cps-kidnapping of jenny

FORMAL COMPLAINT ABOUT CPS KIDJACKING MY DAUGHTER JENNIFER DEARINGER CPS- San Luis Obispo, CA 805-781-1825 (Leland Collins-Director) Purpose: Inform our Government of CPS activities and illegal abduction of my daughter Jennifer Dearinger (pictured on left) Date: 5/22/08 REASON: Improper Removal – NO “Child Custody Warrant”. NO abuse or Neglect occurred. - DRAFT – (incomplete) Request: To return my daughter “home” Investigatio n Request: I request a FULL CPS INVESTIGATION Purpose: I want to share with you how my family was victimized by CPS and how we became targets by a “biased” Social worker. I want to start out by saying there never was any abuse or neglect. After living through this nightmarish ordeal I was compelled to find out all I could about this agency. My independent investigation took place over the course of 6 months; putting in 16 hour long days, 7 days a week. After calling CPS hundreds of times, reviewing thousands of videos, speaking with many other mothers, and investigating those who work within the CPS realm I have come to believe that this agency is in fact corrupt. Being a former foster mother I am saddened to see what CPS has become. I hope that through my own experiences and knowledge of others I can share with Congress what families and children are subjected to and how they are forced to needlessly suffer at the hands of CPS. It is because of these reasons that I have become proactive and more than ever determined to help reform this system that destroys many lives. I am dedicated to making suggestions that will improve the way Child Protective services operates. Hopefully I can provide some insight on how CPS is currently interpreted among the families who are subject to investigation. I believe many feel CPS resembles the German Nazi’s. They use similar tactics which are very unethical. I have some Legislative proposals I would like to make in hopes that CPS will attempt to work more with the families of children. Some States are applying the “family friendly” techniques with great success. However, the practices of CPS in San Luis Obispo leave a lot to be desired. This agency should be monitored and I feel they should be investigated. I would like to make a request for this agency to be referred to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. I have reason to believe they are embezzling Funds for there seems to be a conspiracy within this agency. I have seen some things that are of suspicious nature. It does appear that this agency is operated solely on a profit level basis. I feel ASFA (Adoption Safe Families Act) is the reason this and many other agencies are corrupt. This law sealed the fate for these children for they are now a “commodity” due to the quotas and the sale of children has become rampant. Taking children away from their homes has indeed become a very profitable business for CPS.

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Post on 13-Nov-2014




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Purpose: Inform our Government of CPS activities and illegal abduction of my daughter Jennifer Dearinger (pictured on left)

Date: 5/22/08

REASON: Improper Removal – NO “Child Custody Warrant”. NO abuse or Neglect occurred.

- DRAFT – (incomplete)

Request: To return my daughter “home”




I want to share with you how my family was victimized by CPS and how we became targets by a “biased” Social worker. I want to start out by saying there never was any abuse or neglect. After living through this nightmarish ordeal I was compelled to find out all I could about this agency. My independent investigation took place over the course of 6 months; putting in 16 hour long days, 7 days a week. After calling CPS hundreds of times, reviewing thousands of videos, speaking with many other mothers, and investigating those who work within the CPS realm I have come to believe that this agency is in fact corrupt. Being a former foster mother I am saddened to see what CPS has become. I hope that through my own experiences and knowledge of others I can share with Congress what families and children are subjected to and how they are forced to needlessly suffer at the hands of CPS. It is because of these reasons that I have become proactive and more than ever determined to help reform this system that destroys many lives. I am dedicated to making suggestions that will improve the way Child Protective services operates. Hopefully I can provide some insight on how CPS is currently interpreted among the families who are subject to investigation. I believe many feel CPS resembles the German Nazi’s. They use similar tactics which are very unethical. I have some Legislative proposals I would like to make in hopes that CPS will attempt to work more with the families of children.

Some States are applying the “family friendly” techniques with great success. However, the practices of CPS in San Luis Obispo leave a lot to be desired. This agency should be monitored and I feel they should be investigated. I would like to make a request for this agency to be referred to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. I have reason to believe they are embezzling Funds for there seems to be a conspiracy within this agency. I have seen some things that are of suspicious nature. It does appear that this agency is operated solely on a profit level basis. I feel ASFA (Adoption Safe Families Act) is the reason this and many other agencies are corrupt. This law sealed the fate for these children for they are now a “commodity” due to the quotas and the sale of children has become rampant. Taking children away from their homes has indeed become a very profitable business for CPS.


My only child Jennifer was unnecessarily abducted and traumatized by CPS in San Luis Obispo. This began with a “biased” social worker named Amy Sensenbach who believed “False allegations” made by my ex-husband who lives out of State. I have been awarded custody of my daughter by two separate Courts on two separate occasions; the last custody battle being less than two years ago. My situation should not even be a CPS matter for this agency is not a “divorce” court, nor are they qualified to deal with “custody battles”. A Guardian Ad Litum has already made recommendations for the Court on where my daughter should live. My ex-husband has chosen to use CPS to gain custody. CPS has violated many laws and our Civil rights. They continue to keep my daughter “hostage” against her will.

About me:

Single Mother. I have owned several mini storage facilities and several other businesses. I currently own a mini storage facility which suffers because of this situation. Because my daughter was abducted and I must stay here to fight I will soon be losing everything I ever worked for. I have been a “stay at home”


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mother since my daughter was young. I am hard working, I do not use drugs, and I hardly drink. I haven’t dated in years because my main focus is my daughter and my business. I do not have a criminal background, there is no history of abuse or neglect or mental problems. I am an Intellectual, a researcher, libertarian, and a believer in Civil Rights Law. Nothing in my background would warrant this removal.

