creating a disciple-making culture in the sunday school

Creating a Disciple-Making Culture in the Sunday School

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Page 1: Creating a Disciple-Making Culture in the Sunday School

Creating a Disciple-Making Culture in the

Sunday School

Page 2: Creating a Disciple-Making Culture in the Sunday School

In Your Group…Use the paper and markers provided…

Define: Transformation…

Page 3: Creating a Disciple-Making Culture in the Sunday School

How would you define: Transformation…

Webster…• an act, process, or instance of transforming or

being transformed

• to change in character or condition

• To Convert

Page 4: Creating a Disciple-Making Culture in the Sunday School

What Scripture passages come to mind regarding Transformation?

• Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Cor. 5:17

• And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…. Romans 12:2

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Matthew 28:19-20 - RSV

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you;

and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.

Transformational Co - Mission

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Define: Disciple… A disciple is…• A Learner• A Student• A Follower

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How did Jesus Make Disciple?

• “Come Follow Me” • Rabbi – “Come learn with me”

• Disciples • – yes

• Believers • – probably not

• Philip – Show us the Father…• Left Him - Walked no more with Him. John 6:66• Judas – a disciple that never believed

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Jesus’ Disciple-Making Process

1. Learner Disciples – Go, make disciples…– “Come learn with us!”

2. Believer Disciples – Baptizing Them…– Learners become believers

3. Fully Devoted, Reproducing disciples – Teaching them to observe…– The role of mature believers is to disciple new


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• Not perfect• Rough around the

edges• Unfinished• A work in Progress• Not Bible Scholar!• Not Spiritual Giant!

A disciple is a learner who becomes a believer and then a fully devoted, reproducing follower

of Jesus.

A Disciple Is…

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What is Culture?Webster defines Culture as: • the customary beliefs, social forms, and

behaviors of a group; • the characteristic features of everyday

existence; • the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and

practices that characterizes an organization.

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What is a Disciple-Making Culture?

Making Disciples is the focus of the group members’…• Beliefs, Attitudes, Values, and Goals of

Everyday Existence

• Lifestyle Behaviors and Practices

Rarely is a disciple made before a relationship has been


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Transformation is Radical Change

…and more

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Change…is fixing the past.

Transformation…is creating a new path

for the future

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…in which lives are transformed

• Only God can transform a life – That’s the job of the Holy Spirit!

• Our job is to create an open environment in which the Holy Spirit can do His work of transformation.

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Cocoon – Caterpillar to Butterfly

Sunday School is that…• Open and inviting community where potential disciples

are welcome and expected.• Safe Place where the Holy Spirit does His work of

transformation• Where learner disciples can ask the hard questions• Where learner disciples are mentored by stories and

testimonies of believer disciples

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The Sunday School is a biblically based ministry of open, transformational small

communities to assist the church in creating a disciple-making culture through which lives

are transformed by the power of God.

Sunday School is a ministry of Transformational

Small Communities.

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Behaviors that Create a Disciple-Making Culture

• We can talk about the philosophy of making disciples but that will never make one.

• We can dialogue about the importance of culture but that will never transform a life.

• Talking, philosophying, and dialoging do not make disciples.

• Behaviors Make Disciples!

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Behaviors that Create a Disciple-Making Culture

To create a disciple-making culture in our Sunday Schools, we will need to follow the example of Jesus. He didn’t just talk, he acted… • He invited and added (enrolled) learner disciples

into his small group. • He stayed connected to them. • He ministered to them• He involved them in ministry.

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Behaviors that Create a Disciple-Making Culture

• Eventually, these learner disciples became believer disciples who then became fully devoted, reproducing disciples…

who turned the world upside down.

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Mission OrientedSunday School Director

• Use the markers to write on the balloons what the Sunday School Director need to be and do to be mission oriented.

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Create a Sunday school Ministry Team


Preschool Leader

Student Leader

Adult LeaderChildren Leader

Special Ministry Leader S.S. Director-Team

Leader, Outreach and Ministry Coordinators

Without a team, the Sunday

School Director’s hands are tied.

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The Functions of the Sunday School Ministry Team

1. Spring Annual Planning: to accomplish the mission of the church

2. Monthly Coordination: a. Evaluateb. Coordinatec. Plan Ahead

Are We making disciples?

