crashing creativity observation lab ricardo dlf

Ricardo DLF October 26 th 2012 Crashing Creativity Summary I visited 6 stores in the UTC shopping mall in San Diego. I visited Sports Chalet, See’s Candies, The Apple Store, The Body shop, Yogenfruz, and Abercrombie and Fitch. The variety of stores I visited included sporting goods, frozen yogurt shop, candy shop, clothes shop, beauty products shop, and Apple products shop. It was interesting to find the hidden things I wouldn’t notice before such as the smells, the different types of music, and the theme of the shop. It was interested to see so many different things that I missed when I visited the same places before. I had visited Sports Chalet, The apple store, and the body shop. This time I felt like I was in a brand new store. Overall, it was an interesting assignment to active the “five” senses. I think an opportunity should try to appeal to the “five senses” and set a good “theme”. Should also focus around the target customer needs and cater to them. It was interesting to see how Apple had so little merchandise making it seems “simple” and that the cash register was mobile. I wonder how mobile purchasing would affect others. Say in a food court you sat down and you chose all your food and it was delivered to you and you pay right on the sport through an Ipad app. 1

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October 2012 - Venture Lab - Crashing Creativity Couse - Observation Lab


Page 1: Crashing creativity observation lab ricardo dlf

Ricardo DLFOctober 26th 2012Crashing Creativity


I visited 6 stores in the UTC shopping mall in San Diego. I visited Sports Chalet, See’s

Candies, The Apple Store, The Body shop, Yogenfruz, and Abercrombie and Fitch.

The variety of stores I visited included sporting goods, frozen yogurt shop, candy

shop, clothes shop, beauty products shop, and Apple products shop. It was

interesting to find the hidden things I wouldn’t notice before such as the smells, the

different types of music, and the theme of the shop. It was interested to see so many

different things that I missed when I visited the same places before. I had visited

Sports Chalet, The apple store, and the body shop. This time I felt like I was in a

brand new store. Overall, it was an interesting assignment to active the “five” senses.

I think an opportunity should try to appeal to the “five senses” and set a good

“theme”. Should also focus around the target customer needs and cater to them.

It was interesting to see how Apple had so little merchandise making it seems

“simple” and that the cash register was mobile. I wonder how mobile purchasing

would affect others. Say in a food court you sat down and you chose all your food

and it was delivered to you and you pay right on the sport through an Ipad app.

Observation Lab

Sports Chalet


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Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If So how?The sign is in Big Red Letters. Located in the walking entrance to the shopping mall. Besides being the first store and the name it doesn’t really draw me in.

Is the door open or closed?The store has an automatic sliding door that opens as you get close.

How does this make you feel?Doesn’t really affect me.

How big is the sign lettering and in what font?The sign is very big in Red letters. All Capital and in a simple font.

What does it tell you about the store?The sign tells me that the store is a sports related store. “Sports Chalet” which is a sports store.

EnvironmentWhat is the color schema of the store? How does it affect you?The color scheme is white and red. The color red makes me feel competitive. Also makes me feel like I may be getting a bargain because there is a lot of red “For Sale signs”.

What type of floor does the store have? How does it affect the environment?The store has dark carpet. Doesn’t really affect me this is probably because you can’t really stain dark carpet.


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How high is the ceiling? How does it feel?The ceiling is very high. Makes me fell as if I’m out in the “open”.

How brightly lit is the store? How does it affect you?The store is very bright. It makes me feel energetic.

How loud is the environment?The environment is not very loud.

What is causing the noise?People cause the noise.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?There is no music playing. I guess people need to explore and adventure.

Is the store warm or cold?The store is neither warm nor cold.

Is the store crowded with merchandise or is it sparse?The store is crowded with merchandise.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?The store smells like tennis balls and basketballs all around the store whether there are tennis or basketballs.

Where is the cash register located?The cash register is located near the exit.

How visible is the store security?There are some cameras in certain hallways. Not too visible though but it exists.

How long do you want to stay in the store?You want to stay in the store 1-2 hours playing around with all the gear and exploring all the sports.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of merchandise?The environment makes the store feel like your getting a fair price for merchandise maybe slightly discounted.

