create jobs - inspire a generation (overview)


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Post on 12-May-2015




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Page 1: Create jobs - inspire a generation (overview)

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InspIre a generatIon:

let’s get young london


Page 2: Create jobs - inspire a generation (overview)

* Barking & Dagenham, greenwich, Hackney, newham, tower Hamlets, Waltham forest.

our mission is to create 100s of work related opportunities across the arts and creative industries for 14-25 year olds living in the olympic Host Boroughs*.

We need your help to create more opportunities to get young London working.

the CreAte Jobs mission

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* Barking & Dagenham, greenwich, Hackney, newham, tower Hamlets, Waltham forest.

Page 3: Create jobs - inspire a generation (overview)

• across the UK, youth unemployment is above 1 million, with long-term youth unemployment above 250,000 for the first time since the 1990s

• this equates to 1:5 young people in the labour market (22%) being unemployed

• Urgent employment and training opportunities are needed across London, and especially across the olympic host boroughs where youth unemployment is at its highest

• the long term disadvantages include fewer opportunities to develop work skills and confidence, and long-term wage drag

We want to work with you to improve this situation.

beCAuse the kids Are not Alright

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this bleak situation is in stark contrast to the positive outlook for the sector:

• the creative and cultural sectors are booming with 1:6 jobs in London provided by the sector

• employment (nationally) across the arts, heritage, digital and creative sectors is predicted to rise by 32% over the next ten years

• east London has particular advantages with the rise of the tech City enterprise zone and the legacy of the olympics and paralympics

We want to connect employers like you to local youth talent.

london’s CreAtive & CulturAl seCtors

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there are 5 ways your organisation can participate:

1. Jobs: create a junior position within your organisation

2. Apprenticeships: facilitate a 1 year ‘earn while they learn’ scheme

3. Traineeships: provide an 8 week work placement

4. Mentoring: encourage your staff to coach a young person to develop a career action plan (1:1)

5. Speakers in Schools: encourage your staff to give inspirational and industry specific talks We will recruit and select talented candidates suited to your business. No charges whatsoever.

how you CAn get involved

benefits to employers• recruit great talent without the recruitment fees

• access a new dedicated talent pool – fresh thinking, creative & energetic

• Diversify the cultural background of your employee base

• Improve staff motivation and engagement

• Be a pioneering employer, creating a new employment pathway for local young people

We will ensure that participation in CREATE Jobs delivers a clear business benefit to your organisation.

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In 2011-12, 300 students attended our Careers fairs at the Barbican, 99 traineeships have been secured, and 20 mentees have been matched with creative and arts professionals.

Young people we place have either continued on into paid employment, education or feel better prepared to move into the work place.

With your help, we can make a difference and inspire a generation.

whAt hAs CreAte Jobs AChieved to dAte?

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Quotes & testimoniAls

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thanks to the traineeship I’ve now got an amazing job as admin assistant for the London 2012 team at ticketmaster, which means I now work for the biggest entertainment company in the world: Live nation. Harriet Hutton from Barking.

absolutely, we’d recommend this experience to others! It’s great to have new faces and a fresh pair of eyes round the office. and Create Jobs carefully chooses trainees that match our business needs.Claudio giambrone, promotions Manager, Impact

I felt I was really lucky to get the traineeship & I really wanted to get the experience for my CV, this will really help me in the future…the good news is I’ve actually got a part-time job here (the Whitechapel gallery) as a gallery assistant.syara ahmed from Waltham forest.



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About CREAtE Jobs

the Create Jobs programme is delivered by a new Direction in partnership with Create.

a new Direction connects children, young people and education with the best of arts and culture in London. We want to make London the leading city in the work for young people’s cultural and creative development.

CREATE are a creative agency who deliver projects in east London which involve major artists and local communities.

Create Jobs is supported by the Host Borough Unit and the London Legacy Development Corporation.

PlEdgE youR suPPoRt todAy

Contact the Create Jobs team on 020 8536 5380 or email [email protected] today to start the conversation.

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