Our life BEFORE CPS:

We had a normal life. My daughter was even a bit “spoiled”. Her “MySpace” page even states this fact. I have taken my daughter all over the world; including Paris, Spain, Morocco, Mexico, Hawaii, among other places. She has had credit cards since she was 12 years old and has two cell phones. She gets everything she wants or needs. I have been her sole supporter since birth. We recently went to Disneyland, Universal Studios, The Gypsy Ball and many other social events. Because of CPS we have missed going to the Opera Season Finale (R.Wilkie/J Walz), the film Festival, Mother’s Day, and other events. Social worker Amy Sensenbach is either inexperienced or badly trained. She never came to our home to make a proper assessment. She was biased because of the lies my ex-husband and his parents told her. Amy knew my daughter was not mistreated. She was aware we were cruising around in limousines; staying in cave rooms over the holidays. I have provided well for my daughter despite the fact that the father doesn’t pay enough child support or pay the arrearages. I’ve never complained. I have always taken care of all my daughter’s needs. I’ve even supported the Father so he would be in our daughter’s life. Basically there is nothing I could have done that would justify CPS removing my daughter. I was once a foster parent for CPS. I am sad to see what they have turned into.

My new outlook on Social Workers:

I feel there are a lot of incompetent Social workers and staff who work for CPS. Many are burnt out and others are simply sadistic. It is in their hands that our children’s future lies. This is why we need a policing agency to oversee CPS. I feel that CPS hurts more families than they help. They traumatize children and harass parents. Many children who have been removed were not even abused. This is why the removal should be well documented and Police should be involved before the removal. In my case no social worker ever came to my home. I invited Social Worker Amy Sensenbach to my home but she told me that it “wasn’t necessary”. She was biased from the start and I even complained BEFORE my daughter was removed. The supervisor, Ken Larbaum did nothing about it. In fact it does appear she was working “with” my ex-husband and his family. (Refer to emails between Amy and Shawn). On an early tape recording my daughter can be heard saying “Amy is going to be my next home”. I respond “the Social Worker, Amy Sensenbach”? Jenny says “yes”. I say you’re shittin me. Excuse my French, but I was absolutely shocked. It seems to me this would be against policy.

Circumstances that led to removal:

CPS came into our lives when my daughter and I had a “cat-fight” on December 9th, 2007. Jenny is 16 ½ and like all children her age she began to test limits at home’ mostly over a new boyfriend that I did not approve of. The boyfriend was a juvenile delinquent who used drugs and recently broke into a coffee shop. I did not want to leave my daughter alone on December 9th. Instead I wanted to take her Christmas shopping. I had a few reasons for wanting her to go but she rebelled. She ended up kicking me and I damaged a Door. I have never denied the fact that I damaged the door, but certainly the intervention of CPS was not warranted over a “door”. The laws are very clear on what “Abuse” and “neglect” are and “doors” are not stated in any law. I own the home so I do not see what I am guilty of, other than damaging my own personal property. I have heard the 911 tape and I am out of breathe because I had recovered from an asthma attack. I told the officer I was leaving because I needed to cool off.

My daughter was taken after our fight on December 9th while I was Christmas shopping. She was returned Back home on December 14th. She ran away from foster care and came back home but was located and returned to foster care. She was taken “again” by Social Worker Amy Sensenbach from school on January 29, 2008. *The message from the school left on my answering machine says my daughter wasn’t taken from school. My daughter didn’t return home and there is no Protective custody warrant. During this 43 day period there were no fights or repeated incidences. It appears that Amy Sensenbach took Jenny illegally. The paperwork claims she took her because of a “paper clip” cut that occurred at school the week before. This does not constitute child abuse and my daughter wasn’t even in my care. She was in Math

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class at the time. Amy Sensenbach’s visits to my daughter’s school upset my daughter. She was looking for reasons to take Jenny based upon my ex-husband’s false allegations. During this time Amy had and I had several conversations and in one conversation she said to me “I’m worried about your drinking problem”. What drinking problem? My response was a sarcastic “I see you’ve been talking to my ex-husband”.

*Jenny was taken from school between 10:30am-11:30am on 1/29/08. The school tells me Jenny was not removed during school hours but my daughter tells a different story. I spoke with Amy between 8:30-9:30am on 1/29/08 and Amy told me she was NOT going to take my daughter. Amy knew I was going to ask the judge for a transfer because I needed to relocate up north. Our hearing was scheduled for 1/30/08 and I believe she took Jenny because of this. I was VERY concerned about this social worker. I had even requested that she be taken off my case because she was “biased” from the start. My requests were denied. She took Jenny right after our conversation about my switching thereapists (see below). After the removal Amy called and admitted that she lied. The time was around 2pm. I pointed out that she had lied and her response was “I never told you I wasn’t going to take her, I told you I wasn’t going to send her to live with her Dad in Iowa”. I can still hear Amy saying these words to me. Later my daughter told me they were going to send Jenny to her Dads, even though he used to knock me around. This proves Amy is a liar.