PersonnelHow long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?It takes 5-10 minutes for a sales person to initiate contact. Depends on what section of the store.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?


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Yes. The salesperson will be friendly but approach the customers and talk to them on their interests and find what they are looking for.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?Ratio Salespeople: Customer = 1:2

What age and gender are the employees?Around 30

Are the salespeople using the store products?Not really.

Do the salespeople have a uniform?Yes. Dressed in red sports chalet polo shirts.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?They salespeople match the stores image. I talked to a Scuba guy near the scuba gear and he was passionate on scuba diving.



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What is the first product that you notice?The first products you notice are the baseball bats and basketballs.

Is there a central display table with featured products?Not really.

What are the items that are “for sale” located in the store?The “For sale” items are closer to the outer area of the store on the walls.

How are the products arranged? By Function? By Price? By Color?The products are arranged by function.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?There are demonstrations

What products are at eye level?The products that are at eye level are big products. That highly resembles the sport such as baseballs or baseball bats for baseball.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?The least accessible items are the winter clothing and winter sports on the second floor.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?The most expensive products are located in the middle and the corner of the store.

Are the prices of the products easy to find?The prices easy to find depending on the product. But generally one can find it without any help from the Salesperson.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?Near the cash register there are foods, beverages and tiny inexpensive things.


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CustomersAre most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?Most customers are alone or a father and child. A saw a father and child exploring the tennis section.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?The average age of the customers is is around 30. The gender is male.

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?Customers walk in different paths depending on what catches their eye.

How long do customers stay in the store? On average?Customers stay in the store probably around 1-2 hours.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?Customers touch the products play with them and try them out. This is encouraged.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?Customers seem to be on a mission but then it becomes browsing because they get distracted from all the products.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?60% or so purchase products in the store.

Other observations:The store had a good location near the parking lot. So it was the first and last things customer’s need. Also it is easier for customer to take big things out of the store and into their car.

Observation LabSees Candy Store


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Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If So how?Windows with chocolate everything is in white.

Is the door open or closed?The door is closed.

How does this make you feel?I would say it doesn’t make me feel invited but has big windows so you can see the chocolate happy habit”.

Hoe big is the sign lettering and in what font?The sign lettering is in white with black outline the letters. It is in medium.

What does it tell you about the store?That the store sells Candy.



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What is the color schema of the store? How doe sit affect you?The color scheme of the store is black and white. It slightly makes me feel everything is clean and sophisticated.


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What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment?The floor has black tiles. This makes me feel like the store is clean.

How high is the ceiling? How does it feel?The ceiling is not very high. It makes me feel that I’m trapped. That I’m inside a box of chocolates.

How brightly lit is the store? How does it affect you?The store is brightly lit. Makes me feel energetic.

How loud is the environment?The environment is very loud.

What is causing the noise?Kids ordering and talking with there parents.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?There is no music playing.

Is the store warm or cold?The store is slightly cold.

Is the store crowded with merchandise or is it sparse?The store is crowded with merchandise.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?The store smells like chocolate and nuts.

Where is the cash register located?The cash register is near all the hand picked chocolates.

How visible is the store security?The store is small so the security would be the employees.

How long do you want to stay in the store?5- 10 minutes.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of merchandise?The environment makes me feel like I am getting a high-quality chocolate.

PersonnelHow long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?It takes as long as the line it but typically 1-5 minutes.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?Not really. The salespeople are generally friendly and upbeat.


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What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?1:3

What age and gender are the employees?The age is in there late teens early 20s. There were all female.

Are the salespeople using the store products?No.Do the salespeople have a uniform?Yes. They have a black and white sees uniform.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Yes. The salespeople match the stores image.

ProductsWhat is the first product that you notice?The first product I notice is the chocolate that is out of the box on display.

Is there a central display table with featured products?The central display table has a variety of different chocolates that customers can choose.

What are the items that are “for sale” located in the store?There are not any “for Sale” products in the store. Usually for “sale” in food is perceived to be old or something wrong with it.