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Team Behaviors1. Know Your Disciple-Making Potential

2. Enlarge The Organization for Making Disciples

3. Enlist and Train Disciple-Making Leaders

4. Provide Space and Equipment for Making Disciples

5. Go! Make Disciples

KEEP Going!Arthur Flake

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Know Your Disciple-Making


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• In the Work PlaceAs Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,”Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.

Matthew 4:19-20

Jesus Discovered Potential Disciples

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• In the HomeAs Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. Matthew 9:9-10

Jesus Discovered Potential Disciples

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• By Involving Members of His Small Group

Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. Come and see,” said Philip. John 1:45-51

Jesus Discovered Potential Disciples

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• By Organizing Teams When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Luke 9:1

Jesus Discovered Potential Disciples

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• By Organizing Teams After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Luke 10:1-3

Jesus Discovered Potential Disciples

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Behavior One: Discover Potential Disciples

• Jesus discovered potential disciples where they were.– Work Place– Community– Homes

• He sent out teams to discover the disciple-making potential.

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Behavior One: Discover Potential Disciples

• Demographics Study -• Potential Disciple Cards• Community Census• Telephone Surveys• Church Membership• Worship Guests• VBS and Special Events• FRANs

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

The Sunday School Conducts Two (2)

Potential Disciple Discovery Actions Each Year.

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Potential Disciple Card1. Who do you know that has never told you personally about their relationship with Jesus Christ?

NAME: _______________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________ Adult – Young Adult – Youth

PHONE #: ____________________________ Child – Preschool (Circle one)

 Is this person a member of any church? _______

 2. Who do you know that does not attend church?

 NAME: _______________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________ Adult – Young Adult – Youth -

PHONE #: ____________________________ Child – Preschool (Circle one)

Your Name: ______________Phone # ____________ Email: ______________

Please write any Additional comments on back.

Complete a Potential Disciple

Card for someone you


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Behavior Two: A. Invite, and Enroll Disciples

• Jesus invited potential disciples to Come learn with me.

• Jesus invited potential disciples to become a member of His small group.

• He “Enrolled” them.• 85% are at least moderately willing come if

they are invited.

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Behavior Two: Invite, and Enroll Disciples

Enrollment is the # 1 key to making disciples.Enrollment is a Ministry List of disciples to whom the class commits.– Open Enrollment: Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime as

long as they agree.– Enroll all resident members.– Automatically enroll all new members as they join.– Conduct a worship survey quarterly (or at least

annually) to connect people to small groups.

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Behavior Two: B. Maintain Strong Average

Attendance of Disciples in Bible Study

• Disciples attending worship only - 15% still active disciples 5 years later.

• Disciples attending worship and Sunday School - 87% still active disciples 5 years later

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

The Sunday School average attendance equals 40% – 60 % of

Total Enrollment

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

The Sunday School Disciple Enrollment Is at Least 10% Greater than

Resident Church Membership.

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Half of the Disciples Attending Regularly also Attend a Closed, Disciple-

Maturing Group. 1:2

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Enlarge Organization for Making Disciples

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In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word. Acts 6:1-4

The Early Church Enlarges

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He said to them, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8• One group of 12 couldn’t reach all the

potential new disciples• Multiple people groups needed to be reached

Jesus Commisions Disciples to Reach People Groups

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The Number of Disciples Grew

• So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7

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Behavior Three:Create Disciple-Making Small Groups

• Start new disciple-making small groups.• With each new small group, expect an increase

of 10 new disciples.

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Behavior Three:Create Disciple-Making Small Groups

Who is your ‘People Group’?Age GradingLife-Stage

Young AdultParentsEmpty NestersRetirees

Affinity GroupsInter-generational Groups

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Sunday School has 1 Small Group per 18 disciples enrolled.


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Max Enrollment

Average Attendance

Groups Needed

Adult 25/ Group 12-15

Youth 12 /Group 6-8

Children 6 / Group 4 / Group

Younger Preschool

8 / Group 6 / Group

Older Preschool

10 / Group 8 / Group

Principle of Reproduction:

When a small group reaches maximum

enrollment and average attendance, reproduce.

