to different millennium on different parts of their bodies.

Recently A well know University was given “ROCK” from a recently overflow of lava from Hawaii, it was in fact lava. They dated it at 1.5 millions years old.

Carbon DATING????

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Genesis1: 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

The concept that God created anything is so foreign to non believers, they laugh in our faces.

They mock us and laugh about our faith.

How do you handle that?

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Two Concepts

Macro Evolution

macroevolution would be the slow progressive change of one species into the next in a line of species.

Micro Evolution

Dogs may change to become bigger or smaller, but they never become cats.

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Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection through evolution.

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Natural Selection

Is the evolving of one species into another over the period of 4.6 to 15 billion years.

A rock into rain, then into a fish, into alligators, then monkeys, then man.

The theory says the weakest die off and the strong evolve into a better species. Adding features through each process.

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Food Through Evolution?Food Through Evolution?Over 10,000 varieties of food to sustain life, with the exact amount of nutrition to fuel the body. Accident or a Designer?

How did evolution know how to create food?Did it create food first or the monkey?

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GEN. 1:29 God also said, "Look, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the surface of the entire earth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed. This food will be for you,

30. for all the wildlife of the earth, for every bird of the sky, and for every creature that crawls on the earth—everything having the breath of life in it. [I have given] every green plant for food." And it was so.

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Consider This


Will my computer evolve back to its original look and feel once its smashed, given enough time? Your cars?

Your house? ETC?????

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Creation of the human eye is one of the most complex organs in the body. It has 137 million nerves connected directly to the brain.

How did evolution know that its animals needed to see. Why didn’t it just have long arms to feel its way around?Like bacteria. A designer perhaps?

Focus Issues

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Evolutions say IMAGINE how the eye evolved, the Evolutions say IMAGINE how the eye evolved, the complex structure could only come through evolution. complex structure could only come through evolution. God didn’t do it this way so it had to evolve. God didn’t do it this way so it had to evolve.

Factor for success is:Factor for success is:

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Evolution says IMAGINE how the eye or other body parts evolved, the complex structure could only come through evolution. God didn’t do it this way so it had to evolve.

Man’s understanding of the human body is lacking.Man’s understanding of the human body is lacking.Like telling a child to take out the parts in a car it doesn’t Like telling a child to take out the parts in a car it doesn’t need.need.

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Evolution says IMAGE how the eye evolved, the complex structure could only come through evolution. God didn’t do it this way so it had to evolve.

Man’s understanding of the human body is lacking.Like telling a child to take out the parts in a car it doesn’t need.

Once you understand the complexity of the body you are Once you understand the complexity of the body you are better able to understand and explain creation and a better able to understand and explain creation and a designer in a manner that makes sense.designer in a manner that makes sense.

This is one factor for success.This is one factor for success.

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Evolution says IMAGINE how the eye evolved, the complex structure could only come through evolution. God didn’t do it this way so it had to evolve.

Man’s understanding of the human body is lacking.Like telling a child to take out the parts in a car it doesn’t need.

Once you understand the complexity of the body you are Once you understand the complexity of the body you are better able to understand creation, a designer.better able to understand creation, a designer.

The best defense for creation is a good The best defense for creation is a good offense.offense.

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Establish the FactsEstablish the Facts

Ask Questions: What can evolution do?Ask Questions: What can evolution do? Can it think?Can it think? Can it love? Can it answer prayers? Can it transform lives full of hate?

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Let me think, today I will design a jet plane! Yea that’s the ticket!

Tomorrow I will build a rocket and go to the moon!

Animals in the wild have never created anything other than their survival instincts, nesting and their search for food and have not advance beyond that realm. No three little pigs, with air conditioned homes.

Think Man!!!

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The complexity of the brain and its millions of functions cannot be explained by evolutionist to any degree of satisfaction or understanding through science. Gee maybe a creator designed it?

The process of thinking & learning requiring more then mere chance to explain to capabilities of the brain.