How are the products arranged? By Function? By Price? By Color?The products are arranged by color.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?Yes. There were free samples.

What are products are at eye level?The products that are a bit below eye level for me but for a kid they would be eye level. Which is mostly the target.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?Behind the chocolate counter there are some boxes that are not accessible.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?The most expensive products are opposite of the chocolate counter.

Are the prices of the products easy to find?Not really.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?


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Yes. There are caramel lollipops and candies that one can consume for individual use rather than wait to get home and eat the chocolates.

CustomersAre most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?The customers are generally with someone else. I saw a mother and her children and a boyfriend/girlfriend.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?The average age of the customer is 10. The gender is female.

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?Yes. They tend to walk in the same direction.

How long do customers stay in the store. On average?Customers stay in the store 5-10 minutes.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?The customers aren’t encouraged to grab the products.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?The customers appear to be on a mission.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?80 %

Other observations:They advertised also job opening. There was job applications on the side of the main display.



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Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If So how?The store is green all over. It is easy to spot. It draws you in because it is open. And big mirrors allow to see into the store.

Is the door open or closed?The store is wide open.

How does this make you feel?Makes me feel curious to see what is going on.

Hoe big is the sign lettering and in what font?The sign is medium with normal font. With pictures of flowers and eco-friendly store.

What does it tell you about the store?That the store is a beauty products store.

EnvironmentWhat is the color schema of the store? How doe sit affect you?The color scheme of the store is green. Makes me feel I am in a tropical rainforest.


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What type of floor does the store have? How does it affect you?The store has wood floor. Makes me feel like I’m in a rainforest.

How high is the ceiling? How does it feel?The ceiling is not very high. Makes me look around rather than up.

How brightly lit is the store? How does it affect you?The store is bright. The windows allow for sunshine.

How loud is the environment?Medium.

What is causing the noise?Music.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?Yes there is music playing. It is relaxing yoga-type music.

Is the store warm or cold?The store is neither warm nor cold.

Is the store crowded with merchandise or is it sparse?The store is crowded with merchandise.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?It smells like fruit strawberries and coconut.

Where is the cash register located?At the end of the store.

How visible is the store security?The security is not too visible but employees have can see the whole store from the cash register.

How long do you want to stay in the store?You want to stay in the store 15-20 minutes.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of merchandise?Yes. The environment make the merchandise feel more valuable because it is eco-friendly.

PersonnelHow long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?30 seconds.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?


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What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?1:2

What age and gender are the employees?The employees around 30 and are females although there was one male.

Are the salespeople using the store products?No.

Do the salespeople have a uniform?Yes. They wore green.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Yes.

ProductsWhat is the first product that you notice?Creams and Shower gel.

Is there a central display table with featured products?Yes. Featuring bath and body products.

What are the items that are “for sale” located in the store?They are located on the sides.

How are the products arranged? By Function? By Price? By Color?They are arranged by scent.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?Yes. There are free samples.

What are products are at eye level?The bathing products and hand cream are at eye level.

What items in the tore are in the least accessible locations?Everything is accessible.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?The most expensive are located above eye level.

Are the prices of the products easy to find?Yes.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?


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Yes. Lip Balms, eye creams and hand creams.

CustomersAre most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?Customers were alone.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?Around 35 and female.

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?Different directions

How long do customers stay in the store? On average?15-20 minutes

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?Yes. It is encouraged to try the sample in front of each product.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?Browsing

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?50%

Other observations:The store had on discounts if you bought merchandise in bulk. If you bought 2 you got the third one 50 percent off.

Observation Lab

Apple Store UTC


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Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If So how?The store draws you in with its modern feel and big bright Apple logo.

Is the door open or closed?The store is wide open.

How does this make you feel?Makes me feel curious to see what is going on. Excited to play with all the technology

Hoe big is the sign lettering and in what font?The sign is an apple logo in white bright.

What does it tell you about the store?That the store is Apple store. Because of its brand recognition people know its Apple product. But if I didn’t know about apple I wouldn’t know what the logo meant.