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Enlist and Train Disciple-Making


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Jesus Enlists Leaders• Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him

those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons. These are the twelve he appointed: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter), James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means “sons of thunder”), Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. Mark 3:13-19

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Jesus Trains Leaders

• …and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere. Luke 9:2-6

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Behavior Four:A. Enlist Disciple-Making Leaders

1. Pray for Disciple-Making Leaders2. Do Gift Assessment3. Match Leader to Ministry Based on Gifts and

Passion4. Use Proper Enlistment Procedure5. Focus on Leaders Role in the Mission of the

Church to Make Disciples

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Small Group Ministry Teams

Outreach Leaders


Care Group Leaders

1 / 4-5

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Class Care Groups

Regular Member

Care Group Leader

Regular Member

Irregular Member

Chronic Absentee

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Discipling Ministry Touches

• Care Group Leaders Contact Every Member Every Week.– Prayer Needs– Ministry Needs– Stimulation for Sunday’s Bible Study– Request Attendance

• Minister to Members Needs• Evangelistic Visits

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Discipleship ministry touches equal the enrollment weekly


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GroupLeader/ Disciple


Leaders Needed

Adult 1/25

Youth 1/12

Children 1/6

Younger Preschool


Older Preschool


Principle of Reproduction:

When leader/disciple ratio reaches maximum,

enlist or reproduce.

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Behavior Four:B. Train Leaders to Make Disciples

• You enlist your potential or your problems.• You get what you train for.• In-Service Training – The Apprentice• Annual Training• Regular Leadership Planning Meetings– 10 Minutes Tops for Teachers– Outreach and Care Group Leader Training

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Sunday School has 1 Leader per 5

disciples enrolled. 1:5

Leaders include General Leaders plus Department Leaders and

Class Ministry Team: Teachers, Outreach Leaders,

Care Group Leaders.

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Every Sunday School Participates in One

(1) Training Each Year. - 1:1

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

75% of Leaders Participate in

Regular Planning Meetings.

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Provide Disciple-Making Space

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The Early Church Made Room for Making More Disciples

• They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved.

Acts 2:46-47

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The Early Church Made Room for Making More Disciples

• Question: How do you think the “People… liked what they saw”? An organic, vibrant community that pulled people

into a culture of friendship..The early church was a robust, relational church

that created space for more groups to connect the new converts to one another.

It Was A Party Church!!!

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Behavior Five:Create Space for Disciples

• There is no such thing as building a (“Disciple-Making”) Sunday School great in numbers (of Disciples) in small, cramped quarters. Flake

• When a Sunday School reaches 80% capacity, it stops making disciples.

• Go for the Ideals but use effectively what you have.• Options: - Multiple Sunday Schools

- Home Group- One on One or Triads

• Sunday School on Campus is not for everyone

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Sq. Ft. per person

Spaces Needed

Adult 18 sq.ft. per person

Youth 18 sq.ft. per person

Children 25 sq.ft. per person

Younger Preschool

35 sq. ft.per person

Older Preschool 35sq.ft.per person

Principle of Reproduction:

When a small group reaches 80% of

maximum space capacity, reproduce.

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Provide One Space for Each Small Group. - 1:1

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Go!Make Disciples.

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How Did Jesus Do It?

…Jesus went throughout Galilee, Teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the Kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. Matthew 4:23

• Jesus ministry focused on three Kingdom Actions:1. Teaching2. Evangelism3. Ministry

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What Were the Results?

Word got around the entire Roman province of Syria. People brought anybody with an ailment, whether mental, emotional, or physical. Jesus healed them, one and all. More and more people came, the momentum gathering. Besides those from Galilee, crowds came from the ‘Ten Towns’ across the lake, others from Jerusalem and Judea, still others from across the Jordan.

When the Kingdom of God is our theme people

will come.

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Behavior Six:Develop a Potential Disciples List

for Each Small GroupSunday School Outreach Process for Making Disciples:1. Each Small Group has an Outreach Leader2. Outreach Leader Coordinates Potential Disciples’ List3. Members Complete a Potential Disciples Card 4. Members Give card to the Outreach Leader5. Outreach Leader places name on the Potential Disciples List. 6. Outreach Leader assigns name to a Care Group Leader7. Care Group Cultivates Potential Disciple

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Behavior Six:Develop a Potential Disciples List

for Each Small GroupOutreach Ideas:• Build Meaningful Relationships with Potential Disciples – BEST!• Ice Cream Evangelism – Josh Hunt• Invite Every Prospect to Every Party Every Month – Josh Hunt• Invitation: Come Learn With Us!• MTV – Outreach – Allan Taylor, Woodstock, FBC– Mail or Email– Telephone Call– Visit

• Regular Visitation – Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly

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Evangelistic Prayer List

• Prayer Requests and Announcements– Members: Pray for people and issues on the

hearts of members.– Ministries: Pray for ministries of the church

(announcements)– Missional: Pray for Potential Disciples, the lost

and unchurched, by name. Keep a list of these in sight and mark when one becomes a believer disciple.

