cpm interactions

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  • 8/3/2019 CPM Interactions


    Topic2-CPM Interactions

    Interaction types Common elements of an interaction process

    Purpose and use of the Interaction Driver Configuration of Interaction Driver categories and tasks Difference between an Intent Task and a service process Best practices for Interaction Driver design Benefits of suggested processes

    Configuration of suggested processes

    Bullet Points:-

    CPM Interaction Processes are specialized by interaction channel.(i.e. phone,chat,research etc.) All Interaction classes inherit from the PegaCA-Work-Interaction class group. Interaction objects and service objects do not have a cover-covered relartionship.(as the

    Interaction object remains open until wrap up is completed although all the service processes

    started withing the interaction are Resolved.

    Common elements of a CPM interaction process:-

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    Identify/Verify:-AppContactSearch or AppContactSearchCTI flow is called based on the datapassed from IVR to authenticate the Caller.Here also,the clipboard data necessary to

    generate the customer composite is populated.

    Review Service:-To suggest any pending service items(based on the previouscalls).CAReviewServiceItems flow is called.CAReviewServiceItems casematch rule is called to

    evaluate the pending service items.

    Perform Service items:-Launch the service process and execute it.CAInteractionDriver is theflow rule called here.

    Wrap Up:-Collect primary reason for callSet status to Resolved-Completed

    Understanding the Interaction Driver:-

    Suggested process area configured by intent when rule(linked to intent task rules)

    Intent tasks Interaction Driver Catagories

    Co Contains

    DataSource(Interaction Driver and Intent Task bind via

    DataSource rule)

    Purpose and Use of the Interaction Driver:-

    Interaction Driver Intent


    Intent When(Criteria

    used to suggest an

    intent task)

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    Allows the user to start service processes Each time a service process is started the Interaction driver area is converted to

    action area as shown below.

    After completion of a service process,user returns to the interaction driver. Interaction object remains open until wrap up is done.

    Difference Between an Intent Task and a Service Process:-

    Intent tasks are pointers to service processes/worktypes. The relation is established by the starting activity mentioned in the Intent Task

    rule.In the 1st

    step of this starting activity,Worktype parameter is specified,which

    is mapped in CAWorkclasses map value.

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    Based on the worktype,this mapvalue calls the class in which the service processis defined and the model rule inside that class invokes the flow,thereby launching

    the service process based on the Intent Task selected.

    Intent task can have a different class hierarchy than work types/Serviceprocesses.(i.e the Intent task Address Change follows PegaApp-Interface-Account

    class hierarchy where as the Address change service process follows PegaCA-

    Work-AddressChange) A single Intent task can appear in more than one Driver category.

    Adding/Modifying Task Catagories to interaction Driver:-

    There are 2 ways of adding/modifying a task category to theInteraction Driver.

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    1.a)Open the Rule-PegaCA-InteractionDriver rule.i.e for phone

    interaction edit the PegaCA-Work-Interaction.Driver rule.

    b)Save it to your ruleset and Add or modify any category.

    2)We can also add/modify a task category via Interaction driver landing page.Click on the

    Update button,then Save your changes and Check-In.

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    Configuring Task in The Interaction Driver rule:-

    There are also 2 ways to do it.1)Open any instance of Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task.Do a Save as and

    Configure the new Intent Task.

    a)The applies to class determines under which category the Intent

    Task appears.i.e as shown below,the Intent Task appears in Account


    b)Check the Show in list of Available Tasks checkbox to make the task

    visible under the Interaction driver category.

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    c)The Associated class determines to which all class the task is

    visible.i.e.If we select PegaCA-Work-Interaction,then the task is visible to all the interaction


    d)Mention a starting Activity to trigger the Service process.

    2)Intent Tasks can be modified/added by Interaction Tasks landing page.Click on Update,Modify

    the task and save your changes by checking in.

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    Interaction Driver Category and CPM Datasource Rules:-

    Each Interaction driver category corresponds to a Datasource rule. Datasource abtracts the Class and page details.

    CPM uses the class specified in the class to look for Intent Tasks.i.e. Intent Tasks saved inPegaCA-Interface-Account will appear in Account category of the interaction driver.

    Intent Task Security Tab Configuration:-

    Specify the privilege associated with a task via the security tab.

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    If an users access role doesnt contain the privilege,the Task wont appear in theInteraction driver for that category.

    Suggested Processes:-

    Configured via Intent When rules and Casematch rule. Types include:-a)General(Examine customer data/profile,account/policy

    information etc. to determine suggestion.

    b)Event(triggered based on the action peformed during interaction.i.e. if an

    Address change is performed,then suggest a statement copy.)

    c)Adaptive(Task/Offer usage history is examined to suggest processes)

    d)Case(Examine prior service cases to suggest reviews-Configured via CaseMatch


    Configure the behaviors colomn in the Interaction Driver landing page to enableCPM to look for Suggested processes for each task category.

    Intent and Content Suggestions landing page lists the suggestions defined withinthe application.

    General,event and Adaptive suggestions are configured via Intent When rules.

    The short Description will be shown as the reason for suggestion when thatprocess is suggested.

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    Configuring Intent When rules to suggest processes:-

    Two ways of doing it.1) Via Interaction Task Landing page

    Specify the intent when rule to be used under suggest when colomn.Multiple Intent

    when rules will be evaluated using OR condition.

    2)Opening the Intent task rule and filling the details on the criteria tab.

    Adaptive Suggestions:-

    Configured via Intent When rules that specify the likelihood datasource. CPM will automatically match adaptive suggestion for similar customers.

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    InteractionType,CustomerValue and InteractionGoal are default propertiesby which usage information is tallied.

    The Agent CAAggregateData runs every 15 minutes and tallies usageinformation.

    Likelihood percentage is specified on the Intent when rule under theLikelihood colomn as shown below.

    Disabling Adaptive Suggestion:-

    Open the CAUSeFreqScoring when rule.on the conditions tab,set the value to false.

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    Configuring Suggested Item Reviews:-

    CAReviewServiceItems is called by the main Interaction flow. CAReviewServiceItems CaseMatch rule is used to evaluate the cases for review.

    For a case to be selected,the combined score for that workitem based on all theconditions configured should be greater than or equal to the value in the cut-off

    score field.

    The mapvalue AppListMaximums is used to limit the results that are evaluated forreview.

    ItemHistory indicates how many S- cases using the same account are reviewed for a

    match.ReviewItems Indicates the max number of matches that can be displayed.

  • 8/3/2019 CPM Interactions


    Best Practices:CPM Interactions

    Use privileges to filter tasks that the users arent authorized to perform. Several task catagories are better than one task category that contains many tasks. Use suggested processes to make the system smart.Effective use of suggested processes

    can help improve productivity,reduce training time and make the customer feel like we

    were expecting their call