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What is the color schema of the store? How doe sit affect you?The color scheme of the store is simplicity. White, clear, and silver.

What type of floor does the store have? How does it affect you?The store has white floor. Makes me feel like everything is clean and simple

How high is the ceiling? How does it feel?The ceiling is not very high. Makes me look around rather than up.

How brightly lit is the store? How does it affect you?The store is very bright. It makes me feel energetic.

How loud is the environment?Loud

What is causing the noise?People

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?No. There is no music playing.

Is the store warm or cold?The store is slightly cool.

Is the store crowded with merchandise or is it sparse?The store is sparse with merchandise.


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Does the store have a distinctive smell?The store has a fresh smell.

Where is the cash register located?The cash register is anywhere where an apple salesperson is. One can purchase things on the spot using a portable cash register. Along as its credit card.

How visible is the store security?Not very visible

How long do you want to stay in the store?30 minutes to an hour.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of merchandise?Yes. The environment makes the perceived value as high.

PersonnelHow long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?Around 5-10 minutes.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?Yes. The salesperson will adapt to the customer.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?1:4

What age and gender are the employees?There age is around 25 and the gender is male.

Are the salespeople using the store products?Yes. The salespeople are using iPhones and other products.

Do the salespeople have a uniform?The sales people are wearing different colored t-shirts.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Yes. Young. Hip, creative type.



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What is the first product that you notice?IPhones

Is there a central display table with featured products?Yes. There is central display with iPhones/laptops.

What are the items that are “for sale” located in the store?No there are no items for sale.

How are the products arranged? By Function? By Price? By Color?The products are arranged by function.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?There are demonstrations

What are products are at eye level?IPhones/Laptops/Ipads.

What items in this tore are in the least accessible locations?Software/cases/speakers

Where are the most and least expensive products located?Laptops in the middle.

Are the prices of the products easy to find?Yes.


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Are there impulse items near the cash register?No.

CustomersAre most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?Most customers are alone or with a friend.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?25

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?They all walk in different pathways.

How long do customers stay in the store. On average?Customers stay in the store 30 minutes to an hour.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?Yes. Customers touch the products and are encouraged to touch the products.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?Most customers tend to be browsing but some might be on a mission.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?30%

Other observations:Apple has a Genius bar to help with any issues you have with products. Sales people are walking around helping people and people pay on the spot with a mobile register. Also everything is very simple. Not a lot of clutter. A lot of “open” spaces.

Observation Lab



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Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If So how?The store draws you in with the loud music and froyo sign.

Is the door open or closed?The store is wide open.

How does this make you feel?Makes me feel hungry.

Hoe big is the sign lettering and in what font?The sign is medium with normal font. With pictures of froyo.

What does it tell you about the store?That the store is a frozen yogurt shop.



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What is the color scheme of the store? How doe sit affect you?The color scheme is grey and looks fancy. Makes me feel that I am in a clean sophiscated environment

What type of floor does the store have? How does it affect you?The store is grey.

How high is the ceiling? How does it feel?The ceiling is somewhat high. Makes me look around rather than up.

How brightly lit is the store? How does it affect you?The store kind of bright but with emphasis on the lighted signs.

How loud is the environment?Loud

What is causing the noise?Kids and Music.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?Yes. Froyo is fun and the music is too.

Is the store warm or cold?


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The store is cold.

Is the store crowded with merchandise or is it sparse?The store is sparse

Does the store have a distinctive smell?The store has a nice smell frozen yogurt tart flavor/vanilla.

Where is the cash register located?The cash register in the middle of the store.

How visible is the store security?Not much security

How long do you want to stay in the store?2-10 minutes.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of merchandise?Yes. The environment makes it feel like your getting healthy/high quality frozen yogurt.

PersonnelHow long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?It takes 5 that a Sales person initiates contact.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?No. The salesperson is friendly and offers help if needed.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?1:4

What age and gender are the employees?The age is late teens early 20s. They are male/female.

Are the salespeople using the store products?No.

Do the salespeople have a uniform?Yes.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Yes. They are young and cool.

ProductsWhat is the first product that you notice?The first product was the froyo.