Whether my daughter was enticed from school grounds after school or taken during the day does not matter. The fact is she had no right to take Jenny. This removal was done maliciously, without any “basis”, warning or just cause. Amy did not have a “protective Custody warrant” before removing my daughter. There is no evidence of abuse or neglect, past or present. The only concern we had at home was Amy upsetting Jenny at school. On the days she visited my daughter Jenny became upset and would lock herself in her room. I tried to understand what was happening to my daughter. I obtained parenting books. My daughter later told me these visits interfered with her schoolwork and were upsetting to her. By looking at the dates Amy visited Jenny it is clear her visits were disturbing to my daughter. So this is how my daughter Jenny became part of the “system”

CPS Therapists:

My daughter tells me the therapists are putting negative thoughts in her head. She has said that Fridays are bad days. CPS makes sure my daughter sees me right after seeing the therapist. They will not give me the name of the new therapist. Jenny’s previous therapist in Mt. Shasta tells me CPS can’t do this. It all started back in December with Amy wanting my daughter to see Kristi Ross. My daughter saw her one time but she didn’t like her. She said she was “blunt, rude, and tried to put thoughts into her head”. Those were Jenny’s exact words. For some reason Amy was insistent that Jenny see Kristi. She even made an appointment with this therapist and filed paperwork on 1/25/08 to make Jenny a ward of the state. This was done for no reason. I wanted my daughter to get the most out of therapy so this is why I let her switch therapists and Mr. MacAfee was on the County list. Jenny never got the chance to see him on February 1st at 4:00pm. Immediately after notifying Amy about making this appointment Amy took my daughter from school.

Jenny waited months to get in to see the new therapist. I wonder why. I could see a huge difference in my daughter after she started “therapy”. After the 3rd or 4th meeting my daughter began to crumble. She was not her usual happy self. She began to be moody and depressed, just like she was when Amy Sensenbach visited her at school. She began having “false memories” and would say things to me that were NOT true. These were NOT my daughter’s words. Her whole demeanor would change. I barely recognized my own daughter. I could also see that Jenny was becoming detatched. Some “stories” she repeated were outright absurd. One “story” she relayed was that I allowed her to skip school and lay in bed with her boyfriend and drink all day. She said she stayed out all night. Police reports confirm that they were called whenever my daughter was even out past curfew, so these “stories” are ridicules (see police reports). Another “story” was she drove my car to school and I let her. Of course these things were not true and I can prove this but it was disturbing to see what CPS does to children through “therapy” and manipulation. I became very concerned and I told Louise this. She was not concerned at all. She nonchalantly told me that she “believed” these stories. I believe she does – she probably hears the same stories one’s over and over. Since Jenny told me Louise was speaking negatively about me I know now that Louise was probably “helping” Jenny by coaching her. I will attempt to get the “witness” statement so the truth comes out. I contacted an expert who deals with traumatized children and was told that this was very common with

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children in the care of CPS. Other therapists confirm this. He stated that certain therapists instill negative thoughts into the child’s head. I was appalled. I then remembered what my daughter told me about the first therapist. The first therapist refused to release Jenny’s medical file and I am waiting for my records from Catherine Cascadden. I have asked for it 3 times now and she has refused. The same occurred with Dr. Sigmund who CPS also contacted. I asked the name of the new therapist so I can investigate but CPS refuses to tell me.


My 1 hour weekly visits with my daughter went great until she started “therapy”. The first meetings were great. Louise lied when she said I said inappropriate things to my daughter and the meeting ended early. She brought a “trainee” in and made the remark “this is your best visit yet”. That too was a lie. ALL our visits were the same. Each time my daughter would cry and say she wanted to come home. The social worker ignored her. After isolation Jenny became numb. Her calls to me were mixed. Sometimes she acted strange. When I told her the Senator would help she laughed wildly and hung up. It was very disturbing.

During our visit on April 18th my daughter was coloring like a 5 year old; afraid to even look at me. She had seen the therapist the day before. She tells me “Fridays are bad days”. When asked why she said “that’s the day I see the therapist”. This is on tape. She explains that she hasn’t even been to CASA to be evaluated. As of May 20th CASA still had a waitlist of 500 children. It does appears that CPS “worked” on my daughter’s head before sending her to therapy and is doing these things before she goes to CASA. You can clearly hear from the tapes how my daughter is becoming disturbed. If you compare the other tapes you can see what is happening. When my daughter didn’t see the”therapist” for 2 weeks in May she was fine. I don’t know if it’s the therapist or “who”, but someone is doing something to Jenny. It is clear that my daughter is getting disturbed, and it seems to be after therapy and when she’s with a social worker. I witnessed my daughter in Court during the Gag Order hearing. She was with Marty. She stared straight ahead and couldn’t even look at me. After 10 minutes she loosened up after I drew her a heart. I found out later social worker Louise Tobin told her I was posting untrue things on the internet. Louise apparently told Jenny I said she was pregnant online. This is not true. No wonder she went to court – under false pretenses. Louise denies this. We are checking to see if it was taped. Louise had told Jenny previously I didn’t want her to come to my home. This is also untrue. There is no doubt my daughter is being traumatized by one or several other people that she refers to as “they”. You can hear it in her voice and how she changes week to week during our visits. She is calm and relaxed when no one else is around for she has a secret cell phone. Louise keeps taking it away, but its only link I have left to my daughter

Police Involvement

Jenny was MISSING on May 20 th . Police raided my house. They hadn’t even checked with the new foster mother because they claimed that someone made a report that I was at the school. This is false. They handcuffed me and searched my house without a search warrant. They opened up drawers, closets and cabinets and searched everywhere. They went through my paperwork and questioned my camera guy about my correspondence with Congress and why I was calling a lot of people who weren’t going to help me. Apparantly I ruffled someone’s feathers.

My daughter has never run away from home before. Since being in foster care she has snuck out in the middle of the night and I worry about her. The police came to my home today, after school. They said someone made a police report; stating that I took my daughter from school. This is untrue. I have emails sent and calls made during this time that support this. Jenny called me at 2:59pm stating she needed her math book so I made a call to the school. I wondered if Mrs. Rodgers made the call. Later on the officer told me a different story. He said they came to my home because Jenny was “missing” and that no report was made. If this is the case then this means every time my daughter is missing my home is going to be searched. I feel this is harassment. I am concerned that I might have to move for my own protection. Police say they are neutral yet they don’t help me get my child back. They helped me get my horse when he got lose and Police Officer Linda Podesta took Ryobi home. I sold him to her cheap because I needed to focus on my daughter. I loved my horse. I am so sad to see my family torn apart.