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Myth 1: All Scientists Agree.Myth 2: There is no other answer but Science.Myth 3: Humans Evolved From Monkeys.Myth 4: If Nobody Saw It, We Can’t Be Sure Creation Happened.Myth 5: Evidence of the Young Age of the Earth Does Not Exist.Myth 6: No Evidence of the Global Flood.Myth 7: The myth that the alternative—biblical creation—somehow fails to find any compelling, corroborative support in the same data.

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Darwin was convinced that fossils would show the mutation of evolution evolving from one species to another through fossils.

To date there are no such fossils. What’s even more interesting is how many fish fossils are found at high elevations. There are however frauds.


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FOSSILS EXISTS. If a treasure from a sunken ship includes coins

from the year 1750, then you may safely assume that the ship did not sink before that year. It is a "limiting factor." Fossils do not talk, nor have dates stamped on them. How do you establish the age of the earth? The only sure way is to find the One who made it, someone who was there! PerhapsPerhaps A Creator!A Creator!

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Evolutionary Theory


Whales evolved into animals. See their two back fines, that proves it, they say.


This is selective choice by evolutionist. They search for animal/mammuls that fit their needs.

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Geology and EvolutionHow was the Grand

Canyon formed?

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The geologic story at the Grand Canyon concerns the origin of the canyon itself: when and how did it come to be? On one level the answer is simple: Grand Canyon is an erosional feature that owes its existence to the Colorado River. Of equal importance are the forces of erosion that have shaped and continue to shape the canyon today. These include running water from rain, snowmelt, and tributary streams which enter the canyon throughout its length.

Published by Curators at the Grand Canyon.Published by Curators at the Grand Canyon.

Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with this statement?Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with this statement?

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How does water erodes the canyon uphill? Please Explain!!

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Learn To Think Critically

Do you think human are still evolving?

What is the built in assumption – question?

Humans Evolved.

Think Critically!!!

Have you stopped beating your wife yet?

An assumptive question?

How can young people think critically with questions like these.

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This theory of Haeckel's postulates that living embryos re-experience the evolutionary process that their pseudo-ancestors underwent. He theorized that during its development in its mother's womb, the human embryo first displayed the characteristics of a fish, and then those of a reptile, and finally those of a human.

Another Example

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Another interesting aspect of "recapitulation" was Ernst Haeckel himself, a faker who falsified his drawings in order to support the theory he advanced. Haeckel's forgeries purported to show that fish and human embryos resembled one another. When he was caught out, the only defense he offered was that other evolutionists had committed similar offences:

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After Haeckel’s confession in 1875 of his embryonic evolutionary drawings, text books today continue to use his theory, and 130 years later this theory is still in many major text book in colleges and universities today, they deny all truths to propagate their philosophy of evolution.

The TruthThe Truth

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Establish the FactsEstablish the Facts

Ask Question: What can evolution do?Ask Question: What can evolution do? Can it think? Can it love?Can it love? Can it answer prayers? Can it transform lives full of hate?

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The Love BoatThe Love Boat

How do you explain love, let alone understand it?I know it when I feel it.

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Passionate love which involves continuously thinking about the loved one and also involves warm feelings and powerful emotional reactions. Companionate love is having trusting and tender feelings for someone who is close to you.

Love is friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows, one day at a time.

What part of evolution did this process begin?What part of evolution did this process begin?

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Evolutionist negates to talk about things they cannot understand, they try and push all of creation through science.

Why who would doubt a scientist?

If Albert Einstein said there was cheese on the moon you might believe him.

If you say something often enough it takes on a life of its own and it becomes the law. Repeat and repeat!

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Ask Question: What can evolution do?Ask Question: What can evolution do?Can it think?Can it love?Can it answer prayers?Can it answer prayers?Can it transform lives full of hate?

Establish the FactsEstablish the Facts

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Can it transform lives full of hate?Can it transform lives full of hate?

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Lives TransformedLives Transformed

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The Reason We Live……