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Potential Disciple Card1. Who do you know that has never told you personally about their relationship with Jesus Christ?

NAME: _______________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________ Adult – Young Adult – Youth

PHONE #: ____________________________ Child – Preschool (Circle one)

 Is this person a member of any church? _______

 2. Who do you know that does not attend church?

 NAME: _______________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________ Adult – Young Adult – Youth -

PHONE #: ____________________________ Child – Preschool (Circle one)

Your Name: ______________Phone # ____________ Email: ______________

Please write any Additional comments on back.

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Potential Disciples File

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Potential Disciples List Equals Number

of Disciples Enrolled.1:1

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Each Small Group Has an Outreach


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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Regular Outreach Visitation: Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly.

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Each Small Group Keeps an Evangelistic

Prayer List.1:1

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Remember, What happens on Sunday

Morning Is a Direct Reflection of What Has

Been Going On During the Week!

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Behavior Seven:Missional Projects

• Short-Term Missions Projects• Community Based• Influence Community to Reflect the Kingdom

of God• Focus on Lost and Unchurched

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Goal for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

Each Small Group participates in a

Quarterly Missional Project. 1:1/qtr.

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Behavior Results

• Worship – At least 10% more in worship than in Sunday School

• Baptisms – 1 Baptist for every 15 Disciples enrolled in Sunday School

• Offerings – Per Capita Giving Increases

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Sunday School Is Not for Everyone!

• Behaviors Guaranteed to Work? No!

• Some will NEVER respond to an organized approach.

• Some will NEVER come inside your building.

• Jesus Fit the Method to the Person. – Not a bad idea!

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Disciple-Making Behaviors

I. Know Your Disciple Making Potential1) Discover Potential Disciples 2) A. Invite and Enroll Potential Disciples B. Average Attendance

II. Enlarge the Organization for Making Disciples3) Create Disciple-Making Groups

III. Enlist and Train Disciple-Making Leaders4) A. Enlist Disciple-Making Leaders

B. Train Leaders to Make Disciples

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Disciple-Making Behaviors

IV. Provide Space for Disciples5) Space for Disciples

V. Go! Make Disciples6) Potential Disciples on File7) Missional Projects

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Goals for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

1. Two (2) Potential Disciple Discovery Actions Per Year- 1:12. A. Disciple Enrollment > 10% of Resident Church

Membership -B. Average Attendance = 40% - 50% of Total Enrollment3. One Small Group per Eighteen Disciples Enrolled - 1:184. A. One Leader per Five Disciples Enrolled – 1:5 B. Leaders Participate in One Training per Year – 1:15. One Space for Each Small Group – 1:16. Potential Disciples List = Number of Disciples Enrolled – 1:17. Each Group Participates in a Quarterly Missional Project – 1:1

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Goals for Creating a Disciple-Making Culture

8. Every Disciple Receives a Ministry Touch Each Week – 1:19. Each Group Keeps an Evangelistic Prayer List – 1:110. Regular Outreach Visitation – Wk, Mo. Qtr.11. 75% of Leaders Participate in Regular Planning Meetings12. 50% of Disciples Participate in Disciple-Maturing Groups

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Sunday School Is Not for Everyone!

• Behaviors Guaranteed to Work? No!

• Some will NEVER respond to an organized approach.

• Some will NEVER come inside your building.

• Jesus Fit the Method to the Person. – Not a bad idea!

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God,We want to accomplish the mission to which You have called

Your Church.Let us quit talking

about it,and Just Do It!Help us to Go! Make Disciples

that lives may betransformed by

Your Power.In our Sunday School

small group,Amen

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Creating a Disciple-Making Culture in the

Sunday School