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When Jenny’s cell phone was found on her in school they took it away. The school refused to give it to me. Instead they gave it to Louise who gave it to the police. When I asked the school for Jenny’s school records they wouldn’t give those to me either. They dropped them off at the police station. When I called the therapist to get my medical file she threatened to call the police. The police drive by my home and social workers are taking pictures of my house. I was on the phone with Janet Hawakowa (Civil rights) at the time. I recognized the driver as Marty. ALL OF THIS OCCURRED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF EACH OTHER. It is obvious CPS that is trying to scare me. They must have seen me on TV talking about what they were doing to me and my daughter. I know CPS is punishing me for speaking out.

Current Status:

I hear Jenny that was recently moved to a new foster home. This is her second. Many children go through 7-10 in one year. I am worried. My daughter has been in “state custody” since January 29th. She’s run away a few times and has come home each time. She’s been threatened with Juvenile Hall if she contacts me. She tried in the past. Her cell phone has been stripped from her and she has had very little contact with me or other family members since her abduction. My child is living like a “prisoner”. All of her calls and internet activity is monitored. She cannot go anywhere without being with an adult. She wants me to get text messaging because she says “they” watch everything she says and does. They screen her letters to me so Jenny has to give her notes to friends. My daughter is depressed. She is being denied her basic rights to “familiar association” without having a mother or a father. She is forced to live with complete strangers who are being paid by the State of California. They make no attempt to reunify. Everyone says negative things to her about me, even though they don’t know me. She is been surrounded by people who have a financial interest in keeping her hostage.

My daughter had a loving Mother and a home which provided everything she needed. She’s never run away from me before. No one can replace a child’s biological mother. The previous foster parents are no better of a parent than I am. She was on match.com and was too busy for Jenny. On Mother’s day Jenny snuck out and called me when she was at a park. I brought her Taco Bell. As soon as I arrived numerous cop cars showed up. We were surrounded. They hauled Jenny back to foster care. Jenny said she’d rather go to Juvenile Hall than go back to foster care. The whole incident was tape recorded.

I do not know where my daughter is now at. I’m sure I will have a lot of sleepless nights. I can only hope she will be safe. Since the “new parents” don’t know me they will surely think my daughter was abused or neglected. It is evident that CPS wants to destroy our Mother-daughter bond.

Past state of mind:

She has tried to stay strong. She wanted to see me but they keep up the “shock treatment” for almost 6 months with constant supervision. She was forced to sneak contacts with me and was afraid that CPS would find out. She tells me CPS “scares her” and she’s “afraid of them”. I have this on tape. The times we have met have been short and sweet. Jenny has had to duck and hide in my car and we met at the coffee shop she is now banned from going. We’ve had to eat dinner on a restroom floor and hide our contact. She came to the house once and just cried. It was real sad. It is very clear that CPS is an evil organization that is intent on destroying our Mother-Daughter bond. I do not know what my daughter’s frame of mind is as of today, May 21st.

Jenny’s present state of mind:

Jenny is 16 ½. She “was” a happy well adjusted child. She is now very distraught and troubled. She has been trying to stay strong but she’s giving up on me. I have attempted to stay in contact with her yet CPS continues to obstruct all contact. They have denied my repeated requests for my daughter to return home and for more visitations. Sometimes I am not allowed to see her and CPS doesn’t give me notice. As of May 8th I was been unable to console my daughter from depression. She’s never been depressed before. The school even said she was a happy child but now she has cut her wrist in 3 different places. She shows this to me during our visitation on May 9th. She is going downhill fast. She cried and said she wanted to come home. She is numb. Marty was there. She said she keeps calling the social worker but Louise is never there. She doesn’t return Jenny’s calls. Jenny is trying to do her best to “adapt” because she has no other choice. Her letters and other communications to me clearly indicate the trauma and mental anguish

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she has been put through. She is threatened with being sent to Juvenile Hall if she attempts to communicate with me. This information is correlated with the Court’s file. She is sometimes angry with me because of the lies “they” tell her. She thinks I’m not following my “case plan” and that I am the reason she is in the “system”. She is angry and at times she is brainwashed against me. This hurts.

Foster Care:

The first the Foster mother, Jill May told me early on my daughter was “spoiled” and that I “babied her too much”. She said to “think of this as a vacation and that Jenny needed to spread her wings and become independent from me.” (oh please). I told her she could send her back so I could change her diapers (joking). Jenny tells me the therapist and social workers speak negatively about me to the Foster Mother. After Jenny was with Jill for a few months the foster mother told Jenny she was “neglected”. This is not true but I suspect the therapist and social workers convinced Jill. Maybe Jill needed to say this in order to justify the foster care or to keep her income. My daughter wasn’t neglected before therapy and other therapists do not feel she was neglected. In fact, my daughter has been all over the world and she has had a credit card since she was 12 years old, so certainly this is completely untrue. Even the father said I am too easy on Jenny. So it is clear that CPS’s main goal is to make children be abused or neglected so they can get them into the “system”. I have pictures and memories that CPS can’t take away and hopefully my daughter will remember too. I feel the reason CPS is doing this is purely for PROFIT and it’s sad. I have been told by attorney’s that “children are BIG bucks”. What he meant I do not know. There are several attorneys’ that are speaking out, but the local ones stay quiet. It is unknown what they are receiving for their silence.