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Is there a central display table with featured products?Yes the central display has topping for the froyo.

What are the items that are “for sale” located in the store?There are no “on sale” items..

How are the products arranged? By Function? By Price? By Color?By flavor.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?Yes. Small sample spoons but one must ask the server.

What are products are at eye level?The products at eye level are toppings and froyo.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?The frozen yogurt. It is not self-serve.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?The most expensive is the large size.

Are the prices of the products easy to find?Yes.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?No.

CustomersAre most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?Most customers are young maybe with a boyfriend/girlfriend also saw a few mother/child.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?The average age is 12. They tend to be female.

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?They tend to walk the same path.

How long do customers stay in the store? On average?The customers stay 5-10 minutes.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?No. Customers are not encouraged to eat the froyo before paying.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?


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They appear on a mission

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?80%

Other observations:The store is different from some other frozen yogurt as this one has a theme of sophistication and it very clean no mess at all. The server serves everything. It tries to look light.

Observation Lab

Abercrombie and FitchBefore you enter the store:


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Does the store draw you in? If So how?The store draws you in with the loud music and the for sale sign.

Is the door open or closed?The store is wide open.

How does this make you feel?Makes me feel curious to see what is going on.

Hoe big is the sign lettering and in what font?The sign is medium with normal font. With pictures of models showcasing the clothing.

What does it tell you about the store?That the store is a clothing store.



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What is the color schema of the store? How doe sit affect you?The color scheme of the store is wood. Makes me feel im in a relaxed festive setting.

What type of floor does the store have? How does it affect you?The store has wood floor. Makes me feel like that I’m in a store that is similar to the four seasons with clothes for the fall/winter/spring/summer.

How high is the ceiling? How does it feel?The ceiling is not very high. Makes me look around rather than up.

How brightly lit is the store? How does it affect you?The store is dark. Makes me feel like I’m in a party because the loud music and dark store. Usually it would make me feel tired but the combo of music and dim lights makes it feel like I’m in a party.


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How loud is the environment?Very loud.

What is causing the noise?Music.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?Yes. It is makes it into a festive mood. Feels like a party.

Is the store warm or cold?Neither warm nor cold.

Is the store crowded with merchandise or is it sparse?Crowded with merchandise.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?Smells like perfume and cologne.

Where is the cash register located?Cash register is located the at far end of the store.

How visible is the store security?There are two metal detectors.

How long do you want to stay in the store?30 minutes to an hour.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of merchandise?The environment makes the value of the merchandise increase because one feels they’re buying the latest in fashion cool clothes. Clothes that is in style.

PersonnelHow long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?It takes within a minute that a Sales person initiates contact.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?No. The salesperson is friendly and offers help if needed.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?1:2

What age and gender are the employees?The age is late teens early 20s. They are generally female but there were a few males.

Are the salespeople using the store products?


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Yes. The salespeople are dressed in the merchandise.

Do the salespeople have a uniform?No.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Yes. They are young and hip.

ProductsWhat is the first product that you notice?The first product I noticed was the dress Shirts.

Is there a central display table with featured products?Yes the central display has belts, wallets, cologne, and perfume.

What are the items that are “for sale” located in the store?The for sale items are located in the front of the store.

How are the products arranged? By Function? By Price? By Color?By Color.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?Yes. There is a fitting room to try the clothes on.

What are products are at eye level?The products at eye level are shirts and jackets.

What items in the tore are in the least accessible locations?Shoes.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?The most expensive on the outer parts of the store. The least expensive near the checkout counter.

Are the prices of the products easy to find?Yes.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?Yes. There are wallets, socks, and key chains.

CustomersAre most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?Most customers are alone.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?The average age is 20. They tend to be female.


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When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?They can walk two different paths.

How long do customers stay in the store? On average?The customers stay 30-60 minutes.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?Yes. The customers feel the merchandise and try it on. It is encouraged.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?They appear to be browsing.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?40%

Other observations: The store was very dark compared to other stores. It was very dim. This is generally not the case when you enter a store. Not sure why they make it so dark.