After I told the foster mother I was going to do an appeal she would not talk to me again. She said more negative things about me to Jenny. The things Jenny tells me she hears is her “Mother is crazy” and she will “go backwards if she is returned home”. They tell her how good she is doing without me and try to convince her she doesn’t need me anymore this leaves me with great concern for my daughter for she has no one being supportive of me. She is being told negative things about me from the social worker, her foster mother, the school, and countless people that work for CPS. These individuals tell Jenny I have not cooperated with my “case plan”, but this is untrue. The return date keeps being extended as CPS piles on more “case plans”. My daughter told me I was making it harder for her. She said “you have no idea what I am going through”. YES I DO JENNY. Statement is taped.


I have seen firsthand what alienation does to children. This is the second time in two years. I feel Amy is sadistic to do this to Jenny because she knew about the prior alienation during my custody battle less than 2 years before. Jenny’s father alienated her from me and this had devastating effects. She was not allowed to see, call or email me and Amy knew this.

This second alienation has obviously affected my daughter. It is cruel and “unusual punishment”, especially for a “teenager” who is 16 1/2 years old and has lived with me all of her life. We have done nothing to deserve this treatment. Nothing but move to this area I now call “hell hole”. It is well known that taking an older child is very traumatizing, yet CPS doesn’t care. My daughter did not receive any counseling for months after her removal and I’m not so sure the “counseling” she is receiving is really in her best interest. I feel it is to “extract” information and place thoughts in her head. Why else would she dread Fridays? She never dreaded counseling before. She tells me the names of the people who are making negative “suggestions” to her against me. She’s named the following people: School counselor Ms. Rodgers, Social workers Amy Sensenbach and Louise Tobin, foster Mother Jill May, and other CPS workers she doesn’t know by name. It seems that everyone is trying to turn my daughter against me. I don’t even know most of these people because I say to myself. CPS’s position:

I have called CPS almost daily since this nightmare began. CPS ignores my calls. I’ve made so many calls that one would assume they would listen, but they don’t. They will not cooperate, despite hundreds of calls to various staff members; hoping to find someone with CPS who is nice and “normal”. Almost all of my calls go to voice mail. CPS has documented my earlier calls BEFORE my daughter was taken. On all

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these calls I stated Amy was “biased” and asked to have her removed from my case. I had telephone contact on the following dates: 2007: 12/12, 12/13, 12/14, 12/18, 12/19, 12,20, 12/24, 12/26, & 12/27. 2008: 1/7, 1/8, 1/9, 1/14, 1/15, 1/17, 1/18, 1/20, 1/23, 1/25, 1/28, 1/29. All of my requests were ignored. Had CPS changed social workers it is doubtful my daughter would have been removed from my care. If I had a Jury trial Jenny would not have been removed.

CPS does not return telephone calls or answer questions. When I do reach a person I am told that I am their “adversary”. I am concerned because I thought CPS cared about the welfare of children. CPS is still unable to tell me the exact reason why they are keeping my child “hostage”. When questioned social worker Louise Tobin she would not admit on tape that my daughter was abused or neglected. Even the foster mother and police could not find any abuse. So why does CPS have Jenny? Is it because she was “ditching school” to be with the boyfriend I didn’t approve of? She’s ditching school now so what’s the difference – except they are making money off my daughter. I feel “targeted”.

CPS Targeted Population: (as per training material used by CPS)

I feel certain my family is a victim of Federal Funding (TITLE IV) and the Laws surrounding ASFA (Adoption Safe Family Act). The training manual for Social workers is all focused on obtaining “Federal Funds” (see exhibit) and obtaining Federal Grant money which is based upon “quotas” depending upon the number of children they take in and adopt out. Instead of sending my daughter home I believe their goal is to do a “lease-option” on my child with hopes of adopting her out. Even the Court documents state “adoption”, even though Jenny already has two parents who love her. The CPS training documentation state “know your target population” and it outlines which people are “targeted”. When speaking with social workers and reviewing online data the standard criteria is considered standard when removing a child:


Often a single family household (single mother) Low income – I had problems with my business and needed to move back. Mixed race African American Those seeking services (utility bills, welfare, etc) Drug or alcohol addictions – this is why they attempted to give me a drug problem Health problems – I had severe “anemia” at the time they took Jenny. Mental problems – this is why they obtained a false mental condition on me

Although I do not fit all of the above criteria, I did tell the social worker my business wasn’t doing well and I was experiencing fatigue. It was highly unethical and discriminatory for this social worker to remove my child before I was able to receive proper medical treatment. She also would not allow me to transfer the case so I could deal with my business so this caused my business to suffer even worse. I am now selling my business for a huge loss so I may stay and fight for my child’s return. CPS could care less. CPS wanted me to utilize the Drug and Alcohol program even though I don’t have a drug or alcohol problem. Part of these conversations are on tape. I did not show up for the meeting because I felt this was an abuse of Federal funds. I knew by that time to be leery of CPS due to their past behavior.

Misleading the Court:

Social worker Amy Sensenbach knew I was dealing with fatigue when she took my daughter. All I needed was some iron pills, but this social worker would not allow me to see a doctor before removing my child. Amy also knew that I have chronic back problems and was taking prescription pain medication and was under the care of a Doctor. She misrepresented this fact to the court. She implied that I was a “drug addict” even though my drug test results showed otherwise. I faxed Amy my blood work and three separate blood tests which showed the anemia but this was ignored, even though Dr. Wiley, the Neuropsychologist stated in his report the results are consistent with having “fatigue”. She did not state the reasons I was taking medication or that I suffered from spina bifida, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, and chronic back pain. She also did not disclose the fact that my anemia was complicated by my having COPD and early stage emphysema. At the time of removal I was experiencing heart palpitations, shortness of breath, shaky hands and I couldn’t walk in the morning. I was even hooking up to oxygen because I didn’t have

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enough red blood cells to oxygenate my system. I had even made a few trips to the emergency room which showed I had Traycardia (fast heart beat). The doctor placed me on 1100mg of iron per day and I am now doing great (obviously because I am now able to fight back). I feel I was taken advantage of because I was unable to go to court due to the extreme fatigue. I went to a lot of doctors to find out what was wrong. Amy violated my medical confidenality when my medical file became court record. My personal information and medications are stated on these documents, even though they were not relevant to my parenting. The fatigue did not prevent me from being a mother to my daughter for she is older. I was still able to manage our household even while being tired, but I still complied with the “case plan”.

Since the Laws state CPS is written to keep children with their families I feel CPS should have assisted me. They could have taken me to a Doctor instead of taking my daughter away. This is how they were able to make Jenny a ward of the State.

Misuse of Federal Funds:

Drug & Alcohol is a federally funded program. After my initial testing with Drug & Alcohol I should have been released. However, Rebecca Patterson and Social worker Louise Tobin wanted me to receive “counseling” services through Drug & Alcohol. This is tape recorded. Even though I have my regular therapist in Mt. Shasta Louise would not allow me to continue therapy with Stan Drucker who is a California State licensed Social Worker. I believe I was sent to Drug & Alcohol so that CPS could obtain federal funding. There was no justifiable reason for me to have an extensive “Mental Evaluation” which cost the State $1,500.00. This is a written “personality test”. My IQ was “high average”. I wonder if CPS does this to determine which children are easy to take.

Discovery & Facts:

CPS is given more federal funding if the parent has a “drug” addiction. CPS is given more federal funding if the child has a “mental” condition. CPS can keep a child in foster care if the parent has a “drug” or “mental condition”. CPS can terminate parent’s rights if the parent has either of the above. They can then adopt out the

child. They obtain Federal funds when this occurs. Visit: www.adoptuskids.org

Therapists / Doctors:


While I was ill my daughter and I were subjected to 7 hours of mental testing administered by Dr. Wiley, Neuropsychologist. This doctor uses a “pager” and has a PO Box listed as his address. He was nice but the report is biased. I would expect this since CPS was “paying” this doctor a lot of money. Taking the test was very difficult for me because I was sick and unable to lie down. I was very tired during the testing and I told this to the Neuropsychologist. He gave me a diagnosis of “Historic Disorder” and my daughter “borderline personality, ADHD, and an array of other mental conditions. He suggested placing my daughter on “psychotropic drugs”. It is noted that 2/3 of the children in foster care are on drugs.

I believe Amy Sensenbach manipulated the test results by communicating with this doctor who I do have on tape telling me I do not have a mental condition. When questioned whether he felt I was “bipolar” he immediately responded “definitely not”. When asked about the diagnosis he explained that everyone has a personality type and this was not a true mental condition. I am certain I do not have any mental or personality condition and neither does my therapist (see letter).

When I paged Dr. Wiley I received a call back from Catherine Cascadden who was the “therapist”. I put in my “fax number” and Catherine did not have this number. I asked her about it and she denied knowing Dr. Wiley. He called me back 10-15 minutes later. I saw Catherine for about a month. I stopped seeing her after she contacted Amy Sensenbach over a “paper clip” cut my daughter had done to her arm at school the week before. After I stopped seeing her I requested my medical fine and then she began making untrue statements. She told me I had disrupted her office and another patient was a witness. This never occurred. I did see a black lady in her office once but I smiled and sat down. I had with me a letter

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requesting my medical records. Even after numerous attempts and three letters I still do not have my medical file. I believe this is a Hippa violation.

When my daughter cut herself with a paperclip in math class I left a message for Ms. Cascadden. I was concerned about Amy’s visits to see my daughter at school. Jenny was upset after her visits. The law states a therapist is a mandated reporter, however, a paperclip cut does not constitute a good reason to notify authorities, especially since my daughter was at school at the time and it had occurred the week before. School officials are also mandated reporters so if they felt this was “abuse” they would have contacted authorities. I have researched the mandated reporting laws and contacted a local agency (543-6216). I relayed this information to them.

The fact is my daughter was “love sick” and may have cut herself does not constitute child abuse. This boy, “Adam” was the boy she had ditched school with and I had separated them. Apparently Adam had spread rumors about Jenny, so this cut had nothing to do with me. My daughter was not in any danger so there was no reason for this therapist to contact Amy Sensenbach. I feel this contact was made so that they could discuss my case. If my daughter were in real danger I would think this therapist would have contacted the police or a doctor, but not a social worker who she knows is “investigating” me. This was clearly planned out in advance. When this therapist called Amy my daughter was still living in my home. I am certain this contributed to the removal for it is noted in our file along with Amy’s claim that I told my daughter not to tell her. Even if I did – this is NOT abuse or neglect. I was looking out for my daughter because I did not trust this social worker. I feel the therapist violated the Patient-therapist confidenality laws. The therapist chose not to see me again after I questioned her on calling Amy. This is taped. Now she says she will call the police on me if I call her again. Our visits were completely normal. The last session was even tape recorded. On this tape I am asking her about why she reported the incident to Amy. Shortly thereafter she said she couldn’t see me anymore. This meeting took place right after my daughter was taken. This therapist is now hostile towards me for unknown reasons. (See police contact)


Social worker Louise Tobin told me I needed a note from a doctor explaining why I was taking medication. Despite the fact that I had my entire medical file which described my medical condition and a prescription she would not accept this. She told me to get a doctors note. My regular Doctor, Dr. Rose had died in December so I didn’t have a new Doctor. I went to Dr. Sigmund because of my fatigue and had a similar experience as noted above. Please see the complaint I filed with the Department of Health and Human Services. In this letter I give a detailed description of my contact with this doctor and his false mental diagnosis of being “bipolar”. It was apparent that the Social worker was attempting to influence this doctor who is not a professional in this area of expertise. This doctor went on to destroy my medical records; notifying other doctors who made notes in my medical chart. My Heart Doctor, ENT, Pulmonologist and other doctors were contacted. Additionally, Dr. Sigmund refused to release my medical records to me. When I finally did retrieve them from “Storage” months later I found faxes from CPS in my medical file. This confirmed my suspicions. This is clearly a Hippa Violation and conspiracy.

Legal Counsel & improper representation:

My attorney’s misled the Court; omitting my medical crisis. During the court proceedings Mr. Fisher advised me to stay home and take care of myself for I was too fatigued to drive. As a result my daughter a ward of the State. My attorney did not request an extension so that I could address my medical issues. He did not file an appeal as requested. I was misled by Mr. Fisher. I found out later he is (was) a business partner with Mr. Carrasco, who shares the same office space as my daughter’s Guardian Ad Litum. Mr. Fisher encouraged me to allow him to handle “both” the criminal and dependency cases. I know now that he offered to do this so that he could gain information and influence the court’s decision, including the outcome of my criminal case. This is the reason I have asked for Mr. Carrusco step down as my daughter’s Guardian Ad Litum. I feel it is a “conflict of interest” for him to represent my daughter. I was told not to call him and when I have he didn’t return my calls. I described this conflict in a letter to Mr. Fisher and sent a copy to Mr. Carrasco yet he has yet to respond. I fired Mr. Fisher once I became aware he was not looking out for my best interest. I filed my appeal the very same day he withdrew. Mr. Fisher retained my deposit. This is where our case now sits – in Appeals. Attorney Janice Jenkins (Oakland) is my new court appointed attorney. I’ve only received one call back from her.

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Criminal Case:

CPS is very interested in my criminal case involving the “door”. Social worker Louise Tobin asks me “how’s the criminal case going”. Later an attorney confirms that CPS will influence the case. WOW. This explains the Court ordered “mental evaluation”. I research this Doctor Pennel and he mostly works at a men’s prison. I’ve never heard of him or the fact that I was supposed to see him. My attorney never tells me. There is a letter in the criminal case from this Doctor who I call. He admits he hasn’t seen me but won’t say who ordered this evaluation. Since Mr. Fisher appeared to be working “with” CPS I decided it was best to represent myself. Even after I released Mr. Fisher I witnessed him speaking to the prosecutor who was prosecuting my case. Mr. Fisher made a comment in open court that was not appropriate and he was sent a letter (see letter). I do not feel I will get a fair trial. If I am charged CPS will use this as a reason to keep my daughter and I worry that “Doors” will become “case law” and CPS will take more children.

My Findings:

Conspiracy with Doctors, Therapists, and Attorneys. Coercion:

My daughter was told many untrue things by the social workers. Jenny was compelled to testify against me (out of fear) on something she had no knowledge or opinion about. My daughter did not care about the videos on “you tube”. She was NOT opposed to the videos. She had not even seen them. Secretly she was recording tapes so certainly she didn’t have a problem with the videos. In fact the SAME day Jenny put her last name on her MySpace page, showing me she wasn’t afraid of people knowing who she was. She tells me how she’s doing through her MySpace page. She can’t email but she leaves subtle hints (mood and comments). It was CPS who did not like the videos I made, not Jenny. I have her comments about the YouTube videos on tape too. Children’s Civil Rights were violated:

CPS is only concerned about what is in their best interest and not my daughters. I feel they used my daughter who’s Civil and Constitutional Rights have not been preserved. She is being denied the right to come home, visit me, or use of a cell phone. She has told her social worker she wants to come home but her pleas are ignored and calls are not returned.

Gag Order:

CPS wants a “gag order” on me because they do not want people to know the truth. It’s all over the internet. Even our Government officials agree that CPS is corrupt. I never was served so I doubt it’s legal. Louise pulled a fast one. I have my first amendment rights and as long as everything I say is true there shouldn’t be a problem. I need to speak out because this will compel CPS to follow the Law. They can’t steal kids and get away with it. Yes. I’m mad. The order is wrong anyhow. The Judge did not state that I had to take down my websites. He stated that I had to remove anything that my daughter was opposed to and not give out her personal information. I haven’t. Many people use “you tube” to air pictures and videos of their children. I am proud mother and certain information needs to be heard by lawmakers so that laws can be changed. I don’t feel there is any violation. I am not disclosing confidential information and my case is similar to many other CPS cases. I will review the transcript.


I have been in contact with the Governor’s office as well as other members of congress who need my information so that laws may be changed. I have many suggestions for legislative and the only way to make these Law changes is to expose CPS. I hope that my story will change the way CPS operates in the future so that other children and families don’t suffer the same way we have. My intentions are good and as a Mother I feel compelled to help these children who are being taken from their parents every day. It is a fact that only 30% of the children in foster care are abused and CPS is overstating the amount of abused children. Families are being ripped apart by this agency, so reform is necessary. I have appeared on Public

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Access TV as a guest a few times and this seems to have angered CPS. While it is not my intention to anger them I must tell my story.

My websites are:

www.myspace.com/osoluckyme - my daughter is on there under “Top Gun”. Many other people who were wronged by CPS are on there too.

www.youtube.com/osoluckyme - lots of videos (including news) about CPS. I am on their venting and discussing the laws. There is nowhere for parents to turn to when CPS takes their child. You tube is a great way to expose this injustice.

www.cpscorruption/blogspot.com - my blog & other information I’ve gathered.

www.fightcps.com – great website.

http://projectcpsreform.50webs.com –new website I am working on with Gerald Craig. We are researching statistics and other information.

I also am the host of several CPS reform groups and have a talk show in the works.

There are MANY MANY websites about CPS and what they are doing to our children. The issue about Title IV is everywhere. The Governor is aware this is a problem and many CPS cases are being reopened. There have been recent lawsuits which have resulted in victory for the families and victims of CPS. It’s time that CPS starts doing things ethically.

CPS is attempting to intimidate me by dropping off my cell phone and other documents at the police department. They have taken pictures of my home and have punished my child because of my active role in seeking the truth. I will never give up and will never stop fighting until this agency is reformed. I am encouraged by many other mothers and people who tell me to tell the truth. So I am.

My Investigation into CPS & Request for formal investigation:

I started to do research on CPS because I could not understand how they could take my daughter for no viable reason. I started to put together the “pieces” by doing a lot of investigating and by speaking to others familiar with CPS’s “system”. The more I researched the more I learned terrible things about CPS. I was very disturbed to find that CPS was profiting from Title IV funds from taking children and placing them up for adoption. This explained the reasons why they took Jenny. She is a well adjusted pretty girl who is naïve and easy to place. All of the actions CPS has done have led me to one conclusion – CPS is attempting to profit from my child. I feel my child has been purposely isolated from me strictly for financial gain. They want her to turn on me so she stays in the system. Other foster children are allowed to have cell phones and go out, yet my child must be chaperoned by an adult at all times. She cannot have any contact with me. Since there was no abuse this does not make sense, especially since the Laws support reunification and CPS has done everything to keep my daughter isolated.

I have personally witnessed some behavior from CPS which I believe would be considered “fraud”. I will tell this part in private chambers if the Jury is interested in knowing the facts from my independent investigation. There does appear to be a “collusion” of entities that are working with CPS. It is a fact that CPS does not allow video-taping or use of recorders, yet this is a common practice among policing agencies to preserve the truth. It seems to me there are too many similar complaints about this agency and I feel use of these devices has become necessary due to the volume of children who are suffering.


There are many articles about CPS online. Families are talking about their experiences. Children are coming forward. Prior social workers, current social workers, attorneys, and Judges are all coming forward and talking about the NIGHTMARE CPS is. There have been a few articles published about CPS of San Luis Obispo. One involved theft of Funds.

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CPS, a.k.a. “Child Protective Services” is in Violation of the US Constitution, Federal and California laws. This agency has purposely committed fraud against the undersigned and US Government by seizing children that are NOT abused or neglected for the purpose of defrauding the State and Federal Government. CPS is violating the guidelines of the State and federally funded programs which were meant for those who have an alcohol and/or Drug addiction. CPS is defrauding our government out of billions of dollars through use of Grant funds and other incentives they do not qualify for. They are guilty of official misconduct, criminal misconduct, public corruption, child abduction, conspiracy to perpetrate fraud, and are kidnapping “Children for Profit”. Their website is: www.adoptuskids.org. I REQUEST A FORMAL INVESTIGATION INTO CPS BECAUSE I HAVE REASONABLE BELIEF THEY ARE DEFRAUDING THE STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. I WILL HAVE TO SUBMIT THESE REASONS UNDER SEPARATE COVER FOR THIS INFORMATION NEEDS TO STAY CONFIDENTIAL. AS IT IS CPS IS MAKING THINGS HARD FOR ME AND I DO NOT WANT TO PLACE MYSELF INTO A RISKY SITUATION.

Crimes committed by CPS:

My daughter and I have been unfair victims of CPS who have committed the following offenses:

Child endangerment, Child Abuse, Coercion, blackmail, parental alienation, deprivation of rights; including the First Amendment, Fifth Amendment (taking minor twice for same reason), Seventh Amendment (access to the Court file), Fourteenth Amendment (Due process, equal protection and parental rights), false allegations, fabrication of documents, falsification of official documents, omitting facts and evidence from court documents, misleading the Court, perjury, obstruction of justice (influencing Court on Criminal charge), Contempt of Court, Violation of HIPPA Laws (act of 1996); violation of Confidenality Laws, intentional infliction of emotional distress, mental suffering, defamation of character, harassment, stalking, violation of familiar association, violation of Civil Rights pursuant to Section 42 U.S.C. 1983 Claims, Abuse and Corruption of the Legal Process, Collusion with court personnel; Prosecutors; Defense Attorney’s; Doctors; Therapists; Drug & Alcohol; among others. UNRUH Civil Rights Violations, Vacation of Dependency Court Findings Gained by Extrinsic Fraud, Monell Claims, Invasion of Privacy, and withholding of health information.

There is much more to this case. This is a summary outline of my allegations telling what has occurred to date so that the Grand Jury can determine whether I have a valid reason to file this request for a hearing to return my daughter and to Investigate CPS. I have specific dates and times of conversations and tape recordings that will need to be compiled for the court so that I may support my statements.

The statements I have made above are true and correct to the best of my ability. I am willing to take a lie detector test to prove to the court my statement is accurate.

Respectfully submitted this date, May 22, 2008 by: Kathleen Dearinger, Mother to Jennifer Dearinger

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